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한 문장씩 자세히 보기

능김 6-2

1. Gangwon-do, Full of Natural Beauty.

2. There is no place like Gangwon-do for beautiful nature.

3. First, we went to Baengnyong Cave.

4. This 1-8-kilometer-long cave is still in good condition.

5. It was so amazing to see its natural beauty.

6. Near the end of our cave tour, the guide turned off the lights in the cave for a minute.

7. Everything became very dark, so we were able to focus on the sounds there.

8. It was the most amazing experience of the tour!

9. Our next stop was Donggang.

10. We went rafting!

11. It was exciting to ride on the rough water and enjoy the view at the same time.

능김 6-3

1. Incheon, A City of Firsts.

2. Do you know where the first train station in Korea is?

3. How about the first Jajangmyeon?

4. The answer is Incheon!

5. This place has many of Korea's firsts.

6. To get there, we went to Incheon Station.

7. The Jajangmyeon Museum is next to the station.

8. We learned about the history of Jajangmyeon there.

9. Later, we walked around Jayu Park, the first Western-style park in Korea.

10. The view from the park was awesome!

11. It was great to see the historical sites of this city from the park.

12. Teacher: Wow, these places sound great!

13. You all have done a wonderful job on your presentations!

능김 7-1

1. Jobs of the Future.

2. Self-driving cars will be on the market.

3. People will have robots that do everything for them.

4. 3D printers in every home will print out almost everything.

5. People will take space trips.

6. People will live under the sea or in floating cities.

7. Look at the pictures above.

8. Do these ideas surprise you?

9. You can see that our lives will be very different in the future.

10. As our lives change, many new jobs will appear.

11. What kind of job do you want?

12. What will your future life be like?

13. The following people looked ahead and chose jobs that will be important in the future.

14. Let's read about their jobs!

능김 7-2

1. Do you see the flower pot that Sujin made?

2. It was made from old street flags.

3. She is an upcycling designer.

4. She works with waste materials to make new products.

5. Her products show people that old materials can be useful in new ways.

6. Upcycling can reduce the amount of waste in the future.

7. To become an upcycling designer, you should be creative and learn about art.

8. Have you ever heard of 3D modelers?

9. Taeho, a 3D modeler, works for a company that makes artificial hands and legs.

10. Taeho uses special software to print out new hands and legs.

11. They are made specially for patients.

12. If you are good at computer programming and art, you can be a 3D modeler.

13. Taeho wants more people to use 3D printed products in the future.

능김 7-3

1. Jihye is a big data specialist.

2. She works on many projects.

3. For example, last year, she made bus routes.

4. To find the best night routes, she needed to collect smartphone use data and taxi use patterns from late-night travelers.

5. Then she analyzed this information to create the most useful routes.

6. Now Jihye is working with an online shopping mall.

7. She is collecting data from customers to find out the best styles for them.

8. She knows big data allows us to learn more about our daily lives.

9. If you want to become a big data specialist, you should develop your math and problem-solving skills!

10. Think about yourself and prepare for your future.

11. If you keep looking ahead and dreaming big, your future will be bright.

능김 8-1

1. Who Is Happy?

2. Once upon a time, there was a crow who lived in a forest.

3. The crow was very happy with his life.

4. He always looked at himself in the water.

5. He thought no one was more beautiful than he was.

능김 8-2

1. Then one day, the crow saw a swan on the lake.

2. "The swan is so white," he thought, "but I am so black.

3. I have never seen such a white bird before.

4. His beauty shines so brightly.

5. The swan must be the happiest bird in the world."

6. He went to the swan and expressed his thoughts.

7. "Actually," the swan said, "I thought that I was the happiest bird.

8. But then I saw a parrot.

9. Now I think the parrot is the happiest bird in the world."

10. The crow asked why he thought so.

11. The swan answered, "The parrot has colorful feathers.

12. He is more beautiful than I am.

13. He must be proud of his appearance."

능김 8-3

1. The crow then flew to the parrot and said, "The swan said you are the happiest bird because you have colorful feathers."

2. The parrot explained, "I lived a very happy life until I saw a peacock.

3. My feathers are colorful, but the peacock's feathers are colorful, big, and gorgeous.

4. So he is loved by everyone."

능김 8-4

1. The crow then visited the peacock at the zoo.

2. There were a lot of people around the peacock, and they praised him for his beauty.

3. The crow thought the peacock must be the happiest bird in the world.

4. After all the people left, the crow started to talk to the peacock.

5. "Peacock, you are so beautiful.

6. Many people come to see you every day.

7. On the other hand, when people see me, they chase me away.

8. I think you are the happiest bird in the world."

9. The peacock said, "I may be the most beautiful bird, but I'm not happy.

10. Because of my beauty, I am stuck in this zoo.

11. Unlike me, you aren't kept in a cage.

12. I want to be like you because you can go anywhere."

능김 8-5

1. After the crow talked to the peacock, he started to think about who the happiest bird was.

2. The crow thought to himself, "The peacock's feathers are impressive, but he is stuck in a cage.

3. I don't have colorful feathers, but I'm free to fly anywhere."

4. The crow went back to the forest.

5. He looked at himself in the water again and saw the happiest bird in the world.

천이 8-1

1. Let's Go to the World's Festivals.

2. People around the world enjoy different festivals.

3. Do you know any festivals in other countries?

4. The following is about some famous festivals around the world.

5. Loi Krathong is a famous Thai festival.

6. Loi means "float" and a krathong is a small ship which is made of banana leaves.

7. The festival is held on the 12th full moon of the year.

8. During the festival, krathongs are filled with candles, coins and flowers.

9. People float them on the rivers and make wishes.

10. They believe that letting these krathongs float away will drive away bad luck.

11. Imagine lots of ships sailing together under the moonlight!

12. The scene is so beautiful that you will never forget it.

13. The Carnival of Binche is one of the most famous festivals in Europe.

14. It is held in Binche, Belgium, for three days in February or March.

15. The most important people in the festival are the "Gilles."

16. The Gilles are the men from Binche who are chosen for the festival.

17. It is on the last day of the festival that the Gilles show up.

18. They are the highlight of the festival.

천이 8-2

1. In the morning, they wear green glasses, wax masks, and wooden shoes, and they dance in the streets of Binche to music.

2. In the afternoon, they show up in Binche's town hall without their masks.

3. Instead, they wear very big, white hats.

4. The most interesting part of the festival is when the Gilles throw oranges to people.

5. People say that if you catch or are hit by one of these oranges, you will have good luck.

6. This festival is so exciting that many people visit Binche every year to see it.

7. The Oruro Carnival The Oruro Carnival is a 2,000-year-old festival of dance and music.

8. It is the biggest festival in Bolivia.

9. This festival takes place in February or March every year.

10. The carnival lasts for ten days.

11. The main event of the carnival is a 20-hour-long parade.

12. It is in this parade that more than 28,000 dancers and 10,000 musicians take part.

13. Dancers dance for 20 hours without rest.

14. During the festival, people also enjoy water fights.

15. If you go and see the Oruro Carnival, don't forget to bring your raincoat.

천이 9-1

1. The ABCs of First Aid.

2. Do you know what to do when an accident happens?

3. What is wrong with the treatments given in the following cases?

4. Think about it, and find out the best way to handle everyday accidents.

5. Case 1- Drowning Minsu and his friends find a man drowning in the lake.

6. They throw him a rope, and pull him to the bank.

7. Minsu lays the man on his side with his head higher than the rest of his body.

8. Then Minsu checks the man's breathing.

9. You must lay the person on his side with his head lower than the rest of his body.

10. This helps water get out of the body.

11. Also it is important to keep the person warm.

12. Take him to the hospital after he comes around.

13. You must not jump into the water.

14. It puts you in danger.

15. Throw the drowning person a rope or something the person can hold on to.

16. Case 2- An insect in the ear.

17. An insect flies into John's ear and does not come out.

18. John puts his finger in his ear and 1)tries to remove the insect.

천이 9-2

1. If you put your finger in your ear, the insect may go deeper into the ear.

2. Turn your head with the problem ear facing upward.

3. Then wait for the insect to fly out.

4. Or go into a dark room and shine a light into your ear.

5. The insect will come out.

6. If these treatments fail, see a doctor.

7. Case 3- Broken bone Susie falls on the floor.

8. She feels a lot of pain in her arm.

9. To check for a broken bone, Taeho asks Susie to try to move her arm.

10. He places a hot towel on her injured arm.

11. Moving the arm can cause more injury.

12. So do not move the injured arm.

13. Also do not use a hot towel.

14. Heat can cause more pain.

15. This is what you should do to help Susie.

16. 1- Try not to move the injured arm.

17. 2- Put a bag of ice wrapped in a towel on the injured arm for 10 to 15 minutes.

18. 3- Support the injured arm.

19. 4- Keep the injured arm higher than the heart, if you can.

20. 5- Call 119 or take the person to the hospital.

21. Accidents can happen to anybody at anytime.

22. If we give first aid correctly, we can keep injuries from getting worse and even save lives.


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