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1611 수능 고3 본격공부교재

[WAS연구소] 저자 Wayne /코자 Cho / 디자 Heaven


Hello World! VOCAB. 저자의🐴: 본문에 나온 키워드를 밭에서 직접 뽑아

정리 했습니다.😥 단어가 간혹 원형화 되어 있더라도, 🤬 노하지 마세요.

chronological indicate viciou intrinsic repeatedly chronologically hybrid disagreeable frequently disagree interface hardwir dye infinite depend tremendou fountain assume frequency evolv relation superior exclusively multiple gravity efficiently accommodation fury categorization influential racist judgment perception degree intent shiver inadequately patent continu interact decade fame extrinsic measurement biologically infant enable attract refuge stick sensory dominat innovation punish artificial disclos chao threat push occur specification instability shelter uncharacteristic bare evaluation evaluat attempt diminish matter silent intellectual behavior colleague controll organism reject wander property boundary restrict analyze tissue consist represent private democracy chemical failure flow switch effective



predictable inspiration interaction diverse dependent comfortable administer remain extension referr undertaken sector assertivenes breed inferior intentional induce suitable figure destruction economic valuable instruction punishment address float context reference sink unjustifi repertoire counselor relief personality intensify biological select apparent attractive suit accomplish consequence entire predetermin seed approval responsible generate detect combination misappreciation analysi impartially investigation explicitly survival pedagogy causality substance direction adjustment offend sought misery orient compatibility appeal biology appearance improvement soak proces circumstance exchange minimum fit feature prosperity liberate essential tempt attend bias poetry customary permanent stem annual security renew resist era defin distinction poetic fundamental misinterpretation firm aspect trait external statu defect inclination ultimate avoidance expectation motivation continuously pour approach assertive remarkable evidence current efficiency norm intuitive rally relevant guarantee reasonable elevat suffer stability primary passage reef grain sacrifice



intensely previou source criticism celebrity varie political mentally pleasant term attain criticiz toxic compensate accumulation element adopt control meaningful interpretation cultivat force spoil advanc attribute moment capital advocate financial mere demand universal destination split perspective snapp widespread phenomenon enhanc furiou caus observation sting distinct routine population inspire intake estimation consistent reflect exist remark literature organ mineral value yield ignore



Vocab with Definition
저자의🦄 : 키워드의 뜻을 별에서 직접 가져와 정리 했습니다.

🙊 당황하지 마세요.

😥 간혹 뜻이 없더라도,

chronological 연대순의 indicate 가리키다 viciou intrinsic 본질의 repeatedly 반복해서 chronologically 연대순으로 hybrid disagreeable frequently 빈번히/종종 disagree 다르다 interface hardwir dye 물감 infinite 무한한 depend tremendou fountain assume 가정하다 frequency 자주 일어남/빈번 evolv 진화하다 - relation 관계 superior 우수한 exclusively multiple 다수의/다양한 gravity 중력 efficiently 효과적으로/능률적으로 accommodation 숙박 fury categorization 분류/범주화 influential 영향력이 있는 racist judgment 판단 perception 지각/인식 degree 정도 intent 의지/의향 shiver 흔들리다 inadequately patent continu interact 상호작용하다 decade 십년 fame 명성 extrinsic 비본질적인 measurement 측정 biologically 생물학적으로 infant 유아/유아의 enable attract 마음을 끌다 refuge 난민 stick 막대기 sensory 감각의 dominat innovation 혁신 punish 처벌하다 artificial 인공의 disclos chao 혼돈 threat 위협/협박 push 밀다 occur 머리에 떠오르다 specification instability 불안정한 상태 shelter 피난처/uncharacteristic bare 막대기/빗장 evaluation 평가 evaluat 평가하다 attempt 시도하다 diminish 감소하다 matter 문제/silent 조용한/침묵의 intellectual 지적인 behavior 행동 colleague 동료 controll 통제하다 organism 유기체 reject 거절하다 wander 떠돌아다니다/헤매다property 재산/특성 boundary restrict 제한하다/한정하다 analyze 분석하다/검토하다 tissue 조직 consist represent = stand =endure/bear for private democracy 민주주의 chemical failure 실패 flow 흐르다/넘쳐흐르다 switch 스위치 effective 효과적인 predictable 예측할 inspiration 영감 interaction 상호작용 diverse 다양한 dependent 의존하는 comfortable 편안한 administer 경영하다 remain 남다 extension 확대 referr undertaken sector 영역 assertivenes breed inferior 열등한 intentional 의도적인 induce 설득하여 suitable 적절한 figure 수치. 그림. 인물. 모습 destruction 파괴 economic 경제적인 valuable 귀중한/값비싼 instruction 교육/교훈 punishment address 다루다/처리하다 float 뜨는 것/뜨다 context 맥락/ 문맥 reference 언급/참조 sink 가라앉다. kitchen sink unjustifi repertoire counselor 지도원/상담역 relief 경감/안심 personality 개성/성격 intensify 강화하다 biological 생물학적



select 선택하다 apparent 명백한 attractive 매력적인suit 양복/소송/어울리다 accomplish 이루다/성취하다 consequence 결과 entire 전체의 predetermin seed 씨앗 approval 승인 responsible 책임감 있는 generate 발생시키다 detect 탐지하다 combination 결합/연합 misappreciation analysi 분석 impartially investigation explicitly 솔직하게 survival 생존 pedagogy causality substance 물질 direction 방향 adjustment offend 불쾌하게하다. 상처주다/공격하다 sought misery orient 동양향하게 compatibility appeal 매력/호소력 biology 생물학 appearance 외모/등장 improvement 개선/진보 soak proces 처리하다 circumstance 상황 exchange 바꾸다 minimum fit 감정폭발/적당한 feature 특징 prosperity liberate 자유롭게 하다 essential 본질적인/매우 중요한 tempt 유혹하다 attend - 에 출석하다/ 시중들다 bias 선입견/편견 poetry /운문 customary 관습적인/통례의 permanent 영구적인 stem 줄기/annual security 보안 renew 갱신하다 resist 저항하다 era 시대 defin 정의하다 distinction 차이 poetic 시적인 fundamental 근본적인 misinterpretation firm 회사/ 견고한 aspect 양상/국면 trait 경향 external 외부적인 외부의 statu 상태 defect 결점 inclination 경향 ultimate avoidance 피하기 expectation 예상/기대 motivation 동기 continuously pour 쏟다/붓다 approach 다가가다/접근하다 assertive remarkable 주목할 만한/ 현저한 evidence 증거 current (물의) 흐름 efficiency 효율 norm 표준 intuitive rally 집회회복 relevant 관계가 있는 guarantee 보증하다 보증하다 reasonable 합리적인/이성적인 elevat 올리다 suffer stability 안정성 primary 첫째의/주요한 passage 경과/통과 reef grain 곡물 sacrifice 희생 intensely previou source 원천/근원 criticism비판 celebrity 유명 인사 varie 변화가 많은 political 정치적인 mentally 정신적으로 pleasant 즐거운/유쾌한 term 기간/용어 attain 달성하다 criticiz 비평하다 toxic compensate accumulation 축적 element 요소/성분 adopt 채택하다/입양하다 control 지배하다/통제 meaningful 의미 있는 interpretation 해석 cultivat 경작하다 force/강제로 강요/하게하다 spoil 썩다/상하다 advanc attribute 덕으로 돌리다 moment 순간 capital 자본/수도 advocate 옹호하다 financial 재정의/ 금융의 mere 단순한 demand 요구하다/수요 universal 우주의/전세계의 destination 목적지 split perspective 원근법/투시화법 snapp widespread 널리 퍼진 phenomenon 현상 enhanc furiou caus 원인 observation 관찰 sting distinct 다른/독특한 routine 일상의/일상의 population inspire 영감을 주다 영감을 주다 intake 섭취() estimation 견적/어림짐작 consistent 일관된/일치하는 reflect 반사하다/반영하다 exist 존재하다 remark 말하다/언급하다 literature 문학 organ 오르간/장기 mineral value 높이 평가하다/소중히 yield 산출하다/ 양보하다 ignore 무시하다/소홀히



저자의🦓 : 글을 읽는다는 것은 우리 삶에 깊은 감동을 전해주긴 무슨... 그냥 열심히

읽고, 문제 풀어보세요. 그리고 해석도 써보면 일석삼조! 🌝

COLOR◼키워드 ◼연결어 ◼방향성 ◼접속사 ◼등위접속사 ◼전치사 ◼기본동사

#20 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

Assertiveness may seem to some people to be uncharacteristic of counselors.

If your picture of a counselor is someone who never disagrees, always “goes along,” wants everything to be nice all the time, and only does what other people want him or her to do, this is not a picture of an assertive counselor.

Being assertive does not have to mean being disagreeable.

Being a counselor does not mean that you should simply be silent when someone tells a racist joke.

An assertive counselor would find a way to call that person’s attention to the fact that the joke is racist, explaining how it offended the hearer, and suggesting ways similar jokes could be avoided.



Being assertive is a highly developed skill it should fit nicely in the counselor’s repertoire of techniques.

1상담사는상대방의감정을해치는농담을하지말아야한다.2상담사는자기생각을분 명하게드러낼줄도알아야한다.3상담사는항상친절한태도로상담을진행해야한다.4 상담사는 정기적으로 상담 기술 교육을 받아야 한다. 5 상담사는 상담 기록을 철저히 관리 해야 한다.


The negative effects of extrinsic motivators such as grades have been documented with students from different cultures.

Although this matter is more complex than simply regarding all extrinsic rewards as controlling or diminishing learning, we agree with Richard Ryan and his colleagues thatpeople across different cultures are likely to express more satisfaction with their lives when their primary goals are intrinsic rather than extrinsic.

Another consistent research finding is that when a learning activity is undertaken explicitly to attain some extrinsic reward, people respond by seeking the least demandingway of ensuring the reward.

Since there are three decades of evidence that dominating instruction with a system of controlling external rewards may contribute to inferior learning, using a pedagogybased on theories of intrinsic motivation appears to be a more reasonable and effective approach to enhancing learning among culturally diverse students.


* pedagogy: 교수법

1적절한외적보상이삶의만족도를향상시킨다.2학습자의외적동기와내적동기의균 형이필요하다.3문화적다양성을고려한교육이론의확립이중요하다.4내적동기의교 육적기능에대한실질적인연구가시급하다.5내적동기부여가문화적배경이다른학생 들의 교육에 효과적이다.


Twin sirens hide in the sea of history, tempting those seeking to understand and appreciate the past onto the reefs of misunderstanding and misinterpretation.

These twin dangers are temporocentrism and ethnocentrism.

Temporocentrism is the belief that your times are the best of all possible times.

All other times are thus inferior.

Ethnocentrism is the belief that your culture is the best of all possible cultures.

All other cultures are thus inferior.



Temporocentrism and ethnocentrism unite to cause individuals and cultures to judge all other individuals and cultures by the “superior” standards of their current culture.

This leads to a total lack of perspective when dealing with past and / or foreign cultures and a resultant misunderstanding and misappreciation of them.

Temporocentrism and ethnocentrism tempt moderns into unjustified criticisms of the peoples of the past.

1 distinct differences in the ways of recording history 2 universal features discovered in different cultures 3 historians’ efforts to advocate their own culture
4 pros and cons of two cross-cultural perspectives 5 beliefs that cause biased interpretations of the past

#23 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

When we remark with surprise that someone “looks young” for his or her chronological age, we are observing that we all age biologically at different rates.

Scientists have good evidence that this apparent difference is real.

It is likely that age changes begin in different parts of the body at different times and that the rate of annual change varies among various cells, tissues, and organs, as well asfrom person to person.



Unlike the passage of time, biological aging resists easy measurement.

What we would like to have is one or a few measurable biological changes that mirror all other biological age changes without reference to the passage of time, so that we could say, for example, that someone who is chronologically eighty years old is biologically sixty years old.

This kind of measurement would help explain why one eighty-year-old has so many more youthful qualities than does another eighty-year-old, who may be biologically eighty or even ninety years old.

1 In Search of a Mirror Reflecting Biological Aging 2 Reasons for Slow Aging in the Modern Era 3 A Few Tips to Guess Chronological Age 4 Secrets of Biological Aging Disclosed 5 Looking for the Fountain of Youth


The Greeks’ focus on the salient object and its attributes led to 1 their failure to understand the fundamental nature of causality.

Aristotle explained that a stone falling through the air is due to the stone having the property of “gravity.”

But of course a piece of wood 2 tossed into water floats instead of sinking.




This phenomenon Aristotle explained as being due to the wood having the property of “levity”!

In both cases the focus is 3 exclusively on the object, with no attention paid to the possibility that some force outside the object might be relevant.

But the Chinese saw the world as consisting of continuously interacting substances, so their attempts to understand it 4 causing them to be oriented toward the complexities of the entire

“field,” that is, the context or environment as a whole.

The notion 5 that events always occur in a field of forces would have been completely intuitive to the Chinese.

* salient: 현저한, 두드러진 ** levity: 가벼움

#29 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?

The Atitlán Giant Grebe was a large, flightless bird that had evolved from the much more widespread and smaller Pied-billed Grebe.

By 1965 there were only around 80 birds left on Lake Atitlán.

One immediate reason was easy enough to spot: the local human population was cutting down the reed beds at a furious rate.



This (A) accommodation / destruction was driven by the needs of a fast growing mat-making industry.

But there were other problems.

An American airline was intent on developing the lake as a tourist destination for fishermen.

However, there was a major problem with this idea: the lake (B) lacked / supported any suitable sporting fish!

To compensate for this rather obvious defect, a specially selected species of fish called the Large-mouthed Bass was introduced.

The introduced individuals immediately turned their attentions to the crabs and small fish that lived in the lake, thus (C) competing / cooperating with the few remaining grebes for food.

There is also little doubt that they sometimes gobbled up the zebra-striped Atitlán Giant Grebe’s chicks.

* reed: 갈대 ** gobble up: 게걸스럽게 먹다

When two cultures come into contact, they do not exchange every cultural item.


If that were the case, there would be no cultural differences in the world today.

Instead, only a small number of cultural elements ever spread from one culture to another.

Which cultural item is accepted depends largely on the item’s use and compatibility with already existing cultural traits.

For example, it is not likely that men’s hair dyes designed to “get out the gray” will spread into parts of rural Africa where a person’s status is elevated with advancing years.

Even when a(n) _____ is consistent with a society’s needs, there is still no guarantee that it will be accepted.

For example, most people in the United States using US customary units (e.g., inch, foot, yard, mile, etc.)have resisted adopting the metric system even though making such a change would enable US citizens to interface with the rest of the world more efficiently.

* metric system: 미터법

1 categorization 2 innovation 3 investigation 4 observation 5 specification


Some distinctions between good and bad are hardwired into our biology. 14


Infants enter the world ready to respond to pain as bad and to sweet (up to a point) as good.

In many situations, however, the boundary between good and bad is a reference point that changes over time and depends on the immediate circumstances.

Imagine that you are out in the country on a cold night, inadequately dressed for the pouring rain, your clothes soaked.

A stinging cold wind completes your misery.

As you wander around, you find a large rock that provides some shelter from the fury of the elements.

The biologist Michel Cabanac would call the experience of that moment intensely pleasurable because it functions, as pleasure normally does, to indicate the direction of _____.

The pleasant relief will not last very long, of course, and you will soon be shivering behind the rock again, driven by your renewed suffering to seek better shelter.

* shiver: 떨다

1 a permanent emotional adjustment to circumstantial demands 15


2 enhancing self-consciousness through physical suffering 3 a biologically significant improvement of circumstances 4 judging desirable and undesirable conditions impartially
5 a mentally pre-determined inclination for emotional stability


Research and development for seed improvement has long been a public domain and government activity for the common good.

However, private capital started to flow into seed production and took it over as a sector of the economy, creating an artificial split between the two aspects of the seed’s nature: its role as means of production and its role as product.

This process gained pace after the invention of hybrid breeding of maize in the late 1920s.

Today most maize seed cultivated are hybrids.

The companies that sell them are able to keep the distinct parent lines from farmers, and the grain that they produce is not suited for seed saving and replanting.

The combination guarantees that farmers will have to _____.




In the 1990s the extension of patent laws as the only intellectual property rights tool into the area of seed varieties started to create a growing market for private seedcompanies.

* maize: 옥수수

1 buy more seed from the company each season 2 use more chemical fertilizer than before
3 pioneer markets for their food products
4 increase the efficiency of food production

5 search for ways to maintain rural communities

Long before Walt Whitman wrote Leaves of Grass, poets had addressed themselves to fame.

Horace, Petrarch, Shakespeare, Milton, and Keats all hoped that poetic greatness would grant them a kind of earthly immortality.

Whitman held a similar faith that for centuries the world would value his poems.

But to this ancient desire to live forever on the page, he added a new sense of fame.

Readers would not simply attend to the poet’s work; they would be attracted to the greatness of his personality.


They would see in his poems a vibrant cultural performance, an individual springing from the book with tremendous charisma and appeal.

Out of the political rallies and electoral parades that marked Jacksonian America, Whitman defined poetic fame in relation to the crowd.

Other poets might look for their inspiration from the goddess of poetry.

Whitman’s poet sought _____.

In the instability of American democracy, fame would be dependent on celebrity, on the degree to which the people rejoiced in the poet and his work.

* rally: 집회

1 a refuge from public attention
2 poetic purity out of political chaos 3 immortality in literature itself
4 the approval of his contemporaries 5 fame with political celebrities



#35 순서.

Some people make few intentional changes in life.

Sure, over time they may get fatter, gather lines, and go gray.

(A) They train for marathons, quit smoking, switch fields, write plays, take up the guitar, or learn to tango even if they never danced before in their lives.

What is the difference between these two groups of people?

(B) But they wear their hair the same way, buy the same brand of shoes, eat the same breakfast, and stick to routines for no reason other than the ease of a comfortable, predictable life.

Yet as both research and real life show, many others do make important changes.

(C) It’s their perspective.

People who change do not question whether change is possible or look for reasons they cannot change.

They simply decide on a change they want and do what is necessary to accomplish it. 19


Changing, which always stems from a firm decision, becomes job number one.

#36 순서.
after punishment has been administered a few times, it needn’t be continued,

because the mere threat of punishment is enough to induce the desired behavior.

(A) Avoidance training, however, doesn’t always work in our favor.

For instance, a child who has been repeatedly criticized for poor performance on math may learn to dodge difficult math problems in order to avoid further punishment.

(B) Unfortunately, because of this avoidance, the child fails to develop his math skills and therefore improve the capabilities he has, and so a vicious cycle has set in.

The avoidance must be unlearned through some positive experiences with math in order for this cycle to be broken.

(C) Psychologists call this avoidance training because the person is learning to avoid the possibility of a punishing consequence.

Avoidance training is responsible for many everyday behaviors.




It has taught you to carry an umbrella when it looks like rain to avoid the punishment of getting wet, and to keep your hand away from a hot iron to avoid the punishment of a burn.

#37 삽입.
by the vision of an unfamiliar silhouette pushing into the house, these dogs were using

their eyes instead of their noses.


Remember when you were little and you imagined that adults had infinite power?

Surely someone who could drive the car, open the juice container, and reach the sink could make it stop raining.

( 1 ) I think that’s the same expectation that we have with respect to our dogs and their ability to smell.

( 2 ) Because they are so good at using their noses, we assume that they can smell anything, anytime.

( 3 ) But dogs use other senses, too, and the brains of both humans and dogs tend to intensify one sense at a time.

( 4 ) Many owners have been snapped at by their dogs when they returned home with a new hairdo or a new coat.


( 5 ) Their noses may be remarkable, but they’re not always switched on.

#38 삽입.
Even so, it
is not the money per se that is valuable, but the fact that it can potentially yield more

positive experiences.


Money beyond the bare minimum necessary for food and shelter is nothing more than a means to an end.

Yet so often we confuse means with ends, and sacrifice happiness (end) for money (means).

It is easy to do this when material wealth is elevated to the position of the ultimate end, as it so often is in our society.

( 1 ) This is not to say that the accumulation and production of material wealth is in itself wrong.

( 2 ) Material prosperity can help individuals, as well as society, attain higher levels of happiness.

( 3 ) Financial security can liberate us from work we do not find meaningful and from having to worry about the next paycheck.

( 4 ) Moreover, the desire to make money can challenge and inspire us. 22


( 5 ) Material wealth in and of itself does not necessarily generate meaning or lead to emotional wealth.

* per se: 그 자체로


Food intake is essential for the survival of every living organism.

The failure to detect spoiled or toxic food can have deadly consequences.

Therefore, it is not surprising that humans use all their five senses to analyze food quality.

1 A first judgment about the value of a food source is made on its appearance and smell.

2 Food that looks and smells attractive is taken into the mouth.

3 The value of a particular food is an estimation of how good it is, based on its level of vitamins, minerals, or calories.




4 Here, based on a complex sensory analysis that is not only restricted to the sense of taste but also includes smell, touch, and hearing, the final decision whether to swallowor reject food is


5 Frequently, this complex interaction between different senses is inappropriately referred to as ‘taste’ although it should be better called flavor perception, because it uses multiple senses.

#40 요약.

Performance must be judged in terms of what is under the control of the individuals being evaluated rather than those influences on performance that are beyond their control.

There can be broad, influential factors, sometimes of an economic nature, that hold down the performance of everyone being judged.

One example is in sales.

If there is a general downturn in the economy and products or services are not being purchased with the same frequency as in the previous year, sales could be down, for example, by an average of 15%.

This 15% (actually -15%) figure would then represent “average” performance.

Perhaps the best salesperson in the year had only a 3% drop in sales over the previous year. 24


Thus, good” performance in this situation is a smaller loss compared to some average or norm group.


In performance evaluation, we should consider (A) factors affecting the individual’s performance rather than (B) figures only.

1. contextual -- put aside 2. contextual -- rely on
3. controllable -- put aside 4. positive -- ignore

5. positive -- rely on


저자의🐴 : 문법을 정리해 드립니다. 지금은 솔직히 별로에요. ᄏ #20 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

Assertiveness may seem to some people to be uncharacteristic of counselors.

If your picture of a counselor is someone who never disagrees, always “goes along,” wants everything to be nice all the time, and only does what other people want him or her to do, 연결 this is not a picture of an assertive counselor.


Being assertive does not have to mean being disagreeable.

Being a counselor does not mean that you should simply be silent when someone tells a racist joke.

An assertive counselor would find a way to call that person’s attention to the fact that the joke is racist, explaining how it offended the hearer, and suggesting ways similar jokes could 수동태 be avoided.

Being assertive is a highly developed skill it should fit nicely in the counselor’s repertoire of techniques.


The negative effects of extrinsic motivators 연결 such as grades 긴동사 have been documented with students from different cultures.

Although 연결 this matter is more complex 비교급의 뒷구조 than simply regarding all extrinsic rewards as controlling or diminishing learning, we agree with Richard Ryan and his colleagues that people across different cultures are likely to express more satisfaction with their lives when their primary goals are intrinsic rather than extrinsic.

Another consistent research finding is that when a learning activity is undertaken explicitly to attain some extrinsic reward, people respond by seeking the least demanding way of ensuring the reward.




Since ThereVS설 there are three decades of evidence that dominating instruction with a system of controlling external rewards may contribute to inferior learning, using a pedagogy표현주의! based on theories of intrinsic motivation appears to be a more reasonable and effective approach to enhancing learning among culturally diverse students.

* pedagogy: 교수법


Twin sirens hide in the sea of history, tempting 연결 those seeking to understand and appreciate the past onto the reefs of misunderstanding and misinterpretation.

연결 These twin dangers are temporocentrism and ethnocentrism.

Temporocentrism is the belief that your times are the best of all possible times.

All other times are 연결 thus inferior.

Ethnocentrism is the belief that your culture is the best of all possible cultures.

All other cultures are 연결 thus inferior.

Temporocentrism and ethnocentrism unite to cause individuals and cultures to judge all other individuals and cultures by the “superior” standards of their current culture.


연결 This leads to a total lack of perspective 부사절축약 when dealing with past and / or foreign cultures and a resultant misunderstanding and misappreciation of them.

Temporocentrism and ethnocentrism tempt moderns into unjustified criticisms of the peoples of the past.

#23 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

When we remark with surprise that someone “looks young” for his or her chronological age, we are observing that we all age biologically at different rates.

Scientists have good evidence that 연결 this apparent difference is real.

It is likely that age changes begin in different parts of the body at different times and that the rate of annual change varies among various cells, tissues, and organs, as well as from person to person.

Unlike the passage of time, biological aging resists easy measurement.

What we would like to have is one or a few measurable biological changes that mirror all other biological age changes without reference to the passage of time, so that we could say, 연결 for example, that someone who is chronologically eighty years old is biologically sixty years old.




연결 This kind of measurement would help explain why one eighty-year-old has so many more youthful qualities than does another eighty-year-old 계속적용법 , who may be biologically eighty or even ninety years old.


The Greeks’ focus on the salient object and its attributes led to 1 their failure to understand the fundamental nature of causality.

Aristotle explained that a stone falling through the air is due to the stone having the property of “gravity.”

But 연결 of course a piece of wood 2 tossed into water floats 표현주의! 연결 instead of sinking.

연결 This phenomenon Aristotle explained as being due to the wood having the property of “levity”!

In both cases the focus is 3 exclusively on the object, with no attention paid to the possibility that some force outside the object might be relevant.

But the Chinese saw the world as consisting of continuously interacting substances, so their attempts to understand it 4 causing them to 수동태 be oriented toward the complexities of the

entire “field,” that is, the context or environment as a whole.

The notion 5 that events always 1형동 occur in a field of forces would have been completely intuitive to the Chinese.


#29 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?

The Atitlán Giant Grebe was a large, flightless bird that 과거완료 had evolved from the 비교급강조 much more widespread and smaller Pied-billed Grebe.

By 1965 ThereVS설 there were only around 80 birds left on Lake Atitlán.

One immediate reason was easy 표현주의! enough to spot: the local human population was cutting down the reed beds at a furious rate.

연결 This (A) accommodation / destruction was driven by the needs of a fast growing mat-making industry.

But ThereVS설 there were other problems.

An American airline was intent on developing the lake as a tourist destination for fishermen.

연결 However, ThereVS설 there was a major problem with 연결 this idea: the lake (B) lacked / supported any suitable sporting fish!

To compensate for 연결 this rather obvious defect, a specially selected species of fish 표현주의! called the Large-mouthed Bass 수동태 was introduced.




The introduced individuals immediately turned their attentions to the crabs and small fish that lived in the lake, 연결 thus (C) competing / cooperating with the few remaining grebes for food.

ThereVS설 There is 연결 also little doubt that they sometimes gobbled up the zebra-striped Atitlán Giant Grebe’s chicks.

When two cultures come into contact, they do not exchange every cultural item.

If that were the case, there would be no cultural differences in the world today.

연결 Instead, only a small number of cultural elements ever spread from one culture to another.

Which cultural item 수동태 is accepted depends largely on the item’s use and compatibility with already existing cultural traits.

연결 For example, it is not likely that men’s hair dyes designed to “get out the gray” will spread into parts of rural Africa where a person’s status 수동태 is elevated with advancing years.

Even when a(n) investigation is consistent with a society’s needs, ThereVS설 there is 연결 still no guarantee that it will 수동태 be accepted.

연결 For example, most people in the United States using US customary units (e.g., inch, foot, yard, mile, etc.)have resisted adopting the metric system even though making 연결 such a change would 5형동 enable US citizens to interface with the rest of the world more efficiently.



Some distinctions between good and bad 수동태 are hardwired into our biology.

Infants enter the world ready to respond to pain as bad and to sweet (up to a point) as good.

In many situations, 연결 however, the boundary between good and bad is a reference point that changes over time and depends on the immediate circumstances.

Imagine that you are out in the country on a cold night, inadequately dressed for the pouring rain, your clothes soaked.

A stinging cold wind completes your misery.

As you wander around, you find a large rock that provides some shelter from the fury of the elements.

The biologist Michel Cabanac would call the experience of that moment intensely pleasurable because it functions, as pleasure normally does, to indicate the direction of a biologically significant improvement of circumstances.

The pleasant relief will not last very long, 연결 of course, and you will soon be shivering behind the rock again, driven by your renewed suffering to seek better shelter.




Research and development for seed improvement has long been a public domain and government activity for the common good.

연결 However, private capital started to flow into seed production and took it over as a sector of the economy, creating an artificial split between the two aspects of the seed’s nature: its role as means of production and its role as product.

연결 This process gained pace after the invention of hybrid breeding of maize in the late 1920s.

Today most maize seed cultivated are hybrids.

The companies that sell them are able to 표현주의! keep the distinct parent lines from farmers, and the grain that they produce is not suited for seed saving and replanting.

The combination guarantees that farmers will have to buy more seed from the company each season.

In the 1990s the extension of patent laws as the only intellectual property rights tool into the area of seed varieties started to create a growing market for private seed companies.


Long before Walt Whitman wrote Leaves of Grass, poets 과거완료 had addressed themselves to fame.



Horace, Petrarch, Shakespeare, Milton, and Keats all hoped that poetic greatness would grant them a kind of earthly immortality.

Whitman held a similar faith that for centuries the world would value his poems.

But to 연결 this ancient desire to live forever on the page, he added a new sense of fame.

Readers would not simply attend to the poet’s work; they would 수동태 be attracted to the greatness of his personality.

They would see in his poems a vibrant cultural performance, an individual springing from the book with tremendous charisma and appeal.

Out of the political rallies and electoral parades that marked Jacksonian America, Whitman defined poetic fame in relation to the crowd.

Other poets might 1형동 look for their inspiration from the goddess of poetry.

Whitman’s poet sought fame with political celebrities.

In the instability of American democracy, fame would be dependent on celebrity, on the degree 표현주의! to which the people rejoiced in the poet and his work.



#35 순서.

Some people make few intentional changes in life.

Sure, over time they may get fatter, gather lines, and go gray.

But they wear their hair the same way, buy the same brand of shoes, eat the same breakfast, and stick to routines for no reason other 비교급의 뒷구조 than the ease of a comfortable, predictable life.

연결 Yet as both research and real life show, many others do make important changes.

They train for marathons, quit smoking, switch fields, write plays, take up the guitar, or learn to tango even if they never danced before in their lives.

What is the difference between 연결 these two groups of people?

It’s their perspective.

People who change do not question whether change is possible or 1형동 look for reasons they cannot change.

They simply decide on a change they want and do what is necessary to accomplish it.

Changing 계속적용법 , which always stems from a firm decision, becomes job number one. 35


#36 순서.

Sometimes, after punishment 긴동사 has been administered a few times, it needn’t 수동태 be continued, because the mere threat of punishment is 표현주의! enough to inducethe desired behavior.

Psychologists call 연결 this avoidance training because the person is learning to avoid the possibility of a punishing consequence.

Avoidance training is responsible for many everyday behaviors.

It has taught you to carry an umbrella when it looks like rain to avoid the punishment of getting wet, and to 표현주의! keep your hand away from a hot iron to avoid the punishment of a burn.

Avoidance training, 연결 however, doesn’t always work in our favor.

연결 For instance, a child who has been repeatedly criticized for poor performance on math may learn to dodge difficult math problems 표현주의! in order to avoid further punishment.

연결 Unfortunately, because of 연결 this avoidance, the child fails to develop his math skills and 연결 therefore improve the capabilities he has, and so a vicious cycle has set in.

The avoidance must 수동태 be unlearned through some positive experiences with math in order for 연결 this cycle to be broken.



#37 삽입.

Remember when you were little and you imagined that adults had infinite power?

Surely someone who could drive the car, open the juice container, and reach the sink could make it stop raining.

I think that’s the same expectation that we have with respect to our dogs and their ability to smell.

Because they are so good at using their noses, we assume that they can smell anything, anytime.

But dogs use other senses, too, and the brains of both humans and dogs tend to intensify one sense at a time.

Many owners 긴동사 have been snapped at by their dogs when they returned home with a new hairdo or a new coat.

Surprised by the vision of an unfamiliar silhouette pushing into the house, 연결 these dogs were using their eyes 연결 instead of their noses.

Their noses may be remarkable, but they’re not always switched on.


#38 삽입.


Money beyond the bare minimum necessary for food and shelter is nothing more 비교급의 뒷구조 than a means to an end.

연결 Yet so often we confuse means with ends, and sacrifice happiness (end) for money (means).

It is easy to do 연결 this when material wealth 수동태 is elevated to the position of the ultimate end, as it so often is in our society.

연결 This is not to say that the accumulation and production of material wealth is in itself wrong.

Material prosperity can help individuals, as well as society, attain higher levels of happiness.

Financial security can liberate us from work we do not find meaningful and from having to worry about the next paycheck.

Moreover, the desire to make money can challenge and inspire us.

Even so, it is not the money per se that is valuable, but the fact that it can potentially yield more positive experiences.

Material wealth in and of itself does not necessarily generate meaning or lead to emotional wealth.

#39다음글에서전체흐름과관계없는문장은? 38


Food intake is essential for the survival of every living organism.

The failure to detect spoiled or toxic food can have deadly consequences.

연결 Therefore, it is not surprising that humans use all their five senses to analyze food quality.

A first judgment about the value of a food source 수동태 is made on its appearance and smell.

Food that looks and smells attractive is taken into the mouth.

Here, 표현주의! based on a complex sensory analysis that is not only restricted to the sense of taste but 연결 also includes smell, touch, and hearing, the final decision whether to swallow or reject food 수동태 is made.

Frequently, 연결 this complex interaction between different senses 수동태 is inappropriately referred to as ‘taste’ although it should 수동태 be better 표현주의! called flavor perception, because it uses multiple senses.

#40 요약.

Performance must 수동태 be judged in terms of what is under the control of the individuals being evaluated rather 비교급의 뒷구조 than 연결 those influences on performance that are beyond their control.



There can be broad, influential factors, sometimes of an economic nature, that hold down the performance of everyone being judged.

One example is in sales.

If ThereVS설 there is a general downturn in the economy and products or services are not being purchased with the same frequency as in the previous year, sales could 수동태 be down, 연결 for example, by an average of 15%.

연결 This 15% (actually -15%) figure would then represent “average” performance.

Perhaps the best salesperson in the year had only a 3% drop in sales over the previous year.

연결 Thus, “good” performance in 연결 this situation is a smaller loss compared to some average or norm group.

Cloze CheckUp

저자의🐴:빈칸이그대를화나게할지라도절~대 🤬노하지말고예스🌚하면서풀어 보세요.

#20 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

(Assertiveness ) may seem to some people to be (uncharacteristic ) of (counselors ). 40


If your picture of a (counselor ) is someone who never (disagrees ), always “goes (along ),” wants everything to be nice all the time, and only does what other people want him or her to do, this is not a picture of an (assertive ) (counselor ).

Being (assertive ) does not have to mean being (disagreeable ).

Being a (counselor ) does not mean that you should simply be (silent ) when someone tells a (racist ) joke.

An (assertive ) (counselor ) would find a way to call that person’s attention to the fact that the joke is (racist ), explaining how it (offended ) the hearer, and (suggesting ) ways similar jokes could be avoided.

Being (assertive ) is a (highly ) developed skill it should (fit ) nicely in the (counselor )’s (repertoire ) of techniques.


The negative effects of (extrinsic ) motivators such as grades have been (documented ) with students from different cultures.

Although this (matter ) is more complex than simply (regarding ) all (extrinsic ) rewards as (controlling ) or (diminishing ) learning, we agree with Richard Ryan and his (colleagues ) that people across different cultures are (likely ) to express more (satisfaction ) with their lives when their (primary ) goals are (intrinsic ) (rather ) than (extrinsic ).



Another (consistent ) research finding is that when a learning activity is (undertaken ) (explicitly ) to (attain ) some (extrinsic ) reward, people respond by seeking the (least )(demanding ) way of ensuring the reward.

(Since ) there are three (decades ) of (evidence ) that (dominating ) (instruction ) with a system of (controlling ) (external ) rewards may contribute to (inferior ) learning, using a (pedagogy )
based ) on theories of (intrinsic ) (motivation ) (appears ) to be a more (reasonable ) and (effective ) (approach ) (to enhancing ) learning among culturally (diverse ) students.

* (pedagogy ): 교수법


Twin sirens hide in the sea of history, (tempting ) those seeking to understand and appreciate the past onto the (reefs ) of misunderstanding and (misinterpretation ).

These twin dangers are temporocentrism and ethnocentrism.

Temporocentrism is the (belief ) that your times are the best of all possible times.

All other times are thus (inferior ).

Ethnocentrism is the (belief ) that your culture is the best of all possible cultures. 42


All other cultures are thus (inferior ).

Temporocentrism and ethnocentrism unite to cause individuals and cultures to judge all other individuals and cultures by the “(superior )” standards of their (current ) culture.

This leads to a total lack of (perspective ) when dealing with past and / or foreign cultures and a resultant misunderstanding and (misappreciation ) of them.

Temporocentrism and ethnocentrism (tempt ) moderns into (unjustified ) (criticisms ) of the peoples of the past.

#23 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

When we (remark ) with surprise that someone “looks young” for his or her (chronological ) age, we are observing that we all age (biologically ) at different rates.

Scientists have good (evidence ) that this (apparent ) difference is real.

It is (likely ) that age changes begin in different parts of the body at different times and that the rate of (annual ) change (varies ) among various cells, (tissues ), and (organs ), as well as from person to person.

(Unlike ) the (passage ) of time, (biological ) aging (resists ) easy (measurement ). 43


What we would like to have is one or a few measurable (biological ) changes that mirror all other (biological ) age changes without (reference ) to the (passage ) of time, (so that) we could say, for example, that someone who is (chronologically ) eighty years old is (biologically ) sixty years old.

This kind of (measurement ) would help explain why one eighty-year-old has so many more youthful qualities than does another eighty-year-old, who may be (biologically )eighty or even ninety years old.


The Greeks’ (focus on ) the salient (object ) and its (attributes ) led to 1 their (failure ) to understand the (fundamental ) nature of (causality ).

Aristotle explained that a stone falling through the air is (due to ) the stone having the (property ) of “(gravity ).”

But of course a piece of wood 2 tossed into water (floats ) instead of (sinking ).

This (phenomenon ) Aristotle explained as being (due to ) the wood having the (property ) of “levity”!

In both cases the focus is 3 (exclusively ) on the (object ), with no attention paid to the possibility that some (force ) (outside ) the (object ) might be (relevant ).




But the Chinese saw the world as (consisting ) of (continuously ) (interacting ) (substances ), so their (attempts ) to understand it 4 (causing ) them to be (oriented ) toward the complexities of the

(entire ) “field,” that is, the (context ) or environment as a (whole ).

The (notion ) 5 that events always (occur ) in a field of (forces ) would have been completely (intuitive ) to the Chinese.

#29 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?

The Atitlán Giant Grebe was a large, flightless bird that had (evolved ) from the much more (widespread ) and smaller Pied-billed Grebe.

By 1965 there were only around 80 birds left on Lake Atitlán.

One immediate reason was easy (enough to ) spot: the local human (population ) was cutting down the (reed ) beds at a (furious ) rate.

This (A) (accommodation ) / (destruction ) was driven by the needs of a fast growing mat-making industry.

But there were other problems.

An American airline was (intent ) on developing the lake as a tourist (destination ) for fishermen.



However, there was a major problem with this idea: the lake (B) lacked / supported any (suitable ) sporting fish!

To (compensate ) for this (rather ) obvious (defect ), a (specially ) (selected ) species of fish (called ) the Large-mouthed Bass was introduced.

The introduced individuals immediately turned their attentions to the crabs and small fish that lived in the lake, thus (C) competing / cooperating with the few (remaining ) grebes for food.

There is also little doubt that they sometimes gobbled up the zebra-(striped ) Atitlán Giant Grebe’s chicks.

When two cultures come into contact, they do not
(exchange ) every cultural item.

If that were the case, there would be no cultural differences in the world today.

Instead, only a small number of cultural (elements ) ever spread from one culture to another.

Which cultural item is accepted (depends ) (largely ) on the item’s use and (compatibility ) with already (existing ) cultural (traits ).

For example, it is not (likely ) that men’s hair (dyes ) designed to “get out the gray” will spread into parts of rural Africa where a person’s (status ) is (elevated ) with (advancing )years.



Even when a(n) (investigation ) is (consistent ) with a society’s needs, there is still no (guarantee ) that it will be accepted.

For example, most people in the United States using US (customary ) units (e.g., inch, foot, yard, mile, etc.)have (resisted ) (adopting ) the metric system even though making such a change would (enable ) US citizens to (interface ) with the rest of the world more (efficiently ).


Some (distinctions ) between good and bad are (hardwired ) into our (biology ).

(Infants ) enter the world (ready to ) respond to pain as bad and to sweet ((up to ) a point) as good.

In many situations, however, the (boundary ) between good and bad is a (reference ) point that changes over time and (depends ) on the immediate (circumstances ).

Imagine that you are out in the country on a cold night, (inadequately ) dressed for the (pouring ) rain, your clothes (soaked ).

A (stinging ) cold wind (completes ) your (misery ).

As you (wander ) around, you find a large rock that provides some (shelter ) from the (fury ) of the (elements ).



The biologist Michel Cabanac would call the experience of that (moment ) (intensely ) pleasurable because it functions, as pleasure normally does, to (indicate ) the (direction ) of a (biologically ) (significant ) (improvement ) of (circumstances ).

The (pleasant ) (relief ) will not last very long, of course, and you will soon be (shivering ) behind the rock again, driven by your (renewed ) (suffering ) to seek (better ) (shelter).


Research and development for (seed ) (improvement ) has long been a public domain and government activity for the common good.

However, (private ) (capital ) started to (flow ) into (seed ) production and took it over as a
(sector ) of the economy, creating an (artificial ) (split ) between the two (aspects ) of the (seed )’s nature: its role as means of production and its role as product.

This (process ) gained pace after the invention of (hybrid ) (breeding ) of maize in the late 1920s.

Today most maize (seed ) (cultivated ) are (hybrids ).

The companies that sell them are able to keep the (distinct ) parent lines from farmers, and the (grain ) that they (produce ) is not (suited ) for (seed ) saving and replanting.

The (combination ) (guarantees ) that farmers will have to buy more (seed ) from the company each season.


In the 1990s the (extension ) of (patent ) laws as the only (intellectual ) (property ) rights tool into the area of (seed ) varieties started to create a growing market for (private )(seed ) companies.

Long before Walt Whitman wrote Leaves of Grass, poets had
(addressed ) themselves to (fame ).

Horace, Petrarch, Shakespeare, Milton, and Keats all hoped that (poetic ) greatness would (grant ) them a kind of earthly immortality.

Whitman (held ) a similar (faith ) that for centuries the world would (value ) his poems.

But to this ancient desire to live forever on the page, he (added ) a new sense of (fame ).

Readers would not simply (attend ) to the poet’s work; they would be (attracted ) to the greatness of his (personality ).

They would see in his poems a vibrant cultural performance, an individual springing from the book with (tremendous ) charisma and (appeal ).

(Out of ) the (political ) rallies and electoral parades that marked Jacksonian America, Whitman (defined ) (poetic ) (fame ) in (relation ) to the crowd.

Other poets might look for their (inspiration ) from the goddess of (poetry ). 49


Whitman’s poet (sought ) (fame ) with (political ) celebrities.

In the (instability ) of American (democracy ), (fame ) would be (dependent ) on (celebrity ), on the (degree ) to which the people rejoiced in the poet and his work.

#35 순서.

Some people make few (intentional ) changes in life.

Sure, over time they may get fatter, gather lines, and go gray.

But they wear their hair the same way, buy the same brand of shoes, eat the same breakfast, and (stick ) to (routines ) for no reason other than the (ease ) of a (comfortable ), (predictable ) life.

Yet as both research and real life show, many others do make important changes.

They train for marathons, quit smoking, (switch ) fields, write plays, (take up ) the guitar, or learn to tango even if they never danced before in their lives.

What is the difference between these two groups of people?

It’s their (perspective ).




People who change do not (question ) whether change is possible or look for reasons they cannot change.

They simply decide on a change they want and do what is necessary to (accomplish ) it.

Changing, which always (stems ) from a (firm ) decision, becomes job number one.

#36 순서.
Sometimes, after
(punishment ) has been (administered ) a few times, it needn’t be (continued ),

because the (mere ) (threat ) of (punishment ) is (enough to ) (induce ) the desired (behavior ).

Psychologists call this (avoidance ) training because the person is learning to avoid the possibility of a (punishing ) (consequence ).

(Avoidance ) training is (responsible ) for many everyday (behaviors ).

It has taught you to carry an umbrella when it looks like rain to avoid the (punishment ) of getting wet, and to keep your hand (away ) from a hot iron to avoid the (punishment )of a burn.

(Avoidance ) training, however, doesn’t always work in our favor.

For instance, a child who has been (repeatedly ) (criticized ) for poor performance on math may learn to dodge difficult math problems in order to avoid (further ) (punishment ).



(Unfortunately ), (because of ) this (avoidance ), the child fails to develop his math skills and (therefore ) improve the capabilities he has, and so a (vicious ) cycle has set in.

The (avoidance ) must be unlearned through some positive experiences with math in order for this cycle to be broken.

#37 삽입.

Remember when you were little and you imagined that adults had (infinite ) power?

Surely someone who could drive the car, open the juice (container ), and (reach ) the (sink ) could make it stop raining.

I think that’s the same (expectation ) that we have with respect to our dogs and their ability to smell.

Because they are so good at using their noses, we (assume ) that they can smell anything, anytime.

But dogs use other senses, too, and the brains of both humans and dogs tend to (intensify ) one sense at a time.

Many owners have been (snapped ) at by their dogs when they returned home with a new hairdo or a new coat.



Surprised by the vision of an unfamiliar silhouette (pushing ) into the house, these dogs were using their eyes instead of their noses.

Their noses may be (remarkable ), but they’re not always (switched ) on.

#38 삽입.

Money (beyond ) the (bare ) (minimum ) necessary for food and (shelter ) is nothing more than a means to an end.

Yet so often we confuse means with ends, and (sacrifice ) happiness (end) for money (means).

It is easy to do this when material wealth is (elevated ) to the position of the (ultimate ) end, as it so often is in our society.

This is not to say that the (accumulation ) and production of material wealth is in (itself ) wrong.

Material (prosperity ) can help individuals, as well as society, (attain ) higher levels of happiness.

(Financial ) (security ) can (liberate ) us from work we do not find (meaningful ) and from having to worry about the next paycheck.

(Moreover ), the desire to make money can challenge and (inspire ) us.



Even so, it is not the money per se that is (valuable ), but the fact that it can (potentially ) (yield ) more positive experiences.

Material wealth in and of (itself ) does not (necessarily ) (generate ) (meaning ) or lead to emotional wealth.


Food (intake ) is (essential ) for the (survival ) of every living (organism ).

The (failure ) to (detect ) (spoiled ) or (toxic ) food can have (deadly ) (consequences ).

(Therefore ), it is not surprising that humans use all their five senses to (analyze ) food quality.

A first (judgment ) about the (value ) of a food (source ) is made on its (appearance ) and smell.

Food that looks and smells (attractive ) is (taken ) into the mouth.

Here, (based ) on a complex (sensory ) (analysis ) that is not only (restricted ) to the sense of taste but also includes smell, touch, and hearing, the final decision whether to (swallow ) or (reject ) food is made.



(Frequently ), this complex (interaction ) between different senses is inappropriately (referred ) (to as ) ‘taste’ although it should be (better ) (called ) flavor (perception ), because it uses (multiple ) senses.

#40 요약.

Performance must be judged in (terms ) of what is under the (control ) of the individuals being (evaluated ) (rather ) than those influences on performance that are (beyond ) their (control ).

There can be broad, (influential ) factors, sometimes of an (economic ) nature, that (hold ) down the performance of everyone being judged.

One example is in sales.

If there is a general downturn in the economy and products or services are not being purchased with the same (frequency ) as in the (previous ) year, sales could be down, for example, by an average of 15%.

This 15% (actually -15%) (figure ) would then (represent ) “average” performance.

Perhaps the best salesperson in the year had only a 3% s007drop e007in sales over the (previous ) year.

Thus, “good” performance in this situation is a smaller loss (compared to ) some average or (norm ) group.



Origin CheckUp
저자의🐴 : Wayne만의 독특한 문제유형! 빈칸을 채워보면서 문법을 체크해보세요! 인터 넷에서는 드래그시 답이 보입니다!!🍄

#20 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

Assertiveness may seem to some people to be uncharacteristic of counselors.

If your picture of a counselor is someone who never disagrees, always “goes along,” wants everything to be nice all the time, and only does [접속사]what other people want him or her to do, this is not a picture of an assertive counselor.

Being assertive does not have to mean being disagreeable.

Being a counselor does not mean [접속사]that you should simply be silent when someone tells a racist joke.

An assertive counselor would find a way to call [접속사]that person’s attention to the fact [접속사]that the joke is racist, explaining [접속사]how it offended the hearer, and suggesting

ways similar jokes could be avoided.

Being assertive is a highly developed skill it should fit nicely in the counselor’s repertoire of techniques.



The negative effects of extrinsic motivators [전치사]such as grades [have be document]have been documented with students from different cultures.

[접속사]Although this matter is more complex than simply [전치사]regarding all extrinsic rewards as controlling or diminishing learning, we agree with Richard Ryan and his colleagues [접속사]that people [전치사]across different cultures are likely to express more satisfaction with their lives when their primary goals are intrinsic [전치사]rather than extrinsic.

Another consistent research finding is [접속사]that when a learning activity is undertaken explicitly to attain some extrinsic reward, people respond by seeking the least demanding way of

ensuring the reward.

Since there are three decades of evidence [접속사]that dominating instruction with a system of controlling external rewards may contribute to inferior learning, using a pedagogy [basing

on / based on]based on theories of intrinsic motivation appears to be a more reasonable and effective approach to enhancing learning [전치사]amongculturally diverse students.

* pedagogy: 교수법



Twin sirens hide in the sea of history, tempting those seeking to understand and appreciate the past onto the reefs of misunderstanding and misinterpretation.

These twin dangers are temporocentrism and ethnocentrism.

Temporocentrism is the belief [접속사]that your times are the best of all possible times.

All other times are thus inferior.

Ethnocentrism is the belief [접속사]that your culture is the best of all possible cultures.

All other cultures are thus inferior.

Temporocentrism and ethnocentrism unite to cause individuals and cultures to judge all other individuals and cultures by the “superior” standards of their current culture.

This leads to a total lack of perspective when dealing with past and / or foreign cultures and a resultant misunderstanding and misappreciation of them.

Temporocentrism and ethnocentrism tempt moderns into unjustified criticisms of the peoples of the past.



#23 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

When we remark with surprise that someone “looks young” for his or her chronological age, we are observing [접속사]that we all age biologically at different rates.

Scientists have good evidence [접속사]that this apparent difference is real.

It is likely [접속사]that age changes begin in different parts of the body at different times and [접속사]that the rate of annual change varies [전치사]among various cells, tissues, and

organs, as well as from person to person.

Unlike the passage of time, biological aging resists easy measurement.

[접속사]What we would like to have is one or a few measurable biological changes [접속사]that mirror all other biological age changes [전치사]without reference to the passage of

time, [접속사]so that we could say, [연결사]for example , that someone who is chronologically eighty years old is biologically sixty years old.

This kind of measurement would help explain [접속사]why one eighty-year-old has so many more youthful qualities than does another eighty-year-old, who may be biologically eighty or even

ninety years old.

#28다음글의밑줄친부분중,어법상틀린것은? 59


The Greeks’ focus on the salient object and its attributes led to 1 their failure to understand the fundamental nature of causality.

Aristotle explained [접속사]that a stone falling through the air is [전치사]due to the stone having the property of “gravity.”

But of course a piece of wood 2 tossed into water floats instead of sinking.

This phenomenon Aristotle explained as being [전치사]due to the wood having the property of “levity”!

In both cases the focus is 3 exclusively on the object, with no attention paid to the possibility that some force outside the object might be relevant.

But the Chinese saw the world as consisting of continuously interacting substances, so their attempts to understand it 4 causing them to be oriented toward the complexities of the entire

“field,” [접속사]that is, the context or environment as a whole.

The notion 5 [접속사]that events always occur in a field of forces would have been completely intuitive to the Chinese.

#29 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은? 60



The Atitlán Giant Grebe was a large, flightless bird [접속사]that had evolved from the much more widespread and smaller Pied-billed Grebe.

By 1965 there were only around 80 birds left on Lake Atitlán.

One immediate reason was easy enough to spot: the local human population was cutting down the reed beds at a furious rate.

This (A) accommodation / destruction was driven by the needs of a fast growing mat-making industry.

But there were other problems.

An American airline was intent on developing the lake as a tourist destination for fishermen.

[연결사]However , there was a major problem with this idea: the lake (B) lacked / supported any suitable sporting fish!

To compensate for this rather obvious defect, a specially selected species of fish called the Large- mouthed Bass [was introducing / was introduced]was introduced.

The introduced individuals immediately turned their attentions to the crabs and small fish

[접속사]that lived in the lake, thus (C) competing / cooperating with the few remaining grebes for food.


There is also little doubt [접속사]that they sometimes gobbled up the zebra-striped Atitlán Giant Grebe’s chicks.

When two cultures come into contact, they do not exchange every cultural item.

If [접속사]that were the case, there would be no cultural differences in the world today.

Instead, only a small number of cultural elements ever spread from one culture to another.

[접속사]Which cultural item [is accepting / is accepted]is accepted depends largely on the item’s use and compatibility with already existing cultural traits.

[연결사]For example , it is not likely [접속사]that men’s hair dyes designed to “get out the gray” will spread into parts of rural Africa [접속사]where a person’s status [is elevating /

is elevated]is elevated with advancing years.

Even when a(n) investigation is consistent with a society’s needs, there is still no guarantee [접속사]that it will be accepted.




[연결사]For example , most people in the United States using US customary units (e.g., inch, foot, yard, mile, etc.)have resisted adopting the metric system [접속사]even though making such

a change would enable US citizens to interface with the rest of the world more efficiently.


Some distinctions between good and bad [are hardwiring / are hardwired]are hardwired into our biology.

Infants enter the world ready to respond to pain as bad and to sweet (up to a point) as good.

In many situations, [연결사]however , the boundary between good and bad is a reference point [접속사]that changes [전치사]over time and depends on the immediate circumstances.

Imagine [접속사]that you are out in the country on a cold night, inadequately dressed for the pouring rain, your clothes soaked.

A stinging cold wind completes your misery.

As you wander around, you find a large rock [접속사]that provides some shelter from the fury of the elements.



The biologist Michel Cabanac would call the experience of [접속사]that moment intensely pleasurable because it functions, as pleasure normally does, to indicate the direction of a

biologically significant improvement of circumstances.

The pleasant relief will not last very long, of course, and you will soon be shivering behind the rock again, driven by your renewed suffering to seek better shelter.


Research and development for seed improvement has long been a public domain and government activity for the common good.

[연결사]However , private capital started to flow into seed production and took it [전치사]over as a sector of the economy, creating an artificial split between the two aspects of the

seed’s nature: its role as means of production and its role as product.

This process gained pace after the invention of hybrid breeding of maize in the late 1920s.

Today most maize seed cultivated are hybrids.

The companies that sell them are able to keep the distinct parent lines from farmers, and the grain [접속사]that they produce is not suited for seed saving and replanting.



The combination guarantees [접속사]that farmers will have to buy more seed from the company each season.

In the 1990s the extension of patent laws as the only intellectual property rights tool into the area of seed varieties started to create a growing market for private seed companies.

Long before Walt Whitman wrote Leaves of Grass, poets had addressed themselves to fame.

Horace, Petrarch, Shakespeare, Milton, and Keats all hoped [접속사]that poetic greatness would grant them a kind of earthly immortality.

Whitman held a similar faith [접속사]that for centuries the world would value his poems.

But to this ancient desire to live forever on the page, he added a new sense of fame.

Readers would not simply attend to the poet’s work; they would be attracted to the greatness of his personality.

They would see in his poems a vibrant cultural performance, an individual springing from the book with tremendous charisma and appeal.



Out of the political rallies and electoral parades [접속사]that marked Jacksonian America, Whitman defined poetic fame in relation to the crowd.

Other poets might look for their inspiration from the goddess of poetry.

Whitman’s poet sought fame with political celebrities.

In the instability of American democracy, fame would be dependent on celebrity, on the degree to [접속사]which the people rejoiced in the poet and his work.

#35 순서.

Some people make few intentional changes in life.

Sure, [전치사]over time they may get fatter, gather lines, and go gray.

But they wear their hair the same way, buy the same brand of shoes, eat the same breakfast, and stick to routines for no reason other than the ease of a comfortable, predictable life.

Yet as both research and real life show, many others do make important changes.

They train for marathons, quit smoking, switch fields, write plays, take up the guitar, or learn to tango [접속사]even if they never danced before in their lives.



[접속사]What is the difference between these two groups of people?

It’s their perspective.

People who change do not question whether change is possible or look for reasons they cannot change.

They simply decide on a change they want and do [접속사]what is necessary to accomplish it.

Changing, [접속사]which always stems from a firm decision, becomes job number one.

#36 순서.
Sometimes, after punishment
[have be administer]has been administered a few times, it

needn’t be continued, because the mere threat of punishment is enough to induce the desired behavior.

Psychologists call this avoidance training because the person is learning to avoid the possibility of a punishing consequence.

Avoidance training is responsible for many everyday behaviors.



It has taught you to carry an umbrella when it looks like rain to avoid the punishment of getting wet, and to keep your hand away from a hot iron to avoid the punishment of a burn.

Avoidance training, [연결사]however , doesn’t always work in our favor.

[연결사]For instance , a child who has been repeatedly criticized for poor performance on math may learn to dodge difficult math problems [접속사]in order to avoid further punishment.

Unfortunately, [전치사]because of this avoidance, the child fails to develop his math skills and therefore improve the capabilities he has, and so a vicious cycle has set in.

The avoidance must be unlearned through some positive experiences with math in order for this cycle to be broken.

#37 삽입.

Remember when you were little and you imagined [접속사]that adults had infinite power?

Surely someone who could drive the car, open the juice container, and reach the sink could make it stop raining.


I think that’s the same expectation [접속사]that we have with respect to our dogs and their ability to smell.

Because they are so good at using their noses, we assume [접속사]that they can smell anything, anytime.

But dogs use other senses, too, and the brains of both humans and dogs tend to intensify one sense at a time.

Many owners [have be snapp]have been snapped at by their dogs when they returned home with a new hairdo or a new coat.

Surprised by the vision of an unfamiliar silhouette pushing into the house, these dogs were using their eyes instead of their noses.

Their noses may be remarkable, but they’re not always switched on.

#38 삽입.

Money beyond the bare minimum necessary for food and shelter is nothing more than a means to an end.

Yet so often we confuse means with ends, and sacrifice happiness (end) for money (means).




It is easy to do this when material wealth [is elevating / is elevated]is elevated to the position of the ultimate end, as it so often is in our society.

This is not to say [접속사]that the accumulation and production of material wealth is in itself wrong.

Material prosperity can help individuals, as well as society, attain higher levels of happiness.

Financial security can liberate us from work we do not find meaningful and from having to worry about the next paycheck.

[연결사]Moreover , the desire to make money can challenge and inspire us.

Even so, it is not the money per se [접속사]that is valuable, but the fact [접속사]that it can potentially yield more positive experiences.

Material wealth in and of itself does not necessarily generate meaning or lead to emotional wealth.


Food intake is essential for the survival of every living organism.

The failure to detect spoiled or toxic food can have deadly consequences.


Therefore, it is not surprising [접속사]that humans use all their five senses to analyze food quality.

A first judgment about the value of a food source is made on its appearance and smell.

Food [접속사]that looks and smells attractive is taken into the mouth.

Here, [basing on / based on]based on a complex sensory analysis [접속사]that is not only restricted to the sense of taste but also includes smell, touch, and hearing, the final decision whether

to swallow or reject food is made.

Frequently, this complex interaction between different senses is inappropriately referred to as ‘taste’ [접속사]although it should be better called flavor perception, because it uses multiple senses.

#40 요약.

Performance must be judged in terms of [접속사]what is [전치사]under the control of the individuals being evaluated [전치사]rather than those influences on performance

[접속사]that are beyond their control.

There can be broad, influential factors, sometimes of an economic nature, [접속사]that hold down the performance of everyone being judged.



One example is in sales.

If there is a general downturn in the economy and products or services are not being purchased with the same frequency as in the previous year, sales could be down, [연결사]for example , by an average of 15%.

This 15% (actually -15%) figure would then represent “average” performance.

Perhaps the best salesperson in the year had only a 3% drop in sales [전치사]over the previous year.

Thus, “good” performance in this situation is a smaller loss compared to some average or norm group.


저자의🐴 : 여기까지 공부하신 분이 있을까요 ᅲᅲ


Assertiveness may seem to some people to be uncharacteristic of counselors.

( ) Being assertive is a highly developed skill it should fit nicely in the counselor’s repertoire of techniques.



( ) Being assertive does not have to mean being disagreeable.

( ) An assertive counselor would find a way to call that person’s attention to the fact that the joke is racist, explaining how it offended the hearer, and suggesting ways similar jokes could be avoided.

( ) Being a counselor does not mean that you should simply be silent when someone tells a racist joke.

( ) If your picture of a counselor is someone who never disagrees, always “goes along,” wants everything to be nice all the time, and only does what other people want him or her to do, this is not a picture of an assertive counselor.

The negative effects of extrinsic motivators such as grades have been documented with

students from different cultures.

( ) Although this matter is more complex than simply regarding all extrinsic rewards as controlling or diminishing learning, we agree with Richard Ryan and his colleagues that people across different cultures are likely to express more satisfaction with their lives when their primary goals are intrinsic rather than extrinsic.

( ) Another consistent research finding is that when a learning activity is undertaken explicitly to attain some extrinsic reward, people respond by seeking the least demanding way of ensuring the reward.

( ) * pedagogy: 교수법



( ) Since there are three decades of evidence that dominating instruction with a system of controlling external rewards may contribute to inferior learning, using a pedagogy based on theories of intrinsic motivation appears to be a more reasonable and effective approach to enhancing learning among culturally diverse students.

Twin sirens hide in the sea of history, tempting those seeking to understand and appreciate the

past onto the reefs of misunderstanding and misinterpretation.

( ) These twin dangers are temporocentrism and ethnocentrism.

( ) This leads to a total lack of perspective when dealing with past and / or foreign cultures and a resultant misunderstanding and misappreciation of them.

( ) Temporocentrism is the belief that your times are the best of all possible times.

( ) Ethnocentrism is the belief that your culture is the best of all possible cultures.

( ) Temporocentrism and ethnocentrism unite to cause individuals and cultures to judge all other individuals and cultures by the “superior” standards of their current culture.

( ) Temporocentrism and ethnocentrism tempt moderns into unjustified criticisms of the peoples of the past.

( ) All other times are thus inferior.

( ) All other cultures are thus inferior.



When we remark with surprise that someone “looks young” for his or her chronological age,

we are observing that we all age biologically at different rates.

( ) This kind of measurement would help explain why one eighty-year-old has so many more youthful qualities than does another eighty-year-old, who may be biologically eighty or even ninety years old.

( ) Unlike the passage of time, biological aging resists easy measurement.

( ) Scientists have good evidence that this apparent difference is real.

( ) It is likely that age changes begin in different parts of the body at different times and that the rate of annual change varies among various cells, tissues, and organs, as well as from person to person.

( ) What we would like to have is one or a few measurable biological changes that mirror all other biological age changes without reference to the passage of time, so that we could say, for example, that someone who is chronologically eighty years old is biologically sixty years old.

The Greeks’ focus on the salient object and its attributes led to 1 their failure to understand

the fundamental nature of causality.

( ) But the Chinese saw the world as consisting of continuously interacting substances, so their attempts to understand it 4 causing them to be oriented toward the complexities of the entire

“field,” that is, the context or environment as a whole.



( ) This phenomenon Aristotle explained as being due to the wood having the property of “levity”!

( ) But of course a piece of wood 2 tossed into water floats instead of sinking.

( ) Aristotle explained that a stone falling through the air is due to the stone having the property of “gravity.”

( ) The notion 5 that events always occur in a field of forces would have been completely intuitive to the Chinese.

( ) In both cases the focus is 3 exclusively on the object, with no attention paid to the possibility that some force outside the object might be relevant.

29 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?
The Atitlán Giant Grebe was a large, flightless bird that had evolved from the much more

widespread and smaller Pied-billed Grebe.

( ) One immediate reason was easy enough to spot: the local human population was cutting down the reed beds at a furious rate.

( ) The introduced individuals immediately turned their attentions to the crabs and small fish that lived in the lake, thus (C) competing / cooperating with the few remaining grebes for food.

( ) There is also little doubt that they sometimes gobbled up the zebra-striped Atitlán Giant Grebe’s chicks.

( ) An American airline was intent on developing the lake as a tourist destination for fishermen. 76


( ) However, there was a major problem with this idea: the lake (B) lacked / supported any suitable sporting fish!

( ) But there were other problems.

( ) By 1965 there were only around 80 birds left on Lake Atitlán.

( ) To compensate for this rather obvious defect, a specially selected species of fish called the Large- mouthed Bass was introduced.

( ) This (A) accommodation / destruction was driven by the needs of a fast growing mat-making industry.


When two cultures come into contact, they do not exchange every cultural item.

( ) If that were the case, there would be no cultural differences in the world today.

( ) Even when a(n) investigation is consistent with a society’s needs, there is still no guarantee that it will be accepted.

( ) For example, it is not likely that men’s hair dyes designed to “get out the gray” will spread into parts of rural Africa where a person’s status is elevated with advancing years.

( ) Instead, only a small number of cultural elements ever spread from one culture to another.



( ) Which cultural item is accepted depends largely on the item’s use and compatibility with already existing cultural traits.

( ) For example, most people in the United States using US customary units (e.g., inch, foot, yard, mile, etc.)have resisted adopting the metric system even though making such a change would enable US citizens to interface with the rest of the world more efficiently.


Some distinctions between good and bad are hardwired into our biology.

( ) The biologist Michel Cabanac would call the experience of that moment intensely pleasurable because it functions, as pleasure normally does, to indicate the direction of a biologically significant improvement of circumstances.

( ) A stinging cold wind completes your misery.

( ) As you wander around, you find a large rock that provides some shelter from the fury of the elements.

( ) Infants enter the world ready to respond to pain as bad and to sweet (up to a point) as good.

( ) The pleasant relief will not last very long, of course, and you will soon be shivering behind the rock again, driven by your renewed suffering to seek better shelter.

( ) In many situations, however, the boundary between good and bad is a reference point that changes over time and depends on the immediate circumstances.



( ) Imagine that you are out in the country on a cold night, inadequately dressed for the pouring rain, your clothes soaked.


Research and development for seed improvement has long been a public domain and government activity for the common good.

( ) This process gained pace after the invention of hybrid breeding of maize in the late 1920s.

( ) The companies that sell them are able to keep the distinct parent lines from farmers, and the grain that they produce is not suited for seed saving and replanting.

( ) In the 1990s the extension of patent laws as the only intellectual property rights tool into the area of seed varieties started to create a growing market for private seed companies.

( ) However, private capital started to flow into seed production and took it over as a sector of the economy, creating an artificial split between the two aspects of the seed’s nature: its role as means of production and its role as product.

( ) Today most maize seed cultivated are hybrids.

( ) The combination guarantees that farmers will have to buy more seed from the company each season.


Long before Walt Whitman wrote Leaves of Grass, poets had addressed themselves to fame.



( ) Readers would not simply attend to the poet’s work; they would be attracted to the greatness of his personality.

( ) Horace, Petrarch, Shakespeare, Milton, and Keats all hoped that poetic greatness would grant them a kind of earthly immortality.

( ) Whitman’s poet sought fame with political celebrities.

( ) Out of the political rallies and electoral parades that marked Jacksonian America, Whitman defined poetic fame in relation to the crowd.

( ) But to this ancient desire to live forever on the page, he added a new sense of fame.

( ) In the instability of American democracy, fame would be dependent on celebrity, on the degree to which the people rejoiced in the poet and his work.

( ) Other poets might look for their inspiration from the goddess of poetry.

( ) They would see in his poems a vibrant cultural performance, an individual springing from the book with tremendous charisma and appeal.

( ) Whitman held a similar faith that for centuries the world would value his poems.

35 순서.
Some people make few intentional changes in life.

( ) Changing, which always stems from a firm decision, becomes job number one. 80


( ) They simply decide on a change they want and do what is necessary to accomplish it.

( ) Yet as both research and real life show, many others do make important changes.

( ) People who change do not question whether change is possible or look for reasons they cannot change.

( ) It’s their perspective.

( ) Sure, over time they may get fatter, gather lines, and go gray.

( ) What is the difference between these two groups of people?

( ) They train for marathons, quit smoking, switch fields, write plays, take up the guitar, or learn to tango even if they never danced before in their lives.

( ) But they wear their hair the same way, buy the same brand of shoes, eat the same breakfast, and stick to routines for no reason other than the ease of a comfortable, predictable life.

36 순서.
Sometimes, after punishment has been administered a few times, it needn’t be continued,

because the mere threat of punishment is enough to induce the desired behavior.

( ) Unfortunately, because of this avoidance, the child fails to develop his math skills and therefore improve the capabilities he has, and so a vicious cycle has set in.

( ) Avoidance training, however, doesn’t always work in our favor. 81


( ) For instance, a child who has been repeatedly criticized for poor performance on math may learn to dodge difficult math problems in order to avoid further punishment.

( ) Psychologists call this avoidance training because the person is learning to avoid the possibility of a punishing consequence.

( ) The avoidance must be unlearned through some positive experiences with math in order for this cycle to be broken.

( ) It has taught you to carry an umbrella when it looks like rain to avoid the punishment of getting wet, and to keep your hand away from a hot iron to avoid the punishment of a burn.

( ) Avoidance training is responsible for many everyday behaviors.


37 삽입.
Remember when you were little and you imagined that adults had infinite power?

( ) Their noses may be remarkable, but they’re not always switched on.

( ) Many owners have been snapped at by their dogs when they returned home with a new hairdo or a new coat.

( ) But dogs use other senses, too, and the brains of both humans and dogs tend to intensify one sense at a time.



( ) Surprised by the vision of an unfamiliar silhouette pushing into the house, these dogs were using their eyes instead of their noses.

( ) Surely someone who could drive the car, open the juice container, and reach the sink could make it stop raining.

( ) I think that’s the same expectation that we have with respect to our dogs and their ability to smell.

( ) Because they are so good at using their noses, we assume that they can smell anything, anytime.

38 삽입.
Money beyond the bare minimum necessary for food and shelter is nothing more than a

means to an end.

( ) Financial security can liberate us from work we do not find meaningful and from having to worry about the next paycheck.

( ) This is not to say that the accumulation and production of material wealth is in itself wrong.

( ) Material prosperity can help individuals, as well as society, attain higher levels of happiness.

( ) Moreover, the desire to make money can challenge and inspire us.

( ) Even so, it is not the money per se that is valuable, but the fact that it can potentially yield more positive experiences.



( ) Material wealth in and of itself does not necessarily generate meaning or lead to emotional wealth.

( ) Yet so often we confuse means with ends, and sacrifice happiness (end) for money (means).

( ) It is easy to do this when material wealth is elevated to the position of the ultimate end, as it so often is in our society.

Food intake is essential for the survival of every living organism.

( ) Here, based on a complex sensory analysis that is not only restricted to the sense of taste but also includes smell, touch, and hearing, the final decision whether to swallow or reject food is made.

( ) Food that looks and smells attractive is taken into the mouth.

( ) The failure to detect spoiled or toxic food can have deadly consequences.

( ) Therefore, it is not surprising that humans use all their five senses to analyze food quality.

( ) A first judgment about the value of a food source is made on its appearance and smell.

( ) Frequently, this complex interaction between different senses is inappropriately referred to as ‘taste’ although it should be better called flavor perception, because it uses multiple senses.

40 요약.




Performance must be judged in terms of what is under the control of the individuals being evaluated rather than those influences on performance that are beyond their control.

( ) One example is in sales.

( ) Thus, “good” performance in this situation is a smaller loss compared to some average or norm group.

( ) There can be broad, influential factors, sometimes of an economic nature, that hold down the performance of everyone being judged.

( ) Perhaps the best salesperson in the year had only a 3% drop in sales over the previous year.

( ) This 15% (actually -15%) figure would then represent “average” performance.

( ) If there is a general downturn in the economy and products or services are not being purchased with the same frequency as in the previous year, sales could be down, for example, by an average of 15%.

VocabQuiz EtoK
저자의🐴 : 코딩전문가 WD.CHO의 도움으로 탄생!! 영단어 암기 어려워하는 분들을

위해 만들었습니다!

What does 'accomplish' mean?이루다 1이루다2미리아는3결과4개혁하다5일관성


What does 'advocate' mean?옹호하다 1상인2충동3옹호하다4소중한5문제

What does 'analyze' mean?분석하다 1바꾸다2침입자3뉴런4분석하다5침묵

What does 'annual' mean?해마다의 1항구2창조자3해마다의4의견5전기의

What does 'apparent' mean?명백한 1존재2어리석은3명백한4정제하다5공문서

What does 'appeal' mean?호소 1호소2연장하다3양심4내려가다5대표직

What does 'appearance' mean?출현 1장려/승진시키다2위쪽3관대한4출현5강렬함

What does 'approach' mean?접근 1소설2미망인3이상적인4맡기다5접근

What does 'artificial' mean?인공의 1긴장2잠들어3논쟁하다4인공의5정화/설명

What does 'assume' mean?가정하다 1저주하다2가정하다3그럴4붕대5비슷한



What does 'attain' mean?달성하다 1알아차리다2유익하게3추적하다4달성하다5쓸모없는

What does 'attend' mean?출석 1무대2출석3식민지의4배반하다5비명을지르다

What does 'behavior' mean?행동 1연관성2행동3제한4자전거5마비시키다

What does 'biological' mean?생물학적
1 필요로하다/요구하다 2 확대 3 생물학적 4 지지자 5 변형시키다

What does 'biologically' mean?생물학적으로 1상상할2기억들34생물학적으로5잘못놓여진

What does 'biology' mean?생물학 1복사복제하다2준비하다3흡수하다4제한5생물학

What does 'capital' mean?수도 1엄격한2접근3수도4해고하다5토론하다

What does 'comfortable' mean?편안하다 1통과2다양한3가혹한4편안하다5빈정대는

What does 'compensate' mean?보상하다

1유래하다2의도적으로3반대하다4보상하다5칭찬 87


What does 'consequence' mean?결과 1가늘고2결과3수행원4무의식적으로5등대

What does 'consistent' mean?지속적인 1모험2내려가다3시행집행하다4지속적인5원칙

What does 'context' mean?맥락 1섭취2관념3중요성4과잉보호하는5맥락

What does 'control' mean?통제 1계속하다다시2통제3반응4가정의/국내의5길을

What does 'current' mean?현재의 1현재의2성직자3양육하는4겸손한5흉내나다

What does 'defect' mean?결점 1정치2통근하다3후원자4속임5결점

What does 'degree' mean?정도 1추구2정도3수입4물리학5추정

What does 'democracy' mean?민주주의 1재편성하다2신체적으로3동정4긍정적인5민주주의

What does 'dependent' mean?의존하는 1의존하는2더거친3자선4수혜자5정확함



What does 'destination' mean?목적지 1선두2감정3기관4목적지5묶다

What does 'detect' mean?발견하다 1적응2발견하다3공산주의4상승하다5가정의/국내의

What does 'diminishing' mean?감소하는 1의식2구부리다3가하다주다4웹사이트5감소하는

What does 'direction' mean?방향 1괴롭힘2방향3신문4차별하다5존경할

What does 'distinct' mean?별개의 1질질2별개의3목표4가족/가정5중독자

What does 'diverse' mean?다양한 1숨겨진2어리석은3다양한4()..중에5

What does 'economic' mean?경제의 1집회2경제의3결과적으로4반응하다5노력

What does 'effective' mean?효과적인 1구별되는2다양하다3투자4효과적인5고대의

What does 'efficiency' mean?효율 1심리학2효율3확인하다4자살5독특한



What does 'efficiently' mean?효율적으로 1왜곡하다2이루다3이상적으로4효율적으로5법률의

What does 'enable' mean?12보상3머리말4cattlepost5쓸모없는

What does 'entire' mean?전체의 1전체의2장애3전문화된4들러붙다5문명화하다

What does 'essential' mean?필수적인 1노출시키다2느긋한3정리하다4생존5필수적인

What does 'evaluation' mean?평가 1기르기2적극적으로3미묘하게4반대로작용하다5평가

What does 'evidence' mean?증거 1공중의2동행하다3도덕상의4증거5사회

What does 'explicitly' mean?솔직하게
1 솔직하게 2 토템사상(자연/동물숭배) 3 필연적으로 4 오도하다 5 장벽

What does 'extension' mean?확대 12확대3이상적인4면접5종교적인

What does 'external' mean?외부적인

1외부적인2동맹3카테고리4동행하다5추상적인 90


What does 'extrinsic' mean?비본질적인 1비본질적인2부족3실험4사실에5번개

What does 'failure' mean?실패 1바치다2실패3정당화4내려가다5행동

What does 'fame' mean?명성 1조정/중재하다2혼자3반대쪽의4명성5농업

What does 'figure' mean?인물/수치 1인정하다2인물/수치3만나다4흔들리는5혼동시키다

What does 'firm' mean?회사 1필연적으로2칭찬3일관성4회사5반응하는

What does 'flow' mean?흐름 1장애2대리인3성공적인4흐름5가하다주다

What does 'frequency' mean?빈도수 1대답했다2동기/보너스3발생4빈도수5시민권

What does 'fundamental' mean?근본적인 1근본적인2고통3연속4개요5인기

What does 'grain' mean?곡물 1긴장2필연적으로3희망에4제외한5곡물



What does 'gravity' mean?중력 1힘을주다2중력3임무특명4항구5비틀다

What does 'guarantee' mean?보장하다 1광고하다2보장하다3의무를갖게하다4유일한5상처

What does 'ignore' mean?무시하다 1매료된2잘못놓여진3모방4통로한5무시하다

What does 'improvement' mean?개선 1편집하다2통근하다3개선4둘러싸다5해로운

What does 'indicate' mean?가리키다 1기술적으로2가리키다3전달하다4비본질적인5자유롭게하다

What does 'induce' mean?설득하여 1출판하다2재활용하다3설득하여4축하해요5독서작문력

What does 'infants' mean?유아 1유아2따라잡다3지중해4논증했다5규칙적인

What does 'infinite' mean?무한한 12무한한3부착하다4최고의5끊임없는

What does 'influential' mean?영향력 있는

1예상/예보2번째의3소환하다4감정들5영향력있는 92


What does 'innovation' mean?혁신 1서식지2경쟁력3가늘고4혁신5부족한

What does 'inspiration' mean?영감 1보다2활용하다3대인관계의4영감5구경거리

What does 'inspire' mean?고무시키다 1지성이있는2서식지3믿을만한4고무시키다5던지기

What does 'instruction' mean?설명 12협력하다3설명4미숙한5흐름

What does 'intake' mean?섭취 1노동자2기계장치3섭취4근면한5무시하다

What does 'intellectual' mean?지능의 1지능의2행동의3직업4매우5묵시록

What does 'intent' mean?의도 1연맹2복수하다3성직자4비용5의도

What does 'intentional' mean?의도적인 1제기하다2영구적인3의도적인4생식하다5상처

What does 'interaction' mean?상호

1상호2형벌3비정상적인4수집하다5언급하다 93


What does 'intrinsic' mean?본질의 1깨우다2기원3차지하지않다4본질의5일반의

What does 'liberate' mean?자유롭게 하다 1제출하다2자유롭게하다3수입4애정5반대하다

What does 'literature' mean?문학 1닥치다2전시3문학4흐름5조직

What does 'matter' mean?중요하다/문제 1항체2대표자3중요하다/문제4중요하게5고용하다

What does 'measurement' mean?측정 1전기2측정32개언어로말하는4원정5축하하다

What does 'minimum' mean?최소한도 1이민2증가하다3최소한도4전근5번영하다

What does 'moment' mean?순간때 1매우2순간때3예언자4효율5전문화된

What does 'motivation' mean?동기 1훌륭한2진보3분열4영양분을하다5동기

What does 'multiple' mean?다수의 1인정하다2비교될3근처4기억하다5다수의



What does 'norm' mean?표준 1구독하다2표준3침입하다4멸종한5잡일

What does 'observation' mean?관찰 1지시하다2광범위한3관찰4정신의5대표직

What does 'occur' mean?발생하다 1합성물2떨다3의도하다4상상할5발생하다

What does 'organism' mean?유기체/생물 1온도/체온2회복하다3유기체/생물4보행자5열대

What does 'passage' mean?통로한 1기부하다2연속물3원래의4통로한5실습훈련

What does 'perception' mean?인식 1인식2느긋하게3사진들4만화5

What does 'permanent' mean?영구적인 1확신하고2되는3독립한4개인적인5영구적인

What does 'personality' mean?성격 12논리적으로3성격4부도덕한5이주하다이동하다

What does 'perspective' mean?관점 1전도사2항복3관점4자본주의자5격리



What does 'phenomenon' mean?현상 1현상2시각적으로3유전4확인하다5혼돈

What does 'pleasant' mean?즐거운 1배고픔2시험을3즐거운4익숙한5증가한다

What does 'poetry' mean?12긴박한3동의4정신의5감정

What does 'political' mean?정치의 1출판업자들2정도3활력/생명력4정치의5후원자

What does 'population' mean?인구 1특권2곡물3얻다4긴박한5인구

What does 'predictable' mean?예측할 1여과장치2강요/하게하다3예측할4감소하는5보호

What does 'previous' mean?이전의 1거대함23기자들4뼈대5이전의

What does 'primary' mean?1 1던지기2노력3문제들4대리인51

What does 'private' mean?개인적인 1개인적인2꼼짝3변호사45보편적인



What does 'property' mean?소유물 1비교될2독소3소유물4단조로운5긴장

What does 'rally' mean?집회회복 1의식적으로2집회회복3조합4기관5원주민의

What does 'reasonable' mean?타당하네 1타당하네2생산하다/양보3구별되는4벌하다5보편적인

What does 'reflecting' mean?반사하는 1그늘2흔들리는3버리다4반사하는5비평가

What does 'refuge' mean?난민 1난민2소비자3발표4감정들5역동적인

What does 'reject' mean?거절하다 1존재23거절하다4입증하다5심사

What does 'relevant' mean?관계가 있는 1최대의2비용3제한하다4빈곤한5관계가있는

What does 'represent' mean?대표하다 1실망시키다2기초적인3존경4대인관계의5대표하다

What does 'responsible' mean?책임감있는 1부분2중립의3회사4뽑아내다5책임감있는



What does 'sacrifice' mean?희생 1연습/운동2혼동시키다3상호4정말로5희생

What does 'sector' mean?영역 1거래2우세한3영역4더멀리5영역

What does 'security' mean?보안 1보안2숙달된3후원자4대안5모순/반대

What does 'sensory' mean?감각의 1문제들2감각의3상처4제안5해석

What does 'shelter' mean?쉴곳 1쉴곳2관리하다해내다3최소한도4잘못놓여진5사건

What does 'sink' mean?가라앉다 1다치게하다2가라앉다3설립하다4건설5신경학의

What does 'sought' mean?seek-sought 추구하다/찾다
1 분석하다 2 실험의 3 전략 4 seek-sought 추구하다/찾다 5 통로

What does 'source' mean?근원 1기간2사진3같은4회사5근원

What does 'stability' mean?안정성 1옮겨2안정성3환경4보험에5인구



What does 'status' mean?지위 1지위2진실3제출하다4인식의5다르다

What does 'stick' mean?고수하다/막대기 12비율3제안하다4고수하다/막대기5주인공

What does 'suitable' mean?적절한 1이상적인2윤리3보장하다4존경하다5적절한

What does 'superior' mean?우월한 1용량2증거3이론들4접근5우월한

What does 'survival' mean?생존 1기회2생존3사교적인4분열5기대하다

What does 'tempt' mean?유혹하다 1생생한2중급의3실험의4바꾸다5유혹하다

What does 'threat' mean?위협 1제한2미묘하게3종교4해석5위협

What does 'traits' mean?특성들 1특성들2안부3모욕하다4의식5주의

What does 'tremendous' mean?엄청난 1중간의2엄청난3경험4연속체5엄격한



What does 'universal' mean?보편적인 1보편적인2되찾다3낙담시키다4윤리5불일치

What does 'valuable' mean?소중한 1나누다2이민3예비/서두4소중한5선택

What does 'value' mean?가치 1가치2분석하다3(언어의덩어리)4제기하다5우아한

What does 'vicious' mean?악덕의 1변호사2발생3혼자4꼼짝5악덕의

What does 'widespread' mean?광범위한 1수행하지않다2광범위한3자산4지시하다5책임을

What does 'yield' mean?생산하다/양보1 안정적이지 않은 2 개선 3 생산하다/양보 4 희망에 5 굶주리는

VocabQuiz EtoE
저자의🐴 : thesaurus.com의 동의어사전을 탈탈 털어서 만들었습니다. (고생했다 내 맥북


What does 'accomplish' mean?succeed in doing do finish score conclude perform 100


1 succeed in doing do finish score conclude perform
2 alone singular exclusive lone remaining solitary ace solo
3 rank dignity prominence place stature position prestige quality
4 account of a happening story interpretation form variant
5 investigation survey search expedition study analysis research examination

What does 'advocate' mean?person supporting an idea or cause publicly promoter

1 immature inexperienced crude green guileless infant jejune juvenile 2 person supporting an idea or cause publicly promoter
3 person living in a particular place dweller inmate
4 concerning life organic life living

5 not present away removed vanished missing ghost gone
What does 'analysis' mean?examination and determination search study scrutiny investigation inquiry

1 restrain hold in check subdue quench censor curb
2 notice see feel recognize regard grasp observe identify
3 boldness fearlessness spunk grit daring mettle heroism courage
4 covering for wound plaster dressing cast compress gauze
5 examination and determination search study scrutiny investigation inquiry

What does 'analyze' mean?examine and determine resolve consider evaluate study inspect

1 put a rule plan in force prosecute accomplish
2 severe upset or pain heartache agony sorrow grief
3 alone single unsociable lonely lone singular solo remote
4 examine and determine resolve consider evaluate study inspect 5 task duty assignment workout errand housework burden routine

What does 'annual' mean?occurring done yearly anniversary each year every year

1 sarcasm twist paradox wit humor satire criticism repartee 2 authentic real natural positive honest certain legitimate pure 3 occurring done yearly anniversary each year every year



4 give freedom save rescue free redeem detach emancipate
5 cultivate prosper evolve advance flourish progress promote establish

What does 'apparent' mean?seeming not proven real supposed possible probable credible

1 seeming not proven real supposed possible probable credible
2 discover disclose reveal notice recognize expose spot distinguish
3 person who produces crops raises animals rancher peasant
4 goal aim motive plan objective hope purpose end
5 average ordinary accepted commonplace natural prevalent simple familiar

What does 'appeal' mean?request for help claim bid suit question overture

1 comparative respective analogous corresponding related proportionate dependent parallel 2 persons running an organization executive administration board authority
3 at the same time meantime till in the
4 request for help claim bid suit question overture

5 politic tactful gracious polite conciliatory strategic adept arch
What does 'appearance' mean?coming into sight arrival debut presentation display presence

1 sign stamp trademark name autograph impression indication designation 2 person who is another's equal rival associate compeer
3 function react perform operate act work run take
4 coming into sight arrival debut presentation display presence

5 overstate embellish overdo magnify fabricate distort emphasize inflate What does 'approach' mean?way means of arriving access path way advance

1 not stopping not finishing continuous constant monotonous eternal
2 way means of arriving access path way advance
3 end completion development closure ending denouement result consequence 4 chaos clutter huddle mess confusion disarray discombobulation muddle
5 authentication stamp insignia tape imprimatur confirmation signet permission

What does 'artificial' mean?fake imitation unreal bogus counterfeit ersatz factitious manufactured 102


1 approachable ready for use available usable reachable handy
2 fake imitation unreal bogus counterfeit ersatz factitious manufactured 3 drive resolve desire thought motivation whim wish influence
4 assign divide among earmark apportion give appropriate allot
5 pedal-driven recreational vehicle bike cycle wheels tandem velocipede

What does 'assume' mean?believe take for granted guess consider conclude accept

1 believe take for granted guess consider conclude accept
2 lessening drop slump recession failure deterioration fall downturn 3 painful rough distressing troublesome harsh awkward hard annoying 4 preferred favored beloved popular main sweetheart intimate pet
5 a fine strand of twisted fibers cord wire

What does 'assume' mean?believe take for granted guess consider conclude accept

1 take care of guard from harm preserve safeguard
2 device novelty contraption widget apparatus utensil tool object 3 believe take for granted guess consider conclude accept
4 live or exist in locate lie squat populate
5 soul attitude vigor heart life resolve humor mood

What does 'attain' mean?achieve accomplish earn secure reach obtain gain promote

1 founder inventor administrator architect author builder creator dean 2 dimness shadow darkness dusk screen cover shadiness umbrage
3 fantasy story parable myth yarn fiction tale fantasy
4 achieve accomplish earn secure reach obtain gain promote

5 disregard on purpose forget avoid overlook discount reject What does 'attend' mean?be present at visit show up catch haunt

1 across an ocean away abroad foreign across in
2 friendly association agreement concord concurrence partnership collusion affiliation 3 force to act urge oblige necessitate impel constrain



4 be present at visit show up catch haunt
5 eat too much surfeit binge feast pig overindulge

What does 'behavior' mean?manner of conducting oneself style management nature practice

1 transportable mobile ambulatory portable adaptable adjustable loose moving 2 land vehicle car transportation auto van truck bus
3 prophesy of the future by observation of s
4 manner of conducting oneself style management nature practice

5 blow up collapse mushroom burst shatter detonate erupt What does 'biological' mean?concerning life organic life living

1 bound for fated in near future doomed coming
2 meaning connotation implication understanding sense heart force meat
3 fabric cloth goods yarn fiber var synonyms document.getElementsByClassName
4 concerning life organic life living
5 dissemination emission diffusion circulation transmission divergence broadcast dispersion

What does 'boundary' mean?outer limit perimeter barrier borderline frontier confines edge

1 conceptual theoretical philosophical unreal hypothetical abstruse ideal complex 2 prominence limelight leading edge vanguard fore cutting edge
3 interesting or amusing story sketch episode short story
4 outer limit perimeter barrier borderline frontier confines edge

5 common normal traditional current ordinary regular typical accepted What does 'capital' mean?main essential central prime major dominant leading primary

1 communication by publication or broadcast news television radio 2 able to be seen with eyes ocular optical
3 main essential central prime major dominant leading primary
4 fee paid for use service or privilege tariff

5 close near side of beside by side by
What does 'chaos' mean?utter confusion turmoil discord tumult disarray pandemonium lawlessness




1 intellectual thoughtful thorough philosophical deep serious subtle intelligent
2 sociable person exhibitionist character show-off showboat gregarious person
3 utter confusion turmoil discord tumult disarray pandemonium lawlessness
4 impartiality neutrality detachment equality disinterest indifference dispassion disinterestedness 5 decision determination boldness willpower will intention courage firmness

What does 'comfortable' mean?good feeling complacent enjoyable serene satisfying useful cozy

1 concentration thinking mind scrutiny thought consideration debate contemplation 2 good feeling complacent enjoyable serene satisfying useful cozy
3 final deadly lethal fatal incurable last latter lag
4 evenly fairly uniformly justly equitably coequally coordinately correspondingly 5 able to read and write knowledgeable educated cultured

What does 'compensate' mean?make restitution satisfy refund reimburse atone repay recoup

1 first in rank order arch champion chief front
2 make restitution satisfy refund reimburse atone repay recoup
3 carefulness preventative measure protection caution safeguard provision insurance 4 geographical area sector commune neighborhood locality parish region
5 make restitution satisfy refund reimburse atone repay recoup

What does 'consequence' mean?result outcome of action reaction effect repercussion aftermath

1 distinctive exclusive respective singular personal sole lone specific
2 disregard neglect ignore discount omit forget overpass disdain
3 stop avoidance interruption halt blockage stoppage interception prohibition 4 capability of the mind someone with capable mind
5 result outcome of action reaction effect repercussion aftermath

What does 'consistent' mean?constant regular steady persistent logical dependable rational even

1 constant regular steady persistent logical dependable rational even
2 predecessor in family forebear founder forefather antecedent ascendant 3 disclose tell confess acknowledge explain affirm divulge publish


4 government in which people participate justice freedom equality 5 rearrange into a proper order readjust reorganize reorient

What does 'context' mean?framework circumstances situation background text substance vocabulary connection

1 framework circumstances situation background text substance vocabulary connection 2 produce words vocally utter speak sound stress vocalize
3 anticipate predict perceive forecast foretell understand expect presage
4 distribution currency dissemination transmission spread apportionment

5 part of something sector division slice section portion
What does 'control' mean?command mastery discipline restriction management force government restraint

1 make less painful let up on mitigate subdue
2 belief idea impression concept conception knowledge sentiment perception
3 concerning books classical scholarly bookish erudite formal learned
4 command mastery discipline restriction management force government restraint 5 physically or mentally carry on carry out advance

What does 'current' mean?contemporary common modern ongoing present prevailing instant general

1 contemporary common modern ongoing present prevailing instant general
2 device novelty contraption widget apparatus utensil tool object
3 master plan sequence of events plot scheme rundown
4 assurance obligation pledge engagement responsibility need promise guarantee 5 depart abandon physically fly quit take off move

What does 'defect' mean?blemish imperfection fault flaw lack glitch weakness crack

1 impervious to water impermeable impervious airtight sealed
2 following consecutive ensuing subsequent next sequential serial sequent 3 go up take off escalate climb soar fly
4 group with common interest or pursuit club league
5 blemish imperfection fault flaw lack glitch weakness crack

What does 'degree' mean?unit of measurement term strength severity rate point 106


1 blemish imperfection fault flaw lack glitch weakness crack
2 the chase shooting sporting fishery angling fishing trapping
3 buying and selling business exchange marketing industry economics 4 unit of measurement term strength severity rate point
5 class variety sort category kind group description division

What does 'democracy' mean?government in which people participate justice freedom equality

1 government in which people participate justice freedom equality 2 rank dignity prominence place stature position prestige quality 3 matching top and bottom clothing uniform costume wardrobe
4 examine check audit search scan oversee review probe

5 charm loveliness dignity agility finesse beauty dexterity ease
What does 'dependent' mean?weak helpless poor defenseless vulnerable reliant subordinate inferior

1 ruler queen king emperor sovereign majesty autocrat prince
2 lessening drop slump recession failure deterioration fall downturn
3 agree complement conform compare dovetail correlate resemble tally 4 related to previous family or family trait familial
5 weak helpless poor defenseless vulnerable reliant subordinate inferior

What does 'destination' mean?goal place one wants to go target harbor

1 goal place one wants to go target harbor
2 pertaining to evolution or development developmental transformative mutative 3 merger joining unison commixture conciliation concord tie-in concurrence
4 pay for use contribute advocate buy give pledge
5 capacity measure of capacity figure quantity number amount

What does 'detect' mean?discover disclose reveal notice recognize expose spot distinguish

1 advantage profit prosperity use help profit assistance perk
2 cure medication help corrective alleviation antidote redress nostrum 3 conform give in execute accept observe embrace heed



4 progress deed maneuver shift measure ploy motion step
5 discover disclose reveal notice recognize expose spot distinguish

What does 'direction' mean?management control guidance leadership order government administration supervision

1 attack and encroach raid violate plunder pillage ravage
2 management control guidance leadership order government administration supervision 3 pollute contaminate touch affect taint poison defile influence
4 part portion chunk half division cut end fragment
5 having three of something threefold treble trine trinitarian

What does 'distinct' mean?apparent obvious specific definite noticeable unmistakable audible categorical

1 point of communication upshot gist core substance meat
2 apparent obvious specific definite noticeable unmistakable audible categorical 3 mental state love shame anger sympathy happiness concern
4 in good condition vigorous tough normal athletic healthful
5 circuits chip wiring electronics connections systems integrated circuits

What does 'diverse' mean?different various varied disparate distinct diversified divergent assorted

1 correct edit tighten cut overhaul reexamine scrutinize rewrite
2 breathe out breathe give off emit vaporize eject
3 effective powerful vigorous energetic convincing vehement persuasive dynamic 4 course path course race orbit passage pilgrimage progress
5 different various varied disparate distinct diversified divergent assorted

What does 'economic' mean?business-related financial fiscal industrial commercial monetary material pecuniary

1 come into being proceed emerge begin derive appear
2 place of residence or business where one can
3 business-related financial fiscal industrial commercial monetary material pecuniary 4 activate give more life invigorate empower motivate excite
5 memorable part climax focal point feature focus peak

What does 'effective' mean?productive persuasive useful impressive efficient sufficient powerful direct 108


1 point of view viewpoint attitude direction perspective vision
2 real correct precise credible circumstantial descriptive accurate unbiased
3 agreement give-and-take pact accord adjustment deal bargain understanding 4 process of conjoining adding extension inclusion enlargement annexation 5 productive persuasive useful impressive efficient sufficient powerful direct

What does 'efficiency' mean?adeptness effectiveness readiness productivity ability energy talent capability

1 need want lack desire wish crave miss depend
2 availability usefulness useful thing amenity advantage service facility
3 representative self-governing egalitarian constitutional free orderly popular autonomous 4 adeptness effectiveness readiness productivity ability energy talent capability
5 acceptable friendly cordial likable sweet cheerful mild bland

What does 'enable' mean?allow authorize set up empower facilitate implement permit

1 person who arbitrates referee court expert justice authority
2 allow authorize set up empower facilitate implement permit
3 not quite almost scarcely hardly just scantily only
4 reckless outrageous daring dangerous bold violent determined frantic 5 please content gratify placate elate fascinate flatter amuse

What does 'entire' mean?complete whole unified full integrated sound gross integral

1 misleading being dishonest falsehood fraud trickery duplicity hypocrisy
2 confine limit situation or ability to participate inhibit
3 denial refusal veto elimination repudiation exclusion turndown dismissal
4 returned money reimbursement kickback rebate discount compensation repayment 5 complete whole unified full integrated sound gross integral

What does 'essential' mean?important vital necessary indispensable crucial needed imperative fundamental

1 important vital necessary indispensable crucial needed imperative fundamental 2 impressive great noble grandiose awe-inspiring stately marvelous sumptuous 3 stroke massage rasping pat swab smear swipe attrition



4 extreme force intensity rampage disturbance brutality clash confusion 5 neighborhood outside of but reliant on nearby large

What does 'evaluation' mean?judgment interpretation calculation assessment decision opinion appraisal take

1 at hand on the way probable unavoidable possible
2 hide protect shelter suppress conceal accommodate nurture safeguard
3 inspire upset annoy work up disturb thrill energize
4 judgment interpretation calculation assessment decision opinion appraisal take 5 unintelligent tedious dim slow simple boring stupid dumb

What does 'evidence' mean?proof information confirmation sign deposition indication testimony clue

1 example sample exhibit copy variety case sort embodiment
2 community province territory outpost possession satellite swarm clearing 3 personal burden grief misfortune peril disaster danger oppression
4 proof information confirmation sign deposition indication testimony clue 5 moderate tolerable fair cheap plausible proper humane honest

What does 'exchange' mean?trade deal commerce transaction network transfer swap change

1 trade deal commerce transaction network transfer swap change
2 perform an action do execute violate perpetrate act
3 dissimilar unlike contrasting disparate distinct distinctive peculiar offbeat 4 kit package equipment backpack bundle luggage load parcel
5 declare assert feign pretend stump affirm confess acknowledge

What does 'exchange' mean?trade swap shuffle barter replace seesaw commute correspond

1 chase search hunt quest inquiry hunting reaching seeking
2 period in life of something development chapter point
3 give forth eject with force detonate blow up
4 realistic reasonable wise down-to-earth shrewd logical practical judicious 5 trade swap shuffle barter replace seesaw commute correspond

What does 'extension' mean?enlargement continuation delay increase development expansion postponement purview



1 done by machine machinelike automatic automated cold cursory
2 right genuine credible good well-founded solid authentic accurate
3 vanish cease depart wane retire escape go melt
4 bacterium microorganism microbe virus disease infection germ bacillus
5 enlargement continuation delay increase development expansion postponement purview

What does 'external' mean?outside extrinsic extraneous foreign independent over surface alien

1 enter a foreign area intending to live there
2 money owed to others bill commitment price tag
3 outside extrinsic extraneous foreign independent over surface alien
4 accuracy rigor heed meticulousness exactitude attention correctness carefulness 5 drama dramatics entertainment melodrama

What does 'extrinsic' mean?foreign acquired alien exotic exterior external extraneous imported

1 make assumption believe count on guess assume pretend
2 awkward uncomfortable impatient suspicious strained restless fearful nervous 3 dig up unearth uncover shovel scrape gouge cut
4 critical important deciding necessary touchy pressing compelling urgent
5 foreign acquired alien exotic exterior external extraneous imported

What does 'failure' mean?lack of success breakdown loss misstep collapse decline

1 laying in of dead body funeral interment entombment
2 lack of success breakdown loss misstep collapse decline
3 put out a fire snuff out quench stamp
4 give an account of disclose reveal describe detail
5 basic prime dominant leading initial constitutional vital immediate

What does 'fame' mean?celebrity renown dignity dom glory character popularity prominence

1 information on electronic media ancement publication show transmission 2 prominence limelight leading edge vanguard fore cutting edge
3 celebrity renown dignity dom glory character popularity prominence



4 power to act perform strength capacity intelligence understanding 5 combination mix concoction variety batter stew dough blend

What does 'figure' mean?numeral numeric value price character rate number symbol

1 out-of-the-way in the distance secluded far-flung unknown inaccessible 2 shortage of something needed required loss shortfall scantiness
3 straight up standing firm raised vertical elevated upright
4 numeral numeric value price character rate number symbol

5 specific unambiguous precise accurate definitive straightforward categorical clear-cut What does 'firm' mean?inflexible tough sturdy solid hard unyielding substantial rigid

1 easily transported compact convenient handy lightweight light movable
2 inflexible tough sturdy solid hard unyielding substantial rigid
3 become or cause to be less decline lower
4 proposal asking bid request encouragement summons overture proposition 5 dimness shadow darkness dusk screen cover shadiness umbrage

What does 'flow' mean?issue abundance stream tide flood outflow progress discharge

1 period of being young nonage juvenility minority puberty
2 issue abundance stream tide flood outflow progress discharge
3 cause mental discomfort annoy disturb perplex bewilder perturb
4 be or feel at ease unwind recline soften
5 dissemination emission diffusion circulation transmission divergence broadcast dispersion

What does 'force' mean?physical energy power violence effort strength enforcement fury

1 cut off set apart disengage confine disconnect divide
2 printing of written or visual material announcement disclosure
3 physical energy power violence effort strength enforcement fury
4 appropriate acceptable satisfactory relevant useful reasonable convenient sufficient 5 win success hit advantage achievement sweep winning gain

What does 'frequency' mean?commonness repetitiveness prevalence density number recurrence regularity repetition 112


1 large group legion throng horde myriad slew crowd
2 make a gift of give grant provide contribute
3 commonness repetitiveness prevalence density number recurrence regularity repetition 4 authorization approval backing consent assent authority recommendation support
5 go up against in contest contend play wrestle

What does 'fundamental' mean?basic important major paramount integral crucial indispensable constitutional

1 concerning the mind subjective emotional mental intellectual cerebral
2 basic important major paramount integral crucial indispensable constitutional 3 involved in managing or using power managerial supervisory
4 generosity gift fund philanthropy endowment donation offering assistance
5 modern new present-day instant current present recent mod

What does 'grain' mean?seed piece cereal kernel mote morsel whit spark

1 seed piece cereal kernel mote morsel whit spark
2 send away remove free decline expel disband reject
3 life's work duty art office profession mission trade
4 denial refusal veto elimination repudiation exclusion turndown dismissal
5 honest unambiguous straightforward sincere unequivocal explicit candid blunt

What does 'gravity' mean?force of attraction pressure weight heaviness force

1 person living in a particular place dweller inmate
2 pain due to exertion tension stress anxiety bruise
3 communicate knowledge information educate update apprise brief warn 4 force of attraction pressure weight heaviness force
5 disregard neglect ignore discount omit forget overpass disdain

What does 'guarantee' mean?pledge promise warranty collateral certificate agreement contract deposit

1 moral sense shame duty compunction morals censor demur
2 pledge promise warranty collateral certificate agreement contract deposit 3 belief in sign of things to come fear



4 pollute contaminate touch affect taint poison defile influence
5 better overcome transcend outstrip outsmart eclipse excel outclass

What does 'ignore' mean?disregard on purpose forget avoid overlook discount reject

1 disregard on purpose forget avoid overlook discount reject
2 ability to perceive understand agility perception quickness subtlety
3 concerning manipulation of numbers analytical scientific measurable numerical 4 dishonest unscrupulous crooked shady rotten fraudulent nefarious venal
5 severe mental or physical pain persecution suffering torment

What does 'improvement' mean?bettering something bettered development advance upgrade recovery rise

1 activate give more life invigorate empower motivate excite
2 written matter both fictional and nonfictional essay drama
3 democracy commonwealth self-government constitutional government democratic state representative
4 bettering something bettered development advance upgrade recovery rise
5 fruit and vegetables production goods crop outgrowth yield

What does 'indicate' mean?signify display reveal point out express pinpoint show

1 up above aloft atop aerial upward upper over
2 topmost best capital chief crown head maximum most
3 signify display reveal point out express pinpoint show
4 scrutiny examination audit study analysis check sample inquiry 5 disclose tell confess acknowledge explain affirm divulge publish

What does 'induce' mean?cause to happen encourage urge activate prompt coax

1 establish make inroads ingrain strengthen fortify ensconce embed
2 cause to happen encourage urge activate prompt coax
3 earlier in occurrence than anticipated immature untimely incomplete 4 two of something combination duo couple two team

5 partnership attendance help presence support sharing cooperation aid

What does 'infinite' mean?limitless without end enormous untold eternal perpetual inexhaustible 114


1 coordinate integrate harmonize mesh adjust organize proportion set
2 affecting animate nerve organs auditory visual sensual tactile
3 belief idea impression concept conception knowledge sentiment perception 4 limitless without end enormous untold eternal perpetual inexhaustible
5 transmission of traits from parents to offspring ancestry

What does 'influential' mean?effective powerful dominant authoritative leading persuasive famous important

1 constant incessant ceaseless unceasing around-the-clock continuous steady persistent 2 funny drawing often with dialogue or caption sketch
3 think about closely intensify focus fixate settle put
4 retaliate vindicate chasten punish chastise revenge repay redress

5 effective powerful dominant authoritative leading persuasive famous important
What does 'innovation' mean?change novelty deviation contraption departure introduction shift alteration

1 ability talent to do something dexterity artistry accomplishment
2 used up gone tired out wasted finished used
3 path track aisle stream route train road trace
4 change novelty deviation contraption departure introduction shift alteration 5 care for keep up preserve control protect finance

What does 'inspiration' mean?idea stimulus motivation revelation insight influence encouragement genius

1 pungent sharp sour harsh astringent acid tart acerbic
2 be at variance with contravene deny repudiate counter
3 concerning details mechanics industrial scientific scholarly mechanical professional 4 idea stimulus motivation revelation insight influence encouragement genius
5 influence thrill faze excite touch affect awe sway

What does 'inspire' mean?encourage stimulate cause get impress embolden motivate influence

1 rearrange reconstruct revamp reshuffle reorient See more synonyms
2 inhabitants of a place society populace people community
3 chaos clutter huddle mess confusion disarray discombobulation muddle



4 encourage stimulate cause get impress embolden motivate influence 5 hold back from doing quit renounce refrain withhold

What does 'inspire' mean?encourage stimulate cause get impress embolden motivate influence

1 belonging to one existing in a place since
2 bigger dominant large-scale big primary large sizable leading
3 absence of sound speech peace quiet reticence stillness
4 encourage stimulate cause get impress embolden motivate influence 5 travel to work drive go back and forth

What does 'instruction' mean?education discipline information direction guidance training schooling preparation

1 greatest extent restriction ceiling restraint cap maximum curb
2 returned money reimbursement kickback rebate discount compensation repayment 3 education discipline information direction guidance training schooling preparation 4 command rule edict precept fiat statute direction ultimatum
5 pole picket stave rod stick spike post pale

What does 'intake' mean?consumption absorption profit admission input taking in

1 declaration made in advance guess indicator forecast prognosis
2 method series of actions to achieve result development
3 poor exhausted strapped poverty-stricken needy distressed barren destitute 4 consumption absorption profit admission input taking in
5 mental state love shame anger sympathy happiness concern

What does 'intellectual' mean?very smart mental cerebral scholarly creative psychological thoughtful

1 forever continually regularly constantly consistently repeatedly invariably ever 2 hold back from doing quit renounce refrain withhold
3 concerning a country with a communal civil ethnic
4 very smart mental cerebral scholarly creative psychological thoughtful

5 set dictate appoint levy force institute require introduce
What does 'intent' mean?determined resolute hell-bent decided preoccupied firm set bent




1 frightened afraid fearful anxious tled panicky petrified shaken
2 administrative managerial ruling governing controlling managing decision-making directing 3 very great acute severe utmost intense uttermost top
4 determined resolute hell-bent decided preoccupied firm set bent
5 look or be like parallel feature simulate mirror

What does 'intentional' mean?deliberate premeditated willful calculated voluntary advised considered intended

1 dissemination emission diffusion circulation transmission divergence broadcast dispersion 2 deliberate premeditated willful calculated voluntary advised considered intended
3 arrangement arranging management grouping institution system symmetry planning
4 involved in managing or using power managerial supervisory

5 composer of written work producer creator writer columnist
What does 'interaction' mean?interplay synergy communication cooperation intercommunication reciprocal action

1 interplay synergy communication cooperation intercommunication reciprocal action 2 state of mind climate humor mood attitude disposition
3 accept delivery of something draw earn secure get
4 confine limit situation or ability to participate inhibit

5 desiring success energetic enthusiastic earnest determined aggressive resourceful What does 'intrinsic' mean?basic inborn innate elemental underlying deep-seated inherent peculiar

1 save protect preserve safeguard maintain sustain hoard skimp
2 al fight squabble clash exchange brawl disagreement controversy
3 favorite valued beloved darling dear inestimable loved pet
4 something that is seen prospect picture outlook sight
5 basic inborn innate elemental underlying deep-seated inherent peculiar

What does 'judgment' mean?common sense intuition perception knowledge intelligence prudence experience

1 lift or move object take off away expel
2 beyond belief unbelievable unimaginable preposterous improbable ridiculous absurd 3 performance something given displayed offering submission show introduction


4 common sense intuition perception knowledge intelligence prudence experience
5 antagonistic mean inimical contentious belligerent unsympathetic adverse unfriendly

What does 'liberate' mean?give freedom save rescue free redeem detach emancipate

1 turn over in one's mind scrutinize grant recognize
2 give freedom save rescue free redeem detach emancipate
3 responsiveness to stimuli nervousness subtlety sympathy sense feeling 4 pledge promise warranty collateral certificate agreement contract deposit 5 by way of along by over per through

What does 'literature' mean?written matter both fictional and nonfictional essay drama

1 count on rely upon bank on bet bottom
2 written matter both fictional and nonfictional essay drama
3 introductory initial prior preparatory opening primary trial fundamental 4 charged energetic dynamic exciting magnetic rousing stimulating stirring 5 upright steep plumb erect perpendicular sheer up-and-down upward

What does 'matter' mean?substance thing material element body individual phenomenon being

1 predicament pickle predicament dilemma quandary crunch difficulty nuisance 2 rule dominion dynasty regime tenure control monarchy power
3 substance thing material element body individual phenomenon being
4 first choice desire option weakness choice predilection inclination

5 be different dissent differ contradict clash diverge depart
What does 'measurement' mean?calculation weight density evaluation analysis height amount frequency

1 advertise make known affirm publish indicate demonstrate announce 2 harvest of fruit vegetable output product produce yield
3 calculation weight density evaluation analysis height amount frequency 4 exist in abundance proliferate flourish thrive teem crowd

5 accuracy rigor heed meticulousness exactitude attention correctness carefulness What does 'minimum' mean?least lowest minimal littlest smallest least possible merest



1 nonsensical idiotic insane crazy stupid irrational fantastic ludicrous 2 unlived in deserted unfilled vacant unused uninhabited abandoned 3 least lowest minimal littlest smallest least possible merest
4 large great huge enormous full immense tremendous hefty

5 represent imitate depict render characterize describe paint interpret What does 'moment' mean?brief time period point flash juncture time date

1 journey trek picnic expedition outing junket tour jaunt
2 constant unending extended unceasing steady repeated regular stable 3 brief time period point flash juncture time date
4 gain product goods saving surplus revenue turnout receipt
5 copy reflect repeat imitate clone reproduce duplicate depict

What does 'motivation' mean?ambition inspiration desire impetus interest wish incentive motive

1 fabric material goods cotton stuff bolt weave dry
2 hint evidence suggestion trace tip solution inkling cue
3 thickness flexibility firmness texture pliability fabric plasticity density
4 ambition inspiration desire impetus interest wish incentive motive
5 huge overwhelming fantastic colossal awesome marvelous fabulous formidable

What does 'multiple' mean?diversified numerous different various manifold motley collective conglomerate

1 effect brought about by something development reaction product
2 acquisition winnings advance cut return advantage profit hike
3 maintain support vindicate confirm defend advocate encourage endorse
4 diversified numerous different various manifold motley collective conglomerate
5 management control guidance leadership order government administration supervision

What does 'norm' mean?average standard pattern benchmark rule criterion measure model

1 memorable part climax focal point feature focus peak
2 average standard pattern benchmark rule criterion measure model 3 length of action event continuation span period extent



4 do away with or put an end to
5 theory proposition conjecture inference thesis explanation guess supposition

What does 'observation' mean?attention scrutiny information remark review conclusion study experience

1 coordinate integrate harmonize mesh adjust organize proportion set
2 identify problem disease pinpoint recognize proce investigate determine 3 turn circle whirl rotate wheel orbit twist gyrate
4 person who arbitrates referee court expert justice authority
5 attention scrutiny information remark review conclusion study experience

What does 'occur' mean?take place happen materialize develop appear show transpire

1 establish facts put to a test confirm verify
2 take place happen materialize develop appear show transpire
3 infant suckling babe bambino nursling tot bundle child
4 elasticity adaptability resilience flexibleness pliability plasticity give affability 5 challenge defy resist accost repel oppose meet encounter

What does 'organism' mean?living thing structure animal creature being person plant

1 personal belongings junk substance gear things equipment goods
2 something showy exhibition pageant tableau parade spectacular movie
3 future concluding prospective conditional possible consequent ultimate inevitable 4 living thing structure animal creature being person plant
5 in a spoken voice usually not softly loudly

What does 'passage' mean?excerpt from document sentence text section transition portion

1 description rendering picture sketch likeness image illustration representation 2 ability to perceive with eyes eyesight perception view
3 at a greater distance further beyond yonder longer
4 excerpt from document sentence text section transition portion

5 make more forceful powerful bolster restore extend invigorate
What does 'perception' mean?understanding idea viewpoint impression concept knowledge consciousness taste



1 commit one's energies thoughts give dedicate give away
2 consumption absorption profit admission input taking in
3 without depth detail slight cursory one-dimensional perfunctory sketchy
4 coming into sight arrival debut presentation display presence
5 understanding idea viewpoint impression concept knowledge consciousness taste

What does 'permanent' mean?constant lasting durable perpetual long-lasting enduring stable invariable

1 accumulation package of something box assortment cluster parcel
2 bad horrible atrocious ghastly horrendous disturbing dreadful horrid
3 residence dwelling nest cave terrain environment surroundings territory 4 distinctive exclusive respective singular personal sole lone specific
5 constant lasting durable perpetual long-lasting enduring stable invariable

What does 'personality' mean?person's character traits nature self makeup psyche charisma

1 put out a fire snuff out quench stamp
2 person who writes about factual events for a
3 administrative managerial ruling governing controlling managing decision-making directing 4 steps in walking step clip measure lick tread
5 person's character traits nature self makeup psyche charisma

What does 'perspective' mean?view outlook prospect angle context viewpoint attitude aspect

1 habitual unremarkable conventional normal periodic regular ordinary everyday
2 characteristic trick habit attribute quirk character feature peculiarity
3 view outlook prospect angle context viewpoint attitude aspect
4 cameraperson paparazzo photojournalist shutterbug freelance photographer var synonyms 5 imperfection inadequacy flaw failing failure weakness lack defect

What does 'phenomenon' mean?rare occurrence wonder paradox circumstance sensation experience reality

1 give up responsibility relinquish quit waive drop abdicate
2 arrangement arranging management grouping institution system symmetry planning 3 rare occurrence wonder paradox circumstance sensation experience reality



4 bliss rapture elation euphoria happiness joy gladness transport 5 charm loveliness dignity agility finesse beauty dexterity ease

What does 'pleasant' mean?acceptable friendly cordial likable sweet cheerful mild bland

1 sign of illness or problem syndrome manifestation index
2 acceptable friendly cordial likable sweet cheerful mild bland
3 lie on the surface swim hover glide hang
4 blow up collapse mushroom burst shatter detonate erupt
5 thwart disappoint hinder depress discourage dishearten confront baffle

What does 'poetry' mean?expressive rhythmic literary work verse paean song rhyme

1 expressive rhythmic literary work verse paean song rhyme
2 error goof lapse blunder misstep mistake fluff omission
3 boldness braveness fearlessness spunk grit daring endurance tenacity
4 gamble attempt deal undertaking project experiment enterprise endeavor 5 innermost in thought unconscious hidden inmost inner intuitive

What does 'political' mean?governmental civic constitutional economical official legislative bureaucratic var

1 city downtown civil metropolitan civic central municipal popular
2 situation of devastation bankruptcy wreckage collapse insolvency wreck
3 agreeable corresponding friendly cordial peaceful balanced congenial amicable 4 governmental civic constitutional economical official legislative bureaucratic var 5 continuation continuity endurance durability continuance something that

What does 'population' mean?inhabitants of a place society populace people community

1 for that reason therefore so thus accordingly away
2 inhabitants of a place society populace people community 3 rush usually of liquid deluge flow swell rise
4 severe mental distress pain torture agony affliction suffering 5 gain product goods saving surplus revenue turnout receipt

What does 'predictable' mean?easy to foretell certain anticipated calculable expected foreseen 122


1 deceit maneuver fraud deception plot ploy ruse hoax
2 organization often business-related department firm company bureau office 3 easy to foretell certain anticipated calculable expected foreseen
4 word for word exact real accurate actual unvarnished
5 sphere distance extent area space spectrum field length

What does 'previous' mean?former prior past preceding earlier antecedent anterior erstwhile

1 former prior past preceding earlier antecedent anterior erstwhile
2 commit one's energies thoughts give dedicate give away
3 imagination dream reverie nightmare delusion fancy illusion vision 4 fictitious story often ancient parable imagination illusion superstition 5 thickness flexibility firmness texture pliability fabric plasticity density

What does 'primary' mean?basic prime dominant leading initial constitutional vital immediate

1 act in answer to something return acknowledge come
2 office worker assistant clerk word processor executive secretary
3 basic prime dominant leading initial constitutional vital immediate
4 residence dwelling nest cave terrain environment surroundings territory 5 story account novel myth fable short story anecdote

What does 'private' mean?personal intimate independent confidential separate secret individual exclusive

1 fiction writer writer storyteller author fictionist narrative writer
2 personal intimate independent confidential separate secret individual exclusive
3 administrator custodian agent executor keeper fiduciary warden guardian
4 band music orchestra concert harmony var synonyms document.getElementsByClassName 5 accuracy rigor heed meticulousness exactitude attention correctness carefulness

What does 'process' mean?method series of actions to achieve result development

1 belief in something as true trustworthy faith confidence
2 personal intimate independent confidential separate secret individual exclusive 3 physical assault raid intrusion violation onslaught offensive skirmish



4 method series of actions to achieve result development 5 live or exist in locate lie squat populate

What does 'process' mean?method series of actions to achieve result development

1 expense price paid worth outlay figure price tag
2 middle in-between intervening medium central center fair average 3 supply with inhabitants occupy inhabit colonize live settle
4 command rule edict precept fiat statute direction ultimatum
5 method series of actions to achieve result development

What does 'property' mean?possessions real estate plot land wealth estate farm

1 fixed consistent perpetual steady uninterrupted regular unbroken stable 2 scent often manufactured and packaged for personal use
3 possessions real estate plot land wealth estate farm
4 smallest part fragment particle jot speck minim mote

5 clasp embrace grasp restraint constraint clamp hold hook
What does 'property' mean?possessions real estate plot land wealth estate farm

1 agreement contract pact compact accord alliance league deal
2 communication by publication or broadcast news television radio
3 answer respond acknowledge come back counter retort react
4 intentional premeditated careful conscious purposeful calculated studious cold-blooded 5 possessions real estate plot land wealth estate farm

What does 'reasonable' mean?moderate tolerable fair cheap plausible proper humane honest

1 type class brand category character classification fashion group
2 moderate tolerable fair cheap plausible proper humane honest
3 be present at visit show up catch haunt
4 theory proposition conjecture inference thesis explanation guess supposition 5 midway average intermediate par commonplace fair normal median

What does 'refuge' mean?place to hide have privacy stronghold sanctuary hideaway 124


1 fair impartial disinterested evenhanded open-minded dispassionate unbiased equitable 2 place to hide have privacy stronghold sanctuary hideaway
3 abridgement of something written compendium sketch condensation abstract
4 unexpected happening quickly unusual rapid unforeseen precipitous hasty

5 usual conventional commonplace exemplary classic normal symbolic regular What does 'reject' mean?say no to refuse spurn renounce veto scrap

1 say no to refuse spurn renounce veto scrap
2 assurance obligation pledge engagement responsibility need promise guarantee
3 agreement consent concurrence acknowledgment acquiescence accord compliance permission 4 haphazard chance aimless unplanned irregular accidental incidental indiscriminate
5 cost payment loan rate insurance price tag sum

What does 'relevant' mean?appropriate to the purpose pertinent suited germane consistent

1 person's task responsibility duty office profession trade operation 2 challenge frustrate resist spurn thwart violate withstand confront 3 matching top and bottom clothing uniform costume wardrobe
4 keep at work hard proceed pursue endure persist

5 appropriate to the purpose pertinent suited germane consistent
What does 'represent' mean?present image of symbolize show perform serve produce

1 band music orchestra concert harmony var synonyms document.getElementsByClassName 2 present image of symbolize show perform serve produce
3 appeal plea application prayer request suit memorial imprecation
4 disposition personality outlook humor mood nature idiosyncrasy mettle

5 stimulate spiritually restore inspire strengthen boost embolden reassure What does 'represent' mean?present image of symbolize show perform serve produce

1 ready for use accessible usable convenient vacant possible
2 charitable kind generous philanthropic compassionate benign humane altruistic 3 discharge dislodge evacuate remove exhaust ejaculate belch disgorge



4 satisfactory agreeable fair decent sufficient respectable common adequate 5 present image of symbolize show perform serve produce

What does 'responsible' mean?accountable in charge pledged guilty answerable important liable

1 try effort shot bid try attack experiment pursuit
2 accountable in charge pledged guilty answerable important liable
3 liquid flowing running fluent juicy melted molten watery
4 huge overwhelming fantastic colossal awesome marvelous fabulous formidable 5 charm loveliness dignity agility finesse beauty dexterity ease

What does 'sacrifice' mean?give up let go suffer cede waive offer

1 tightness pressure stress strain force rigidity stiffness balance
2 feeling of animate being impression taste sensitivity feel
3 at the same time meantime till in the
4 beyond belief unbelievable unimaginable preposterous improbable ridiculous absurd 5 give up let go suffer cede waive offer

What does 'sector' mean?area subdivision region part district zone category division

1 need want lack desire wish crave miss depend
2 study of humans and their culture folklore See
3 activate give more life invigorate empower motivate excite
4 impressive great noble grandiose awe-inspiring stately marvelous sumptuous 5 area subdivision region part district zone category division

What does 'security' mean?safety protection freedom preservation surveillance bond guarantee insurance

1 safety protection freedom preservation surveillance bond guarantee insurance 2 appointment for responsibility selection designation choice election suggestion 3 be present at visit show up catch haunt
4 make room lodging available shelter welcome entertain rent

5 way something is said utterance accent diction enunciation
What does 'sensory' mean?affecting animate nerve organs auditory visual sensual tactile



1 sign of illness or problem syndrome manifestation index
2 delivery of freight freight transit conveyance transportation transport 3 affecting animate nerve organs auditory visual sensual tactile
4 very large wide in range far-flung colossal far-reaching
5 globular object planet circle orb ball globe pill

What does 'shelter' mean?protection habitat shed sanctuary dwelling house hut shack

1 be or feel at ease unwind recline soften
2 projecting mass of land headland cape neck point
3 harmony tune chant inflection refrain theme music lyric
4 protection habitat shed sanctuary dwelling house hut shack 5 entity element item material texture object stuff body

What does 'sink' mean?fall in go under dig capsize ram sag

1 antagonistic contrary defiant disobedient opposing rebellious unyielding
2 fall in go under dig capsize ram sag
3 necessary obligatory inescapable indispensable crucial immediate compulsory pressing 4 stay wait hover go on linger stop live
5 tight stretched strained firm close stiff rigid taut

What does 'sought' mean?wanted hunted needed desired

1 wanted hunted needed desired
2 begin spring come from derive emerge emanate stem
3 large great huge enormous full immense tremendous hefty 4 atom piece speck fragment molecule grain fleck mite
5 move smoothly move down move slither shove veer

What does 'source' mean?beginning point of supply origin cause authority expert

1 proof information confirmation sign deposition indication testimony clue 2 beginning point of supply origin cause authority expert
3 happy agreeable fulfilled willing contented satisfied comfortable gratified



4 authentic real natural positive honest certain legitimate pure 5 be part of be in proper place reside

What does 'stability' mean?resistance of some degree strength support cohesion security

1 state of mind climate humor mood attitude disposition
2 band music orchestra concert harmony var synonyms document.getElementsByClassName 3 resistance of some degree strength support cohesion security
4 hypothesis belief code doctrine argument concept thesis system
5 alternative dummy stopgap temporary ersatz surrogate imitation alternate

What does 'status' mean?rank dignity prominence place stature position prestige quality

1 liquid flowing running fluent juicy melted molten watery
2 awkward uncomfortable impatient suspicious strained restless fearful nervous 3 take the place of put in place of
4 everything in creation world cosmos macrocosm nature everything
5 rank dignity prominence place stature position prestige quality

What does 'status' mean?rank dignity prominence place stature position prestige quality

1 combination of red and yellow cantaloupe bittersweet titian
2 modern new present-day instant current present recent mod
3 rank dignity prominence place stature position prestige quality
4 street path entrance boulevard thoroughfare route promenade channel 5 colleague crony cohort comrade buddy assistant accomplice fellow

What does 'stick' mean?pole often wooden wedge bat cane bar wand

1 accountable in charge pledged guilty answerable important liable 2 sunk wrecked stranded reefed marooned grounded cast away
3 pole often wooden wedge bat cane bar wand
4 jutting flat area or piece counter cupboard rack

5 instantaneous without delay urgent prompt actual critical current
What does 'suitable' mean?appropriate acceptable satisfactory relevant useful reasonable convenient sufficient



1 appropriate acceptable satisfactory relevant useful reasonable convenient sufficient 2 change of possession deportation transmission relocation removal assignment
3 evenly fairly uniformly justly equitably coequally coordinately correspondingly
4 person who has compulsion toward enthusiast devotee practitioner

5 meaning connotation implication understanding sense heart force meat
What does 'superior' mean?better greater higher excellent first-rate remarkable exceptional admirable

1 overwhelming defeat disaster romp drubbing whipping thrashing embarrassment
2 unite consolidate merge join associate marry wed cooperate
3 better greater higher excellent first-rate remarkable exceptional admirable
4 friendly association agreement concord concurrence partnership collusion affiliation 5 at a greater distance further beyond yonder longer

What does 'survival' mean?continuation continuity endurance durability continuance something that

1 stay wait hover go on linger stop live
2 continuation continuity endurance durability continuance something that 3 bother interfere hinder cut off disturb suspend halt
4 residence for incarcerating criminals penitentiary lockup confinement jail 5 place of activity position direction locality locale footing

What does 'tempt' mean?lure entice stimulate fascinate tantalize captivate motivate induce

1 domineering imperious despotic hectoring swaggering blustering
2 adeptness effectiveness readiness productivity ability energy talent capability 3 without limit sheer full unqualified complete unadulterated simple
4 alert awake sensible watchful sure mindful certain informed
5 lure entice stimulate fascinate tantalize captivate motivate induce

What does 'tempt' mean?lure entice stimulate fascinate tantalize captivate motivate induce

1 possessions real estate plot land wealth estate farm
2 lure entice stimulate fascinate tantalize captivate motivate induce 3 feed care for cultivate tend sustain cherish foster



4 resultant subsequent indirect ensuing consistent following intelligent logical 5 bad-tasting gone bad sharp acid acrid biting pungent

What does 'threat' mean?warning danger peril risk blackmail hazard intimidation menace

1 in spite of regardless of against although notwithstanding
2 inflection sound enunciation tone articulation modulation accent pronunciation 3 shortest minimum base bottom ground last least littlest
4 warning danger peril risk blackmail hazard intimidation menace
5 captivated spellbound intoxicated delighted enchanted absorbed excited enamored

What does 'threat' mean?warning danger peril risk blackmail hazard intimidation menace

1 undamaged all in one piece unharmed perfect unblemished
2 pile mountain pyramid heap bundle load drift hill
3 come or bring together huddle crowd cluster pick
4 warning danger peril risk blackmail hazard intimidation menace 5 onset of darkness at end of day sunset

What does 'tremendous' mean?huge overwhelming fantastic colossal awesome marvelous fabulous formidable

1 agreement give-and-take pact accord adjustment deal bargain understanding
2 huge overwhelming fantastic colossal awesome marvelous fabulous formidable 3 confine put in jail incarcerate apprehend detain jail
4 tendency practice style nature pattern quirk custom thing
5 concerning farming land rural gardening ranch rustic horticultural

What does 'universal' mean?worldwide entire ubiquitous prevalent broad global unlimited common

1 worldwide entire ubiquitous prevalent broad global unlimited common
2 impediment barrier restriction stumbling block hardship obstruction handicap
3 correctly exactly precisely scrupulously meticulously flawlessly veraciously
4 representative self-governing egalitarian constitutional free orderly popular autonomous 5 artificial manufactured ersatz phony makeshift fake plastic mock

What does 'valuable' mean?very important priceless profitable beneficial relevant useful helpful 130


1 group of words way of speaking saying remark
2 extremely large huge enormous monstrous tremendous limitless great 3 very important priceless profitable beneficial relevant useful helpful 4 peer equivalent competitor like rival complement duplicate companion 5 tilt angle point slope incline degree level gradient

What does 'value' mean?financial worth profit price rate amount cost expense

1 college student freshman senior junior student sophomore underclassman 2 hard try fight to win trial attempt combat
3 financial worth profit price rate amount cost expense
4 state of having positive beliefs confidence anticipation certainty

5 beyond reach invulnerable imperceptible sacrosanct intangible impalpable inviolable What does 'vicious' mean?corrupt wrong savage monstrous ferocious vile dangerous atrocious

1 public notice of sale notices to increase consumer
2 develop in mind or physically spawn organize devise
3 physically or mentally agonizing distressing tedious troublesome hurtful
4 corrupt wrong savage monstrous ferocious vile dangerous atrocious
5 after following consecutive consequent ensuing successive consequential later

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Assertiveness may seem [some / to / be / people / to] uncharacteristic of [ / counselors.] to some people to be / counselors.

If your picture [is / of / someone / counselor / a] who never [disagrees, / wants / along,” / 131



always / “goes] everything to be [all / the / and / nice / time,] only does what [or / him / other / want / people] her to do, this is not a picture of an assertive counselor.
of a counselor is someone / disagrees, always “goes along,” wants / nice all the time, and / other people want him or

Being assertive does [not / being / to / mean / have] disagreeable. not have to mean being/

Being a counselor [you / not / does / that / mean] should simply [silent / be / someone / tells / when] a racist joke.
does not mean that you / be silent when someone tells

An assertive counselor [would / a / find / to / way] call that [to / the / person’s / attention / fact] that the joke [is / how / explaining / racist, / it] offended the hearer,[ways / similar / suggesting / jokes / and] could be avoided.
would find a way to / person’s attention to the fact / is racist, explaining how it / and suggesting ways similar jokes

Being assertive is [developed / / highly / skill / a] it should [in / fit / nicely / the / counselor’s] repertoire of techniques.
a highly developed skill / fit nicely in the counselor’s


The negative effects [such / motivators / of / extrinsic / as] grades have [with / documented / students / from / been] different cultures.
of extrinsic motivators such as / been documented with students from


Although this matter [simply / is / more / complex / than] regarding all [extrinsic / rewards / as / controlling / or] diminishing learning, we [with / and / Ryan / Richard / agree] his colleagues that [people / cultures / across / are / different] likely to express more satisfaction with their lives when their primary goals are intrinsic rather than extrinsic.

is more complex than simply / extrinsic rewards as controlling or / agree with Richard Ryan and / people across different cultures are

Another consistent research [is / when / that / finding / a] learning activity [explicitly / is / to / attain / undertaken] some extrinsic reward, [people / by / respond / seeking / the] least demanding way [of / / reward. / the / ensuring]
finding is that when a / is undertaken explicitly to attain / people respond by seeking the / of ensuring the reward.

Since there are [decades / of / three / evidence / that] dominating instruction [of / controlling / with / a / system] external rewards may [inferior / contribute / learning, / to / using] a pedagogy based [motivation / theories / intrinsic / of / on] appears to be a more reasonable and effective approach to enhancing learning among culturally diverse students.
three decades of evidence that / with a system of controlling / contribute to inferior learning, using / on theories of intrinsic motivation

* pedagogy: 교수법


Twin sirens hide [history, / of / in / sea / the] tempting those [understand / to / appreciate / seeking / and] the past onto [the / of / and / reefs / misunderstanding] misinterpretation.




in the sea of history, / seeking to understand and appreciate / the reefs of misunderstanding and /

These twin dangers [temporocentrism / and / ethnocentrism. / / are]
are temporocentrism and ethnocentrism.

Temporocentrism is the [times / are / your / that / belief] the best [times. / all / of / possible /]
belief that your times are / of all possible times.

All other times [thus / / are / inferior.]
are thus inferior.

Ethnocentrism is the [belief / culture / your / that / is] the best [cultures. / all / / possible / of]
belief that your culture is / of all possible cultures.

All other cultures [inferior. / are / / thus]
are thus inferior.

Temporocentrism and ethnocentrism [individuals / cause / and / to / unite] cultures to [individuals / other / judge / all / and] cultures by the [of / their / current / “superior” / standards] culture.
unite to cause individuals and / judge all other individuals and / “superior” standards of their current /

This leads to [perspective / lack / a / total / of] when dealing [with / or / and / / / past] 134


foreign cultures and [misunderstanding / misappreciation / and / a / resultant] of them.
a total lack of perspective / with past and / or / a resultant misunderstanding and misappreciation /

Temporocentrism and ethnocentrism [criticisms / moderns / tempt / into / unjustified] of the [peoples / past. / the / of]
tempt moderns into unjustified criticisms / peoples of the past.


When we remark [“looks / that / with / surprise / someone] young” for [her / age, / his / or / chronological] we are observing [all / biologically / we / that / age] at different rates. with surprise that someone “looks / his or her chronological age, / that we all age biologically /

Scientists have good [evidence / apparent / this / that / difference] is real.
evidence that this apparent difference/

It is likely [age / in / begin / changes / that] different parts [different / of / body / the / at] times and that [change / of / rate / annual / the] varies among various [as / tissues, / and / cells, / organs,] well as from person to person.
that age changes begin in / of the body at different / the rate of annual change / cells, tissues, and organs, as

Unlike the passage [of / resists / time, / biological / aging] easy measurement.
of time, biological aging resists/

What we would [is / like / to / have / one] or a [that / measurable / biological / changes /

few] mirror all other [changes / reference / age / without / biological] to the passage [time, 135


/ we / that / of / so] could say, for example, that someone who is chronologically eighty years old is biologically sixty years old.
like to have is one / few measurable biological changes that / biological age changes without reference / of time, so that we

This kind of [would / measurement / explain / help / why] one eighty-year-old [youthful / many / has / so / more] qualities than does [another / eighty-year-old, / may / be / who] biologically eighty or [old. / years / even / ninety]
measurement would help explain why / has so many more youthful / another eighty-year-old, who may be / even ninety years old.

28 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

The Greeks’ focus [salient / on / and / the / object] its attributes [failure / their / 1 / to / led] to understand the [ / of / fundamental / causality. / nature]

on the salient object and / led to 1 their failure / fundamental nature of causality.

Aristotle explained that [the / a / through / stone / falling] air is [having / due / the / to / stone] the property of [“gravity.”]
a stone falling through the / due to the stone having / “gravity.” /

But of course [of / 2 / a / wood / piece] tossed into [water / instead / of / floats / sinking.]

a piece of wood 2 / water floats instead of sinking.

This phenomenon Aristotle [due / explained / as / being / to] the wood [having / property / of / the / “levity”!]
explained as being due to / having the property of “levity”!


In both cases [is / 3 / focus / exclusively / the] on the [paid / no / attention / object, / with] to the possibility [that / force / outside / the / some] object might be[relevant. / ]

the focus is 3 exclusively / object, with no attention paid / that some force outside the / relevant.

But the Chinese [the / as / saw / consisting / world] of continuously [their / interacting / substances, / so / attempts] to understand it [be / to / causing / them / 4] oriented toward

the [complexities / of / “field,” / the / entire] that is, the context or environment as a whole. saw the world as consisting / interacting substances, so their attempts / 4 causing them to be /

complexities of the entire “field,”

The notion 5 [events / that / occur / always / in] a field [been / would / of / forces / have] completely intuitive to [the / Chinese.]

that events always occur in / of forces would have been / the Chinese. /

29 (A), (B), (C)의각네모안에서문맥에맞는낱말로가장적절한것은?

The Atitlán Giant [flightless / was / large, / a / Grebe] bird that [much / from / had / evolved / the] more widespread and [Grebe. / smaller / Pied-billed / ]
Grebe was a large, flightless / had evolved from the much / smaller Pied-billed Grebe.

By 1965 there [only / were / 80 / around / birds] left on [Lake / Atitlán. / ]
were only around 80 birds / Lake Atitlán.

One immediate reason [easy / was / spot: / to / enough] the local [was / down / human / cutting / population] the reed beds [rate. / a / / at / furious]



was easy enough to spot: / human population was cutting down / at a furious rate.

This (A) accommodation [destruction / by / / / driven / was] the needs [growing / a / fast / mat-making / of] industry.
destruction was driven by / of a fast growing mat-making

But there were [problems. / other / ]
other problems.

An American airline [was / intent / developing / on / the] lake as [for / destination / tourist / a / fishermen.]
was intent on developing the / a tourist destination for fishermen.

However, there was [problem / with / a / this / major] idea: the [lacked / supported /
(B) / / / lake]
any suitable sporting [ / fish!]
a major problem with this / lake (B) lacked / supported / fish!

To compensate for [defect, / a / obvious / rather / this] specially selected [fish / the /
called / species / of]
Large-mouthed Bass was [introduced. / ]
this rather obvious defect, a / species of fish called the / introduced.

The introduced individuals [to / turned / attentions / immediately / their] the crabs [that / lived / fish / small / and] in the lake, [competing / cooperating / thus / (C) / /] with the few [food. / for / remaining / / grebes]
immediately turned their attentions to / and small fish that lived / thus (C) competing / cooperating / remaining grebes for food.



There is also [sometimes / they / little / doubt / that] gobbled up [Giant / zebra-striped / Atitlán / the / Grebe’s] chicks.
little doubt that they sometimes / the zebra-striped Atitlán Giant Grebe’s

31.When two cultures [contact, / come / into / do / they] not exchange [cultural / / item. / every]
come into contact, they do / every cultural item.

If that were [the / there / case, / would / be] no cultural [world / today. / the / differences / in]
the case, there would be / differences in the world today.

Instead, only a [elements / number / cultural / small / of] ever spread [another. / one / to / culture / from]
small number of cultural elements / from one culture to another.

Which cultural item [is / largely / depends / accepted / on] the item’s [compatibility / with / use / already / and] existing cultural traits.
is accepted depends largely on / use and compatibility with already

For example, it [likely / that / men’s / not / is] hair dyes [“get / out / designed / the / to] gray” will spread [rural / parts / Africa / into / of] where a person’s [with / advancing / is / elevated / status] years.
is not likely that men’s / designed to “get out the / into parts of rural Africa / status is elevated with advancing




Even when a(n) [is / a / with / investigation / consistent] society’s needs, [guarantee / no / is / still / there] that it will [be / accepted. / ]
investigation is consistent with a / there is still no guarantee / be accepted.

For example, most [the / United / in / people / States] using US [foot, / units / inch, / customary / (e.g.,] yard, mile, etc.)have [the / metric / adopting / system / resisted] even though making [enable / a / change / such / would] US citizens to interface with the rest of the world more efficiently.

people in the United States / customary units (e.g., inch, foot, / resisted adopting the metric system / such a change would enable


Some distinctions between [are / good / bad / hardwired / and] into our [ / biology.] good and bad are hardwired / biology.

Infants enter the [to / to / ready / respond / world] pain as [bad / to / and / sweet / (up] to a point) [as / good. / ]
world ready to respond to / bad and to sweet (up / as good.

In many situations, [the / however, / between / good / boundary] and bad [reference / that / is / point / a] changes over time [depends / immediate / and / on / the] circumstances. however, the boundary between good / is a reference point that / and depends on the immediate /

Imagine that you [in / out / the / country / are] on a [night, / dressed / for / inadequately / cold] the pouring rain, [your / / clothes / soaked.]
are out in the country / cold night, inadequately dressed for / your clothes soaked.



A stinging cold [your / wind / completes / misery. / ]
wind completes your misery.

As you wander [large / around, / find / a / you] rock that [from / the / provides / some / shelter] fury of the [ / elements.]
around, you find a large / provides some shelter from the / elements.

The biologist Michel [call / experience / the / would / Cabanac] of that [because / it / intensely / pleasurable / moment] functions, as pleasure [the / to / normally / indicate / does,] direction of a [improvement / of / significant / circumstances. / biologically] Cabanac would call the experience / moment intensely pleasurable because it / normally does, to indicate the / biologically significant improvement of circumstances.

The pleasant relief [last / will / not / very / long,] of course, [will / you / and / be / soon] shivering behind the [rock / driven / by / your / again,] renewed suffering to[better / shelter. / seek / ]
will not last very long, / and you will soon be / rock again, driven by your / seek better shelter.


Research and development [for / seed / improvement / long / has] been a [public / government / activity / and / domain] for the common [good. / ]
for seed improvement has long / public domain and government activity / good.

However, private capital [seed / flow / started / to / into] production and [took / as / over / it / a] sector of the [artificial / an / economy, / creating / split] between the two [the /

aspects / of / seed’s / nature:] its role as means of production and its role as product. 141

started to flow into seed / took it over as a / economy, creating an artificial split / aspects of the seed’s nature:

This process gained [the / pace / invention / after / of] hybrid breeding [late / the / maize / in / of] 1920s.
pace after the invention of / of maize in the late

Today most maize [ / cultivated / hybrids. / seed / are]
seed cultivated are hybrids.

The companies that [them / are / to / sell / able] keep the [farmers, / parent / distinct / lines / from] and the grain [that / is / not / produce / they] suited for seed [ / and / saving / replanting.]
sell them are able to / distinct parent lines from farmers, / that they produce is not / saving and replanting.

The combination guarantees [will / that / to / farmers / have] buy more [the / each / from / company / seed] season.
that farmers will have to / seed from the company each

In the 1990s [patent / laws / extension / of / the] as the [tool / rights / only / intellectual / property] into the area [of / varieties / seed / to / started] create a growing [market / companies. / seed / for / private]
the extension of patent laws / only intellectual property rights tool / of seed varieties started to / market for private seed companies.

34. Long before Walt [wrote / Leaves / of / Whitman / Grass,] poets had [addressed / to / 142



fame. / themselves / ]
Whitman wrote Leaves of Grass, / addressed themselves to fame.

Horace, Petrarch, Shakespeare, [hoped / all / Keats / Milton, / and] that poetic [would /
them / a / grant / greatness]
kind of earthly [immortality. / ]
Milton, and Keats all hoped / greatness would grant them a / immortality.

Whitman held a [faith / similar / for / centuries / that] the world [ / would / value /
poems. / his]

similar faith that for centuries / would value his poems.

But to this [ancient / to / desire / forever / live] on the [new / added / page, / a / he] sense of fame.
ancient desire to live forever / page, he added a new

Readers would not [the / attend / poet’s / simply / to] work; they [to / the / attracted / be / would] greatness of his [ / personality.]
simply attend to the poet’s / would be attracted to the / personality.

They would see [poems / vibrant / a / in / his] cultural performance, [individual / the / springing / from / an] book with tremendous [and / appeal. / / charisma]
in his poems a vibrant / an individual springing from the / charisma and appeal.

Out of the [and / rallies / electoral / parades / political] that marked [Jacksonian / defined / America, / Whitman / poetic] fame in relation [crowd. / the / / to]
political rallies and electoral parades / Jacksonian America, Whitman defined poetic / to the crowd.



Other poets might [for / their / inspiration / look / from] the goddess [of / poetry. / ]
look for their inspiration from / of poetry.

Whitman’s poet sought [celebrities. / political / with / fame / ]
fame with political celebrities.

In the instability [fame / of / democracy, / would / American] be dependent [degree / the / on / on / celebrity,] to which the [rejoiced / in / poet / the / people] and his work.
of American democracy, fame would / on celebrity, on the degree / people rejoiced in the poet /

35 순서.

Some people make [changes / in / few / life. / intentional]
few intentional changes in life./

Sure, over time [may / fatter, / gather / get / they] lines, and [go / gray.]
they may get fatter, gather / go gray.

But they wear [same / way, / hair / the / their] buy the [of / brand / eat / same / shoes,] the same breakfast, [routines / to / for / and / stick] no reason other [of / a / ease / than / the] comfortable, predictable life.
their hair the same way, / same brand of shoes, eat / and stick to routines for / than the ease of a

Yet as both [life / show, / real / and / research] many others [changes. / make /
important / do]

research and real life show, / do make important changes. 144

They train for [fields, / switch / smoking, / quit / marathons,] write plays, [take / the / or / up / guitar,] learn to tango [if / danced / even / they / never] before in their [lives. / ] marathons, quit smoking, switch fields, / take up the guitar, or / even if they never danced / lives.

What is the [between / difference / these / groups / two] of people?
difference between these two groups/

It’s their perspective.

People who change [do / question / change / whether / not] is possible [reasons / or / look / for / they] cannot change.
do not question whether change / or look for reasons they

They simply decide [change / a / on / want / they] and do [is / necessary / to / accomplish / what] it.
on a change they want / what is necessary to accomplish

Changing, which always [decision, / firm / from / a / stems] becomes job [one. / number] stems from a firm decision, / number one.

36 순서.Sometimes, after punishment [has / a / few / administered / been] times, it [because / needn’t / continued, / be / the] mere threat of [enough / induce / to / punishment / is] the desired behavior.

has been administered a few / needn’t be continued, because the / punishment is enough to induce / 145


Psychologists call this [because / training / person / avoidance / the] is learning [of / the / possibility / to / avoid] a punishing consequence.
avoidance training because the person / to avoid the possibility of

Avoidance training is [for / many / behaviors. / responsible / everyday]
responsible for many everyday behaviors./

It has taught [to / umbrella / carry / an / you] when it [looks / like / to / rain / avoid] the punishment of [keep / wet, / and / to / getting] your hand away [a / to / iron / from / hot] avoid the punishment of a burn.
you to carry an umbrella / looks like rain to avoid / getting wet, and to keep / from a hot iron to

Avoidance training, however, [always / doesn’t / in / our / work] favor.
doesn’t always work in our/

For instance, a [has / who / child / been / repeatedly] criticized for [performance / on / poor / may / math] learn to dodge [math / in / order / problems / difficult] to avoid further [punishment.]
child who has been repeatedly / poor performance on math may / difficult math problems in order / punishment.

Unfortunately, because of [avoidance, / the / fails / this / child] to develop [skills / his / therefore / and / math] improve the capabilities [and / has, / so / he / a] vicious cycle has [set / in. / ]
this avoidance, the child fails / his math skills and therefore / he has, and so a / set in.



The avoidance must [unlearned / through / some / positive / be] experiences with [math / this / order / in / for] cycle to be [broken.]
be unlearned through some positive / math in order for this / broken. /

37 삽입.

Remember when you [imagined / were / you / little / and] that adults [ / had / infinite / power?]
were little and you imagined / had infinite power?

Surely someone who [the / could / open / car, / drive] the juice [container, / and / reach / the / sink] could make it [raining. / / stop]
could drive the car, open / container, and reach the sink / stop raining.

I think that’s [we / expectation / the / that / same] have with [and / dogs / to / our / respect] their ability to [smell. / ]
the same expectation that we / respect to our dogs and / smell.

Because they are [their / so / good / using / at] noses, we [assume / smell / that / can / they] anything, anytime.
so good at using their / assume that they can smell

But dogs use [and / the / senses, / other / too,] brains of [humans / and / both / tend /

dogs] to intensify one [ / time. / sense / at / a]

other senses, too, and the / both humans and dogs tend / sense at a time. 147


Many owners have [snapped / been / their / at / by] dogs when [with / a / home / they / returned] new hairdo or [ / new / coat. / a]
been snapped at by their / they returned home with a / a new coat.

Surprised by the [vision / silhouette / of / unfamiliar / an] pushing into [the / house, / dogs / were / these] using their eyes [their / of / noses. / instead]
vision of an unfamiliar silhouette / the house, these dogs were / instead of their noses. /

Their noses may [remarkable, / they’re / but / not / be] always switched [on.]
be remarkable, but they’re not / on.

38 삽입.

Money beyond [bare / minimum / for / the / necessary] food and [nothing / / is / shelter / more] than a means [an / / to / end.]
the bare minimum necessary for / shelter is nothing more / to an end.

Yet so often [confuse / means / with / ends, / we] and sacrifice [(end) / for / money / happiness / (means).]
we confuse means with ends, / happiness (end) for money (means).

It is easy [do / when / this / material / to] wealth is [the / to / elevated / position / of] the ultimate end, [as / is / so / often / it] in our society.
to do this when material / elevated to the position of / as it so often is /




This is not [that / to / accumulation / the / say] and production [material / in / is / wealth / of] itself wrong.
to say that the accumulation / of material wealth is in

Material prosperity can [help / as / individuals, / as / well] society, attain [ / happiness. / of / higher / levels]
help individuals, as well as / higher levels of happiness.

Financial security can [liberate / from / us / work / we] do not [find / and / meaningful / from / having] to worry about [ / next / the / paycheck.]
liberate us from work we / find meaningful and from having / the next paycheck.

Moreover, the desire [money / can / make / challenge / to] and inspire [us. / ]
to make money can challenge / us.

Even so, it [the / not / is / money / per] se that [but / fact / valuable, / the / is] that it can [potentially / more / yield / positive / experiences.]
is not the money per / is valuable, but the fact / potentially yield more positive experiences. /

Material wealth in [and / itself / does / of / not] necessarily generate [emotional / or / lead / meaning / to] wealth.
and of itself does not / meaning or lead to emotional


Food intake is [for / of / the / essential / survival] every living [organism. / ]
essential for the survival of / organism.


The failure to [food / detect / spoiled / or / toxic] can have [deadly / consequences. / ] detect spoiled or toxic food / deadly consequences.

Therefore, it is [surprising / use / that / humans / not] all their [five / to / senses / food / analyze] quality.
not surprising that humans use / five senses to analyze food

A first judgment [of / value / the / about / a] food source [on / made / appearance / is / its] and smell.
about the value of a / is made on its appearance

Food that looks [and / is / taken / attractive / smells] into the [mouth. / ]
and smells attractive is taken / mouth.

Here, based on [sensory / that / complex / a / analysis] is not [to / only / sense / the / restricted] of taste but [includes / smell, / also / and / touch,] hearing, the final [decision / swallow / whether / or / to] reject food is made.
a complex sensory analysis that / only restricted to the sense / also includes smell, touch, and / decision whether to swallow or

Frequently, this complex [interaction / is / between / different / senses] inappropriately referred [as / to / although / it / ‘taste’] should be better [perception, / it / flavor / called / because] uses multiple senses.
interaction between different senses is / to as ‘taste’ although it / called flavor perception, because it /



40 요약.

Performance must be [what / in / of / judged / terms] is under [control / the / of / the / individuals] being evaluated rather [those / performance / influences / than/ on] that are beyond [their / / control.]
judged in terms of what / the control of the individuals / than those influences on performance / their control.

There can be [of / influential / factors, / broad, / sometimes] an economic [down / nature, / the / hold / that] performance of everyone [judged. / being / ]
broad, influential factors, sometimes of / nature, that hold down the / being judged.

One example is [sales. / in / ]
in sales.

If there is [general / downturn / a / in / the] economy and [are / or / services / not / products] being purchased with [same / the / in / frequency / as] the previous year, [could / for / be / down, / sales] example, by an average of 15%.
a general downturn in the / products or services are not / the same frequency as in / sales could be down, for

This 15% (actually [represent / then / figure / -15%) / would] “average” performance. -15%) figure would then represent/

Perhaps the best [salesperson / in / the / year / had] only a [drop / sales / over / in / 3%] the previous year.



salesperson in the year had / 3% drop in sales over

Thus, “good” performance [is / in / this / a / situation] smaller loss [to / compared / some / or / average] norm group.
in this situation is a / compared to some average or



