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블루티쳐학원 | 등록번호: 762-94-00693 | 중고등 영어 | 수강료: 30(중등), 33(고등), 3+4(특강)


I have many comfort foods, but I love madeleines the most. A madeleine is a small cake that looks like a sea shell. People in France enjoy madeleines as an afternoon snack. My grandmother always makes madeleines for me when I visit her. They taste best when they come right out of the oven. Then the kitchen is filled with a sweet smell. I especially like eating her orange madeleines with a cup of tea. Every time I see or smell madeleines, I think of my grandmother. Let me share my grandmother's special recipe with you so that you can make orange madeleines, too. Maybe madeleines will become a comfort food for you!

Grandma's Special Recipe: Orange Madeleines. You need: 1 cup of flour, 2/3 cup of sugar, 2 eggs, some orange peel, 1/4 cup of butter, 1/8 teaspoon of salt Melt the butter and let it cool. Put the eggs, sugar and salt in a bowl and beat. Add the flour to the bowl and mix. Add the butter and orange peel to the mixture and mix. Pour the mixture into the madeleine pan. Bake in the oven for 10 to 15 minutes.

English has often borrowed words from other cultures or languages. Here are some examples with interesting stories. shampoo The word shampoo comes from the Hindi word chāmpo, which means "to press."In India, the word was used for a head massage. British traders in India experienced a bath with a head massage and introduced it to Britain in the 18th century. The meaning of the word shampoo changed a few times after it first entered English around 1762. In the 19th century, shampoo got its present meaning of "washing the hair."Shortly after that, the word began to be also used for a special soap for the hair.

The word robot comes from the play RUR, which was written in 1920 by a Czech writer Karel Čapek. In the play, robots are machines that look like humans. They are designed to work for humans and are produced in a factory. It is interesting that the idea of using the word robot didn't come from Karel Čapek himself. He originally called the machines in his play labori from the Latin word for "work."However, his brother suggested roboti, which means "slave workers" in Czech. Karel Čapek liked the idea and decided to use the word roboti. In 1938, the play was made into a science fiction show on television in Britain.

The word hurricane comes from the Spanish word huracán, which originates from the name of a Mayan god. In the Mayan creation myth, Huracán is the weather god of wind, storm, and fire, and he is one of the three gods who created humans. However, the first humans angered the gods, so Huracán caused a great flood. The first Spanish contact with the Mayan civilization was in 1517. Spanish explorers who were passing through the Caribbean experienced a hurricane and picked up the word for it from the people in the area. In English, one of the early uses of hurricane was in a play by Shakespeare in 1608.
