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1. 중3비김 1-1


Speak your Mind Effectively!

(A) When he tries to talk to his brother, he always ends up arguing with his brother. Let's find out the reason why he has this problem. You lost my earphones again. Why are you so careless? 1

(B) Welcome to "All about Teens." I'm Dr Carter. Today, we're going to talk about using good communication skills to express ourselves more effectively. Let's start with our first clip about Brian. 0

(C) Brian is starting a sentence with "you" to express his feelings. Instead, he should use the "I-message." Starting with "I" can help him focus on what he feels or thinks rather than point the finger at his brother. I’m really upset because my favorite earphones are lost. 2

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


2. 중3비김 1-2


Next is Calli.

(A) Calli needs to find the right time to talk to her mom. Maybe Calli's mom wanted to listen to what Calli was going to say. But she didn't have enough time to talk with her daughter. Calli should pick a time when her mom is ready to listen. 1

(B) She is trying to talk to her mother, but she is busy preparing to go to work. Let's have a look. Hey, Mom. Could I talk to you about something? 0

(C) Hey, Mom. Could I talk to you about something? Sure. 2

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


3. 중3비김 1-3


Now, let's take a look at our last clip.

(A) People simply don't like taking orders. Anna should try to use words such as "can," "could," or "please." Then, what she says will sound like a request rather than a demand. 1

(B) Could you put your bag on your desk? As we saw in the video clips, a small change in the way we express ourselves can solve or even prevent communication problems. Let’s keep these tips in mind! 2

(C) Anna and Julie are best friends, but Anna often hurts Julie's feelings. Don’t put your bag on my desk! Julie probably felt uncomfortable because Anna made a demand using the word "don't." 0

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


4. 중3비김 2-1


The World Through My Eyes The beauty of nature inspires us all.

(A) This amazing shape has been created by rainfall. Rain has cut down the stones and made them sharp and spiky over a long period of time. The environment is harsh for animals to live in, but they have found ways to survive. 1

(B) Let's find out how people from different fields of work get inspired by nature. Lin Wang, Ecologist Tsingy, the Stone Forest of Madagascar I've been visiting the stone forest of Madagascar to study plants and animals for over 20 years. The spiky stones of this place are true miracles of nature. 0

(C) For example, lemurs, which only live in Madagascar, have frog-like legs that help them jump from one stone tower to another. For me, the stone forest is like a jack-in-the-box. It always surprises me and keeps me on my toes! 2

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


5. 중3비김 2-2


Amber Smith, Fashion Colorist Caño Cristales, the River of Five Colors of Colombia The world is filled with millions of different colors.

(A) Whenever I visit the Caño Cristales, it makes me think that maybe there are still countless colors that are waiting to be created. 2

(B) You cannot see the wonderful mixed colors of this river anywhere else in the world. The combination of colorful plants under the water and sunlight makes the colors more alive and bright. 1

(C) It is my job to mix, develop, and create colors for clothing. Over the years, I've been gaining insights from the beautiful colors of Caño Cristales. 0

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


6. 중3비김 2-3


Danny Mehta, Location Scout Vatnajökull National Park, Frozen Beauty of Iceland I'm a location scout and my job is finding perfect places to shoot movies.

(A) The sharp cliffs, blue glacier caves, and long mountain ranges can stand in for any place in the world or the universe. In fact, the recent sci-fi movie we shot here was produced without using computer graphics! 1

(B) Iceland is the best place for many location scouts to visit due to its unusual beauty. My personal favorite is the Vatnajökull National Park. 0

(C) Iceland can help make our wildest dreams come true on the movie screen. 2

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


7. 중3비김 3-1


The Secret of My Father In 1946, a strange man visited me and asked, "Are you Mr. Kim Yonghwan's daughter?"

(A) For me, this was an odd question because I was more used to being called the daughter of a parakho. 0

(B) You may wonder if it is true, but your father," the man said. At that moment, I was expecting disappointing news since I did not have good memories of my father. 2

(C) "I'm your father's friend. 1

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


8. 중3비김 3-2


Back in the 1920's, whenever people saw me in the village, they would say, "There goes the parakho's daughter."

(A) Go and tell him that we have no more money left," my mother would tell me whenever she sent me to the gambling house. Then, my father would yell at me angrily, "Why did you come empty-handed? Bring me more money!" 2

(B) That is why he was called a parakho, which means someone who ruins his family's fortune. "Your father has gambled away all of the money, and now he's asking for more. 1

(C) My father was a son from a very rich family. Instead of living the life of a seonbi, he was always at the gambling house. 0

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


9. 중3비김 3-3


When I was sixteen years old, my family had already made an arrangement for me to marry Mr. Seo.

(A) What should we do now?" "We have no choice. You'll have to take your aunt's old chest," my mother said. 1

(B) As part of the wedding tradition, Mr. Seo's family sent my family some money to buy a new chest for clothes. Right before the wedding day, my mother came into my room and said, "Your father has taken the money for the chest." I asked angrily, "How could he do such a horrible thing? 0

(C) "How embarrassing for the family," people would whisper behind my back. Since the first day of marriage, life at my husband's house had been difficult for me. 2

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


10. 중3비김 3-4


"Your father, my dear friend," my father's friend continued his story.

(A) "He was not a gambler. Your father sent the family money to the independence fighters in Manchuria. 0

(B) But afterwards, I found out the truth about my father and I realized that I had been wrong about him. Ever since that moment, I have been proud to be the daughter of a parakho who had devoted his life to the independence movement. 2

(C) He made himself look like a gambler to keep this a secret from the Japanese officers." At first, I was not sure if he was telling the truth. 1

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


11. 중3비김 4-1


The Junk Orchestra written by a music blogger, Lucy White The world sends us garbage, we send back music.

(A) The musical group was called "The Junk Orchestra." They played instruments made entirely out of garbage. 1

(B) "The world sends us garbage, we send back music." This was written on the back of a concert ticket I was given. 0

(C) I could not imagine what kind of sound these instruments would make, so I was eager to find out. 2

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


12. 중3비김 4-2


Before the concert, I thought that the instruments might sound strange.

(A) I was so into the music that I forgot that they were playing with instruments made from recycled materials. 2

(B) After a few minutes, a group of young people began to walk on the stage. The first thing I noticed was their instruments: a cello made out of a shiny oil tank, a violin made with forks, and a flute made with a water pipe and buttons. 0

(C) The concert began with a girl playing Bach's Cello Suite No 1 on her shiny cello. I was shocked by the deep sound. 1

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


13. 중3비김 4-3


After the concert, I was eager to write a story about the orchestra.

(A) I met Favio Chávez, the conductor, and asked him about the orchestra. 0

(B) Favio Chávez: When I went to a small town called Cateura in Paraguay to work on a recycling program in 2005, I saw children living in a town that was mostly filled with garbage. I wanted to add something positive to their lives, so I decided to share my love of music with them. 2

(C) Lucy White: Why did you start The Junk Orchestra? 1

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


14. 중3비김 4-4


Lucy White: Why did you use garbage to make instruments?

(A) Favio Chávez: One person's garbage is another person's treasure. Nicolás Gómez, a local garbage picker, helped me a lot. He made it possible for children to play music by making instruments out of garbage. 0

(B) After interviewing Chávez, I realized that it really doesn't matter what instrument you play with as long as you put your heart into playing it. The children of Cateura showed me that an orchestra is formed by people, not by instruments. 2

(C) The wonderful thing about these instruments was that the children didn't have to worry about spending a lot of money on them. Lucy White: What do you want people to learn through your music? Favio Chávez: I want people to know that even something worthless can make inspiring music. 1

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


15. 중3비김 4-5


Comments Annie (23 seconds ago) So moving to see how music can change lives.

(A) Kate (5 days ago) Not only do these talented young people deliver great music, but they also bring serious environmental problems to our attention. 2

(B) Thomas (1 minute ago) After the concert, I found it possible to inspire people by music played with recycled instruments. 1

(C) The power of music is endless! 0

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


16. 중3비김 5-1


Can You Spot Fake News?

(A) Nevertheless, there have been various fake news reports throughout history. Why have some people written such false information? Let's look into some articles thinking about the hidden motives behind them. 2

(B) Every day we watch, hear, or read interesting news. However, have you ever seriously considered whether an article is really true? 0

(C) Everyone likes an interesting news story but what if it is completely made up? Fake news can be very harmful in that it can make people less informed or even misled. 1

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


17. 중3비김 5-2


AWFUL DISASTER Last night, an angry group of rhinoceroses broke down the walls of the cage at the zoo and escaped.

(A) They also broke down the walls of the other wild animals' cages. These animals ran down the streets and injured hundreds of people. Twelve of the animals are still on the loose. Citizens should stay indoors until further notice.0

(B) Some tried to escape the city while others went into the parks with guns to hunt the animals. So why did The Herald make up such news? Later, they confessed that they made it up so that they could draw the readers' attention to the unsafe conditions at the zoo. 2

(C) *Not a single act or incident described above has taken place. At that time, those who read the article carefully laughed out loud. Those who didn't read it to the end got really worried. Not knowing the news was false, many people panicked. 1

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


18. 중3비김 5-3


SLAV SHOOTS A FRIEND IN ARGUMENT Mejk Swenekafew, a Slav worker at the Columbia Coal Mine, was shot and seriously wounded by John Pecitello near the mining camp Thursday evening.

(A) The police are searching for him now and are warning citizens that he is extremely dangerous. 2

(B) The two men had an argument during a meeting. The argument led to a fight, and Pecitello shot Swenekafew twice, in the chest and leg. 0

(C) He is now at the hospital in critical condition. Pecitello ran away after the shooting. 1

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


19. 중3비김 5-4


Is there anything strange about the article?

(A) Read the Slav's name backwards;. it spells "we-fake-news." 0

(B) The Daily News published the same article about "Swenekafew" the next day and thus got caught stealing. The people at The Daily News had to admit their act and were harshly criticized by the public. 2

(C) Who wrote this and why? The Daily Telegram published this fake article so that they could prove if The Daily News, their competitor, was stealing their articles. 1

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


20. 중3비김 5-5


The two articles were special cases, but there are many "fake" news articles published every day.

(A) Can we trust the writer? CHECK the Date Is it a new or an old story? Is it related to current events? 1

(B) As readers, we need to read critically and judge whether the news is real or fake. How to spot fake news! CONSIDER the Source Is it from a reliable source? 0

(C) READ BEYOND the Headlines Does the headline match the content? FIND Supporting Sources Do other related stories provide similar contents? 2

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


21. 중3비김 6-1


A Father's Wisdom A rich and wise father had two sons, Puru and Puneet.

(A) Before he passed away, he called his two sons to give them some last words of advice. "Listen carefully, my dear sons. 0

(B) Sleep comfortably. Enjoy your food. Lastly, spend money like a rich man...." Before he could explain himself, he passed away. 2

(C) Live by these words throughout your life, and you will be happy," he said. "Build a house in every city. 1

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


22. 중3비김 6-2


After his death, the two sons took their share of the father's wealth and settled in different cities.

(A) But his brother was richer than ever. Puru was puzzled about where he had gone wrong, so he visited Puneet to find out. 2

(B) Puru, who had been following his father's words carefully, had no money left. 1

(C) Five years passed. 0

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


23. 중3비김 6-3


Puneet welcomed Puru with open arms.

(A) That night, when the brothers sat down to chat after dinner, Puru asked the question that had been on his mind for days. "It was our father's advice that I followed, but I am not happy. I built a house in every city. 0

(B) But look at me now! I am empty-handed. Did you not follow our father's wisdom? Tell me, brother, how did you get so rich?" 2

(C) But because I could not always stay there, I hired people and had the house looked after. Father said we should sleep comfortably and enjoy our food, so I had my bed designed by experts and my meals prepared by a great chef. He told us to spend like a rich man, so I bought what I wanted without worrying about money. 1

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


24. 중3비김 6-4


Puneet smiled and said, "My dear brother, I also followed our father's wisdom.

(A) So I made friends in every city and I stayed at their houses when I visited those cities. Also, I slept comfortably each night because I would be tired after a hard day's work, and it did not matter if I was sleeping on a bed or on the hard floor. 1

(B) I ate only when I was hungry, so even a simple meal tasted great." 2

(C) But I understood it a bit differently. When he said 'build a house in every city,' I took it as having a place to stay all around the world. 0

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


25. 중3비김 6-5


"Spend money like a rich man?"

(A) So, I tried to spend money on something that would bring me back more money rather than on luxurious things. For me, it was this wisdom that our father tried to explain." 1

(B) continued Puneet. "A rich man knows how to make money grow. 0

(C) Now Puru realized how foolish he had been. With this wisdom in mind, Puru started a new life. 2

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


26. 중3비김 7-1


Why We Buy What We Buy Have you ever wondered why you've bought things that you don't even want or need?

(A) 0

(B) Let's consider what affects us when it comes to buying things. 2

(C) 1

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


27. 중3비김 7-2


Why do I want to buy what my friends bought?

(A) Jeff goes to the shopping center and sees a pair of soccer shoes on display. He recognizes the shoes at a glance because more than half of the boys on his soccer team wear them. 0

(B) A bandwagon is a wagon in a parade that encourages people to jump aboard and enjoy the music. As more and more people get on the bandwagon, others are more likely to get on or follow it. In this way, people tend to buy something just because other people have bought it. 2

(C) Although he already has many pairs of soccer shoes, he ends up buying another new pair. We can use the "bandwagon effect" to explain Jeff's behavior. 1

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


28. 중3비김 7-3


Why do I buy a pair of pants and a bag after I have bought a new coat?

(A) So, she buys a new bag. Most of her money is spent on buying the new items to complete her new look. What made Lisa search for new items immediately after buying a new coat? The "Diderot effect" may explain it. 1

(B) Denis Diderot, a French writer, received a new gown as a gift. Soon after receiving the gift, he noticed that all of his furniture did not go well with his new gown. So, he ended up replacing most of it. The Diderot effect, therefore, is the concept that purchasing a new item often leads to more unplanned purchases. 2

(C) Lisa buys a coat that she really loves. Immediately, she realizes that her pants do not match her new coat. So, she buys new pants that go perfectly with her new coat. But she sees that none of her bags match her new clothes. 0

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


29. 중3비김 7-4


Why do I buy things just because they are on sale?

(A) Nathan goes window shopping and sees a pair of headphones. He checks the price and finds out that they are $200. He thinks that the headphones are too expensive. 0

(B) The price mentioned first affects our opinion of prices mentioned afterwards. For example, if we start with $200, then $160 will seem cheap in comparison. Furthermore, as the difference of the two prices becomes bigger, the effect will be more powerful. As such, the price mentioned first acts as an "anchor" that fixes our thoughts about the price of an item. 2

(C) The sales person approaches him and says, "You can get a 20 percent discount on those headphones." Even though the discounted price is still not very cheap, Nathan decides to buy the headphones. The situation described above is an example of the "anchoring effect." 1

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


30. 중3비김 7-5


Just like Jeff and his friends, we tend to buy things without seriously considering why we are buying them.

(A) As these effects have shown, many things influence our purchases. 0

(B) 2

(C) The next time you decide to buy something, think for a moment about why you are buying it. 1

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


31. 중3비김 8-1


Wormholes: Fact or Theory?

(A) So, if we travel at the speed of light, we should be able to get to another planet in the blink of an eye, right? Dr Sci: That would be nice, but space is so vast that it is not possible. In the movie, Passengers, a spaceship headed to a different planet travels at one-half the speed of light. 1

(B) So it should get to another planet very quickly, right? But, the passengers sleep for 120 years because it is expected to take that much time to get to a different planet. 2

(C) Sci Teen: Hi, science fans. Today, we're going to talk about space travel. As we all know, there is nothing faster than light in the universe. 0

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


32. 중3비김 8-2


Sci Teen: 120 years?

(A) Imagine a worm is on this apple. It detects something sweet at the bottom and wants to move from the top to the bottom. For the worm, the apple's surface is as vast as our universe. 1

(B) Wow, that's a long time! Is there a faster way to travel through space? Dr Sci: Well, in order to answer that question, I'd like you to think about this apple for a second. 0

(C) Now the worm can either move around the outer layer or down a wormhole. Which do you think it will choose? Well, it would choose the wormhole because it is a shortcut. 2

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


33. 중3비김 8-3


Sci Teen: Is there such a shortcut in the universe?

(A) Now, take the paper and fold it with the dots matched up. Punch a hole in the paper and the dots will be instantly connected. Like this, wormholes in space may contain two mouths, with a throat connecting the two. 2

(B) Dr Sci: According to some researchers, yes. Einstein figured out that space and time are connected, and he called it space-time. He thought that space-time could actually be bent. 0

(C) When it is bent, parts that are far away from each other are suddenly closer. To understand this, take a sheet of paper and make a small dot at the top of the paper and another at the bottom of the paper. On a flat sheet of paper, the dots are far away from one another. 1

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


34. 중3비김 8-4


Sci Teen: Just like a wormhole in the apple, right?

(A) Wormholes exist in theory only. Sci Teen: So all we need to do is find one, right? 1

(B) Dr Sci: Even if we find one, there are many things to consider before actually going through one. A wormhole would be very unstable. If a spaceship flew into one, it might be crushed or broken into pieces. 2

(C) If such wormholes existed in space, we could get to places billions of light-years away quickly! Dr Sci: Yes, but it's too early to celebrate. 0

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


35. 중3비김 8-5


Sci Teen: Ouch!

(A) We've achieved so many things that seemed impossible at first. Who knows? Maybe you can be the one to find the answer! 2

(B) Dr Sci: I wouldn't say so. The debate about wormholes is still ongoing, but with persistent exploration and research, I believe we will eventually find one and learn how to travel through it. Look back at our history. 1

(C) That's not a pretty picture. So, are we hopeless? Is traveling in space through a wormhole simply an idea that only exists in theory? 0

① A-C-B ② B-A-C ③ B-C-A ④ C-A-B ⑤ C-B-A


1. ② 2. ② 3. ④ 4. ② 5. ⑤ 6. ② 7. ① 8. ⑤ 9. ② 10. ①

11. ② 12. ③ 13. ① 14. ① 15. ⑤ 16. ③ 17. ① 18. ③ 19. ① 20. ②

21. ① 22. ⑤ 23. ① 24. ④ 25. ② 26. ① 27. ① 28. ④ 29. ① 30. ①

31. ④ 32. ② 33. ③ 34. ④ 35. ⑤ 
