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삼육고2 1912 기말고사

3. To add further complexity, hundreds of trillions of tiny bacteria live in the human intestinal tract, some of which help cells extract energy and maintain overall health, while others, like H. pylori, may cause stomach cancer or other diseases.더 많은 복잡성을



1. Same World, Different Lenses.
2. When you look at a picture that your friend shows you on his or her phone, do you notice who is in the picture first or where the picture was taken first?
3. Whichever you look at first, that perspective may reflect your cultural values without you being consciously aware of it.
4. These different points of view exist as personal and individual differences, but groups of people in a particular neighborhood, city, or country may also have striking similarities.
5. In her book titled East Meets West, author Yang Liu, who was born in China and moved to Germany when she was 14, attempts to illustrate perspectives from her eastern and western heritages in several different contexts through eye-catching illustrations.
6. They seem to open up a friendly discussion on the essence of differences not only between individuals but also between groups or communities.
1. The picture above is an illustration of two different approaches to solving problems.
2. The picture on the left shows a straight line while the one on the right seems to follow a more meandering path;.
3. however, they both end up reaching the destination.
4. In simple terms, the process of reaching a goal has a beginning and an end.
5. On the left, the most direct path can achieve a goal with the expenditure of as little energy as possible.
6. On the right, several other factors seem to require attention before the same goal is reached, which is why the path is less direct.
7. Is the emphasis on the end result or on the process?
8. Putting it in other words, do you value efficiency or thoroughness?
9. The answer to these questions depends on the characteristics of the individuals and communities involved.
1. Does the expression on your face always mirror how you actually feel as in the picture on the left?
2. Or do you often hide your true feelings in order not to hurt others around you?
3. Do people express their feelings in different ways depending on the context?
4. In social situations, some people consider carefully how their displays of emotion might be interpreted by others.
5. Students have likely experienced similar situations after a big test.
6. If Nika remained calm after she got a perfect score on her exam while Manfred got 70% and cried in disappointment, would the expression on each of their faces reflect how they feel?
7. Nika may not want to make Manfred feel bad, so she might try to hide the elation she feels by being cool about it.
8. However, Manfred may simply display what he feels at the moment.
1. A "blue" person may be critical of Nika and understanding of Manfred because Nika is not being honest while Manfred is being genuine.
2. The opposite may be true from the "red" perspective: Nika is respecting others' moods while Manfred is making classmates feel uncomfortable.
3. A simple way to look at the distinction is to ask if it's more important to honestly let feelings show or if it's more important to consider the feelings of others.
4. These perspectives on social manners, when repeated, may become a normal cultural practice.
1. The picture below shows the different perspectives of the role of a person in society.
2. Is the individual more important as the picture on the left shows, or is the group more important as shown on the right?
3. Some people see themselves in the context of a group.
4. They think themselves to be part of a larger whole, placing importance on harmony and relationships with others, possibly at the cost of their own personal recognition.
5. Other people may emphasize individual talent and personal abilities that stand out beyond the group.
6. If a group member has a good idea, should she suggest the idea to the group?
7. A "blue" person may be praised for having the creativity to make a goal easier to reach.
8. On the other hand, a "red" person might consider how the new idea affects the group dynamics and take into account the possibility of friction between members during a change.
1. Generally speaking, even though differences are what makes each culture unique, they may also be barriers to understanding.
2. Yang Liu's book isn't about ranking cultural differences in terms of which is better.
3. The book is designed to show that there may be other ways to look at the world.
4. Maybe it's easier to think of culture like taking photographs.
5. The individual photographer uses a variety of different methods to capture what she feels is the most important aspect of a scene.
6. Is it the lighting or the angle?
7. Should there be people in it or not?
8. Is a close-up or a wide shot better?
9. Likewise, cultural understanding comes from being open to the idea that differences may come from putting value on different aspects of life.
1. Big Data Every Move Counts.
2. It is now almost impossible to live a truly private life because every human activity, be it a walk to the park or the sending of a simple text message, produces data.
3. Phones, TVs, computers, cameras in cars, and sensors in buildings and street corners all generate different forms of data.
4. The Internet of Things (IoT) connects home appliances to the web, uploading such everyday information as how often we take cheese from the fridge or do a load of laundry.
5. The development of information and communications technology allows this data not only to be generated but also to be collected and stored.
6. Almost every move we make adds up to form a vast bank of information called Big Data.
1. What Is Big Data?
2. Big Data is frequently characterized and defined by volume, variety, and velocity: huge amounts of data collected from many different sources in real time.
3. In fact, the total accumulation of data from the past two years alone is greater than all of the information ever recorded before that.
4. In addition, data comes in various forms, ranging from texts, pictures, and sound files to GPS-based location information and credit card transaction records.
5. Moreover, such data is gathered and stored at a remarkable speed: as soon as you use your library card, a record of your visit can be sent to the web and may contribute to expanding the pool of data.
6. Modern technology now allows us to analyze data in an efficient and economical way.
7. When such data is analyzed with the help of statistical and computational tools, it may tell a meaningful story.
8. It is worth exploring in the following illustrations how this new technology might influence the way we live.
1. Big Data for the Public Good Seoul and its satellite cities are home to more than 25 million people who are often forced to take expensive taxi rides late at night when buses and subways are no longer available.
2. When city officials decided to provide a new late-night bus service to commuters, they had to figure out the highest frequency routes and commuter hot spots so they could accommodate as many people as possible.
3. With the help of Big Data analytics, city officials examined the records of five million late-night taxi rides and 30 billion late-night mobile phone communications, and discovered a sudden increase in rides and text messages at certain places and times.
4. Based upon this information, they settled on several late-night routes and schedules to provide the bus service to the maximum number of people.
5. This was how the Seoul Owl Bus came to be.
1. Big Data in Education Over the next decade, Big Data will be replacing traditional academic guidance methods.
2. In fact, in some universities, data analysis has already been used to predict the probable success or failure of certain students.
3. Data analysts have scanned through hundreds of thousands of personal and academic student records in order to predict when intervention may be needed.
4. Certain behaviors seem to be informative, such as how often students see advisers and tutors or if they take a course out of sequence.
5. Some universities have found that students' performance in "predictor" courses is often a good indicator of whether they will graduate or not.
6. Based upon this Big Data analysis, many universities maintain a list of courses that might signal a need for intervention.
7. If a student leaves the path of previous successful students, advisers can be alerted so they can reach out and offer guidance.
1. Big Data in Medicine More complex analyses of Big Data will be changing the way health is assessed and medicine is practiced in the future.
2. The biomedical sciences are already so data-driven that biologists and doctors are accustomed to collecting, analyzing, and interpreting huge datasets with the help of supercomputers.
3. The Human Genome Project is a case in point.
4. It took 13 years to complete the first full genome sequence of one person, consisting of six billion base pairs.
5. These days, it only takes about 24 hours to sequence a person's genome, demonstrating the massive impact data analysis technology has had on the field.
6. Biomedical scientists are still trying to figure out what each gene in the sequence does and how they interact to affect our health.
7. They are optimistic that genomic data analysis will revolutionize our understanding of health and disease on a scale we cannot imagine now.
1. Biological variety on an individual level has necessitated a move from Big Data to "really" Big Data.
2. Each person is unique in terms of diet, environment, habits, and the relationships they have.
3. To add further complexity, hundreds of trillions of tiny bacteria live in the human intestinal tract, some of which help cells extract energy and maintain overall health, while others, like H. pylori, may cause stomach cancer or other diseases.
4. No individual has the same combination of gut bacteria, and they may adapt and change over time.
5. The enormous number of combinations can only be researched using Big Data analysis.
6. Soon, medical researchers hope to understand how an individual's biological environment interacts with different microbes in order to create customized healthcare treatments.
1. Two Sides of a Coin It's hard to doubt that Big Data will continue to be an important part of human society.
2. Data-based prediction will replace simple guessing, arming people with techniques to uncover hidden patterns, unanticipated correlations, global trends, and other meaningful information that will hopefully lead to more informed decisions.
3. Some argue it will fundamentally reshape our lives.
4. However, it should be noted that Big Data is a resource that could be used for good or ill, and that, no matter what, using it may give rise to unintended consequences.
5. Depending on what data you examine, how you interpret it, and what purpose you have, the end result may tell different stories.
1. Debating Big Data What are the issues that deserve careful deliberation?
2. One of the biggest concerns is the question of whether or not past data can be used to predict future events.
3. The results of Big Data analyses may mean that some people are denied health insurance coverage because of their family's genetic history, or that others could be put on watch lists because their past behavior indicates possible future criminal activities.
4. History tells a story, but the future is always unknown.
5. Another concern is whether the collector of the data or the provider of the data has ownership rights.
6. For example, many companies sell their customers' personal information for commercial purposes.
7. Both the buyer and the seller can make financial gains, but the customers that provide the information are left out.
8. Like any resource, using it wisely can be beneficial, but using it carelessly can lead to unexpected outcomes.

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