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블루티쳐학원 | 등록번호: 762-94-00693 | 중고등 영어 | 수강료: 30(중등), 33(고등), 3+4(특강)


I understand that on May 3, 2018 when you were a guest at our restaurant in the Four Hills Plaza, you experienced an unfortunate incident that resulted in a beverage being spilled on your coat. Please accept my sincere apology. Unfortunately the staff on duty at the time did not reflect our customer service policy. I have investigated the situation and scheduled additional customer service training for them. We'd like to have you back as a customer so I'm sending you a coupon for two free entrees that can be used at any of our five locations in New Parkland. Again, my apologies for the incident. I hope you give us the opportunity to make this right.

Patricia is eager to be the best mom she can be, but she finds parenting a hard task. Here's how she put it: "Just when I think I have it down, then something changes, and I have to make major adjustments. Parenting well feels like a moving target." Patricia is correct. In fact, much research has been done on the developmental stages of childhood. Babies learn to sit up, then crawl, and finally walk. Kids have a greater ability to reason as they get older, and logic makes sense as they move further into preadolescence. A logical implication of these developmental changes is that parents will need to make parenting shifts along the way. In other words, the one strategy to keep in mind as your children grow and change is that you must also change to meet their new developmental needs and abilities.

While backpacking through Costa Rica, Masami found herself in a bad situation. She had lost all of her belongings, and had only $5 in cash. To make matters worse, because of a recent tropical storm, all telephone and Internet services were down. She had no way to get money, so decided to go knocking door to door, explaining that she needed a place to stay until she could contact her family back in Japan to send her some money. Everybody told her they had no space or extra food and pointed her in the direction of the next house. It was already dark when she arrived at a small roadside restaurant. The owner of the restaurant heard her story and really empathized. Much to her delight, Masami was invited in. The owner gave her some food, and allowed her to stay there until she could contact her parents.

The development of writing was pioneered not by gossips, storytellers, or poets, but by accountants. The earliest writing system has its roots in the Neolithic period, when humans first began to switch from hunting and gathering to a settled lifestyle based on agriculture. This shift began around 9500 BC in a region known as the Fertile Crescent, which stretches from modern-day Egypt, up to southeastern Turkey, and down again to the border between Iraq and Iran. Writing seems to have evolved in this region from the custom of using small clay pieces to account for transactions involving agricultural goods such as grain, sheep, and cattle. The first written documents, which come from the Mesopotamian city of Uruk and date back to around 3400 B.C., record amounts of bread, payment of taxes, and other transactions using simple symbols and marks on clay tablets.

Why do you go to the library? For books, yes — and you like books because they tell stories. You hope to get lost in a story or be transported into someone else's life. At one type of library, you can do just that — even though there's not a single book. At a Human Library, people with unique life stories volunteer to be the "books." For a certain amount of time, you can ask them questions and listen to their stories, which are as fascinating and inspiring as any you can find in a book. Many of the stories have to do with some kind of stereotype. You can speak with a refugee, a soldier suffering from PTSD, and a homeless person. The Human Library encourages people to challenge their own existing notions — to truly get to know, and learn from, someone they might otherwise make quick judgements about.
