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블루티쳐학원 | 등록번호: 762-94-00693 | 중고등 영어 | 수강료: 30(중등), 33(고등), 3+4(특강)


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Hello, I'm Nelson Perkins, a teacher and swimming coach at Broomstone High School. Last week, I made a reservation for one of your company's swimming pools for our summer swim camp. However, due to its popularity, thirty more students are coming to the camp than we expected, so we need one more swimming pool for them. The rental section on your website says that there are two other swimming pools during the summer season: the Splash Pool and the Rainbow Pool. Please let me know if an additional rental would be possible. Thank you in advance.

The island tour bus Jessica was riding on was moving slowly toward the ocean cliffs. Outside, the sky was getting dark. Jessica sighed with concern, "I'm going to miss the sunset because of the traffic."The bus arrived at the cliffs' parking lot. While the other passengers were gathering their bags, Jessica quickly got off the bus and she ran up the cliff that was famous for its ocean views. She was about to give up when she got to the top. Just then she saw the setting sun and it still shone brightly in the sky. Jessica said to herself, "The glow of the sun is so beautiful. It's even better than I expected."

Consider two athletes who both want to play in college. One says she has to work very hard and the other uses goal setting to create a plan to stay on track and work on specific skills where she is lacking. Both are working hard but only the latter is working smart. It can be frustrating for athletes to work extremely hard but not make the progress they wanted. What can make the difference is drive ― utilizing the mental gear to maximize gains made in the technical and physical areas. Drive provides direction (goals), sustains effort (motivation), and creates a training mindset that goes beyond simply working hard. Drive applies direct force on your physical and technical gears, strengthening and polishing them so they can spin with vigor and purpose. While desire might make you spin those gears faster and harder as you work out or practice, drive is what built them in the first place.

Our view of the world is not given to us from the outside in a pure, objective form; it is shaped by our mental abilities, our shared cultural perspectives and our unique values and beliefs. This is not to say that there is no reality outside our minds or that the world is just an illusion. It is to say that our version of reality is precisely that: our version, not the version. There is no single, universal or authoritative version that makes sense, other than as a theoretical construct. We can see the world only as it appears to us, not "as it truly is," because there is no "as it truly is" without a perspective to give it form. Philosopher Thomas Nagel argued that there is no "view from nowhere," since we cannot see the world except from a particular perspective, and that perspective influences what we see. We can experience the world only through the human lenses that make it intelligible to us.

Often overlooked, but just as important a stakeholder, is the consumer who plays a large role in the notion of the privacy paradox. Consumer engagement levels in all manner of digital experiences and communities have simply exploded ― and they show little or no signs of slowing. There is an awareness among consumers, not only that their personal data helps to drive the rich experiences that these companies provide, but also that sharing this data is the price you pay for these experiences, in whole or in part. Without a better understanding of the what, when, and why of data collection and use, the consumer is often left feeling vulnerable and conflicted. "I love this restaurant-finder app on my phone, but what happens to my data if I press 'ok' when asked if that app can use my current location?"Armed with tools that can provide them options, the consumer moves from passive bystander to active participant.
