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블루티쳐학원 | 등록번호: 762-94-00693 | 중고등 영어 | 수강료: 30(중등), 33(고등), 3+4(특강)


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One key to understanding the living planet is to recognize that nothing about the physical world is static. The transfers of energy and the movement of matter in the physical world may be hard to see, as the cycles happen over scales that may be microscopic or vast. Mountains, continents, stars, and galaxies may appear permanent and unchanging to us but the entire universe, with us in it, is in fact constantly moving and changing, reusing and recycling, dying and regenerating, in all places and at all scales. On our unusually lively planet much of the flux among biological systems is accelerated and concentrated, so changes here are easier for us humans to perceive than the longer, slower cycles. However, there really are no static elements anywhere in the universe. Changes happen through flows of energy and flows of materials, and these flows take place in regenerative patterns that are cyclical.

If society is more than a collection of individuals, there must be some kind of relationship between them, and at the very least a sense of what is right and wrong behaviour. This has led legal philosophers in the natural law tradition to argue that there cannot be society without law. From this perspective, social theorists do not usually pay sufficient respect to law. It is central to everything we do, not simply as an external constraint, but because it constitutes and makes possible orderly social life. This involves taking a broad view of law, so any rule or social norm we are following, for example caring for the sick or respecting other people's property, is seen as part of law, even if lawyers or the courts are not asked to intervene, and we are not consulting legal rules. Everything in society is held together, governed and even constituted by law.

Humans interact with their surroundings with audiovisual cues and utilize their arms or legs to engage and move within this world. This seemingly ordinary ability can be extremely beneficial for those who are experiencing weakening conditions that limit movement or for individuals who are experiencing pain and discomfort either from a chronic illness or as a side effect of a treatment. A recent study, looking at the effect of immersive virtual reality (VR) for patients who had suffered from chronic stroke, found this technology to be contributing positively to the state of patients. During the VR experience, the patients are asked to grab a virtual ball and throw it back into the virtual space. For these patients, this immersive experience could act as a personal rehabilitation physiotherapist who engages their arm movement multiple times a day, allowing for possible neuroplasticity and a gradual return of normal motor function to these regions.

Empathy is generally categorized into at least two types: cognitive and emotional. These need not be experienced exclusively and can certainly influence each other. As its name implies, cognitive empathy is more consciously active in that it allows us to understand another person's mental state or perspective. It's difficult to see how this form of empathy could have come about in hominids until they had attained a certain level of self-awareness and sense of other. Emotional empathy, on the other hand, is far more reflexive, an almost instinctive response that seems to arise from much more physiological processes. It allows us to share to some degree in another's emotional state. In considering the possible origins of both forms of empathy, it seems more likely that emotional empathy preceded cognitive empathy. In fact, without emotional empathy existing first, it's challenging to see how theory of mind and self-awareness could have come about at all.

One telling indication of the importance of meaning for gifts is the role of money. Cash, as generalized purchasing power, can be used to buy anything. It is extremely useful. Yet however great its utility, money often performs poorly as a gift because it sends the wrong message. Suppose today is St. Valentine's Day, and you wish to give your sweetheart a special gift. First you think that spending $50 on a bouquet of red roses might be nice, but then it occurs to you that flowers are not very useful and that your girlfriend might prefer something else instead of roses. So you conclude that $50 cash would be a better gift. Wrong. Red roses symbolize romance, cash does not. Cash may be more useful, but it has the wrong meaning for a romantic relationship. On St. Valentine's Day, it makes a lousy gift.
