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블루티쳐학원 | 등록번호: 762-94-00693 | 중고등 영어 | 수강료: 30(중등), 33(고등), 3+4(특강)


In many ways it's difficult to imagine communicating without any emotion whatsoever. What would communication stripped of its nonverbal components even look like? Perhaps messaging technology can give us a clue. After all, who hasn't experienced a misunderstanding with someone when exchanging text messages? While there can be a number of reasons for this, many misinterpretations are in fact due to the lack of nonverbal cues and tone of voice in these communications. Numerous studies of text messaging and email support this. A 2005 paper, "Egocentrism Over E-Mail: Can We Communicate as Well as We Think?" cites studies that showed participants had a 50 percent chance of correctly distinguishing whether the tone in an email was sarcastic or not. If our ability to correctly deduce such information is no better than chance, it's small wonder texting often leads to misunderstandings.

Social validation means that certain beliefs and values are confirmed only by the shared social experience of a group. For example, any given culture cannot prove that its religion and moral system are superior to another culture's religion and moral system, but if the members reinforce each other's beliefs and values, they come to be taken for granted. Those who fail to accept such beliefs and values run the risk of "excommunication," of being thrown out of the group. The test of whether they work or not is how comfortable and anxiety-free members are when they abide by them. In these realms, the group learns that certain beliefs and values, as initially promulgated by prophets, founders, and leaders, "work" in the sense of reducing uncertainty in critical areas of the group's functioning. Moreover, as they continue to provide meaning and comfort to group members, they also become transformed into non-discussible assumptions even though they may not be correlated with actual performance.

Socio-cultural behaviors arise from the exchange of information between individuals and, therefore, they are closely linked to how the information flows among the population. In particular, the social ties built and maintained in the local neighborhood are useful for solving concrete local problems and affect the spread of information and behaviors, playing a key role in integrating social groups at higher scales. Residential segregation directly impacts how these social ties of physical nearness are displayed, drawing boundaries on the structure of information flows. We can think of the segregation process as a dynamical formation of echo-chambers: social fragmentation over the residential space encourages individuals within a group to interact only with their peers. In this case, the collective behaviors of the socio-cultural space that emerge could clash at higher scales, as polarized positions may arise.

It was the day when I had the opportunity to attend my first board meeting. I arrived early. It was a great honor that I had been asked to join them as a board member. Their mission was important. The other members were powerful, highly respected women from across the nation. I had heard about their work and their reputations for years. I was finally going to get a chance to meet them. As I walked into the meeting room, someone from the organization was already there, getting ready for the meeting. Caterers were bringing in delicious treats and hot coffee. I looked at the big mahogany table and quickly saw that name tags and binders were already being arranged and placed on the table. I saw my name ― with a handwritten note from the president ― welcoming me to my first meeting. Quite frankly, I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing!

Let's say you're storing a working microwave in your basement. You're not currently using the microwave; instead, it's collecting dust. Applying the concept of utility informs us that the microwave has no true value to you or anyone else because it isn't being used right now for its intended purpose (which is, of course, to warm food). But if you donated or sold that microwave to someone who could use it, you would immediately restore its value while also saving the recipient from having to purchase a brand new one. Many consumers balk at the idea of donating or selling perfectly decent items, and that's understandable, as items cost money. But thanks to constant product turnover and innovation, electronics and appliances quickly become outdated. Giving that microwave to someone in your community who needs it to warm food right now decreases the chances of finite resources, including fossil fuels, copper, other metals, and water, being extracted from the earth to make another microwave.
