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블루티쳐학원 | 등록번호: 762-94-00693 | 중고등 영어 | 수강료: 30(중등), 33(고등), 3+4(특강)


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They go outside and walk around the garden. Peter: What is on that piece of paper? It looks scary. Grandfather: Do you mean this painting of a rooster? Peter: Oh, is it a rooster? Grandfather: Yes, it is. Roosters crow every morning. Their crowing means that a new day is beginning. For many years, Koreans have believed evil spirits go away when a rooster crows. Mina: Really? I've never heard that before. Peter: Actually, I'm afraid of the darkness and evil spirits. Could you draw a rooster for me, Mina? Mina: Sure. I'll draw a big rooster for you! Grandfather: Put the drawing above your door. Then it will protect you. Peter: Yes, I will. Peter's Diary May 28 I'm enjoying this trip so much that I want to stay longer. I love all the traditional Korean symbols in this house. Now I understand a lot of them. I want to visit Korea again with my family.

Jennifer: What are you reading? Eric: I'm reading an article about aquaponics. It's a way of growing plants without soil. We can also grow plants and raise fish in just one system. Jennifer: Is that possible? Eric: We'll see. I'm going to try it at home for my science project. Fish, bacteria, and plants are the main parts of aquaponics. After you feed the fish, they produce waste. The waste is turned into food for the plants by bacteria. The plants clean the water by consuming the food. This process is repeated again and again!

Home Aquaponics by Eric Jackson. Questions: How can I make an aquaponics system at home? Why is aquaponics good? Period: From May 15 to August 15 Materials: a pot