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블루티쳐학원 | 등록번호: 762-94-00693 | 중고등 영어 | 수강료: 30(중등), 33(고등), 3+4(특강)


To whom it may concern, Thank you very much for faithfully responding to our request six months ago and taking corresponding measures. Even after the installation of road traffic safety facilities, we still need more for the safety of our students. It is a problem with the school road, which students use on their way to and from school. The width of the current school road is barely wide enough for two people to walk side by side. So, there are risks of collision with vehicles on the road where students walk and accidents if many students flock to the narrow school road. Therefore, we ask you to expand the school road for students' safety. I would appreciate it if you could respond as soon as possible.

One night a buddy and I decided we were going to go find that Big Foot. We were in my old truck and we set off across the fields heading toward the tallest hill. The fields were rough, with only the slightest trail to follow. Along the way there were small trenches dug in the fields. I never figured out why. As we got closer and closer to the top of the hill, I was actually becoming scared, which was kind of rare, because at that age I was pretty fearless. As we got to the top of the hill, there was a loud thump! My truck sunk down like something heavy had just jumped in the bed. We were too terrified to look in the back. I panicked and decided to throw the truck into reverse and back down the hill. As I did so, there was another thump and a loud roar now came out like I'd never, ever heard before.

Placing value on and investing in experiences provides us with a greater sense of vitality. Our experiences make us feel alive and give us greater opportunities to grow. Any time you consider purchasing a new possession, stop yourself and think about what kind of experience it will give you. Ask yourself: How much joy will this bring me? Will the joy be temporary or long-lasting? Will the purchase be something I can share with others? If it becomes clear the purchase will provide only short-term benefit to you, think about an experience you could purchase instead that would provide you with longer-term benefits. For instance, if you have your eye on a new pair of shoes for $150, ask yourself what kind of experience you could enjoy for that same amount. Maybe you'd enjoy a concert with friends or a dinner cruise during the summer. Once you think of an experience you'd enjoy, seriously consider diverting the money for the purchase from possession to experience.

It seemed like a fair deal: we would accept new technologies, which would modify our habits and oblige us to adjust to certain changes, but in exchange we would be granted relief from the burden of work, more security, and above all, the freedom to pursue our desires. The sacrifice was worth the gain; there would be no regrets. Yet it has become apparent that this civilization of leisure was, in reality, a Trojan horse. Its swelling flanks hid the impositions of a new type of enslavement. The automatons are not as autonomous as advertised. They need us. Those computers that were supposed to do our calculations for us instead demand our attention: for ten hours a day, we are glued to their screens. Our communications monopolize our time. Time itself is accelerating. The complexity of the system overwhelms us. And leisure is often a costly distraction.

Giving honest information may be particularly relevant to integrity because honesty is so fundamental in discussions of trustworthiness. Unfortunately, leaders are often reluctant to tell the truth. During times of crisis and change, business leaders are often faced with the challenge of either telling an uncomfortable truth, remaining silent, or downplaying the severity of the situation. There are plenty of other situations in which, in the short term, it may be more comfortable not to tell the truth to followers. Ultimately, however, even dishonesty that was meant to protect employee morale will eventually be exposed, undermining trustworthiness at a time when commitment to the organization is most vital. Even concerted efforts at secrecy can backfire, as employees may simply "fill in the gaps" in their understanding with their own theories about the leader's behavior. Therefore, leaders need to take steps to explain the true reasons for their decisions to those individuals affected by it, leaving less room for negative interpretations of leader behavior.
