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블루티쳐학원 | 등록번호: 762-94-00693 | 중고등 영어 | 수강료: 30(중등), 33(고등), 3+4(특강)


The Mannerists were a group of 16th-century Italian painters who followed a generation of great Renaissance artists that included Raphael, Michelangelo, and Leonardo da Vinci. Although they borrowed the basic style of these Renaissance painters, they exaggerated and distorted it. As a result, they produced some very unusual works of art. Their paintings often feature bright, unsettling colors such as pink, orange, and green. During this period, the works of the Mannerists were either ignored or harshly criticized. Hundreds of years later, however, art critics began to appreciate the bold experimental style of these artists.

In 1947, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists(BAS) created a special device known as the Doomsday Clock. It represents how close the human race is to a major disaster that will cause the world to end. It was originally developed as a way of illustrating the threat of nuclear war, but has since incorporated other serious threats to our planet, including climate change. The clock was first set at 11:53 p.m., and it continuously moves closer to and farther from the "doomsday" time of midnight as the world's situation changes. In January of 2012, the BAS moved the clock forward to 11:55 p.m. in response to the uncontrolled spread of nuclear weapons around the world.

A snowy landscape may seem lifeless at first glance. The trees are leafless and there are few, if any, animals moving about. But under the snow is an active area called the "subnivium" where plants are growing and animals are active. The name "subnivium" is made up of the Latin words sub meaning "below" and nivis meaning "snow."This name is appropriate because the subnivium exists in the tiny area between the ground and the snow. When the snow is at least six inches deep, it actually protects the soil beneath it from the winds and cold above. Therefore, the temperature in the area just below the snow-the subnivium-stays slightly above freezing, allowing plants to flourish and animals to survive.

Some foods, such as potatoes and bananas, are more likely to cause you to suffer from gas. This is because farting is caused by an interaction between bacteria in our bowels and certain substances, especially carbohydrates and sugars. Since these are difficult to break down during the digestive process, they travel relatively untouched to the bowels. There, fermentation is carried out by bacteria, and this produces gas. In addition, many processed foods contain artificial sugars that pass to the bowels unabsorbed and create the gas we call a fart. Chocolates and fruit juices are two other well-documented causes of gas.

Movies may be said to support the dominant culture and to serve as a means for its reproduction over time. But one may ask why audiences would find such movies enjoyable if all they do is give cultural directives and prescriptions for proper living. Most of us would likely grow tired of such didactic movies and would probably come to see them as propaganda, similar to the cultural artwork that was common in the Soviet Union and other autocratic societies. The simple answer to this question is that movies do more than present two-hour civics lessons or editorials on responsible behavior. They also tell stories that, in the end, we find satisfying. The bad guys are usually punished; the romantic couple almost always find each other despite the obstacles and difficulties they encounter on the path to true love; and the way we wish the world to be is how, in the movies, it more often than not winds up being. No doubt it is this utopian aspect of movies that accounts for why we enjoy them so much.
