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본문 DB2023. 5. 11. 16:45
There are many team sports which require cooperation among the team members in order to win. Let' see the origins of a few of these sports. Field hockey has a long history. Four-thousand-year-old drawings of men playing a simple version of a hockey game have been found in tombs in Egypt. In the Middle Ages variations of hockey-like games were played in European countries. Later England modernized it. Chinese game called cuju meaning "kick a ball" existed during the 2nd and 3rd centuries BC and has been recognized as the first version of soccer with similar rules to the modern game. Players could use any part of their body except their hands. Later soccer-like games were played in Japan Australia and several countries in Europe. Now 211 countries around the world are registered as members of FIFA. Rowing has existed since humans first traveled on water by boat. The first reference to rowing as a sport comes from 15thcentury BC Egypt. It later spread throughout Europe. Modern rowing as a competitive sport goes back to England in the 18th century. Now one of the most famous competitions is the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race.

When you eat fast food, such as pizza, hamburger, or fried chicken, what do you drink with it? Most people have a soda. When you go to the movies or when you just want something refreshing to satisfy your thirst, a soda is often the first choice. Soda, also called a soft drink, is a sweet drink with carbonation. People all over the world love sodas. Every year, Americans consume 170 liters of soda per person, and the British 100 liters. Of all age groups, teenagers drink the most soda. Most people, however, understand that sodas are not good for their health due to the ingredients. What is in a soda? Which ingredients are really not good for you?

Everyone knows that soft drinks are loaded with large amounts of sugar. A typical 250ml can of soda contains 30 grams of sugar. WHO, the World Health Organization, recommends that people consume less than 25 grams of sugar a day. Therefore, if you drink one small can of soda, your daily sugar intake already exceeds the recommended amount. What is worse, people usually don't stop with one can. Having extra sugar means adding unnecessary calories. Over time, this can lead to obesity and other health problems, such as heart disease and diabetes. Even diet sodas are not safe. Diet sodas replace the sugar with artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners provide a sweet, sugary taste with fewer calories. This may seem like a good thing, but it really isn't. According to a recent study, artificial sweeteners make you want more sweet foods. This means that you may easily gain weight if you keep drinking diet soda. In addition, artificial sweeteners are known to generate headaches, emotional disorders, and sleeping problems.

Most soda contains several types of acids. Acid is a chemical substance with a sour taste. When added to water, it produces a sharp flavor. Acid also delays the growth of bacteria, which extends the expiration date of a product. However, acid interferes with the body's ability to absorb calcium, and as a result, bone softening occurs. Also, the acid in sodas interacts with stomach acid, slowing digestion and blocking nutrient absorption. Furthermore, it can damage tooth enamel, the hard substance that protects your teeth. If you drink sodas regularly, your teeth decay more easily.

When you hear the word "caffeine," you most likely think of coffee. But some sodas, especially colas and carbonated energy drinks, also contain caffeine. Caffeine makes you feel more awake, but it may bring about an irregular heartbeat. A single can of cola may not affect you much, but if you consume colas regularly, they can make you feel more nervous and keep you from sleeping well at night. Artificial Colors and Artificial Flavors Soft drink companies attract consumers by adding bright colors and sweet flavors to their products. Most of these colors and flavors, however, are not natural. They are artificial chemicals. For example, the artificial color Yellow No_6, used in some pineapple juices, adds nothing to the taste. It is just there to make the drink look pretty. Also, the artificial flavor that gives the drink its pineapple taste is not real pineapple juice at all. Studies have shown that excessive consumption of these kinds of chemicals can create problems such as kidney disease and ADHD.


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