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블루티쳐학원 | 등록번호: 762-94-00693 | 중고등 영어 | 수강료: 30(중등), 33(고등), 3+4(특강)


전체 글 +1730
Next Monday, Nature's Beauty Gardens will have the pleasure of hosting very important guests for the annual "Toddler Trek" event. We hope that this will be fun, educational, and most importantly safe for the toddlers. Parents and children are going to spend time enjoying outdoor activities and having a picnic lunch. It is therefore very important to check the garden for potential dangers. Managers of each department must make sure that all dangerous equipment and machinery are safely stored. Also, for the safety of our guests at this event, garden chemicals will not be used anywhere in Nature's Beauty Gardens. Thank you for your cooperation in this safety check and for helping to make this year's "Toddler Trek" event the best one yet.

"Regularity is the key to mastery, Jean. Everything other than that is a waste of time," stressed Ms・ Baker, Jean's piano teacher, with a troubled look. However, Jean complained quite often about practicing and slipped out of her sessions occasionally. Concerned about Jean idling around, Ms・ Baker decided to change her teaching method. "You can make your own schedule, Jean. However, I want you to help me as an assistant," said Ms・ Baker. After that, Jean practiced hard to be a good example to the beginners and her skills improved incredibly day after day. The change in Jean was miraculous. A smile came over Ms・ Baker's face as she listened to Jean play. Ms・ Baker was convinced by Jean's improvement that her new teaching method was a success.

We say to ourselves: "There is plenty of time. I'll manage somehow or other when the time comes for action."We are rather proud of our ability to meet emergencies. So we do not plan and take precautions to prevent emergencies from arising. It is too easy to drift through school and college, taking the traditional, conventional studies that others take, following the lines of least resistance, electing "snap courses," and going with the crowd. It is too easy to take the attitude: "First I will get my education and develop myself, and then I will know better what I am fitted to do for a life work."And so we drift, driven by the winds of circumstance, tossed about by the waves of tradition and custom. Eventually, most men find they must be satisfied with "any port in a storm."Sailors who select a port because they are driven to it have scarcely one chance in a thousand of dropping anchor in the right one.

Internet entrepreneurs are creating job-search products and bringing them online regularly. Within the past few years, new Internet-based businesses have come online that help people find internships, complete online classes tailored to individual employer job applications, or find volunteer work that will lead to full-time employment. Job mastery will mean keeping up with the rapidly evolving tools available on the Internet. It should be noted, though, that no development in the Internet job age has reduced the importance of the most basic job search skill: self-knowledge. Even in the Internet age, the job search starts with identifying individual job skills, sector interests, and preferred workplace environment and interests. Richard Bolles' best selling job search book, first published in 1970, had as its central theme the self-inventory of skills and workplace preferences. This self-inventory continues to be the starting point for any job search today no matter what the Internet technology involved.

The term "biological control" has been used, at times, in a broad context to cover a full spectrum of biological organisms and biologically based products. This has been spectacularly successful in many instances, with a number of pest problems permanently resolved by importation and successful establishment of natural enemies. These importation successes have been limited largely to certain types of ecosystems and/or pest situations such as introduced pests in perennial ecosystems. On the other hand, this approach has met with limited success for major pests of row crops or other ephemeral systems. In these situations, the problem is often not the lack of effective natural enemies but management practices and a lack of concerted research on factors that determine the success or failure of importation attempts in the specific agro-ecosystem setting. Thus, importation programs, to date, are largely a matter of trial and error based on experience of the individual specialists involved.
