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블루티쳐학원 | 등록번호: 762-94-00693 | 중고등 영어 | 수강료: 30(중등), 33(고등), 3+4(특강)


전체 글 +1730

영어는 SPORTS입니다.
땀 흘린 만큼 결과가 나오는 학문입니다.

끊어읽기, 예상독해는 운동의 기술에 해당합니다.
또한 어휘력과 단문해석력은 운동을 할 수 있는 힘에 해당합니다.

이것들이 쌓여서 BEST PLAYER가 될 수 있는 것입니다.
(물론, 전지문을 아우르는 리딩스킬에 대한 부분도
위의 요소가 선행되어야 가능한 부분입니다.)

독해가 익숙치 않은 여러분들은 반드시
1. 끊어읽기
2. 예상독해
3. 도전!! 1000문장!!!
을 통해서 독해의 전문가가 되시길 바랍니다.

1. succeed

● Marketing is very important to succeed in business.

2. fail

● Even if you fail, there's always another chance.

3. enter

● I watched my mother enter the kitchen.

4. graduate

● After I graduated from college, I became a political reporter.

5. achieve

● Women have made dramatic progress in achieving political equality.

6. accomplish

● Despite his physical handicap, he accomplished many scientific discoveries.

7. fulfill

● It is dangerous to fulfill only our own needs with no thought to future generations.

8. attain

● Other crime writers have never attained the considerable popularity of Conan Doyle's hero.

9. perform

● Doctors decided to perform a second operation.

10. advance

● Reading enriches and advances the children's inner powers.

11. found

● The first European university was founded in Italy in 1119.

12. establish

● Cooperative relations have been established between Korea and America after World War Ⅱ.

13. organize

● Organize information into a graph.

14. compose

● All matter is composed of atoms.

15. constitute

● At the time of the revolution, women constituted 25 percent of the armed forces.

16. allow

● Not all countries allow free speech in newspapers.

17. permit

● The fatalities of 1985 must not be permitted to occur again.

18. accept

● Galileo was not content to accept ideas without verifying them with experiments.

19. admit

● No one likes to admit he is wrong.

20. recognize

● I didn't recognize you when you first came in.

21. notice

● I noticed one curious thing about him.

22. respect

● Not all politicians are respected as a leader.

23. praise

● She praised her children at every opportunity.

24. admire

● Lincoln has been admired as a great president.

25. worship

● In many ancient cultures, people worshipped a sun-god.

26. appreciate

● I really appreciate your kindness.

27. impress

● He was impressed by how the city's residents rallied to assist those in trouble.

28. regard

● The patient-doctor relationship is regarded as the cornerstone of medical care.

29. reward

● I wish to reward the volunteers for their services and courage.

30. congratulate

● Though there was no prize for second place, the defeated athlete congratulated the victor.


'W 영어생각 > 도전!! 1000문장!!!' 카테고리의 다른 글

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[도전!! 1000문장!!!] 31-40  (0) 2009.02.24