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블루티쳐학원 | 등록번호: 762-94-00693 | 중고등 영어 | 수강료: 30(중등), 33(고등), 3+4(특강)


We at the Future Music School have been providing music education to talented children for 10 years. We hold an annual festival to give our students a chance to share their music with the community and we always invite a famous musician to perform in the opening event. Your reputation as a world‒class violinist precedes you and the students consider you the musician who has influenced them the most. That's why we want to ask you to perform at the opening event of the festival. It would be an honor for them to watch one of the most famous violinists of all time play at the show. It would make the festival more colorful and splendid. We look forward to receiving a positive reply.

It was time for the results of the speech contest. I was still skeptical whether I would win a prize or not. My hands were trembling due to the anxiety. I thought to myself, 'Did I work hard enough to outperform the other participants?' After a long wait, an envelope was handed to the announcer. She tore open the envelope to pull out the winner's name. My hands were now sweating and my heart started pounding really hard and fast. "The winner of the speech contest is Josh Brown" the announcer declared. As I realized my name had been called, I jumped with joy. "I can't believe it. I did it" I exclaimed. I felt like I was in heaven. Almost everybody gathered around me and started congratulating me for my victory.

We all have set patterns in life. We like to label ourselves as this or that and are quite proud of our opinions and beliefs. We all like to read a particular newspaper, watch the same sorts of TV programs or movies, go to the same sort of shops every time, eat the sort of food that suits us, and wear the same type of clothes. And all this is fine. But if we cut ourselves off from all other possibilities, we become boring, rigid, hardened― and thus likely to get knocked about a bit. You have to see life as a series of adventures. Each adventure is a chance to have fun, learn something, explore the world, expand your circle of friends and experience, and broaden your horizons. Shutting down to adventure means exactly that ―you are shut down.

Over the centuries various writers and thinkers, looking at humans from an outside perspective, have been struck by the theatrical quality of social life. The most famous quote expressing this comes from Shakespeare: "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts." If the theater and actors were traditionally represented by the image of masks, writers such as Shakespeare are implying that all of us are constantly wearing masks. Some people are better actors than others. Evil types such as Iago in the play Othello are able to conceal their hostile intentions behind a friendly smile. Others are able to act with more confidence and bravado — they often become leaders. People with excellent acting skills can better navigate our complex social environments and get ahead.

Personal blind spots are areas that are visible to others but not to you. The developmental challenge of blind spots is that you don't know what you don't know. Like that area in the side mirror of your car where you can't see that truck in the lane next to you, personal blind spots can easily be overlooked because you are completely unaware of their presence. They can be equally dangerous as well. That truck you don't see? It's really there! So are your blind spots. Just because you don't see them, doesn't mean they can't run you over. This is where you need to enlist the help of others. You have to develop a crew of special people, people who are willing to hold up that mirror, who not only know you well enough to see that truck, but who also care enough about you to let you know that it's there.
