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#123,842 빅데이터 연구결과 #'분석'하라!' 
뽑아내지말고 우선순위대로 지워라


January 9, 2018. I am not disputing the amount stated nor am I unwilling [to] pay it.
My current income (see enclosed statements) covers my day-[to]-day living expenses, leaving too little [to] make the agreed monthly payments.
Therefore I propose that I pay a smaller amount over a longer period of time [to] meet the obligation, or until my circumstances change and I can pay the normal amount.
If you require any further information from me, I will be willing [to] provide it.



January 9, 2018. I am not [disput+ing] the amount stated nor am I [unwill+ing] to pay it.
My current income (see enclosed statements) covers my day-to-day [liv+ing] expenses, [leav+ing] too little to make the agreed monthly payments.
Thank you for your consideration. If you require any further information from me, I will be [will+ing] to provide it.



January 9, 2018. I am not disputing the amount [stated] nor am I unwilling to pay it.
My current income (see [enclosed] statements) covers my day-to-day living expenses, leaving too little to make the [agreed] monthly payments.


제주명요 S (should) RV!!!

your consideration. If you [require] any further information from me, I will be willing to provide it.



Therefore I propose [that] I pay a smaller amount over a longer period of time to meet the obligation, or until my circumstances change and I can pay the normal amount.



[Therefore] I propose that I pay a smaller amount over a longer period of time to meet the obligation, or until my circumstances change and I can pay the normal amount.


#123,842 빅데이터 연구결과 #'분석'하라!' 
뽑아내지말고 우선순위대로 지워라


We'll need [to] create an email plan [to] blast potential attendees, write event page copy, and then develop the agenda and presentations as well.
Leading up [to] the event, I'd like [to] work from home two days a week.
Eager [to] hear your thoughts on this plan.



I'm excited about our plans for this year's revamped conference. As you know, [pull+ing] off this event will require a lot of [plann+ing] and [writ+ing].
I'd like to work from home two days a week. In previous roles, [work+ing] from home increased my productivity.



I'm [excited] about our plans for this year's [revamped] conference.
Leading up to the event, I'd like to work from home two days a week. In previous roles, working from home [increased] my productivity.


제주명요 S (should) RV!!!

off this event will [require] a lot of planning and writing.


#123,842 빅데이터 연구결과 #'분석'하라!' 
뽑아내지말고 우선순위대로 지워라


My mother and I climbed a short ladder into the hayloft. We crawled [to] the far end under the sloping roof and buried ourselves beneath loose piles of hay.
Shouting in anger that there was no one up there, he descended in fury [to] the barn.



We crawled to the far end under the [slop+ing] roof and buried ourselves beneath loose piles of hay.
We lay motionless. Moments later we heard voices in German [shout+ing] "Wo sind die Juden(Where are the Jews?
We held our breaths. We heard one of the men stomp halfway up the ladder and [fl+ing] open the trapdoor.
The tip was only inches away from us. I felt my life [slipp+ing] away.



My mother and I [climbed] a short ladder into the hayloft. We [crawled] to the far end under the sloping roof and [buried] ourselves beneath loose piles of hay.
Moments later we [heard] voices in German shouting "Wo sind die Juden(Where are the Jews?)" We froze in terror. My mother [covered] me with her body.
We held our breaths. We [heard] one of the men stomp halfway up the ladder and fling open the trapdoor.
Cursing the Fedorow family, the men [left]. As their voices [faded] away, my mother's whisper broke the silence, "Irusiu, we are alive.



Suddenly, he stopped. Shouting in anger [that] there was no one up there, he descended in fury to the barn.


#123,842 빅데이터 연구결과 #'분석'하라!' 
뽑아내지말고 우선순위대로 지워라


RappRides is an all-volunteer system that takes seniors on shopping trips [to] Warrenton, Culpeper, Luray, and Front Royal on successive Fridays.
March. They and others at the Senior Center look forward [to] more trips in upcoming months.
Senior Center. Do you want [to] get out of the house for a few hours?
It doesn't have [to] be for shopping.
Center Coordinator, at 540- 987-3638. Darcy will assign a driver, who will call the senior [to]coordinate a pickup.



RappRides is an all-volunteer system that takes seniors on [shopp+ing] trips to Warrenton, Culpeper, Luray, and Front Royal on successive Fridays.
March. They and others at the Senior Center look forward to more trips in [upcom+ing] months.



Warrenton, Culpeper, Luray, and Front Royal on successive Fridays. RappRides just [completed] its first full month and the verdict is in.


[It] doesn't have to be for shopping.


제주명요 S (should) RV!!!

only seniors who have [requested] trips also attend the Senior Center.



RappRides is an all-volunteer system [that] takes seniors on shopping trips to Warrenton, Culpeper, Luray, and Front Royal on successive Fridays.



That's the problem. With one exception, the only seniors who have requested trips [also] attend the Senior Center.


#123,842 빅데이터 연구결과 #'분석'하라!' 
뽑아내지말고 우선순위대로 지워라


ㅇㄱㄹㅇ being/been

As we walked down this street we found it hard to stop and look at the stalls because we [were being pushed] along by the crowds.


As we walked down this street we found it hard [to] stop and look at the stalls because we were being pushed along by the crowds.
We found ourselves near [to] the side of a big building, which a sign said was the Army Drill Hall, and stood for a little while [to] get our breath back and decide what [to] do first.
Sarah said she didn't know where [to] look first and thought it would be easy [to] spend a lot of money there if she had it.



About half way down the fair opened out and the [push+ing] stopped.
We started by [walk+ing] down through the stalls. There were rows of bazaars, [r+ing] boards, [shoot+ing] saloons, gingerbread stalls, and stalls [display+ing] all sorts of fruits and spices.



Sarah and I [turned] right into a street [called] Walton Street where there were stalls down each side with bright lights.
Sarah [shouted] that she had never seen so many people. About half way down the fair [opened] out and the pushing [stopped].
We [found] ourselves near to the side of a big building, which a sign said was the Army Drill Hall, and [stood] for a little while to get our breath back and decide what to do first.


As we walked down this street we found [it] hard to stop and look at the stalls because we were being pushed along by the crowds.
Sarah said she didn't know where to look first and thought [it] would be easy to spend a lot of money there if she had [it].



We found ourselves near to the side of a big building, [which] a sign said was the Army Drill Hall, and stood for a little while to get our breath back and decide what to do first.



Sarah shouted [that] she had never seen so many people.
