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bepp 수동태4

구문 BIG DATA2018. 10. 19. 13:13

301. During its first half century, games were not played at night, which meant that baseball games, like the traditional work day, ended when the sun set.

302. When we hear a story, we look for beliefs that are being commented upon.

303. They will be called upon to perform complicated tasks that will be too dangerous for humans.

304. There is also a direct effect on airline marketing techniques in the sense that these are frequently oriented to selling the total product rather than selling a particular airline.

305. She had just moved into a nice condo with her children when she was laid off and her youngest son was diagnosed with autism.

306. Some time later, they were asked to estimate the percentage of the population who would agree with each of these statements.

307. It can be composed from vignettes, or a vignette can begin or end the portrait.

308. It was divided into 500 states in AD 1500, got down to a minimum of 25 states in the 1980s, and is now up again to over 40.

309. In seconds it was gone.

310. Yet, when all six were allowed into the enclosure after the leader had been shown food, the group headed straight for the food.

311. After looking around, we walked out to see many people lined up in front of a small store where green apple gelato was served.

312. It was viewed as too informal and unprofessional in a German business setting.

313. Thus, while climate change may not impact these resources, oil and gas reserves and known or potential resources could be affected by new climate conditions, since climate change may affect access to these resources.

314. Eventually, the brokers for these large companies moved their business into a building, and the New York Stock Exchange on Wall Street was born.

315. Bad dreams, however, are caught in the net during the night and disappear as the sun rises.

316. In science, where alone something approximating to genuine knowledge is to be found, men's attitude is temporary and full of doubt.

317. Thus, infrasonic receivers need to be large and tend to be found on the large animals able to generate infrasound.

318. Also, using the Internet excessively for a long time causes the size of the thinking part of the brain to be reduced.

319. Teflon, an extremely slippery synthetic substance employed as a coating on cooking utensils, was invented in 1938, but it didn't coat its first pan till 1954.

320. New media can be defined by four characteristics simultaneously: they are media at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries which are both integrated and interactive and use digital code and hypertext as technical means.

321. Names of products are repeated and remembered in this way.

322. In the summer of 1972, the actor Anthony Hopkins was signed to play a leading role in a film based on George Feifer's novel The Girl from Petrovka.

323. Christopher Wakling's What I Did is narrated by a six-year-old boy.

324. A nurse on the floor repeatedly suggested that the twins be kept together in one incubator.

325. Still others may have an interest in the product but do not have any money, while others might be aware of the product but are not yet interested; others might be interested but do not at present have a need for the product, and so forth.

326. One way to measure this impact is known as a carbon footprint.

327. Teacher support, in the form of administration, must become more evident in schools so that the school structure will not be strained right from the top.

328. Scientific experiments should be designed to show that your hypothesis is wrong and should be conducted completely objectively with no possible subjective influence on the outcome.

329. Policymaking is seen to be more objective when experts play a large role in the creation and implementation of the policy, and when utilitarian rationality is the dominant value that guides policy.

330. Some of us enjoy the thrill that it gives us while others are driven crazy by the constant pressure and feel that their lives are speeding up to an unacceptable degree.

331. For example, it is impossible to guess from their bodies that birds make nests, and, sometimes, animals behave in a way quite contrary to what might be expected from their physical form: ghost spiders have tremendously long legs, yet they weave webs out of very short threads.

332. This rain is known as "artificial rain."

333. They are usually made out of stone or wood, and often come in a male-female pair.

334. Here are some of Gaudi's greatest works, all of which are found in the city of Barcelona.

335. Normally, the channels were built underground, but Romans had to build them across valleys and mountains with bridges to get water from far away.

336. Thanks to the cat, his life was saved!

337. The other group was given sugar cubes.

338. The idea behind the rule is simple ― the larger fish are assumed to be older.

339. Certainly no culture is composed of herds of clones who have been defined by their environment; nevertheless, each culture is fashioned by pervading and prevailing tenets - whether they are conscious or subconscious , spoken or tacit.

340. The project was started to open the small theaters again.

341. The pull effect of a destination can be positively influenced by the introduction and reinforcement of pro-tourism policies that make a destination more accessible.

342. The novel is an allegory, meaning that the characters and objects all have a symbolic significance that is used to convey the novel's central themes and ideas.

343. And he used his canoe to bring food and water to a man who was stranded.

344. He passed on to his followers not only his answers but also the process of thinking rationally, together with an idea of what kind of explanations could be considered satisfactory.

345. The answers to these questions depend on variables that cannot be predicted in advance.

346. Rather, most SMS communications are largely composed of conventional words and phrases that are peppered with textisms here and there.

347. Some people are worried about there being fewer jobs.

348. They were permitted to look at each photo as long as they liked and then were asked to say whether it was old or new.

349. What laws can be laid down about books?

350. Today this phenomenon is known as the Benjamin Franklin effect.

351. And it's not just our efficiency that is reduced.

352. Engaging in acts that would be considered inconsequential in ordinary life also liberates us a bit, making it possible to explore our capabilities in a protected environment.

353. Blue, on the other hand, was found to increase people's creativity.

354. The first step to eliminate bias is to understand yourself and what bias you have, so that you can recognize when you are stifling creative thought and disrupt that pattern.

355. Humans are so averse to feeling that they're being cheated that they often respond in ways that seemingly make little sense.

356. If they worked in a well-organized environment for any length of time, they would be surprised at how much more productive they were.

357. That's because many of the traditional clues about identity ― someone's physical appearance and presence ― are replaced by machine-based checking of "credentials".

358. All exhibits are for sale, and all money raised will be donated to charity.

359. Millions of dollars and thousands of hours are spent each year trying to teach managers how to coach their employees and give them effective feedback.

360. Merely having goals clearly defined is not sufficient, for one must also know, moment by moment, what precisely needs to be done.

361. While 20 years ago the first steps toward climbing were taken almost exclusively on natural rock surfaces — on crags, also called climbing gardens — nowadays the beginner uses mainly an indoor-climbing gym: available at all times and in any weather, always safe but still exciting.

362. Eventually, the ants found their way from the sugar to their hole, so this new trail was being used more and more, while the old trail was being used less and less.

363. When a principle is part of a person's moral code, that person is strongly motivated toward the conduct required by the principle, and against behavior that conflicts with that principle.

364. The psychological effects of warm and cool hues seem to be used effectively by the coaches of the Notre Dame football team.

365. It was loaned to the NT Chief Minister's Office in the late 1970s, and that's where it was last seen.

366. Today, the honor is given every four years to one man and one woman.

367. This evidence includes proofs of the type presented in text books, but may also involve numerical calculations, already solved special cases, geometrical pictures, consistency with one's intuition about the field, parallels with other fields, wholly unexpected consequences which can be verified, etc.

368. I have therefore no wish to leave the firm but on the other hand I cannot afford to tum down the present offer unless some improvement in my present salary can be arranged.

369. Morgan Freeman, the famous American actor, was once asked how much happier he was after winning an Academy Award.

370. In much of social science, evidence is used only to affirm a particular theory ― to search for the positive instances that uphold it.

371. Edison is called "the father of invention" while Tesla is often known as "the man who invented the twentieth century."

372. Our descriptions of emotional experiences tend to be highly differentiated at the negative end of the spectrum with many more words to describe them.

373. Finally, although interest on traditional bank loans is generally compounded, all interest on loans from the Grameen Bank is simple.

374. If language is based on genes and is the key to cultural evolution, and Neanderthals had language, then why did the Neanderthal toolkit show so little cultural change?

375. For early societies, the answers to the most basic questions were found in religion.

376. Before he would agree to make the appearance, he carefully arranged for nearly one thousand paid applauders to be scattered throughout the audience to applaud his entrance on the platform.

377. As a result, they are usually motivated to use a lot of strategies to reduce risk.

378. In the other kind of spinning ― sometimes called throwing to prevent confusion with the first kind ― two or more fibers are twisted together to form a thread.

379. The recorded observations related to various electrical events and facts are found dating back to the fifth century BC・ The lightning in a stormy night, or the attraction between a rubbed amber and cat's fur has always provoked human curiosity.

380. As it is filled, the bladder expands.

381. One of his most frequently performed piano works, Pictures at an Exhibition, was composed in his efforts to capture what he felt about the paintings of an artist friend named Viktor Hartmann, who died at the early age of 39.

382. Today, this pricing strategy is being tried out at colleges and universities all over the nation.

383. You have to be equally skilled at both.

384. At this stage, the call appears to be an innate possible-danger-above signal because it is given as a response to any large flying object, dangerous or otherwise.

385. For instance, deciding whether to spend Saturday afternoon relaxing with your family or exercising will be determined by the relative importance that you place on family versus health.

386. Another share will be invested in the shift from coal to more expensive fuels, like conventional gas.

387. Most readers of reports and papers are reading the documents because they are interested in, and know something about, the subject.

388. To most people, keys are common tools that are used to unlock a door or start a car.

389. Who we are, the nature of our character, is revealed in how we live and how we make decisions about what we do.

390. Health is linked to ideas of agency, capability, freedom and possibility, standard entries in the roll-call of human flourishing.

391. When a company is sold, there is often a fee for transferring the company name to the new owner.

392. Between 1989 and 2007, 201 prisoners in the United States were proven innocent on the basis of DNA evidence.

393. Unfortunately, such people tend to be regarded as [desirable / undesirable] interaction partners by those with greater social skills.

394. As far as I'm concerned, my generation has worked very hard to mess up society and our planet, and now it's finally your chance to try to fix everything up.

395. Tradition and folklore define a culture over time and give the workforce a sense that they belong to something that is publicly recognized as valuable.

396. In experimental research by Arpan and Roskos-Ewoldsen, stealing thunder in a crisis situation, as opposed to allowing the information to be first disclosed by another party, resulted in substantially higher credibility ratings.

397. For example, it is documented that if people are asked to bet on whether a coin toss is heads or tails, most bet larger amounts if the coin is yet to be tossed.

398. Most commonly this is accomplished by adding chlorine.

399. For example, a long line of developmental literature shows that parental over-permissiveness is related to negative behaviors such as impulsivity and aggressiveness.

400. That is, under increasing population pressure and growing demands for cultivable land, the conversion of forest into cultivated terraces means a much higher productivity can be extracted from the same area.

401. The game soaked up the mental attention that might have otherwise moved those horrific memories to long-term memory, and so they were stored imperfectly or not at all.

402. Numbers with this special property are called perfect numbers (the first four perfect numbers are 6, 28, 496, 8128).

403. The September date has remained unchanged, even though the government was encouraged to adopt May 1 as Labour Day, the date celebrated by the majority of the world.

404. If they are allowed realistic freedom to make some of their own decisions, they tend to develop a positive orientation characterized by confidence in their ability to initiate and follow through.

405. During 2009-2010, nearly 40 percent of federal expenditures were financed by borrowing.

406. He was shocked to see that it was a map of the Pyrenees Mountains that border Spain and France, not the Swiss Alps.

407. When the user pulls the lever, the water is released and the automation refills the basin.

408. Sadness in our culture is often considered an unnecessary and undesirable emotion.

409. "Betty was hurt but wasn't particularly surprised.

410. The Post-it note was built on the back of some not-very-good glue.

411. Each trip represents a triumph of such anticipated benefits over costs, although for the many trips that are made out of habit this complicated weighing of costs and benefits does not occur before each and every trip.

412. What disturbs me is the idea that good behavior must be reinforced with incentives.

413. In German, the word mist means dirt or manure, so Country Mist makeup and the nasal spray Primatene Mist had to be renamed for the German market.

414. Minsu was very impressed by the bookmark.

415. "All the students were surprised.

416. Every day promptly at 6 p.m., everyone's desks are raised to the ceiling by iron cables, and the space is then transformed into either a dance floor or yoga studio open for free to the community.

417. Despite the fact that his first teacher told him he would never learn to draw, he was determined to succeed.

418. But even if the possibility of closing could be ruled out with certainty, it is doubtful that a store would find it advantageous to purchase doors without locks.

419. Not everything is taught at school!

420. For a woman starting pregnancy, the outcome may be compromised if she begins with too much or too little body fat.

421. The transformation of such protolanguage into language required the evolution of grammar― rules that define the order in which a finite number of words can be strung together to create an infinite number of utterances, each with a specific meaning.

422. Yet, I didn't know that the film was based on his comic book.

423. In an experiment, when people were asked to count three minutes in their heads, 25-year-olds were quite accurate, but 65-year-olds went over on average by 40 seconds.

424. Lord of the Flies is written in a very plain writing style, one which deliberately avoids highly poetic language, lengthy description, and philosophical passages.

425. Work is scheduled to begin during April 2017.

426. Under these circumstances, exchanges involving long-term commitments are hampered, and the smooth operation of markets is undermined.

427. The water that is embedded in our food and manufactured products is called "virtual water.

428. Walls were replaced by glass, and the carpets were replaced by light hardwood flooring.

429. Today visitors are fascinated by this new way of viewing animals.

430. In fact, by the time the introductions were over, he looked at his friend Bobby Wilson, and he said, "Bobby, when I get to six grade, they're going to announce my name, and I'm going to run out in the spotlight to the middle of that basketball floor.

431. Slowly the trapezoid becomes thinner and thinner, and all that is projected on the retina is a vertical line, which is the thickness of the door.

432. The great explosion of scientific creativity in Europe was certainly helped by the sudden spread of information brought about by Gutenberg's use of movable type in printing and by the legitimation of everyday languages, which rapidly replaced Latin as the medium of discourse.

433. In fact, seeds with thinner coats were preferred as they are easier to eat or process into flour, and they allow seedlings to sprout more quickly when sown.

434. We all knew from the start that e-mail was meant to be a communication mechanism, but we didn't think it would become another demanding part of our job.

435. Problems can be distinguished according to whether they are reasonable or unreasonable.

436. "If a satellite were destroyed, we would face serious problems.

437. The narratives that people create to understand their landscapes come to be viewed as marketable entities and a source of income for residents.

438. Later, as the dog learns, the spoken word can be eliminated.

439. This was demonstrated by having participants complete a recognition memory test after just viewing a sequence of 16 photographs.

440. 'Over 300 years ago La Rochefoucauld went a step further when he said: "Perfect courage is to do unwitnessed what we should be capable of doing before all men.

441. There’s no doubt that certain things, such as two and two adding up to four, must be taught as absolutely true, but the manner in which the truth is taught can vary over a wide range of methods.

442. Unfortunately, your brain is still influenced by ancient-brain thinking and may perceive going for periods of time without food (like when you skip meals) as times of famine.

443. A lucky bag is believed to bring good luck in Korea.

444. As her name was called, Gabby became more afraid of speaking before a large audience.

445. Search engines check the entire Internet to find sites that are related to the words you enter into them.

446. Through the use of the scientific method to determine the facts of any given policy situation, the power of social constructions is supposedly diminished, and solutions to social problems are discovered in an objective way.

447. As of 2018, about 380 million tons of plastic is produced worldwide each year.

448. The funnier a particular cartoon is rated by a participant, the more strongly these parts of the brain are activated.

449. Because a great deal of science fiction is rooted in science, it can be used to bring literature out of the English classroom and into the science classroom.

450. It is named after the scientist Charles Keeling.

451. When regions can no longer produce food, people will be forced to move to other areas, making them "climate refugees."

452. Inferences are conclusions based on reasons, facts, or evidence.

453. As an engineer, he was convinced that clock mechanics could solve the problem.

454. And he was known for his intensely busy and stressful lifestyle.

455. During the Japanese occupation of Korea, many Korean artworks were destroyed or taken by the Japanese.

456. Something powerful happens inside most people when they are listened to.

457. Its origin is not clear, but many say it is related to old customs.

458. Firm reminders and warnings are best conducted privately and individually (it reduces embarrassment or threat to the student and minimises the spectator effect, both of which can fuel a challenge or counter-attack).

459. We look both ways before crossing the road despite thinking about a rather depressing holiday we took in Brazil, and we put oven gloves on before reaching into the oven despite being preoccupied about whether the cabbage is overcooked.

460. For instance, one of the characteristics of normal aging is that neurons die and are not replaced.

461. Empathy should be avoided as you need to adopt a more detached approach.

462. Thus, the cylinder, which requires a little more aluminum than a sphere but stays still, is used!

463. Funding is provided by public granting agencies, like the NSF or NIH in the United States, as well as private institutes and corporations, each with their own agendas and responsibilities.

464. Some people mistakenly know that ABS(anti-lock braking system) is engaged every time the driver touches the brake pedal.

465. For example, participants were asked whether it would be more moral for AVs to sacrifice one passenger rather than kill 10 pedestrians.

466. Should the fig trees disappear, most of the fruit-eating vertebrates would be eliminated.

467. This marketing technique is called demand creation.

468. Those who interacted with others reduced their concerns by 55 percent over time, but those who were left on their own showed no improvement.

469. Raden Adjeng Kartini, a pioneer in the area of education for girls and women's rights for Indonesians, was born in Japara, the northern coastal area of Central Java, when Indonesia was under Dutch colonization.

470. This art form was first introduced in 1965 at the exhibition The Responsive Eye at the Museum of Modern Art, New York.

471. The mournful howls of wolves could be heard in the distance.

472. The housewives were asked to describe the woman who had written each list.

473. It is created with things that most people would throw away.

474. Just as it is misguided to offer your child false praise, it is also a mistake to reward all of his accomplishments.

475. All the cups and saucers were broken.

476. The machine was based on technology that even then was twenty years old, but it was not until 1930 that such a machine actually was marketed.

477. Someone might cry when they get an award because they are filled with joy.

478. So, a team of reviewers was made to provide better information on restaurants.

479. When a group of psychologists asked people to estimate how far away a bottle of water was, those who were thirsty guessed it was closer than nonthirsty people did.

480. His debut as a soloist came in 1819, and by 1828 he was made conductor of the Musical Lyceum.

481. If their choices are ridiculed, however, they tend to experience a sense of guilt and ultimately to withdraw from taking an active stance.

482. 'We veiled our own names... because ―without at the time suspecting that our mode of writing and thinking was not what is called feminine... we noticed how critics sometimes use for their chastisement the weapon of personality, and for their reward, a flattery, which is not true praise.'

483. For example, a child who is unable to cut with scissors may benefit from tearing paper or crunching newspaper.

484. It is vitally important that wherever we go and whatever we do the body temperature is maintained at the temperature at which our enzymes work best.

485. This prize is given each year to a work that "illuminates a significant and complex subject, demonstrating mastery of the subject, lucid writing and clear presentation."

486. When you are telling an employee, lawn service worker, your teenager, or anyone else, what it is that you want them to do, you may just have to repeat the order and instructions several times before the receiver really gets what it is you want done.

487. The surprised loggers fled, but White was shocked.

488. A small exploratory hole was drilled on August 22, and the camera captured a message that said, "We are still alive.

489. The problem with the controlled system is that whenever conscious control is relaxed, the automatic system is still watching for cues and may therefore flood the mind with them.

490. He was exiled to the island of Elba.

491. 8:00 pm / Fri. 7:00 pm Prices: A Seats - $120 / B Seats - $90 Running Time: 2 hours Minimum Age: Children under 7 will not be admitted.

492. Photosynthesis is considered by many to be the most important biological process on Earth.

493. Few Roman coins of any type are found after the death of Marcus Aurelius in AD 180.

494. Yet a little creature that came to be called Babel Fish evolved that, when placed in the ear, would automatically and clearly translate what a person was saying into the listener's own language.

495. Furthermore, red was found to be more effective when it comes to improving our attention to detail.

496. Then they were sold for a higher price to the people in the country.

497. Amy was too surprised to do anything but nod.

498. Walking to the bus stop used to provide at least some movement, but now most public transportation is limited, so suburban people drive everywhere.

499. The best moments usually occur when a person's body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile.

500. Having been founded to tackle this problem on a local scale, the online platform, "foodsharing∙de" allows extra food in your fridge or cupboard to be distributed to neighbors.


'구문 BIG DATA' 카테고리의 다른 글

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bepp 수동태3

구문 BIG DATA2018. 10. 19. 13:12

201. According to the terms of the contract you signed with PEOPLEFIND, you are now legally required to take care of your financial obligation to PEOPLEFIND.

202. Then, the degree of emotional bonding in these friendships was assessed both by asking how people felt and watching how they behaved toward each other.

203. All these goods are shared and a spirit of community makes all participants happier.

204. Airplane Winglets If you look at an airplane's wings, you can sometimes see that the tips are turned upwards.

205. The view the wearer of some special device sees is projected on the screen behind him.

206. Whenever the organs are moved, the memories go with them.

207. After days of hard work, however, I was pleased that I had been part of such a worthy project as preserving the remains of the ancient Inca civilization.

208. In the nutrition industry, articles are often written discussing a new nutrient under investigation.

209. What happened was that the poster they were unable to keep was suddenly ranked as the most beautiful.

210. In martial arts, this sense of looking freshly at something is known as 'beginner's mind.

211. While the first premise may be true and while I may have 200 data items, my conclusion cannot be said to be valid or true.

212. It is more limited because the citizenry no longer meet to decide every action by a show of hands.

213. The nerves are connected to the brain and help you feel things, like temperature and pain.

214. You are seen as someone who is not only helpful, but is also a valuable resource.

215. At the actual event, however, I was surprised to meet many people who knew about my country - not only the drought and war, but the long and ancient history of Ethiopia and its multiethnic and multicultural society."

216. Later, it was given to the Tsar of Russia as a gift.

217. People feel happy when they are engaged in such activities.

218. At the end of the twentieth century, it was reopened as a tourist attraction.

219. This dynamic can be illustrated with the example of parents who place equal value on convenience and concern for the environment.

220. For example, if a student, who has a habit of submitting his assignments late, seems well liked by peers and professors but is clearly treated harshly by one of the professors, then the student seems to cause a distinctive reaction from this professor.

221. In the early 19th century, football was divided into two major categories in British public schools.

222. The teacher asks the pupil to show how these answers were obtained and notices that in doing the addition of 3 to 7, the pupil counts 'seven, eight, nine', while turning up three fingers in turn.

223. Eddie Adams was born in New Kensington, Pennsylvania.

224. Basically, those who never make mistakes are perceived as being less attractive and "likable" than those who make occasional mistakes.

225. The next message is from a girl who is worried about her shy personality.

226. But the eye sockets and the nose are not connected.

227. He tried to have a father and son relationship, but his father was not interested in him.

228. However, when your nose is stuffed, the smell cannot reach the nerve cells because of the mucus.

229. In the 1940s, however, the layers of varnish were removed and the colors were restored to their original condition.

230. Gifted children of almost any age show longer attention spans — in the things they are interested in at the moment, not necessarily in what others think they should be interested in.

231. Looking directly at him, the photographer said, "Yes, and my mother will be more than interested.

232. Traditionally, people were declared dead when their hearts stopped beating, their blood stopped circulating and they stopped breathing.

233. Early excavations were hunts for buried treasure rather than attempts to understand the past.

234. When the sheriff arrives, he discovers that Ewell was stabbed to death during the fight.

235. To celebrate Halley's great work, the comet was named after him.

236. The efficiency of this natural design is now being tested for incorporation into missions in space.

237. HP had a breakthrough with a super-accurate thermometer that was created in the HP Labs.

238. When we are the ones who need help, we are simply not attuned to the motivation others have to help us.

239. He is known to have been born in Bristol.

240. The U.S・ Constitution, the supreme law of the United States, was adopted in 1787 by representatives of the 13 newly formed states.

241. Infrasound has the special characteristic of traveling well in the ground or water; in fact, the waves of an earthquake can be thought of as a form of infrasound.

242. Gollum was created with amazing computer technology.

243. The concept, that we are allowed to experiment and make mistakes, is crucial in the development of self-esteem.

244. For this reason, the vault was nicknamed the "doomsday vault."

245. My dear Harriet, I was so delighted to receive your letter and to learn that you have been accepted to Royal Holloway.

246. This same concept was echoed by Kelly Johnson."

247. Napoleon had to be defeated.

248. Animals that had previously spent large parts of the year outdoors were now confined to indoor facilities.

249. So I really don't see why there is this heartfelt concern for how killers are executed.

250. As he made better and better spyglasses, which were later named telescopes, Galileo decided to point one at the Moon.

251. Similarly, a round coin is seen as round even when viewed from an angle at which, objectively, it should appear elliptical.

252. The answer to that can be found in the human brain.

253. Research literature on the transfer of knowledge suggests that when people acquire knowledge in one context they can seldom apply this knowledge to situations in related contexts that look superficially different from the original context, but which are related by the major idea that could be applied to solve or analyze them.

254. It is easy to blame the 'sound of a stranger' on 'poor electronics,' but this is only partly justified.

255. I was surprised to see trainers on their lunch hour sunbathing in a pile with their sea lions.

256. Some companies are mainly identified by initials.

257. When there are multiple witnesses to an event, they are not allowed to discuss it before giving their testimony.

258. The tiny house sits on wheels so it can be moved every 72 hours to comply with city law.

259. Plus there's no promo code needed; the discount will be applied automatically at the checkout.

260. It was much better than burning ropes for sure, but more importantly, it taught the students that once time was gone, it could never be recovered.

261. Those who give small amounts to many charities are not so interested in whether what they are doing helps others ─ psychologists call them warm glow givers.

262. Newly hired Indian and Pakistani assistants in a staff cafeteria at Heathrow Airport were often perceived as rude or uncooperative by their supervisors and the airport staff, while the Indian and Pakistani women complained of discrimination.

263. Hello, Mr∙ Solutions, My dream is to become a cook.

264. We are often taught to put more value in actions than words, and for good reason.

265. When we set a plan, we are very excited about it.

266. Ms・ Baker was convinced by Jean's improvement that her new teaching method was a success.

267. Richard's Lion Lights are now being used all over Kenya.

268. Instead, they will use the information that can easily be brought to mind.

269. Hence, social contracts of reciprocity ─ "I share my food with you today, and you return the favor tomorrow" ─ could not be reinforced.

270. In truth, we tend to stay the same when we are criticized.

271. It was another way of saying that he was bored.

272. However unnoticeably, maps do indeed reflect the world views of either their makers or, more probably, the supporters of their makers, in addition to the political and social conditions under which they were made.

273. "Over-hard" is fried until the white and the yolk are fully cooked.

274. "Clams are not happy when the water is low because they can easily be seen and be picked up by people.

275. So some cultural changes may be adopted quite quickly by a whole population.

276. In some cases, performance is decreased, even to the point of non-existence.

277. In Germany alone, around eleven million tons of food are wasted every year.

278. Once everyone is calm and enjoying themselves again, however, these conversations are often forgotten or put off indefinitely.

279. And yet, you can still wake up in the morning and be amazed at everything you have and everything you have achieved.

280. In Antarctica, almost everything is covered with ice and snow.

281. He was involved in India's struggle for freedom from the British rule and was even arrested in 1908.

282. ∙Taking photos is allowed inside the exhibition hall.

283. Consequently, the worker would be more prepared to respond to that unsafe scenario by having practiced the response during the mental rehearsal.

284. They are even powered by the sun and wind.

285. Such a strategy works well in holiday resorts and similar establishments which are often visited by tour or conference groups.

286. Since then, the district has been called Jangseungbaegi, and later the name was given to the station.

287. He was given a full scholarship to a university, but spent all of his time studying mathematics.

288. Ole Bull was born in Bergen, Norway, in 1810.

289. My name is Mohamed Rahman.

290. She said this practice is called "daylight savings time" or "summer time."

291. The typical plot of the novel is the protagonist's quest for authority within, therefore, when that authority can no longer be discovered outside.

292. When parents are pressed to explain their individual styles of interaction with their children, each gives equally strong rationales.

293. Like many other great things, they were invented by accident!

294. In a recent review of television policy, the Federal Communications Commission concluded that the "evidence clearly points to one conclusion: the V-Chip is of limited effectiveness in protecting children from violent television content."

295. Because it vibrates faster than the color of violet light, it is named so.

296. The Braille system, as it came to be known, made it possible to place all the world's literature at the fingertips of blind readers.

297. Why does the "pure" acting of the movies not seem unnatural to the audience, who, after all, are accustomed in real life to people whose expression is more or less indistinct?

298. We are frequently astonished when terrible misfortunes occur many years after a misunderstanding of another person.

299. Space that was constructed to accommodate business and consumer needs at the peak of the cycle remains, so vacancy rates climb and the downward trend becomes more severe.

300. People who live in the middle of the United States (in states such as Kansas, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Indiana, and Wisconsin) are often referred to as “Midwesterners.” People who live in Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut are called “New Englanders.” Both Midwesterners and New Englanders have their own unique way of looking at things, but the two regions also share a great deal in common — namely, pragmatic thinking and an independent spirit.


'구문 BIG DATA' 카테고리의 다른 글

, which  (0) 2018.10.19
bepp 수동태4  (0) 2018.10.19
bepp 수동태2  (0) 2018.10.19
bepp 수동태 1  (0) 2018.10.19
조동사 have pp  (0) 2018.10.13

bepp 수동태2

구문 BIG DATA2018. 10. 19. 13:12

101. What’s more, I was surprised by how delicious they were!

102. In 1903, n-rays were supposedly discovered.

103. So, when you eat, think about how much virtual water is spent to make your food.

104. Kolam patterns are based on dots and lines.

105. In 1965, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for this work.

106. The students were told that the researchers wanted to test how well the headphones worked while they were in motion.

107. The success of this application of color can be noted in the records set by Notre Dame football teams.

108. Let's say a product, even if it has been out there for a while, is not advertised.

109. Jemison was born in Decatur, Alabama, and moved to Chicago with her family when she was three years old.

110. This right is not distributed in equal pieces but is rather conditional and restricted (citizens below the minimum age are excluded).

111. The fact that information is conveyed in this high-tech manner somehow adds authority to what is conveyed, when in fact the Internet is a global conveyer of unfiltered, unedited, untreated information.

112. And if necessary, a staff could be readily used as a weapon.

113. Frustrated, Harrison decided to show King George III H5, which he had begun working on while H4 was being evaluated by the Board of Longitude.

114. According to the underlying myth of modern science, this progression is always replacing the smaller knowledge of the past with the larger knowledge of the present, which will be replaced by the yet larger knowledge of the future.

115. So, other ingredients are added to make low fat foods taste good.

116. One of them (we'll call him the "leader") was introduced alone into an enclosure and shown either a hidden source of food or a stuffed snake.

117. Chimpanzees like chocolate chips, and thus they were faced with the problem of determining which tray had more chips on it.

118. When the twins were brought into contact with each other, the healthy twin immediately put his arms around his sick brother.

119. As a result, we are still guessing at what early tools were used for as well as what early art forms might have meant for the people who produced them, even when such drawings, often animals, are very recognizable.

120. As protective charms, hamsas are commonly used in jewelry and wall hangings often with an eye symbol in the center of an open hand.

121. The Central Institute of Restoration was founded in l939 to conserve and restore artworks and archaeological findings using scientific technology.

122. From the standpoint of evolutionary theory, altruism may be seen as part of our genetic nature, as it may have helped enable ancestral humans who carried our genetic code to survive a harsh and dangerous environment.

123. State department of education ratings of cyberschools in 2011 – 12 showed that more than 70 percent were rated as academically unacceptable.

124. When a child of 8 gets a new pair of sport shoes, each part of the shoe, from the laces to the logo, is carefully examined and compared to the features of other shoes.

125. The responses of even the most well-meaning subjects are going to be filtered by all kinds of factors usually involved in self-perception, not to mention the additional problems that can occur when an individual is anxious, angry, suspicious, or mentally ill.

126. The trucks are filled with dry ice to prevent the ice cream from melting.

127. That, however, would have brought another problem, for lions are the top tourist attraction in Kenya and are protected by law.

128. This phenomenon can be modeled by exploiting a variant of the commonly cited safety rule that drivers should stay 2 – 3 seconds behind the vehicles they follow.

129. Scientific discoveries are being brought to fruition at a faster rate than ever before.

130. In the classical fairy tale the conflict is often permanently resolved.

131. Would my money be better spent on something else?

132. People who are stuck and want you to stay stuck, or people who have successfully moved forward in their lives?

133. Particularly in the United States, a substantial portion of our identities is connected with the organizational memberships we claim.

134. Do you know why this match is called a derby?

135. Frequently checked out books, that is, popular books (ex, the Dan Brown blockbusters), will be made available in special spaces near the entrance of the library to make it easy for members to find them.

136. In early autumn, the skies in the South of France are filled with people flying!

137. All reflective men today are joined as citizens of the world."

138. Batteries were required and had to be replaced, and the shaky hand movements of a nervous lecturer were shown in the sudden motion of the glowing red dot.

139. Active, energetic, rambunctious boys are not bad boys and should not be made to feel so.

140. If language is viewed as any system of communication, the answer is "Yes."

141. These huge increases in investment would not come about if investment was left to the market.

142. Her signs were usually limited to two or three sign combinations, such as "PLAY ME NIM" or "GIVE ORANGE ME," and they were restricted to the topics of eating, drinking, and playing.

143. It is known as the smallest state in the world.

144. At first it was believed that this was caused by a decrease in the sun's brightness.

145. These additional costs might be thought of as a metaphorical 'low ball' that the salesperson throws the consumer.

146. Plastics can also be used as vehicles for chemical contaminants such as persistent organic pollutants and heavy metals.

147. If some people work harder at school, pass their exams, and get into medical school, then at least part (but not necessarily all) of their higher salary as a doctor can be attributed to effort.

148. In the United States, it is estimated that residential mothers and fathers now spend 50 percent more time with their children than they did in 1975.

149. We are sure that you will be satisfied with our well-experienced tutors.

150. Most preservation is spent on these species.

151. Consumers like a bottle of wine more if they are told it cost ninety dollars a bottle than if they are told it cost ten.

152. They are battery powered and remote controlled.

153. Beautiful and interesting sounds can be made, assuming you know how to make them - or, more precisely, how to make other musicians make them.

154. The system's methods remain evident so that even if Tom were tempted to trust it, the silence and secrecy promotes distrust, just as top-down business decisions made without collaboration are distrusted.

155. If he uses a different form of gesture, he is recognized as an enemy and can be eaten by his partner.

156. Today such tragedies are seen live on television in vivid color.

157. Mathematics may be considered a communication skill of the highest type, frictionless so to speak; and at the opposite pole from mathematics, the fruits of science show the practical benefits of science without the use of words.

158. There has been a qualitative shift from earlier eras in which specific tools and techniques were developed through the freely chosen creativity of human beings to meet specific, limited objectives.

159. Because there is still so much we do not know about nature, there is still much left to discover.

160. In one study, children in grades one through four were separated randomly into two groups and presented with the same fictional story.

161. So how are canned meat and email connected?

162. The longer we stay actively engaged in complex thinking and meaningful work, the more energized the brain is and the more cognitive reserves are being built.

163. Innovation can be induced by other things - ranging from social norms to tax credits to prizes!

164. Nora disappears out of the front door and we are left with many unanswered questions such as "Where did Nora go␦" and "What will happen to her?"

165. As agriculture becomes less dependent upon human muscular power, the difference in labor productivity between the two genders might be expected to narrow.

166. A security guard came under immediate suspicion because the blaze broke out in an area where he was assigned.

167. Traditionally, art was created only for wealthy, intellectual people.

168. It is called a fennec fox.

169. The Stranglers undoubtedly made one another suspect that they were unqualified to write, and in time they became convinced of it.

170. It is no accident that fish have bodies which are streamlined and smooth, with fins and a powerful tail.

171. The Board of Longitude, however, was not impressed by his idea.

172. When the same individuals had to report their happiness in a different context later on, more positive ratings were obtained if they had been induced to think about positive events and more negative ratings if they had been induced to think about negative events.

173. If a forest of this size is cut, 15,000 tons of CO² are released into the air.

174. "Frederick was so pleased with this response that he handed his own watch over to the man, saying, "Take this so you may be able to tell the hour also."

175. Some studies suggest that variations in residents’ feelings about tourism’s relationship to environmental damage are related to the type of tourism, the extent to which residents feel the natural environment needs to be protected, and the distance residents live from the tourist attractions.

176. Paderewski was relieved.

177. On October 9, a rescue hole was finally drilled through to the miners in their shelter.

178. Human beings are driven by a natural desire to form and maintain interpersonal relationships.

179. Once you are registered, we will match you with a perfect tutor and contact you to arrange your schedule.

180. Even if it is correct to say that we express and represent our thoughts in language, it may be a big mistake to suppose that there are structural similarities between what is doing the representing and what is represented.

181. However, you may be surprised by the special meanings of keys in other cultures.

182. It is supposed that these animals effectively call out their "name" when they emit their signature-whistle and thereby broadcast their identity and give away their location.

183. Obviously, technology that produces pollution is generally cheaper, but now that it has been decided that cleaner cars are wanted, less polluting cars will be produced; cars which scarcely pollute at all could even be made.

184. But if there is plenty of blue-colored wild flora nearby, bees may prefer the blue flowers to mustard.

185. We were surprised when some of the shop owners greeted us in Korean.

186. Fish advisories have been issued for many lakes in the United States; these recommend limits on the number of times per month particular species of fish should be consumed.

187. Many years ago, a Hungarian military patrol was caught by a fierce snowstorm in the Swiss Alps.

188. These coffeehouses sprouted all over London and came to be called “Penny Universities.” So popular did they become that the amount of small change minted was inadequate for the demand and the coffeehouses and the houses had to issue tokens that were generally acceptable within the immediate area.

189. Similarly, when purchasing my home, I discovered that the seller was very interested in closing the deal as soon as possible.

190. When you walk into a store, you are besieged by information.

191. It is brightly colored, with distinctive markings on its body.

192. Before the bridge was built, there were two old bridges.

193. A cow is usually raised for three years for its meat.

194. Children with African origins typically are more advanced in motor development than children with European origins: they throw farther, balance better, and run better.

195. It appears that most freshwater life did not originate in fresh water, but is secondarily adapted, having passed from ocean to land and then back again to fresh water.

196. 'More than 20 words to say what can be said in one.

197. Moreover, the experience would be ruined if people were to behave in such a way.

198. Those charged with increasing tourism must still develop a promotional strategy, but it will be based on encouraging visitors to co-brand along with the professionals.

199. And so it was done.

200. Much to her delight, Masami was invited in.


'구문 BIG DATA' 카테고리의 다른 글

bepp 수동태4  (0) 2018.10.19
bepp 수동태3  (0) 2018.10.19
bepp 수동태 1  (0) 2018.10.19
조동사 have pp  (0) 2018.10.13
have been ing  (0) 2018.10.13

bepp 수동태 1

구문 BIG DATA2018. 10. 19. 13:11

From The Number of Sents: 21483


1. He can never learn to control his energy if he is not allowed to experience the fullness of its power.

2. Some of the most extensive research on the subject of success was conducted by George and Alec Gallup.

3. Students are encouraged to read further.

4. For example, in a factory, the temperature was maintained at 72℉ and the walls were painted a cool blue-green.

5. A moment later, the tree was struck by lightning.

6. To build a hydroelectric dam, a large area must be flooded behind the dam.

7. However, certain features are commonly found.

8. Ever since the first scientific opinion polls revealed that most Americans are at best poorly informed about politics, analysts have asked whether citizens are equipped to play the role democracy assigns them.

9. Strong influence on traffic jams and pollution can be felt from Toronto to New York, as each shared vehicle replaces around 10 personal cars.

10. Cats were sold at a low price, but pigs were not.

11. In any case, it is assumed that the existing set of conditions is much less satisfactory and that a new set of conditions would be desirable.

12. Qat is used as a mild stimulant, similar to tea or coffee.

13. Once a hand or gripper has been directed to an object by reaching, it can be grasped.

14. Doctors are human, health care is complex, and time spent with each patient is restricted.

15. I chose a small but heavy one that was wrapped in shiny silver foil and a red ribbon.

16. In fact, many animals decrease their activity in the heat and increase it in the cold, and people who are allowed to choose levels of physical activity in hot or cold environments adjust their workload precisely to body temperature.

17. Since there was no electricity where the phone needed to be placed, the device had to be able to power itself.

18. On the other hand, halfhearted individuals are seldom distinguished for courage even when it involves their own welfare.

19. Few people laugh first thing in the morning, so broadcast comedy programs are scheduled for the relaxing parts of the day.

20. More accurate techniques have since been devised to read further back into geological time, so that events can be arranged in the order of their occurrences (age) and for specific spans of time.

21. In contrast to the diversity it is applied to, the meaning of this term continues to be mostly based on Western views and values.

22. Various media outlets report stories of people tying themselves to trees in order to save spotted owls, or of large-scale construction projects that are halted because an endangered frog's habitat might be in jeopardy.

23. Both taxi and bus drivers use a part of their brain called the hippocampus to navigate routes that can sometimes be very complicated.

24. The bridge was built with giant arches made of stones.

25. After "testing the headsets," the students were asked to fill out a questionnaire about not only the headsets, but also the university's tuition.

26. But in countries where popular opinion is taken into consideration, no mutually acceptable solution has been found.

27. In addition, certain shapes in his paintings were associated with particular feelings.

28. Human tears are made up mostly of water.

29. But then, you realize that mostly there's something you may find odd about the way English is used there.

30. Group 1 was asked by the researcher to return some of the prize money.

31. But it might be truer to say that our existence is characterized by dependence and affliction.

32. The basic economic argument for congestion charges is well established.

33. It was originally built in the home of the first King of Prussia.

34. Language skills, like any other skills, can be acquired only through practice.

35. For example, there is the myth that older consumers are fixed on certain products and are unwilling to try new alternative products.

36. Therefore, the restoration and protection of the nation' cultural heritage is guaranteed by the Italian Constitution.

37. By early afternoon, working in the heat and the thin air, I was exhausted.

38. The first Everesters were obliged to trek 400 miles from Darjeeling across the Tibetan plateau to reach the foot of the mountain.

39. It was named the Piri Reis Map.

40. "The professor could see that I was determined.

41. They were usually placed at the entrance of villages.

42. This is one very good reason why friends and close associates should be chosen carefully, not simply encountered and accepted.

43. Today, some of the world's most famous Mayan archaeological sites are found in the northern parts of the country.

44. As new ways of controlling the environment are achieved, motor development provides the infant with a growing sense of competence and mastery, and it contributes in important ways to the infant's perceptual and cognitive understanding of the world.

45. His wish was granted, and he was exuberant until he touched his beloved daughter, who turned into a gold statue.

46. Since all people have a biological need for food in order to survive, this need may be seen as being independent of any social standard — but only if a person is considered simply to be a biological organism.

47. When given these instructions, people are quite good at repeating the words that were spoken to that ear.

48. Acrylamide is found in burnt starchy foods, and studies have shown that it can damage our DNA.

49. Having reminded her students many times that composers like Wagner depended on the listeners' remembering the earlier theme to recognize its later use, she was determined to make her students understand that themes recur throughout a piece.

50. You may be surprised by the answer.

51. The main food crop was the wild mongongo nut, millions of which were harvested every year.

52. Afraid of the world that is portrayed on TV, people stay in their homes with close family and do not build bonds with their neighbors.

53. In an otherwise boring world, stimulation and arousal are sought through new and novel consumption experiences.

54. They are interested in hearing about you — your academic plans, activities, and career goals, as well as what this scholarship means to you.

55. The principle of distinctiveness suggests that we make attributions about people based on whether their particular characteristics and actions are associated with specific outcomes unique to the situation.

56. Now they are gone!

57. Consequently, it would not be surprising if preverbal infants had some basic understanding of other people's emotional, nonverbal communications, which research has indicated is indeed the case.

58. Any errors by the referees were viewed as part of the game.

59. In a modern world that often values technology over nature, it's interesting that some of the most creative design ideas were taken from the natural world.

60. This increased frequency of negative (compared to positive) descriptors is evidenced in a study which asked participants to rate an exhaustive list of emotion words, over 550 in total.

61. Even though many people know that these analogies are not based on science, the expressions do not easily disappear in the language.

62. At the end of the round of introductions, the students were asked to write down the names of as many other students as they could remember.

63. The more denim was washed, the softer it would get, eventually achieving that worn-in, made-just-for-me feeling you probably get with your favorite jeans.

64. When food is scarce, as it usually is in their native desert habitat, locusts are born with coloring designed for camouflage and lead solitary lives.

65. Balance can be kept when your center of gravity (COG) is over your base of support (BOS).

66. "This point is well illustrated by the number of low­budget movies that have succeeded with little or no advertising ― and by the number of big­budget flops.

67. I was disappointed to find out the fare to ride the Grand Canal by myself was so expensive that I could not afford it.

68. Externalization is the foundation from which many narrative conversations are built.

69. The one area in which the Internet could be considered an aid to thinking is the rapid acquisition of new information.

70. The kitchen was packed with wives, all of them laughing and talking loud, none of them being helpful except for Lois from next door, who was pulling bowls out of the refrigerator.

71. I have always taught my children that politeness, learning, and order are good things, and that something good is to be desired and developed for its own sake.

72. A defense is required against any suggestion that political disagreement is not the normal state of things.

73. Relaxation enables us to go inward, to make connections that might go unrecognized when we are mentally distracted or experiencing stress.

74. Many significant changes were triggered by the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the Americas in 1492.

75. If he tried to carve it out of stone, the weight of the body would make it break off at the legs long before it was finished.

76. That is why he traveled to London to buy a copy of the book.

77. Many are not even connected to the electrical panel.

78. Boo is known as a "Monster" for stabbing his father in his leg when he was a boy, but no one actually witnessed the accident.

79. It can be made using a strong piece of paper, a microlens, a small light, and a watch battery.

80. The ancient distaff and spindle are examples that were replaced by the spinning wheel in the Middle ages.

81. If differences in well-being are determined by circumstances lying outside of an individual's control, they are unjust.

82. In a study of army tank crews, one set of tank commanders was told that some members of their assigned crews had exceptional abilities while others were only average.

83. Residents commonly have positive views on the economic and some sociocultural influences of tourism on quality of life, but their reactions to environmental impacts are mixed.

84. On October 13, 2010, thirty three Chilean miners who had been buried inside the San José mine for 69 days were finally rescued.

85. They point out that even infants who are born blind and deaf, who have had no chance to learn these gestures, express themselves in the same way.

86. A bias occurs when what the scientist expects changes how the results are viewed.

87. At the close of the Ice Age the entire region was submerged beneath a lake of meltwater, and overflow from the lake flowed into the Pacific Ocean through the Snake and Columbia rivers.

88. In television advertisements many airlines try to interest the viewer in a particular destination, and only as an afterthought do they suggest the airline which might be used.

89. Under Hardy's guidance, Ramanujan's genius was finally allowed to fully develop.

90. In the Netherlands, for example, where one fourth of its land area is located below sea level, an interesting form of shoes developed as a way of getting around the muddy roads.

91. Orphaned when his parents died during World War II, he was raised by his relatives.

92. Unfortunately, while he was gone, the arsonists entered the area he should have been guarding and started the fire.

93. From a correlational observation, we conclude that one variable is related to a second variable.

94. Some architects have decided to respond to what they perceive to be the potentially formless and anonymous nature of the city by creating buildings that are obviously strange and are intended to become urban landmarks.

95. When the man's wife enters the room, she is surprised by the delicious aroma of the outstanding dinner he has prepared.

96. If an administration's position is not supported by the data, it may ask for further studies rather than  accept /uncover what is offered.

97. But they were convinced the devices were also quite dangerous.

98. The rights to the names, Indian Motorcycles and Pan Am Airlines, were sold years after those companies went bankrupt.

99. Obviously, a third variable is related to both—perhaps preference for risk.

100. They are more technically called cleptoparasites.


'구문 BIG DATA' 카테고리의 다른 글

bepp 수동태3  (0) 2018.10.19
bepp 수동태2  (0) 2018.10.19
조동사 have pp  (0) 2018.10.13
have been ing  (0) 2018.10.13
have been pp  (0) 2018.10.13

조동사 have pp

구문 BIG DATA2018. 10. 13. 17:47
in2 | Since 2005 위스마트, 임희재 | WAYNE.TISTORY.COM | +821033383436 | 제작일 181013 17:47:13

From The Number of Sents: 18826
TARGET: hvhp

1. Without the ice age, North America might have remained unpopulated for thousands of years more.

2. It stands for the short, meaningless nature of life, and the artist must have painted the skull to remind us that we will, one day, die.

3. While diving into undesirable tasks first thing, imagine how good it will feel to have gotten over that hurdle and still have a whole day ahead of you.

4. For instance, your mom might have told you to make a beeline home after school.

5. This may have influenced Alfred Nobel's decision not to found a prize in mathematics.

6. Each time he stroked the canvas with his brush, he might have intended to turn a series of musical notes into visual forms.

7. "If he had not disrupted their sleeping routines and allowed them to experience their customers' discomfort, the workshop may have ended without any noteworthy changes.

8. Their discoveries could not have happened unless centuries of technological development of the telescope and evolving knowledge of the universe had come before them.

9. We can infer, for example, that the more fluently we retrieve an item from memory, the more often we must have encountered it in the past.

10. Perhaps they would have seen opportunities that they otherwise missed; they would own all the airlines today.

11. Empathy can help us better understand what may have contributed to current behavior, but it does not mean we have to excuse that behavior.

12. Most people would have sniffed, "Not my problem," perhaps even hoping the ice-cream vendor's misfortune would mean more customers for them.

13. "The emotion was so strong that the brain rejected evidence of the continued existence of normal, everyday life that might have eased it.

14. However, if ‘blueberry’ had referred only to the specific thing I just picked and no more, the sound would have slipped away silently, devoid of further application.

15. Not knowing that the product exists, customers would probably not buy it even if the product may have worked for them.

16. Far too often we lose patience with the process and quit too soon, missing out on what we could have gained.

17. Now, they think they may have found the source of this unexpected heat—Jupiter’s Great Red Spot.

18. He must have seen the ghost, too!"

19. Any one of a number of things might have prevented the disaster; the iceberg itself was so nearly avoided at the last moment that perhaps only a few more feet would have made all the difference.

20. We could not imagine how the Inca could have built such a large city on top of a high mountain.

21. Such skilled workers may have used simple tools, but their specialization did result in more efficient and productive work.

22. Some of them may have traveled by small boat along the coast, but many walked.

23. "I think I may have misled you.

24. I think Hammer and Shaw would have agreed with me that nothing can replace hard work in life.

25. This may have triggered the process of domestication of certain plants and animals.

26. Some people may be on the verge of buying the product, whereas others may never have heard of it.

27. Your toddler might have decided that drawing on the walls with a black marker is a wonderful idea, and be very upset when you attempt to prise it from his fingers.

28. However much the ancient Egyptians may have looked down upon foreigners as culturally inferior peoples or as dangerous agents of chaos, Egyptian society was on many levels deeply entangled with those of its neighbors.

29. 'Traveling salespeople, for example, may say they want a smaller cell phone, but they may not have thought about how hard that tiny phone will be to use.

30. Many thieves may have escaped because of the slow camel.

31. While Mussorgsky was writing the melodies, he must have wanted to translate the stories in the paintings into his musical language.

32. It is a fact: People have contact with and are affected by other peoples around the world to a degree that no one could have imagined a hundred years ago.

33. If everything had gone as planned, he would have gotten through the entire flight without having to learn either of those interesting tidbits.

34. But if someone in the group had taken the initiative to be nurturing instead of negative, maybe another Hemingway, Faulkner, or Fitzgerald would have emerged and given the world another library of masterpieces.

35. Sacrificing one's interests for the sake of the group may have helped close relatives or other kinfolk who carried similar genes to survive.

36. Rather, there is a complex chain of events that all contribute to the result; if any one of the events would not have occurred, the result would be different.

37. As the brain evolved, people who saw distances to goals as shorter might have gone after what they wanted more often.

38. No doubt you can think of many additional examples of feelings that, if followed, would have caused you pain or misfortune.

39. The painting could have stayed there unnoticed had it not been for head of arts Angela Hill, who spotted it hanging on the wall during a routine meeting.

40. As a result, we are still guessing at what early tools were used for as well as what early art forms might have meant for the people who produced them, even when such drawings, often animals, are very recognizable.

41. The artist, however, may not have wanted to frighten the viewers with too direct an image and hid the message.

42. You may have noticed that your children seem far more comfortable with being sarcastic or insulting one another.

43. Without such passion, they would have achieved nothing.

44. These nymphs should have taken a further two years to emerge as adults, but in fact they took just one year.

45. At the outset of their journeys, few immigrants could have foretold exactly when and how they would achieve economic success in the new world, yet they set out for the "land of opportunity" nevertheless.

46. From the standpoint of evolutionary theory, altruism may be seen as part of our genetic nature, as it may have helped enable ancestral humans who carried our genetic code to survive a harsh and dangerous environment.

47. By the time a child reaches age 18, they will have witnessed some 200,000 acts of televised violence, of which 16,000 will have been murders.

48. Then, to interpret those finds, they had to learn Russian, Bulgarian, and Romanian, without which they would never have learned the true nature of the site.

49. The peasant's ancient ancestor, the forager, may have eaten berries and mushrooms for breakfast; fruits and snails for lunch; and rabbit steak with wild onions for dinner.

50. These interactions between artists can have unexpected results, producing works of art that have strong visual, auditory or emotional influences on people.

51. The designer may look like a savant for having "anticipated" the popular color, but if he had picked white or lavender instead, the same process might have unfolded.

52. Ray Jackendoff, a cognitive scientist, suggests that simple rules such as 'agent-first' (that is, the man killed the bear) might have reduced the potential ambiguity.

53. It could have offered the team time off, or a bonus, or the chance to work at home one day a week for a month — anything, really, to show their appreciation and gratitude.

54. If I had not volunteered, I would never have got an inside look at their way of life.

55. Loud music at the dentist's office and the "slap and stab" method a nurse may have used to give you an injection are other examples of how distraction can reduce or eliminate the pain experience.

56. As you know, the Sunshine Stationery Store has long been the industry standard for quality creative paper products of all kinds, and we couldn't have picked a better location for our next branch than the warm and inviting city of Raleigh.

57. With some areas being clearly preferred, a pressure may have built up to increase the food supply.

58. Although the Egyptians themselves seemingly maintained an extremely "Egyptocentric" worldview, the glory of the pharaohs would not have existed such as it did without the resources and influence of the societies around them.

59. I worked for very little pay, so I must have enjoyed cleaning the park."

60. Few countries, however, can claim to have produced a great architect.

61. Moreover, genes would undoubtedly have changed during the human revolution after 200,000 years ago, but more in response to new habits than as causes of them.

62. That, however, would have brought another problem, for lions are the top tourist attraction in Kenya and are protected by law.

63. Some thought it likely that, were there a Nobel Prize in mathematics, he would have received it.

64. As you may have observed, they make irregular twists and turns in their flight.

65. Even the old-timer at the boomerang game never fails to experience it; he may have made a thousand boomerangs, yet each time he throws a new one and it works perfectly just as he planned that it should, he feels a surge of pride and satisfaction that is worth many times over the effort required for the making.

66. Well, Tom should have thought twice.

67. The bottom line is that sales attract customers that might not have made purchases at the regular price, and they motivate customers to spend because their money can now buy more.

68. If so, it may have reminded you of a highway packed with cars.

69. We could have seen something many times before, but as the result of having new skills or competence, we discover new or different aspects of that object.

70. Had the woman lawyer insisted on participating, she would have spoiled the deal and destroyed her credibility.

71. If Ernest Hamwi had taken that attitude when he was selling zalabia, a very thin Persian waffle, at the 1904 World's Fair, he might have ended his days as a street vendor.

72. Had I been alone, I would have walked away feeling sad for that poor gull.

73. Several years later, policymakers began to wrestle with the problem of what would be done to dismantle nuclear plants when they were obsolete, something those who originally built them may never have considered.

74. You may have heard or read that Laurence Olivier was widely believed to be the greatest actor of the past century.

75. If Dante and Shakespeare had died before they wrote those works, nobody ever would have written them.

76. He must have seen the ghost, too" said Otto.

77. Many teachers shy away from using contemporary art in their teaching because they do not feel comfortable with their own level of knowledge and are reluctant to introduce their students to anything they may not have mastered themselves.

78. The vanguard of such a migration must have been small in number and must have traveled comparatively light.

79. I wished I could have stayed longer.

80. Don't hire people with experience at another airline unless you're sure that they can unlearn what they've learned there.


'구문 BIG DATA' 카테고리의 다른 글

bepp 수동태2  (0) 2018.10.19
bepp 수동태 1  (0) 2018.10.19
have been ing  (0) 2018.10.13
have been pp  (0) 2018.10.13
BE BEING PP  (2) 2018.10.13

have been ing

구문 BIG DATA2018. 10. 13. 17:46
in2 | Since 2005 위스마트, 임희재 | WAYNE.TISTORY.COM | +821033383436 | 제작일 181013 17:45:51

From The Number of Sents: 18824

1. All summer, I've been doing countless push-ups and lifting weights until I can't bend my arms.

2. I've been forcing myself to eat as much as three heavy men, but nothing is working.

3. So, if you want to use your energy to work longer, just change your perception of how long you have been working.

4. She had been practicing very hard the past week but she did not seem to improve.

5. Some scientists have been studying how the lowly mosquito is able to bite us without us knowing.

6. "I know you've been having a hard time lately, and you aren't feeling really good or positive about your life.

7. Anchor: The Coast Guard has rescued two fishermen who had been floating at sea in a large icebox.

8. You have been dieting for several days, and suddenly someone brings home a carton of ice cream.

9. You may have had this experience if you have been reading a book and then suddenly become aware that although you were moving your eyes across the page and "reading" the words, you had no idea what you had just read.

10. Second, they could have been willing to broaden their pool of eligibles because they had not been able to find a spouse within their own social circles.

11. He had been working on it for three years.

12. Probably you have been reading for a long time, too, and starting to learn all over again would be humiliating.

13. Sarah said the magic words: "Have you been working out, Dave?

14. He said, "I've been looking all over for your house.

15. So, my friends and I have been planting thousands of trees.

16. "Late in the night, Garnet had a feeling that something she had been waiting for was about to happen.

17. Since leaving school, I have been using the spare time at my disposal to work at mathematics.

18. The use of drones in science has been increasing.

19. "I hope he hasn't been bothering you.

20. I graduated from college in 2008, and ever since, I have been working and traveling around the world.

21. Although humans have been drinking coffee for centuries, it is not clear just where coffee originated or who first discovered it.

22. After all, an adult has been walking for a long time; he knows where his feet are; he knows how to put one foot in front of the other in order to get somewhere.

23. Upon further investigation, the farmer discovers that the weaver has been wanting an omelet for the past week.

24. Her mother confirmed that she had been "more lax" about Spanish use and had been using increasingly more English in the home.

25. That would mean, for instance, that countries such as Germany and the United Kingdom, which have been emitting for longer than most countries, would bear a larger share than their current emissions implied.

26. It's a great time to finally take him to the bank, open that savings account you've been talking about, and help him deposit the money.

27. Recently, though, researchers have been studying and giving names to more and more emotions.

28. If you have been running for 20 minutes, and you perceive it to be only 13 minutes, you're more likely to have seven more minutes of energy.

29. My mother has been warning me not to eat burnt toast for as long as I can remember.

30. To the service representatives, learning to sell was a very different game from what they had been playing.

31. Spiders and silkworms have been spinning fibers in this way for millions of years, but chemists and engineers learned the procedure from them only about a century ago.

32. I've been looking for this.

33. It is the answer that I've been looking for.

34. The janitor, Will Hunting, had been studying mathematics on his own.

35. For example, if you have been working on a project for eight hours, but it only feels like six, you will have more energy to keep going.

36. Here, the same families have been doing the same things for generation after generation, and Atticus is a lawyer just like his father was.

37. Listening to her mother made her realize that she had to put in more effort than what she had been doing so far.

38. For the past three years, Ethan has been schooling us all in the game of life.

39. I've been performing jultagi for the last 30 years.

40. Conservationists and environmental activists have been trying to elevate the priority given to the protection of the environment and its inhabitants for many years, but the public, politicians, and criminologists have largely ignored their efforts.

41. This means that its density has been decreasing, so the fish experiences a greater rising force.

42. That's why scientists have been looking for better ways to deal with the problem.

43. They were Latin Americans and had not understood a word of what Borge had been saying.

44. They discovered that half of the residents had been shopping outside the county, driving an hour to Sioux Falls to shop in larger stores.

45. Unfortunately, while he was gone, the arsonists entered the area he should have been guarding and started the fire.

46. I've been telling her for years there's a lot of waste motion in companies like yours.

47. Advertising dollars have simply been following the migration trail across to these new technologies.

48. My friend had been watching and listening to the woman's woeful story, and her heart was touched with compassion for the distressed mother.

49. I was very impressed, and I've been planting trees with my friends since then.

50. For a long time, scientists have been trying to solve a mystery about the planet Jupiter.

51. After you said that positive thing, it helped me see one good quality in myself, and I've been holding onto those words."

52. Miner County had been failing for decades.

53. With my love, Elaine People say to them when they think that they have been playing long enough: "You are no longer a child.

54. I have been thinking of visiting Gyeongbok Palace.

55. The KAIST team had already built four HUBOs and had been improving them for years.

56. It was cold outside, and I had been waiting for several hours by the time the meteor shower began.

57. Mortier has been trying to innovate the festival by introducing modern artists like the stage producer and theatre maker Peter Sellars, singer David Bowie and film-maker Peter Greenaway.

58. He had been exploring nature and interacting with animals ever since he was a young boy, and his love for nature never faded.

59. "If that were the case, then they would peck a lot just after they've been flying.

60. You should come to the office visit prepared to provide a complete list of medications that you are currently taking, as well as up-to-date information on other providers you have seen and issues you have been dealing with.

61. We have been planting trees regularly there.

62. "It wasn't hard to tell: There was not much difference between the birds that had been walking around a bit on land and those that had just landed.

63. Finally, let me ask you about La Sagrada Familia, the church you've been working on for more than 40 years.

64. Suppose you see a friend who is on a diet and has been losing a lot of weight.

65. A charity in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets has been planting trees along the street.

66. Cultures have rarely been completely isolated from outside influence, because throughout human history people have been moving from one place to another, spreading goods and ideas.

67. Many students at the school have been working on a project about the youth unemployment problem in Lockwood.

68. I've been looking for this."

69. I had left it in the airport and I realized he had been trying to return it to me ever since we had left the airport.


'구문 BIG DATA' 카테고리의 다른 글

bepp 수동태 1  (0) 2018.10.19
조동사 have pp  (0) 2018.10.13
have been pp  (0) 2018.10.13
BE BEING PP  (2) 2018.10.13
be + pp + to  (1) 2018.10.13

have been pp

구문 BIG DATA2018. 10. 13. 17:45
in2 | Since 2005 위스마트, 임희재 | WAYNE.TISTORY.COM | +821033383436 | 제작일 181013 17:44:44

From The Number of Sents: 18825

1. Community respiration, decomposition, nutrient retention, plant productivity and water retention have been identified as five major ecosystem processes that may be affected through changes in biodiversity.

2. However, concerns have been raised that cookies, which can track what people do online, may be violating privacy by helping companies or government agencies accumulate personal information.

3. A lot of nonsense has been written about speed reading.

4. The barn floor had been littered with highly flammable straw, and the fire was chasing him and the colt as they raced away.

5. When a person who has been nurtured by one culture is placed in juxtaposition with another, his reaction may be anger, frustration, fright, curiosity, confusion.

6. Fortunately, though, a special medicine has been used successfully to keep sufferers from falling asleep.

7. He has not been seen by anyone for many years, and the adults of Maycomb do not want to talk about him.

8. Radioactive waste disposal has become one of the key environmental battlegrounds over which the future of nuclear power has been fought.

9. Out of them an estimated 9% has been recycled and another 12% has been burned out.

10. Jack felt a milestone had been reached one day when he was playing catch with Mark and threw a bad ball.

11. Women who had been told they were uncooperative people or careless drivers two days earlier helped the researcher almost twice as much as women in the other groups.

12. Dreams have been regarded as prophetic communications which, when properly decoded, would enable us to foretell the future.

13. When one morning, upon entering the stable, he found that one of his family cows had been killed.

14. Rushing the creative process can lead to results that are below the standard of excellence that could have been achieved with additional time.

15. From the 1950s up to 2018. an estimated 6.3 billion tons of plastic has been produced worldwide.

16. The concept of humans doing multiple things at a time has been studied by psychologists since the 1920s, but the term "multitasking" didn't exist until the 1960s.

17. You've been gone for about seven or eight years and I can still remember the smell of your house, always filled with dinner aromas and warm hugs.

18. So though it hasn't been proved, overwhelmingly, evolution is the best theory that we have to explain the data we have.

19. This question has since been adapted to facilitate debates over whether objects themselves can exist independent of perception.

20. The gap between the two amounts was less than 2 billion bushels in 2012, and since then the gap has been maintained.

21. Indeed, hunters of elk in Colorado and caribou and moose in Alaska have been assisted by official policy of sustaining larger numbers of these game animals through feeding or the elimination of competitors to human hunters such as wolves.

22. Never had he been beaten by the French.

23. In Africa, she canoed up the Ogooué River and pioneered a route to the summit of Mount Cameroon, which had never been attempted by a European.

24. "The boundaries which states and nations set up in their hostility and egoism have been pierced," Friedrich Schiller declared back in 1789."

25. The scientific possibility that human activities might cause significant warming of the earth’s atmosphere has been recognized since the 19th century.

26. As such, it has been suggested that, before searching for information online regarding a patient, therapists first consider the reason for doing so.

27. It has been reported that young people aged six to 24 influence about 50% of all spending in the US.

28. The ritual appears to have been abandoned through much of the 20th century, as the Hupa people adopted Christianity and acorn flour became less important in their diet; but in 1989, for the first time in more than 50 years, it was again revived.

29. If the check had been enclosed, would they have responded so quickly?

30. Leonardo da Vinci is said to have been influenced by the classic automations of Al-jazari.

31. There are countless examples of scientific inventions that have been generated by accident.

32. From the outside, Casa Batllo looks as if it has been made from skulls and bones.

33. Paleolithic peoples have often been called hunter-gatherers, but recent archaeological and anthropological research indicates that both historical and contemporary hunter-gatherers have depended much more on gathered foods than on hunted meat.

34. He had been invited by one company to spend a month there and had been assigned an office and a research assistant.

35. Despite the fact that Tom has been convicted and is now dead, Bob Ewell feels that he has been insulted and tries to take his revenge.

36. They existed around 200 million years ago, and we know about them because their bones have been preserved as fossils.

37. Since then, there has been renewed emphasis on developing robots that can serve in dangerous situations.

38. Thus, we find that the time between the first and second stages of the innovative cycle―between idea and application―has been cut radically.

39. Creativity is about "connecting the dots" — making connections between things that have never before been linked.

40. The impact of color has been studied for decades.

41. I just received the county tax letter from your office, and I was surprised to see that I had been taxed based on my house being worth $400,000.

42. A team of artificial pollinators has been created by scientists in Japan.

43. Fortunately, many of them have been solved over time, and thus our well-being has been improved little by little.

44. The historian works closely with the stuff that has been left behind— documents, oral testimony, objects — to make the past come alive.

45. My book The Complete Eldercare Planner had just been published, and a book-signing event was to be held at a well-known prestigious hospital.

46. It is today regarded as a classic of French literature and has twice been made into a movie.

47. But in countries where popular opinion is taken into consideration, no mutually acceptable solution has been found.

48. Since our hotel was opened in 1976, we have been committed to protecting our planet by reducing our energy consumption and waste.

49. And when the last chip has been removed, you hasten to hurl it — and it works!

50. Similar marks and symbols functioning as trademarks have been found on Chinese pottery, possibly dating as far back as 2698 BCE, and in many other ancient societies, including the Egyptians, the Assyrians, and the Vedic civilization.

51. Another innovation: Substantial progress has been made in developing hybrid rice varieties that grow faster while using less water.

52. The old man had been found wandering aimlessly on the street.

53. When the same individuals had to report their happiness in a different context later on, more positive ratings were obtained if they had been induced to think about positive events and more negative ratings if they had been induced to think about negative events.

54. However, they are unable to remember any of the words that they heard in the other ear, even if the same small set of words had been repeated a dozen times.

55. The pyramids have been used as the setting for many books and movies because of their geometric shape and the mysteries related to them.

56. The negative effects of extrinsic motivators such as grades have been documented with students from different cultures.

57. Traditionally, these chemicals have been considered alarm signals designed to alert other members of the species to the presence of a predator.

58. If a person believes that a powerful drug has been administered, he/she will experience the effects of the drug, even if what was administered was merely a sugar pill.

59. In fact, many inventions have been derived from nature.

60. After a problem which needs to be solved has been recognized, the process of defining and representing the problem may proceed with processes such as analogical thinking.

61. Product placement seems to have been designed to give subtle suggestions to consumers while they shop.

62. Several studies have identified what has been called the loss-gain effect.

63. They also said he would be given the other 10,000 pounds when copies of the watch had been made and tested.

64. Then I can feel like I have been transported to a far-away land!

65. In the context of SNS, media literacy has been argued to be especially important "in order to make the users aware of their rights when using SNS tools, and also help them acquire or reinforce human rights values and develop the behaviour necessary to respect other people's rights and freedoms".

66. Since the fifteenth century, this tradition has been concerned with recognizing individual achievements.

67. It has been estimated that every $1_00 spent on locally produced foods returns (or circulates) $3_00 to $7_00 within the community.

68. Toys-R-Us, for example, has tried to protect the "R-Us" portion of their name even when it has been applied to completely different products, such as cheese or flowers or guns, and McDonald's has tried to prevent companies from using the "Mc" prefix that has been used for many of their products.

69. It is tempting to accept the proposition that because they are "old," the old media have been developed by some point in time and do not change thereafter.

70. An Aboriginal painting that went missing in 1981 has been found by chance hanging in the office of a tourism official in Australia's Northern Territory (NT).

71. Certainly no culture is composed of herds of clones who have been defined by their environment; nevertheless, each culture is fashioned by pervading and prevailing tenets - whether they are conscious or subconscious , spoken or tacit.

72. He is known to have been born in Bristol.

73. Other female dolphins have been known to help in the birthing process.

74. Cora badly wanted to win a spot, but she knew that her parents would never allow her to go, even if she had been accepted.

75. This has been shown by the increase in websites that provide therapeutic information for young people.

76. Labour Day has been celebrated on the first Monday in September in Canada since the 1880s.

77. Then, in glancing from her to the portrait of the gentle Dorothy, you feel that the long years between them have been lighted by the same sparkling grace, and shadowed by the same pensive smile.

78. However, even when huge numbers of mutations have been produced in fruit flies, all the mutations have been fruit fly mutations.

79. Thus, although they had nonmarket jobs, they had still been counted as unemployed.

80. Four-thousand-year-old drawings of men playing a simple version of a hockey game have been found in tombs in Egypt.

81. Then, after 4—6 months, a new product is coincidentally launched that contains the ingredient that has been discussed in previous issues.

82. T・ S・ Eliot's landmark work, The Waste Land, has been hailed as one of the twentieth century's most significant poems.

83. For instance, if the great Renaissance artists like Ghiberti or Michelangelo had been born only 50 years before they were, the culture of artistic patronage would not have been in place to fund or shape their great achievements.

84. However, one day in 1940, Gansong heard that it had been found and went to meet the owner.

85. Sometimes, after punishment has been administered a few times, it needn't be continued, because the mere threat of punishment is enough to induce the desired behavior.

86. Inventions, ideas, and discoveries have been credited to the persons who originated them.

87. Instead, the lucky numbers had been printed inside fortune cookies.

88. As is true of some fish, fathead minnows that have been attacked release chemicals from specialized cells in the skin.

89. On the other hand, the "I do not matter to anybody" feeling generated by a sense of being unwanted as a result of regular and long absence on the part of parents has been known to have grave repercussions in terms of the child's personality and emotional maturity.

90. As a result, most spent fuel has been stored in the nuclear power plants where it was produced.

91. Last year, he decided to try a personal experiment: for one year he would produce as little trash as possible, stop using fossil fuel, and buy nothing except food that had been grown within 400 kilometers of his home.

92. The Hill Sisters became upset when they heard their song whose lyrics had been changed.

93. But Rourke did something that is not usually done — he sent out a press release before his proof had been accepted as being correct by the mathematical community.

94. By the time the canal was finished, the railroad had been established as the fittest technology for transportation.

95. By some estimates, music based on oral tradition had previously seldom been performed for more than one or two generations.

96. Pickled cucumbers, commonly known as “pickles,” have been loved by many historical figures.

97. As soon as the last letter of a sequence had been presented, participants in the study wrote down all six of the letters they had seen, guessing at any letters they couldn't easily recall.

98. Jaki, a seven-year-old chimp living at the Arnhem Zoo, in the Netherlands, observed an older caregiver named Krom trying unsuccessfully to retrieve a tire that had been filled with water.

99. Well, Grandpa, you would have been disappointed in your children because they sold it.

100. Diet has been known for many years to play a key role as a risk factor for chronic diseases.

101. Some legislation regarding water and air pollution has been made in India.

102. In this instance, those specific freedoms that would have been satisfied only by Car A (e.g., appearance, comfort, handling quality) now are threatened and reactance will be aroused.

103. Myths and legends have been shaped by people's imagination and have fascinate many artists through the centuries.

104. Once a hand or gripper has been directed to an object by reaching, it can be grasped.

105. They had been trapped for so long that their first priority was to get medical attention.

106. At the end of the month, students who have been nominated are called out of their classes.

107. For example, people spend billions of dollars every year on "natural" dietary supplements, basing their purchasing decisions on marketing claims that in fact may not have been tested.

108. It has been shown that mathematics is related with music in various known ways so much that not putting the relationship to good use in and out of school could only be to our disadvantage.

109. The ship was traveling too quickly following a particularly cold winter, and icebergs should have been expected.

110. Nonaerobic exercise has been demonstrated to benefit older adu1ts by strengthening muscles and bones and improving coordination, thereby reducing the occurrence of falls and improving mobility.

111. Please be assured that the necessary steps have been taken to prevent further transmission of the infection.

112. But she knew that these dogs were so well trained that they could smell her, even though a load of fish had been dumped over her hiding place.

113. More accurate techniques have since been devised to read further back into geological time, so that events can be arranged in the order of their occurrences (age) and for specific spans of time.

114. Recently, however, considerable doubt has been thrown upon Humboldt's narrative, owing to the fact that subsequent travelers have failed to discover any trace of so unique a method of fishing.

115. This type of work had formerly been performed by a different department and had only recently been transferred to Woodcock's section.

116. In this case, if information has been transferred, it is most definitely false.

117. These importation successes have been limited largely to certain types of ecosystems and/or pest situations such as introduced pests in perennial ecosystems.

118. For example, beginning in 1968 in Yellowstone National Park, a "natural regulation policy" has been employed in which wildlife such as elk and bears are no longer fed but are allowed to live or die based on natural factors such as weather, disease, and the availability of natural food sources.

119. Traditionally, jangseungs have been considered to be village guardians, not just mileposts.

120. In my town, foods from other countries have been looked at with suspicion for a long time.

121. The birth of a dolphin has never been seen in the wild.

122. You could have been killed!

123. A number of 'youth friendly' mental health websites have been developed.

124. A pet’s continuing affection becomes crucially important for those enduring hardship because it reassures them that their core essence has not been damaged.

125. Our current system is called A440 because the note we call 'A' that is in the middle of the piano keyboard has been fixed to have a frequency of 440 Hz.

126. All are recognized as important works of architecture, and seven have been named UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

127. In fact, much research has been done on the developmental stages of childhood.

128. It has been claimed that no specific knowledge, or experience is required to attain insight in the problem situation.

129. When I asked how he had made that decision, he replied that he had recently attended an automobile show and had been impressed.

130. Actually, it had been taken by Japan.

131. In fact, 73 percent of Canadian voters surveyed denied in the strongest possible terms that their votes had been influenced by physical appearance; only 14 percent even allowed for the possibility of such influence.

132. By the end of the Roman Imperium, however, Italy had been stripped of forest cover.

133. "Have you ever been offered to buy something that you had not planned on buying?

134. Many owners have been snapped at by their dogs when they returned home with a new hairdo or a new coat.

135. However, it has been observed in captive dolphin populations.

136. On October 13, 2010, thirty three Chilean miners who had been buried inside the San José mine for 69 days were finally rescued.

137. Treasures in Myths and Legends Myths and legends have been shaped by people's imagination and have fascinate many artists through the centuries.

138. One group of students had been told to move their heads up and down throughout the music and the speaking.

139. Rather than be engaged actively in the lesson, he may have been preoccupied with trying to imagine pumpkin pie: What does it taste like?

140. His studies of big business have been carried out with grants from a number of sources including the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

141. In such a case, these people suffer from an inevitable social and mental trauma, leading to emotional stress and a feeling that all of a sudden they have been disassociated from what once was their identity.

142. In reality, the crew members had been assigned randomly so that the two test groups were equal in ability.

143. Meanwhile, Atticus agrees to defend an African-American man named Tom Robinson, who has been accused of attacking a young white woman, Mayella Ewell.

144. If you have ever been confused about what to do, you are not alone.

145. So, Virginia Smith, who swam for Bredard Community College and has won several awards in national competitions, has been named the school's new swimming coach.

146. For decades, people have been told that praise is vital for happy and healthy children and that the most important job in raising a child is nurturing her self‑esteem.

147. Since then, with the addition of great ideas from around the world, the Web has been improved a lot.

148. Fish advisories have been issued for many lakes in the United States; these recommend limits on the number of times per month particular species of fish should be consumed.

149. Here, we will take care of wild sea turtles that are sick or have been injured.

150. We would not be in a position today to argue for the rights of whales were it not for the scientific research that has been done.

151. Obviously, technology that produces pollution is generally cheaper, but now that it has been decided that cleaner cars are wanted, less polluting cars will be produced; cars which scarcely pollute at all could even be made.

152. Since then, the district has been called Jangseungbaegi, and later the name was given to the station.

153. My dear Harriet, I was so delighted to receive your letter and to learn that you have been accepted to Royal Holloway.

154. When perfect preservation is possible, time has been suspended.

155. There are many authors who have been published for a long time but have not been able to increase their readership base.

156. Recently, however, new varieties of both crops have been developed that can be grown in full sun.

157. Most of us have problems that have been posed to us (eg, assignments from our supervisors).

158. In most of the developed countries specific legislation has been made and scientific methods for investigation of noise pollution have been invented.

159. Animals-and people-who have been raised in extreme social isolation are poor at reading emotional cues in those around them not because they lack the basic circuitry for empathy but because, lacking emotional tutors, they have never learned to pay attention to these messages and so haven't practiced this skill.

160. It looked as if white paint had been spilled everywhere.

161. One avenue that has been explored is the reprocessing of spent fuel to remove the active ingredients.

162. Out of them an estimated 9% has been recycled and another 12% has been burned out in the UK alone, more than 5 million tons of plastic are consumed each year, of which only an estimated one-quarter is recycled, with the remainder going to landfills.

163. At greater depths — it is dark and cold there — photography is the principal way of exploring a mysterious deep-sea world, 95 percent of which has never been seen before.

164. Soccer A Chinese game called cuju meaning "kick a ball" existed during the 2nd and 3rd centuries BC and has been recognized as the first version of soccer with similar rules to the modern game.

165. In everyday life errors in our judgement of another human being are not necessarily linked with dramatic consequences, for these consequences may occur so long after the mistake has been made that the connection between cause and effect is not obvious.

166. I am pleased to inform you that you have been selected by the Department of Integrative Arts to receive an Undergraduate Graphic Design Scholarship.

167. Dogs have been known to collect their toys and put them in baskets; ants carry off dead members of the colony to burial grounds; certain birds and rodents create barriers around their nests in order to more easily detect invaders.

168. Please note that one of the cast members has been changed without prior notice.

169. Although we had agreed to call the object a "pipe," it could have been called an "apple" just as easily.

170. What have been called the six most powerful words of the English language—"The doctor will see you now —will no longer be true.

171. Moving the holiday, in addition to breaking with tradition, could have been viewed as aligning the Canadian labour movements with internationalist sympathies.

172. I've been saved from failing the test.

173. Dr・ Hoagland was curious enough to notice that whenever he left his wife's room for a short while, she complained that he had been gone for a long time.

174. By the 1880s the new customs had been established, with the nocturnal visitor sometimes being known as Santa Claus and sometimes as Father Christmas.

175. The body has been viewed as a 'natural' phenomenon ― a fixed, unchanging fact of nature.

176. Support for youth mentoring as an intervention has been provided by rigorous evaluations demonstrating improvements in youth competencies and reductions in problem behaviors and by meta-analytic results substantiating the general effectiveness of mentoring across a range of programs and studies.

177. Before voicing her objections, however, she called a colleague back in New York, who told her that he, too, had been excluded from preliminary talks during his last negotiation in that country.

178. The norms of scientific communication presuppose that nature does not speak unambiguously, and that knowledge isn't knowledge unless it has been authorized by disciplinary specialists.

179. This is one of the bonding factors that has been forgotten because of the way in which we live today.

180. Although his people had been trained in the work, this was the first time they had ever actually been called upon to do it.

181. Their alarm calls seem to convey very specificinformation about the nature of the predator that has been detected as they become more mature.

182. Yet, when all six were allowed into the enclosure after the leader had been shown food, the group headed straight for the food.

183. Although she did not live to see woman gain the vote, Anthony's single-minded advocacy of equal justice for woman has been credited with helping to win social and political gains for women and launching the women's movement in the twentieth century.

184. Should he fail, a significant amount of time and money will have been wasted.

185. The Power of Compound Interest: Compound interest has been called the eighth wonder of the world with good reason.

186. The term "biological control" has been used, at times, in a broad context to cover a full spectrum of biological organisms and biologically based products.

187. After the death of family members she had been obliged to look after, Kingsley was free to travel at the age of 30.

188. That scenario is asking for empathic insight into what it might have been like to grow up suffering abuse and what subsequent life experiences of the defendant might have been impacted by that abuse.

189. It has been translated in 40 different languages, and more than 40 million copies have been sold.

190. Killer whales have been observed in all oceans and seas, but are more prevalent in the coastal waters at higher latitudes.

191. Simultaneously, the global economy has been transformed from a material-based economy into a knowledge-based economy.

192. I feel like I've been born again.

193. The worst effect of dams has been observed on salmon that have to travel upstream to lay their eggs.

194. But dealing with heroes only at the level of acceptance is not sufficient, for then we never ask what could have been done.

195. Then she began to tell him that she had been married to a traveling salesman who had recently passed away.

196. It has even been suggested that message ambiguity increases a candidate's chance of electoral success.

197. Yet, had it not been for GH, Hardy, his genius might never have been recognized.

198. When the first experimenter returned and tried retrieving the object from the first box, the great ape would help the experimenter open the second box, which it knew the object had been transferred to.

199. As a result, the availability of transportation infrastructure and services has been considered a fundamental precondition for tourism.

200. These advances came about because an individual, or many individuals, used the full resources of his or her intellectual imagination to solve problems that had previously been thought to be unsolvable.

201. From the classic philosophers through Shakespeare to the works of Chekhov, Ibsen, and the great novels of the 19th century, exploring the emotions of sadness, longing, and depression has long been considered instructive.

202. Seventy-five percent of those prisoners had been declared guilty on the basis of mistaken eyewitness accounts.

203. It did not succeed in transforming British society, but it did succeed in England’s newly evolving coffeehouses where a new intimacy emerged among people who had earlier been kept distant from one another.


'구문 BIG DATA' 카테고리의 다른 글

조동사 have pp  (0) 2018.10.13
have been ing  (0) 2018.10.13
BE BEING PP  (2) 2018.10.13
be + pp + to  (1) 2018.10.13
접접  (0) 2018.10.13


구문 BIG DATA2018. 10. 13. 17:44
* | Since 2005 위스마트, 임희재 | | 01033383436 | 제작일 190317 17:16:16

By the time she was a teenager, the invention was being used in the mills. {심화 5-7}

Today, however, cash is being used less and less. {수만기 2-3}

The app lets coaches see in real time which muscle groups are being used during practice. {영시박9-2}

Their membership, economic-political influence, and bargaining power are being eroded by several factors: the decline of the manufacturing sector caused by importation of lower-priced goods from developing economies; the inflow of cheap migrant labour; outsourcing of work to countries with lower wages; displacement of unionized blue-collar workers by robots; and the shift of jobs from the unionized public sector to the non-unionized private sector. {영독 42}

Meanwhile, the policies they are being encouraged to pursue are unlikely to make them wealthy. {빠바유독 2-5}

Every component of wellness, and countless seams of societal fabric, are being eroded by our costly state of sleep neglect:human and financial alike. {1833-29}

New medicines and technologies are being developed especially for the health problems of older people. {컨셉-5}

Today, however, cash is being used less and less. {수만기 2-3}

Today, however, cash is being used less and less. {Cosmetics for men were not considered necessary until companies started producing them. Similarly, kimchi refrigerators didn’t exist until a certain company (A) [noticed / ignored] the need in Korean kitchens for a place to store kimchi for a long time. Markets like these are called "niche" markets. They are created by identifying needs that are being addressed (B) [seriously / poorly] by other businesses and then providing goods or services to satisfy these needs. Although niche markets are small, they can be very successful. In fact, because there are few or no other competitors, it is often more profitable to find a niche than to try to expand an existing business. Thus, concentrating on small but (C) [specific / common] needs can be a highly promising business strategy.}

In this moment, all of Ethan's hard work and dedication was being rewarded with glory. {영능김 2}

It is being used to identify traditionally tricky conditions, such as stomach disorders. {빠바구문 4}

While the pill is being pushed through the digestive system, it records and transmits what it sees to a doctor, who can then make an assessment about the patient's condition. {빠바구문 4}

The video pill is being recognized as one of the most significant advances in medicine in recent years. {빠바구문 4}

Off the coast of Argentina, whales are being attacked by local gulls. {빠바구문 7}

By the 16th century, the word "cockpit" was being used in the English language. {빠바구문 1}

It's a shame that this goal is being compromised by dishonest officials hoping to win more games. {빠바구문 1}

Instead, they start feeling that their skill is being used by others for their own ends. {수특1401}

This manuscript is not under review by any other journal and is being submitted exclusively to you. {수특T201}

Finally, the worst possible scenario is being introduced to a large group of people at once. {수특T315}

However, linguists and philosophers usually call a word "ambiguous" only when there is some uncertainty about which meaning is being used in the particular instance. {1533-38}

There are efforts being made to determine what chemical stimuli are being detected by bacteria to make them engage in a coordinated release of their chemicals, as well as what genes on a bacteria are being activated that cause them to behave as they do. {18수특30-1}

87 percent reported they held “old -fashioned values about family and marriage,” and 68 percent believed that “too many children are being raised in child care centers today.” At the same time, 66 percent rejected the idea that “women should return to their traditional roles in society,” and 64 percent also rejected the idea that “it’s more important for a wife to help her husband’s career than to have one herself.” Clearly, change has happened too quickly for some of our values and beliefs to catch up. {18수특t1-23}

The vaccine is being supplied to check the spread of malaria. {Unit 38}

The vast library of data about you is being supplemented all the time. {17수특 2}

Then, when the hypothesis being tested fails to hold up to a later challenge, consumers feel betrayed by what is simply the normal course of science at work. {17수특 1}

For example, athletes who know they are being watched by talent scouts, or perhaps by their family for the first time, may feel particularly anxious. {17수특 11}

The ATM was once described as the “only useful innovation in banking.” Today, however, cash is being used less and less. {수만기 2-3}

Excluding the Native Americans, who were being conquered and displaced, the 13 British colonies had a population of over 2.1 million in 1770, about one-third that of Britain. {Wiki-usa}

Excluding the Native Americans, who were being conquered and displaced, the 13 British colonies had a population of over 2.1 million in 1770, about one-third that of Britain. {Wiki-usa}

Because groundwater, mostly deposited in earlier times, is being exhausted far faster than it is being replaced. {영1시한 SP3}

Frustrated, Harrison decided to show King George III H5, which he had begun working on while H4 was being evaluated by the Board of Longitude. {영독능찬8-5}

These citizens, whose quick actions rescued the children and the driver, are being called heroes. {ILR10-1}

First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world. {Romans1}

"The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. {Romans1}

Such tricks are called "placebo buttons" and they are being pushed in all sorts of contexts. {1709H2-36}

Simply knowing they are being observed may cause people to behave differently (such as more politely!). {1811H3-36}

Mercury was being bioaccumulated in the fish tissue and severe mercury poisoning occurred in many people who consumed the fish. {1711H3-39}

Meanwhile, the policies they are being encouraged to pursue are unlikely to make them wealthy. {빠바유독 2-5}

She felt she was being watched by many eyes. {빠바유독 11-1}

In Nepal, for example, rhinos are being moved to places where they can find mates and have better access to food and water. {빠바유독 14-5}

The first is being sensitive to the needs of others, and the second is being motivated to make things right when someone is wronged. {빠바유독 17-ex1}

The surprising fact about global climate change is that it is being caused by one single species, humans. {빠바유독 17-4}

Mercury was being bioaccumulated in the fish tissue and severe mercury poisoning occurred in many people who consumed the fish. {1711H3-39}

Emotions give us clues about how we are being treated and what we need. {리파유완 1-2}

The app lets coaches see in real time which muscle groups are being used during practice. {영시박 9-2}

Eventually, the ants found their way from the sugar to their hole, so this new trail was being used more and more, while the old trail was being used less and less. {영1천김4-6}

Recently, plants are being used more and more to decorate buildings. {중3미배 1}

Every component of wellness, and countless seams of societal fabric, are being eroded by our costly state of sleep neglect:human and financial alike. {1833-29}

At this moment, countless desktops, smartphones, and laptops are being used to find answers to even the silliest questions. {실2두김1}

If you are being required to do something that you do not want to do or do not see the value in, you may put it off until the very last possible moment or permanently if you can get away with it. {rp구문3-3}

Emotions give us clues about how we are being treated and what we need. {1-2 갈등 해결의 요소인 세심한 감정}

These citizens, whose quick actions rescued the children and the driver, are being called heroes. {ILR10-1}

And what is being copied can be as important as the fact that it is being copied. {1933-22}

Regardless of how much the imaginary predecessors had previously eaten, when the real participant knew she was being observed she ate very little. {1933-4142}

In an experiment conducted at the University of Missouri, participants finished their meals more quickly and sometimes got up and left without finishing when they were being stared at by a life-sized bust of a human head. {1933-4142}

Meanwhile, the policies they are being encouraged to pursue are unlikely to make them wealthy. {빠바유독 2-5}

Specifically, the technique of having students help one another raises the question of whether students with lower ability are being helped at the expense of those with higher ability. {1406H3-38}

Within weeks, the short book—barely 20,000 words long—was being reprinted throughout the colonies. {리파기 6-3}

Simply knowing they are being observed may cause people to behave differently (such as more politely!). {1811H3-36}

Unfortunately, forests where tigers live are being destroyed to build more and more palm oil plantations. {영1능김 306}

When we hear a story, we look for beliefs that are being commented upon. {1606H3-22}

Emotions give us clues about how we are being treated and what we need. {리파유완 1-2}

A village in ancient India was being terrorized by a cobra whose attacks had resulted in the deaths of several people. {18영독5-3}

Today, this pricing strategy is being tried out at colleges and universities all over the nation. {18영독7-3}

The prevalence of serious mental disorders like schizophrenia and depression, as well as the less impairing anxiety disorders, is surprisingly similar around the world, even though children are being reared in different environments. {18영독10-10}

Simply knowing they are being observed may cause people to behave differently (such as more politely!). {18영독11-08}

Her study is being funded by a government grant. {UNIT 01}

Parallel experiments are being conducted in Seoul, Tokyo, and Beijing. {UNIT 03}

Our society is becoming more competitive, and children, like adults, are being forced to outdo their peers. {UNIT 14}

Too much industrial waste is being dumped at sea. {UNIT 25}

As we walked down this street we found it hard to stop and look at the stalls because we were being pushed along by the crowds. {18수완 4}

One way to evaluate potential bias on a mental health website is to see if products or services are being promoted or sold. {18수완 3}

It has been argued — especially in the modernist period when an authoritative, public style for biography was being reacted against — that all biography is a form of autobiography. {18수완 31}

Inbound tourist arrival statistics should be treated with caution, especially if they are being used to identify temporal trends. {18수완 39}

Emotions give us clues about how we are being treated and what we need. {리파유완 1-2}

When the tea tray was being carried across the room to their table, Chloe's eyes rounded and she almost gasped out loud. {1810H3-30}


'구문 BIG DATA' 카테고리의 다른 글

have been ing  (0) 2018.10.13
have been pp  (0) 2018.10.13
be + pp + to  (1) 2018.10.13
접접  (0) 2018.10.13
전접  (0) 2018.10.13

be + pp + to

구문 BIG DATA2018. 10. 13. 17:39
in2 | Since 2005 위스마트, 임희재 | WAYNE.TISTORY.COM | +821033383436 | 제작일 181013 17:38:52

From The Number of Sents: 18825
TARGET: beppto

1. Medieval tempera painting can be compared to the practice of special effects during the analog period of cinema.

2. Crystal also points out that although trillions of text messages are sent worldwide each year, this number pales in comparison to the number of conventional, grammatically correct communications we are exposed to each year.

3. Its origin is not clear, but many say it is related to old customs.

4. Every day promptly at 6 p.m., everyone's desks are raised to the ceiling by iron cables, and the space is then transformed into either a dance floor or yoga studio open for free to the community.

5. Scientific experiments should be designed to show that your hypothesis is wrong and should be conducted completely objectively with no possible subjective influence on the outcome.

6. The child is motivated to attain a sense of felt security, a subjective experience of safety and well-being ─ perhaps a kind of cozy contentment.

7. A map is attached to this letter which shows areas of water main replacement and road replacement.

8. In the design plan, you clarify the issues you are trying to solve, state your hypotheses, and list what is required to prove those hypotheses.

9. If existing museum basements are full, yet most of the ancient world is still underwater and underground — a good part of Pompeii awaits excavation — how will the resources be found to safeguard, document, and share the importance of tens of millions of as-yetundiscovered artifacts?

10. At the end of the round of introductions, the students were asked to write down the names of as many other students as they could remember.

11. Still others say new technology should be developed to reduce the dangers to the environment before drilling is allowed.

12. Though parents may be tempted to hand a child a screen and walk away, guiding children's media experiences helps them build important 21st Century skills, such as critical thinking and media literacy.

13. Some psychologists believe that insight is the result of a restructuring of a problem after a period of non-progress where the person is believed to be too focused on past experience and get stuck.

14. Major landmarks, nodes and axes were developed to enhance the position of these sources of power in the daily life of the citizens.

15. Each of the hundred billion neurons in our brains is connected to seven thousand other neurons, in a dense web of nerve fibers.

16. At 8 years of age, children begin to realize that commercials are made to entice them into buying products.

17. For these reasons, the Board of Longitude actually expected the solution to be related to the observations of stars rather than to clocks.

18. Every month, the Polish government gave the factory materials, and the manager was told to produce a fixed number of shoes.

19. The new suit was a smart suit that was connected to a mobile app.

20. For example, if you are motivated to buy a good car, you will research vehicles online, look at ads, visit dealerships, and so on.

21. Regardless of whether people are asked to predict how others feel about military spending, certain types of music, or norms for appropriate behavior, they exaggerate the percentages of others who behave similarly or agree with their views.

22. For the first 100 years, the money would be loaned to married craftsmen under the age of 25 to help them start their businesses.

23. The light should be directed to the ground to show you the road conditions.

24. For example, while nearly everyone favors advances in medical treatment, far fewer understand that these advances are connected to fundamental biology (including being rooted in an understanding of the theory of evolution).

25. "Children are encouraged to begin tapping out rhythms as soon as an adequate degree of arm control is developed, and at the age of three or four they begin making their own instruments.

26. In one test, for example, twenty-four adults were asked to wire a common household electrical plug.

27. Gradually, over space and time, even these locally focused human activities are known to change the climate, regionally and globally.

28. Each culture has unique items which are believed to bring good luck to people.

29. To receive this scholarship, you are expected to complete two items.

30. "Sailors who select a port because they are driven to it have scarcely one chance in a thousand of dropping anchor in the right one.

31. Additionally, the new generations of mobile or fixed telephony are fully digitalized and integrated as they add text, pictures or video and they are connected to the Internet.

32. Later in life, he was honored to serve a number of posts in the city government.

33. We are programmed to be afraid.

34. He pointed to the case of goldsmiths, who earned much higher wages than workers of a similar skill because they were perceived to be trustworthy―a characteristic that is rare and not easily provable.

35. In this experiment, spoken words are played through the headphones, but a different set of words is played to each ear.

36. Likewise, in the UK, the National Rivers Authority decided that 'there is clear evidence that dangerous substances are created by chlorine sewage disinfection, and the UK is committed to the elimination of these substances from the water environment'.

37. I just received the county tax letter from your office, and I was surprised to see that I had been taxed based on my house being worth $400,000.

38. The recent addition of Eastern European countries to the European Union (EU) is expected to accelerate this trend.

39. Scientific and professional expertise often relies on a particular type of knowledge that is limited to utility and rationality considerations.

40. Some time later, they were asked to estimate the percentage of the population who would agree with each of these statements.

41. Children are encouraged to begin tapping out rhythms as soon as an adequate degree of arm control is developed, and at the age of three or four they begin making their own instruments.

42. As historian John Tosh writes, "All the resources of scholarship and all the historian's powers of imagination must be harnessed to the task of bringing the past to life —or resurrecting it.

43. The mothers, who were told to be themselves, naturally looked horrified.

44. The manner in which animals are kept and treated is considered to be largely within the discretion of the "owner," and there are few legal limits placed on how humans treat the animals they "own."

45. "If a physician identifies too closely as co-sufferer with the patient, she loses the objectivity essential to the most precise assessment of what is wrong, of what can be done, and of what should be done to meet those needs.

46. You might be surprised to know that many faculty members would admit that they have waited until the last minute to begin working on an important paper or grant application .

47. In children's play, objects may support the imaginative process as 'transitional objects'; these no longer have the meaning they have in the real world, but are used to represent a missing object.

48. This is the critical phase of the design process since the nature of a solution is related to how a problem is defined.

49. This speech is expected to last for about an hour, and it will take place at Star Bookstore downtown.

50. It is easy to do this when material wealth is elevated to the position of the ultimate end, as it so often is in our society.

51. I was surprised to see trainers on their lunch hour sunbathing in a pile with their sea lions.

52. Ordinary skills can thus be modified to cope effectively with the situation by removing a pernicious bias.

53. It can be used for any purpose, but many people assume it will be used to further their favorite hopes for society ― and this is the fundamental flaw.

54. I was directed to the waiting area, where I remained until my name was called.

55. Now the factory received the same amount of materials, but instead of producing a fixed number of shoes, the factory was expected to produce a fixed number of tons of shoes.

56. You'll be surprised to know just how many English expressions involve animals.

57. The problem is that many of us were forced to eat in a healthy way as children: we learned the hard way.

58. The system's methods remain evident so that even if Tom were tempted to trust it, the silence and secrecy promotes distrust, just as top-down business decisions made without collaboration are distrusted.

59. Brainstorming is a form of creative thinking in groups, using a procedure in which all group members are encouraged to generate as many ideas as possible without holding back or worrying about being wrong.

60. The best moments usually occur when a person's body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile.

61. Many innovations languished in labs for years until they were matched to a product.

62. Big words are resented by persons who don't understand them and, of course, very often they are used to confuse and impress rather than clarify.

63. Greens, such as collards or kale which have the color of dollar bills, can be added to the dish.

64. When the staff ordered meat, the cafeteria assistant was supposed to ask them whether they would like to have some gravy.

65. When Atlantic cod populations collapsed due to overfishing, the Canadian government suggested hunting expeditions to kill North Atlantic harp seals, because the seals were known to eat cod.

66. Such practices are believed to put pressure on parents to yield to what the media have dubbed "pester power.

67. Caring for both soldiers and civilians suffering from sickness, Inglis became ill in Russia and was forced to return to Britain, where she died in 1917.

68. They were decorated to look like animals!

69. Survey participants said that AVs should be programmed to be utilitarian and to minimize harm to pedestrians, a position that would put the safety of those outside the vehicle ahead of the driver and passengers' safety.

70. Further tests were conducted to determine the ideal intensity of wasabi.

71. Elvis was moved to help.

72. In contrast to the diversity it is applied to, the meaning of this term continues to be mostly based on Western views and values.

73. More countries are acknowledging nature's rights and are expected to follow Ecuador's lead.

74. Each dolphin has its own vocalization that is referred to as a signature-whistle, and it will remain relatively unchanged throughout the animal's relatively long lifetime.

75. Consequently, even Aristotle ' finds it difficult to identify which portions of the Pythagorean philosophy can safely be ascribed to Pythagoras himself, and he generally refers to "the Pythagoreans" or "the so-called Pythagoreans."

76. Each household, however, is exposed to vectored diseases originating in the natural surroundings.

77. In this zone, we continue to learn, but the learning curve is steeper because we are challenged to accomplish greater and more difficult things that take a fair amount of courage to achieve.

78. As part of a research project, a group of undergraduate students watched a film, after which they were asked to describe it as fully as possible to other students.

79. Today, it is used to refer to anything that might be costly and useless to someone.

80. We were expected to learn when we were school age.

81. However, the interest rate was so high that little money was left to support her family even after she sold all the chairs.

82. Trying to find the keys, trying to remember when an event is supposed to take place, where it's going to be held, and with whom you are going.

83. A large American hardware manufacturer was invited to introduce its products to a distributor with good reputation in Germany.

84. Tourism is predicted to grow substantially in the coming years, with the annual world spending on all leisure and business travel expected to double to three trillion dollars over the next 10 years.

85. One ancient Greek athlete is reported to have eaten dried figs to enhance training.

86. In rhetoric, anything that meets this test is supposed to be credible, believable.

87. People often enjoy traditional dishes that are believed to bring them good luck, riches, or health.

88. He was shocked to see that it was a map of the Pyrenees Mountains that border Spain and France, not the Swiss Alps.

89. Numbers were invented to describe precise amounts: three teeth, seven days, twelve goats.

90. The system Kenneth eventually created worked as it was supposed to.

91. Some researchers found that, when preschool classrooms were changed to reduce noise levels, the children spoke to each other more often and in more complete sentences, and their performance on pre-reading tests improved.

92. White Wings saw him and was determined to catch a bigger fish.

93. Her signs were usually limited to two or three sign combinations, such as "PLAY ME NIM" or "GIVE ORANGE ME," and they were restricted to the topics of eating, drinking, and playing.

94. It was loaned to the NT Chief Minister's Office in the late 1970s, and that's where it was last seen.

95. At this critical turning point in your life, I'm honored to have the opportunity to share with you what I've learned from my experiences.

96. As the only new kid in the school, she was pleased to have a lab partner.

97. His tongue was stuck to the top of his mouth, the tip half out, and his eyes were wide.

98. Memories of falling in love or just being free and having fun also came to be linked to tunes that could be recalled or replayed again and again throughout life, thanks to the recording.

99. It was delivered to my home this morning, but there is a problem.

100. The empty dabbas are picked up by 5:00 pm and are returned to their original addresses by the same team, following the same procedure in reverse.

101. In reality, this happens very rarely so we are left to read between the lines, detect overtones or pick up visual cues from one another’s facial expressions or body movements.

102. For example, beginning in 1968 in Yellowstone National Park, a "natural regulation policy" has been employed in which wildlife such as elk and bears are no longer fed but are allowed to live or die based on natural factors such as weather, disease, and the availability of natural food sources.

103. These huge increases in investment would not come about if investment was left to the market.

104. Instead, they will use the information that can easily be brought to mind.

105. The Springbok emblem proved to be highly divisive as national sporting teams were limited to the white minority population until the 1980s.

106. The security guard was left standing, not knowing that by this time tomorrow, he was going to be promoted to head of security.

107. A population map of the United States, for instance, should tell when the census was taken to let the map user know if the map information is current or outdated or whether the map is intended to show historical data.

108. Marketers need to be aware of these stages and be prepared to act at the appropriate time.

109. Likewise, animal rights groups are loath to let charismatic animals such as elk or wild horses die — they demand that no-kill methods be used to control populations.

110. You are invited to attend a special presentation that will be held at our school auditorium on April 16th.

111. Existing travel information systems, such as electronic signage on motorways, are designed to consider travellers as crowds, lacking any form of personalised information format and delivery.

112. She excitedly explained that it was a bad idea to meet at that corner because people aren't allowed to stand there.

113. Search engines check the entire Internet to find sites that are related to the words you enter into them.

114. Finally, when the bladder is fully expanded, the fish is at its maximum volume and is pushed to the surface.

115. Some 70 to 80 percent of the logging in the rainforests is thought to be illegal.

116. This information and certain graphic features (often in the margins) are intended to facilitate using and understanding the map.

117. He was considered to be more successful as an architect than a painter.

118. You may be surprised to learn that each food originated from a distant land.

119. The answers are structured to fit the course assessments, and the wonder of science is lost along with cognitive intrigue.

120. The September date has remained unchanged, even though the government was encouraged to adopt May 1 as Labour Day, the date celebrated by the majority of the world.

121. From a correlational observation, we conclude that one variable is related to a second variable.

122. At one time, libraries were considered to be quiet spaces, with noise confined, for example, to the meeting room.

123. While my sisters were delighted to find their stockings filled with presents, mine was empty.

124. Many volunteers help the organizers hold this festival, and almost one ton of lobsters are served to both locals and visitors from outside the region.

125. A lucky bag is believed to bring good luck in Korea.

126. Policymaking is seen to be more objective when experts play a large role in the creation and implementation of the policy, and when utilitarian rationality is the dominant value that guides policy.

127. Demand for the mineral, which is used to make high-quality chemical fertilizers, made it very valuable.

128. Other major sports are expected to follow this trend.

129. Work is scheduled to begin during April 2017.

130. Every sensation our body feels has to wait for the information to be carried to the brain.

131. When people try to control situations that are essentially uncontrollable, they are inclined to experience high levels of stress.

132. Ultimately, there is some validity to every interpretation although Golding's story is confined to an isoloated group of boys on a small island, it explores the universal conflict of humanity.

133. Although people have separate parts of the brain that are devoted to each social judgment and each aspect of speech production and understanding, people do not have separate parts of the brain for human speech and technology-generated speech.

134. Anyway, I'm used to paying for my younger friends now.

135. Wilma's family was ordered to move to San Francisco.

136. People who were told to consciously examine their choices were least happy with their posters weeks later.

137. If he makes a mistake, you don't wait until the egg rolls are finished to tell him that he left out the cabbage.

138. Soon, the first trapped miner was raised to the surface.

139. We are excited to announce the opening of the newest Sunshine Stationery Store in Raleigh, North Carolina!

140. DJ: I'm pleased to talk to you, Dana.

141. Naturally, people should be driven to "forget" undesirable events.

142. In addition, the oval-shaped slices are thought to resemble coins, symbolizing abundance and prosperity.

143. These systems are known to build a greater sense of connectedness among TV-using friends.

144. A congestion charge is intended to confront users with costs imposed on other users, so as to align private costs with social costs.

145. Human conscious attention is limited by what it can attend to at any moment, which means that consciousness is restricted to a limited subset of the musical relationships.

146. In addition, artificial sweeteners are known to generate headaches, emotional disorders, and sleeping problems.

147. Babies and young children are thought to be the primary targets of the evil eye because they are so often adored and praised.

148. We all knew from the start that e-mail was meant to be a communication mechanism, but we didn't think it would become another demanding part of our job.

149. You know that sometimes when you are supposed to be listening to someone, your mind starts to wander.

150. If place identity is tied to a particular industry, local residents may feel strongly attached to the definitions of place that stem from involvement in that industry, and they may resist losing that identity in favor of one based on a tourism industry.

151. Neither prosecutor nor defender is obliged to consider anything that weakens their respective cases.

152. After "testing the headsets," the students were asked to fill out a questionnaire about not only the headsets, but also the university's tuition.

153. According to an Australian study, a person's confidence in the kitchen is linked to the kind of food that he or she tends to enjoy eating.

154. This has allowed pollen to stick to the hair and to be moved to another plant by the drones.

155. Students are encouraged to read further.

156. Afterward, all three groups were asked to rate how much they liked the researcher.

157. I had never been abroad by myself, and I was a bit worried, but after the long flight for twelve hours, I was pleased to be greeted by my cousin at Leonardo da Vinci International Airport in Rome.

158. The performer is expected to sing, dance, and sometimes even tell a story at the same time.

159. Our emotional reserves can be compared to a car battery.

160. This means that keeping our brain healthy is connected to good circulation.

161. Some industry experts predict that cable providers and advertisers will eventually be forced to provide incentives in order to encourage consumers to watch their messages.

162. There is an order in which learning is programmed to take place; while it can be encouraged, it need not be forced.

163. Sean: Listen, In Mexico, people often arrive late on purpose when they are invited to a dinner.

164. Active, energetic, rambunctious boys are not bad boys and should not be made to feel so.

165. They were permitted to look at each photo as long as they liked and then were asked to say whether it was old or new.

166. At first, the word burnsides was coined to describe this unique style.

167. If some people work harder at school, pass their exams, and get into medical school, then at least part (but not necessarily all) of their higher salary as a doctor can be attributed to effort.

168. If you were made to sit at the table until you had cleaned your plate, you are not alone: most of the adult population have suffered this at some point ― at school if not at home.

169. Such common understandings may be referred to as group norms.

170. Today, leave kids alone in front of the set with a remote control in their hands, and they're likely to be exposed to explosions, bloody fights, and some rather provocative views of the human body.

171. Furthermore, red was found to be more effective when it comes to improving our attention to detail.

172. We would need to do studies in which individuals are sampled in terms of their dream life and judges are asked to make correspondences between these dream events and events that occurred in real life.

173. The novel is an allegory, meaning that the characters and objects all have a symbolic significance that is used to convey the novel's central themes and ideas.

174. Often, genetic differences are related to the environment in which a people or their ancestors lived.

175. Be attuned to whether or not the lecturer likes to be interrupted; if not, ask your questions after class.

176. Something had to be done to solve the problem.

177. Whether it comes from a person or a machine, speech activates a powerful and varied cognitive apparatus that is designed to express and recognize who a person is and what she or he is thinking and feeling.

178. I was disappointed to find out the fare to ride the Grand Canal by myself was so expensive that I could not afford it.

179. When regions can no longer produce food, people will be forced to move to other areas, making them "climate refugees."

180. Blue, on the other hand, was found to increase people's creativity.

181. "Artists are perceived to establish a strong bond with their art to the point of combining into one "entity.

182. Experiments in which subjects were exposed to a homogeneous visual field for a long time led to some interesting results.

183. Despite its accuracy, there was no clear use for the device until it was used to measure fluctuations in ocean temperature.

184. At length, they settled the deal, and he was delighted to purchase the carving at a reasonable price and thanked Bob.

185. Specifically, persons who were told to think about "anything except vehicles" reported more instances of vehicles than did persons who were told to think about " anything including vehicles."

186. Imagine, for example, that baseballs are pitched to two different batters.

187. To describe what happens to common resources as a result of human greed, Garrett Hardin used the example of an area of pasture on which all the cattle-owners are permitted to graze their animals free of charge.

188. The mind may be reluctant to think properly when thinking is all it is supposed to do.

189. Such practices may be suggested to athletes because of their real or perceived benefits by individuals who excelled in their sports.

190. For example, it is documented that if people are asked to bet on whether a coin toss is heads or tails, most bet larger amounts if the coin is yet to be tossed.

191. For optimum health, people should be encouraged to take control to a point but to recognize when further control is impossible.

192. When given these instructions, people are quite good at repeating the words that were spoken to that ear.

193. Children must be taught to perform good deeds for their own sake, not in order to receive stickers, stars, and candy bars.

194. In response to Japan's nuclear disaster, the 2015 DARPA Robotics Challenge was created to speed up the development of robots that could work in disaster-stricken areas.

195. In contrast, Danish students from an early age are educated to think clearly and to express thought in an open atmosphere.

196. This implies that major structural changes to tourism itself, rather than awareness campaigns, may be required to foster a welcoming attitude.

197. He is believed to have composed more than 70 works, but only about 10 remain today.

198. Today the term artist is used to refer to a broad range of creative individuals across the globe from both past and present.

199. In other cases, criteria such as income, age, residence, or the payment of certain taxes or charges are used to determine eligibility to receive benefits.

200. In cases such as this, the earrings would also be used to pay the cost of transporting the pirate’s body.

201. Once in an environment that makes the patient feel safe, either an art therapist will provide the topic for the patient to work from, or the patient will be invited to work without any direction.

202. An African book said, "When I was asked to be a book at a living library, I thought that many people didn't know about my country, Ethiopia.

203. The empty dabbas are picked up by 5:00 p.m. and are returned to their original addresses by the same team, following the same procedure in reverse.

204. Yuhong Jiang, professor of psychology at Harvard University, points out that the brain isn't built to concentrate on two things at once.

205. Having been founded to tackle this problem on a local scale, the online platform, "foodsharing∙de" allows extra food in your fridge or cupboard to be distributed to neighbors.

206. He was exiled to the island of Elba.

207. The sense of worthiness generated in children by the feeling of 'being wanted' is known to be very vital for their psychological and all-round development.

208. He was amazed to find that freshly caught fish and duck, frozen quickly in such a fashion, kept their taste and texture.

209. When children are allowed to develop their language play, a range of benefits result from it.

210. Therefore, no one else is allowed to use this car without proper permission from the owner.

211. The Sydney Opera House, for instance, was supposed to be completed in 1963 at a cost of $7 million.

212. When people were told to toss a beanbag at a $25 gift card, and that the closest would win it, people threw their beanbags nine inches short on average.

213. The vast majority of industrial doors are sold to establishments that are not open twenty-four hours a day.

214. The audience receives a sound signal entirely through the vibrations generated in the air, whereas in a singer some of the auditory stimulus is conducted to the ear through the singer's own bones.

215. This is referred to as the double coincidence of wants.

216. Fall Festival at Forest Botanic Gardens October 1-October 31 ◈ Morning Walk - The number of participants is limited to 20.

217. Health is linked to ideas of agency, capability, freedom and possibility, standard entries in the roll-call of human flourishing.

218. For example, reading more is a good habit, but if you're only doing it because you feel like that's what you're supposed to do, not because you actually want to learn more, you're going to have a hard time reaching the goal.

219. The Stranglers undoubtedly made one another suspect that they were unqualified to write, and in time they became convinced of it.

220. Both groups A and B were exposed to the same situation, the only difference being that group B mothers had to positively encourage their baby to continue playing with the thing in front of them, whereas the mothers in group A just had to be themselves in response to what their baby was playing with.

221. He said it might have been the side of a pot that was used to store beans.

222. Volunteers record what they pick up and the data is used to find out the sources of trash, and to study how to reduce trash.

223. Some of the women were introduced to others who were in similar situations, and some of the women were left on their own to deal with their concerns.

224. When I entered the working world, I was amazed to discover that there are incredibly talented and capable people out there from all walks of life!

225. Customarily, sweets are added to the cake to represent the sweetness and joy of life, and the new year's numbers are written on top with almonds or sesame seeds.

226. We set resolutions based on what we're supposed to do, or what others think we're supposed to do, rather than what really matters to us.

227. Some studies suggest that variations in residents’ feelings about tourism’s relationship to environmental damage are related to the type of tourism, the extent to which residents feel the natural environment needs to be protected, and the distance residents live from the tourist attractions.

228. At the actual event, however, I was surprised to meet many people who knew about my country - not only the drought and war, but the long and ancient history of Ethiopia and its multiethnic and multicultural society."

229. She had fallen so often that she sprained her ankle and had to rest for three months before she was allowed to dance again.

230. Tiny fish, which scientists refer to as "cleaners," swim into the mouths of bigger fish, which are referred to as "clients."

231. When rabbits were imported to Australia in the middle of the nineteenth century, the result was more than a few cute little bunnies added to the continent — Australia + rabbits.

232. It has been claimed that no specific knowledge, or experience is required to attain insight in the problem situation.

233. Ever since the first scientific opinion polls revealed that most Americans are at best poorly informed about politics, analysts have asked whether citizens are equipped to play the role democracy assigns them.

234. They were headed to the Rialto Bridge too!

235. People who are opposed to drilling in Alaska don't want to take the benefits of having more oil with the potential bad effects on the environment.

236. Students remember historical facts when they are tied to a story.

237. Either theory could be employed to describe, with great accuracy, the falling of an apple, but Newton's would be much easier to use.

238. Such organizations are designed to make steady progress and have considerably too much to lose to place the big bets that certain breakthroughs require.

239. When the challenge is great enough, individuals may be forced to drop their beliefs and develop new ones.

240. However, euphemisms can become dangerous when they are used to create misperceptions of important issues.

241. He is known to have been born in Bristol.

242. In fact, a good 25 percent of his athletic time was devoted to externals other than working out.

243. For the scent messages are carried to nearby trees on the breeze, and if the animals walked upwind, they could find acacias close by that had no idea the giraffes were there.

244. The piece, Untitled (Travelling Dreaming) by acclaimed artist Mick Namarari Tjapaltjarri, is estimated to be worth up to $110,000 and was the subject of extensive searches after its disappearance 35 years ago.

245. In contrast, the dendritic street network is characterized by fewer streets organized into a hierarchy based upon the amount of traffic each is intended to carry.

246. Readers would not simply attend to the poet's work; they would be attracted to the greatness of his personality.

247. Several years later, policymakers began to wrestle with the problem of what would be done to dismantle nuclear plants when they were obsolete, something those who originally built them may never have considered.

248. A last group was told to make no movements at all.

249. I was surprised to see that Mr∙ Portokalos smiled and congratulated me.

250. Another group was told to move their heads from side to side.

251. About 80 students were invited to participate in an experiment and were told they would be given some money after a series of tests.

252. The ballet is performed to the live music of the State Theater Orchestra.

253. In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, for example, residents of New Orleans were forced to evacuate with little notice.

254. "In a second experiment, students were told that the study was to determine if handwriting was linked to personality.

255. The native people of Nauru consist of 12 tribes, as symbolized by the 12-pointed star on the Nauru flag, and are believed to be a mixture of Micronesian, Polynesian, and Melanesian.

256. Observing a child's pay, particularly fantasy play, can be seen to provide particularly rich insights into a child's inner world.

257. The first Everesters were obliged to trek 400 miles from Darjeeling across the Tibetan plateau to reach the foot of the mountain.

258. Participants are told to listen to the words being sent to one ear (say the left ear) and to repeat them aloud.

259. It was used to describe computers, not people.

260. A Thomas Norton is known to have accused the Mayor of Bristol of treason in 1478, and is said to have challenged him to a duel in the council chamber.

261. Some say that the word comes from an old form of German halâ, holâ (/hala hola/), which was used to draw people's attention.

262. 200,000 lunch boxes are delivered to offices every morning, six days a week, and 200,000 are returned home every afternoon.

263. It was handcuffed to the left hand of the other man.

264. The idea that we are living moments of more and lives of less is supported by a recent study in which pairs of college-aged friends were asked to communicate in four different ways: face-to-face conversation, video chat, audio chat, and online instant messaging.

265. Other learned behaviors, such as obeying the law, can be expected to be followed in spite of a person's difficult childhood.

266. In an experiment, when people were asked to count three minutes in their heads, 25-year-olds were quite accurate, but 65-year-olds went over on average by 40 seconds.

267. Many purists insist on hearing baroque music on period instruments, both because the instruments have a different sound and because they are designed to play the music in its original tuning standard, something that purists deem important.

268. Some African countries find it difficult to feed their own people or provide safe drinking water, yet precious water is used to produce export crops for European markets.

269. Their ideas often originate in discussion, their writing is a response to discussion, and their papers are designed to stimulate further discussion.

270. Since photographs did such a good job of representing things as they existed in the world, painters were freed to look inward and represent things as they were in their imagination, rendering emotion in the color, volume, line, and spatial configurations native to the painter's art.

271. Eventually the use of this alarm call will be restricted to those situations when an eagle is spotted in the skies above.

272. In rapid serial visual presentation experiments, people were asked to note whether a particular type of scene occurs in a sequence of photographs presented at a very high rate (3 to 10 photos per second).

273. If Maneki Neko is waving its left hand, it is thought to make guests enter the shop.

274. In fact, many animals decrease their activity in the heat and increase it in the cold, and people who are allowed to choose levels of physical activity in hot or cold environments adjust their workload precisely to body temperature.

275. As agriculture becomes less dependent upon human muscular power, the difference in labor productivity between the two genders might be expected to narrow.

276. In addition, pets are used to great advantage with the institutionalized aged.

277. In the middle of the 19th century, Queen Victoria is supposed to have asked physicist Michael Faraday what good his experiments with electricity and magnetism were.

278. Just as it is misguided to offer your child false praise, it is also a mistake to reward all of his accomplishments.

279. When parents are pressed to explain their individual styles of interaction with their children, each gives equally strong rationales.

280. Before making the trips, the professor anticipated that they would encounter bad treatment due to the racial prejudice against Asians that was thought to exist at the time, but the three were declined service only a few times.

281. Some robots are used to do work in extreme environments like the deep sea.

282. Whole communities sometimes have to be moved to another place.

283. Some children learn to add, subtract, multiply, and divide with beads before they are taught to use numerals.

284. He was pinned to the ground.

285. Because a great deal of science fiction is rooted in science, it can be used to bring literature out of the English classroom and into the science classroom.

286. His tongue seemed to be stuck to the roof of his mouth and his throat didn't work right.

287. Research literature on the transfer of knowledge suggests that when people acquire knowledge in one context they can seldom apply this knowledge to situations in related contexts that look superficially different from the original context, but which are related by the major idea that could be applied to solve or analyze them.

288. For example, a long line of developmental literature shows that parental over-permissiveness is related to negative behaviors such as impulsivity and aggressiveness.

289. Instead, the subjects were found to have chosen the same level of perceived effort on the treadmill, the bike, and the stair climber.

290. The exercises or activities are devised to eliminate different options and to focus on predetermined results.

291. Consequently, the advantage is bound to exceed the disadvantage.

292. For instance, parrots were taught to say "I want a cracker."

293. Something powerful happens inside most people when they are listened to.

294. That's right ― our house was connected to electricity all day from our own private generator while the rest of the neighborhood had a blackout!

295. Which brings us to this: you are invited to attend auditions for our first show, Our Town, by Thornton Wilder.

296. An even better idea is to simply get rid of anything with low nutritional value that you may be tempted to eat.

297. Thermometers are supposed to measure air temperature.

298. Likewise, if you are motivated to lose weight, you will buy low-fat foods, eat smaller portions, and exercise.

299. Imagine you are asked to indicate on a 7-point scale how happy you are with your life as a whole.

300. He also explained what needs to be done to create an album, from planning the album to arranging, recording, and editing the music.

301. In the physical sciences, it is usually the case that a handful of concepts can be applied to solve problems across a wide range of contexts.

302. Some architects have decided to respond to what they perceive to be the potentially formless and anonymous nature of the city by creating buildings that are obviously strange and are intended to become urban landmarks.

303. The whole house—including the living room, the kitchen, and even the furniture and the walls—is designed to be skated on.

304. Thus, it is not surprising that constant exposure to noise is related to children's academic achievement, particularly in its negative effects on reading and learning to read.

305. Briefly, when it senses a dangerous parasite, the body is mobilized to produce special cells, which are carried by the blood into battle like a kind of army.

306. Having reminded her students many times that composers like Wagner depended on the listeners' remembering the earlier theme to recognize its later use, she was determined to make her students understand that themes recur throughout a piece.

307. All exhibits are for sale, and all money raised will be donated to charity.

308. This male-biased dispersal creates an imbalance in the way males and females are related to those individuals around them ― females find themselves surrounded by relatives, while males are generally in areas with complete strangers.

309. Large or even medium-sized groups ―corporations, movements, whatever ― aren't built to be flexible, nor are they willing to take large risks.

310. The more times you're exposed to something, in general, the more you like it.

311. Pioneer Frontier Explorations, an Italian research foundation, had selected Follini, one of 20 volunteers for the assignment, because she was judged to have inner strength and stamina.

312. Given the methodologies of science, the law of gravity and the genome were bound to be discovered by somebody; the identity of the discoverer is incidental to the fact.

313. When the ritual was completed, the acorns would be offered to the group for consumption.

314. This kind of change could be linked to sunspot activity, which has a periodicity of 11 years.

315. When the sheriff arrives, he discovers that Ewell was stabbed to death during the fight.

316. As safety features are added to vehicles and roads, drivers feel less vulnerable and tend to take more chances.

317. John Bowman, the Guild's chief negotiator, was supposed to speak with Stuart Diamond on a phone call set up by a prominent Hollywood agent.

318. For example, persons making a certain amount of money are expected to file a tax return and pay any taxes they owe.

319. Volcanic activity caused the island refuge to sink completely beneath the waves, and surviving individuals were forced to find shelter elsewhere.

320. Because they do not know whether cars are supposed to stop, they act more cautiously.

321. When Korea was under Japanese rule, he regretted that many valuable old Korean artworks were taken to Japan.

322. Earrings made of silver or gold had practical purposes as well—if the pirate died at sea, they were used to pay for funeral expenses when his body washed ashore.

323. After testing the headsets, the students were asked to fill out a questionnaire about not only the headsets, but also the university's tuition.

324. Obviously, a third variable is related to both—perhaps preference for risk.

325. Not only does it cost a lot of money to clean fouling off, but the chemicals that are used to remove it can be harmful to the environment.

326. The emotion itself is tied to the situation in which it originates.

327. In the summer of 1972, the actor Anthony Hopkins was signed to play a leading role in a film based on George Feifer's novel The Girl from Petrovka.

328. The concept, that we are allowed to experiment and make mistakes, is crucial in the development of self-esteem.

329. Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846, Kennedy in 1946.

330. Each year more farmland was devoured to build strip malls and neighborhoods with larger homes.

331. As we invent more species of AI, we will be forced to surrender more of what is supposedly unique about humans.

332. Motivated by feelings of guilt, they are inclined to make amends for their actions.

333. By 'happiness' is meant something rather peculiar, that is, the subjective state of mind of well-being that people are asked to self-report according to the qualitative or numerical scale proposed in the survey question.

334. The two pie charts above show how much of the information found using search engines is considered to be accurate or trustworthy by two groups of respondents (AP & NWP teachers and U.S. adult search users) in 2012.

335. Also, high-resolution cameras need to be attached to them.

336. It is made to convince others that one's claims are true.

337. We are thrilled to welcome you to the Grand Opening of the Raleigh store on March 15, 2018.

338. There is an axiom in ecology that 'complete competitors cannot coexist': in other words, where two populations of organisms use exactly the same resources, one would be expected to do so slightly more efficiently than the other and therefore come to dominate in the long term.

339. The will stated that after the first 100 years, each city was permitted to withdraw 75% of the funds to use for public works, such as bridges, roads, and school buildings.

340. As a couple start to form a relationship, they can be seen to develop a set of constructs about their own relationship and, in particular, how it is similar or different to their parents' relationship.

341. Space that was constructed to accommodate business and consumer needs at the peak of the cycle remains, so vacancy rates climb and the downward trend becomes more severe.

342. Because of this system of public financing, regulations and policies in many of these countries are designed to guarantee a diversity of sources of information.

343. The Philosopher's Stone itself is a legendary object that is believed to have the power to restore youth.

344. These tiny particles are known to be eaten by various animals and to get into the food chain.

345. This scholarship was established to recognize outstanding full-time students enrolled in graphic design in the Department of Integrative Arts who have achieved positive academic records.

346. For many it is boring and uninteresting, but for others it can indeed be listened to with enjoyment over a lifetime.


'구문 BIG DATA' 카테고리의 다른 글

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구문 BIG DATA2018. 10. 13. 17:37
in2 | Since 2005 위스마트, 임희재 | WAYNE.TISTORY.COM | +821033383436 | 제작일 181013 17:37:01

From The Number of Sents: 18828

1. They found that when they can't see the price tag, people prefer cheaper wine to pricier bottles.

2. Linda noted that although she hadn't won a single title or award, she had overcome an even bigger obstacle: her low perception of herself.

3. This supports the idea that humans have developed the ability to home in on targets that carry a perceived threat, especially when that target is associated with the physiological signs and feelings of fear.

4. After that, Jean practiced hard to be a good example to the beginners and her skills improved incredibly day after day.

5. The principle is the same as that of a movie screen, which has a rough surface in order to reflect the projected image equally to all parts of the audience.

6. We could see that this forecast of climate change might be the beginning of something important, although when it might begin to impact on policy thinking was hard to guess.

7. What if your brain latched on to this new routine and you continued to run outside at 3 a.m. every night in your underwear?

8. What if they brought the sample sale concept online?

9. Richard Dawkins and John Krebs argued that although in some circumstances it might be appropriate to describe animal signals as transferring information, in many other, perhaps most, cases there would be such a conflict of interest between signaller and receiver that it is more accurate to describe the signaller as attempting to 'manipulate' the receiver rather than just inform it.

10. Host: Well, I would guess comics since that's our topic for today.

11. Little wonder that when no thanks were forthcoming, some team members decided to bolt.

12. Research literature on the transfer of knowledge suggests that when people acquire knowledge in one context they can seldom apply this knowledge to situations in related contexts that look superficially different from the original context, but which are related by the major idea that could be applied to solve or analyze them.

13. In other words, a placebo has no known value, but it produces an effect on the body as though it did have healing properties.

14. The typical plot of the novel is the protagonist's quest for authority within, therefore, when that authority can no longer be discovered outside.

15. Erikson believes that when we reach the adult years, several physical, social, and psychological stimuli trigger a sense of generativity.

16. This suggests that if both self-protective and utilitarian AVs were allowed on the market, few people would be willing to ride in the latter — even though they would prefer others to do so.

17. Coordination can even be anticipatory, as when people alter their mood state prior to interacting with unfamiliar others.

18. Some people report that when they have to listen to very slow speakers, they very soon get headaches and cannot enjoy the contents of the speech.

19. And then slowly, one by one, as if someone were dropping pennies on the roof, came the raindrops.

20. The experimenters explain that when people are farther apart, they consider the factors in a more abstract way, focusing on the main issues rather than getting hung up on less important points.

21. The penguins are swimming in the water, but from a visitor's perspective they look as if they were flying in the sky!

22. One of the simplest ways of making a building look unusual is to break the normal rules of structure — or at least make it seem as if gravity is of no consequence.

23. At its root, the fear of missing out stems from the idea that this party, this concert, this show, this event will be the best thing ever and that if you don't go, you'll regret it forever.

24. In many cases the donation is so small ─ $10 or less ─ that if they stopped to think, they would realize that the cost of processing the donation is likely to exceed any benefit it brings to the charity.

25. In such a case, these people suffer from an inevitable social and mental trauma, leading to emotional stress and a feeling that all of a sudden they have been disassociated from what once was their identity.

26. No one goes tuna watching; we just want our supermarkets to ensure that when fishermen go hunting tuna, no 'nice' dolphins get caught in their nets!

27. Therefore, the task of the economist is the same as that of the natural scientist - to apply the processes of sustained and unbiased argument to the data of observation and to determine the general laws of all events.

28. Often, he would doze off himself, his head nodding, the stylus grasped in his hand as though he wanted to keep on working in his sleep.

29. He knows that any further investigation will harm Boo, and he doesn't want to do that because he knows that Boo has risked himself to save the children.

30. "I acted as if I didn't care, but silently I decided to change my body.

31. I watched the big, dark wave as if it were in slow motion until lightning flashed and woke me from my daze.

32. It is a fundamental mistake to imagine that when we see the non-value in a value or the untruth in a truth, the value or the truth ceases to exist.

33. The will stated that after the first 100 years, each city was permitted to withdraw 75% of the funds to use for public works, such as bridges, roads, and school buildings.

34. "Act As If You Already Achieved Your Dream If you want to maximize your chances of success, you must act as if you were already successful.

35. I realized that many of our prejudices are just based on things we don't know about, and that once we meet the real person, we come to understand the real story.

36. Whenever that's true, it's time to rethink what we're doing.

37. Making the elementary particles eternal puts the questions as to their properties in the realm of the absolute: They are like that because they always were and always will be.

38. Logically speaking, telling someone that the engaging in act X promotes outcome Y, or that not engaging in act X fails to promote outcome Y, provides the same objective information: Y (partly) depends on X・ However, the way in which that information is presented — in particular, whether the emphasis is placed on losses or gains — influences the decision-making process.

39. Some kinds of travel, such as that made by auto, bus, or train, incur both time and monetary costs; other trips, such as those made on foot, involve an expense primarily of time.

40. It's possible that as a result we have become less reliant on our other senses for gleaning information from our surroundings.

41. But what if you could take it a step further?

42. They all knew that if their social structure broke down, their problems would become more serious and did what they could do best.

43. The step from affirming equal moral worth to the conclusion that what is to be distributed should be distributed in equal pieces is never straightforward.

44. We anticipate the future as if we found it too slow in coming and we were trying to hurry it up.

45. Those who give small amounts to many charities are not so interested in whether what they are doing helps others ─ psychologists call them warm glow givers.

46. If that were so, why would people go to the trouble of writing poetry?

47. After that, they kept running as a team.

48. Dr・ Hoagland was curious enough to notice that whenever he left his wife's room for a short while, she complained that he had been gone for a long time.

49. These test audiences, usually recruited from a targeted age or social group, fill out questionnaires after the showing about what they liked and didn't like, what they thought about the story and the characters, after which the producers, writers and directors rewrite and edit to make it more audience-friendly.

50. As a result, they shy away from MST, rationalizing that because they are not coaching elite athletes, mental skills training is less important.

51. It is commonly thought that if you want people who do not like you to like you, you should do favors for them.

52. It seems as though an imprecise picture of the past is one reason for our inaccurate forecasts of the future.

53. But some tend to think that once they finish a certain level of education: "I'm done with school.

54. You may have had this experience if you have been reading a book and then suddenly become aware that although you were moving your eyes across the page and "reading" the words, you had no idea what you had just read.

55. I managed to overcome my urge to burst into tears, and expressed my joy and delight that after all these years this had happened and my thanks to my daughters and my family who had shared in the struggle so long.

56. The idea is that before the evil eye damages a thing or attacks a person, the nazar will attract the evil eye and absorb its damaging power or turn it back to the sender.

57. You may not realize that what you've spent the most time doing is sleeping.

58. In this circumstance, it is best to assume nothing and treat the problem as if you have never seen anything like it before.

59. That is, the amount of light reflected from one side is the same as that reflected from the other.

60. It was as if they were actually in the game.

61. He found that although the latter group came across as more extroverted, some of the fake extroverts were surprisingly convincing.

62. These days, looking at sociable robots and digitized friends, one might assume that what we want is to be always in touch and never alone, no matter who or what we are in touch with.

63. The rider then feels as if he is actually riding on a road of his choice, whether a street in a major city, or a calm mountain path, and all without leaving home.

64. People act as if their involvement will somehow affect the outcome of the toss.

65. From the outside, Casa Batllo looks as if it has been made from skulls and bones.

66. In many countries of the world, people from different groups that once hated, despised, and fought each other now live side by side and cooperate actively in a respectful, smoothly functioning system.

67. She was concerned that as a townie, she'd had little experience of the countryside, and none at all of swimming in rivers.

68. It was as if there were no other creatures in the world except Quan and me.

69. You must never assume that what people say or do in a particular moment is a statement of their permanent desires.

70. "Nothing happened after that," another Crow warrior said.

71. I feel as if I can't think on my own anymore.

72. After that trip, his style changed to reflect the realism of those painters.

73. If your kids have bad eating habits, ask yourself how that happened in the first place.

74. I reasoned that since I was going to be a journalist, I'd need a very special notebook in which to write.

75. Its preference was that if a company charged different prices to cash and credit customers, the credit price should be considered the "normal" (default) price and the cash price a discount ― rather than the alternative of making the cash price the usual price and charging a surcharge to credit card customers.

76. "If that were the case, then they would peck a lot just after they've been flying.

77. It looked as if there had been a fight.

78. Write about yourself as you might be writing about someone else, or as if you were telling a story that someone who didn't know you would read.

79. Imo, though, realized that if you threw a handful of wheat and sand into the ocean, the sand would sink and the wheat would float.

80. Students who remembered their own unethical behavior were more likely to act as if they felt unclean.

81. Research suggests that when we view ourselves as morally deficient in one part of our lives, we search for moral actions that will balance out the scale.

82. If that were the case, there would be no cultural differences in the world today.

83. On the other hand, the temperature of the air in the shade is usually the same as that in the Sun.

84. After that, she walked along the beach in a wedding dress every day.

85. Then I realized that if any of these things were wrong with my car, I wouldn't know it because I was busy driving.

86. Most jobs are still designed as if there were a homemaker to provide support for a working husband, and many institutional practices assume that all children live with two biological parents.

87. He realized that as a fighter pilot, he had never thought about who packed his parachute.

88. People vary a great deal both in the intensity of their response to art and in the form which that response takes.

89. A: Before I tried to walk on a rope suspended in the air, I laid a rope on the ground and practiced breathing, focusing my eyes, and shifting my weight as if I were on a real tightrope.

90. You never know where that employee who leaves will go next.

91. At night, the lights could be seen from outside the stable and took turns flashing, which appeared as if people were moving around with torches.

92. It is sometimes said, these days, that while "global warming" is a threat to most peoples and societies on this planet, there will be winners as well as losers.

93. If a patient's steps make loud noises, as if walking in wooden shoes, it will wake up the caregiver.

94. As the brain evolved, people who saw distances to goals as shorter might have gone after what they wanted more often.

95. This means that after you put in the study time needed to learn the material, you have to put in the relaxation time needed to prepare your mind to operate under pressure.

96. Yet, what if we set the bottom line only at the point where a child does harm?

97. Anne sits immobile on the sofa and stares ahead as if hypnotized by them.

98. Too many companies advertise their new products as if their competitors did not exist.

99. Hypothesis: What if some worms can eat plastic?

100. "She felt as though the thunderstorm was a present.

101. What is interesting to notice is that when we look more carefully to these key selling features, they look strangely like values that a bus or train operator is promoting.

102. Is that because this can't be trained?

103. Remember that when it comes to technical knowledge, writers and readers are hardly equal.

104. The thing is that when the amount of options exceeds a certain level, our decision making will start to suffer.

105. The problem of plastic pollution is becoming as serious as that of air pollution.

106. “Breaden, not today!” He knew what that meant.

107. In a nutshell, it says that since travel times increase with traffic volumes, an additional car on the road slows down all other cars, increasing time costs for all the occupants of all the cars.

108. What this demonstrates is that it's equally important to the success of the exercise that the person you're throwing to catches the ball as that you are able to catch the ball.

109. The soldier immediately distributed them to his comrades, saying that he had no occasion for money; and requested that if what he had done merited any compensation, he might be made an officer.

110. What if a shot given in the arm didn't hurt?

111. She explained that when she was a young mother, the only roasting pan she'd had was too short for a standard roast, so she had to cut off the end to fit it into the pan.

112. Act As If You Already Achieved Your Dream If you want to maximize your chances of success, you must act as if you were already successful.

113. The outermost circle is known as the performance zone ― because once we have mastered the new learning and mustered the courage to experiment with all the new knowledge, we will really start to perform differently from before.

114. Good feelings and positive events, on the one hand, can be placed in a context that makes them seem as if we deserved them and as if they help define who we are.

115. After that, one expert said it was worth $40 million.

116. She had the good fortune to have enlightened parents who considered the education of a daughter as important as that of a son.

117. My life changed so much after that.

118. Suppose you care very little about your own athletic skills, but when your friend scores the winning goal during a critical soccer match, you beam with pride, experience a boost to your self-esteem, and take delight in her victory celebrations as if, by association, it were your victory too.

119. Eventually, she turns away from her mother's spoonfuls, arches her back, turns around in her high chair, and vocalizes as if she is about to cry.

120. "We don't usually think that what we see, hear, and read is a series of narratives and images selected for particular reasons and grounded in the social worlds and interests of those producing the event, controlling the images, and delivering the commentary.

121. I also felt as if I could dribble through any tackle.

122. What if those same two words could change the world?

123. Medusa was a Gorgon who looked so terrible with snakes around her head, that if you looked at her directly you would turn into stone.

124. The number of both total medals and gold medals of the United States wasn't more than twice as high as that of Switzerland.

125. It can seem strange, at least at first, to stop praising; it can feel as though you're being chilly or withholding something.

126. They discovered that if you say "What a very clever girl you are" to the child showing you an A, you may cause her more harm than good.

127. They are interested in hearing about you — your academic plans, activities, and career goals, as well as what this scholarship means to you.

128. My advice is that if you want to do some serious thinking, then you'd better disconnect the Internet, phone, and television set and try spending twenty-four hours in absolute solitude.

129. Within the small corner of the media world in which that one TV show resides, you are.

130. For example, if someone seemed very nice to you early in the interaction, but then began to act like a fool, would you be more attracted to that person than if that person were a fool from the start?

131. However, my research has also shown that when focused and engaged more in strategic, abstract thinking, it becomes easier to remember the details.

132. It was much better than burning ropes for sure, but more importantly, it taught the students that once time was gone, it could never be recovered.

133. Right after that moment, not only Brielle's heart rate but also her body temperature came back to normal.

134. My husband remarked that if I didn't do something soon, I would be chased around for the rest of my days by a 15-pound woodchuck begging for milk.

135. They think that if the coin came up heads the last time, it is more likely to come up tails this time.

136. So when a salesperson tells you that, for example, extracts made from the roots of echinacea help prevent colds, ask if that statement has been scientifically tested — and if so, how, when, and by whom and how valid and reliable the test results are — before you decide to try this herbal remedy.

137. However, what if the casual observation leads to false assumptions, or misinterpretation gets in the way?

138. They sat in a movie theater, but felt as if they were part of the game, thanks to the virtual reality gear they wore.

139. To this day, many audience members and critics maintain that if you did not experience either of these men in the theatre, you did not experience their magic.

140. While that movie did have a pretty big budget, my point is that it did not need to have one in order to succeed.

141. You'd think that whenever more than one person makes a decision, they'd draw on collective wisdom.

142. Nevertheless, marketing and merchandising programs commonly treat these customers as if they are much older.

143. What if they had defined themselves as being in the mass transportation business?

144. As if that was not coincidence enough, more was to follow.

145. We rush through our childhood, red lights, and a courtship as if channel surfing.

146. In a complex, intellectually demanding and high-pressure task such as that of air traffic controllers, for example, having chronically high anxiety is an almost sure predictor that a person will eventually fail in training or in the field.

147. His wife, Nancy Stokes Milan, told the New York Opera Newsletter that when she and her husband had dinner with a famous voice coach, they played him a recording Sherrill had made when he was in college.

148. This means that if you lose sleep working late during the week, you should make up for the time you lost by sleeping longer on the weekend.

149. I felt as if I could run all day without getting tired.

150. Before that time, sailors depended on instruments that calculated the position of the sun or stars to tell them their latitude.

151. This lets us go through their experiences as if the experiences were ours.

152. After that, the immune system remembers the molecular equipment that it developed for that particular battle, and any following infection by the same kind of parasite is beaten off so quickly that we don't notice it.

153. The edge of the canvas cut off the scene in an arbitrary way, as if snapped with a camera.

154. Steffie claimed that she used only Spanish with her grandmother, because when her mother spoke to her in Spanish, she usually answered in English.

155. Athletes often report that when they are doing well in their sport the size of the target looks incredibly large.

156. In many ways, I've modeled my life after that of my grandpa.

157. The reality is that although you are free to choose, you can't choose the consequences of your choices.

158. He repeated the experiment a few more times, and found that when her temperature reached 39_5 degrees Celsius, she counted one minute in just 37 seconds.

159. It has been said that eye movements are windows into the mind, because where people look reveals what environmental information they are attending to.

160. But new research suggests that how we see the world depends on what we want from it.

161. It looked as if white paint had been spilled everywhere.

162. Then, act as if you were this future self.

163. Sarah gave me a look I've never seen before, as if she felt safer around me.

164. It was as if the old man worked through the break time just as he did.

165. Standing by the river and looking toward the city made me feel as if I were standing on the banks of the Han River.

166. After that, William became famous and had a chance to study in high school again.

167. Another consistent research finding is that when a learning activity is undertaken explicitly to attain some extrinsic reward, people respond by seeking the least demanding way of ensuring the reward.

168. The end of the universe is probably so old that if we had that telescope, we might be able to see the beginning.

169. If after watching a stand-up comedian a member of the audience stated 'that was really funny', it would suggest that the person thought the comedian was good, which contains a suggestion of recommendation.

170. Notice that we specifically avoid saying, "The subject is what a poem's about" — because that implies that what a poem says is all there is to a poem.

171. For example, it is documented that if people are asked to bet on whether a coin toss is heads or tails, most bet larger amounts if the coin is yet to be tossed.

172. Other studies have shown that after stressful situations, people recover faster in natural environments than in man-made ones.

173. It is essential that the observation room remain dark, because if a lamp were turned on, some of that light would pass through into the interrogation room as well.

174. Recently, however, some researchers found that how people are praised is very important.

175. As part of a research project, a group of undergraduate students watched a film, after which they were asked to describe it as fully as possible to other students.

176. Naturally, the importance of brand marketing strategy to enhance brand loyalty has to be emphasized and the Internet was chosen as the communication channel for that because of the large Internet penetration among young Australians.

177. Many people find that when they are angry, they go into a state where they want to exercise or clean.

178. Rather incredibly, one archaeologist employed by a treasure hunting firm said that as long as archaeologists are given six months to study shipwrecked artifacts before they are sold, no historical knowledge is lost!

179. Doing things quickly actually ends up slowing you down, such as when you rush out of your house only to realize you forgot your keys, phone, or wallet on the kitchen table.

180. Coaches must understand that when they make a strategy decision, it is a good or bad decision at the time it is made based on the players' abilities, the situation, and the percentages, not on whether the play was successful or unsuccessful!

181. They defied their perception of the song to produce a transcription, for example, that started and finished on middle C (rather than F) because they believed that if "Happy Birthday" started on C, then it must be in C major and should therefore end on C. As these students got older, they relied more on what they knew theoretically about music rather than what they heard and knew perceptually, with the result that they made surprisingly inaccurate transcriptions of familiar melodies.

182. He felt as if wild and powerful lines appeared in front of him.

183. On his march through Asia Minor, Alexander the Great fell dangerously ill/ His physicians were afraid to treat him because if they didn't succeed, the army would blame them.

184. For example, it can be time-consuming and the researcher would still need to consider exactly how the subgroups that make up the sample are selected: eg, what if those who are selected refuse to participate —how might this affect the representativeness of the sample?

185. They say that while studying at home, they start to check new messages posted on their blogs, but end up going through other people's blogs, photos, comments, etc.

186. Research has shown that when people who feel helpless fail to take control, they experience negative emotional states such as anxiety and depression.

187. It permits the guilty to avoid taking responsibility for their deeds, as when an employee is caught embezzling and he justifies it by saying he is very badly underpaid.

188. In other situations, permanency slips between our fingers, even challenging our reality testing about whether something existed at all, as when an email that we seem to remember receiving mysteriously disappears from our inbox.

189. As time went by, he noticed that even though he worked through his break time and hardly took a rest, the old woodcutter was cutting down the same amount of trees as him― and sometimes chopped down even more.

190. That's because after death, the human body dehydrates, causing the skin to shrink, or become smaller.

191. The general rule seems to be that if one is doing something new or for the first time, then being observed while doing it decreases performance.

192. The system's methods remain evident so that even if Tom were tempted to trust it, the silence and secrecy promotes distrust, just as top-down business decisions made without collaboration are distrusted.

193. Furthermore, if a cashier recommends something, you may feel as if you "needed" it all along.

194. After that massive drain, suppose we then take the battery to a service station and say, "I'd like this batter charged in ten minutes.

195. As a result, we are still guessing at what early tools were used for as well as what early art forms might have meant for the people who produced them, even when such drawings, often animals, are very recognizable.

196. One good way to remember to focus on form as well as content is to approach every paper as if you were trying to win a Pulitzer Prize for explanatory reporting.

197. They had changed her from her silk christening gown into a white dress with yellow flowers embroidered around her neck, as if she were a bride who'd slipped into her going-away dress at the end of the reception.

198. When you imagine your goals as though they've already been completed, the feeling of success and the vivid images send powerful messages to your brain.

199. Food unites as well as distinguishes eaters because what and how one eats forms much of one's emotional tie to a group identity, be it a nation or an ethnicity.

200. It is important to note that flycatchers go to the aid of another bird in danger only if that bird has helped other birds in the past.

201. Further research showed that if children drink two cups of milk a day, they will have good levels of vitamin D and iron.

202. But even this extreme of a collector who prefers art to people shows the importance of the social role of collecting, since Gulbenkian simply treated artworks as if they were people.

203. But when you see one of his films, you may wonder how that could be.

204. After that, we're going to take a close look at the food we buy.

205. The light transmitted in one direction is the same as that transmitted in the opposite direction.

206. In fact, research shows that if you walk after a meal, you may burn 15 percent more calories than if you walk the same time, distance, and intensity on an empty stomach.

207. There are efforts being made to determine what chemical stimuli are being detected by bacteria to make them engage in a coordinated release of their chemicals, as well as what genes on a bacteria are being activated that cause them to behave as they do.

208. Most seemingly impossible obstacles can be overcome by seeing possibilities, focusing on what is within your control, taking the first step, and then focusing on the next step and the next step after that.

209. A week after that came a rather poignant note from the saleswoman and her manager saying the other pair was also unavailable.

210. And what if two routes barely differ, perhaps by just a minute out of an hour's journey?

211. "Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail."

212. The share of Price Comparison apps in December 2011 was the same as that in December 2012.

213. Sometimes it looks as though it is on fire, especially when it is shining through the clouds.

214. LASID'S WIFE: It's been a while since I tasted an olive.

215. After that, they never saw each other again.

216. If a person believes that a powerful drug has been administered, he/she will experience the effects of the drug, even if what was administered was merely a sugar pill.

217. Since human influence was contradictory to the wilderness ethic, the management ideal was to isolate conservation areas, keeping disturbance to a minimum, on the grounds that if left alone, nature's balance would prevail.

218. Placing honey on slips of paper of different shades, he found that the insects which visited them seemed to have a marked preference for blue, after which came white, yellow, red, green and orange.

219. "Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail.

220. "After that, they kept running as a team.

221. I did that because leftover food pollutes the environment.

222. After that, she had become more confident and active.

223. The absence of curriculum materials about contemporary art reflects the attitude that the only valuable art is that which has "withstood the test of time."

224. That sense of being alone with the person to whom you are writing―as though you were the only two people in the world―often blocks out what you know to be true.

225. In his famous work Three Musicians, he used abstract forms to shape the players in such an unexpected way that when you first see this artwork, you assume that nothing makes sense.

226. A bias occurs when what the scientist expects changes how the results are viewed.

227. That day was unusually foggy as if something mysterious were ahead.

228. After that, she worked for a government office in Washington D.C., where she was fired just because she was a woman.

229. In turn it is likely that as they tell each other their already edited stories, there is a second process of editing whereby what they both hear from each other is again interpreted within their respective family of origin's construct systems.

230. When that filter mistakenly screens out something essential, then even seasoned masters can make mistakes.

231. The engineers thought that if it worked for birds, why not for airplanes?

232. Crystal also points out that although trillions of text messages are sent worldwide each year, this number pales in comparison to the number of conventional, grammatically correct communications we are exposed to each year.

233. Despite my worries, the camel walked faithfully around the pyramids as if it knew it had to guard them.

234. This means that if you invest any amount of money, it will continuously grow at an ever-accelerating rate.

235. Doctors at Mount Sinai Hospital said that if Claude was strong enough, he would be put on a heart transplant waiting list.

236. Full of confidence, he even suggested that if she couldn’t answer his question, she’d pay $5, but if he couldn’t answer hers, he’d pay $500.

237. The number of researchers per 1,000 people in the EAP in 2007 was twice as large as that in 1999.

238. The image feels real, but we cannot explain exactly what we see, just as if it were a dream.

239. But as soon as he puts skis on his feet, it is as though he had to learn to walk all over again.

240. What if my words don't make sense?

241. It is tempting to accept the proposition that because they are "old," the old media have been developed by some point in time and do not change thereafter.

242. Black Wings nodded and said, "And I've learned that when you do win a game, you should be respectful to others and not brag about how good you are."

243. The Monte Carlo Fallacy (or Gambler's Fallacy) is the mistaken belief that if something happens more frequently than normal during some period, then it will happen [less / more] frequently in the future, presumably as a means of balancing nature.

244. It is commonly known that when people's hearts stop and they breathe their last, they are dead.

245. It felt nice and cool, not as freezing as when she had first stepped into it.

246. What if I don't do a good job?

247. So, the same website as that of the Australian market wasn't direct enough for Danish girls and young women.

248. The percentage of the respondents aged 18 to 29 who read up to 3 books per year was the same as that of the respondents aged 30 to 59 in the same category.

249. That's why if you have a truly new product, it's often better to say what the product is not, rather than what it is.

250. Carnegie told her that if he wrote them he would get an immediate response.

251. Everything was black as if I were in a coal mine.

252. One line of research suggests that how often you go over material is less critical than the depth of processing that you engage in.

253. What if they think I'm stupid?

254. I walked up to the stage and took my place behind the microphone, grabbing both sides of the podium as though I was on a sinking ship and hanging on for dear life.

255. Valuing diverse thought is harder than you would think, because we all have hidden biases and perspectives that if not understood can shut down creativity in others.

256. Marie Curie is treated as if she worked alone to discover radioactivity and Newton as if he discovered the laws of motion by himself.

257. A designer thought that if he could create fonts that have tiny holes in them, he might be able to make more efficient use of the amount of ink used.

258. In order to bring our ideas or dreams to life, we have to expect fear and uncertainty, welcome it in, and know that once we face it, it no longer has a hold on us.

259. This level of development is evident when a 2-year- old offers a hug to another child who is crying, as if to say, "I feel better when mom hugs me so I will hug you."

260. The fact that people are different and possess different talents means that when you work as a team, together you can achieve more than anyone of you could do alone.

261. "It's as if they are afraid to do anything that might make them fail and lose your high appraisal.

262. By mentally taking oneself through that circumstance and imagining what one would do in that situation, the body and mind are more likely to respond favorably, rather than to freeze, if that situation were to ever occur.

263. But what if I told you that exercise isn't only good for your body?

264. When people first saw the painting and questioned this statement, Magritte would tell them that if it were a pipe, they should try to fill it with tobacco.

265. What if they don't like me?

266. After that experience, Plumb would ask the audiences of his lectures, "Who's packing your parachute?

267. One might assume that what we want is plenty of weak ties, the informal networks that underpin online acquaintanceship.

268. They have no memories about what the aged once were and greet them as if they were children.

269. In fact, O'Toole says that when you are dealing with a criminal, even your feelings may fail you.

270. What these parents don't realize, however, is that while in the short term they may be making the lives of their children more pleasant, in the long term they may be preventing their children from acquiring self-confidence, mental strength, and important interpersonal skills.

271. What if we make use of the part of the courtyard near the terrace" one builder suggested.

272. Even though media coverage of sports is carefully edited and represented in total entertainment packages, most of us believe that when we see a sport event on television, we are seeing it "the way it is.

273. It was cold up on the mountain, but it was as if you could see to the end of the world and beyond.

274. When that civilization collapsed in the 9th and 10th centuries AD, the people did not disappear.


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