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232_d2 본문읽기 15

본문 DB2023. 5. 11. 16:46
The final question is this: Do we really have to go to Mars, spending such enormous resources and risking people's lives? That is a reasonable question. Experts answer by mentioning two kinds of benefits Martian exploration may bring: practical benefits and a sense of our shared destiny as the human race. Practical benefits are economic, educational, and political. Space travel stimulates industry and draws people into careers in science and engineering. And while space exploration is a collaboration between countries to cover its high cost, having a space program raises any country's standing on the world stage. A sense of our shared destiny as the human race can be understood when considering the increasingly exhausted resources on Earth. We humans need to find ways to survive before we consume all the available resources on Earth. That is our shared destiny. Martian exploration can be seen as a step toward a human presence on another planet. It is not an easy but a worthy dream for humanity. "You can't really measure the value," says a scientist involved in a Martian project. "If money is our only concern, everyone would study business. But we also want to give meaning to our lives. That's why dreams and passion appeal to humanity."

Late at night Dave had gone down to the beach to see if everything was all right with his boat. As he came back up the small path leading to his cabin, he suddenly heard a banging noise. A chill ran down his spine. Slowly, he walked towards it and pointed his flashlight in that direction. The light fell onto a bear in front of the cabin, carefully searching the garbage can for remainders of food. He went to his car, started it and slowly drove towards the animal. The headlights were focused on the bear, which seemed not to be bothered in the least. Then Dave honked his horn until the bear finally ran away. After the animal disappeared into the darkness, Dave exhaled deeply. After he managed to go in the cabin and lock the door, he slumped onto the floor.

Over the last couple of decades it has been agreed that inflammation in the body plays an important role in the accumulation of blocked arteries. To prove this, Richard Watt and his team analyzed data from over 11,000 adults who took part in the Scottish Healthy Survey. The results showed that their oral health behaviors were generally good, with 62% of participants saying they visit the dentist every six months, and 71% reporting that they brush their teeth twice a day. Once the data were adjusted for established heart disease risk factors such as social class, obesity, smoking and family history of heart disease, the authors found that individuals who reported less frequent toothbrushing had a 70% higher risk of heart disease compared to individuals who brushed their teeth twice a day, although the overall risk remained quite low.

The fact that construction is a project-based industry is an important issue. When attempting to manage a dynamic, changing environment, such as a construction site, it should be kept in mind that there needs to be an appropriate organization structure to deal with the changing nature of the project. As it moves from design to construction, and as problems arise (such as late delivery of materials) on a day-to-day basis, there is a need for rapid decision- making and a flexible form of organization. This engenders a free, independent spirit in construction site workers and has, traditionally, led to a disregard for authority. In many cases, this disregard has been taken too far and caused problems.

In the language of urban design, a place is legible if it is easy to make sense of. Places can also be intelligible if they are well connected to other places, either visually or topographically. An intelligible place can tell you a lot about the rest of the space and allow you to think about your route. Large supermarkets make a virtue of being unintelligible, allowing them to lead shoppers precisely where they want them to go. The whole point of mazes is that they are both unintelligible and illegible; cities and public buildings should be the very opposite, though always allowing for corners of mystery and intrigue. Libraries seem to struggle on both measures, perhaps because there are so many ways you can stack books. Among the exceptions to this rule is the British Library in London, whose reading rooms adjoin a vast atrium; you only have to look up to know where you are.


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