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블루티쳐학원 | 등록번호: 762-94-00693 | 중고등 영어 | 수강료: 30(중등), 33(고등), 3+4(특강)


I am writing on behalf of the Protect Animal Organization. Our organization was founded on the belief that all animals should be respected and treated with kindness, and must be protected by law. Over the past 20 years, we have provided lost animals with protection, new homes, and sometimes health care. Currently, our animal shelter is full, and we need your help to build a new shelter. We are seeking donations in any amount. Every dollar raised goes to building homes for animals in need. You can donate to us online at Thank you for considering supporting us.

Dave sat up on his surfboard and looked around. He was the last person in the water that afternoon. Suddenly something out toward the horizon caught his eye and his heart froze. It was every surfer's worst nightmare — the fin of a shark. And it was no more than 20 meters away! He turned his board toward the beach and started kicking his way to the shore. Shivering, he gripped his board tighter and kicked harder. 'I'm going to be okay,' he thought to himself. 'I need to let go of the fear.' Five minutes of terror that felt like a lifetime passed before he was on dry land again. Dave sat on the beach and caught his breath. His mind was at ease. He was safe. He let out a contented sigh as the sun started setting behind the waves.

Sibling rivalry is natural, especially between strong‑willed kids. As parents, one of the dangers is comparing children unfavorably with each other, since they are always looking for a competitive advantage. The issue is not how fast a child can run, but who crosses the finish line first. A boy does not care how tall he is; he is vitally interested in who is tallest. Children systematically measure themselves against their peers on everything from skateboarding ability to who has the most friends. They are especially sensitive to any failure that is talked about openly within their own family. Accordingly, parents who want a little peace at home should guard against comparative comments that routinely favor one child over another. To violate this principle is to set up even greater rivalry between them.

Author Elizabeth Gilbert tells the fable of a great saint who would lead his followers in meditation. Just as the followers were dropping into their zen moment, they would be disrupted by a cat that would walk through the temple meowing and bothering everyone. The saint came up with a simple solution: He began to tie the cat to a pole during meditation sessions. This solution quickly developed into a ritual: Tie the cat to the pole first, meditate second. When the cat eventually died of natural causes, a religious crisis followed. What were the followers supposed to do? How could they possibly meditate without tying the cat to the pole? This story illustrates what I call invisible rules. These are habits and behaviors that have unnecessarily rigidified into rules. Although written rules can be resistant to change, invisible ones are more stubborn. They're the silent killers.

When it comes to the decision to get more exercise, you are setting goals that are similar to running a half marathon with very little training! You make a decision to buy a gym membership and decide to spend an hour at the gym every day. Well, you might stick to that for a day or two, but chances are you won't be able to continue to meet that commitment in the long term. If, however, you make a commitment to go jogging for a few minutes a day or add a few sit-ups to your daily routine before bed, then you are far more likely to stick to your decision and to create a habit that offers you long-term results. The key is to start small. Small habits lead to long-term success.
