키워드로 보는 세상2021. 12. 24. 06:47
A new study published in Science reveals that people generally approve of driverless, or autonomous, cars programmed to sacrifice their passengers in order to save pedestrians, but these same people are not enthusiastic about riding in such autonomous vehicles (AVs) themselves. [1792-4142-1] <17.2pt>
Science지에 게재된 새로운 연구에 의하면, 보행자를 지키기 위해 탑승자를 희생하도록 프로그램 된 운전자 없는 자동차들, 즉 자율자동차(AV)에 대하여 사람들은 일반적으로 찬성하지만, 이 동일한 사람들은 그러한 자율자동차를 본인이 스스로 타는 것에 대해서는 열광하지 않는다는 것이 드러났다.
1. RB approve ①승인하다②허가하다 | 2. JJ autonomous ①자주적인②자율적인 | 3. JJ enthusiastic ①열정적인②열렬한 | 4. N passenger 승객 | 5. N pedestrian ①보행의②도보의 | 6. V publish 출판하다 | 7. JJ sacrifice 희생하다 | 8. N vehicle ①차량②자동차POS
A new study published in Science reveals that people generally approve of driverless, or autonomous, cars programmed to sacrifice their passengers in order to save pedestrians, but these same people are not enthusiastic about riding in such autonomous vehicles (AVs) themselves.('A', 'DT') ('new', 'JJ') ('study', 'NN') ('published', 'VBN') ('in', 'IN') ('Science', 'NNP') ('reveals', 'NNS') ('that', 'WDT') ('people', 'NNS') ('generally', 'RB') ('approve', 'VBP') ('of', 'IN') ('driverless,', 'NN') ('or', 'CC') ('autonomous,', 'JJ') ('cars', 'NNS') ('programmed', 'VBD') ('to', 'TO') ('sacrifice', 'VB') ('their', 'PRP$') ('passengers', 'NNS') ('in', 'IN') ('order', 'NN') ('to', 'TO') ('save', 'VB') ('pedestrians,', 'NNS') ('but', 'CC') ('these', 'DT') ('same', 'JJ') ('people', 'NNS') ('are', 'VBP') ('not', 'RB') ('enthusiastic', 'JJ') ('about', 'IN') ('riding', 'VBG') ('in', 'IN') ('such', 'JJ') ('autonomous', 'JJ') ('vehicles', 'NNS') ('(AVs)', 'VBP') ('themselves.', 'NN')
1. pron-재귀대명사A new study published in Science reveals that people generally approve of driverless, or autonomous, cars programmed to sacrifice their passengers in order to save pedestrians, but these same people are not enthusiastic about riding in such autonomous vehicles (AVs) [them / 🌼themselves].
구문과 논리
1. 동투동잉(3형식) | 2. 이디전 | 3. 목적 | 4. 연결어코드These characteristics, when combined, enable the deployment of autonomous software and explain why blockchains serve as a powerful new tool to facilitate economic and social activity that otherwise would be difficult to achieve. [1812-4142-5] <17.7pt>
이러한 특징들은 결합되었을 때 자동화 소프트웨어의 배치를 가능하게 하고, 블록체인이 그것 없이는 성취하기 어려울지 모르는 경제적, 사회적 활동을 촉진하는 강력한 새로운 도구의 역할을 하는지에 대한 이유를 설명한다.
1. RB achieve 성취하다 | 2. JJ autonomous ①자주적인②자율적인 | 3. N characteristic ①특성②독특한 | 4. V combine ①결합시키다②합치다 | 5. JJ deployment 배치 | 6. JJ economic ①경제의②경기의 | 7. JJ enable 가능하게하다 | 8. RB otherwise 그렇지 않으면 | 9. V serve ①봉사하다②역할을 하다POS
These characteristics, when combined, enable the deployment of autonomous software and explain why blockchains serve as a powerful new tool to facilitate economic and social activity that otherwise would be difficult to achieve.('These', 'DT') ('characteristics,', 'NN') ('when', 'WRB') ('combined,', 'NN') ('enable', 'VB') ('the', 'DT') ('deployment', 'NN') ('of', 'IN') ('autonomous', 'JJ') ('software', 'NN') ('and', 'CC') ('explain', 'VB') ('why', 'WRB') ('blockchains', 'NNS') ('serve', 'VBP') ('as', 'IN') ('a', 'DT') ('powerful', 'JJ') ('new', 'JJ') ('tool', 'NN') ('to', 'TO') ('facilitate', 'VB') ('economic', 'JJ') ('and', 'CC') ('social', 'JJ') ('activity', 'NN') ('that', 'WDT') ('otherwise', 'RB') ('would', 'MD') ('be', 'VB') ('difficult', 'JJ') ('to', 'TO') ('achieve.', 'VB')
1. C-부접피 | 2. c-앤동5These characteristics, when [combining / 🌼combined], enable the deployment of autonomous software and [🌼explain / explains] why blockchains serve as a powerful new tool to facilitate economic and social activity that otherwise would be difficult to achieve.
구문과 논리
1. 콤접(변형주의) | 2. 부접 (주비생략) 잉/피(능수동주의) | 3. 삽입코드Because blockchains are pseudonymous and have a tamper-resistant data structure supported by decentralized consensus mechanisms, they can be used to coordinate socially unacceptable or criminal conduct, including conduct facilitated by autonomous software programs. [1812-4142-8] <24.7pt>
블록체인은 유사 익명성이 있고 분산적 합의 메커니즘에 의해 지원되는 변형 억제 데이터 구조를 가지고 있기 때문에, 그것은 자동화 소프트웨어 프로그램에 의해 가능해진 행위를 포함한 사회적으로 용인되지 않는 또는 범죄 행위를 조직화하는 데 이용될 수 있다.
1. JJ autonomous ①자주적인②자율적인 | 2. V conduct ①실시하다②수행하다 | 3. N consensus ①합의②의견 | 4. N coordinate 동등하게 하다 | 5. JJ criminal ①범죄의②형사상의 | 6. JJ facilitated 용이하게 하다 | 7. V include ①포함하다②함유하다 | 8. N mechanism ①구조②장치 | 9. JJ resistant ①내성②저항 | 10. RB socially ①사회적으로②사교적으로 | 11. N structure ①구조②구성하다 | 12. N tamper ①간섭하다②메워 넣는 막대 | 13. JJ unacceptable ①용인할 수 없는②받아들일 수 없는
1. be used to ~위해 사용되다/~에 익숙하다POS
Because blockchains are pseudonymous and have a tamper-resistant data structure supported by decentralized consensus mechanisms, they can be used to coordinate socially unacceptable or criminal conduct, including conduct facilitated by autonomous software programs.('Because', 'IN') ('blockchains', 'NNS') ('are', 'VBP') ('pseudonymous', 'JJ') ('and', 'CC') ('have', 'VBP') ('a', 'DT') ('tamper-resistant', 'JJ') ('data', 'NN') ('structure', 'NN') ('supported', 'VBN') ('by', 'IN') ('decentralized', 'JJ') ('consensus', 'NN') ('mechanisms,', 'IN') ('they', 'PRP') ('can', 'MD') ('be', 'VB') ('used', 'VBN') ('to', 'TO') ('coordinate', 'VB') ('socially', 'RB') ('unacceptable', 'JJ') ('or', 'CC') ('criminal', 'JJ') ('conduct,', 'NN') ('including', 'VBG') ('conduct', 'NN') ('facilitated', 'VBN') ('by', 'IN') ('autonomous', 'JJ') ('software', 'NN') ('programs.', 'NN')
1. ING-콤잉 | 2. 동동이디 | 3. prep-전피7Because blockchains are pseudonymous and have a tamper-resistant data structure supported by [decentralizing / 🌼decentralized] consensus mechanisms, they can be used to coordinate socially unacceptable or criminal conduct, [include / 🌼including] conduct [🌼facilitated / facilitating] by autonomous software programs.
구문과 논리
1. 동투동잉(3형식) | 2. 수동태 #be pp 주의 | 3. 이디전 | 4. 이유 | 5. 연결어코드But if works of art are thought of as autonomous structures whose meaning is set by the artist, where there is one "objective" or "right" interpretation, independent of its social context, then it might make more sense to pair this conception of art with the view of the learner as a lone individual. [20수완 4-02-6] <19.8pt>
그러나 만약 예술 작품이, 그 의미가 예술가에 의해 결정되고, 사회적 상황과 무관하게 하냐의 '객관적' 혹은 '올바른' 해석이 있는 자율적 구조로 여겨지면, 그럴 경우 이러한 예술 개념을 홀로 존재하는 개인으로 학습자를 바라보는 관점과 결합하는 것이 더 이치에 맞을 수도 있다.
1. JJ autonomous ①자주적인②자율적인 | 2. N conception ①개념②계획 | 3. N context ①문맥②상황 | 4. JJ independent ①독립한②무소속의 | 5. JJ individual 개인의 | 6. N interpretation ①해석②통역 | 7. JJ objective 객관적인 | 8. N pair ①짝지어주다②한 쌍 | 9. N sense ①감각②의미
1. with the view of ~할 목적으로POS
But if works of art are thought of as autonomous structures whose meaning is set by the artist, where there is one "objective" or "right" interpretation, independent of its social context, then it might make more sense to pair this conception of art with the view of the learner as a lone individual.('But', 'CC') ('if', 'IN') ('works', 'NNS') ('of', 'IN') ('art', 'NN') ('are', 'VBP') ('thought', 'VBN') ('of', 'IN') ('as', 'IN') ('autonomous', 'JJ') ('structures', 'NNS') ('whose', 'WP$') ('meaning', 'NN') ('is', 'VBZ') ('set', 'VBN') ('by', 'IN') ('the', 'DT') ('artist,', 'NN') ('where', 'WRB') ('there', 'EX') ('is', 'VBZ') ('one', 'CD') ('"objective"', 'NN') ('or', 'CC') ('"right"', 'VB') ('interpretation,', 'JJ') ('independent', 'JJ') ('of', 'IN') ('its', 'PRP$') ('social', 'JJ') ('context,', 'NN') ('then', 'RB') ('it', 'PRP') ('might', 'MD') ('make', 'VB') ('more', 'JJR') ('sense', 'NN') ('to', 'TO') ('pair', 'VB') ('this', 'DT') ('conception', 'NN') ('of', 'IN') ('art', 'NN') ('with', 'IN') ('the', 'DT') ('view', 'NN') ('of', 'IN') ('the', 'DT') ('learner', 'NN') ('as', 'IN') ('a', 'DT') ('lone', 'NN') ('individual.', 'NN')
1. adj-형끝 | 2. C-콤웨어 | 3. IF-가정법1 | 4. ING-분사구1 | 5. 관계대명사 | 6. 동오브But if works of art are thought [to / 🌼of] as autonomous structures [who / 🌼whose] [meant / 🌼meaning] is set by the artist, [there / 🌼where] there is one "objective" or "right" interpretation, independent of its social context, then it [have / 🌼might] make more sense to pair this conception of art with the view of the learner as a lone [🌼individual / individually].
구문과 논리
1. 가정법과거 #IF S 과거동사 X, S 조동과 RV X | 2. 1형식 | 3. 콤접(변형주의) | 4. 수동태 #be pp 주의 | 5. 연결어코드 | 6. 삽입코드Therefore, the herdsmen from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia autonomous regions follow the tea culture system in which they drink tea with milk. [1662-22-6] <9.1pt>
그러므로, Qinghai-Tibet고원, Xinjiang, 내(內)몽고 자치구의 유목민들은 우유를 차와 함께 마시는 차 문화 체계를 따른다.
1. JJ autonomous ①자주적인②자율적인 | 2. N plateau ①고원②정체기 | 3. N region 지역POS
Therefore, the herdsmen from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia autonomous regions follow the tea culture system in which they drink tea with milk.('Therefore,', 'IN') ('the', 'DT') ('herdsmen', 'NNS') ('from', 'IN') ('the', 'DT') ('Qinghai-Tibet', 'NNP') ('Plateau,', 'NNP') ('the', 'DT') ('Xinjiang', 'NNP') ('and', 'CC') ('Inner', 'NNP') ('Mongolia', 'NNP') ('autonomous', 'JJ') ('regions', 'NNS') ('follow', 'VBP') ('the', 'DT') ('tea', 'NN') ('culture', 'NN') ('system', 'NN') ('in', 'IN') ('which', 'WDT') ('they', 'PRP') ('drink', 'VBP') ('tea', 'NN') ('with', 'IN') ('milk.', 'NN')
1. C-전접Therefore, the herdsmen from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia autonomous regions follow the tea culture system [in them / 🌼in which] they drink tea with milk.
구문과 논리
1. 전접+완전문 | 2. 결과 | 3. 연결어코드 | 4. 삽입코드For example, in a vehicle simulation study, Waytz and colleagues found that participants reported higher levels of trust in autonomous vehicles (e.g., self-driving cars) that featured anthropomorphic cues (e.g., a name, gender, voice) than in those vehicles that lacked anthropomorphic cues. [2019_수특-403-3] <21.2pt>
예를 들어, 차량 시뮬레이션 연구에서 Waytz와 동료들은 참여자들이 의인화된 신호가 부족한 차량보다 의인화된 신호(예를 들면 이름, 성별, 목소리)를 특징으로 하는 자율주행차량(예를 들면 스스로 운전하는 차)에 대한 신뢰도가 더 높다고 말하는 것을 발견했다.
1. RB anthropomorphic ①의인화된②사람의 모습을 닮은 | 2. JJ autonomous ①자주적인②자율적인 | 3. N colleague 동료 | 4. N cue ①단서②신호 | 5. V feature ①특징②출연하다 | 6. N gender 성별 | 7. V lack ①부족②ㅇ이 없다 | 8. N participant 참가자 | 9. V report 보고하다 | 10. N simulation ①모의 실험②시뮬레이션 | 11. N vehicle ①차량②자동차POS
For example, in a vehicle simulation study, Waytz and colleagues found that participants reported higher levels of trust in autonomous vehicles (e.g., self-driving cars) that featured anthropomorphic cues (e.g., a name, gender, voice) than in those vehicles that lacked anthropomorphic cues.('For', 'IN') ('example,', 'NN') ('in', 'IN') ('a', 'DT') ('vehicle', 'NN') ('simulation', 'NN') ('study,', 'NN') ('Waytz', 'NNP') ('and', 'CC') ('colleagues', 'NNS') ('found', 'VBD') ('that', 'IN') ('participants', 'NNS') ('reported', 'VBD') ('higher', 'JJR') ('levels', 'NNS') ('of', 'IN') ('trust', 'NN') ('in', 'IN') ('autonomous', 'JJ') ('vehicles', 'NNS') ('(e.g.,', 'VBP') ('self-driving', 'JJ') ('cars)', 'NN') ('that', 'WDT') ('featured', 'VBD') ('anthropomorphic', 'JJ') ('cues', 'NNS') ('(e.g.,', 'VBP') ('a', 'DT') ('name,', 'JJ') ('gender,', 'NN') ('voice)', 'NN') ('than', 'IN') ('in', 'IN') ('those', 'DT') ('vehicles', 'NNS') ('that', 'WDT') ('lacked', 'VBD') ('anthropomorphic', 'JJ') ('cues.', 'NN')
1. THAN-비교급병렬For example, in a vehicle simulation study, Waytz and colleagues found that participants reported higher levels of trust in autonomous vehicles (e.g., self-driving cars) that featured anthropomorphic cues (e.g., a name, gender, voice) than [🌼in / X] those vehicles that lacked anthropomorphic cues.
구문과 논리
1. 연결어코드Cognitive computing is supported by machine learning and deep learning technology, which allows computers to autonomously learn from data. [2019_수특-2604-1] <9.0pt>
인지 컴퓨팅은 머신 러닝과 딥러닝 기술에 의해 지원되는데, 그것은 컴퓨터들이 데이터로부터 자율적으로 학습하도록 한다.
1. RB autonomously ①자주적으로②자치적으로 | 2. JJ cognitive ①인식의②인지의 | 3. N computing ①컴퓨터로 계산하다②계산하다POS
Cognitive computing is supported by machine learning and deep learning technology, which allows computers to autonomously learn from data.('Cognitive', 'JJ') ('computing', 'NN') ('is', 'VBZ') ('supported', 'VBN') ('by', 'IN') ('machine', 'NN') ('learning', 'NN') ('and', 'CC') ('deep', 'JJ') ('learning', 'NN') ('technology,', 'NN') ('which', 'WDT') ('allows', 'VBZ') ('computers', 'NNS') ('to', 'TO') ('autonomously', 'RB') ('learn', 'VB') ('from', 'IN') ('data.', 'NN')
1. C-콤위치 | 2. to-투부동Cognitive computing is supported by machine learning and deep learning technology, [it / 🌼which] allows computers to [autonomous / 🌼autonomously] learn from data.
구문과 논리
1. 콤접(변형주의) | 2. 수동태 #be pp 주의The robot has an end user (or perhaps a few, like a personal robot caring for a family, a car driving a few passengers to different destinations, or an office assistant for an entire team); it has a designer (or perhaps a few); and it interacts with society — the autonomous car shares the road with pedestrians, human-driven vehicles, and other autonomous cars. [20수특 27-2-3] <16.8pt>
로봇은 한 명의 최종 사용자를(또는 아마도, 가족을 돌보는 개인용 로봇이나, 서로 다른 목적지로 몇 명의 승객을 태워 가는 자동차, 또는 전체 팀을 위한 사무 보조 로봇처럼 몇 명이 될 수 있는 최종 사용자를) 가지고 있고, 그것(로봇)은 한 명의 설계자를 (또는 아마도 몇 명의 설계자를) 가지며, 그리고 그것(로봇)은 자율주행자동차가 보행자, 인간이 운전하는 차량, 그리고 다른 자율주행자동차와 도로를 공유하는 것처럼 사회와 상호작용한다.
1. N assistant ①보조②조수 | 2. JJ autonomous ①자주적인②자율적인 | 3. V care ①보살피다②마음쓰다 | 4. N destination ①목적지②관광지 | 5. V interact ①작용하다②교류하다 | 6. N passenger 승객 | 7. N pedestrian ①보행의②도보의 | 8. N share ①공유하다②나누다 | 9. N society 사회 | 10. N vehicle ①차량②자동차
1. care for 좋아하다, 돌보다POS
The robot has an end user (or perhaps a few, like a personal robot caring for a family, a car driving a few passengers to different destinations, or an office assistant for an entire team); it has a designer (or perhaps a few); and it interacts with society — the autonomous car shares the road with pedestrians, human-driven vehicles, and other autonomous cars.('The', 'DT') ('robot', 'NN') ('has', 'VBZ') ('an', 'DT') ('end', 'NN') ('user', 'NN') ('(or', 'NNP') ('perhaps', 'RB') ('a', 'DT') ('few,', 'NN') ('like', 'IN') ('a', 'DT') ('personal', 'JJ') ('robot', 'NN') ('caring', 'VBG') ('for', 'IN') ('a', 'DT') ('family,', 'NN') ('a', 'DT') ('car', 'NN') ('driving', 'VBG') ('a', 'DT') ('few', 'JJ') ('passengers', 'NNS') ('to', 'TO') ('different', 'JJ') ('destinations,', 'NN') ('or', 'CC') ('an', 'DT') ('office', 'NN') ('assistant', 'NN') ('for', 'IN') ('an', 'DT') ('entire', 'JJ') ('team);', 'NN') ('it', 'PRP') ('has', 'VBZ') ('a', 'DT') ('designer', 'NN') ('(or', 'NN') ('perhaps', 'RB') ('a', 'DT') ('few);', 'NN') ('and', 'CC') ('it', 'PRP') ('interacts', 'VBZ') ('with', 'IN') ('society', 'NN') ('—', 'VBP') ('the', 'DT') ('autonomous', 'JJ') ('car', 'NN') ('shares', 'NNS') ('the', 'DT') ('road', 'NN') ('with', 'IN') ('pedestrians,', 'JJ') ('human-driven', 'JJ') ('vehicles,', 'NN') ('and', 'CC') ('other', 'JJ') ('autonomous', 'JJ') ('cars.', 'NNS')
1. ING-명잉 | 2. A-명잉The robot has an end user (or perhaps a few, like a personal robot [🌼caring / care] for a family, a car [🌼driving / driv] a few passengers to different destinations, or an office assistant for an entire team); it has a designer (or perhaps a few); and it interacts with society — the autonomous car shares the road with pedestrians, human-driven vehicles, and other autonomous cars.
구문과 논리
1. 명잉 #분사구 #분사구문 | 2. 잉전For example, in a vehicle simulation study, Waytz and colleagues found that participants reported higher levels of trust in autonomous vehicles that featured anthropomorphic cues than in those vehicles that lacked anthropomorphic cues. [SS 403-3] <18.9pt>
예를 들어, 차량 시뮬레이션 연구에서 Waytz와 동료들은 참여자들이 의인화된 신호가 부족한 차량보다 의인화된 신호를 특징으로 하는 자율주행차량에 대한 신뢰도가 더 높다고 말하는 것을 발견했다.
1. RB anthropomorphic ①의인화된②사람의 모습을 닮은 | 2. JJ autonomous ①자주적인②자율적인 | 3. N colleague 동료 | 4. N cue ①단서②신호 | 5. V feature ①특징②출연하다 | 6. JJ lacked ①부족②ㅇ이 없다 | 7. N participant 참가자 | 8. V report 보고하다 | 9. N simulation ①모의 실험②시뮬레이션 | 10. N vehicle ①차량②자동차POS
For example, in a vehicle simulation study, Waytz and colleagues found that participants reported higher levels of trust in autonomous vehicles that featured anthropomorphic cues than in those vehicles that lacked anthropomorphic cues.('For', 'IN') ('example,', 'NN') ('in', 'IN') ('a', 'DT') ('vehicle', 'NN') ('simulation', 'NN') ('study,', 'NN') ('Waytz', 'NNP') ('and', 'CC') ('colleagues', 'NNS') ('found', 'VBD') ('that', 'IN') ('participants', 'NNS') ('reported', 'VBD') ('higher', 'JJR') ('levels', 'NNS') ('of', 'IN') ('trust', 'NN') ('in', 'IN') ('autonomous', 'JJ') ('vehicles', 'NNS') ('that', 'WDT') ('featured', 'VBD') ('anthropomorphic', 'JJ') ('cues', 'NNS') ('than', 'IN') ('in', 'IN') ('those', 'DT') ('vehicles', 'NNS') ('that', 'WDT') ('lacked', 'VBD') ('anthropomorphic', 'JJ') ('cues.', 'NN')
1. THAN-비교급병렬For example, in a vehicle simulation study, Waytz and colleagues found that participants reported higher levels of trust in autonomous vehicles that featured anthropomorphic cues than [🌼in / X] those vehicles that lacked anthropomorphic cues.
구문과 논리
1. 연결어코드The nervous system is modular — in a sense, each of the body segments has its own individual and autonomous brain — and some other body systems show a similar modularization. [2012-29-4] <11.0pt>
신경 체계가 모듈식으로 되어 있는데, 어떤 의미에서는 각각의 몸의 마디가 그 자체의 개별적이고 자율적인 뇌를 갖고 있으며, 몇몇 다른 몸의 체계가 유사한 모듈화를 보여 준다.
1. JJ autonomous ①자주적인②자율적인 | 2. JJ individual 개인의 | 3. JJ modular ①모듈의②조립식의 | 4. N segment ①분절②부문 | 5. N sense ①감각②의미
1. in a sense 어떤 의미에 있어서POS
The nervous system is modular — in a sense, each of the body segments has its own individual and autonomous brain — and some other body systems show a similar modularization.('The', 'DT') ('nervous', 'JJ') ('system', 'NN') ('is', 'VBZ') ('modular', 'JJ') ('—', 'NN') ('in', 'IN') ('a', 'DT') ('sense,', 'JJ') ('each', 'DT') ('of', 'IN') ('the', 'DT') ('body', 'NN') ('segments', 'VBZ') ('has', 'VBZ') ('its', 'PRP$') ('own', 'JJ') ('individual', 'NN') ('and', 'CC') ('autonomous', 'JJ') ('brain', 'NN') ('—', 'NN') ('and', 'CC') ('some', 'DT') ('other', 'JJ') ('body', 'NN') ('systems', 'NNS') ('show', 'VBP') ('a', 'DT') ('similar', 'JJ') ('modularization.', 'NN')
1. s-이치오복The nervous system is modular — in a sense, each of the body [segment / 🌼segments] has its own individual and autonomous brain — and some other body systems show a similar modularization.
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