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Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture: Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams
Given at Carnegie Mellon University
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
McConomy Auditorium

For more information, see

ⓒ Copyright Randy Pausch, 20071

Note that this transcript is provided as a public service but may contain transcription errors.

Introduction by Indira Nair, Carnegie Mellon’s Vice Provost for Education:

Hi. Welcome. It’s my pleasure to introduce you to the first of our new university’s lectures titled
Journeys . lectures in which members of our community will share with us reflections and insights
on their personal and professional journeys. Today’s Journey’s lecture as you all know is by
Professor Randy Pausch. The next one is on Monday, September 24th by Professor Roberta Klatzky.

To introduce Professor Randy Pausch, our first Journeys speaker, I would like to introduce Randy’s
friend and colleague, Steve Seabolt. Steve has been at Electronic Arts for six years and is the Vice
President of Global Brand Development for The Sims label at Electronic Arts. As you all know, The
Sims is one of the most, if not the most successful PC games in the world, with sales approaching
over $100,000,000. Prior to that, Steve was the Vice President for Strategic Marketing and
Education at EA, bridging academia and Electronic Arts. His goal was to work with academics so
there was an effective educational pathway for kids with building games as their dreams. It was in
that role that Randy and Steve became colleagues and friends. Before Electronic Arts, Steve was the
worldwide Ad Director for Time Magazine and CEO of Sunset Publishing, which is a very favorite
magazine in the Southwest, and as CEO there, one of the things he started was school tours,
because like Randy he shares a passion for inspiring kids of all ages to share their excitement for
science and technology.

So to introduce Randy, his friend Steve Seabolt. Steve?


Steve Seabolt, Vice President of Worldwide Publishing and Marketing for Electonic Arts (EA):

Thank you very much. I don’t mean to sound ungracious by correcting you, but given that our PR
people are probably watching this on webcast, I’d catch heck if I went home and didn’t say that it

1 This is temporary; we will be doing a creative commons license or some such; for now, please consider this
footnote your permission to use this transcript for any personal or non-commercial purposes. --Randy

