으로 오세요. 수능/내신 변형, 퀴즈를 무료로 공개합니다.

블루티쳐학원 | 등록번호: 762-94-00693 | 중고등 영어 | 수강료: 30(중등), 33(고등), 3+4(특강)


### 동사는 밑줄, 접속사절은 [ ], (  ),  //     (명,형,부사절) 표시!!

Divorce rates have been rising in many countries around the world. According to recent research, divorce has different kinds of negative impact on our planet including a higher demand for resources and a lower rate of efficiency in the use of resources. Divorce leads to smaller average household sizes, which results in a larger number of total households and thus a greater demand for energy, water, and land. In addition, a divorced person uses more resources compared with a married person. A married household uses resources more efficiently.

tip! 모르는 어휘는 따로 정리하면 효과 2배!
tip!! 중심주제를 글로 정리해 보면 효과 4배!
Divorce rates have been rising in many countries around the world. According to recent research, divorce has different kinds of negative impact on our planet (including a higher demand for resources and a lower rate of efficiency in the use of resources.)
*분사구=형용사절처럼 해석 
Divorce leads to smaller average household sizes, (which results in a larger number of total households and thus a greater demand for energy, water, and land.)
*비록 형용사절이지만 관계사의 계속적 용법이므로, and it 이라고 해석하는 것이 옳다.
In addition, a divorced person uses more resources compared with a married person. A married household uses resources more efficiently.

*household 가족개개의 구성원이란 말이 아닌, 가정, 세대를 뜻함!
