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블루티쳐학원 | 등록번호: 762-94-00693 | 중고등 영어 | 수강료: 30(중등), 33(고등), 3+4(특강)


In animation movies, amazing things are possible. But are they actually possible in real life? Let Down Your Hair, Rapunzel! In the animation, Rapunzel must lower her long hair to let people in her tower. But could human hair really hold up a person? Surprisingly, yes! A single hair can hold up 100g and an average head has about 120,000 hairs. All those hairs could hold up a couple of elephants! With her hair, Rapunzel has the ability to hold up a person. But she should wrap her hair around something strong and heavy. If she doesn't, she will get a very sore neck.

In the animation, monsters scare children to get energy from their screams. Amazingly, their city is powered by this sound! But could we actually produce electricity to light up a city from sound? Yes, sound can be changed into electricity. But it would not be helpful in our everyday activities because the amount is too small. For example, the sound from a car horn only produces 50 mv. That is only 1/4400 of the average 220v of electricity in our homes. So, we would need an unbelievable amount of screams to light up an entire city.

The house is lifted and flown by thousands of balloons in the animation. Could that actually work? Let's say that a house weighs about 50,000 kg. A normal balloon at an amusement park can lift about 14g. So we need about 3,570,000 balloons to lift up the house. We also have to think about the weight of the balloons themselves and the strings. Then, we need to add a few more thousand balloons. Now, the biggest challenge is pumping up all those balloons!

At the go-kart race track, there are many people who are cheering excitedly. The karts that are making loud engine noises are waiting. An official waves a green flag and the race starts!

Max pushes his foot down hard on the gas pedal as he completes his sixth lap on the track. On the straightaway, Max pulls right beside the race's leader, Simon. Last year, Simon won many races, but Max's best result in a race was coming in fifth place. This time, he has a chance to finish second. But he isn't going to be satisfied with second place today. The winner gets to meet the world famous racer Richards! He doesn't want to miss the chance to meet his role model.
