리딩파워 기본 유형 15-19강 주요문장 문법 모음
015 순서 1 [소재] Barbie 인형의 기원 오짐주의🦑 As Ruth Handler [✋watch her daughter Barbara growing] up during the 1950s, she noticed that she {🐠and her friends seemed} more interested in playing with adult dolls than with the traditional baby versions. ✋지각동사 + N + RV/VING/PP(수동) 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! Unfortunately, the only grown-up dolls available at the time [🎃were made] of cardboard. 🎃수동태 = Be PP Ruth [🎃became convinced] that a three-dimensional alternative would be a commercial success. 🎃수동태 = Be PP She took her idea to the board of Mattel, the company that she {🐠and her husband established}, but it [🎃was rejected] as being too risky and expensive. 🎃수동태 = Be PP 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! The executives only decided to back Ruth’s hunch when she returned from a trip to Switzerland with an adult doll [👺called] Lilli. 👺표현주의! Ruth’s doll went into production and [🎃was named] “Barbie” [👺in honor of] her daughter. 👺표현주의! 🎃수동태 = Be PP Barbie [🎃was unveiled] at the 1959 American Toy Fair in New York. 🎃수동태 = Be PP 2 [소재] 자기 행동과 남의 행동을 평가하는 기준의 차이 오짐주의🦑 One reason many of us have a higher regard for our own character {🐠than that of others} is that we judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their acts, especially those acts we find annoying. 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! 🌈연결사 [For example], if we don’t visit a friend or relative in the hospital, we usually don’t think of ourselves as having done something wrong. 🌈연결사 [Instead, ]we rationalize, “I really did think of paying a visit; I just didn’t have enough time. Yet, when we are a hospital patient, and others don’t visit, most of us don’t [👺spend time devising] explanations for the non-visitors’ behavior. 👺표현주의! 🌈연결사 [Instead, ]we [👺are apt to dismiss] them as selfish or “fair-weather” friends. 👺표현주의! 오짐주의🦑 🌈연결사 [Therefore], in the future, make an effort to judge others by their intentions when their actions upset you, in the same way most of us judge ourselves when we have done something that has upset another. 3 [소재] 학생이 공부를 안 하는 주된 이유 The main reason that students do not study is not that they do not have enough time; it is that they [👺would rather be] doing something else. 👺표현주의! We know that [🐴the earlier] the student starts studying for the test, the fewer tasks will need to [🎃be completed] each day. 🎃수동태 = Be PP 🐴the비교급 = THE 비 SVX, THE 비 SVX. The French student, 🌈연결사 [on the other hand], sees the test as a low priority because it is far away. He [👺would rather watch] television or read a book {🐠than take 15 minutes} to study for the test. 👺표현주의! 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! A week {🐠and a half later}, the test becomes more important. 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! He will most likely [🌜find it more difficult to fit] a three-hour block of study time into his schedule than several 15-minute blocks. 🌜비타공식 = S [find/consider/make] [it] [adj.] [ToVX]. 4 [소재] 재치 있는 민족주의 연설가 Satyamurti He [🎃was known] for his great speech. 🎃수동태 = Be PP He [🤩pleaded with] them to restore self-government to India. 🤩1V뒷구조 = 1V 전N/ad Satyamurti [🤩looked in] the general direction of the crowd from where the question had come and smiled. 🤩1V뒷구조 = 1V 전N/ad 🗿과거완료/대과거 = Had PP 016 [소재] 신뢰를 얻을 수 있는 증인의 말하기 태도 In a mock jury study, researcher Bonnie Erickson {🐠and her colleagues had} people [✋listen to a witness answer] questions about a [👺supposed] accident ✋지각동사 + N + RV/VING/PP(수동) 👺표현주의! 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! —🌈연결사 [for example], “Approximately how long did you stay there before the ambulance arrived?” Some jurors [✋hear the witness respond] straightforwardly: “Twenty minutes. ✋지각동사 + N + RV/VING/PP(수동) Others [✋listen to the witness hem] and haw: “Oh, it seems like it was about, uh, twenty minutes. ✋지각동사 + N + RV/VING/PP(수동) Just long enough to help my friend Mrs. David, you know, [🎃get straightened] out.” 🎃수동태 = Be PP What the witnesses said [👺turned out to be] less important {🐠than how they said} it: the straightforward, confident witnesses [🎃were rated] significantly more credible. 👺표현주의! 🎃수동태 = Be PP 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! 2 [소재] 다중 업무의 비효율성 Consider the tasks of surfing the web {🐠and proofreading a report} for errors. 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! 오짐주의🦑 The rules for surfing include using the mouse to move the cursor, double clicking screen choices, [🌼clicking the “back” key to return to a previous screen,] pushing another button once to bookmark a page, and so on. 🌼분사구문 = , Ving X ~~./ 동명사 = , Ving X ~~ V X. 오짐주의🦑 The rules for proofreading are different {🐠and might include first} skimming a page for obvious mistakes, [🌼reading the report one word at a time to check for spelling,] and then rereading the report paragraph by paragraph to see if one’s points are clear. 🌼분사구문 = , Ving X ~~./ 동명사 = , Ving X ~~ V X. 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! Someone who surfs {🐠and proofreads at the} same time actually is switching from one task to another. 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! 🙀[주설동_가능성] The decision that it is time to stop, say, [🌼proofreading {🐠and begin surfing takes} a fraction of a second.] 🌼분사구문 = , Ving X ~~./ 동명사 = , Ving X ~~ V X. 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! And then, the decision to “get in the mind-set” of surfing, {🐠and bring to mind} how one surfs takes another fraction of a second. 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! Although each switch may waste only a second or so, the multitasker makes many switches, [🌼wasting much time.] 🌼분사구문 = , Ving X ~~./ 동명사 = , Ving X ~~ V X. 3 [소재] 역사의 경로를 바꾸는 힘 He wasn’t a legislator, 🌈연결사 [for example], but legislation [🎃was created] to give all people in the United States equal rights regardless of skin color. 🎃수동태 = Be PP The vision {🐠and charisma of a} good leader first attract innovators and early adopters. 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! [🌟Trusting their guts and their intuition,] these people will make the greatest sacrifices to help see the vision become a reality. 🌟분사구문/동명사주어 = VingX~,SVX / VingX~ VX With each success, with every tangible demonstration that the vision can 🌈연결사 [in fact] become more reality, [🐴the more] practical-minded majority starts to take interest. 🐴the비교급 = THE 비 SVX, THE 비 SVX. 4 [소재] 문화적 차이 While medical anthropologist Jennifer Roberts conducted urban fieldwork in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, her research assistant introduced Roberts to a woman who [🎃was accompanied] by her five-year-old daughter. 🎃수동태 = Be PP Roberts was so taken by the girl’s beauty that she patted the girl on the head [🌱while commenting] to the mother what a gorgeous child she had. 🌱부사절축약 = 접 (S BE 생략) Ving/PP Much to Roberts’s surprise, the mother responded by saying that the girl was not pretty at all {🐠and then abruptly left}. 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! What had Roberts done? She was simply trying to pay the woman {🐠and her daughter a} compliment. 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! 🌈연결사 [In fact] Roberts [🗿had inadvertently committed] two cultural mistakes. 🗿과거완료/대과거 = Had PP First, in this part of the world, [🌼patting a child on the head [🎃is viewed] as a violation of the most sacred part of the body.] 🌼분사구문 = , Ving X ~~./ 동명사 = , Ving X ~~ V X. 🎃수동태 = Be PP Second, [🌼complimenting a child on her beauty or health [🎃is regarded] in Malaysia as inviting bad fortune for the child.] 🌼분사구문 = , Ving X ~~./ 동명사 = , Ving X ~~ V X. 🎃수동태 = Be PP 017 [소재] 사라진 친절의 즐거움 🙀[주설동_가능성] The pleasures of kindness were well known in the past. Kindness was mankind’s “greatest delight,” the Roman philosopher-emperor Marcus Aurelius declared, {🐠and thinkers and writers} have echoed him down the centuries. 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! 🙀[주설동_가능성] An image of the self [🌙has been created] that is utterly lacking in natural generosity. 🌙긴동사구 = be being PP(진.수) / have been Ving(완.진) / have been pp(완.수) Most people appear to believe that deep down they (and other people) are mad, bad, {🐠and dangerous to know}; that as a species—apparently unlike other species of animals 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! —we are deeply {🐠and fundamentally hostile to} each other, that our motives are utterly self-seeking, and that our sympathies are forms of self-protection. 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! 2 [소재] 프러시아의 왕 Frederick의 단호함 On a campaign in Silesia, Frederick, King of Prussia, gave orders one day that all fires {🐠and lights were to} [🎃be extinguished] in his camp by a certain hour. 🎃수동태 = Be PP 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! [🌟Passing by the tent of a certain Captain Zietern,] he noticed the glimmer of a candle, {🐠and upon entering found} the officer sealing a letter to his wife. 🌟분사구문/동명사주어 = VingX~,SVX / VingX~ VX 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! Frederick instructed him to sit down {🐠and add a postscript} to the letter [🍅, which] Frederick himself dictated: “Tomorrow I shall perish on the scaffold.” 🍅관계사 계속적용법 = SVX, 관계사 SV~ 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! Zietern wrote what he [🎃was told] {🐠and was duly executed} the following day. 🎃수동태 = Be PP 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! 3 [소재] 아이에게 책임을 가르치기 What responsibilities do you think children should have, {🐠and at what ages}? 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! Most parents feel that basic responsibilities include keeping a clean room {🐠and picking up any} mess made in other rooms of the house. 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! When our children become students, we want them to meet the requirements of being a learner {🐠and to do their} homework religiously. 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! Another responsibility is for personal hygiene, [🌼being bathed {🐠and combed and well} dressed.] 🌼분사구문 = , Ving X ~~./ 동명사 = , Ving X ~~ V X. 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! [👀There is financial responsibility] [🍅, in which] children learn to budget {🐠and to spend wisely} their allowances or income from part-time jobs. 👀There/Here+V+S+설 🍅관계사 계속적용법 = SVX, 관계사 SV~ 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! Children need to become responsible with their time, [🌼getting to school before the bell rings,] keeping curfew, managing to fit in all their activities {🐠and still have down}-time left. 🌼분사구문 = , Ving X ~~./ 동명사 = , Ving X ~~ V X. 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! 4 [소재] 설문 조사의 특징 🌈연결사 [However], an interview is done one-on-one, {🐠and the conversation has} great flexibility. 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! A survey, 🌈연결사 [on the other hand], [🎃is usually written] in advance. 🎃수동태 = Be PP 🙀[주설동_가능성] A number of participants agree to answer a set of questions. What you will get will be the briefest answers to your questions—no more, [👺no less] . 👺표현주의! Obviously, you will run into difficulty if you realize later on that you [😘should have asked] different questions. 😘조동사+HAVE+PP 🌈연결사 [Therefore], in a survey, most of the work [🤩lies in] the preparation of the questions so as to get the best answers. 🤩1V뒷구조 = 1V 전N/ad 018 어법 [소재] 의사소통에서 신체적인 단서를 없앨 때 생기는 일 When you remove body language {🐠and facial expressions from} communication, you remove many of the signals we use to read other people. 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! Communication over the phone leaves you {🐠and your customer with} limited insight into how the person on the other end of the conversation is reacting. 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! Is he in a defensive posture {🐠and getting more withdrawn} as you talk? 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! [🐴The more] physical cues we remove from our interactions, the easier it is to have misunderstandings. 🐴the비교급 = THE 비 SVX, THE 비 SVX. 2 [소재] 응원단의 개념 🙀[주설동_가능성] The tradition of a pep squad as a support for sports teams is one that many people are familiar with. Essentially, a pep squad is a group of individuals who have the responsibility of motivating {🐠and promoting enthusiasm for} a particular sports team before and during a sports competition. 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! 🙀[주설동_가능성] The use of the term varies to a degree from place to place. In some settings, the pep squad [🎃is considered] to be the same as a cheerleading squad. 🎃수동태 = Be PP This may lead to the squad being more of a dance team, [🌼performing more complicated routines that [🎃are usually associated] with cheerleading.] 🌼분사구문 = , Ving X ~~./ 동명사 = , Ving X ~~ V X. 🎃수동태 = Be PP 3 [소재] 공유하는 ‘야만인들’의 삶 오짐주의🦑 It was usual among “savages” for the man who had food to share it with the man who had none, for travelers to [🎃be fed] at any home they chose to stop at on their way, {🐠and for communities harassed} with drought to be maintained by their neighbors. 🎃수동태 = Be PP 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! 오짐주의🦑 If a man sat down to his meal in the woods, he [🎃was expected] to call loudly for someone to come {🐠and share it with} him, before he might justly eat alone. 🎃수동태 = Be PP 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! 오짐주의🦑 The hungry Indian had but to [❗️ask to receive; 🌈연결사 [however] small the supply was, food [🎃was given] to him] if he needed it: “no one can want food while [👀there is corn anywhere] in the town.” 👀There/Here+V+S+설 🎃수동태 = Be PP ❗5V뒷구조 = 5V N ToVX 4 [소재] 유일한 인간 종인 된 ‘호모 사피엔스’ 오짐주의🦑 Our lack of brothers and sisters [🌜makes it easier to imagine] that we are the best example of creation, {🐠and that a chasm} separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom. 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! 🌜비타공식 = S [find/consider/make] [it] [adj.] [ToVX]. 🗿과거완료/대과거 = Had PP 019 어휘 1 [소재] 팀 스포츠의 긴장감 🙀[주설동_가능성] The outcome of a game, unlike that of a scripted drama, is unknown. But tension fills each {🐠and every game of} baseball, football, and basketball. 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! 🌈연결사 [Moreover], in organized sports the tension carries beyond each individual game {🐠and tends to increase} over time. 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! Both individual games {🐠and the season as} a whole attract interest and attention. 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! Spectators follow the first to find out which of the two contesting teams will win, {🐠and the second to} learn which one will emerge as the ultimate champion. 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! 2 [소재] 끊임없는 자기 성찰적 질문의 중요성 Benjamin Franklin began {🐠and ended each day} with a question: “What good shall I do this day?” 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! 🌈연결사 [In fact], many great thinkers embraced the idea of constantly questioning things. The important thing is [😤not to stop] questioning.” 😤준동사 부정 = NOT! 준동사 Of course, [🌼getting into the habit of self-reflection [🎃is easier said] than done,] as we often prefer to avoid asking ourselves the tough questions. 🌼분사구문 = , Ving X ~~./ 동명사 = , Ving X ~~ V X. 🎃수동태 = Be PP 오짐주의🦑 As philosopher {🐠and psychologist John Dewey} explained in his 1910 book, How We Think, reflective thinking involves overcoming our predisposition to accept things at face value and the willingness to endure mental unrest. 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! [🌟Enduring this discomfort is well worth the effort,] as it can result in the confidence boost necessary to perform better in our work and daily lives. 🌟분사구문/동명사주어 = VingX~,SVX / VingX~ VX 3 [소재] 자존감을 지나치게 강조하는 것의 위험성 오짐주의🦑 [🌟Telling schoolchildren that they are smart impairs their future performance,] whereas telling them that they work hard or [😤not praising them] at all leads them to work harder in the future. 🌟분사구문/동명사주어 = VingX~,SVX / VingX~ VX 😤준동사 부정 = NOT! 준동사 🌈연결사 [Therefore], [🌼attempting to convince people to [🎃be impressed] with themselves can actually make people do worse [🍅,] which] isn’t all that surprising really. 🌼분사구문 = , Ving X ~~./ 동명사 = , Ving X ~~ V X. 🎃수동태 = Be PP 🍅관계사 계속적용법 = SVX, 관계사 SV~ [🌟Convincing people to rely mostly on their self-esteem is really telling them that they can’t count on other people,] {🐠and that is a} mighty unhappy thought 🌈연결사 [indeed]. 🌟분사구문/동명사주어 = VingX~,SVX / VingX~ VX 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! 오짐주의🦑 [👺Worse still] , some probably hear the message that they should think {🐠and act like they} are better and more important than other people, or even that ordinary rules don’t apply to them. 👺표현주의! 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! Real “self-esteem” [🤩derives from] the esteem of others. 🤩1V뒷구조 = 1V 전N/ad 4 [소재] 감정을 말로 나타내는 것이 가져오는 진정 효과 [✋Help your teen verbally label] emotions. ✋사역동사 = 사역V N RV/PP Develop a rich, accurate vocabulary for emotions, {🐠and [❗️allow your teen} to “name]” what he is feeling. ❗5V뒷구조 = 5V N ToVX 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! Various studies have shown that verbally naming an emotion has a quieting effect on the nervous system [🍅, which] can in turn [✋help teens recover] faster from emotional stress. ✋사역동사 = 사역V N RV/PP 🍅관계사 계속적용법 = SVX, 관계사 SV~ This [👺has to do with] the brain’s structure {🐠and how emotions are} processed. 👺표현주의! 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의! By verbalizing an emotion, the language area in the left side of the brain [🎃is engaged] [🍅, which] also impacts logic and other higher-level types of thinking. 🎃수동태 = Be PP 🍅관계사 계속적용법 = SVX, 관계사 SV~ 오짐주의🦑 [🌟Activating the connections between the logic areas {🐠and emotional processing areas} of the brain may [✋help your teen think] about his emotion in a different way,] 🌈연결사 [thus] leading to a calming effect. 🌟분사구문/동명사주어 = VingX~,SVX / VingX~ VX ✋사역동사 = 사역V N RV/PP 🐠등접_뒷구조(생략주의!) = than 뒤의 do/does/did/would등 주의!
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