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카테고리 없음2023. 5. 12. 01:36
Imagine you are at a movie theater and one of your friends has just thrown trash on the floor. You want to tell him to pick it up, but none of your other friends have said anything. Not wanting to appear different, you simply say nothing. However, in reality, most of your other friends are also upset about the trash on the floor. But since nobody has said anything, nobody knows this. This is known as "pluralistic ignorance."It refers to situations in which people assume that their values differ from those of the rest of the group. If just one person had said how he or she really felt, the pluralistic ignorance would have instantly disappeared.
All around the world, honeybee populations are declining. There are several theories as to what's causing this, including climate change, genetically-modified crops, and viruses. Now, some scientists want to add cell phones to this list. Researchers in Switzerland studied a phenomenon called "colony collapse disorder," which occurs when worker bees abandon a hive. Eventually, the queen bee runs out of food and the colony is destroyed. The researchers placed cell phones in several hives, and then recorded the sounds the bees made when the phones were active and when they were not. Inactive phones didn't seem to have an effect on the bees, but ringing phones, which create electromagnetic waves, threw them into confusion, causing them to fly away from the hive. This behavior has led the researchers to believe that bees are sensitive to electromagnetic fields.
In many of the world's languages, tones are used to imbue words with meaning. A remarkable new study has shown that languages that use three or more tones for sound contrast are significantly more likely to be used in humid than dry parts of the world. In other words, climate appears to be one of the factors exerting influence on the development of languages over time. The study points out that this is an example of how humans adapt to their various environments. The researchers noted that breathing in dry air leads to dehydration of the larynx and reduces the elasticity of the vocal folds, making it harder to produce complex tones. Therefore, people in drier areas would avoid using them.
When photography came along in the nineteenth century, painting was put in crisis. The photograph, it seemed, did the work of imitating nature better than the painter ever could. Some painters made practical use of the invention. There were Impressionist painters who used a photograph in place of the model or landscape they were painting. But by and large, the photograph was a challenge to painting and was one cause of painting's moving away from direct representation and reproduction to the abstract painting of the twentieth century. Since photographs did such a good job of representing things as they existed in the world, painters were freed to look inward and represent things as they were in their imagination, rendering emotion in the color, volume, line, and spatial configurations native to the painter 's art.
Cruise ships offer a variety of features to make a vacation memorable. It is important, however, to choose a cruise company that is right for you. There are many companies that offer cruises, including Royal Caribbean, Carnival, and Disney. You should start by finding several offers that suit your budget. Once you've found cruises you can afford, decide what type of activities you prefer. Couples, for example, often choose cruises that feature romantic activities, while families are more interested in cruises with fun events and exciting performances. Another important criterion is the number of vacation days you have available. Most companies offer trips that last anywhere from three to fourteen days. These factors can help you choose the perfect cruise.
Imagine you are at a movie theater and one of your friends has just thrown trash on the floor. You want to tell him to pick it up, but none of your other friends have said anything. Not wanting to appear different, you simply say nothing. However, in reality, most of your other friends are also upset about the trash on the floor. But since nobody has said anything, nobody knows this. This is known as "pluralistic ignorance."It refers to situations in which people assume that their values differ from those of the rest of the group. If just one person had said how he or she really felt, the pluralistic ignorance would have instantly disappeared.
All around the world, honeybee populations are declining. There are several theories as to what's causing this, including climate change, genetically-modified crops, and viruses. Now, some scientists want to add cell phones to this list. Researchers in Switzerland studied a phenomenon called "colony collapse disorder," which occurs when worker bees abandon a hive. Eventually, the queen bee runs out of food and the colony is destroyed. The researchers placed cell phones in several hives, and then recorded the sounds the bees made when the phones were active and when they were not. Inactive phones didn't seem to have an effect on the bees, but ringing phones, which create electromagnetic waves, threw them into confusion, causing them to fly away from the hive. This behavior has led the researchers to believe that bees are sensitive to electromagnetic fields.
In many of the world's languages, tones are used to imbue words with meaning. A remarkable new study has shown that languages that use three or more tones for sound contrast are significantly more likely to be used in humid than dry parts of the world. In other words, climate appears to be one of the factors exerting influence on the development of languages over time. The study points out that this is an example of how humans adapt to their various environments. The researchers noted that breathing in dry air leads to dehydration of the larynx and reduces the elasticity of the vocal folds, making it harder to produce complex tones. Therefore, people in drier areas would avoid using them.
When photography came along in the nineteenth century, painting was put in crisis. The photograph, it seemed, did the work of imitating nature better than the painter ever could. Some painters made practical use of the invention. There were Impressionist painters who used a photograph in place of the model or landscape they were painting. But by and large, the photograph was a challenge to painting and was one cause of painting's moving away from direct representation and reproduction to the abstract painting of the twentieth century. Since photographs did such a good job of representing things as they existed in the world, painters were freed to look inward and represent things as they were in their imagination, rendering emotion in the color, volume, line, and spatial configurations native to the painter 's art.
Cruise ships offer a variety of features to make a vacation memorable. It is important, however, to choose a cruise company that is right for you. There are many companies that offer cruises, including Royal Caribbean, Carnival, and Disney. You should start by finding several offers that suit your budget. Once you've found cruises you can afford, decide what type of activities you prefer. Couples, for example, often choose cruises that feature romantic activities, while families are more interested in cruises with fun events and exciting performances. Another important criterion is the number of vacation days you have available. Most companies offer trips that last anywhere from three to fourteen days. These factors can help you choose the perfect cruise.