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구문 BIG DATA2018. 10. 13. 17:36
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From The Number of Sents: 18825

1. We cannot appreciate how difficult it is for other people to say "no," even though we have been in that uncomfortable position many times ourselves.

2. Most mammals are biologically programmed to put their digestive waste away from where they eat and sleep.

3. By likening the eye to a camera, elementary biology textbooks help to produce a misleading impression of what perception entails.

4. Yet the physicist will point out that the friction on the marble is so small that its effect is negligible.

5. Because each component of an ecosystem interacts with other components of that system, action or change in one element often leads to action or change in others, which transforms the ecosystem.

6. According to psychologist Robert Ornstein, the speed of time and our perception of it is heavily influenced by how much new information is available for our minds to absorb and process.

7. His humor also has a great power to cheer us up when we are down.

8. In almost all situations, that's a very good thing: The context provides lots of information, and communication is much more efficient when it makes use of that information.

9. It is a rendering of what the writer perceives to be of most value.

10. According to the historian E. H. Warmington, this absence of silver coins suggests a trade mainly in luxury goods during that period.

11. As with other human activities, there are many ways and spatial scales at which tourism contributes to climate change.

12. Is there someone with whom you would like to have a better relationship?

13. In a businesslike fashion, the two women began figuring out how to disengage.

14. Although the victims of identity theft are usually thought of as individuals, small and large businesses are often caught out as well.

15. The answer is yes Scientific research provides convincing data to support the evidence that giving is a powerful path to lasting happiness Researchers have found that the areas in our brains that feel pleasure become activated when we give —meaning that besides doing good, donating our money or time actually makes us feel good This feeling is similar to a “runner's high,” a term created for that feel-good sensation that rushes through your body after a run They use the term “helper's high” to describe what happens to your body and your brain when you are kind to another person or give to them in some way Helping others may just be the secret to living a life that is not only happier but also healthier, wealthier, more productive, and meaningful.

16. If existing museum basements are full, yet most of the ancient world is still underwater and underground — a good part of Pompeii awaits excavation — how will the resources be found to safeguard, document, and share the importance of tens of millions of as-yetundiscovered artifacts?

17. Only humans have been able to rise above their natural antagonisms and create a society in which people from different, even formerly competing, groups can live together in peace, tolerance, and harmony.

18. Emotions give us clues about how we are being treated and what we need.

19. At greater depths — it is dark and cold there — photography is the principal way of exploring a mysterious deep-sea world, 95 percent of which has never been seen before.

20. Instead, people typically get so involved in doing a program or getting a result ―like winning a title in a dog show― or they worry so much about getting hurt, that they fail to listen to what their animals have to say.

21. Thomas Norton is best known for his long alchemical poem, The Ordinal of Alchemy (1477), which is subtitled Crede-Mihi, or Believe-Me, by which Norton, in typical alchemical fashion, implies that his work, and no other, contains the secret of alchemy.

22. The transformation of such protolanguage into language required the evolution of grammar― rules that define the order in which a finite number of words can be strung together to create an infinite number of utterances, each with a specific meaning.

23. Well, even though' things seem hectic now, they're probably going to seem even more hectic later on when you're trying to survive in the workplace and take care of all household matters in your own family.

24. For example, you may not care about whether you start your new job in June or July.

25. Being able to eat periodically, store fuel, and then use up that fuel between meals is a great advantage.

26. In such a case, these people suffer from an inevitable social and mental trauma, leading to emotional stress and a feeling that all of a sudden they have been disassociated from what once was their identity.

27. We set resolutions based on what we're supposed to do, or what others think we're supposed to do, rather than what really matters to us.

28. The idea that we are living moments of more and lives of less is supported by a recent study in which pairs of college-aged friends were asked to communicate in four different ways: face-to-face conversation, video chat, audio chat, and online instant messaging.

29. The speed with which computers tackle multiple tasks feeds the illusion that everything happens at the same time, so comparing computers to humans can be confusing.

30. We humans learned the hard way about the excesses of power in which our rulers might occasionally indulge themselves.

31. It relates to the degree to which the less powerful members of a society accept their inequality in power and consider it the norm.

32. One common Zulu greeting is sawubona (/saubona/), to which the listener replies ngikhona (/ngikona/).

33. Again, if we are comparing unemployment in urban-industrial societies, we must agree on what we mean by unemployment.

34. It is the mark of effortful activities that they interfere with each other, which is why it is difficult or impossible to conduct several at once.

35. Just as adding a drop of poison to a glass of water changes the molecular structure of that entire glass, the addition of rabbits to the continent changed the entire ecology of the nation.

36. At some time in their lives, most people pause to reflect on their own moral principles and on the practical implications of those principles, and they sometimes think about what principles people should have or which moral standards can be best justified.

37. I'm grateful to that high school girl that I was for having the sense to buy a little blank book.

38. The soldier in question, who had the character of being the bravest man in Boutteville's army, presented himself, and taking thirty of his comrades, of whom he had the choice, he executed his commission, which was of the most dangerous nature, with courage and success beyond all praise.

39. His father was, at various times, sheriff, mayor and MP for Bristol, and Thomas himself may have been either a successful merchant, or a privy councillor to that alchemically inclined monarch, Edward IV.

40. The goal of the next zone is to push out beyond that area and begin to learn new things.

41. As we invent more species of AI, we will be forced to surrender more of what is supposedly unique about humans.

42. Much of what was measured as unemployment, they said, was actually individuals who were working at home and not earning money in the marketplace.

43. Such practices are believed to put pressure on parents to yield to what the media have dubbed "pester power.

44. This bias, toward granting influence to group members who may not in fact deserve it, is similar to that described by status characteristics theory, which argues that rank differentiation in newly formed groups is partly influenced by members' personal characteristics - such as race, age, sex, and occupation.

45. However, perhaps because of how embedded steam railways are in the development of the modern world, we can say that they changed the world.

46. Frustrated, Harrison decided to show King George III H5, which he had begun working on while H4 was being evaluated by the Board of Longitude.

47. The way that we behave in a given situation is often influenced by how important one value is to us relative to others.

48. "At that moment, the cameras outside took over and out there in the yard there was a scene of joy almost beyond belief.

49. Food plays a large part in how much you enjoy the outdoors.

50. A helpful way of coping with strong negative feelings is to take them for what they are―messages from your mind and body intended to keep you safe.

51. We share meat and vegetables with the Minimum tribe, but we always argue about how to share them.

52. This reasoning was based on the fact that clocks of that time had pendulums that swung back and forth inside them.

53. The last ice age came to an end about 13,000 years ago and with that warmer, wetter conditions prevailed.

54. It is simply a coincidental correspondence between a situation about which one has intense concern and the occurrence of the event that one fears.

55. For what is distinctive about science is the search for negative instances ― the search for ways to falsify a theory, rather than to confirm it.

56. Very heavy rains, however, could carry away soil and plant nutrients, hindering the growth of vegetation, thereby leaving a reduced food supply for the animals that depend on that vegetation.

57. The term cafeteria is used because choices are similar to those in a cafeteria, in which a diner proceeds down the line and chooses those foods that he or she would like and leaves the others.

58. That's why they need avenues where they can be active, burn up that energy, and test their strength.

59. Performance must be judged in terms of what is under the control of the individuals being evaluated rather than those influences on performance that are beyond their control.

60. According to one estimate, the new diseases wiped out as much as 90% or, more of the indigenous population of the Americas.

61. It will be either direct, when the government invests the tax dollars in whatever capacity it considers to be most necessary, or indirect, when the government passes legislation that makes the desired activity more profitable.

62. Whether you're nine or ninety years old, you should constantly be learning, improving your skills, and getting better at what you do.

63. The restructuring of a problem can be caused by unsuccessful attempts in solving the problem, leading to new information being brought in while the person is thinking.

64. At that moment, I realized how insane I was.

65. The shift was made easier by the habitat in which it occurred.

66. In 1868 he was hired by a tiny advertising agency run by William J. Carlton, at that point still involved in the primitive business of placing advertisements in newspapers and magazines.

67. If you also know that -tomy refers to an incision into something, you can easily figure out that a gastrotomy must be an incision made into the stomach.

68. The hunters had followed the mammoths and other large animals eastward from Asia across what is now the Bering Sea.

69. We would need to do studies in which individuals are sampled in terms of their dream life and judges are asked to make correspondences between these dream events and events that occurred in real life.

70. The typical scenario in the less developed world is one in which a very few commercial agriculturalists are technologically advanced while the vast majority are incapable of competing.

71. Are you thinking about where to live?

72. The conflicts between the two are evident in what they created.

73. These relatively new product offerings are usually referred to as 'soft' or 'chewy' cookies, to distinguish them from the more typical crunchy varieties.

74. This is one of the bonding factors that has been forgotten because of the way in which we live today.

75. If place identity is tied to a particular industry, local residents may feel strongly attached to the definitions of place that stem from involvement in that industry, and they may resist losing that identity in favor of one based on a tourism industry.

76. That scene in which your octogenarian feels humiliated will draw on your experience of humiliation in the eighth grade, even though the circumstances are totally different and you're not even consciously thinking about your middleschool years.

77. Had I been alone, I would have walked away feeling sad for that poor gull.

78. ""For my own part," he said in an 1846 article in Graham's Magazine, "I have never had a thought which I could not set down in words, with even more distinctness than that with which I conceived it.

79. Its idea was that countries should now share the burden of emissions cuts according to how historically responsible they were for the problem.

80. She wasn't sure just what had made her look over toward the rear passenger side tire at that moment, but she did.

81. They point out that even nodding the head up and down to indicate "yes" is not universal.

82. The principle of distinctiveness suggests that we make attributions about people based on whether their particular characteristics and actions are associated with specific outcomes unique to the situation.

83. The art world consists of a bundle of systems: theater, painting, literature, music, and so on, each of which furnishes an institutional background for the conferring of status on objects within its domain.

84. This process of taking an experience from the person's " inner-self' and putting it out into the world as a physical object helps the individual become distant to the experience, which in turn makes him or her feel safer about talking about what he or she has made.

85. In this stage, we can even imagine ourselves victoriously dancing on the top of that mountain, feeling successful and ultimately happy.

86. There are all sorts of signs for that thing you're looking at.

87. Sophie is clueless about what Angela wants.

88. In their work they are asking critical questions about how the body is trained, disciplined, and manipulated in sports and how some sport scientists are using technology to probe, monitor, test, evaluate, and rehabilitate the body as a performance machine.

89. As Polaroid founder Edwin Land remarked, "No person could possibly be original in one area unless he were possessed of the emotional and social stability that comes from fixed attitudes in all areas other than the one in which he is being original."

90. It would be difficult for a vision statement to provide direction to decision makers and energize employees toward achieving long-term strategic intent unless they know of the vision and observe management's commitment to that vision.

91. The customs and way of life of that area were all they ever experienced or knew about.

92. To whom it may concern at the Seoul Tourism Information Center, My name is Mathew, and I plan to visit Seoul next month.

93. This is what we really mean when we call entertainment "escapist": We escape from life by escaping into the neat narrative formulas in which most entertainments are packaged.

94. However, the human mind turns out to be significantly swayed by how potential outcomes are portrayed.

95. The researchers looked at how macaque monkeys' lips, larynxes, and tongues move when they produce sounds.

96. However, it is the responsibility of the children's librarian to inform the administration early in the budget process of needs for the next year, including a justification of why the funds are needed.

97. They didn't like this or that about the music and had the singers repeat the same line again and again, all of which sounded perfect to me.

98. My mother has been warning me not to eat burnt toast for as long as I can remember.

99. As long as you remain in that emotional situation, you're likely to stay angry.

100. Teens for Jeans Started by a non-profit organization, it is a campaign in which teenagers in the U.S. collect pairs of jeans and give them to local homeless youth.

101. Most of what foragers ate was plants, and much of the animal protein in their diet came from foods gathered rather than hunted directly: insects, shellfish, small animals caught in traps, fish and other sea creatures caught in nets, and animals killed by other predators.

102. Have you ever wondered why a dog doesn't fall over when he changes directions while running?

103. Perhaps they would automatically exercise at 65 percent of their maximum heart rate regardless of which machine they were using.

104. And he has so many teachers: his parents, other members of the family, friends, relatives―almost everyone with whom he comes in contact in his day-to-day life.

105. "Books" also may become aware of their own subconscious prejudices and learn that some of their preconceptions about what others think of them are false.

106. Some architects have decided to respond to what they perceive to be the potentially formless and anonymous nature of the city by creating buildings that are obviously strange and are intended to become urban landmarks.

107. It can help you to figure out what's really important and what isn't.

108. Sequoyah moved to Oklahoma some years later and died in what is now Texas in 1843.

109. This was a dirty, thankless job, but it was sorely needed in that community.

110. Thus, they can be thought of as being chemically similar.

111. As soon as people began to produce tools and, much later, art, some information was stored in external objects on how to make them and what they might mean.

112. Of course, coaches, when hired by such an owner, likely have sizable information about the low likelihood of being the coach at that club for the next five years.

113. She'd long since gotten roasting pans in larger sizes and hadn't cut an end off since.

114. For instance, maybe you have to figure out how to create a communication device using a hammer, tape, a hairbrush, and a bag of marbles.

115. The study also revealed the commanders had given more attention and praise to the crew members for whom they had the higher expectations.

116. The opportunity to catch fish is on that lake.

117. Contrary to what we usually believe, the best moments in our lives are not the passive, receptive, relaxing times ― although such experiences can also be enjoyable, if we have worked hard to attain them.

118. Such common understandings may be referred to as group norms.

119. Terrified by the poor medical treatment for female patients, she founded a hospital for women in Edinburgh in which the staff consisted only of women.

120. He remembered that a friend of his dad's regretted not doing all the things he wanted to when he was John's age.

121. A tyrant is, although he does not know it, weaker than the person who, fully aware of what is happening, allows himself to be killed by tyrants.

122. As of that age, every product that they look at is studied in detail and compared with other products.

123. But while I was traveling in Egypt, I found out that there are many different kinds.

124. Lately, I was thinking about what my dream job might be.

125. The slow speed up while the fast and the superfast slow down.

126. Instead, you have the human option to talk with others and in that way to cope with what is bothering you.

127. Contrast his approach with that of the late Abebe Bikila, the Ethiopian who won the 1960 Olympic Marathon running barefoot.

128. Like sperm whales, killer whales are unusual among cetaceans in that males reach a much larger size than females.

129. We like to make a show of how much our decisions are based on rational considerations, but the truth is that we are largely governed by our emotions, which continually influence our perceptions.

130. Once you start to see praise for what it is ― and what it does ― these constant little valuative outbursts from adults start to produce the same effect as fingernails being dragged down a blackboard.

131. Specifically, the technique of having students help one another raises the question of whether students with lower ability are being helped at the expense of those with higher ability.

132. The main food crop was the wild mongongo nut, millions of which were harvested every year.

133. The question of whether a decline in the world's biodiversity will hamper, or even result in the loss of, ecosystem functions and processes has been a major issue in ecology in the past decade.

134. For that very reason, Elton John and Paul McCartney aren't in the dictionary, but both Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley, who died decades ago, are.

135. They also needed new markets in which to sell their manufactured goods.

136. It was the first conversation we'd had in which he wasn't telling me something negative about someone else in the class.

137. So be a good role model and set the stage for healthy eating at home and when you eat out as a family.

138. Today, Sarah, the girl I like, saw me playing soccer with my shirt off and said something about how skinny I am.

139. Several months later, Rourke held a series of seminars at Berkeley, in which a serious gap in his argument was uncovered, and most experts feel that there is no hope that his proof can be corrected.

140. The same is also true of social institutions, such as the family, the state, banks, churches, and so on ─ most of which are modified forms of earlier practices or institutions.

141. For music fans, the genres, artists, and songs in which people find meaning, thus, function as potential "places" through which one's identity can be positioned in relation to others: they act as chains that hold at least parts of one's identity in place.

142. Still, many believe we will eventually reach a point at which conflict with the finite nature of resources is inevitable.

143. Spend less time complaining about what you don't have and spend more time appreciating what you do have.

144. Very few individuals, probably less than one percent, had the means to study Latin enough to read books in that language and therefore to participate in the intellectual discourse of the times.

145. Regardless of the actual date, it is said that Kaldi, the goatherd, noticed that his goats did not sleep at night after eating berries from what would later be known as a coffee tree.

146. Those who donate to one or two charities seek evidence about what the charity is doing and whether it is really having a positive impact.

147. The emotion itself is tied to the situation in which it originates.

148. Gifted children of almost any age show longer attention spans — in the things they are interested in at the moment, not necessarily in what others think they should be interested in.

149. In 2007, the combined share of those who were 25 to 29years old and those who were 30 years old and over accounted for less than 50% of that year's university graduates.

150. One of the ways we determined he had nothing to do with starting the fire was by asking him some specific questions as to where he was before the fire, at the time of the fire, and whether or not he set the fire.

151. Developing countries have limited domestic savings with which to invest in growth, and liberalization allows them to tap into a global pool of funds.

152. A: Unlike samullori or nong-ak, in which there are many performers, jultagi has only a couple of performers.

153. Feelings may affect various aspects of your eating, including your motivation to eat, your food choices, where and with whom you eat, and the speed at which you eat.

154. Illness, by contrast, comes with constraint, fragility, loss and restriction, the darker dimensions of what Susan Sontag called 'the night-side of life.'

155. The term stacking the deck derives from card games in which the dealer arranges the cards to cheat one or more of the players.

156. Another thing to remember is that it's not just about how long you sleep, but also how well.

157. Think clearly about who you want to be, what you want to do, and what you want to have in the future.

158. "If a physician identifies too closely as co-sufferer with the patient, she loses the objectivity essential to the most precise assessment of what is wrong, of what can be done, and of what should be done to meet those needs.

159. If we want to catch any fish in that pond, we must come prepared.

160. If you are constantly engaged in asking yourself questions about things you are hearing, you will find that even boring lecturers become a bit more interesting, because much of the interest will be coming from what you are generating rather than what the lecturer is offering.

161. By mentally taking oneself through that circumstance and imagining what one would do in that situation, the body and mind are more likely to respond favorably, rather than to freeze, if that situation were to ever occur.

162. These test audiences, usually recruited from a targeted age or social group, fill out questionnaires after the showing about what they liked and didn't like, what they thought about the story and the characters, after which the producers, writers and directors rewrite and edit to make it more audience-friendly.

163. One of the most important things that young adults need to understand is that any time your are trying to live a normal and decent life, you will always find people that will hate you for that.

164. Ask about what she is doing that has allowed her to be successful.

165. If glaciers started reforming, they have a great deal more water now to draw on - Hudson Bay, the Great Lakes, the hundreds of thousands of lakes of Canada, none of which existed to fuel the last ice sheet - so they would grow very much quicker.

166. When a baby is born it is slapped on the back and made to cry - this much is virtually universal; but from that point on each person's life, attitudes, religion, politics - indeed, most of his world view - are shaped largely by his environment.

167. She recalled the first day of school when she had stood in that same place, in the middle of many anxious freshmen, some of whom had become her closest friends.

168. Problems can be distinguished according to whether they are reasonable or unreasonable.

169. At the end of the round of introductions, the students were asked to write down the names of as many other students as they could remember.

170. There is an order in which learning is programmed to take place; while it can be encouraged, it need not be forced.

171. Give children options and allow them to make their own decisions―on how much they would like to eat, whether they want to eat or not, and what they would like to have.

172. He realized that as a fighter pilot, he had never thought about who packed his parachute.

173. Not because I was afraid of flying, but because I was afraid of what awaited me at my destination.

174. You'll be assigned a personal adviser, have your work evaluated by experienced experts, and receive insightful suggestions on how to make it better.

175. More than half of what he said sounded like a foreign language to me.

176. Energy necessarily depends on a pre-existing polarity, without which there could be no energy.

177. "Louise and her siblings were always puzzled about the specifics of how their mother would actually accomplish such a task, which, thankfully, she never attempted.

178. According to Peter Salovey, one of the originators of the concept of emotional intelligence, it depends on whether they perceive the new behavior as safe or risky.

179. When his voice broke, he went to Rome to study and he remained in that city for about 20 years, holding appointments at various churches and religious institutions.

180. Someone had to decide when the class would be held and in what room, communicate that information to you, and enroll you in that class.

181. Moreover, a complex hormonal regulation directs the growth of hair and nails, none of which is possible once a person dies.

182. In the absence of a process that allows them to benchmark those who do things better or at least differently, teachers are left with that one perspective ─ their own.

183. For example, we may be easily biased against others by what people say about them.

184. However, not everyone is aware of how to decode non-verbal communication, and not everyone is emotionally expressive and therefore easy to ‘read’.

185. At one such preview a bootmaker criticized the shoes in a painting on which Apelles had labored long and hard.

186. Most of us have a general, rational sense of what to eat and when — there is no shortage of information on the subject.

187. He who would progress by the aid of literature must have reliable standards by which to judge his literary feelings and opinions.

188. Today we have developed reliable food sources that provide us with a food supply very different from that of our ancestors.

189. That is, the skills of the employee may be higher than those necessary for the job, resulting in what economists call underemployment.

190. Think of having piles and piles of papers, sticky notes, and spreadsheets strewn about your desk, and you get a picture of what's going on inside the brain.

191. You can use it on that day’s purchases or whenever you come back to Super Mart!

192. This conclusion is false: Heads and tails are equally likely this time, regardless of what the outcome was last time, and even if the coin came up heads the last four times in a row, the likelihood of tails this time is still only 50%.

193. When people recalled letters incorrectly, the letters they said they had seen were more likely to resemble the actual stimuli in terms of how the letters sounded than how they looked.

194. We look both ways before crossing the road despite thinking about a rather depressing holiday we took in Brazil, and we put oven gloves on before reaching into the oven despite being preoccupied about whether the cabbage is overcooked.

195. Figuring out which one to choose falls upon all of us, and it requires careful thinking and one thing that most of us feel is in short supply:time.

196. Before planting trees, we watch environmental videos and talk about how serious global warming is.

197. What interested me the most about the new house was the stable in the backyard, in which my father let me make a small space for a pony.

198. Online environments vary widely in how easily you can save whatever happens there, what I call its recordability and preservability.

199. The manner in which animals are kept and treated is considered to be largely within the discretion of the "owner," and there are few legal limits placed on how humans treat the animals they "own."

200. Incidentally, if you find yourself in this circumstance, think about it this way — if you need advice about how to go in a new direction successfully, whom should you take it from?

201. That may be the best way to look someone up in the telephone book, but you are not going to learn very much at that speed.

202. In his will, Franklin added strict instructions on how the money should be handled.

203. It is certainly true that individuals who are concerned about a traumatic event, such as the threat of the loss of a loved one who is sick, will dream about that loved one more than would otherwise be the case.

204. These are sometimes referred to as ‘false negatives’.

205. Like Lessard, highly empathic people imagine themselves into the experiences of other people to find out how to best help them.

206. At first Joan felt that anger rising in her, but it changed to gui1t almost immediately, for how could she ask her friend to leave her kids to be there for her?

207. Literature students often wonder if there is a rule about how much you should quote.

208. Theories of all sorts promote the view that there are ways by which disagreement can be processed or managed so as to make it disappear.

209. The extent to which they are found varies from animal to animal and from activity to activity.

210. Each item is on sale for that day only - and only while supplies last.

211. His paintings represent objects in great detail, but at the same time they differ from how we see reality.

212. By returning to that music with a new or fresh perspective, perhaps as a result of listening to other music, we find something new and interesting.

213. Firm reminders and warnings are best conducted privately and individually (it reduces embarrassment or threat to the student and minimises the spectator effect, both of which can fuel a challenge or counter-attack).

214. That water makes a big difference in how much they fill you up.

215. When we do, we find a story attached to that belief and compare the story in our memory to the one we are processing.

216. If markets are going to work well, individuals have to know the value of what they are buying or selling.

217. If you feel you are too short or too tall, there is nothing you can do about that.

218. If you're working in a group, this plan will also help your team focus on what to do and provide the starting point for your group brainstorming.

219. Every day, just before noon, they receive e-mails about that day's designer fashions on sale.

220. If we try to absorb too many things at once, they often conflict.

221. When asked why he didn't run, he answered, "Everyone is getting the same award, regardless of what place they come in."

222. In this field of medicine the practitioner can only diagnose, treat and prescribe effectively when quite sure of what is going on in the patient.

223. It's all part of what Robert Pyle first called "the extinction of experience."

224. The apparent complexity of a man's behavior over time is largely a reflection of the complexity of the environment in which he finds himself.

225. They can be thought of as emergency measures needed to preserve the planet’s biodiversity.

226. Similarly, when famine and civil war threaten people in sub-Saharan Africa, many African-Americans are reminded of their kinship with the continent in which their ancestors originated centuries earlier, and they lobby their leaders to provide humanitarian relief.

227. Then the thought came to the young man as to how he could find the information he desired.

228. Similarly, have you ever begun a competition for which you know you did not prepare enough?

229. Not to worry on that last point.

230. The junk would then burn up before striking the ground.

231. Suppose that a woman decides that she is not going to wear dresses—or a man that he will not wear suits and ties— regardless of what anyone says.

232. However, where the degree of competition is particularly intense a zero sum game can quickly become a negative sum game, in that everyone in the market is faced with additional costs.

233. Descriptions of the history of the Earth, the stars sparkling across the cosmos, worlds so far away we may never see them and the wonderment of what life forms potentially exist out there, contain more exotic characters and magical realms than any fictional tale.

234. This is the place where we operate from what we are comfortable with, where we know well what we are capable of and can consistently achieve expected outcomes and results.

235. Harrison was 68 years old at that time, so his son made the voyage in his place.

236. In the physical world, friends are people to whom we are attached by feelings, affection, or personal regard.

237. Resource limitation of plants is especially acute in arctic tundra systems in which plant growth is limited almost singularly by soil nitrogen availability.

238. Although Kate had something important to do on that particular Sunday, she decided to cancel her plans and volunteer to help Joan.

239. After listening to what had happened, he nodded and said, "Don't worry, Old Warrick will get you out.

240. Your own personal definition of friendship has a lot to do with what kind of friend you are.

241. Even more disturbing is that many televised acts of aggression are ones in which the aggressor experiences no negative repercussions for his or her actions.

242. It is difficult to determine the membership of these groups from sightings alone, because of the practical difficulties of observing whale behavior, most of which happens underwater.

243. Yet my grandpa loved his little home and was content with what he had.

244. If you have questions about this matter, please leave a message at (212) 555-5612, and either my wife or I will call you back as soon as we can.

245. However, the mission is most famous for what Cernan did just before leaving the moon.

246. We may turn first to the way in which the substantive concepts and theories held by scientists at any given time become a source of resistance to new ideas.

247. This was to make library services available to people for whom evening was the only convenient time to visit.

248. People who live in the middle of the United States (in states such as Kansas, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Indiana, and Wisconsin) are often referred to as “Midwesterners.” People who live in Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut are called “New Englanders.” Both Midwesterners and New Englanders have their own unique way of looking at things, but the two regions also share a great deal in common — namely, pragmatic thinking and an independent spirit.

249. For example, it is documented that if people are asked to bet on whether a coin toss is heads or tails, most bet larger amounts if the coin is yet to be tossed.

250. He has studied violin all his life and is trying to find an orchestra for which he can play.

251. Use them to pay more attention to what people around you are thinking and feeling.

252. In 1850, caught up in a rising tide of Norwegian romantic nationalism, Bull co-founded the first theater in which actors performed in Norwegian rather than Danish.

253. Nowadays, we can only see a part of what was once the greatest structure in the ancient world.

254. One of the most demanding, and at the same time inspiring, aspects of translating for children is the potential for such creativity that arises from what Peter Hollindale has called the 'childness' of children's texts: 'the quality of being a child ― dynamic, imaginative, experimental, interactive and unstable'.

255. Timothy Wilson did an experiment in which he gave students a choice of five different art posters, and then later surveyed to see if they still liked their choices.

256. 9 Can you tell your friends the truth about what you think and who you are?

257. As long as humans could not write or produce other abstract material symbols with the aid of which knowledge could be summarized, stored and conveyed effectively, there were severe limits on the amount of information people could accumulate as well as on its reliability, while there would have been a high premium on keeping information as simple as possible.

258. Although everyone would like to think that friends and family are eagerly waiting by their computers hoping to hear some news about what you're doing, they're not.

259. Be attuned to whether or not the lecturer likes to be interrupted; if not, ask your questions after class.

260. We tend to perceive the door of a classroom as rectangular no matter from which angle it is viewed.

261. 'The dictionary defines courage as a 'quality which enables one to pursue a right course of action, through which one may provoke disapproval, hostility, or contempt.

262. After a few days of refueling, the bird once again takes off after nightfall and heads to northern South America or southern Central America, where it will spend the winter.

263. Many people believe that it is critical to share similar, if not identical, beliefs and values with someone with whom they have a relationship.

264. Later, I thought about why my voice sounded better than usual in the shower.

265. Social definitions of the body are grounded in social relations and influenced by those with the power to promote agreement about what should be considered 'natural' when it comes to the body.

266. Experiments in which subjects were exposed to a homogeneous visual field for a long time led to some interesting results.

267. What Lessard demonstrated is called empathy−the ability to understand other people's thoughts and feelings and to act on the basis of that understanding.

268. As individuals go through life, they build up sets of beliefs about who they are and how the world works.

269. In his paintings, for example, yellow is linked with the sound of the trumpet and blue with that of the cello.

270. You should keep in mind the dream you want to achieve and constantly imagine yourself realizing it in as much detail as possible.

271. The temple students would then measure time by how fast the bucket drained.

272. Participants describing the film to positive listeners included more of their own opinions about what the film was trying to say.

273. Many pirates of that time wore gold hoops in their ears for superstitious reasons.

274. The researchers had made this happen by lengthening the period of daylight to which the peach trees on whose roots the insects fed were exposed.

275. The one area in which the Internet could be considered an aid to thinking is the rapid acquisition of new information.

276. This well-known paradox suggests a problem with the distinction of the aesthetic realm from that of the everyday.

277. A simple way of looking at how much you like yourself is standing in front of the mirror, liking what you see, and how you feel about what you see (without distorting your image, both figuratively and literally).

278. That scenario is asking for empathic insight into what it might have been like to grow up suffering abuse and what subsequent life experiences of the defendant might have been impacted by that abuse.

279. "The 69 days during which we tried so hard were not useless.

280. The folklore that generates during that time constitutes its tradition.

281. So, while milk is good, there is a limit to how good it is.

282. When the lions found out that no one was around, they entered the stable and attacked the cows anyway.

283. I could not figure out what was going on.

284. Our understanding of the new story becomes, at that point, a function of the old story.

285. Visual agnosia, also known as blindsight, is a neurological disorder that sheds light on how the brain makes sense of visual information.

286. The question of what zebras can gain from having stripes has puzzled scientists for more than a century.

287. Infrasound has the special characteristic of traveling well in the ground or water; in fact, the waves of an earthquake can be thought of as a form of infrasound.

288. Each habitat is the home of numerous species, most of which depend on that habitat.

289. But when we learn to say no to what we don't feel like doing in order to say yes to our true self, we feel empowered, and our relationships with others improve.

290. It is because of what psychologists refer to as "cognitive dissonance."

291. It is the front edge of a learning process that can take us from where we were toward whatever we might become.

292. They are truly interested in what you are trying to achieve and support you in all of your goals and efforts.

293. "Listen to what Stuart says," the agent, Ari Emanuel, said to him.

294. On January 10, 1992, a ship traveling through rough seas lost 12 cargo containers, one of which held 28,800 floating bath toys.

295. Then, if one person has a family with two small children and wants to use some of this money for a child-care program, the costs are automatically deducted from that employee's pool of money.

296. When customers make requests for new product features, they are usually focused on solving just one problem and are not thinking of how their requested solution will impact other product or service functions.

297. Within the small corner of the media world in which that one TV show resides, you are.

298. "You can know the name of that bird in all the languages of the world, but you'll know absolutely nothing about the bird.

299. Surely, there is the need for tight control on how much carbon we dump into the air.

300. Coaches must understand that when they make a strategy decision, it is a good or bad decision at the time it is made based on the players' abilities, the situation, and the percentages, not on whether the play was successful or unsuccessful!

301. Recent research by Juliet Zhu and J J Argo suggests that making subtle changes to the seating arrangements in meetings can have an effect on what people choose to focus their attention on.

302. Heredity plays an important role in whether you are going to feel nervous or anxious when communicating with someone else.

303. Such a context may also include important information about how to repeat desirable experiences.

304. Out of them an estimated 9% has been recycled and another 12% has been burned out in the UK alone, more than 5 million tons of plastic are consumed each year, of which only an estimated one-quarter is recycled, with the remainder going to landfills.

305. If your child sees you focusing on an object or situation in an unhealthy way, they will be more likely to focus on that object or situation in a similar fashion.

306. What's happening when we're actually doing two things at once?

307. An exclusive reliance on cold rationality as a means of understanding the world denies us access to important realms of human experience, without which we may be unable to deal with a difference effectively.

308. Fathers, on the other hand, tend to explain their distracting, risk-taking, and problem-solving behavior as purposeful preparation of their children for the real world into which the children will eventually be propelled.

309. He blocked his eyes only when questioned about where he was when the fire started.

310. They also had broken trucks from which they could charge the batteries of their head lamps.

311. Rather, your employee would think primarily about the interests of extended family members, many of whom probably would not want him to move.

312. Likewise, a painting can inspire a musician to create music in which you can almost see different colors and shapes.

313. This seemed to them the only alternative, for if they were created they would have to be put together out of some parts.

314. Loud music at the dentist's office and the "slap and stab" method a nurse may have used to give you an injection are other examples of how distraction can reduce or eliminate the pain experience.

315. They are skilled at breaking the components of a system into smaller elements, knowing something of the details of each operation for which they are responsible.

316. And what makes it overwhelming is not only that the decision is ours, but that the number of sources of information from which we are to make the decisions has exploded.

317. Externalization is the foundation from which many narrative conversations are built.

318. Most of us have a general, rational sense of what to eat and when ― there is no shortage of information on the subject.

319. That will give people more choices about how they play or enjoy sports.

320. When people attempt to judge how common something is ─ or how likely it is to happen in the future ─ they attempt to think of an example of that thing.

321. If an acceptable final outcome wasn't achieved, then such managers respond by discussing it with the employee and analyzing the situation, to find out what training or additional skills that person will need to do the task successfully in the future.

322. But probably few of them had thoughts about how this custom might relate to other fields.

323. Since crickets stop singing when someone or something approaches at night, they played a role similar to that of watch-dogs.

324. Picture the trial of a defendant who has committed a vicious crime and the defense attorney pointing to what a terrible childhood the defendant had, having been abused as a child, and suggesting that his upbringing contributed to his current violent behavior, possibly implying it was beyond his control.

325. Although they didn't have much, the children were happy and thankful for what they had.

326. Protecting species, regardless of how appealing they are, is vital to sustainability.

327. Without that involvement, the republic would die.

328. Every day, you rely on many people, most of whom you do not know, to provide you with the goods and services that you enjoy.

329. The airline's leaders held a workshop to focus on how to create a better experience for their customers.

330. These reconstructed memories can become very powerful, to a point where each partner may become confused even about the simple factual details of what actually did happen in their past.

331. Technology gives us more and more of what we think we want.

332. When Michael Jordan, the dominant basketball player of the last decade of the twentieth century, ended his second retirement from the sport, the team for which he played, the Washington Wizards, attracted sellout audiences everywhere it played.

333. Biotechnology opens up the possibility of creating the plant, animal, and human environments in which we would like to live.

334. When the indigo-dyed denim is washed, tiny amounts of that dye get washed away, and the thread comes with them.

335. Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I had not got on that plane to East Africa.

336. Once they get there, they concentrate on the next mogul, and over the course of the run, they end up at the bottom of what others thought was an impossible mountain.

337. Kahneman and Tversky confirmed these results with different trials in which the men on the list were more famous than the women, and, predictably, people concluded there were more men than women.

338. The progress toward defeating prejudice and discrimination ─ though still incomplete and imperfect-is a very positive indication of what makes us human.

339. "Bring him back when he is ready to be a fair king.

340. They understand that multitasking is another way of saying you are going to complete several tasks, none of which are going to be very good.

341. Children take their cues as to what is dangerous in life from the adults closest to them.

342. Regardless of whether people are asked to predict how others feel about military spending, certain types of music, or norms for appropriate behavior, they exaggerate the percentages of others who behave similarly or agree with their views.

343. Whether or not we can get a definitive answer, we can be confident in the process by which the explanations were developed, allowing us to rely on the knowledge that is produced through the process of science.

344. Studies have shown that people do not like to read instructions, and much of what we do read we either ignore or don't understand.

345. For instance, healthy relationships depend upon healthy individuals sharing personally and working mutually to develop win­win agreements on how to grow and maintain the relationship.

346. The way in which food is marketed can either affirm or conflict with such ideas and values.

347. One field study focused on how five friends between the ages of 30-36 communicated while watching TV at their homes.

348. It is important to remember, however, that this new way of painting was challenging to its public not only in the way that it was made but also in what was shown.

349. If you have ever been confused about what to do, you are not alone.

350. An open ending is a powerful tool, providing food for thought that forces the audience to think about what might happen next.

351. "In other words, too much harmony and not enough conflict makes for a story that is about as exciting as watching paint dry.

352. As improbable as this may seem, the bodily fluids of aquatic animals show a strongs similarity to oceans, and indeed, most studies of ion balance in freshwater physiology document the complex regulatory mechanisms by which fish, amphibians and invertebrates attempt to maintain an inner ocean in spite of surrounding fresh water.

353. From what we know about the accuracy of stock picking, it is reasonable to believe that he did not know what he was doing.

354. According to Derek Bickerton, human ancestors and relatives such as the Neanderthals may have had a relatively large lexicon of words, each of which related to a mental concept such as 'meat', 'fire', 'hunt' and so forth.

355. If you see this flower, then hold your nose for as long as you can.

356. However, when you can't spend money, you can always learn more about your craft online or practice with what you already have.

357. Each of us has our own personal knowledge, some of which is the result of our own highly individual combination of experience and personality.

358. There are common assumptions regarding the time and place of the meetings, the appropriate dress for these occasions, and the division of labor in which the professor has primary responsibility.

359. The same action looks different according to whether the actor is in black or in white.

360. She reported directly to me for the three years of her tenure with that company until 2015, when I retired.

361. The biggest difference between a traditional library and a living library is in what the books are made of.

362. Feminist art is linked with conceptual art in that it focuses on the inequalities faced by women and tries to provoke change.

363. Science is the study of nature, and as we learn more about how nature works, we learn more about what our existence in this universe means for us.

364. Even when specialists in some complicated field express their ideas, they don't use sentences any more complex than they do when talking about what to have for lunch.

365. Power distance is the term used to refer to how widely an unequal distribution of power is accepted by the members of a culture.

366. It also created an open-ended conversation among its engineers in which salespeople and designers were often included.

367. When a principle is part of a person's moral code, that person is strongly motivated toward the conduct required by the principle, and against behavior that conflicts with that principle.

368. They have terrific advice about what helped them succeed.

369. After researching, you can eliminate careers in which you are no longer interested.

370. At that moment, Tom looked at Jane and thought, "I like her!

371. Information creates power, and today a much larger part of the world's population has access to that power.

372. A soldier in one of the Prussian regiments had a watch chain of which he was very proud.

373. Thank you for your question about how to donate children's books for our book drive.

374. "With that one crucial shift in thinking, my whole attitude changed.

375. Then, to interpret those finds, they had to learn Russian, Bulgarian, and Romanian, without which they would never have learned the true nature of the site.

376. If you have all of this information well-organized so that you can recall any of it at a moment's notice, you have a well-developed knowledge structure about that television series.

377. Many of what we now regard as 'major' social movements (eg- Christianity, trade unionism or feminism) were originally due to the influence of an outspoken minority.

378. Instead of projecting negative traits onto others, look first inside to see if you have a trace of what you find so awful in others.

379. That sense of being alone with the person to whom you are writing―as though you were the only two people in the world―often blocks out what you know to be true.

380. This is the critical phase of the design process since the nature of a solution is related to how a problem is defined.

381. By the time a child reaches age 18, they will have witnessed some 200,000 acts of televised violence, of which 16,000 will have been murders.

382. The seeming ephemerality of what is on the screen masks the truth: What you write is not erasable.

383. No doubt, Louise's mother had learned this threatening tactic from her own mother, and, in the absence of any other parenting tools she knew of, she said it to her own children, regardless of whether it worked.

384. Instead, they became obsessed with WHAT they did―they were in the railroad business.

385. Digital spaces — social media sites, websites, chat areas, discussion boards, online games, workspaces, classes, conferences, and hangouts, even the spaces in which we share email and text messages — are sometimes called virtual.

386. Consider some of the fascinating ways in which animals are involved in everyday English.

387. Now she focused on what she needed to improve, not on how many minutes had ticked by.

388. For example, if you're reading in your psychology text about the personality trait of confidence, you can think about which people you know who are particularly confident and why you would characterize them as being that way.

389. The legal case for a source country retaining all objects found within that nation's borders is clear.

390. So, rather than focusing on how much children are interacting with screens, parents and educators are turning their focus instead to what children are interacting with and who is talking with them about their experiences.

391. Because the CEO has eliminated the mental cost involved in planning the meeting or thinking about who will or won't be there, people can focus on creative problem solving.

392. But it wasn't with this in mind that Marc-Antoine Fardin, a physicist at Paris Diderot University, set out to find out whether house cats flow.

393. I came up with what I consider a brilliant idea – biofuel.

394. While diving into undesirable tasks first thing, imagine how good it will feel to have gotten over that hurdle and still have a whole day ahead of you.

395. When I first heard this, I was impressed with how wise Freeman is.

396. They point out that even infants who are born blind and deaf, who have had no chance to learn these gestures, express themselves in the same way.

397. During that time the house was just valued at $250,000, and I cannot believe that the value of the house increased by a whopping $150,000 in a matter of two months.

398. Before (d) he could finish his story the manager interrupted him by asking "But how did you find out that it was our firm with the advertisement?"

399. Then all at once I saw it: a big glowing ball of fire coming right at us at 12:00.

400. Almost all of us follow the guidelines for what is "appropriate" for our roles.

401. You fight back because you recognize danger when you see it.

402. How Volunteering Abroad Changed Me These are what volunteering gave me: Gratitude for what I have When I returned home, I literally hugged my toilet, and I cried during my first hot shower.

403. Over the years he wrote a "diary," actually an occasional record in which he kept accounts of his commercial and family life.

404. Working at degree level is all about reading, understanding and forming educated opinions based upon what you have read, but it is also, at its best, about having your own viewpoint.

405. Scientists were able to study the brain activity as it responded to each word and record how it lit up as the readers encountered unusual words, surprising phrases or difficult sentence structures.

406. He took a moment to think about what he could do to comfort the distressed child.

407. However, private capital started to flow into seed production and took it over as a sector of the economy, creating an artificial split between the two aspects of the seed's nature: its role as means of production and its role as product.

408. In that second interview, 25 percent of the students gave completely different accounts of where they were.

409. And the driving engine of that process is critical judgment.

410. In each instance, you communicated the extent to which you wanted to qualify your claim, to guard yourself by restricting the extent to which you are willing to be held accountable for the claim.

411. At that moment, a sudden inspiration took hold.

412. Scientists used to think that animals would risk their lives like this only for kin with whom they shared common genes.

413. In all these situations, we are basically flooded with options from which we can choose.

414. Democracy differs from an authoritarian state in that the latter outlaws all but one political party, which then has full control over the agenda and legislation.

415. We are continually striving to improve the services we offer to our guests and we hope you will take the opportunity to inform us about what you really think.

416. Fardin noticed that these furry pets can adapt to the shape of the container they sit in similarly to what fluids such as water do.

417. Cats are sometimes thought of as being rather silly animals that are always getting themselves stuck in trees.

418. Since this is probably based on what Doris has told Harry, this is likely to be a very powerful tactic.

419. Playful competition followed between them as they warmly argued about who would get to hold the baby next.

420. If the dreamer then calls and finds that the loved one has died, it is understandable for him or her to assume that the dream was a premonition of that death.

421. Back then, parents could leave their children in front of the set without having to worry about what they'd see.

422. Naturally, the importance of brand marketing strategy to enhance brand loyalty has to be emphasized and the Internet was chosen as the communication channel for that because of the large Internet penetration among young Australians.

423. Frequently, this complex interaction between different senses is inappropriately referred to as 'taste' although it should be better called flavor perception, because it uses multiple senses.

424. But it turns out that this sort of praise backfires.

425. On that day, Rosie made what would tum out to be a life-changing decision: she offered to carry the garbage to the dump for a dollar.

426. What we discover, by being immersed inside the boy's head, is that he is taking his time not to annoy his father but because he is in the process of conducting an intricate scientific experiment about how friction operates to prevent his backside from sliding down the stairs.

427. In the political sphere, the result was democracy, in which supporters of rival policies vied for rhetorical supremacy; in philosophy, it led to reasoned arguments and dialogues about the nature of the world; in science, it prompted the construction of competing theories to try to explain natural phenomena; in the field of law, the result was the adversarial legal system.

428. They are in the driver's seat; they are paying the bills; and an understanding of that fact is a real and fundamental basis of public relations.

429. It is true that the maxim "Time is money" was a favorite of that great apologist of capitalism, Benjamin Franklin, but the equation of the two terms is certainly much older, and rooted in the common human experience, rather than in our culture alone.

430. Therefore, the herdsmen from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia autonomous regions follow the tea culture system in which they drink tea with milk.

431. The Nautilus was fully powered by electricity, which seemed like magic to many people at that time.

432. We dressed like girls from the 80s and sang a popular song from that time.

433. The Colosseum has eighty arches through which about fifty thousand people could go in and out in fifteen minutes!

434. Climate plays a key role in what we wear, and the way we live as a whole.

435. Pricing I didn't know how much my bookmarks should be, so I found out how much bookmarks were.

436. In one sense the two friends are experiencing the same shop and its contents, but they are having quite different experiences of that shop.

437. Each dolphin has its own vocalization that is referred to as a signature-whistle, and it will remain relatively unchanged throughout the animal's relatively long lifetime.

438. In one study, Krueger and Clement asked their participants to complete a personality test, in which they had to agree or disagree with various statements.

439. Baseball belongs to the kind of world in which people did not say, "I haven't got all day.

440. It is essential that the observation room remain dark, because if a lamp were turned on, some of that light would pass through into the interrogation room as well.

441. During the post-Revolution frenzy, he spoke out against the use of the guillotine, for which he almost lost his life.

442. While some creative ideas are astonishing and brilliant, others are just simple and practical ideas that no one seems to have thought of before.

443. Appreciating the collective nature of knowledge can correct our false notions of how we see the world.

444. If we are to have the capacity to shift paradigms, to make breakthroughs, to destroy myths, to solve difficult problems and make wise choices, we must create environments in which ideas constantly battle it out, our own opinions are fiercely challenged, and different thoughts from different viewpoints are actively sought out and fearlessly brought to the centre of our discussions.

445. Movies were first seen as an exceptionally potent kind of illusionist theatre, the rectangle of the screen corresponding to the proscenium of a stage, on which appear actors.

446. He challenged the common views of what's real and unreal by presenting regular things in an unusual way.

447. Here too cultures differ enormously in terms of how deeply the self depends on internalized community expectations; for instance, the Japanese have several words to describe fine shadings of dependence, obligations, and responsibility that are difficult to translate into English because in our social environment we have not learned to experience such feelings to the same extent.

448. Children learn the foundations of how the world works and how to develop their personal reality relative to the consciousness and behaviors of their parents.

449. John would get out of bed early and shovel snow off that driveway to practice his free throws and play basketball, because he had a dream of becoming somebody.

450. Although the market exhibited no immediate signs of growth at that time, its subsequent return to growth and profitability made GE a powerful player in the CT scanner market, especially in the United States.

451. Well, people with a rare condition called Kleine Levin syndrome can sleep for as many as 20 hours a day!

452. In our efforts to be the good child, the uncomplaining employee, or the cooperative patient, many of us fall into the trap of trying to please people by going along with whatever they want us to do.

453. So if you're sitting at a baseball game, and you hear someone say "the ball spent a lot of time in the air," it would be very strange for you to need clarification of which ball or the precise meaning of "air."

454. To the service representatives, learning to sell was a very different game from what they had been playing.

455. And a moment's thought suggests that art as actual thing exists nowhere but within the "everyday life" from which its cultural construction separates it.

456. Undergraduate tutorials all over the country each week are full of students, many of whom have great ideas, but who feel hesitant about speaking out or including them in essays.

457. When given these instructions, people are quite good at repeating the words that were spoken to that ear.

458. Ostensibly, sarcasm is the opposite of deception in that a sarcastic speaker typically intends the receiver to recognize the sarcastic intent; whereas, in deception the speaker typically intends that the receiver not recognize the deceptive intent.

459. But filming plays did not encourage the evolution of what truly was distinctive about a movie: the intervention of the camera ― its mobility of vision.

460. In other words, the destiny of a community depends on how well it nourishes its members.

461. Nevertheless, given Pythagoras's fame in later tradition, it is generally assumed that he was the originator of at least some of the Pythagorean theories to which Plato and even Copernicus felt indebted.

462. Building in regular "you time," however, can provide numerous benefits, all of which help to make life a little bit sweeter and a little bit more manageable.

463. An ignored and unappreciated husband may be less in need of an explanation of why he feels that way than of a weekend with his wife away from work and children.

464. I spend a lot of time at school in my uniform, so I don't pay too much attention to what I wear.

465. In other situations, permanency slips between our fingers, even challenging our reality testing about whether something existed at all, as when an email that we seem to remember receiving mysteriously disappears from our inbox.

466. One way in which a variety of representations can be found is through analogical thinking.

467. Often, genetic differences are related to the environment in which a people or their ancestors lived.

468. Brainstorming is a form of creative thinking in groups, using a procedure in which all group members are encouraged to generate as many ideas as possible without holding back or worrying about being wrong.

469. In a complex, intellectually demanding and high-pressure task such as that of air traffic controllers, for example, having chronically high anxiety is an almost sure predictor that a person will eventually fail in training or in the field.

470. "Humans became the only species to acquire guidance on how to live from the accumulated knowledge of their ancestors, rather than just from their DNA.

471. I took a slightly longer break than usual and my boss wasn't too happy about that.

472. Earth creates the real wealth on which human life and well-being depend.

473. Then, view the picture from that angle with your nose directly against the paper, and the secret message will appear.

474. Human beings seek to survive not merely as biological organisms but as individuals who can function in the society in which they live.

475. Research has shown us that identical twins separated at birth will get different diseases based on how they live their lives.

476. Most maps should also indicate when they were published and the date to which its information applies.

477. Gold and silver enter society at the rate at which they are discovered and mined; additional precious metals cannot be produced, at least not cheaply.

478. Medusa is a symbol for that part of your self that you cannot meet.

479. What’s more, I was surprised by how delicious they were!

480. In fact, by the time the introductions were over, he looked at his friend Bobby Wilson, and he said, "Bobby, when I get to six grade, they're going to announce my name, and I'm going to run out in the spotlight to the middle of that basketball floor.

481. It turns out that there is a good reason.

482. Although instances occur in which partners start their relationship by telling everything about themselves to each other, such instances are rare.

483. Think of how great life would be if everyone acted that way!

484. Most disagree as to whether nonverbal cues are essential to the perception of sarcasm or the emotion that prompts it.

485. For example, it is impossible to guess from their bodies that birds make nests, and, sometimes, animals behave in a way quite contrary to what might be expected from their physical form: ghost spiders have tremendously long legs, yet they weave webs out of very short threads.

486. The father said, "Every time you get angry, take a nail, and drive it into that old fence as hard as you can.

487. We'd like to have you back as a customer so I'm sending you a coupon for two free entrees that can be used at any of our five locations in New Parkland.

488. But unfortunately we're no closer to that than we are to achieving travel at even one-thousandth the speed of light.

489. In response, we have since required that our leaders acknowledge the right of humans to be free in their minds and homes; and we limit power by spreading it between many persons and by balancing the power of each element of government with that of another.

490. Meet me here exactly one year from today, and you can pay me back at that time.

491. For example, include them in the decision-making process of what you are thinking of making for dinner―"Lisa, would you like to have pasta and meatballs, or chicken and a baked potato?

492. Despite the fact that increasing national wealth does not tend to secure sizable gains in national happiness, if we look within a country and compare the happiness of a wealthy individual with that of his less wealthy neighbors , there seems to be evidence indicating that wealth does increase happiness.

493. In the instability of American democracy, fame would be dependent on celebrity, on the degree to which the people rejoiced in the poet and his work.

494. For the scent messages are carried to nearby trees on the breeze, and if the animals walked upwind, they could find acacias close by that had no idea the giraffes were there.

495. Different people have different opinions on what makes them happy, but there are some common factors contributing to our happiness.

496. Living in today's society is a stressful business for everyone, and everyone needs to figure out how to find the personal resources to try to make the world a better place.

497. 'Traveling salespeople, for example, may say they want a smaller cell phone, but they may not have thought about how hard that tiny phone will be to use.

498. Creativity is strange in that it finds its way in any kind of situation, no matter how restricted, just as the same amount of water flows faster and stronger through a narrow strait than across the open sea.

499. After that, the immune system remembers the molecular equipment that it developed for that particular battle, and any following infection by the same kind of parasite is beaten off so quickly that we don't notice it.

500. The editors must make difficult decisions about whom to include and whom to exclude.

501. Since it was impossible to know which items belonged to whom, St Basil put all of the treasures into one huge piece of dough and had it baked.

502. His calculations based on that logic are still in use today, and they have saved many pilots.

503. At any moment, a person has a particular take on what is happening.

504. While it's fun to read what other people have said about friendship, what matters most is what you think of when you hear the word "friend."

505. The answer to that can be found in the human brain.

506. Do you often wear fashion items in that color?

507. There are many questions we can ask about the origin of the universe, not all of which can be answered by science.

508. There was no gadget to distract myself with when I found my attention waning.

509. Interpretation of what you have observed must, however, be made with care since the functions of play are complex and not fully understood.

510. The experience made her more aware of what was going on in the world.

511. In addition to that benefit, helping lower-ability students often pulls higher-ability students to a more sophisticated understanding of the material.

512. Over the past 60 years, as mechanical processes have replicated behaviors and talents we thought were unique to humans, we've had to change our minds about what sets us apart.

513. The holy man was also a gentle man, in whose presence even wild animals felt comfortable and safe.

514. For example, to receive Social Security pensions in the United States, individuals must be of a certain age, have worked for a certain period of time (about 10 years) while covered by Social Security, and must have paid their share of Social Security taxes during that time.

515. Sidney Holt has given one such example in which the results of benign research involving wolves are now being used against them.

516. The research also found that reading the more challenging version of poetry, in particular, increases activity in the right hemisphere of the brain, helping the readers to reflect on and reevaluate their own experiences in light of what they have read.

517. The !Kung San in that area had abundant food supply and a lot of leisure time.

518. The more you like about what you see, the more able and willing you may be to put yourself out there in the public eye.

519. "But my eight-year-old daughter is on that plane.

520. By venturing an opinion in a tutorial, you will get instant feedback, relevant guidance as to where to go next and a highly gratified tutor who will remember your original contribution to the course—always a good thing.

521. A linear settlement, in which houses are lined up along both sides of a river, canal, or road, has an intermediary position and often is characterized by the worst conditions of the other two settlement forms.

522. But Russia's hopes were damaged by what happened in 2010, when forest fires during searing summer heat destroyed whole villages, killed more than 50 people, left thousands homeless and enveloped the capital, Moscow, in a poisonous smog.

523. The claw movement of one group is different from that of another.

524. However, in some cases, company lawyers have said that use of their name, or even part of their name, result in "dilution" of the strength of that name, and they have sued other companies to prevent this.

525. A key aspect of an informed decision is an understanding of what is a realistic timeframe.

526. Decide today to end all the excuses, and stop lying to yourself about what is going on.

527. People will pay to attend movies or games in which they appear because they are appearing.

528. Far too often we lose patience with the process and quit too soon, missing out on what we could have gained.

529. They are satisfied with grasping the meaning of what they see.

530. Anyone who listens to the movements can associate the melodies with what they see in Hartmann's paintings.

531. You are surrounded by tall trees, many of which are more than 40 meters tall.

532. If it concerns itself with much that only the few can or may experience objectively, it has to do with that only which all human beings may be conceived of as sharing subjectively.

533. They were Latin Americans and had not understood a word of what Borge had been saying.

534. People with a strong sense of self-efficacy, therefore, may be more willing to step outside the culturally prescribed behaviors to attempt tasks or goals for which success is viewed as improbable by the majority of social actors in a setting.

535. Mornings are especially ideal for when you need to be productive on creative tasks, such as writing, because you have fewer distractions and your mind is free of the stresses that accumulate over the course of a workday.

536. In cases in which one of the papers is unprofitable, Swedish law requires that the town taxes and donations from the city go to support the struggling paper.

537. Just think for a moment of all the people upon whom your participation in your class depends.

538. For example, although sewing clothes for the family is thought of as women's work in North America (most men have never operated a sewing machine or made a purchase in a fabric store), among the Ecuadorian men and traditional Hopi of Arizona, men are the spinners, weavers, and tailors.

539. Research sheds light on why corporate training often fails.

540. The seals, for example, not only fed on cod but also on 150 other species, many of which also fed on cod!

541. No occurrent feelings of love and respect need to be present throughout the period in which it is true that one loves or respects.

542. Today, there are far more students than in the past for whom family or other obligations may make a 4-year college path unrealistic.

543. But there is a remarkable similarity in that people put special meaning and value on New Year's eats and enjoy the cuisines in the company of their family, hoping for a happy year.

544. As the storm grows, the wind increases, achieving speeds of as much as 118 kilometers per hour.

545. Bacteria can sense the presence of other bacteria, and even whether their number is sufficiently great, referred to as a quorum, to produce the malign effects that they are so skilled in eliciting.

546. Psychological studies indicate that it is knowledge possessed by the individual that determines which stimuli become the focus of that individual's attention, what significance he or she assigns to these stimuli, and how they are combined into a larger whole.

547. However unnoticeably, maps do indeed reflect the world views of either their makers or, more probably, the supporters of their makers, in addition to the political and social conditions under which they were made.

548. In the early days of the 20th century, the editor of a small-town newspaper in Indiana wanted to delay the afternoon edition of the paper until he received word of who had won the Indianapolis 500.

549. Built in 1877, the original building was very different from what it is today.

550. I taught various subjects under the social studies umbrella and had very little idea of how my peers who taught the same subject did what they did.

551. It turns out that experts do not agree on the matter.

552. If Maneki Neko is waving its right hand, it is thought that the shop owner will make a lot of money on that day.

553. This is true of all Latin American countries, including Brazil, despite the enthusiastic media reports about that country.

554. You likely exhibited behaviors that are not consistent with how you usually act.

555. Later still, you might notice whether the infielder is playing in or back, or you might check out where the outfielders have chosen to stand for a particular hitter.

556. The resulting chain reaction abruptly changes a traffic stream averaging 50 mph into one in which all vehicles travel in lockstep at 5 – 20 mph.

557. For example, if someone seemed very nice to you early in the interaction, but then began to act like a fool, would you be more attracted to that person than if that person were a fool from the start?

558. Winterlude, Ottawa's winter festival, was taking place at that time.

559. Overwhelmed by the prospect of what lay ahead, she sent Trish an e-mail demanding a larger share of the profits.

560. But I think that the reason we are reluctant to accept such a characterization stems more from the way in which we happen to think about music than from actual musical practice.

561. But regardless of how badly their day went, successful people typically avoid that trap of negative self-talk.

562. After a terrible accident in which van Gogh injured himself, Gauguin decided to leave the studio.

563. Then it came about that Angus McAllister, sitting with his legs bent in his potting shed like some dangerous beast in its den, saw a sight which first froze his blood and then sent it boiling through his veins.

564. Throw away your own hesitation and forget all your concerns about whether you are musically talented or whether you can sing or play an instrument.

565. Adams' first concern was to master his soul, seeking discipline, modesty, tolerance, calmness of spirit, and religious faith – all virtues in which he was weak, as he was the first to acknowledge.

566. "From that time it has been the custom to ridicule the people who act like they know what they do not with the pointed caution, "Stick to your last!"

567. The problem with most psychological tests is that they are subjective in that we must use an individual's report of his or her own experience, behavior, or characteristics to draw conclusions about that person.

568. After seven months, the first toys made landfall on beaches near Sitka, Alaska, 3,540 kilometers from where they were lost.

569. This overconfidence in self-control can lead people to assume they'll be able to control themselves in situations in which, it turns out, they can't.

570. Radioactive waste disposal has become one of the key environmental battlegrounds over which the future of nuclear power has been fought.

571. Whenever an Olympic swimmer sets a new world record, it inspires others to bring out the best within them and go beyond that achievement to set new records of human performance.

572. How can it be that we feel more positively toward people for whom we do favors?

573. They defied their perception of the song to produce a transcription, for example, that started and finished on middle C (rather than F) because they believed that if "Happy Birthday" started on C, then it must be in C major and should therefore end on C. As these students got older, they relied more on what they knew theoretically about music rather than what they heard and knew perceptually, with the result that they made surprisingly inaccurate transcriptions of familiar melodies.

574. But if we pay attention to the real consequences of what we think we want, we may discover what we really want.

575. He said to him that in November 1971 he had lent a friend a copy of the book—a unique copy in which he had made notes on turning the British English into American English for the publication of an American version—but his friend had lost the copy in London.

576. For example, using a tape measure to determine the distance a javelin was thrown yields very similar results regardless of who reads the tape.

577. Scientists not only have labs with students who contribute critical ideas, but also have colleagues who are doing similar work, thinking similar thoughts, and without whom the scientist would get nowhere.

578. However, for novelty to be creative it must be effective, either in some practical sense, or in that it establishes a coherent set of relations where no relations, or a less coherent set of relations, existed before.

579. But new research suggests that how we see the world depends on what we want from it.

580. He had a number of substantive issues and wanted to know the order in which to bring them up - royalties, basic compensation, etc.

581. Analyzing the mechanism through which this was achieved, literary scholar Michael Wood in his book America in the Movies described our films as a "rearrangement of our problems into shapes which tame them, which disperse them to the margins of our attention," where we can forget about them.

582. Berendt points out that there are few 'acoustical illusions' ― something sounding like something that in fact it is not ― while there are many optical illusions.

583. While some emperors sought to purify their cultures and return to what they viewed as their roots, for the most part empires have produced hybrid civilizations that absorbed much from their subject peoples.

584. Here are some of Gaudi's greatest works, all of which are found in the city of Barcelona.

585. We talked for another half an hour, but I don't remember a single word of what we said.

586. When a year later this same person flies to an anti-plastics conference and crashes in the desert, a plastic bottle of water might suddenly become one of the most valuable things in the universe―to that person, at that time, and in that place.

587. "There is an interesting story about how it became a symbol of good luck.

588. In the interest of scientific investigation, he asked his wife to count to 60, with each count corresponding to what she felt was one second, while he kept a record of her temperature.

589. Carbon sinks have been able to absorb about half of this excess CO2, and the world's oceans have done the major part of that job.

590. He made something extraordinary from what, for the northern folk, was the ordinary practice of preserving food.

591. One company developed what it called a 'technology shelf,' created by a small group of engineers, on which were placed possible technical solutions that other teams might use in the future.

592. We are often too busy complaining about what we don't have.

593. Release them from the cage of painful memories and bitter disappointments and simply try to love them for what they did give you.

594. Sometimes they may not strike the guilty person himself, but rather one of his relatives or tribesmen, to whom responsibility is extended.

595. However, this may appear rude to native speakers of English: "gravy" with falling intonation came across as a statement, suggesting "This is gravy.

596. And effectively, every single child received the same medal regardless of how well he or she did.

597. By granting them an extra $3,000 in aid, the university was able to increase enrollment in that group by 20 percent.

598. and Why is smoke coming out of that nearby volcano?

599. Instead, people go to the trouble because poems sound a certain way, are built in certain shapes, and have certain beauties in sound and meaning, all of which accompanies the meaning and goes beyond it.

600. For example, visitors posting travel images online has meant that the city is no longer in control of what sites are defined as worth visiting.

601. This information clearly makes it more difficult for the individual to exercise her freedom to acquire Car A and should constitute a threat to that freedom.

602. At that moment, an announcement came over the loudspeaker, and she said, "Oh, my goodness!

603. Following the songs, the researchers played an argument about how the university's tuition should be raised from $587 per semester to $750 per semester.

604. Pollination is the process by which seed plants reproduce.

605. This is very different from the case of someone who suppresses emotions such as anger out of a feeling that they need to present a facade of self-control, or out of fear of what others may think.

606. Such reporting helps ensure that private investors have reliable information on which to base their investment decisions.

607. You can do two things at once, but you can't focus effectively on two things at once.

608. Delaying puddings used to be thought of as a good idea too, but guess what?

609. A star jump is a form of exercise in which you jump in the air and stretch your arms and legs in four different directions, making your body look like a star.

610. A tumor detected by Vogelstein's liquid biopsy can be detected at just 1 percent the size of what is necessary to be detected by an MRI, currently the most reliable tool for finding cancer.

611. The festival also has a parade and a race called the Great International Lobster Crate Race, in which participants run over lobster crates floating in the harbor, sometimes falling into the cold water.

612. That does not mean that they have to change their genre, but they certainly need to attempt to improve upon that genre with each and every book that they offer to the public.

613. Art must therefore deal with what is typical in the sense that it touches the possibilities of all human nature.

614. This cross-cultural misunderstanding occurred because the role of the listener in Japan is substantially different from that in the United States.

615. In general, they eat out less than the average person except for when it comes to eating at fast food restaurants.

616. A priest was sharing a story about newborn twins, one of whom was ill. You were shot down.

617. From Dworkin's view, justice requires that a person's fate be determined by things that are within that person's control, not by luck.

618. There’s no doubt that certain things, such as two and two adding up to four, must be taught as absolutely true, but the manner in which the truth is taught can vary over a wide range of methods.

619. Most seemingly impossible obstacles can be overcome by seeing possibilities, focusing on what is within your control, taking the first step, and then focusing on the next step and the next step after that.

620. The day was hot and humid, as Miami is at that time of year.

621. The function of memories is not only to let go of the past but also to lay the groundwork for whatever come s next.

622. To describe what happens to common resources as a result of human greed, Garrett Hardin used the example of an area of pasture on which all the cattle-owners are permitted to graze their animals free of charge.

623. By contrast, at middle- and upper-income levels, overspending takes on a variety of meanings typically influenced by what people think of as essential for their well-being and associated with the so-called "good life" that is so heavily marketed.

624. A sales clerk may make suggestions to you about what else to buy in addition to your originally planned purchase.

625. Without recording them somewhere, they may end up as nothing more than wild fantasies.

626. He has embraced a characteristic over which he has no control.

627. You share 50 percent of your genes with each of your parents, so if one parent dies of a heart attack, you know you've inherited some of that susceptibility.

628. Ecosystems are dynamic in that their various parts are always changing.

629. Debbie was able to acquire this special treatment for one very important reason: she was a loyal customer to that one airline.

630. Are we sure that the Earth is going to keep heating up if we don’t do anything?

631. They give up on what they believe is right and go with the crowd, and later pay the consequences.

632. 'To do a scientific study of dream prophecy, we would need to establish some base of how commonly coincidental correspondences occur between dream and waking reality.

633. From that moment, his family got to know that Rick loved sports.

634. We often hit the nail on the head when it comes to predicting the type of impact an event will have on us and the intensity of that impact.

635. Even though many of our memories are vivid and some may even be accurate, most of what we remember of our daily lives is neither exact nor rich in detail.

636. At the same time, they consolidated their own memory of the personal circumstances in which the event took place, an effect known as "flashbulb memory."

637. The idea is to first consider what matters to you, then figure out what you need to do to get there.

638. It would be foolish to assume that the music of India, because it is largely melodic and without harmony, somehow represents an “earlier stage” through which Western music has already passed, or that Europeans, in the days when they lived in tribes, had music similar to that of Native Americans.

639. Both Atticus and his children are shocked by the injustice of what has happened to Tom.

640. Just as we can close our eyes to what we do not want to see, however, we can also turn off our empathy.

641. The fact that information is conveyed in this high-tech manner somehow adds authority to what is conveyed, when in fact the Internet is a global conveyer of unfiltered, unedited, untreated information.

642. She glides like a sunbeam through that quiet house, and in winter she makes summer with her presence.

643. One reason may be that they see learning as something you do in school, just something you do for a period of life instead of as a way of life.

644. They have no memories about what the aged once were and greet them as if they were children.

645. Trying to find the keys, trying to remember when an event is supposed to take place, where it's going to be held, and with whom you are going.

646. The principle is similar to that used in modern concert halls to send sound from the stage out into the audience.

647. Both eye and camera have a light-sensitive layer onto which the image is cast (the retina and film, respectively).

648. It turned out that this simple suggestion helped Michael not only to relax, but to get more work done as well.

649. He also has the strongest motivation or urge to learn the language, for if he cannot express himself in his mother tongue, some of his basic needs are likely to remain unfulfilled.

650. The father said, "Every time you get angry, take a nail, and drive it into that old fence as hard as you can."

651. The degree to which we are emotionally affected by entertainment typically influences our opinion of how good or bad we think it is.

652. Human conscious attention is limited by what it can attend to at any moment, which means that consciousness is restricted to a limited subset of the musical relationships.

653. When I came out of that curve, I was in the outside lane, the one nearest to the side of the cliff.

654. They tell stories, for their form and spatial organization give us hints about how they should be used.

655. You may know the names of all the characters in that TV show.

656. Now, many library users have new attitudes about what is an acceptable noise level in a library.

657. But even among identical twins who have the exact same genes, one could die early of a heart attack and the other could live a long, healthy life with clean arteries depending on what she ate and how she lived.

658. The manner in which those outcomes are portrayed should make no difference.

659. From that day on, he always kept his father's tears and love in his heart and went on to be a great leader.

660. Create an environment in which your children know that you are with them in their efforts, rather than looking to criticize them.

661. That this might be important practically was first signalled by James Hansen and his colleagues in a 1981 paper in which they predicted that anthropogenic warming should begin to be detectable over and above natural climate variability by the end of the 20th century.

662. Use it to your advantage by being open with what you feel and giving a truthful opinion when asked.

663. As sociologist W. I. Thomas has classically stated (in what has come to be called the Thomas Theorem), if people “define situations as real, they are real in their consequences.” Digital experiences and the spaces in which they take place are quite real and have real, definite consequences.

664. According to many sociologists, the study of what our society calls 'art' can only really progress if we drop the highly specific and ideologically loaded terminology of 'art', 'artworks' and 'artists', and replace these with the more neutral and less historically specific terms 'cultural forms', 'cultural products' and 'cultural producers'.

665. Although his famous Yellow House at 2 Place Lamartine was destroyed by the bombs of World War II, there's a walking trail throughout town with plaques and reproductions pointing out where he set up his easel to create many of his now famous paintings.

666. At that moment, Tom looked at Jane and thought, "I like her!"

667. They also provided a setting for discipline, allowing those instructors to examine and correct the work of many students at once or in succession as they solved problems at the board.

668. It is vitally important that wherever we go and whatever we do the body temperature is maintained at the temperature at which our enzymes work best.

669. If you're less concerned about how you deliver information than with how you receive it, you'll ultimately fail at delegation.

670. This is referred to as the double coincidence of wants.

671. These advances came about because an individual, or many individuals, used the full resources of his or her intellectual imagination to solve problems that had previously been thought to be unsolvable.

672. We are not as concerned with what we are hearing as we are with finding what we already know that is relevant.

673. The goodness and value of individual music culture are acknowledged in the multiple ways in which music functions in the everyday lives of people, whether it is their quest for freedom, celebration of rites of passage, rebellion against social injustice, gratitude for divine intervention, or transmission of cultural heritage in the telling of a story.

674. For decades, primatologists have reported on incidents in which apes and monkeys behaved with apparent compassion.

675. This prompts another question: Ideal for what?

676. In the recent economics literature, following the work of John Roemer, the determinants of economic outcomes are separated into those due to " circumstances"" that are beyond personal control, such as family background, and " effort,"" for which an individual can be held responsible.

677. Doing things quickly actually ends up slowing you down, such as when you rush out of your house only to realize you forgot your keys, phone, or wallet on the kitchen table.

678. For example, if a scientist is obtaining uninterpretable data and another scientist makes an analogy to an experiment that worked in which the temperature was different, and suggests changing the temperature, this can potentially fix the problem.

679. But when it does operate, there is an undivided and total interest in what one is doing.

680. Memories of how we interacted seem funny to me today.

681. Most often, you will find or meet people who introduce themselves in terms of their work or by what they spend time on.

682. Both groups A and B were exposed to the same situation, the only difference being that group B mothers had to positively encourage their baby to continue playing with the thing in front of them, whereas the mothers in group A just had to be themselves in response to what their baby was playing with.

683. The biologist Michel Cabanac would call the experience of that moment intensely pleasurable because it functions, as pleasure normally does, to indicate the direction of a biologically significant improvement of circumstances.

684. Now you may wonder if bees really fly straight to where they want to go.

685. And second, the only known defense for that move is for your opponent to grab your left arm.

686. Spider-Man was a tremendous hit with readers because it gave millions of teenagers a hero with whom they could identify.

687. I was depressed by what I saw there.

688. You are selecting only a small amount of that information to be processed enough to know what words were being spoken.

689. Who we are, the nature of our character, is revealed in how we live and how we make decisions about what we do.

690. "It took me a long time, but I eventually got into that university, became a football player, and graduated.

691. He wrote, "I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work, the more I live."

692. For instance, when they meet other elephants after a long while, they express their happiness by rushing towards each other with their heads high up while flapping their ears.

693. Trees can reduce the annual energy use around buildings by as much as 10%.

694. You are then to use those materials in whatever ways you want to solve the problem; however, there isn't usually an obvious connection between the items and your problem.

695. An executed purpose, in short, is a transaction in which the time and energy spent on the execution are balanced against the resulting assets, and the ideal case is one in which the former approximates to zero and the latter to infinity.

696. The fact that money is fungible is the reason why I can lend you $10 and not expect to get the exact same bill back when you repay me.

697. Sometimes called brood parasites, these bees are also referred to as cuckoo bees, because they are similar to cuckoo birds, which lay an egg in the nest of another bird and leave it for that bird to raise.

698. A secure grip is one in which the object won't slip or move, especially when displaced by an external force.

699. Tell yourself that you can do whatever you want with that cash, but only after two weeks.

700. "Life is like riding a bike: you don't fall off if you don't stop pedaling."

701. You'll end up drowning in a flood of information and realize only later that most of that research was a waste of time.

702. These huge increases in investment would not come about if investment was left to the market.

703. We could have seen something many times before, but as the result of having new skills or competence, we discover new or different aspects of that object.

704. If you consistently reward a child for her accomplishments, she starts to focus more on getting the reward than on what she did to earn it.

705. "So I was really happy at that moment.

706. In essence, trying to remember as many details as possible can actually work against being selective about what you let into your brain’s attic.

707. Joachim-Ernst Berendt points out that the ear is the only sense that fuses an ability to measure with an ability to judge.

708. These additional costs might be thought of as a metaphorical 'low ball' that the salesperson throws the consumer.

709. Having friends with other interests keeps life interesting—just think of what you can learn from each other.

710. Now, let's talk about what's happening in Korea.

711. Both eye and camera have a lens that focuses light rays from the outside world into an image, and both have a means of adjusting the focus and brightness of that image.

712. Suppose, for example, that I look at a fruit bowl, and think that there is an apple and an orange in that bowl.

713. The first eight expeditions to Everest were British, all of which attempted the mountain from the northern, Tibetan, side ― not because it presented the most obvious weakness in the peak's formidable defenses but because in 1921 the Tibetan government opened its borders to foreigners, while Nepal remained off limits.

714. Ernie Banks was the first African-American athlete to play for the Chicago Cubs, and he worried about how the veteran Cubs would treat an African-American rookie.

715. Tiny fish, which scientists refer to as "cleaners," swim into the mouths of bigger fish, which are referred to as "clients."

716. Black Wings nodded and said, "And I've learned that when you do win a game, you should be respectful to others and not brag about how good you are."

717. He lent them money, saying they should pay it back whenever they could.

718. After fifteen minutes during which he failed, despite his best efforts, to elicit any response, Borge appealed to them in desperation to tell him why they were not enjoying the show.

719. They take the time just before bed to reflect on or write down three things that they are thankful for that happened during the day.

720. With that said, the tightness of the roll has more to do with the steepability of a leaf than it does with the taste of a tea.

721. Before language develops, emotions and touch are the primary means by which parent and child communicate.

722. Even though the design, activities, and membership of social media might change over time, the content of what people posted usually remains intact.

723. Despite all the talk of how weak intentions are in the face of habits, it's worth emphasizing that much of the time even our strong habits do follow our intentions.

724. In the Paleolithic period, human cultures became widely diverse, but people throughout the world lived in ways that were similar to one another, in small groups of related individuals - what anthropologists often refer to as "bands"- who moved through the landscape in search of food.

725. But I do know I will be forever grateful I got on that plane.

726. I didn't know how much my bookmarks should be, so I found out how much bookmarks were.

727. The implicit bargain that we all need to make explicit is that we will use just some of that time we saved in information acquisition to perform proper information verification.

728. And this could greatly slow his rate of movement or even cause the dog to fall over as he tries to make a high-speed turn.

729. However, many of us tend to lock our thinking into what we already know.

730. Rules can be thought of as formal types of game cues.

731. Growth is always at the edges, just outside the boundaries of where you are right now.

732. He accepted the position but needed to discover - or create - an approach through which he could have a deeper impact.

733. The same goes for employees with prejudices about whom they do and do not like working alongside.

734. Enjoying Observations and Experiments This story is about how Feynman enjoyed observing nature in action and how he could solve a problem through a simple experiment.

735. For example, beginning in 1968 in Yellowstone National Park, a "natural regulation policy" has been employed in which wildlife such as elk and bears are no longer fed but are allowed to live or die based on natural factors such as weather, disease, and the availability of natural food sources.

736. Here are four examples of how nature inspired inventions that are already changing society.

737. You must destroy the Cloner at once.

738. I reasoned that since I was going to be a journalist, I'd need a very special notebook in which to write.

739. The net effect of this was that, although customers benefited, the banks lost out as their costs increased but the total number of customers stayed the same.

740. However, they are becoming more concerned about how to use space safely.

741. Love maintains the democratic, self-managing meetings in which heroes can be seen for what they were, and learned from, as a guide to possible futures.

742. The outermost circle is known as the performance zone ― because once we have mastered the new learning and mustered the courage to experiment with all the new knowledge, we will really start to perform differently from before.

743. Although height and weight are similar in their simplicity, they are very different in how they rule our lives.

744. Curiosity is a way of adding value to what you see.

745. However, seven years later, she received a letter from Linda describing the inner struggle she had gone through that day and thanking Rebecca for being the spark that helped her change her life.

746. While religious or academic training, degrees, books, and previous teaching positions are credentials that may indicate a highly trained teacher or therapist, equally important are the ways in which this person continually tests her knowledge in the world around her.

747. Many test-anxious students waste too much time worrying about how they're doing and wondering whether others are having similar problems.

748. For example, a worker could picture herself being locked in a home with an angry client and how she would escape from that situation.

749. In that case, we sink and then blame the world for it.

750. Public perception about what is and what is not "scientifically supported" by the medical, environmental, sociological, health, and psychological sciences can influence individual decision making and shape public policies.

751. If any scouts disagree on where the colony should build its next hive, they argue their case the civilized way: through a dance-off.

752. The past couple of decades have seen many corporations joining with charities in what is called "cause-related marketing" efforts, in which a corporation donates a certain percentage of its profits from a particular item.

753. This question has since been adapted to facilitate debates over whether objects themselves can exist independent of perception.

754. Crystal also points out that although trillions of text messages are sent worldwide each year, this number pales in comparison to the number of conventional, grammatically correct communications we are exposed to each year.

755. Of course, we didn't care about any of that learning stuff, we just thought it was fun, and we still do.

756. Use FOMO to your advantage by thinking of why exactly you're afraid to miss out on this thing, and consider it an opportunity to grow.

757. I'm making less money than before, but I'm proud of what I'm doing.

758. My buddy and his wife were in constant conflict over when the housework should get done.

759. There is an interesting story about how it became a symbol of good luck.

760. Although listeners to a concert may experience a degree of arousal in common, the way in which the music is presented makes possible a greater range of individual reactions than can be expected if everyone is taking part in music which is familiar to them.

761. He looked forward to animating his students with the sense of what he perceived.

762. The pool of children can be thought of as the engine room of cultural evolution.

763. The precision of the lines on the map, the consistency with which symbols are used, the grid and/or projection system, the apparent certainty with which place names are written and placed, and the legend and scale information all give the map an aura of scientific accuracy and objectivity.

764. Communicating the vision to organization members nearly always means putting "where we are going and why" in writing, distributing the statement organizationwide, and having executives personally explain the vision and its justification to as many people as possible.

765. Sooner or later, you will have to give up because you've spent too much energy."

766. A brain that's been wired by listening to twelve-tone scales doesn't have a concept for that music.

767. I know that Beethoven wrote the famed Moonlight Sonata because I have heard about it in a class on music history, I have read it on album covers, and I have seen his name on programmes for concerts at which the Moonlight Sonata was being played.

768. It's what goes on inside your head that makes all the difference in how well you will convert what you hear into something you learn.

769. So, if you want to use your energy to work longer, just change your perception of how long you have been working.

770. The credit card companies had a good intuitive understanding of what psychologists would come to call "framing."

771. The idea is that choices depend, in part, on the way in which problems are stated.

772. In that case, you may decide to organize a carpool among people who use downtown parking lots and institute a daytime local taxi service using these privately owned vehicles.

773. Imagine that same boss tells you about a skill you need to develop and opens up an opportunity for you to be trained on that particular skill.

774. Curious about what he looks like and why he remains hidden, the children share rumors about him and try to get him to come out of his house.

775. She excitedly explained that it was a bad idea to meet at that corner because people aren't allowed to stand there.

776. The sense of tone and music in another's voice gives us an enormous amount of information about that person, about her stance toward life, about her intentions.

777. However, these efforts are likely to strengthen the association of this concept with other thoughts that serve as distractors, and also with stimuli in the immediate environment in which the cognitive activity occurs.

778. When food becomes available, there is a tremendous tendency to binge, in what is known as the restrained-eater phenomenon.

779. Can we sustain our standard of living in the same ecological space while consuming the resources of that space?

780. For example, United Information System is generally referred to as Unisys and Federal Express as FedEx.

781. Confident leaders are not afraid to ask the basic questions: the questions to which you may feel embarrassed about not already knowing the answers.

782. Because of this, competition becomes a zero sum game in which one organization can only win at the expense of others.

783. He found that although the latter group came across as more extroverted, some of the fake extroverts were surprisingly convincing.

784. From the point of view of research in motor behavior, it is important to use performances in the laboratory for which the scoring can be as objective as possible.

785. A football game is comprised of exactly sixty minutes of play, a basketball game forty or forty-eight minutes, but baseball has no set length of time within which the game must be completed.

786. Once you're aware of what types of things make you angry, you can remove some of these triggers form your life.

787. The couple's initial disclosures involve them forming constructs about how much similarity there is between them and each other's families.

788. Their internal clocks continue to run in accordance with the place they left behind, not the one to which they have come, and it can take some time to realign the two.

789. Her father, the regent of Japara, sent his daughters to a Dutch school, an unusual decision for that time.

790. Think about who you want to be and stay in character throughout the party.

791. We also have friendly staff who can help you with whatever you need.

792. Several years later, policymakers began to wrestle with the problem of what would be done to dismantle nuclear plants when they were obsolete, something those who originally built them may never have considered.

793. These features of the art world provide the elasticity by which creativity of even the most radical sort can be accommodated.

794. In many cities, car sharing has made a strong impact on how city residents travel.

795. It is because of what psychologists refer to as "cognitive dissonance.

796. Similarly, how is it possible to make sense of a situation in which a single word "uncle" applies to the brother of one's father and to the brother of one's mother?

797. For that reason, Mary Ellen O'Toole, who is a retired FBI profiler, emphasizes the need to go beyond a person's superficial qualities in order to understand them.

798. This material from which his final work is composed consists not of living men or real landscapes, not of real, actual stage-sets, but only of their images, recorded on separate strips that can be shortened, altered, and assembled according to his will.

799. Consequently, the worker would be more prepared to respond to that unsafe scenario by having practiced the response during the mental rehearsal.

800. It also is part of the process of selection by which biological evolution functions.

801. We get energy mainly from burning fossil fuels, but there are a couple of problems with that.

802. Sometimes researchers have to search archives of aerial photographs to get information from that past that pre-date the collection of satellite imagery.

803. That is the power of visualization, the act of creating vivid pictures in your mind of what you want in order to make it happen.

804. Our society has undergone tremendous technological change in the past few centuries, and while there is room for debate on whether these changes have been a net positive or negative for the human race, there are very few people who advocate halting our technological progress.

805. "Wow, look at that!

806. Please accept my sincere apologies for that error.

807. He wanted to become an officer but was not allowed to because he was the son of a tailor.

808. Other researchers investigated the ways in which first and third grade teachers could integrate music into their regular math classrooms.

809. Evidence that instructions to avoid thinking about an object can have the opposite effect to that intended was reported by Lavy and van den Hout.

810. Therefore, in any situation in which help is required, we should use our intelligence to discover the most effective and loving way to help those in need.

811. The work of art, to have a chance of entering that stream, must show its kinship to other things called art and so to the social world in which artists and art have their places.

812. Play time, family time, and sleep time are all necessary for you to recharge yourself, to keep yourself from burning out, to gain a perspective on what you're doing and what your life means, and to get good ideas for the future.

813. There has been a qualitative shift from earlier eras in which specific tools and techniques were developed through the freely chosen creativity of human beings to meet specific, limited objectives.

814. Acts that develop habits of love, truth, and goodness silently shape and mold us into what we ought to be — just as habits born of jealousy, hatred, and evil mar and eventually destroy us.

815. Those who give small amounts to many charities are not so interested in whether what they are doing helps others ─ psychologists call them warm glow givers.

816. On the fifth task, for which it had to use a drill to cut through a wall, HUBO failed on its first attempt.

817. The more something causes your heart to race, the more important it is to step back before speaking or typing a single word.

818. One means we have to be a writer is our wondering about what goes on around us.

819. You can do several things at once, but only if they are easy and undemanding.

820. It communicates to children a powerful message about how important they are to their parents.

821. In some cases they even taught themselves most of what they knew about their particular subject.

822. And if we're not careful and sensitive, some children can easily be placed in situations in which virtually every physical education class is a losing experience.

823. Nobody wants to listen to what happened to you today unless you can make what happened appear interesting.

824. Many people think of what might happen in the future based on past failures and get trapped by them.

825. If you have any doubt as to what it means to illuminate a complex subject with lucid writing and clear presentation, go to and read the recent winners in this category.

826. Today there is still much debate about where items in museum collections rightfully belong.

827. Counselors often advise clients to get some emotional distance from whatever is bothering them.

828. But these are easy to find and lead to the familiar dilemma in the social sciences where we have two conflicting theories, each of which can claim positive empirical evidence in its support but which come to opposite conclusions.

829. There is a considerable difference as to whether people watch a film about the Himalayas on television and become excited by the 'untouched nature' of the majestic mountain peaks, or whether they get up and go on a trek to Nepal.

830. Much of that experience, however, is second-hand.

831. In reality, I was about to pass out because I was wearing four T-shirts and two long shirts under my wool sweater!

832. "When walking down the street" is the setting in which people aged 30-49 are more permissive towards cellphone use than the other age groups.

833. The different approaches are reflected in what the two painters produced.

834. As time passes, however, they get used to what they have and, just like the smell of fresh bread, these wonderful assets disappear from their consciousness.

835. With that kind of involvement, the republic might survive and prosper.

836. The cobra crawled away and found the holy man, to whom it complained: "Look at me!

837. She felt that she was lucky to have a friend that could always cheer her up when she was feeling down.

838. However, we got lost along the way, and we couldn't figure out where we were.

839. And on that point, I'd like to put in a plug for my dog, Shep, who understands at least functionally a number of my words.

840. British linguist David Crystal also points out that despite the apparent prevalence of textisms, they do not make up the bulk of the language used in SMS applications.

841. Therefore, to apologize sincerely we must first listen attentively to how the other person really feels about what happened ― not simply assert what we think happened.

842. Coaches then should exert extra effort in getting to know the parents of their players, and by so doing, determine ways by which parents are willing to help their children and the team in general.

843. As a result, there is little or none of that alienation of young from old so marked in modern industrial societies.

844. The laws of biology are not always borne out by subsequent events; but no one would, on that ground, deny that biology is a science.

845. There are limits to what historians can study: they can study only parts of the past that left evidence behind and for which evidence has survived.

846. He put cat litter in the bottom and straw on top of that.

847. The interviewer asked Michael about how he felt about being so short, just 5′4″.

848. Advocates of altruism do not deny that the motivation for much of what we do, including much that we do for others, is egoistic.

849. In the UK alone, more than 5 million tons of plastic are consumed each year, of which only an estimated one-quarter is recycled, with the remainder going to landfills.

850. Interestingly, the garden in which he painted the Satyr was in the middle of the enemy's camp.

851. Our desperate attempts to be loved and to avoid pain can masquerade in behavior that is seeking to be loved because we are afraid of being disliked for who we think we are.

852. Think of how often we use the remotest connection to our advantage.

853. Here are some tips from three teenage fashion leaders on how to experiment and find your own style.

854. As a result, we are still guessing at what early tools were used for as well as what early art forms might have meant for the people who produced them, even when such drawings, often animals, are very recognizable.

855. In his portrayal the various ways in which the boys adapt to their new island surroundings and respond to their new freedom, Golding analyzes the broad range of ways in which human beings respond to change.

856. If they worked in a well-organized environment for any length of time, they would be surprised at how much more productive they were.

857. In order to solve this problem, the chimpanzees needed to first sum the two piles that appeared on each tray, and then work out which of the two trays had the larger number of chips.

858. It would be unwise to jump to conclusions about what a child is communicating through it.

859. In part, it depends on what individuals were thinking about previously.

860. Don't think about what you might miss by not going, but rather what you'll gain by staying.

861. This approach is the foundation for the modern Western way of life, in which politics, commerce, science, and law are all rooted in orderly competition.

862. Do not base your decision on what yesterday was.

863. Separating what's important from what's not important is prioritizing.

864. He could see practically nothing although he thought he could make out a few rocks just beyond the icy surface on which he was sitting.

865. Rather, the result was a whole new Australia, one in which entire species of plants were wiped out and in which erosion, caused by rabbits destroying vast areas of grassland, changed the very landscape.

866. In 2000, James Kuklinski of the University of Illinois led an influential experiment in which more than 1,000 Illinois residents were asked questions about welfare.

867. Some kinds of travel, such as that made by auto, bus, or train, incur both time and monetary costs; other trips, such as those made on foot, involve an expense primarily of time.

868. Logically speaking, telling someone that the engaging in act X promotes outcome Y, or that not engaging in act X fails to promote outcome Y, provides the same objective information: Y (partly) depends on X・ However, the way in which that information is presented — in particular, whether the emphasis is placed on losses or gains — influences the decision-making process.

869. Isn't the notion of what is correct relative to various concerns?

870. Distinctiveness is the extent to which things occur only with each other and not with other things.

871. Many artists have considerable freedom from external requirements about what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and why.

872. Similar marks and symbols functioning as trademarks have been found on Chinese pottery, possibly dating as far back as 2698 BCE, and in many other ancient societies, including the Egyptians, the Assyrians, and the Vedic civilization.

873. They are imitating the grown-ups around them who are always doing as much instead of as little as possible.

874. Before voicing her objections, however, she called a colleague back in New York, who told her that he, too, had been excluded from preliminary talks during his last negotiation in that country.

875. At the end of an orchestral concert of music which has no external reference it is more difficult to be sure of what other members of the audience are feeling.

876. Perfection, or the attribution of that quality to individuals, creates a perceived distance that the general public cannot relate to ―making those who never make mistakes perceived as being less attractive or likable.

877. In time, your body will connect these relaxed feelings with the usage of that specific scent.

878. If glaciers started re-forming, they have a great deal more water now to draw on ― Hudson Bay, the Great Lakes, the hundreds of thousands of lakes of Canada, none of which existed to fuel the last ice sheet ― so they would grow very much quicker.

879. He passed on to his followers not only his answers but also the process of thinking rationally, together with an idea of what kind of explanations could be considered satisfactory.

880. Similarly, a round coin is seen as round even when viewed from an angle at which, objectively, it should appear elliptical.

881. It turned out that he had Alzheimer's, a brain disease that slowly takes away a patient's memory and ability to think.

882. These will be performed note for note because both the vocal and piano parts have been painstakingly written down by the composer with an ear for how each relates to the other.

883. The game encourages cognitive empathy because it turns out that success depends on fostering cooperation by considering the viewpoints of a range of stakeholders, including extremist and moderate political groups.

884. These emotions are then physically transformed by the audience into laughter and applause; a comedian that doesn't invoke an emotional response among the audience that results in laughter and applause is usually considered as being 'not funny' and therefore a 'poor' comedian — or low quality entertainment in the opinion of that audience.

885. The primatologist Duane Rumbaugh and his colleagues showed chimpanzees two trays of chocolate chips, of which they could choose only one.

886. However, Gansong himself went to Japan and got it back after making a deal with a Japanese antique dealer.

887. Let's find out how you can become a cyclist.

888. Elvis had read about the tiny-house movement, in which people construct homes measuring 500 square feet or fewer, and believed he had the construction know-how to build a similar structure for Smokie.

889. At that time, it will be appropriate for me to consider raising your current salary.

890. So when a salesperson tells you that, for example, extracts made from the roots of echinacea help prevent colds, ask if that statement has been scientifically tested — and if so, how, when, and by whom and how valid and reliable the test results are — before you decide to try this herbal remedy.

891. It gave me great pleasure to think about how my dream would become a reality.

892. Yuhong Jiang, professor of psychology at Harvard University, points out that the brain isn't built to concentrate on two things at once.

893. This painting makes us think about what we see and whether it is real or just an image from a dream.

894. On that first night to myself, Dad entrusted me with his movie projector and all the reels of film.

895. Picasso's work challenges your assumptions about how space and objects are used.

896. Any hope of becoming a customer of that idea is lost.

897. We're sure that, at that age, we were more of a hindrance than help, but because our mom thought cooking was a good learning tool, she tolerated all of the mess that we made.

898. Consumers do not usually pay attention to what's new and different unless it's related to the old.

899. ", to which the man again replied: "Llena por favor mi tanque con el gas," but this time pointing to the gas pump.

900. But the question remains as to how humans should intervene with nature.

901. Grant Wood grew up on a farm and drew with whatever materials could be spared.

902. The priests were obviously not too happy about that until someone invented a clock made of water buckets.

903. By learning a variety of anger management strategies, you develop control, choices, and flexibility in how you respond to angry feelings.

904. He understands that he must come prepared to take advantage of that opportunity.

905. Once this is done, a new product is launched Ironically, if we are willing to be disliked for who we really are, others will like us.

906. Some studies suggest that variations in residents’ feelings about tourism’s relationship to environmental damage are related to the type of tourism, the extent to which residents feel the natural environment needs to be protected, and the distance residents live from the tourist attractions.

907. It determines the structure of conversations and who has access to what information.

908. Among parents who own televisions with V-Chips, over half are unaware of that feature, and few parents actively use it.

909. However, jobs may not be permanent, and you may lose your job for countless reasons, some of which you may not even be responsible for.


'구문 BIG DATA' 카테고리의 다른 글

be + pp + to  (1) 2018.10.13
접접  (0) 2018.10.13
vita  (0) 2018.10.13
the more ~, the more  (0) 2018.10.13
no matter  (0) 2018.10.13


구문 BIG DATA2018. 10. 13. 17:34
in2 | Since 2005 위스마트, 임희재 | WAYNE.TISTORY.COM | +821033383436 | 제작일 181013 17:33:56

From The Number of Sents: 18822
TARGET: vita

1. A big sea-dwelling creature finds it easier to conserve warmth inside its body, while a small creature loses more heat into the water through its skin.

2. Everywhere there's a source of food, there's some form of life that finds it.

3. Many African language speakers would consider it absurd to use a single word like "cousin" to describe both male and female relatives, or not to distinguish whether the person described is related by blood to the speaker's father or to his mother.

4. Can I make it?

5. The ones that decide to make it change their focus by analyzing what they need to do to master the first step, like getting through the first mogul on the hill.

6. "I tried my best to fulfill your dream but I couldn't make it," Andrew said in disappointment.

7. He had spread the snow, watered the ice, and made it smooth.

8. But when I drove out of the parking lot, I doubted whether I could make it.

9. I found it remarkable that he had apparently not considered the one question that an economist would call relevant: Is the ABC stock currently underpriced?

10. The two artists found it hard to work together again.

11. Technology makes it much easier to worsen a situation with a quick response.

12. If the noise became too unpleasant, they could press a button and make it stop.

13. The Braille system, as it came to be known, made it possible to place all the world's literature at the fingertips of blind readers.

14. The rhythm and movement will actually make it easier to remember them later.

15. We anticipate the future as if we found it too slow in coming and we were trying to hurry it up.

16. Rosa made it clear that our happiness was important to her as well.

17. He made it to the semifinals, and did very well for the first two hundred meters.

18. How, he thought to himself, could he make it appear that a torch was moving?

19. It can thus be easier and more effective to use a situation or incident from your life but make it happen to a character who is not you.

20. She also made it to her classroom after asking fellow students for directions.

21. At the same time, it has also been suggested that working seasonally may be more attractive to the local labor force and thus non-tourist industries with higher value-added potential may not consider it worthwhile locating in the area.

22. Therefore, not getting enough sleep makes it harder for your brain to process and remember information.

23. And both will be published in the same way ― with a vocal line and a basic piano part written out underneath But the pop song will rarely be sung and played exactly as written; the singer is apt to embellish that vocal line to give it a "styling," just as the accompanist will fill out the piano part to make it more interesting and personal.

24. The reason is this: people who start out being nice get our hopes up, so the letdown we experience when we discover that they are not nice makes it worse than if they had acted badly from the start.

25. What makes it so difficult is that it takes place in Antarctica!

26. The paths are cracked and littered with rocks and debris that make it impossible to roll her chair from place to place.

27. Economists make assumptions for the same reason: Assumptions can simplify the complex world and make it easier to understand.

28. He found it difficult to coordinate all the motions involved in the traditional technique.

29. That makes it a lot healthier to eat, so we can enjoy it without feeling guilty about putting on weight.

30. Written language is more complex, which makes it more work to read.

31. MC: Well, you can consider it just a part of Korean culture.

32. When electricity made it possible to create light with the flick of a switch instead of the strike of a match, the process of creating light was changed forever.

33. And we value money because to a certain extent it liberates us from the constraints of life by making it possible to have free time to do in it what we want.

34. This information clearly makes it more difficult for the individual to exercise her freedom to acquire Car A and should constitute a threat to that freedom.

35. She made it about seventy yards before there was trouble.

36. Consequently, even Aristotle ' finds it difficult to identify which portions of the Pythagorean philosophy can safely be ascribed to Pythagoras himself, and he generally refers to "the Pythagoreans" or "the so-called Pythagoreans."

37. One of the simplest ways of making a building look unusual is to break the normal rules of structure — or at least make it seem as if gravity is of no consequence.

38. In other words, you've seen those organized items over and over again, and the arrangement by category makes it easy for you to memorize the store's layout.

39. I never made it to Fiona's house, though.

40. Along the way I have found it invaluable to take time out every now and then and reflect upon certain events.

41. Infrasound dissipates less rapidly in air, making it ideal for long­distance communication.

42. Anyone who loves the Gimchi of this region will not only be able to taste it but also have a chance to learn to make it.

43. Just because it's clear to you does not make it clear to your reader.

44. The king tested H5 himself, and after ten weeks of daily tests, found it to be accurate to within one-third of one second per day.

45. After all, predators soon learn where and when the local animals drink each day, and they make it a point to be there too.

46. But that was all unbeknown to NT tourism chief Alistair Shields, who found it in a store room and decided it would brighten the walls at the Department of Tourism and Culture in Darwin.

47. Technology has made it possible to manipulate foods' sensory properties to make them sweeter or saltier or richer tasting or more colorful at will.

48. The point is, if there is a mistake that could be made, we have made it.

49. These test audiences, usually recruited from a targeted age or social group, fill out questionnaires after the showing about what they liked and didn't like, what they thought about the story and the characters, after which the producers, writers and directors rewrite and edit to make it more audience-friendly.

50. Now it is time to make it special!

51. That is because overthinking can make it too hard to take action.

52. For example, with minimal effort, keeping clean makes it more likely that others will want to spend time with you.

53. You may feel like you don't have one, but it just means you haven't found it yet.

54. As a general rule, historians find it difficult to isolate events in history and argue their impact upon society, when they are so well woven into the continuous tapestry of life.

55. It's not hard to see how those skills make it into the daily lives of kids.

56. All of these factors are going to make it extremely difficult to slow the growth of federal spending and keep the debt from ballooning out of control.

57. Nari, 16 I always wanted to be an opera singer, but I needed some motivation to make it happen.

58. One year later, the $110 earns another 10%, to make it $121.

59. The more you visualize yourself achieving your goals, the more your mind will search for ways to make it happen.

60. Demand for the mineral, which is used to make high-quality chemical fertilizers, made it very valuable.

61. Frequently checked out books, that is, popular books (ex, the Dan Brown blockbusters), will be made available in special spaces near the entrance of the library to make it easy for members to find them.

62. This is not to say that it does not exist, but rather that we cannot be absolutely sure we have found it simply because we have an apparently logical proof.

63. And what makes it overwhelming is not only that the decision is ours, but that the number of sources of information from which we are to make the decisions has exploded.

64. This example shows that much of the information that is available to your ears does not make it too far into your head.

65. This makes it nearly impossible to stick to the goal.

66. You may find it hard to believe that this really happens, but it’s a serious problem for some tourists.

67. It relates to the degree to which the less powerful members of a society accept their inequality in power and consider it the norm.

68. Four ships sank and nearly 2,000 men died, making it one of Britain's worst sea disasters ever.

69. For example, the modern Icelander does not find it very difficult to read the Icelandic sagas from the Middle Ages.

70. You may not remember this, but many years ago, you helped a student make it through college.

71. His response made it very clear that he trusted his gut feeling and was satisfied with himself and with his decision.

72. I don't think I'm going to make it.

73. At first, I found it hard to adjust to the loss.

74. A recent drought has sent the price of corn up, making it too expensive for many farmers.

75. "Son, we finally made it!"

76. Theories of all sorts promote the view that there are ways by which disagreement can be processed or managed so as to make it disappear.

77. They make it look like a dream.

78. Different theories and formulae had made it possible.

79. It is too late to add anything to this moment to make it better.

80. I salute each of you, students, for all of your accomplishments leading up to today's full glory, and I congratulate everyone who has supported you and made it possible for you to get here.

81. Research shows that participating in corporate volunteer activity heightens rather than weakens employees' organizational commitment, in part because people feel a sense of self-worth when they do the good deeds that their organizations made it easier for them to do.

82. Stable patterns are necessary lest we live in chaos; however, they make it difficult to abandon entrenched behaviors, even those that are no longer useful, constructive, or health creating.

83. The unique appearance of the Joshua tree makes it a very desirable decoration.

84. The granite is white and somewhat glossy, making it highly reflective.

85. If you follow only one tip in the whole book, make it this one.

86. At the market, I bought a cute doll from a woman who had made it herself.

87. Surely someone who could drive the car, open the juice container, and reach the sink could make it stop raining.

88. Engaging in acts that would be considered inconsequential in ordinary life also liberates us a bit, making it possible to explore our capabilities in a protected environment.

89. You'll be assigned a personal adviser, have your work evaluated by experienced experts, and receive insightful suggestions on how to make it better.

90. It happened because they'd made it happen through continuous effort.

91. The answer is that they sit inside the gold crystal structure, taking the place of a gold atom, and it is this atom substitution inside the crystal lattice of the gold that makes it stronger.

92. It is easy to use a word such as mutation to give credibility to a theory but when we look at the detail we find it has no substance.

93. But even if the possibility of closing could be ruled out with certainty, it is doubtful that a store would find it advantageous to purchase doors without locks.

94. Doing these kinds of activities before going to bed can stimulate your brain too much, making it more difficult to rest.

95. Due to an accident many years ago and the fact she is very old, she finds it hard to walk, so this was a big thing for her to do.

96. Its glass walls make it almost completely visible to the outside world.

97. Cattle farmers are finding it hard to feed their cattle these days.

98. Human beings discovered this art thousands of years ago, and they have invented several devices to make it easier and faster.

99. That is the power of visualization, the act of creating vivid pictures in your mind of what you want in order to make it happen.

100. "Son, we finally made it!

101. The innovations that made it possible to move animals from their natural outdoor homes to closed-in, dirty, and primitive conditions are not creating a better or healthier world.

102. Some African countries find it difficult to feed their own people or provide safe drinking water, yet precious water is used to produce export crops for European markets.

103. It makes it difficult for households to plan ahead.

104. Use FOMO to your advantage by thinking of why exactly you're afraid to miss out on this thing, and consider it an opportunity to grow.

105. I found it interesting that even on the other side of the world, people still wish for simple things like happiness, love, and marriage.

106. By comparison, evaluation of performances such as diving, gymnastics, and figure skating is more subjective ─ although elaborate scoring rules help make it more objective.

107. He distorted the shape of a common object to make it harder to recognize.


'구문 BIG DATA' 카테고리의 다른 글

접접  (0) 2018.10.13
전접  (0) 2018.10.13
the more ~, the more  (0) 2018.10.13
no matter  (0) 2018.10.13
w+ever  (0) 2018.10.13

in2 | Since 2005 위스마트, 임희재 | WAYNE.TISTORY.COM | +821033383436 | 제작일 181013 17:32:46

From The Number of Sents: 18825
TARGET: themore

1. He wrote, "I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work, the more I live."

2. However, the higher the expectations, the more difficult it is to be satisfied.

3. Unfortunately, the more teachers cover, the less kids remember.

4. His wife reluctantly accepted and he quickly noticed that the hotter she was, the faster she counted.

5. The more they looked at the image, the more motivated they were to get to the moon as soon as possible.

6. The more knowledge structures we have, the more confident we can be in making sense of a wide range of messages.

7. However, the more you walk on the tiles, the more energy you can create.

8. And the more times he reads it, the greater will be the repetitive effect on his pattern of thought and action.

9. You probably believe that the more you have, the happier you would be.

10. We can infer, for example, that the more fluently we retrieve an item from memory, the more often we must have encountered it in the past.

11. The more times you're exposed to something, in general, the more you like it.

12. The more you commit to playing your role, the more vivid your experience will be.

13. The better brains became at doing so, the more effective they would be.

14. The more something causes your heart to race, the more important it is to step back before speaking or typing a single word.

15. E・ Scott Geller notes that "the more vividly individuals can imagine themselves performing desired behaviors, the greater the beneficial impact of this technique on actual performance."

16. In contrast, the fewer perspectives you consider, the more susceptible you are to fallacies or misconceptions resulting from a limited view.

17. The more denim was washed, the softer it would get, eventually achieving that worn-in, made-just-for-me feeling you probably get with your favorite jeans.

18. The more diversified the company's products, the greater the need for more varied equipment.

19. The more an event is socially shared, the more it will be fixed in people's minds.

20. But according to Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, it's impossible to accelerate any mass (including spaceships and space crews) to the speed of light, as the closer you get to it, the heavier you become, until it becomes practically impossible to get any faster.

21. So, the more time goes by, the more colorful the tree becomes.

22. This finding is interesting because, as science suggests, the more options we have, the harder our decision making process will be.

23. The taller you are, the larger the frame you need.

24. The longer you keep your money invested, the greater the compound interest.

25. And the more perspectives you take into account, the better you can understand something, whether it be yourself, a relationship with another person, or a situation in the world.

26. The greater the force applied to the ground, the greater the force that lifts the athlete.

27. The more representative your data are of the total possible data, the more valid will be the outcome.

28. The more you visualize yourself achieving your goals, the more your mind will search for ways to make it happen.

29. In the less developed world, the percentage of the population involved in agriculture is declining, but at the same time, those remaining in agriculture are not benefiting from technological advances.

30. Yet, the more options they have, the more paralyzed they become.

31. The more you like about what you see, the more able and willing you may be to put yourself out there in the public eye.

32. The more clean-energy ideas like this we come up with, the better our future will be.

33. The more you know about your reader, the greater the chances you will meet his or her needs and expectations.

34. The more we learn about whales, the better able we will be to protect them.

35. Anxiety also sabotages academic performance of all kinds: 126 different studies of more than 36,000 people found that the more prone to anxieties a person is, the poorer his or her academic performance is.

36. The more enthusiastic the dance is, the happier the scout is with his spot.

37. One of the little understood paradoxes in communication is that the more difficult the word, the shorter the explanation.

38. Furthermore, the longer the close friends had known each other, the less steep the hill appeared to the participants involved in the study.

39. Our instincts tell us the higher we climb up the ladder, the more stress we feel and the weaker our feeling of safety.

40. The longer we stay actively engaged in complex thinking and meaningful work, the more energized the brain is and the more cognitive reserves are being built.

41. They believe the earlier kids start to use computers, the more familiarity they will have when using other digital devices.

42. Anyone who has tried to complete a jigsaw puzzle as the clock ticked on toward a deadline knows that the more they struggle to find the missing pieces, the harder it is to find them.

43. The further they are apart, the weaker the force.

44. Of course, heat will flow from the thermometer into the air, but if the Sun keeps shining on the thermometer, the thermometer will always be hotter.

45. For example, after the consumer has agreed to purchase a car for $8,000, the salesperson begins to add on $100 for tax and $200 for tires.

46. The deeper we go into it, the greater are the disturbing forces we have to face.

47. The farmer will then trade the eggs for the sweater, the sweater for the trivets, and the trivets for his fresh-baked loaf of bread.

48. In essence, the more new information we take in, the slower time feels.

49. In general, the longer a potential respondent delays replying, the less likely he or she is to do so at all.

50. The more meaning you can pack into a single word, the fewer words are needed to get the idea across.

51. If the answer is the former, the therapist could address the boundary issue by being upfront with the individual prior to searching for information online, and ask how they would feel about online information being sought in an effort to inform the therapeutic process.

52. Traditional banks are based on the principle that the more you have, the more you can borrow.

53. The more effectively they communicate that authority, the more secure the child feels, and the better able he is to move away from them toward a life of his own.

54. The funnier a particular cartoon is rated by a participant, the more strongly these parts of the brain are activated.

55. The more you know about baseball, the more that knowledge informs how you see a game.

56. The more time a ship spends at sea, the more the bottom of it becomes covered with a thick and wet growth called fouling.


'구문 BIG DATA' 카테고리의 다른 글

전접  (0) 2018.10.13
vita  (0) 2018.10.13
no matter  (0) 2018.10.13
w+ever  (0) 2018.10.13
whose  (0) 2018.10.13

no matter

구문 BIG DATA2018. 10. 13. 17:31
2018ebsfinal | Since 2005 위스마트, 임희재 | WAYNE.TISTORY.COM | +821033383436 | 제작일 181013 17:31:33

From The Number of Sents: 18818
TARGET: nomatter

1. No matter what you can afford, save great wine for special occasions.

2. Creativity is strange in that it finds its way in any kind of situation, no matter how restricted, just as the same amount of water flows faster and stronger through a narrow strait than across the open sea.

3. No matter how successful a writer becomes, they have to change things up from time to time.

4. "No matter how hard he tried to think of an intelligent answer, the father didn't have a good one to give his son.

5. We tend to perceive the door of a classroom as rectangular no matter from which angle it is viewed.

6. No one standing still can triumph, no matter how well constituted.

7. Third, there must be a way to deal with water so that there will never be any flooding or other water damage, no matter how much it rains."

8. They facilitate physiological and behavioral changes on a roughly twenty-four-hour cycle no matter what is happening outside, whether a cold front moves in or clouds block the light of the sun.

9. One reason that people can play a card game such as bridge over and over is that no matter how many times you have played the game, it will be different in some way.

10. Today the Internet has given people around the world immediate access to the cultural artifacts and ideals of other societies, no matter where they're located.

11. No matter how good your product is, remember that perfection of an existing product is not necessarily the best investment one can make.

12. No matter how much we've achieved, we can't be happy if we keep comparing ourselves with others.

13. Advocates of universal egoism claim that everything we do, no matter how noble and beneficial to others, is really directed toward the ultimate goal of self-benefit.

14. Basic literacy in the contemporary world requires knowledge of certain terms known by literate people everywhere in the world, no matter what language they speak.

15. These days, looking at sociable robots and digitized friends, one might assume that what we want is to be always in touch and never alone, no matter who or what we are in touch with.

16. Don't be afraid to be honest with your friends, no matter how painful the truth is.

17. In the qualifying round, she wouldn't pass me the ball no matter how open I was for the shot.

18. No matter how old the children are, at the beginning they will need help in setting realistic goals that can be accomplished in a relatively short period of time.

19. No matter how much we reflect and deepen our introspection, ultimately how we act in the world gives the true message of our values.

20. Every member was given encouragement, no matter how weak or undeveloped her writing was.

21. Ants never get into a traffic jam, no matter how fast they move or how many of them occupy the road.

22. But no matter how much you have, you'll never be happy because there's always more you'll want.

23. Mr. Fong decided that no matter what it took, he would not stand by and watch the life of Tu, his number one son, be destroyed.

24. This self-inventory continues to be the starting point for any job search today no matter what the Internet technology involved.

25. You will look back on your life, and no matter how much you have accomplished, you will wish that you had lived differently.

26. There, she realized no matter who you are, how experienced you are, and how knowledgeable you think you are, you should always delay judgment.

27. No matter what their method was, these men got energy from naps.


'구문 BIG DATA' 카테고리의 다른 글

vita  (0) 2018.10.13
the more ~, the more  (0) 2018.10.13
w+ever  (0) 2018.10.13
whose  (0) 2018.10.13
be pp  (1) 2018.10.13


구문 BIG DATA2018. 10. 13. 17:29
2018ebsfinal | Since 2005 위스마트, 임희재 | WAYNE.TISTORY.COM | +821033383436 | 제작일 181013 17:29:05

From The Number of Sents: 18825
TARGET: w+ever

1. The other extreme is that being observed enhances performance, people doing whatever it might be better when they know that others are watching.

2. Descriptions of the history of the Earth, the stars sparkling across the cosmos, worlds so far away we may never see them and the wonderment of what life forms potentially exist out there, contain more exotic characters and magical realms than any fictional tale.

3. Whatever bias people may have as individuals gets multiplied when they discuss things as a group.

4. However, regardless of the type of evidence, the point is that without evidence, historians cannot function.

5. If you look at the picture closely, however, you will see a strange form at the bottom center.

6. For many others, however, the transfer meant slavery.

7. Sometimes, however, if a person is already sensitive and upset about something, delaying feedback can be wise.

8. Raised by his Cherokee mother, the young Sequoyah never learned to read or write English.

9. However, I think the difficult journey would be worth it!

10. However, a question occurred to her one day.

11. Whatever your answer is, you probably want to do better.

12. The human contact with individual animals, however, was lost.

13. However, the more you walk on the tiles, the more energy you can create.

14. Politics cannot be suppressed, whichever policy process is employed and however sensitive and respectful of differences it might be.

15. He had never been able to attend school for more than four years.

16. However, faced with a loss of customers, the competition responded by opening on Saturdays as well.

17. By the end of the Roman Imperium, however, Italy had been stripped of forest cover.

18. The audience was, however, captivated by its novelty.

19. In such cases, we publicize the positive links — however trivial careful thought discovers them to be — coming from our being.

20. Online environments vary widely in how easily you can save whatever happens there, what I call its recordability and preservability.

21. However, different substances tend to affect the environment differently.

22. At its root, the fear of missing out stems from the idea that this party, this concert, this show, this event will be the best thing ever and that if you don't go, you'll regret it forever.

23. However, smartphones are a constant distraction in our lives.

24. However, they are becoming more concerned about how to use space safely.

25. Since the imperial vision tends to be universal and inclusive, it was relatively easy for imperial elites to adopt ideas, norms, and traditions from wherever they found them, rather than to stick to a single rigid tradition.

26. Wayne Gretzky, the legendary ice hockey player, said, "You miss 100% of the shots that you never take."

27. So be extra careful if you see loose rock, and be sure to warn whoever is around you!

28. If you have passion, you can achieve whatever you want.

29. Now, however, there are thousands of satellites around the Earth.

30. A problem that arises here is that individuals who believe in premonitory dreams may give one or two striking examples of 'hits,' but they never tell you how many of their premonitory dreams 'missed.

31. However, he was still full of hope, and he wrote many beautiful poems.

32. However, single-copy sales are important: they bring in more revenue per magazine, because subscription prices are typically at least 50 percent less than the price of buying single issues.

33. However, when a bill was introduced in Congress to outlaw such rules, the credit card lobby turned its attention to language.

34. In this circumstance, it is best to assume nothing and treat the problem as if you have never seen anything like it before.

35. However, strange as it may seem to those who teach science, many people don't recognize the fact that science drives technology.

36. We could not predict what he will do, but once he has done it, however surprising it may have been, we accept it as his action, because it fits into the pattern he is building on stage.

37. However, if the farmer is enterprising and utilizes his network of village friends, he might discover that the baker is in need of some new cast-iron trivets for cooling his bread, and it just so happens that the blacksmith needs a new lamb's wool sweater.

38. However, when you start putting the plan into practice to achieve your goal, the happiness, excitement, and a lot of fuel suddenly disappear.

39. However, it is still important to understand basic cartographic principles to make a good map.

40. Bad dreams, however, are caught in the net during the night and disappear as the sun rises.

41. You can pursue your passion with us, and your photography will never be the same.

42. However, jobs may not be permanent, and you may lose your job for countless reasons, some of which you may not even be responsible for.

43. As the old proverb goes, you never miss the water till the well runs dry.

44. In private, however, they studied each other's strategies carefully.

45. Eventually, however, almost every one of those indoor climbers feels the urge to combine climbing fun with nature.

46. However, if you really believe that something is impossible, or that you won't succeed, then trying to convince yourself otherwise can increase your anxiety, and actually doesn't help at all.

47. However, if we limit language to human linguistic knowledge and ability, the answer is "No.

48. Usually, however, you need to actively seek (and listen to) the viewpoints of others.

49. However, where the degree of competition is particularly intense a zero sum game can quickly become a negative sum game, in that everyone in the market is faced with additional costs.

50. However, he was very selfish, and his temper was so difficult that nobody wanted to be his friend.

51. However, these animals need training.

52. However, we can anticipate that personal growth and performance will progress faster in young, developing athletes who are given mental skills training than in athletes not exposed to MST.

53. Suppose that you have never seen the term gastrotomy before.

54. Losing every day, however, is certainly unpleasant, if not harmful.

55. However, for novelty to be creative it must be effective, either in some practical sense, or in that it establishes a coherent set of relations where no relations, or a less coherent set of relations, existed before.

56. But Handel never could find time for such a meeting.

57. However, even motor development varies, depending on one's culture.

58. However, seven years later, she received a letter from Linda describing the inner struggle she had gone through that day and thanking Rebecca for being the spark that helped her change her life.

59. New evidence suggests, however, that squirrels also sound alarm calls for former playmates, not genetically related.

60. The dotted symbols he came up with were never simple enough.

61. Perception of infrasound, however, presents some specific problems.

62. It must be emphasized, however, that tradition was not static, but constantly subject to minute variations appropriate to people and their circumstances.

63. If your picture of a counselor is someone who never disagrees, always "goes along," wants everything to be nice all the time, and only does what other people want him or her to do, this is not a picture of an assertive counselor.

64. "However, "some day" is a pain to a boy who lives in and knows only "now.

65. However, Asch had secretly instructed all but the last person in each group, who was the real subject of the experiment, to say that the medium-length line was the longest.

66. However, Minsu thought the price was too expensive, so I decided that 1,000 won would be reasonable.

67. Recently, however, new varieties of both crops have been developed that can be grown in full sun.

68. Yet, many people never consider installing lights in their closets.

69. 1) During the day, whenever you have some free time, take a walk.

70. In brief, the salesperson never considered or asked about your needs and preferences.

71. However, as adults, chickens have very limited hunting skills whereas crows are much more flexible in hunting for food.

72. But you should never make such assumptions right away.

73. This last option, however, would require several years and much investment.

74. The doctors said, "Rick will never walk or speak.

75. In behavior capture, however, you first have to wait until your dog performs the behavior you want him to.

76. However, the interest rate was so high that little money was left to support her family even after she sold all the chairs.

77. Although you don't typically need to defend yourself from wild animals today, your body still responds the same way whenever you feel threatened or uncomfortable.

78. The truth is that Facebook never expected anyone to click on the ads.

79. In science, we can never really prove that a theory is true.

80. One winter afternoon, he went to a house to see a child with a fever.

81. "This saying suggests that any "poppy" that outgrows the others in a field will get "cut down;" in other words, any overachiever will eventually fail.

82. Whoever has a healthy mind is capable of reading other people's minds.

83. During an attack, sufferers behave strangely whenever they are awake.

84. Even the old-timer at the boomerang game never fails to experience it; he may have made a thousand boomerangs, yet each time he throws a new one and it works perfectly just as he planned that it should, he feels a surge of pride and satisfaction that is worth many times over the effort required for the making.

85. However, Indians often say, "We can remove the story, but not the songs.

86. They would, however, be able to use phones during breaks, such as lunch, and after school.

87. Dabbawalas, however, demonstrate that with no form of technology, some of the old ways may still be the best ways.

88. Some people may be on the verge of buying the product, whereas others may never have heard of it.

89. However, parrots can say only what is taught or what they hear.

90. I had never seen anything so beautiful.

91. However, recent success in the packaged-cookie market suggests that these may not be the only, or perhaps even the most important, reasons.

92. This effect was reversed, however, when the seating arrangement was either angular (think L­shaped) or square.

93. For example, in a sample of over 3,000 40- to 69-year-old middle-aged single people, never-married singles, especially men, were more willing to date someone in general, as well as date a person of another race, religion, and socioeconomic status than themselves.

94. Wherever you go on this globe, you can get along with English.

95. It is the front edge of a learning process that can take us from where we were toward whatever we might become.

96. Cultural factors — including parenting practices, nutrition, and the perceived importance of motor skill development — also play a role, however.

97. The environmental adversities, however, actually contribute to their longevity.

98. However, thinking about it this way overlooks debt among people in low-income brackets who have no other way than debt to acquire basic necessities of life.

99. However, in order for the mechanism of peer review to work, it is important that scientists do not avoid this process.

100. Some of these behaviors, however, can make people actually stop loving us because we are not being authentic and so we get what we don't want.

101. However, most apes in the study did not help the first experimenter open the second box if the first experimenter was still in the room to see the second experimenter move the item.

102. Most people, however, understand that sodas are not good for their health due to the ingredients.

103. I never minded my nickname before, but now I do.

104. Morally, however, it regulates turn-taking which inevitably involves issues of fairness, respect for others, patience, and self-control.

105. When quantities are large, however, we do not use numbers in a precise way.

106. You will never have to live on other people's land.

107. I'll never forget the bright smiles and wide-eyed looks of the kids when they opened up their new colorful storybooks.

108. They had never seen such 'informal' paintings before.

109. Once everyone is calm and enjoying themselves again, however, these conversations are often forgotten or put off indefinitely.

110. However, my voice sounded nice when I was humming to myself in the shower this morning.

111. However, on his 75th mission, his fighter plane was shot down.

112. As the night is growing late, it's getting colder, but the Sahara Desert never sleeps.

113. On this particular test, however, both students receive a B.

114. He thought, "I never want to miss an opportunity to do things that I dream of."

115. "One day, however, a black woman in city clothes changed that.

116. They train for marathons, quit smoking, switch fields, write plays, take up the guitar, or learn to tango even if they never danced before in their lives.

117. Teddy bears that had a more baby-like appearance ― however slight this may have been initially ― were thus more popular with customers.

118. 'Well, that's true, but only in the sense that science never proves that any theory is positively true.

119. During the time of year when other fruits are less plentiful, however, fig trees become important in sustaining fruit-eating vertebrates.

120. However, with the regulations that are present at most schools, contacting their children can seem impossible to parents.

121. However research also points to the potentially harmful consequences of short-lived mentoring relationships characterized by conflict and disappointment.

122. However, language offers something more valuable than mere information exchange.

123. However, if you put a thermometer in direct sunlight, the red­colored alcohol absorbs more sunlight than does the transparent air.

124. However, as humans migrated into more temperate regions tens of thousands of years ago, too much melanin became harmful.

125. However, there is something worse than an inadequately informed public, and that's a misinformed public.

126. Whenever a business wants to grow, it has to find investors, who are people that are willing to give the business the money that it needs.

127. "I already knew that, but I had never seen it.

128. The term 'high density' is always associated with overcrowding; however, the notion of high density expressed in terms of building density has little to do with overcrowding.

129. Today, however, many zoos around the world suffer from declining visitor numbers.

130. However, when the instructor suggested to students that they think about the second problem in relation to the first, 80 percent of the student participants were able to solve it.

131. When he contracts influenza, he never attributes this event to his behavior toward the tax collector or his mother-in-law.

132. He realized that as a fighter pilot, he had never thought about who packed his parachute.

133. However, I want you to help me as an assistant," said Ms・ Baker.

134. "Never make Kuching people angry," he warned.

135. This all changed in the 18th century, however, thanks to the hard work and persistence of an English clockmaker.

136. Sometimes, however, food itself is the reason to celebrate.

137. They can call you old-fashioned; whatever they want, it's their business.

138. He would never say, "That's a mistake."

139. If the fleeing Nazis had destroyed it during World War II, she would have never seen it.

140. How we see ourselves, our life circumstances, the future, or even other people is never completely accurate.

141. However, they are often hurt and sometimes even killed by others.

142. If our ancestors hadn't agonized over losses and instead had taken too many chances in going after the big gains, they'd have been more likely to lose out and never become anyone's ancestor.

143. Other times, however, global influence can have disastrous consequences.

144. The idea of meeting regularly to compare notes, plan common assessments, and share what we did well never occurred to us.

145. The step from affirming equal moral worth to the conclusion that what is to be distributed should be distributed in equal pieces is never straightforward.

146. However, they were not familiar with the law because studying law was the job of the Jungin class.

147. So, as soon as harmony is disrupted, we do whatever we can to restore it.

148. He loved pickles so much that he wanted to take them wherever he and his army went.

149. They never noticed one much, they were so busy with other things, focusing on other famous people, unable to have or express kind feelings, or just working too hard.

150. I'll take a new name and will never again be Romeo.

151. However, when Wilma was 11, everything changed.

152. At the time of Handel's second visit to Halle, between 1730 and 1740, Bach was at Leipzig, but ill. As soon, however, as he was informed of Handel's arrival at Halle, he immediately sent his eldest son, William Friedemann, thither, with a very polite invitation to visit him at Leipzig.

153. HUBO solved this problem in a clever way.

154. However, the king's doctor was punished when he could not cure the illnesses of the king.

155. However, as Goodall witnessed, they not only eat and relish meat but also hunt for meat.

156. I have never been to Seoul before, so I am looking for some fun activities that I can do.

157. Another aspect of the same problem, however, is where one member chooses to do more work than the others.

158. As John Arnold has noted, "The sources do not 'speak for themselves' and never have done so.

159. In writing, however, clichés suffer the fate of the familiar becoming boring.

160. In the realm of psychological experience, however, quantifying units of time is a considerably clumsier operation.

161. The robots the Japanese were using, however, were not up to the task.

162. In Africa, she canoed up the Ogooué River and pioneered a route to the summit of Mount Cameroon, which had never been attempted by a European.

163. You should give someone a second chance before you label them and shut them out forever.

164. In our efforts to be the good child, the uncomplaining employee, or the cooperative patient, many of us fall into the trap of trying to please people by going along with whatever they want us to do.

165. Whenever one was found, it was given to the king.

166. However, since then, the amount of corn for food, seed, and industrial use has been consistently higher than that for feed and residual use.

167. Never again did lions cross Richard's fence.

168. However, there were exciting events like sports days and school festivals.

169. You've never murdered, but your murderer's rage will be drawn from memories of your own extreme anger.

170. Since I had never given a keynote before, a flood of worrisome thoughts began to challenge my self-worth.

171. Its purpose was to capture a moment in time and hold it forever.

172. [The Other Side of the Story] However, the Columbian Exchange did not always bring about positive changes.

173. However, observations of this sort raise a question about this conventional view: How can an injured fish benefit from helping others of its species to escape from a predator?

174. We almost never think of the present, and if we do so, it is only to shed light on our plans for the future.

175. Dear Grandpa, I hope you are doing well wherever you are, hopefully someplace wonderful.

176. Where we err, however, is in estimating the duration of the positive or negative feelings that such events evoke.

177. Also among the Hopi, women are the potters and not the men; however, in US culture both men and women can become potters.

178. Creativity is about "connecting the dots" — making connections between things that have never before been linked.

179. As we all know, however, modern elementary particle physics allows the elementary particles to be created and destroyed.

180. However unnoticeably, maps do indeed reflect the world views of either their makers or, more probably, the supporters of their makers, in addition to the political and social conditions under which they were made.

181. However, unless the classroom is organised in such a way as to allow the teacher to access individual students, this will be problematic and the teacher may resort to making public scolding.

182. Whatever else one might conclude about self-government, it's at risk when citizens don't know what they're talking about.

183. So, never think you are too advanced for these humble tools.

184. Besides, winter isn't going to last forever, and I can't wear as many layers in the spring.

185. However, the human mind turns out to be significantly swayed by how potential outcomes are portrayed.

186. He has failed, however, to take even the first steps toward reducing the dangerous conditions of many of the intersections surrounding our children's schools.

187. He never gave up his dream of helping his family and his village.

188. "Louise and her siblings were always puzzled about the specifics of how their mother would actually accomplish such a task, which, thankfully, she never attempted.

189. He had been exploring nature and interacting with animals ever since he was a young boy, and his love for nature never faded.

190. However, there may be a price to pay in terms of happiness.

191. Most of these colors and flavors, however, are not natural.

192. However, Orpheus, a musician and poet in Greek mythology, once did enter the Underworld to bring his dead wife back.

193. However, sometimes we expand this "rule" approach to life to such a degree that we get locked into patterns that are no longer applicable to life and our creative juices get squeezed out.

194. Large or even medium-sized groups ―corporations, movements, whatever ― aren't built to be flexible, nor are they willing to take large risks.

195. Never had he been beaten by the French.

196. However, the new Spider-Man, created in 2011 by Brian M. Bendis, is an African-American teenager.

197. Each household, however, is exposed to vectored diseases originating in the natural surroundings.

198. What these parents don't realize, however, is that while in the short term they may be making the lives of their children more pleasant, in the long term they may be preventing their children from acquiring self-confidence, mental strength, and important interpersonal skills.

199. However, it may also be argued that, rather than creating new jobs, tourism development simply serves to redistribute existing labor.

200. Some forms of new media, however, even engage our senses of touch and smell.

201. However, some say that a freer flow of capital has raised the risk of financial instability.

202. Whenever I'm succeeding in one area of my life, I'm failing in another area.

203. Sometimes, however, human cooperation can break down.

204. However, despite appearances to the contrary, this argument is not conclusive.

205. Scientists who offer advice to policy makers, however, often complain that their input/output is ignored or distorted during the policy making process.

206. They start uttering sentences they have never made or heard before.

207. Chris Craft's Vice President and General Manager, Bob MacNeill, is a believer.

208. They may blame us for our wasteful ways, but they can never collect on our debt to them.

209. There is, however, absolutely no scientific evidence for this theory.

210. Fitzpatrick and her colleagues suggest two reasons for the never-marrieds'open-mindedness.

211. However, success in some sports is particularly associated with a particular attentional skill.

212. The skier who never falls down has not challenged himself or herself enough to master the techniques of navigating double black-diamond runs.

213. In Japan, according to Shintaro Ryu, a perceptive Japanese journalist, the typical individual "wants to go wherever others go; even when he goes to the beach to swim, he avoids the uncrowded place but chooses a spot where people are practically on top of one another."

214. However, some wild mushrooms are dangerous, leading people to lose their lives due to mushroom poisoning.

215. In reality, however, river boundaries can change as rivers change course.

216. "One time he said you never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them.

217. Having never done anything like this before, Cheryl hadn't anticipated the reaction she might receive.

218. The birth of a dolphin has never been seen in the wild.

219. In many situations, however, the boundary between good and bad is a reference point that changes over time and depends on the immediate circumstances.

220. The nuclear form, however, facilitates the fecal contamination of water sources and the spread of directly contagious diseases.

221. However, there is an urgent need that the Central Government of India should manage to get a legislation passed for the control of noise pollution.

222. During this lengthy process, whenever he feels threatened, he turns back toward the safety of his parents' love and authority.

223. However, if you end the discussion there, then the only feedback your friend is getting is about her progress toward an outcome.

224. However, each sale requires a different approach.

225. The Lascaux Caves in southern France are the site of an important discovery: prehistoric art on a scale never seen before and dating from approximately 15,000 B.C.E.

226. One day during the trial, Atticus provides clear evidence that Tom never attacked Mayella and that she and her father, Bob Ewell, are lying.

227. After experiencing this in Tanzania, I decided to help people wherever and whenever I could for them and for myself.

228. The artist, however, may not have wanted to frighten the viewers with too direct an image and hid the message.

229. What Scientists Found: Mealworms can eat and digest plastics that never degrade naturally, such as Styrofoam.

230. Upon talking to several acquaintances, however, she discovers that the local service department for Car A has a much poorer reputation than that for Car B.

231. However, the play must be owned by the children.

232. However, the results of this influence vary from culture to culture.

233. Whatever binds you and keeps you from living your truth is false and can be shed.

234. Perhaps the most interesting thing about the butterfly fish, however, is that pairs stay together for life after they mate.

235. In another sense, however, the disaster was completely inevitable.

236. To Kill a Mockingbird In the early part of the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, the heroine and her brother are told by their father never to kill a mockingbird.

237. Those were the parts where, if a plane was struck by a bullet, it would never be seen again.

238. We all know that our lives can be affected by events that we will never see or hear.

239. However, this may appear rude to native speakers of English: "gravy" with falling intonation came across as a statement, suggesting "This is gravy.

240. When the user pulls the lever, the water is released and the automation refills the basin.

241. Tell yourself that you can do whatever you want with that cash, but only after two weeks.

242. However, social coordination also occurs automatically, nonconsciously, and effortlessly throughout our daily encounters with other people.

243. If, however, you want people to read and understand what you write, write it in spoken language.

244. How many talented people never evolved simply because they had no one to cheer them on at a pivotal moment in their lives?

245. However, there are still significant barriers to deepening the linkages of culinary tourism.

246. Upon further inspection, however, Hardy realized that it was a version of the Riemann zeta function, an extremely complex mathematical concept.

247. Whenever she felt down, her mom encouraged her by saying that working hard and never giving up is more important.

248. When it comes to managing weight, however, we are influenced by the body's mechanisms designed to get us through times of famine.

249. Very heavy rains, however, could carry away soil and plant nutrients, hindering the growth of vegetation, thereby leaving a reduced food supply for the animals that depend on that vegetation.

250. Hardy had never seen anything like it before, and quickly concluded that he was dealing with a mathematical genius.

251. Thereafter, whenever his grandfather was not busy, he sat with Mujuru, teaching him new songs, and then practicing the performance of the kushaura and kutsinhira parts together.

252. However, private capital started to flow into seed production and took it over as a sector of the economy, creating an artificial split between the two aspects of the seed's nature: its role as means of production and its role as product.

253. Crows are a remarkably clever family of birds.

254. Often, however, these regulations do not work adequately, as the Enron scandal in 2001 clearly illustrates.

255. They cut out parts of rats' brains, trying to make them forget a maze, and found that it didn't matter what part of the brain they chose; the rats never forgot.

256. However, there were some differences between the two painters.

257. Childhood friends—friends you've known forever—are really special.

258. "I'll never discourage another singer again," he said.

259. In the world of social networking, however, the definition and application of the term friend is much more vague and loosely applied.

260. Animals-and people-who have been raised in extreme social isolation are poor at reading emotional cues in those around them not because they lack the basic circuitry for empathy but because, lacking emotional tutors, they have never learned to pay attention to these messages and so haven't practiced this skill.

261. She wished all the memories would remain in her mind forever.

262. However, shoppers should understand that getting any of these sources of information has costs.

263. However, there was a major problem with this idea: the lake lacked any suitable sporting fish!

264. However, a multinational scientific survey completed in 2007 has shown that this ocean is reaching its carbon saturation point.

265. Many people, however, face barriers in their environment that prevent such choices.

266. However, sometimes we do things without knowing that they are bad for our health.

267. Write it down, however, and you can see it, feel it, hold it, keep it forever.

268. Whenever that's true, it's time to rethink what we're doing.

269. Then, to interpret those finds, they had to learn Russian, Bulgarian, and Romanian, without which they would never have learned the true nature of the site.

270. It is never missed or rescheduled at a different time.

271. However, stay in the room for a few minutes, and the smell will seem to disappear.

272. Before voicing her objections, however, she called a colleague back in New York, who told her that he, too, had been excluded from preliminary talks during his last negotiation in that country.

273. However, most of us don't realize just how important sleep is.

274. Logically speaking, telling someone that the engaging in act X promotes outcome Y, or that not engaging in act X fails to promote outcome Y, provides the same objective information: Y (partly) depends on X・ However, the way in which that information is presented — in particular, whether the emphasis is placed on losses or gains — influences the decision-making process.

275. Geoffrey Miller, now at Stanford University, suggests that clever creatures can attract more mates because they are more inventive and creative than the average.

276. Some people mistakenly extend this principle, however.

277. That definition seems too narrow, however, since works of art and natural objects may interest us in other ways than by being beautiful.

278. Whichever group you fall into, the way you see yourself and the world can't be perfectly clear and precise.

279. However, surprisingly, they weren't able to recall the names of students who were seated close to them.

280. However, the Grameen Bank gives priority to the poor, particularly the poorest women.

281. However, if you hear "I like you" in an angry tone of voice while your friend exhibits no facial expression, avoids eye contact, and sits slightly turned away from you, with arms folded tightly, you would question his or her motive.

282. However, fundamentally Mortier knows exactly how to retain the balance between tradition and innovation, which guarantees the continuity of this festival.

283. Perfection, or the attribution of that quality to individuals, creates a perceived distance that the general public cannot relate to ―making those who never make mistakes perceived as being less attractive or likable.

284. Flow can be achieved when you are involved in tasks such as making music, playing sports, reading, solving puzzles, or doing whatever interests and challenges you.

285. Post it wherever you need it most, such as on your refrigerator or at work—so that every time you see it, you will smile and feel your spirit lifted.

286. However, during the same period, there has been no comparable worldwide advance in ethical behavior.

287. As time passes, however, they get used to what they have and, just like the smell of fresh bread, these wonderful assets disappear from their consciousness.

288. Your dreams, however, are not something to be caged in your mind.

289. However, it is very unusual for her to go there.

290. Sometimes, however, you will want to use your life more directly in your fiction, dramatizing actual incidents.

291. However, ethologists, researchers who study the biological bases of behavior, claim that expressions of anger, pouting, fear, and sadness are built into our biological makeup and are universal.

292. However, Indians often say, "We can remove the story, but not the songs."

293. However, it has been observed in captive dolphin populations.

294. However, he does not charge anyone with murder.

295. The Egyptian never showed up.

296. Alone time, however, forces you to take a break from everyday responsibilities and the requirements of others so you can dedicate time to move forward with your own goals, meet your own personal needs, and further explore your personal dreams.

297. Whenever a geneticist unlocks new secrets of the DNA molecule, it adds to our knowledge base and enables us to better the human condition.

298. Suddenly the young woodcutter realized that during break times while the old man was having a drink, he was also re-sharpening his axe, which the young woodcutter never did.

299. However, the frontal cortex, the area of the brain that controls reasoning and helps us think before we act, develops later.

300. However, concerns have been raised that cookies, which can track what people do online, may be violating privacy by helping companies or government agencies accumulate personal information.

301. This doesn't mean, however, that it has been beneficial to everyone.

302. Recently, however, it is also being seen as a part of culture in the sense that it can be socially defined in different ways.

303. However, one day in 1940, Gansong heard that it had been found and went to meet the owner.

304. However, they are put into the same category by scientists.

305. Research shows, however, that creativity loves constraints.

306. Animals, however, have no expectations about mental capacity.

307. You were never asked what you were seeking, how much you could spend, or if the computer would be used for business or pleasure or your child's homework assignments.

308. If we're not careful, however, children will set unreasonable goals that are simply unreachable, even in a year.

309. However, this approach displays a fundamental misunderstanding of the psychology behind the ads.

310. It will be either direct, when the government invests the tax dollars in whatever capacity it considers to be most necessary, or indirect, when the government passes legislation that makes the desired activity more profitable.

311. However, this is NOT the mark of an effective academic writer.

312. However, some research has shown that people who have regular family dinners have better social skills and are happier.

313. It didn't take long, however, until it was stopped by my uncle, then by the composer and the technician.

314. However, across the animal kingdom, selfishness is only a very small part of an animal's life.

315. The use of qat first came to the attention of Europeans toward the end of the 17th century, but unlike other exotic stimulants known at the time (such as tea, coffee, and chocolate), it never became popular.

316. Dr・ Hoagland was curious enough to notice that whenever he left his wife's room for a short while, she complained that he had been gone for a long time.

317. However, there were bank loans for and taxes on the land.

318. However, things were different this year.

319. But I do know I will be forever grateful I got on that plane.

320. However, the planet's major carbon sink is its oceans.

321. When Boo disappears into the house, never to be seen again, Scout thinks about all the things he has done for her and Jem and regrets that they have never given him anything in return.

322. If you have never been to a game before, then the whole thing is probably a complex mess.

323. However, this thought process leads some students to try changing themselves to impress others.

324. When a formal occasion comes along, however, such as a family wedding or a funeral, they are likely to cave in to norms that they find overwhelming.

325. Grant Wood grew up on a farm and drew with whatever materials could be spared.

326. In 2007, however, more than three million people visited the zoo.

327. Now, however, it would become his deathbed unless he found a way to extricate himself.

328. However, property owners cannot reduce the amount of space available for rent in their buildings.

329. This is because horses never step on a person.

330. Some people, however, found the traditional religious explanations inadequate, and they began to search for answers based on reason.

331. Just as we can close our eyes to what we do not want to see, however, we can also turn off our empathy.

332. However, unexpected circumstances came when they tried to apply this approach globally.

333. We can contact people instantly, wherever they are.

334. You can use it on that day’s purchases or whenever you come back to Super Mart!

335. However, if ‘blueberry’ had referred only to the specific thing I just picked and no more, the sound would have slipped away silently, devoid of further application.

336. However, Harrison was sure he could make a clock that remained accurate on long sea voyages.

337. His days were filled with classes and school activities, so he experimented whenever he could find the time - between classes, on weekends, at night in the dormitory.

338. However much the ancient Egyptians may have looked down upon foreigners as culturally inferior peoples or as dangerous agents of chaos, Egyptian society was on many levels deeply entangled with those of its neighbors.

339. He never married, and as far as we know he never had a lady friend in his entire adult life.

340. However, there is no reason to assume that people engage in a complete review of all their positive and negative experiences.

341. Never make the mistake of thinking that only higher-ups can help you.

342. However, certain features are commonly found.

343. However, Stendhal syndrome starts with something good that leads to something bad.

344. However, the next time the villagers spotted the cobra, they attacked it with sticks and stones, nearly beating it to death.

345. Everything was a big challenge for me and my father, but we never gave up.

346. Fire on Ice: Yuna Kim vs. Mao Asada To Yuna Kim, Mao Asada seemed like a huge obstacle that she would never overcome.

347. However, in recent years, there has been concern about some of the side effects of this process.

348. However, people who eat for emotional reasons are not necessarily overweight.

349. In fact, however, the effects of art are neither so certain nor so direct.

350. After thinking for a moment, however, Ramanujan disagreed.

351. In the 1920's, however, someone challenged the rules and reinterpreted this arm recovery to be an out-of-the-water recovery.

352. The adoption of goal-line technology forever ruled out the possibility of disputes over goals.

353. These days, looking at sociable robots and digitized friends, one might assume that what we want is to be always in touch and never alone, no matter who or what we are in touch with.

354. Whenever you want, you can go back to reexamine those events from the past.

355. However, Johns Hopkins did not worry about losing prospective pre-med students, whose demand curves for education at Johns Hopkins were relatively inelastic.

356. Dinosaurs, however, did once live.

357. However, Edison, who was in charge of the federal government project, rejected Tesla's idea.

358. He never saw his mother again.

359. Ants never get into a traffic jam, no matter how fast they move or how many of them occupy the road.

360. In an ancient tribe, however, living in small huts in a tiny village settlement, a mother would have been able to hear any of the babies crying in the night.

361. However, the most important thing is that we should not create any more space junk.

362. Whoever reads this, I'm DYING – I'm 28 years old.

363. Instead of deliberately choosing someone, however, he decided to select his opponent randomly by making himself into a human spin-wheel.

364. The good news is that it's never too late to start building up muscle strength, regardless of your age.

365. LASID: Yes, and I never opened it.

366. The suppression of disagreement should never be made into a goal in political deliberation.

367. However, I would really appreciate it if you could allow my son to register additionally.

368. However, it's changing these days.

369. However, other deep-rooted cultural characteristics of races and racial subgroups are much more difficult to change.

370. If your face is round, however, you may look better in angular or square frames.

371. However, finding ways to reverse the increasingly individualistic trend in Western societies is a much taller order.

372. "Puzzled, the heroine asks Miss Maudie, her kind and clever neighbor, why she should not kill a mockingbird.

373. We may never feel stronger or more invigorated than when we are really angry."

374. We've never fought because of you.

375. Whenever the scientists cut out a piece, they damaged only a small portion of the involved connections.

376. However, the predominant legend has it that a goatherd discovered coffee in the Ethiopian highlands.

377. Basically, those who never make mistakes are perceived as being less attractive and "likable" than those who make occasional mistakes.

378. When the performance of children who receive their education at cyberschools is assessed, the results, however, are dismal.

379. He said, "I can't let you in the university, but I will see you whenever you need my advice or help.

380. Recently, however, considerable doubt has been thrown upon Humboldt's narrative, owing to the fact that subsequent travelers have failed to discover any trace of so unique a method of fishing.

381. However, it's possible that innovations and cultural changes can expand Earth's capacity.

382. However, as a teenager or adult, you only require about eight or nine hours of sleep, and some people need as little as seven hours.

383. However, these efforts are likely to strengthen the association of this concept with other thoughts that serve as distractors, and also with stimuli in the immediate environment in which the cognitive activity occurs.

384. However, the coordination of visual information into coherent, recognizable shapes takes place in the association cortices.

385. When he got older, however, he was not anything special from a coach's perspective.

386. After days of hard work, however, I was pleased that I had been part of such a worthy project as preserving the remains of the ancient Inca civilization.

387. Maybe you know you should be recycling but just never get around to gathering up your glass, paper, and plastics in time for the recycling truck.

388. “Never forget,” Keith said.

389. However, it is the improvement of circulation to the brain that aerobic activity affords as well as the increased production of certain hormones that protect cognition and stimulate neuron growth.

390. I'll never forget the good times I've had with them.

391. Stable patterns are necessary lest we live in chaos; however, they make it difficult to abandon entrenched behaviors, even those that are no longer useful, constructive, or health creating.

392. However, he felt that his presentation was not very well received by the German executives.

393. However, what if the casual observation leads to false assumptions, or misinterpretation gets in the way?

394. Cora badly wanted to win a spot, but she knew that her parents would never allow her to go, even if she had been accepted.

395. Unfortunately, however, Rick was born paralyzed.

396. After a few minutes' rest, a second series of words was presented and they pressed a button whenever they recognized a word from the first series.

397. However, it's also fun.

398. Not having a refrigerator, however, was a real problem.

399. According to some ancient Greek philosophers, the elementary particles are eternal, never created or destroyed.

400. However, he never shows himself, so Scout grows more and more curious about him.

401. However, this price may be different from day to day or week to week.

402. However, passive "nonintervention" strategies are hard to maintain in the face of public opinion.

403. So today we tried making something that we had never tasted before.

404. That, however, is not all they want.

405. Never before had these subjects been considered appropriate for artists.

406. However, languages begin to die when children no longer learn them.

407. The American anthropologist Margaret Mead once said, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.

408. A book never tells you to go home and practice more, helps you with stage fright, or holds a recital.

409. One day, however, Christian asked for some plastic bags.

410. However, this was not a simple fashion choice.

411. On the second trial, however, HUBO successfully completed the task.

412. Sometimes, however, little fish help the big fish, so the big fish do not eat the little fish.

413. However, there is a need for keeping or increasing the economic growth rate without increasing mobility levels to the same extent.

414. It struck me hard that I was sending carbon into the air whenever I turned on the lights, drove a car, or even went shopping for food.

415. At the actual event, however, I was surprised to meet many people who knew about my country - not only the drought and war, but the long and ancient history of Ethiopia and its multiethnic and multicultural society."

416. He might never return.

417. Architects, however, do not control how the residents of those buildings present themselves or see each other ― but the designers of virtual spaces do, and they have far greater influence on the social experience of their users.

418. However, in many school physical education programs, team sports dominate the curriculum at the expense of various individual and dual sports, like tennis, swimming, badminton, and golf.

419. After that, they never saw each other again.

420. 'However, Brontë's anxieties did not stem from the fear that her gender would block her quest for a publisher.

421. Although technology is responsive to the will of the people, it can seldom respond instantaneously and is never free.

422. I never wake up without being full of ideas.

423. However, the higher the expectations, the more difficult it is to be satisfied.

424. However, it is our policy at Northstar to assess employee performance and award raises annually.

425. Wald, however, saw that the important thing was that these bullet holes had not destroyed the planes, and what needed more protection were the areas that were not hit.

426. Even though I was excited about the project, I was also nervous because I had never before traveled alone to such a distant place.

427. Since they never lock their doors, why do they bother to install doors with locks on them?

428. ""For my own part," he said in an 1846 article in Graham's Magazine, "I have never had a thought which I could not set down in words, with even more distinctness than that with which I conceived it.

429. Months later, when the professor wrote to all the establishments they had visited to ask whether Chinese guests were welcome, however, the majority of the responses were, in fact, prejudiced and rather uninviting, showing that attitudes don't always predict behavior.

430. Such factors, however, can explain only the misinformation that has always been with us.

431. We also have friendly staff who can help you with whatever you need.

432. However, even when huge numbers of mutations have been produced in fruit flies, all the mutations have been fruit fly mutations.

433. As adults, we likewise suspend disbelief and enter the rules of imaginative play when watching theatre, accepting whatever mimed or symbolic use of a prop is suggested by the actors.

434. However, this is not the case in countries such as Australia and New Zealand, where the majority of our tourist sites (including the ancient indigenous sites) are, in one way or another, products of the 20th century.

435. However, earthquakes often pause and restart.

436. There are costs, however, in this new technology.

437. The lights were never designed to reduce crime, but that's exactly what they appeared to be doing.

438. However, the mission is most famous for what Cernan did just before leaving the moon.

439. However, they become increasingly creative in their language use as they grow up.

440. However, visitor numbers have not shown a strong demand for the later hours, and library officials determined that staff time would be more effectively utilized by adjusting operating hours.

441. However, these kinds of money had problems.

442. However, after a great deal of thought, I have decided not to accept the position.

443. However, we got lost along the way, and we couldn't figure out where we were.

444. However, ownership of a stock only gives the illusion of having control of the performance of the stock.

445. Wherever you go, you won’t find a wider selection of organic fruits and vegetables.

446. The Board of Longitude, however, was not impressed by his idea.

447. However, here's the best part, the person who is the recipient of the act of kindness also feels an increase in his or her serotonin level as well as does everyone in the immediate vicinity.

448. However, Gansong himself went to Japan and got it back after making a deal with a Japanese antique dealer.

449. Through experience, however, the student has learned that these early-morning preferences mean little when evening rolls around and more immediate reinforcement from other activities becomes available.

450. However, there was one little problem.

451. However, Napoleon escaped from Elba and returned to power a year later.

452. While we will never likely eliminate our personal bias, it is important to understand your personal bias.

453. ""Ah, never mind," answered the police officer and smiled.

454. This saying suggests that any "poppy" that outgrows the others in a field will get "cut down"; in other words, any overachiever will eventually fail.

455. However, companies are becoming more aware of the bamboo ceiling and are developing training programs to eliminate the prejudice.

456. Fans, parents, and the media are therefore never wrong on a strategy decision!

457. You'd think that whenever more than one person makes a decision, they'd draw on collective wisdom.

458. However, some of the things that get thrown out are still useful to other people.

459. The practice of eating a home-cooked meal for lunch, however, continues.

460. Sometimes, however, the host will become a participant in the discussion, thus creating a two-against-one situation.

461. However, if you want to try to create a connection with someone who does not like you, asking that person to do you a favor is more effective.

462. However, the Grameen Bank has shown that loans can even be given to the poorest of the poor to help them achieve their dreams.

463. I was overwhelmed, however, by the collection of sculptures and paintings in the Vatican Museums.

464. They discovered that if you say "What a very clever girl you are" to the child showing you an A, you may cause her more harm than good.

465. However, not surprisingly perhaps, most translations are from English into other languages, not from another language, such as Arabic, into English.

466. They never hunted for land animals and sea creatures on the same trip, as they believed that would anger the spirits.

467. I said to Quan, " Let's never go back.

468. However, the other company proceeded with more seeming clarity and discipline, dividing the problem into its parts.

469. However, there are personality traits and characteristics commonly associated with entrepreneurs.

470. However, in order to solve this problem creatively, it may be useful to redefine it as a problem of too many vehicles requiring a space to sit in during the workday.

471. However, in his early 30's, he had an unusual visual experience while looking at Monet's Haystacks.

472. However, when the students finished the task, the researchers said that the students were not allowed to keep the poster that they had rated as the third-most beautiful.

473. However, many of us tend to lock our thinking into what we already know.

474. Studies show 50 percent of high school graduates never read another entire book.

475. Both were clever strategists of war.

476. However, so does whether you were reinforced for talking with others as a child, as well as other experiences that are part of your culture and learning.

477. I never touched the jar.

478. But no matter how much you have, you'll never be happy because there's always more you'll want.

479. However, a strange man comes to rescue them.

480. However, there are certain responsibilities that come with being assertive.

481. This utopia did not last, however.

482. They never learn how to bounce back from failure or how to recover from mistakes because their parents prevented them from making poor choices.

483. Counselors often advise clients to get some emotional distance from whatever is bothering them.

484. At the same time, however, we know that artists usually limit themselves quite forcefully by choice of material and form of expression.

485. Greetings are, however, not simply words and phrases.

486. Much of that experience, however, is second-hand.

487. He lent them money, saying they should pay it back whenever they could.

488. This balance, the result of charge neutrality, can never happen with gravity.

489. However, no cheating was discovered.

490. Beethoven has been dead for 191 years, so I never had a chance to witness his writing for myself.

491. Perhaps we should say of it what Spinoza said of regret: that whoever feels it is “twice unhappy or twice helpless.” Laurence Thomas has suggested that the utility of “negative sentiments” (emotions like grief, guilt, resentment, and anger, which there is seemingly a reason to believe we might be better off without) lies in their providing a kind of guarantee of authenticity for such dispositional sentiments as love and respect.

492. Recently, however, some researchers found that how people are praised is very important.

493. When electricity made it possible to create light with the flick of a switch instead of the strike of a match, the process of creating light was changed forever.

494. Such places may have disadvantages as well, however.

495. Once certain viruses have done their dirty work in a body, they'll never be let back in again.

496. However, Serene was almost in tears.

497. However, it is the responsibility of the children's librarian to inform the administration early in the budget process of needs for the next year, including a justification of why the funds are needed.

498. "I'd never seen anything so beautiful as my pony.

499. Building in regular "you time," however, can provide numerous benefits, all of which help to make life a little bit sweeter and a little bit more manageable.

500. The tiny brown colt was going crazy and kicking like a horse that was never tamed.

501. Janelle Smith | USDA Forest Service However, euphemisms can become dangerous when they are used to create misperceptions of important issues.

502. However, there is one issue that needs further consideration.

503. Never-married people tend to be more willing to date than people who have lost spouses, and they tend to be more open to dating diverse partners.

504. However, he eventually released the details of his H4 because he had worked for so long and wanted to gain recognition for his invention.

505. However, perhaps because of how embedded steam railways are in the development of the modern world, we can say that they changed the world.

506. As their number increases, however, they communicate with each other so that they all move at the same speed.

507. The problem with moving too quickly, however, is that it has a harmful impact on the creative process.

508. However, when we share the good that we see, we let our children or our partner know that we have recognized their strengths.

509. The function of memories is not only to let go of the past but also to lay the groundwork for whatever come s next.

510. However, you will change your mind after reading this story.

511. You never know where that employee who leaves will go next.

512. I never made it to Fiona's house, though.

513. However, the disadvantage is shared among all the cattle-owners using the pasture, so the individual owner suffers only a fraction of the disadvantage.

514. If I had not volunteered, I would never have got an inside look at their way of life.

515. However, if you turn it around, it looks like there are thousands of cranes flying in the sky.

516. Clever technicians create the illusion of control by installing fake temperature dials.

517. My mother never said otherwise, and there is no mention of giving it to you in her will.

518. Other research, however, suggests that, as a whole, women may feel more stress than men.

519. I can't stay this way forever!

520. However, a sweet alternative has proven appealing to some ranchers.

521. However, this strategy would not work for killing the Hydra.

522. Experiments never directly prove that a theory is right; all they can do is provide indirect support by rejecting all the other theories until only one likely theory remains.

523. Richard Burton went on to become a praised actor of stage and screen, who was nominated for an Academy Award seven times, but never won an Oscar.

524. Avoidance training, however, doesn't always work in our favor.

525. When you reach the end and look back at the road, however, you'll realize how much more valuable, colorful, and meaningful it was than you anticipated it to be in the moment.

526. "Winners never stop learning.

527. If you have the flu or other forms of fever-causing systemic infections, exercise can slow recovery and, therefore, is a bad idea.

528. However, he learned pretty quickly.

529. If their choices are ridiculed, however, they tend to experience a sense of guilt and ultimately to withdraw from taking an active stance.

530. It is vitally important that wherever we go and whatever we do the body temperature is maintained at the temperature at which our enzymes work best.

531. However, cultures can be formed on other levels, such as generation, gender, race, and region, among others.

532. However, no one is really interested in taking a trip to see wildlife which is seen as boring or ugly.

533. Someone who never gives up Even when the going gets rough.

534. Her mother was a famous ballerina and to Serene, her mother had never fallen or made a mistake in any of her performances.

535. However, he did not have money to buy parts to make one.

536. Amazingly, this method is still used whenever pickles are made today!

537. For example, although sewing clothes for the family is thought of as women's work in North America (most men have never operated a sewing machine or made a purchase in a fabric store), among the Ecuadorian men and traditional Hopi of Arizona, men are the spinners, weavers, and tailors.

538. It is impossible never to get angry, but you need to react to your anger in a reasonable way.

539. Clever slogans like "There is no substitute for wool", "It pays to advertise", etc, frequently creep into general conversation.

540. However, there is more to attention than just moving the eyes to look at objects.

541. Immediately, Michael bellowed, "That disgusting phone never stops ringing.

542. However, bees are dying at a high rate all over the world.

543. However, they are unable to remember any of the words that they heard in the other ear, even if the same small set of words had been repeated a dozen times.

544. However, bad weather caused them to make a mistake in calculating their longitude, and they struck some rocks near the Isles of Scilly.

545. I have never been so happy to see a D-.

546. The other artist, however, won the competition, when his picture of a curtain fooled not animals, but his competitor, who tried to pull the painted curtain aside to see the picture behind it.

547. However, you can exercise in many different ways.

548. However, in some cases, company lawyers have said that use of their name, or even part of their name, result in "dilution" of the strength of that name, and they have sued other companies to prevent this.

549. However, image formation is only the first step towards seeing.

550. Romeo: It's easy for him to laugh - he's never been in love.

551. However, inclusion alone does not eliminate the differential treatment of art.

552. For example, identity thieves can buy goods and services which you will never see but will pay for, intercept payments, and, more drastically, empty your bank account.

553. Whatever our official job descriptions, we are all part-time motivators.

554. The situation quickly changed, however, when German troops came to aid Wellington at the right time.

555. The number of visitors went down significantly, and the city seriously considered closing the zoo forever.

556. However, at this time, I regret to say that I am unable to contribute funds to your cause, but please do not view this inability as an expression of my wavering support.

557. If your spouse is feeling ignored and unappreciated, an affable, "Do whatever you want, dear," may only make things worse.

558. Lawyers and scientists use argument to mean a summary of evidence and principles leading to a conclusion; however, a scientific argument is different from a legal argument.

559. What comes to mind, however, is not randomly determined.

560. His career, however, especially early on, knew the vicissitudes characteristic of Renaissance business.

561. Doing this, however, was neither easy nor exact.

562. The doctor thought that his wife must have some kind of 'internal clock' inside her brain that ran faster as the fever went up.

563. I had never been abroad by myself, and I was a bit worried, but after the long flight for twelve hours, I was pleased to be greeted by my cousin at Leonardo da Vinci International Airport in Rome.

564. The music is never boring because it is never the same.

565. However, as it has many other companies, the difficult economy has affected our business and we simply are not able to offer our support this summer.

566. Some researchers once tried to train parrots to combine the words they have learned and produce sentences they have never heard.

567. And she said, "Never take anything for granted: always question everything.

568. However, it is now recognized that traces of mercury can appear in lakes far removed from any such industrial discharge.

569. Few countries, however, can claim to have produced a great architect.

570. However, people would always tell me, "You can't do that.

571. When you hit puberty, however, sometimes these forever-friendships go through growing pains.

572. However, at age 35, John Wood did just that.

573. However, these aren't real men.

574. Socrates said that 'No man is voluntarily wicked', that one is wicked through ignorance of the good, that furthermore, the good is neither pleasure nor power and that one cannot be master of anything, whatever it is, unless one is first master of oneself.

575. However, papa never divided the land in his mind; it was simply the land of our family.

576. By 1800, however, it had increased sharply to 150 million.

577. Also, whatever you do, remember not to go too fast.

578. However, her mother had established a new rule that she could not watch television from Monday through Thursday during the school year, in order that she would focus on homework.

579. However, bees can be kept with profit even under unfavorable circumstances.

580. The fence will never be the same.

581. Yet, had it not been for GH, Hardy, his genius might never have been recognized.

582. I never said you couldn't hiss to scare them away."

583. Whenever an Olympic swimmer sets a new world record, it inspires others to bring out the best within them and go beyond that achievement to set new records of human performance.

584. Whenever an ant returning with food walked onto my little ferry, I would carry the insect over and put it on the sugar.

585. Little did I know that the next six weeks would change my life forever.

586. I knew I would never see this person again, and I also knew I would never forget his comforting kindness.

587. However, it's an amazing place, full of excitement and wonder, where a variety of animals survive in their own way.

588. I'd never traveled anywhere so different before, and I had no idea what to expect.

589. However, a study tells us a different story.

590. I'll never forget the experiences there.

591. When, however, the interaction is strong, predictions are not to be trusted.

592. However, it also depends on many other people and organizations.

593. However, if you put a large object in front of their path, they will walk around it, all the while insisting that they do not see a thing.

594. However, washing too often can make your skin dry.

595. Wayne Gretzky said, "The highest compliment that you can pay me is to say that I work hard every day, that I never dog it."

596. The same respondents, however, said they prefer to buy cars that protect them and their passengers, especially if family members are involved.

597. Well, if you stay there, wherever that is, for a while, you'll get used to this.

598. However, you don't need to start exercising suddenly for several hours each day.

599. These cultural products ― be they paintings, sculptures, forms of music or whatever ― should be regarded as being made by certain types of cultural producer, and as being used by particular groups of people in particular ways in specific social contexts.

600. Businesses of design and entertainment are essentially competing with one another to predict the consumer's taste― but also have some ability to influence it through clever marketing plans.

601. To get into a game with the strangers we find in the schoolyard on any given afternoon, we not only have to work in concert with ten teammates we may never have met before, we also need to know that the eleven players on the opposing team are playing by the same rules.

602. The gifted learn to play magnificent Mozart melodies and beautiful Beethoven symphonies, but never compose their own scores.

603. The name jangseung originated from the phrase Jangsaeng-Bulsa meaning 'live long and never die.'

604. However, some advances may also carry increased [risk / benefit] to the athlete's body, which may not stand up to the increased forces of movement.

605. You are then to use those materials in whatever ways you want to solve the problem; however, there isn't usually an obvious connection between the items and your problem.

606. After his father moved to Florida, Desmond would call down there, but his father never called him.

607. However, there are a few things about dams that are important to know.

608. However, if quitting sodas altogether sounds too difficult, cut down gradually.

609. Weight, however, is another matter.

610. As the modern democratic societies emerged, however, the source of power shifted to a wider base, and now the city needed to be designed for people.

611. He and his wife would rather give up their hoarded wealth and possibly never see their son again than risk having Tu injured or killed by a land mine.

612. But suppose that a few days from now you are shown a long list of names, including those of some minor celebrities and "new" names of people that you have never heard of; your task will be to check every name of a celebrity on the list.

613. However, Monster_com, Google, and Yahoo have succeeded despite - or maybe because of - their unusual names.

614. But I had never been one to turn away from adventure, so when the rest of my group started boarding, I did, too.

615. Recently, however, one group of scientists working with the 17-year cicada in California have suggested that the nymphs use an external cue and that they can count.

616. However, my research has also shown that when focused and engaged more in strategic, abstract thinking, it becomes easier to remember the details.

617. However, too much of a good thing can cause problems.

618. If you've never seen an Indian movie, try Lagaan, a famous Indian movie.

619. However, many teenagers engage in stealing because they have a poor self-image and see bad behavior as their only way to gain attention or acceptance.

620. More often they create and play and remember what it was like to be a child, where the journey from A to B was seldom straight and never narrow.

621. It is important to remember, however, that this new way of painting was challenging to its public not only in the way that it was made but also in what was shown.

622. However, this can also have the opposite effect ― if a perceived average or less than average competent person makes a mistake, he or she will be less attractive and likable to others.

623. However, the lack of a consensus of a general definition of a community among researchers and practitioners has hindered the measurement of a "food insecure community" and its relationship to household and individual food security.

624. However, the next pope, Leo X, had little interest in continuing the project.

625. A British company has come up with a clever way to produce electricity.

626. Interpretation of what you have observed must, however, be made with care since the functions of play are complex and not fully understood.

627. However, the story of its evolution is amazing.

628. In contrast, Europe has never come close to political unification.

629. According to him, however, entertainers who are alive are not included.

630. However, this is far from being so.

631. He can never learn to control his energy if he is not allowed to experience the fullness of its power.

632. You must never assume that what people say or do in a particular moment is a statement of their permanent desires.

633. However, human language has no limit in the range of its purposes and topics.

634. However, "over-easy" and "sunny-side up" both have a runny yolk.

635. However, it is a cultural trait that seems to be under the guidance of another, genuinely biological trait: the cues that attract us to babies (high foreheads and small faces).

636. A better method, however, is to send a new copy of the survey questionnaire with the follow-up letter.

637. Third, there must be a way to deal with water so that there will never be any flooding or other water damage, no matter how much it rains."

638. For example, if you want to train him to lie down whenever you say, "Lie down," you just have to wait until he happens to do so.

639. However, all of these goals require assets to replace the income they will leave behind when they stop working.

640. Follow this simple policy in life — never lie.

641. Happiness never decreases by being shared.

642. However, by about 18 months, the toddlers became upset when looking at themselves in the mirror.

643. Throughout this process, however, analyzing people to understand their personalities is not all about potential economic or social benefit.

644. Online, however, smiley faces could be doing some serious damage to your career.

645. I had never seen so many pigeons in my life.

646. However, if a stranger shows up with the same sandwich and offers it to you, you won't appreciate it.

647. Some people even threatened to kill her, but she never gave up.

648. However, this resulted in German labor costs becoming the highest in the world, and German companies are now shifting jobs out of Germany in order to remain globally competitive.

649. My daughter Sondra had a friend in sixth grade that would never look directly at me (we'll call her "Emma").

650. While working on a documentary in Alaska, however, I realized that climate change is serious and that I, along with everyone else, am responsible for it.

651. For example, sometimes you hear people say things like 'evolution is only a theory: science has never proved it.

652. At the end of the War, however, a transition began that replaced old-style farming with production systems that were much more intensive.

653. However, this technology is developing even further.

654. That, however, would have brought another problem, for lions are the top tourist attraction in Kenya and are protected by law.

655. I have never known a person to become familiar with the art of the boomerang and not be caught in the irresistible sweeping tide of its appeal.

656. "Whenever he felt dissatisfied with a vague "conception of the brain," Poe said, "I resort forthwith to the pen, for the purpose of obtaining, through its aid, the necessary form, consequence and precision.

657. But to this ancient desire to live forever on the page, he added a new sense of fame.

658. I will never know the answers to these questions.

659. However, body extension does not work when surrounding temperature is warmer than body temperature, because heat accumulates faster.

660. A summer vacation will be recalled for its highlights, and the less exciting parts will fade away with time, eventually to be forgotten forever.

661. Sarah gave me a look I've never seen before, as if she felt safer around me.

662. Others, including his coach, however, did not like his new style.

663. "I never finished the sentence.

664. At greater depths — it is dark and cold there — photography is the principal way of exploring a mysterious deep-sea world, 95 percent of which has never been seen before.

665. However, we had certainly changed.

666. "If you've never seen an Indian movie, try Lagaan, a famous Indian movie.

667. "However, people who say they know where everything is turn out to be using a large amount of their mental capacity and creative energies remembering where they placed things, rather than doing the job.

668. However, Jean complained quite often about practicing and slipped out of her sessions occasionally.

669. However, we must not be over-optimistic.

670. However, sometimes they are mistaken in a rather special way.

671. But dealing with heroes only at the level of acceptance is not sufficient, for then we never ask what could have been done.

672. They burned up motor after motor, but never gave up.

673. We can read the news of the day, or the latest on business, entertainment or whatever news on the websites of the New York Times, the Guardian or almost any other major newspaper in the world.

674. Over half of the never-married singles were willing to reach out and date those different from themselves.

675. However, not everyone is aware of how to decode non-verbal communication, and not everyone is emotionally expressive and therefore easy to ‘read’.

676. However, even the principals who have these skills do not necessarily have spare time, so that teachers find that turning to their teacher peers in camaraderie is the best solution.

677. However, when someone exhibits some difficult behavior, you might want to reserve judgement for later.

678. However, the dog's tail helps to prevent this.

679. However, only about half of parents say they have ever used the music advisories, the video-game ratings, or the television ratings.

680. But even if they feature in stories created today, they have always been the products of the human imagination and never existed.

681. It is mandatory―so much so that even in this global firm all the executives know never to schedule any travel that will conflict with the meeting.

682. Today, however, I learned that wearing those expensive dresses and going to parties are just small parts of their jobs.

683. He thought, however, that technology should be shared by everyone.

684. Readers are more likely to "trash" e-mail that never gets to the point or is characterized by excessive mechanical errors and confusing meaning.

685. A blue whale could never live on land, even if it had legs―its massive body would require a skeleton so big that it would collapse under its own weight.

686. However, remember that we can live without new toys or games more easily than someone can live without food, clothing, or shelter.

687. They walked the earth for a very long time, even if human beings never saw them.

688. It was much better than burning ropes for sure, but more importantly, it taught the students that once time was gone, it could never be recovered.

689. However, they also taught her the importance of sympathy, understanding, and a sense of justice.

690. Then, she looked outside her window and saw what she had never seen before.

691. However, because such campaigns depend on widespread social engineering, and because their effects can be counteracted by random acts of violence, positive outcomes cannot be guaranteed.

692. However, I forced myself to stay awake to begin my trip in earnest.

693. Several years later, policymakers began to wrestle with the problem of what would be done to dismantle nuclear plants when they were obsolete, something those who originally built them may never have considered.

694. Human beings, therefore, never begin their existence from scratch, but always within some kind of context ─ a context that changes, sometimes radically within a single generation.

695. However, Fluffy is not completely flawless.

696. Social reality greatly complicates the understanding of causes, however.

697. Not all music uses this scale, however.

698. Interactive DVDs and CDs are better than books because they give you a sound to imitate, but they still can never replace a real teacher.

699. Say it whenever you have the opportunity to do so naturally.

700. Fosbury changed the sport forever.

701. We may want to do whatever we can to help the person.

702. Named for an exploding star, the Nova was a reliable car, but its sales were never brisk in Spanish-speaking countries.

703. These types of analogy are very frequent, but were rarely mentioned by the scientists in their interviews and never appeared in their lab books.

704. But that does not mean that they can go on forever.

705. Whoever passes by just has to stop and take a picture!

706. Growing up in rural New York State, I had never before experienced people so different from me.

707. However, there is a reasonable explanation for this type of behavior.

708. Our addiction to speed gets us things we'd not have without it, but it also guarantees we'll never see things we long for most.

709. Also, we can never be truly happy when people around us are sad.

710. However, Tesla fought back and demonstrated the safety of his system at the 1893 World Exposition in Chicago.

711. However, acid interferes with the body's ability to absorb calcium, and as a result, bone softening occurs.

712. However, they did so for different reasons.

713. Suddenly, however, delight appeared on their faces.

714. It was a clever turn of phrase that's misleading, for even computers can process only one piece of code at a time.

715. However, this solution does not work in all situations because we also become increasingly sensitive to glare.

716. However, often this accident has required a person with above-average knowledge in the field to interpret it.

717. However, Rembrandt experts later declared that it was the real thing!

718. However, most applications in geography and environmental studies do not require extremely fine-grained temporal resolution.

719. Surrounding ourselves with a wall of fear, however, is not the answer.

720. However, as the forces of globalization gain strength and momentum, such violations of the philosophical formulation of the free market inevitably will diminish.

721. However, there is not a limited supply of resources out there.

722. Placing the bag outside on the pavement makes whatever is in it available to anyone in the community.

723. However, when you can't spend money, you can always learn more about your craft online or practice with what you already have.

724. Mexican economists, however, argued that this figure was meaningless because Mexican work habits and culture were different from those in the United States.


'구문 BIG DATA' 카테고리의 다른 글

the more ~, the more  (0) 2018.10.13
no matter  (0) 2018.10.13
whose  (0) 2018.10.13
be pp  (1) 2018.10.13
had pp  (0) 2018.10.13


구문 BIG DATA2018. 10. 13. 17:28
2018ebsfinal | Since 2005 위스마트, 임희재 | WAYNE.TISTORY.COM | +821033383436 | 제작일 181013 17:28:02

From The Number of Sents: 18823
TARGET: whose

1. Copyleft Some people say that creations should be shared with anyone whose purpose is not making money.

2. He often does so in symbolic ways that are hard for even him to understand, as he is reacting to inner processes whose origin may be buried deep in his unconscious.

3. Otherwise, it's difficult to explain why insect pests specifically seek out trees whose health is already compromised.

4. Second, we ask that you send a thank-you letter to the scholarship donor whose name appears below.

5. Why does the "pure" acting of the movies not seem unnatural to the audience, who, after all, are accustomed in real life to people whose expression is more or less indistinct?

6. The studio was full of the latest equipment, whose size and complexity amazed me.

7. Many years ago, a person whose name I don't recall and whose face I wouldn't recognize left a lasting impact on my life with the simple gift of kindness.

8. But in the last half-century, doctors have proved time and time again that they can revive many patients whose hearts have stopped beating by various techniques such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

9. That is, the reader is the writer's "customer" and one whose business or approval is one we need to seek.

10. The company website, whose content and design were attractive enough to increase the consumers' brand loyalty, did not have the same impact in the Danish market.

11. They were wonderful stories — about a small princess whose carriage was pulled by ostriches, a boy turned into a bear, a little girl lost in a forest of lilacs, wicked queens, good fairies disguised as white cats, marvelous feasts and dazzling palaces.

12. For example, an introvert is far less likely to make a mistake in a social situation, such as inadvertently insulting another person whose opinion is not agreeable.

13. In many ways, these ants have evolved their own TSA agents whose smell check is as thorough as any whole body scan at any airport.

14. He was an economic historian whose work has centered on the study of business history and, in particular, administration.

15. The Wright Sisters Guess whose airplane flew the farthest.

16. Likewise, the person will tend to hold in esteem those whose conduct shows an abundance of the motivation required by the principle.

17. Now Switzerland has several watchmaking schools whose students take the traditional watchmaking course.

18. Accordingly, the new society was entrusted with the task of monitoring music use, issuing licences to music users, negotiating fees, collecting fees and finally distributing the money raised to the composers and songwriters whose works were adding value to other people's businesses.

19. Initial attempts to expel the foreigners led to devastating defeats at the hands of Westerners, whose industrial technology gave them far superior weapons of war.

20. The researchers had made this happen by lengthening the period of daylight to which the peach trees on whose roots the insects fed were exposed.

21. The Hill Sisters became upset when they heard their song whose lyrics had been changed.

22. The most superb teachers are the "wounded healers" — the ones whose wisdom is tested in reality.

23. Tea, therefore, supplements the basic needs of the nomadic tribes, whose diet lacks vegetables.

24. Director and founder of Elderly Suicide Prevention, Arbore, founded the Friendship Line, a 24hour hotline whose volunteers reach out to potentially suicidal seniors.

25. There are other animals whose languages show more advanced functions than those of spiders or crabs.

26. The appeal of confidence as a marker of skill and knowledge is so potent that adults demonstrate a tendency to give prestige and respect to overconfident individuals, whose metacognitive assessment of their ability exceeds their actual performance; such individuals consistently attain higher rank than their skills merit.

27. A village in ancient India was being terrorized by a cobra whose attacks had resulted in the deaths of several people.

28. However, Johns Hopkins did not worry about losing prospective pre-med students, whose demand curves for education at Johns Hopkins were relatively inelastic.

29. The holy man was also a gentle man, in whose presence even wild animals felt comfortable and safe.

30. They also noted that success was greater in those patients whose partners had also lost weight even though they were not included in the program, suggesting that recommended changes were being actively supported by the spouse.

31. These signals may be imperceptible to the human audience, but are easily picked up by the trained dog whose full attention is focused on his owner.

32. The person will tend to feel guilty when his or her own conduct violates that principle and to disapprove of others whose behavior conflicts with it.

33. So a patient whose heart has stopped can no longer be regarded as dead.

34. Humans are among the few species whose unrelated members exchange favors, such as trading goods, engaging in social contracts, or forming organizations.


'구문 BIG DATA' 카테고리의 다른 글

no matter  (0) 2018.10.13
w+ever  (0) 2018.10.13
be pp  (1) 2018.10.13
had pp  (0) 2018.10.13
as soon as  (0) 2018.10.13

be pp

구문 BIG DATA2018. 10. 13. 17:26
2018ebsfinal | Since 2005 위스마트, 임희재 | WAYNE.TISTORY.COM | +821033383436 | 제작일 181013 17:25:31

From The Number of Sents: 18824
TARGET: be pp

1. Many volunteers help the organizers hold this festival, and almost one ton of lobsters are served to both locals and visitors from outside the region.

2. In some cases, performance is decreased, even to the point of non-existence.

3. The red squirrel is the only tree squirrel to be found in most parts of Europe, although in Britain red squirrels have suffered from competition with the introduced grey squirrels and they have become extinct in most of England during the last 50 years.

4. The amount can be so small that the cancer is discovered even before any symptoms have developed.

5. Many innovations languished in labs for years until they were matched to a product.

6. Others want to keep it as it is: they believe it is unique and must be protected for coming generations.

7. In seconds it was gone.

8. If you are unable to visit these locations, books can be mailed directly to our organization.

9. It is believed that some people can cause bad luck, injury, illness, or even death to others by simply casting their evil eye out of envy or hatred.

10. In reality, this happens very rarely so we are left to read between the lines, detect overtones or pick up visual cues from one another’s facial expressions or body movements.

11. When my wife, Rebecca, was a junior at Madison High School in Idaho, a sign-up sheet for the Madison Talent Contest was passed around in class.

12. It should be possible for monkeys to talk, because they have everything that is required physically.

13. Yet, when all six were allowed into the enclosure after the leader had been shown food, the group headed straight for the food.

14. Lincoln was killed in the Ford Theater; Kennedy was assassinated while traveling in a Lincoln car, built by Ford.

15. This overstated, often fictionalized version of nature is no more real ― and yet no less real ― to them than the everyday nature right outside their doors, waiting to be discovered in a child's way, at a child's pace.

16. The person who finds the coin in their slice is considered especially blessed for the new year.

17. In the Netherlands, for example, where one fourth of its land area is located below sea level, an interesting form of shoes developed as a way of getting around the muddy roads.

18. The past couple of decades have seen many corporations joining with charities in what is called "cause-related marketing" efforts, in which a corporation donates a certain percentage of its profits from a particular item.

19. Later in life, he was honored to serve a number of posts in the city government.

20. Although traditional forms reflected the experience of social groups, specific manifestations could be adapted in various minute and subtle ways to suit individual users' needs.

21. These were costly lessons to learn, but now stricter regulations are in place to ensure that fish pens are placed in sites where there is good water flow to remove fish waste.

22. A study of investment clubs showed that the worst-performing clubs were built on affective ties and were primarily social, while the best-performing clubs limited social connections and focused on making money.

23. In this instance, those specific freedoms that would have been satisfied only by Car A (e.g., appearance, comfort, handling quality) now are threatened and reactance will be aroused.

24. Rhythmical facility is built into their everyday lives, so that, for example, the children experience the sounding of three beats against two beats and are thereby aided in the development of a "two-dimensional attitude to rhythm."

25. Medieval tempera painting can be compared to the practice of special effects during the analog period of cinema.

26. The top layers of soil can be carried away by wind and water, and this can later cause floods and clog waterways.

27. In much of social science, evidence is used only to affirm a particular theory ― to search for the positive instances that uphold it.

28. These members still believed the answer to the longitude problem could only be found by the astronomical method.

29. The more times you're exposed to something, in general, the more you like it.

30. We can argue that tool-making, one of the fundamental distinguishing features of primate cognition, depends on this ability, since a tool does not exist in a ready-made form in the natural environment and has to be imagined in order to be made.

31. I must remind you that this report is required by law (Title 13, United States Code).

32. Love maintains the democratic, self-managing meetings in which heroes can be seen for what they were, and learned from, as a guide to possible futures.

33. When this chimp was reunited with his fellows outside the enclosure, they quickly resumed their normal activities.

34. A dramatic example from history is the case of statistician Abraham Wald who, during World War Ⅱ, was hired by the U.S・ Air Force to determine how to make their bomber planes safer.

35. Multitasking is about multiple tasks alternately sharing one resource (the CPU), but in time the context was flipped and it became interpreted to mean multiple tasks being done simultaneously by one resource (a person).

36. By adding these body movements to learning activities, you change your state of mind and allow your attention to be refreshed.

37. "He was startled, because she seemed to know what he was thinking about.

38. Csikszentmihalyi's point is that we should devote as much attention to the development of a domain as we do to the people working within it, as only this can properly explain how advances are made.

39. Ms・ Baker was convinced by Jean's improvement that her new teaching method was a success.

40. Brainstorming is a form of creative thinking in groups, using a procedure in which all group members are encouraged to generate as many ideas as possible without holding back or worrying about being wrong.

41. Sometimes, we are fascinated when our assumptions are turned inside out and around.

42. The concept of a living library was created in Europe, where people of many different races and nations live together in communities.

43. Few Roman coins of any type are found after the death of Marcus Aurelius in AD 180.

44. Their resemblance to the rat is exaggerated by their thin tail, which is much longer than their overall body length.

45. We are bombarded with the message that we can control our weight through will power, proper nutrition, and exercise.

46. Participants were shown a group of 32 photos consisting of the 16 photos just seen, along with 16 new photos, randomly intermixed.

47. The same types of postural adjustments are seen in the heat.

48. However, ethologists, researchers who study the biological bases of behavior, claim that expressions of anger, pouting, fear, and sadness are built into our biological makeup and are universal.

49. This finding should be considered for our beekeeping planning.

50. But if, from this lack of certainty, we jump to the conviction that we had better not care about global heating, that there is no evolution and the world was created six thousand years ago, or that traditional medicine must be more effective than modern medicine — well, we are simply stupid.

51. These coffeehouses sprouted all over London and came to be called “Penny Universities.” So popular did they become that the amount of small change minted was inadequate for the demand and the coffeehouses and the houses had to issue tokens that were generally acceptable within the immediate area.

52. He was treated like royalty, and at the end of his visit, he surprised the attendants by giving them just one small copper coin for a tip.

53. They were divided into two groups.

54. Marvin rushed over to it and saw that the entire back of the barn was coated in flames, but a horse was standing at the very front.

55. So far as you are wholly concentrated on bringing about a certain result, clearly the quicker and easier it is brought about the better.

56. Underwater photography was born.

57. Therefore, what is required is an ability to put many pieces of a task together to form a coherent whole.

58. The Securities and Exchange Commission that monitors American stock markets forces firms to meet certain reporting requirements before their stock can be listed on exchanges such as the New York Stock Exchange.

59. At first, the word burnsides was coined to describe this unique style.

60. Dick was worried, but he decided to try.

61. Such practices are believed to put pressure on parents to yield to what the media have dubbed "pester power.

62. This means that keeping our brain healthy is connected to good circulation.

63. Waiter: "Over-easy" and "over-hard" are fried and flipped.

64. For example, if he was tired of tests, he said, "Wanna go back.

65. Unfortunately, such people tend to be regarded as [desirable / undesirable] interaction partners by those with greater social skills.

66. Each spring in North America, the early morning hours are filled with the sweet sounds of songbirds, such as sparrows and robins.

67. When rabbits were imported to Australia in the middle of the nineteenth century, the result was more than a few cute little bunnies added to the continent — Australia + rabbits.

68. He was born in 1925 in South Wales, the twelfth child of a poor miner.

69. After that, the immune system remembers the molecular equipment that it developed for that particular battle, and any following infection by the same kind of parasite is beaten off so quickly that we don't notice it.

70. Like other environmental problems, this one can be addressed by slowing, even halting, the growth of the human population and a fundamental redesign of human systems such as agriculture, energy, industry, and waste management.

71. When Korea was under Japanese rule, he regretted that many valuable old Korean artworks were taken to Japan.

72. People who are not courageous are called "chickens," while brave leaders are said to be "lionhearted."

73. I have always taught my children that politeness, learning, and order are good things, and that something good is to be desired and developed for its own sake.

74. The most superb teachers are the "wounded healers" — the ones whose wisdom is tested in reality.

75. My friend had been watching and listening to the woman's woeful story, and her heart was touched with compassion for the distressed mother.

76. By banding together, individuals reduce their exposure to the risk of being caught by a predator, either because they benefit from a 'many eyes' advantage (the time needed to monitor the surroundings for predators can be shared, thus reducing the cost to each individual) or because the presence of many individuals is an effective deterrent to most predators.

77. But it might be truer to say that our existence is characterized by dependence and affliction.

78. I've read elegant books on fishing, mountain climbing, giant sea turtles and many other subjects I didn't think I was interested in.

79. He was amazed to find that freshly caught fish and duck, frozen quickly in such a fashion, kept their taste and texture.

80. Such practices may be suggested to athletes because of their real or perceived benefits by individuals who excelled in their sports.

81. Photosynthesis involves the highest energy processes of life; it is the process where (by far) most of the energy in our ecosystem is captured.

82. Alain-Fournier was born in a region of north-central France in 1886.

83. All the cups and saucers were broken.

84. The geometric design of the ancient or Renaissance and baroque cities, therefore, was challenged as being too rigid, merely addressing a world order that no longer could hold.

85. This relates to a basic principle that children are taught in the offline world as well: 'do not do to others what you would not want others to do to you'.

86. He was scared and started to cry and run through the house.

87. Later, as the dog learns, the spoken word can be eliminated.

88. On high mountains and grasslands in the northwest part of China, a large quantity of cattle, sheep, camels, and horses are raised.

89. If trees are weakened, it could be that they lose their conversational skills along with their ability to defend themselves.

90. Yet, today, corporations can be born overnight, by growing up around a product or through a corporate restructuring.

91. Setting goals and holding standards lets the child know that certain forms of behavior are desirable, good, or "worthy" and to be strived toward.

92. Email, video, audio, and text messages can be saved.

93. When the man's wife enters the room, she is surprised by the delicious aroma of the outstanding dinner he has prepared.

94. It was used to describe computers, not people.

95. They suggested that curiosity is stimulated by novelty and argued that novelty is in the eye of the beholder.

96. No limit can be placed on the number of systems that can be brought under the generic conception of art, and each of the major subsystems contains further subsystems.

97. Not only does it cost a lot of money to clean fouling off, but the chemicals that are used to remove it can be harmful to the environment.

98. Gifted children of almost any age show longer attention spans — in the things they are interested in at the moment, not necessarily in what others think they should be interested in.

99. For example, Felix Mendelssohn was inspired after reading Shakespeare's play, A Midsummer Night's Dream, at the age of 17 and began to compose a piece of music to capture the magic and fantasy in Shakespeare's imaginary world.

100. Since there was no electricity where the phone needed to be placed, the device had to be able to power itself.

101. The next message is from a girl who is worried about her shy personality.

102. Amazingly, this method is still used whenever pickles are made today!

103. In the middle of the 19th century, Queen Victoria is supposed to have asked physicist Michael Faraday what good his experiments with electricity and magnetism were.

104. After remaining in Rhodes for at least 200 years, it was carried off to Rome.

105. Maps made by geographic information systems (GIS), maps on the Internet, and GPS units must be digitized.

106. Many forms of self-benefit can be derived from helping.

107. When the indigo-dyed denim is washed, tiny amounts of that dye get washed away, and the thread comes with them.

108. In this way, exercise can be structured into the daily routine.

109. For example, using a tape measure to determine the distance a javelin was thrown yields very similar results regardless of who reads the tape.

110. In an experiment, when people were asked to count three minutes in their heads, 25-year-olds were quite accurate, but 65-year-olds went over on average by 40 seconds.

111. That's right ― our house was connected to electricity all day from our own private generator while the rest of the neighborhood had a blackout!

112. His response made it very clear that he trusted his gut feeling and was satisfied with himself and with his decision.

113. Most medical terms are built by combining different word parts.

114. As it is filled, the bladder expands.

115. Alain-Foumier began work on a second novel, Colombe Blanchet, but this remained unfinished when his life was cut short by the war in 1914.

116. The lawyer was outraged, assuming this to be an example of Latin American gender bias.

117. When a baby is born it is slapped on the back and made to cry - this much is virtually universal; but from that point on each person's life, attitudes, religion, politics - indeed, most of his world view - are shaped largely by his environment.

118. While my sisters were delighted to find their stockings filled with presents, mine was empty.

119. The scenarios involved in the surveys varied in the number of pedestrian and passenger lives that could be saved, among other factors.

120. It made her fight for the rights of women to be treated equally in the work place.

121. In cultures with low acceptance of power distance (e.g., Finland, Norway, New Zealand, and Israel), people believe inequality should be minimal, and a hierarchical division is viewed as one of convenience only.

122. But when our love of nature is thwarted we experience psychological difficulties such as the mental stress and anxiety brought about by witnessing environmental degradation, the disappearance of entire species, and other modern maladies.

123. It is precisely the artificiality created by the rules, the distinctive problem to be solved, that gives sport its special meaning.

124. State constitutions vary; some are modeled closely after the U.S・ Constitution, and others provide even greater rights to their citizens.

125. When the twins were brought into contact with each other, the healthy twin immediately put his arms around his sick brother.

126. If it doesn't, we have a choice: learn to be obsessed by this world, or do something else other than writing poetry.

127. Consequently, even Aristotle ' finds it difficult to identify which portions of the Pythagorean philosophy can safely be ascribed to Pythagoras himself, and he generally refers to "the Pythagoreans" or "the so-called Pythagoreans."

128. For instance, when software developers were asked on two separate days to estimate the completion time for a given task, the hours they projected differed by 71 %, on average.

129. The tree no longer registers approaching disaster, and the doors are closed for the caterpillar and beetle buffet.

130. This phenomenon can be modeled by exploiting a variant of the commonly cited safety rule that drivers should stay 2 – 3 seconds behind the vehicles they follow.

131. I have never known a person to become familiar with the art of the boomerang and not be caught in the irresistible sweeping tide of its appeal.

132. He said it might have been the side of a pot that was used to store beans.

133. For example, there is the myth that older consumers are fixed on certain products and are unwilling to try new alternative products.

134. Rather, the problem was caused by the different meaning Canadians and Egyptians attach to inviting lawyers.

135. It's not very surprising that so many new companies that are creating wealth today are run and staffed by very young people.

136. It is not known exactly how many copies of the first edition of Lives, published in 1550, were printed, but it earned Vasari the praise of his peers.

137. A trade-off is also involved in the decision to make a trip: the traveler weighs the expected benefits to be gained at the destination against the expected costs of getting there.

138. Then, when a large food item was found by scavenging or the downing of prey, there had to be sharing in a way that avoided potentially deadly combat.

139. If a child can be given a second chance before the situation has gotten out of hand, the conflict may be skirted, or even avoided.

140. It must be remembered that there may have been more subtle effects of global exchange, both good and bad, which we may not be fully aware of.

141. They are favored when surrounding temperature is much colder than body temperature.

142. The ability to learn something new is based on the general state of mind of a human being.

143. Saliva is produced when you chew, too.

144. Naturally, people should be driven to "forget" undesirable events.

145. In the grandest irony of all, the greatest benefit of an everyday, utilitarian AI will not be increased productivity or an economics of abundance or a new way of doing science ─ although all those will happen.

146. SCENE 2 At the school cafeteria, Juliet is picked on by Hugh, the meanest boy at her school.

147. Nora disappears out of the front door and we are left with many unanswered questions such as "Where did Nora go␦" and "What will happen to her?"

148. The paving stones have gaps between them so that water can flow into and through the soil beneath, where it is carried away by the underground system they made.

149. Almonds were used by Indians.

150. Rare is the parent who does not at least attempt to do their best for their child, even if their best effort is limited beyond their control.

151. However, the interest rate was so high that little money was left to support her family even after she sold all the chairs.

152. Just as it is misguided to offer your child false praise, it is also a mistake to reward all of his accomplishments.

153. So all studies of history are driven by the discovery of evidence from the period being studied, and its analysis and interpretation.

154. For example, junk sculpture would be added within sculpture, happenings added within theater.

155. I said, "Wow, I can't believe these were taken twenty years ago!"

156. My second lesson is this: Don't be self-centered.

157. It is important to remember, however, that this new way of painting was challenging to its public not only in the way that it was made but also in what was shown.

158. Motivated by feelings of guilt, they are inclined to make amends for their actions.

159. An engaging and convincing strategic vision has enormous motivational value ― for the same reason that a stone mason is inspired by building a great cathedral for the ages.

160. The extent to which they are found varies from animal to animal and from activity to activity.

161. In 2017, approximately 7 billion bushels of com were used for food, seed, and industrial purposes, which was the largest amount of com used for those purposes.

162. Therefore, why should advertising of a new product be directed at older consumers?

163. One way to measure this impact is known as a carbon footprint.

164. Significant numbers of only gold, but not silver, coins bearing the heads of Caligula, Claudius, and Nero (AD 37–68) are found.

165. If they worked in a well-organized environment for any length of time, they would be surprised at how much more productive they were.

166. At the end of the month, students who have been nominated are called out of their classes.

167. It is now a huge storm that can be seen from space.

168. "William was born on August 5, 1987, in Malawi, Africa.

169. Readers are more likely to "trash" e-mail that never gets to the point or is characterized by excessive mechanical errors and confusing meaning.

170. Plants can be built that resist diseases without pesticide, use less water, and produce more edible food.

171. The lake is fed by the Bear, Weber, and Jordan rivers and has no outlet.

172. Young seeds were eaten raw or cooked (and said to taste like bananas).

173. The step from affirming equal moral worth to the conclusion that what is to be distributed should be distributed in equal pieces is never straightforward.

174. When his wife mentioned that Claude was talented at cutting hair, Erroll said that he did not want his son to be a barber, unless he was a rocket scientist who also cut hair.

175. Fosbury was frustrated, but he did not give up.

176. This is an absolute double standard and should be stopped immediately.

177. One reason most dogs are much happier than most people is that dogs aren't affected by external circumstances the way we are.

178. In fact, seeds with thinner coats were preferred as they are easier to eat or process into flour, and they allow seedlings to sprout more quickly when sown.

179. Surrealism was started in France in the first half of the twentieth century.

180. An experiment was conducted with a group of women who had low satisfaction in life.

181. Alternatively, a good lighting design plan can be ruined by bad interior design.

182. It's just the way I was born.

183. Group 1 was asked by the researcher to return some of the prize money.

184. Consequently, it would not be surprising if preverbal infants had some basic understanding of other people's emotional, nonverbal communications, which research has indicated is indeed the case.

185. "This was their trauma simulation, and the participants were indeed traumatized.

186. However unnoticeably, maps do indeed reflect the world views of either their makers or, more probably, the supporters of their makers, in addition to the political and social conditions under which they were made.

187. In one study, it was shown that the colors red and blue improve mental performance and make people more open to suggestions.

188. These additional costs might be thought of as a metaphorical 'low ball' that the salesperson throws the consumer.

189. Some African countries find it difficult to feed their own people or provide safe drinking water, yet precious water is used to produce export crops for European markets.

190. But he was injured 2 minutes before the finals and had to drop out of the race.

191. The funnier a particular cartoon is rated by a participant, the more strongly these parts of the brain are activated.

192. A whole new system comparable to the theater, for example, could be added in one fell swoop.

193. Your friend is impressed and pleased.

194. Unfortunately, as a woman she was prevented from continuing her studies.

195. Zulu, a language with more than ten million speakers, is spoken mostly in South Africa.

196. How Volunteering Abroad Changed My Life by Susan Shain I was about to board a plane, and I was scared.

197. For example, participants were asked whether it would be more moral for AVs to sacrifice one passenger rather than kill 10 pedestrians.

198. In 1972, he was featured in LIFE, a famous American magazine, as a man who achieved his teenage dreams.

199. But blaming the crowd for bad choices and irresponsible behavior misses the point entirely: First, friends, associates, crowds/groups are choices, and second, individuals influence and are influenced by those who make up the group.

200. Local goods in India were purchased with durable gold and silver coins, each dated by the image of a Roman emperor.

201. It is possible that a restaurant owner would be prejudiced against Chicanos and yet treat them like anyone else because he needed their business.

202. Keen observation skills and a good understanding of basic concepts of chemistry are required, and a degree in Food Technology is recommended.

203. It was believed prior to the 1970s that chimpanzees were primarily vegetarian and that they might occasionally eat a small animal or bird but would not deliberately and systematically kill larger animals for meat.

204. In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, for example, residents of New Orleans were forced to evacuate with little notice.

205. If the ant passes the test, it is allowed access to the colony, but if the wrong odor is detected, the sentries forcibly carry the offending individual out of the anthill to the outskirts of the colony's territory.

206. Foreign trade and investment decisions are influenced by the prevailing exchange rate.

207. Each of the other rowers is numbered in order.

208. We were surprised when some of the shop owners greeted us in Korean.

209. But Joshua trees are hard to eat by today's standards, and have little possibility of ever becoming a commercial food crop because they are protected by law.

210. I thought of other names but wasn't satisfied with any of them.

211. This kind of electricity is produced by friction, and the pen becomes electrically charged.

212. What are viewed as "realities" are rather perceptions of realities — stories.

213. A house built today is quite different from one that was built thousands of years ago or even a few decades ago.

214. The mothers, who were told to be themselves, naturally looked horrified.

215. However, it may also be argued that, rather than creating new jobs, tourism development simply serves to redistribute existing labor.

216. Everybody in the organization was interested in seeing if and how they could handle it.

217. Scientists say, "About 370,000 pieces of space junk were observed in 2010, and the number will be three times bigger by 2030.

218. Scientific and professional expertise often relies on a particular type of knowledge that is limited to utility and rationality considerations.

219. These traits are developed over time and evolve from an individual's social context.

220. In speech, one of the most well-known greetings in the world is hello.It is used throughout the English-speaking world.

221. Socrates said that 'No man is voluntarily wicked', that one is wicked through ignorance of the good, that furthermore, the good is neither pleasure nor power and that one cannot be master of anything, whatever it is, unless one is first master of oneself.

222. It must be emphasized, however, that tradition was not static, but constantly subject to minute variations appropriate to people and their circumstances.

223. When the performance of children who receive their education at cyberschools is assessed, the results, however, are dismal.

224. The decision to travel made by the occupants of an additional car is based on their own travel costs (their private or internal costs).

225. Boeing has kept this document since the company was formed, and it uses it to help modern designers learn from past attempts.

226. Sometimes geometrical patterns are created by freely drawing lines between and around the dots.

227. Most of the world's great pilgrimage and tourist sites were established through the written media, well before the coming of film, and this limits the effect that film had on actually establishing the iconic status of such sites.

228. Each miner had lost an average of 8 kilograms by the time they were rescued.

229. In 1868 he was hired by a tiny advertising agency run by William J. Carlton, at that point still involved in the primitive business of placing advertisements in newspapers and magazines.

230. Out of them an estimated 9% has been recycled and another 12% has been burned out in the UK alone, more than 5 million tons of plastic are consumed each year, of which only an estimated one-quarter is recycled, with the remainder going to landfills.

231. This does not mean the Earth’s biodiversity is gone.

232. The price they pay is limited physical movement during the day.

233. The extremely widespread view that the market only produces low quality mass culture is based on a misunderstanding of the way the market works.

234. Corporations also may be concerned about allocating the resources needed to set up such programs, or perhaps they fear that facilitating employees' engagement elsewhere may weaken their commitment to the organization or their jobs.

235. That, however, would have brought another problem, for lions are the top tourist attraction in Kenya and are protected by law.

236. 8:00 pm / Fri. 7:00 pm Prices: A Seats - $120 / B Seats - $90 Running Time: 2 hours Minimum Age: Children under 7 will not be admitted.

237. For instance, they often become frightened of something, run up a tree, and then cry sadly until they are rescued.

238. The triangles were made smaller or larger or turned upside down.

239. Christopher Wakling's What I Did is narrated by a six-year-old boy.

240. It should be noted, though, that no development in the Internet job age has reduced the importance of the most basic job search skill: self-knowledge.

241. But then, you realize that mostly there's something you may find odd about the way English is used there.

242. You think your clothes are old-fashioned and boring.

243. If you are feeling like something is impossible, then you are told that you are just not thinking positively enough.

244. Instead, the subjects were found to have chosen the same level of perceived effort on the treadmill, the bike, and the stair climber.

245. In addition, the oval-shaped slices are thought to resemble coins, symbolizing abundance and prosperity.

246. When they are made aware of a whole range of goods, they are able to compare them and make purchases so that they get what they desire with their hard-earned money.

247. She had fallen so often that she sprained her ankle and had to rest for three months before she was allowed to dance again.

248. Most of the systems in animal and human physiology are controlled by homeostasis.

249. The avoidance must be unlearned through some positive experiences with math in order for this cycle to be broken.

250. Many significant changes were triggered by the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the Americas in 1492.

251. "All the students were surprised.

252. In the past, musical values were typically rooted in the widespread music conservatory system, and the music curriculum was implemented by classically trained music teachers.

253. He was questioned further by the investigators and eventually admitted to leaving his post to visit his girlfriend, who also worked at the hotel.

254. They begin to exhibit what scholars call "self- conscious emotions," emotions associated with awareness of a "self" that is judged by others (eg, guilt, shame, and embarrassment).

255. Lifelong learning organized around one's interests might be seen as a new form of recreation.

256. Similarly, studies consistently find that youth who show healthy adjustment despite environmental adversity are distinguished by the reliable presence and support of at least one caring adult.

257. Psychological studies indicate that it is knowledge possessed by the individual that determines which stimuli become the focus of that individual's attention, what significance he or she assigns to these stimuli, and how they are combined into a larger whole.

258. My father bought it when he was stationed in the Pacific in World War II.

259. Its wall panels were made of almost 450 kilograms of amber!

260. One of them (we'll call him the "leader") was introduced alone into an enclosure and shown either a hidden source of food or a stuffed snake.

261. The habitat of the tarsier is generally tropical rain forest and they are found in dense bamboo thickets.

262. Chimpanzees like chocolate chips, and thus they were faced with the problem of determining which tray had more chips on it.

263. Objects were removed and sold on for their material worth, not their cultural significance.

264. Small numbers of bacteria don’t produce much harm, but when a quorum is reached, the large number of bacteria will coordinate the release of chemicals that make us ill.

265. The percentage estimates were inf1uenced by the participants ' own answers.

266. According to the individualist form of rhetoric about science, still much used for certain purposes, discoveries are made in laboratories.

267. Francis Crick, the Nobel Prize-winning codiscoverer of the structure of the DNA molecule, was born in Northampton, England in 1916.

268. This increased frequency of negative (compared to positive) descriptors is evidenced in a study which asked participants to rate an exhaustive list of emotion words, over 550 in total.

269. Yet, although the robot is sophisticated, it lacks all motivation to act.

270. Originally it was taken by a Japanese thief from the tomb of ChoiWoo, a general in the late Goryeo Dynasty period.

271. You did not come into this life to suffer, to be manipulated and denied.

272. For example, people with parents who were self-employed are more likely to become entrepreneurs.

273. Egypt is filled with ancient remains and has various cultures and religions.

274. Meeting One's Waterloo: Napoleon Bonaparte vs∙ The Duke of Wellington The English expression meeting one's Waterloo means 'to encounter one's ultimate obstacle and to be defeated by it.'

275. In an otherwise boring world, stimulation and arousal are sought through new and novel consumption experiences.

276. 'We veiled our own names... because ―without at the time suspecting that our mode of writing and thinking was not what is called feminine... we noticed how critics sometimes use for their chastisement the weapon of personality, and for their reward, a flattery, which is not true praise.'

277. Her attention was distracted by a rough, noisy quarrel taking place at the ticket counter.

278. Numerous self-help books promote the benefits of positive thinking and positive behaviors, assigning negative affect in general, and sadness in particular, to the category of "problem emotions" that need to be eliminated.

279. Boredom and loneliness are also more likely to come to the surface when the rush of the day is done and the night stretches ahead.

280. For example, white blood cells die and are replaced within 10 days, but red blood cells last 120 days.

281. Additionally, the new generations of mobile or fixed telephony are fully digitalized and integrated as they add text, pictures or video and they are connected to the Internet.

282. It was only in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries AD that scholars began to appreciate the historical importance of ancient artefacts, but even then many treasures were taken a long way from their places of origin to be displayed in museums around the world.

283. In cases such as this, the earrings would also be used to pay the cost of transporting the pirate’s body.

284. Theories of all sorts promote the view that there are ways by which disagreement can be processed or managed so as to make it disappear.

285. The idea is that choices depend, in part, on the way in which problems are stated.

286. A number of protective talismans to fight off the curse of the evil eye are found in many different cultures.

287. Natural boundaries between states or countries are found along rivers, lakes, deserts, and mountain ranges.

288. I'm blamed for something I didn't do.

289. Walking to the bus stop used to provide at least some movement, but now most public transportation is limited, so suburban people drive everywhere.

290. If he makes a mistake, you don't wait until the egg rolls are finished to tell him that he left out the cabbage.

291. It is an amazing record, considering that most of the dabbawalas are illiterate and that not a single piece of paper is used in the delivery process.

292. A deal was struck and the student began working to make the concert a success.

293. However, because such campaigns depend on widespread social engineering, and because their effects can be counteracted by random acts of violence, positive outcomes cannot be guaranteed.

294. Once a hand or gripper has been directed to an object by reaching, it can be grasped.

295. You may be surprised - there may be more to a greeting than you think!

296. Nauru has no official capital, but government buildings are located in Yaren.

297. He is regularly featured on lists of the most influential people in Indian culture, and in 2008, he was chosen as one of the 50 most powerful people in the world.

298. Similar results were obtained with rats.

299. It is vitally important that wherever we go and whatever we do the body temperature is maintained at the temperature at which our enzymes work best.

300. It is located about 800 miles to the northeast of the Solomon Islands; its closest neighbor is the island of Banaba, some 200 miles to the east.

301. In addition to protecting the rights of authors so as to encourage the publication of new creative works, copyright is also supposed to place reasonable time limits on those rights so that outdated works may be incorporated into new creative efforts.

302. Notice how, if we emerge from a tube station in London when 'up from the country', we are reminded of the first foreign city we ever visited, because all cities have certain smells in common, as well as smells distinct from each other.

303. Scientific experiments should be designed to show that your hypothesis is wrong and should be conducted completely objectively with no possible subjective influence on the outcome.

304. Veblen goods are named after Thorstein Veblen, a US economist who formulated the theory of "conspicuous consumption".

305. New media can be defined by four characteristics simultaneously: they are media at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries which are both integrated and interactive and use digital code and hypertext as technical means.

306. Someone might cry when they get an award because they are filled with joy.

307. Introspective reflections which are liable to stall are helped along by the flow of the landscape.

308. Doctors Without Borders, also known as Médecins Sans Frontières or MSF, was founded in 1971 by a small group of French doctors.

309. And where digital spaces are concerned, that is simply not the case.

310. When it was purchased by Joseph Batllo, he asked Gaudi to add his impressive touch to the design.

311. People who communicate to others about themselves rather freely, who are frank and open, who express their views, opinions, knowledge, and feelings freely, and who share their knowledge and personal experiences with others can be considered as the self-disclosing type.

312. Dinosaurs are studied in classrooms each year, not only for the science behind the topic, but also because of the creative thinking it seems to foster in students.

313. Everyone is influenced by the familiarity of an image.

314. In the absence of a process that allows them to benchmark those who do things better or at least differently, teachers are left with that one perspective ─ their own.

315. After looking around, we walked out to see many people lined up in front of a small store where green apple gelato was served.

316. The employees decide what type of coverage they want and the cost is deducted from their bonus.

317. In 1965, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for this work.

318. If the classroom setting is not conducive to asking questions, the instructor can always be seen after class.

319. Particularly in the United States, a substantial portion of our identities is connected with the organizational memberships we claim.

320. A famine or war in some far-off place such as Somalia was scarcely noticed, if it was known at all.

321. In one study, children in grades one through four were separated randomly into two groups and presented with the same fictional story.

322. Thomas Norton is best known for his long alchemical poem, The Ordinal of Alchemy (1477), which is subtitled Crede-Mihi, or Believe-Me, by which Norton, in typical alchemical fashion, implies that his work, and no other, contains the secret of alchemy.

323. People feel happy when they are engaged in such activities.

324. Susan Rice is known as "the Angel of Lost Pets" because she helps lost pets.

325. Consider some of the fascinating ways in which animals are involved in everyday English.

326. Just as terms are built from word parts, you can understand their meaning by dissecting them into their parts.

327. On the other hand, for the calculations necessary for the satellite-based global positioning system (GPS) that helps you navigate while driving, Newton's theory would give the wrong answer, and so Einstein's must be used.

328. He was born in 1898 and died in 1967.

329. In addition, pets are used to great advantage with the institutionalized aged.

330. Consequently some people claim that our attitude toward time is colored by our peculiar capitalist heritage.

331. The process was repeated when NeXT moved to a bigger space in Redwood City in 1989.

332. Dorothy Hodgkin was born in Cairo in 1910, where her father worked in the Egyptian Education Service.

333. Anyone looking for an alternative experience can now visit Lascaux II, an exact copy of the Great Hall of the Bulls and the Painted Gallery sections of the original cave, which was opened in 1983.

334. When the challenge is great enough, individuals may be forced to drop their beliefs and develop new ones.

335. Kenneth's sensor socks were recognized at a science fair.

336. A lot of people were worried, but I said, "Well, I'm going to get out of my box by deciding what to do myself instead of having someone else tell me what to do.

337. The diet turned on the "anti-starvation" plan that is built into every human being.

338. Because of his skills, Samuel's friends call him first when something is broken.

339. He was born in the Indian city of Kolkata on 15th August, 1872.

340. In one experiment, children were told they could have one marshmallow treat if they chose to eat it immediately, but two treats if they waited.

341. And of those ten, seven consulted the instructions only to check the color coding for the electrical wires; the rest of the information was ignored.

342. If the solar surface, not the center, were as hot as this, the radiation emitted into space would be so great that the whole Earth would be vaporized within a few minutes.

343. When the child feels secure, the attachment system is deactivated and the exploratory system is turned on.

344. The first painting we're going to look at is called The Empire of Lights.

345. I just received the county tax letter from your office, and I was surprised to see that I had been taxed based on my house being worth $400,000.

346. He soon began conducting research toward a Ph.D., but his path was interrupted by the outbreak of World War Ⅱ.

347. After 100 years of mining their island's once-rich natural resource was exhausted.

348. Work is scheduled to begin during April 2017.

349. Similarly, people who personally know an entrepreneur are more than twice as likely to be involved in starting a new firm as those with no entrepreneur acquaintances or role models.

350. Their cognitive abilities and emotional levels were measured after they returned to the lab.

351. It is known as the smallest state in the world.

352. If the coin is tossed and the outcome is concealed, people will offer lower amounts when asked for bets.

353. It was established in 1967 in Asahikawa, the second largest city in Hokkaido with a population of about 360,000.

354. Her work on vitamin B12 was published in 1954, which led to her being awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1964.

355. Executive editor Michael Agnes explains that names are chosen based on their frequency of use and their usefulness to the reader.

356. As reported in Time Europe, a Swedish scholar of evolutionary nutrition by the name of Staffan Lindeberg maintains that ailments ranging from heart disease and diabetes to atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, and rickets "can probably to a large extent be prevented by diets resembling those of hunter-gatherers."

357. "Jin: Well, reading comic books is not something to be embarrassed about, though.

358. Maps are made from data.

359. Implicit memories are imprinted in the brain's autonomic portion; that is why even after years of not riding a bike you still know how to ride.

360. He was exiled to the island of Elba.

361. [Everyone is surprised, and the Caliph smiles.]

362. As you were informed by our staff last week, your short story will be published in the December issue of Novel Flash Fiction.

363. Even better, our automatic, unconscious habits can keep us safe even when our conscious mind is distracted.

364. Logically speaking, telling someone that the engaging in act X promotes outcome Y, or that not engaging in act X fails to promote outcome Y, provides the same objective information: Y (partly) depends on X・ However, the way in which that information is presented — in particular, whether the emphasis is placed on losses or gains — influences the decision-making process.

365. Have you always wanted to sky dive, or climb cliffs, or maybe live alone in the woods for a month but been afraid you might be harmed?

366. I was directed to the waiting area, where I remained until my name was called.

367. Many years ago, a Hungarian military patrol was caught by a fierce snowstorm in the Swiss Alps.

368. That is, under increasing population pressure and growing demands for cultivable land, the conversion of forest into cultivated terraces means a much higher productivity can be extracted from the same area.

369. When the same individuals had to report their happiness in a different context later on, more positive ratings were obtained if they had been induced to think about positive events and more negative ratings if they had been induced to think about negative events.

370. I was thrilled when my cousin, Suji, invited me to Italy, a country in southern Europe that looks like a boot.

371. By the time the canal was finished, the railroad had been established as the fittest technology for transportation.

372. Eventually, most men find they must be satisfied with "any port in a storm.

373. Certainly no culture is composed of herds of clones who have been defined by their environment; nevertheless, each culture is fashioned by pervading and prevailing tenets - whether they are conscious or subconscious , spoken or tacit.

374. In fact, a good 25 percent of his athletic time was devoted to externals other than working out.

375. On the male body is written "Cheonha-Daejanggun"(The Great General Under Heaven) and on the female body "Jiha Yeojanggun"(The Female General Under Earth).

376. Changdeokgung has gained worldwide recognition for its architecture, which harmonizes beautifully with its natural setting and is based on scientific principles.

377. After days of hard work, however, I was pleased that I had been part of such a worthy project as preserving the remains of the ancient Inca civilization.

378. The answers are structured to fit the course assessments, and the wonder of science is lost along with cognitive intrigue.

379. In respect to online security and privacy, the choices made when befriending people in the digital world and the content (i_e, profile information, pictures, status updates, etc) shared with them should not be taken lightly as such choices can have negative consequences in the real world.

380. State department of education ratings of cyberschools in 2011 – 12 showed that more than 70 percent were rated as academically unacceptable.

381. Painting the Landscape of Dreams René Magritte, a Belgian painter, understood one thing better than anyone else–that common, everyday objects can be painted in surprising ways.

382. However, when a bill was introduced in Congress to outlaw such rules, the credit card lobby turned its attention to language.

383. The empty dabbas are picked up by 5:00 pm and are returned to their original addresses by the same team, following the same procedure in reverse.

384. Gradually, over space and time, even these locally focused human activities are known to change the climate, regionally and globally.

385. Each mother was with her baby throughout the study, but the mothers were divided into two groups, A and B.

386. This is known as "motivated reasoning."

387. The first underwater photographs were taken by an Englishman named William Thompson.

388. The next day the executive search agent who had set up the interview called for my response, and I told him that I wasn't interested in pursuing the matter further.

389. So some cultural changes may be adopted quite quickly by a whole population.

390. The lightning that we often see during a storm is caused by a large flow of electrical charges between charged clouds and the earth.

391. He was shocked to see that it was a map of the Pyrenees Mountains that border Spain and France, not the Swiss Alps.

392. Fall Festival at Forest Botanic Gardens October 1-October 31 ◈ Morning Walk - The number of participants is limited to 20.

393. Here are some of Gaudi's greatest works, all of which are found in the city of Barcelona.

394. There are reported cases of individuals who have damaged the neural system that controls voluntary expressions.

395. It was designed by Michelangelo himself as the pope requested.

396. Part of the answer lies in the way our brains are wired.

397. We are thrilled to welcome you to the Grand Opening of the Raleigh store on March 15, 2018.

398. The remaining money was to be reinvested for another 100 years at the same interest rate.

399. Obviously, technology that produces pollution is generally cheaper, but now that it has been decided that cleaner cars are wanted, less polluting cars will be produced; cars which scarcely pollute at all could even be made.

400. After "testing the headsets," the students were asked to fill out a questionnaire about not only the headsets, but also the university's tuition.

401. What should writers do when they're teased by intriguing but elusive ideas, by hints of thoughts that seem too vague to be expressed in words?

402. When food becomes available, there is a tremendous tendency to binge, in what is known as the restrained-eater phenomenon.

403. The tiny house sits on wheels so it can be moved every 72 hours to comply with city law.

404. The brain activity of volunteers was monitored as they read classical works.

405. For example, reading more is a good habit, but if you're only doing it because you feel like that's what you're supposed to do, not because you actually want to learn more, you're going to have a hard time reaching the goal.

406. From a correlational observation, we conclude that one variable is related to a second variable.

407. So a patient whose heart has stopped can no longer be regarded as dead.

408. To be disappointed that our progress in understanding has not remedied the social ills of the world is a legitimate view, but to confuse this with the progress of knowledge is absurd.

409. Lord of the Flies is written in a very plain writing style, one which deliberately avoids highly poetic language, lengthy description, and philosophical passages.

410. During the war, he was involved in naval weapons research, working on the development of magnetic and acoustic mines.

411. Have you also noticed that shoes, hats, and socks are displayed together next to one another?

412. The boy's parents were concerned about his bad temper.

413. Further criticism was directed at the international community as a whole for not responding quickly and forcefully enough.

414. For example, persons making a certain amount of money are expected to file a tax return and pay any taxes they owe.

415. An assertive counselor would find a way to call that person's attention to the fact that the joke is racist, explaining how it offended the hearer, and suggesting ways similar jokes could be avoided.

416. We are pleased about your comment as customers' satisfaction is the main motto of our service.

417. Soon it was dark, and because we were away from city lights, the sky was filled with countless stars.

418. On our way to the site, there was a town where the main square and market were crowded with local people.

419. To create goodwill, the food must appear to be unexpected.

420. I cannot be rescued.

421. Greens, such as collards or kale which have the color of dollar bills, can be added to the dish.

422. - The walk will be cancelled in the event of rain.

423. Dots are arranged in a specific sequence, and these dots are joined by straight or curved lines to create artistic designs.

424. From the very beginning it was fanned by strong winds, but it would not have spread so far and so quickly, if our firefighters had been able to arrive at the scene in time.

425. This seemed to them the only alternative, for if they were created they would have to be put together out of some parts.

426. "It looks like a tennis racket which is decorated with colorful feathers.

427. Because of this system of public financing, regulations and policies in many of these countries are designed to guarantee a diversity of sources of information.

428. Too often we forget that all dollars are created equal.

429. As the modern democratic societies emerged, however, the source of power shifted to a wider base, and now the city needed to be designed for people.

430. Still others may be left unmoved, neither attracted nor disgusted.

431. The contractor said it couldn't be built.

432. For example, an illuminated ball in an otherwise dark room is perceived as different in size and distance by different observers.

433. The home-team room was painted a bright red, which kept team members excited or even angered.

434. A lucky bag is believed to bring good luck in Korea.

435. On Jan. 13, 1989, the 27-year-old Italian interior designer, Stefania Follini, went down into a cave near Carlsbad, N. Man is interested and concerned in the emotions of men only in so far as these throw light on the nature and possibilities of life.

436. While 20 years ago the first steps toward climbing were taken almost exclusively on natural rock surfaces — on crags, also called climbing gardens — nowadays the beginner uses mainly an indoor-climbing gym: available at all times and in any weather, always safe but still exciting.

437. Research literature on the transfer of knowledge suggests that when people acquire knowledge in one context they can seldom apply this knowledge to situations in related contexts that look superficially different from the original context, but which are related by the major idea that could be applied to solve or analyze them.

438. Over the following three days, dozens of water buffaloes and pigs were sacrificed in the center of the funeral area.

439. For example, in a factory, the temperature was maintained at 72℉ and the walls were painted a cool blue-green.

440. Still worse, she was diagnosed with cancer only a year after the accident.

441. Problems can be distinguished according to whether they are reasonable or unreasonable.

442. Sometimes, I feel like I'm pushed into doing what other people want me to do.

443. Yet, I didn't know that the film was based on his comic book.

444. The mind may be reluctant to think properly when thinking is all it is supposed to do.

445. Walls were replaced by glass, and the carpets were replaced by light hardwood flooring.

446. By having a realistic long timeframe, it is more likely that the objective will be achieved.

447. Today the term artist is used to refer to a broad range of creative individuals across the globe from both past and present.

448. Thus, infrasonic receivers need to be large and tend to be found on the large animals able to generate infrasound.

449. 3 Split complementary colorsChoose two analogous colors and the complementary color of the one that is found between them.

450. People who live in the middle of the United States (in states such as Kansas, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Indiana, and Wisconsin) are often referred to as “Midwesterners.” People who live in Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut are called “New Englanders.” Both Midwesterners and New Englanders have their own unique way of looking at things, but the two regions also share a great deal in common — namely, pragmatic thinking and an independent spirit.

451. Some children learn to add, subtract, multiply, and divide with beads before they are taught to use numerals.

452. Likewise, if you are motivated to lose weight, you will buy low-fat foods, eat smaller portions, and exercise.

453. When the vote was announced, my brain just would not work out the right percentages to discover whether we had the necessary two-thirds majority.

454. But some tend to think that once they finish a certain level of education: "I'm done with school.

455. The tire on the driver's side was slashed.

456. It is essential that they and their deeds be taken at face value.

457. According to the hospital rules, they were placed in separate incubators to reduce the risk of infection.

458. The following spring after the planting was finished, he did the same.

459. Some of the recovered material can be recycled as fuel.

460. This project may change the way people think about food: if food is not shared, it is wasted.

461. Even though well over a billion dollars is spent every year on promoting new movies, people talking to people is what really counts.

462. Peggys Point Lighthouse was built in 1868 and has a classic red and white design.

463. For the first 100 years, the money would be loaned to married craftsmen under the age of 25 to help them start their businesses.

464. These courageous artists were considered such a threat to the established government that they were eventually banned in their own country.

465. Then, in 1994, some animals died of a serious disease, and the zoo had to be closed for almost an entire season.

466. It was based on the lengths of parts of the arm and hand, rather than the foot.

467. For example, infants as young as 14 months understand that emotions are often "about" a particular event (eg, someone is scared of a dog) and are very adept at identifying what a person is emoting about.

468. Obviously, a third variable is related to both—perhaps preference for risk.

469. "The student was surprised, and thanked him heartily.

470. Being specific about areas of the collection which are dated and worn is more likely to bring results than a general statement that more money is needed.

471. Indeed, the design of the green and blue tiles on the wall remind people of the sea, while the curved window frames were inspired by ocean waves.

472. When he arrived in Mexico City where the 1968 Summer Olympics were to take place, his technique was greeted with skepticism by both coaches and competitors.

473. Sequoyah, a Cherokee Indian, was born in about 1770 in Taskigi, now in Tennessee.

474. Jultagi was registered on UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity Lists in 2011.

475. As a consequence, more primary products have to be imported, contributing to a negative balance of payments.

476. John Bowman, the Guild's chief negotiator, was supposed to speak with Stuart Diamond on a phone call set up by a prominent Hollywood agent.

477. Today the Internet has given people around the world immediate access to the cultural artifacts and ideals of other societies, no matter where they're located.

478. I was depressed by what I saw there.

479. At the close of the Ice Age the entire region was submerged beneath a lake of meltwater, and overflow from the lake flowed into the Pacific Ocean through the Snake and Columbia rivers.

480. The system Kenneth eventually created worked as it was supposed to.

481. Yet a little creature that came to be called Babel Fish evolved that, when placed in the ear, would automatically and clearly translate what a person was saying into the listener's own language.

482. Afro Basaldella was born in Udine, Italy, the son of a decorative painter, and he studied in Florence and Venice.

483. If place identity is tied to a particular industry, local residents may feel strongly attached to the definitions of place that stem from involvement in that industry, and they may resist losing that identity in favor of one based on a tourism industry.

484. Normally, the channels were built underground, but Romans had to build them across valleys and mountains with bridges to get water from far away.

485. Which cultural item is accepted depends largely on the item's use and compatibility with already existing cultural traits.

486. Each motion must be finished within 30 seconds, so it is critical to maintain consistent breathing.

487. A small exploratory hole was drilled on August 22, and the camera captured a message that said, "We are still alive."

488. In Western culture, most music is based on an octave divided into twelve equally spaced pitches: the equal-tempered scale codified by Johann Sebastian Bach in the 17th century.

489. Further, potential readers explore a new magazine by buying a single issue; all those insert cards with subscription offers are included in magazines to encourage you to subscribe.

490. The areas of the school that may be affected have been and will continue to be sanitized and disinfected.

491. Medusa was killed by the hero Perseus, who cut off her head.

492. As Polaroid founder Edwin Land remarked, "No person could possibly be original in one area unless he were possessed of the emotional and social stability that comes from fixed attitudes in all areas other than the one in which he is being original."

493. Your brain is updated moment by moment and hour by hour.

494. Creativity may be defined therefore as the production of effective novelty through the operation of our mental processes.

495. Most preservation is spent on these species.

496. According to this argument, inequality of well-being that is driven by differences in individual choices or tastes is acceptable.

497. For instance, in one famous study by Gick and Holyoak, college students were presented with two problems that required them to apply a certain mathematical concept.

498. But suppose that a few days from now you are shown a long list of names, including those of some minor celebrities and "new" names of people that you have never heard of; your task will be to check every name of a celebrity on the list.

499. The reasons for these differences are varied and complex.

500. Roman authors could, in fact, make money from the copying and publishing of their works because the value of their intellectual creations was recognized.

501. When the sheriff arrives, he discovers that Ewell was stabbed to death during the fight.

502. An African book said, "When I was asked to be a book at a living library, I thought that many people didn't know about my country, Ethiopia.

503. This is called up-selling and it's designed to be not only helpful for you, but also for the store's bottom line.

504. The Central Institute of Restoration was founded in l939 to conserve and restore artworks and archaeological findings using scientific technology.

505. As agriculture becomes less dependent upon human muscular power, the difference in labor productivity between the two genders might be expected to narrow.

506. If you are tired, you can relax in our common room, which has books and games you can borrow for free.

507. The Gilt Groupe was launched in 2007 by two young, fashionable women, Alexis Maybank and Alexandra Wilkis Wilson.

508. The elements of reality are fixed on these pieces; by combining them in his selected sequence, shortening and lengthening them according to his desire, the director builds up his own “filmic” time and “filmic” space.

509. We must remember that a place considered to be a paradise was destroyed by human greed.

510. Mathematics may be considered a communication skill of the highest type, frictionless so to speak; and at the opposite pole from mathematics, the fruits of science show the practical benefits of science without the use of words.

511. Dick Fosbury, a native of Portland, Oregon, was fascinated with the sport when he was young.

512. Errors can enter when data are collected.

513. It was another way of saying that he was bored.

514. More sophisticated definitions of leadership shift away from the idea that leaders set concrete targets or that they specify the actions to be taken.

515. A long time ago, before modern medicine was developed, people often died of sudden diseases.

516. For example, beginning in 1968 in Yellowstone National Park, a "natural regulation policy" has been employed in which wildlife such as elk and bears are no longer fed but are allowed to live or die based on natural factors such as weather, disease, and the availability of natural food sources.

517. About 80 students were invited to participate in an experiment and were told they would be given some money after a series of tests.

518. An executed purpose, in short, is a transaction in which the time and energy spent on the execution are balanced against the resulting assets, and the ideal case is one in which the former approximates to zero and the latter to infinity.

519. Or Lincoln Dollars for picking up trash on the playground or for helping a young child find the bathroom ― deeds that used to be called 'good citizenship.

520. Once an exclusive ownership is attained, it is in the owner's interest to adhere to a regularly scheduled maintenance program for the car, since failure to do so would cost no one else but the owner.

521. If we prevented satellites from crashing into each other, less space junk would be made.

522. You are seen as someone who is not only helpful, but is also a valuable resource.

523. For example, traditional television is integrated as it contains images, sound and text, but it is not interactive or based on digital code.

524. At other angles, the image will be seen as a trapezoid.

525. What the government failed to realize was that the cod/ seal relationship was affected by many other less prominent species in the system.

526. In a remarkable experiment, participants were shown 10,000 pictures for five seconds each.

527. Science as science does not speak; ideally, all scientific concepts are mathematized when scientists communicate with one another, and when science displays its products to non-scientists it need not, and indeed is not able to, resort to salesmanship.

528. The class sizes are kept small to ensure that each student receives extensive individualized lessons from master watchmakers.

529. The temperature was maintained at the same level, but the walls were painted a warm coral.

530. Flow can be achieved when you are involved in tasks such as making music, playing sports, reading, solving puzzles, or doing whatever interests and challenges you.

531. They are recognized for their abundance of color, different patterns, and weaving techniques.

532. Recently, however, new varieties of both crops have been developed that can be grown in full sun.

533. [Sugar] Everyone knows that soft drinks are loaded with large amounts of sugar.

534. It is essential that the observation room remain dark, because if a lamp were turned on, some of that light would pass through into the interrogation room as well.

535. The September date has remained unchanged, even though the government was encouraged to adopt May 1 as Labour Day, the date celebrated by the majority of the world.

536. Historically, cities were designed and developed in accordance with the representations of gods and kings as the sources of spiritual and temporal power.

537. A lot of customers buy products only after they are made aware that the products are available in the market.

538. Since our hotel was opened in 1976, we have been committed to protecting our planet by reducing our energy consumption and waste.

539. Once the separated animals are reunited signature-whistle broadcasting stops.

540. These buildings were 10% cheaper to build because less money was spent on air moving equipment, and this design reduced cooling energy costs by 35%.

541. By 'happiness' is meant something rather peculiar, that is, the subjective state of mind of well-being that people are asked to self-report according to the qualitative or numerical scale proposed in the survey question.

542. Social definitions of the body are grounded in social relations and influenced by those with the power to promote agreement about what should be considered 'natural' when it comes to the body.

543. As you know, Springfield Public School is located at the intersection of First Street and Pine Street.

544. The long-standing, persistent myth that education alone can cure poverty is dangerous because it has caused schools to become overly focused on economic outcomes that will not be achieved without fundamental social and economic reforms.

545. As sociologist W. I. Thomas has classically stated (in what has come to be called the Thomas Theorem), if people “define situations as real, they are real in their consequences.” Digital experiences and the spaces in which they take place are quite real and have real, definite consequences.

546. His wish was granted, and he was exuberant until he touched his beloved daughter, who turned into a gold statue.

547. On behalf of the Board of Directors and Officers of the Heyerdahl Corporation, I would like to express sincere appreciation and congratulations to Davis Construction Company for successfully completing the reconstruction of our headquarters building in Woodtown, which was destroyed by fire last year.

548. The ancients knew that content should not be confused with the way the content is conveyed, and yet that the packaging was also important.

549. Each year more farmland was devoured to build strip malls and neighborhoods with larger homes.

550. The first rower is called the bow, and the last rower is called the stroke.

551. The vast majority of industrial doors are sold to establishments that are not open twenty-four hours a day.

552. Which of these alternative concepts is most likely to be applied when voters interpret ambiguous statements of this nature?

553. Now 211 countries around the world are registered as members of FIFA.

554. In 1947, when the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered, archaeologists set a finder's fee for each new document.

555. Termite mounds are built in a way that hot air rises out and cool air comes in through the bottom.

556. As of 2018, about 380 million tons of plastic is produced worldwide each year.

557. It was believed that they could cure bad eyesight and prevent drowning.

558. People with a strong sense of self-efficacy, therefore, may be more willing to step outside the culturally prescribed behaviors to attempt tasks or goals for which success is viewed as improbable by the majority of social actors in a setting.

559. There later it was destroyed by fire.

560. When people are overwhelmed with the volume of information confronting them, they have difficulty knowing what to focus on.

561. Briefly, when it senses a dangerous parasite, the body is mobilized to produce special cells, which are carried by the blood into battle like a kind of army.

562. The pleasure of satisfying the simple wants, so difficult to do in a poor society, is removed.

563. Although we shall get honey and other products, the objective for pollination of mustard may be defeated.

564. He feels insecure when he is left alone; for example, when you are out of the house and he is in his crate, or when you are in another part of the house and he cannot see you.

565. These "matchups" are known as floral mutualisms, forms of tug-of-war, a give-and-take whereby flowers and their pollinators are mutualists in a coevolutionary endeavor that does not cross the line into antagonism.

566. For the most part, people's opinions are based almost always upon their feelings.

567. These exchanges of stories need not always be employed in such malevolent ways.

568. Entry Submission ∙September 1st—30th on our website ( The three best entries will be selected by the Watford volunteer group and will be made available online for voting to decide the winner.

569. Big words are resented by persons who don't understand them and, of course, very often they are used to confuse and impress rather than clarify.

570. In the United States, it is estimated that residential mothers and fathers now spend 50 percent more time with their children than they did in 1975.

571. Downgrading to a smaller home, for instance, is experienced as a loss, it is psychologically painful, and we are willing to make all kinds of sacrifices in order to avoid such losses.

572. As historian John Tosh writes, "All the resources of scholarship and all the historian's powers of imagination must be harnessed to the task of bringing the past to life —or resurrecting it.

573. How could the signals be received?

574. Normally, officially designated referees and other interested experts study the proof to see if it is correct before it is published or announced to the public.

575. They are interested in hearing about you — your academic plans, activities, and career goals, as well as what this scholarship means to you.

576. The development of writing was pioneered not by gossips, storytellers, or poets, but by accountants.

577. We can resist the principle of separate realities and remain frustrated and angry over the fact that no one seems to conform to our way of thinking, or we can strive to understand what in Eastern philosophy is called 'the way of things.

578. Therefore, it can also be used on certain surfaces in hospitals, such as bed rails and tray tables, to help prevent the spread of illnesses.

579. Someday we may find evidence to help us understand why the universe was created, but for the time being science will limit itself to the last 13_7 or so billion years of phenomena to investigate.

580. You hope to get lost in a story or be transported into someone else's life.

581. If it concerns itself with much that only the few can or may experience objectively, it has to do with that only which all human beings may be conceived of as sharing subjectively.

582. A Thomas Norton is known to have accused the Mayor of Bristol of treason in 1478, and is said to have challenged him to a duel in the council chamber.

583. The onset of a trade depression (economic forecast) can often be predicted a much longer time in advance than the coming of a cyclone (meteorological forecast).

584. Plastics are more likely to be found in enclosed regions such as the Caribbean.

585. In this experiment, spoken words are played through the headphones, but a different set of words is played to each ear.

586. So, given that most industrial doors are sold with locks, it is probably cheaper to make all doors the same way.

587. The Sydney Opera House, for instance, was supposed to be completed in 1963 at a cost of $7 million.

588. They were headed to the Rialto Bridge too!

589. As a couple start to form a relationship, they can be seen to develop a set of constructs about their own relationship and, in particular, how it is similar or different to their parents' relationship.

590. One by one, sixteen participants lay down in an fMRI brain scanner and were shown a set of words.

591. It could be argued that the future is so unknowable that, rather than project and plan for it, managers should simply maximize their firm's flexibility, thus being prepared for all eventualities.

592. It had even more limited capacity for new music, but its influence over a generation was unparalleled.

593. One reason for fear can be explained by the 'Monte Carlo Fallacy'.

594. Because the land made travel so difficult, the guest-host relationship was valued.

595. There is an axiom in ecology that 'complete competitors cannot coexist': in other words, where two populations of organisms use exactly the same resources, one would be expected to do so slightly more efficiently than the other and therefore come to dominate in the long term.

596. To build a hydroelectric dam, a large area must be flooded behind the dam.

597. Whether or not we can get a definitive answer, we can be confident in the process by which the explanations were developed, allowing us to rely on the knowledge that is produced through the process of science.

598. It is defined as " all persons in a community having access to culturally acceptable, nutritionally adequate food through local non-emergency sources at all times."

599. Paderewski was relieved.

600. Animal analogies are based on close observation of animal behavior.

601. This is one very good reason why friends and close associates should be chosen carefully, not simply encountered and accepted.

602. Among them, river boundaries would seem to be ideal: they provide clear separation, and they are established and recognized physical features.

603. The concept, that we are allowed to experiment and make mistakes, is crucial in the development of self-esteem.

604. The two men were handcuffed together.

605. Rather incredibly, one archaeologist employed by a treasure hunting firm said that as long as archaeologists are given six months to study shipwrecked artifacts before they are sold, no historical knowledge is lost!

606. Ever since the first scientific opinion polls revealed that most Americans are at best poorly informed about politics, analysts have asked whether citizens are equipped to play the role democracy assigns them.

607. As adults, we likewise suspend disbelief and enter the rules of imaginative play when watching theatre, accepting whatever mimed or symbolic use of a prop is suggested by the actors.

608. Furthermore, scientists have found that the number of bird species can be cut in half in full-sun plantations, and the number of individual birds may be reduced by 90 percent.

609. Often, genetic differences are related to the environment in which a people or their ancestors lived.

610. Even hamburgers can be delivered here.

611. The road is paved with grey stones and offers less intense emotions than those imagined at the beginning.

612. Because of the distance, the sound was muffled, but she heard all four locks popping up.

613. To balance energy in with energy out, eating behaviors must be counterbalanced with ending each meal and allowing periods of fasting between meals.

614. This is because their movements are based on cooperation.

615. Andrew was relieved and smiled with joy.

616. It is called "Maneki Neko."

617. The goodness and value of individual music culture are acknowledged in the multiple ways in which music functions in the everyday lives of people, whether it is their quest for freedom, celebration of rites of passage, rebellion against social injustice, gratitude for divine intervention, or transmission of cultural heritage in the telling of a story.

618. For example, it is not likely that men's hair dyes designed to "get out the gray" will spread into parts of rural Africa where a person's status is elevated with advancing years.

619. This effect was reversed, however, when the seating arrangement was either angular (think L­shaped) or square.

620. The game of life is filled with twists and turns.

621. As soon as one is done, I spit it back out and wait for a while.

622. In seventeenth-century England, a political movement was promoted by the Levellers to eliminate all distinctions in position or rank in order to make everyone equal.

623. Each trip represents a triumph of such anticipated benefits over costs, although for the many trips that are made out of habit this complicated weighing of costs and benefits does not occur before each and every trip.

624. However, the higher the expectations, the more difficult it is to be satisfied.

625. In' fact, he is credited with introducing the words "philosophy," meaning love of wisdom, and "mathematics" - the learned disciplines.

626. One ancient Greek athlete is reported to have eaten dried figs to enhance training.

627. And young people rely heavily on them and are very likely to be influenced by the Internet when deciding what movie to see or what album to purchase.

628. The main food crop was the wild mongongo nut, millions of which were harvested every year.

629. We are closed on New Year's Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.

630. In the early 19th century, they were painted in a single color, like white or red.

631. In 2000, James Kuklinski of the University of Illinois led an influential experiment in which more than 1,000 Illinois residents were asked questions about welfare.

632. To receive this scholarship, you are expected to complete two items.

633. We would need to do studies in which individuals are sampled in terms of their dream life and judges are asked to make correspondences between these dream events and events that occurred in real life.

634. Because they were waving a brightly colored waterproof jacket in the air, they could be seen by the pilot of a patrol plane this morning.

635. It is surrounded by wonderful mountains and forests.

636. Thanks to the kindness of these strangers, the initial doubt I had had about my decision to study away from home was replaced with hope and excitement.

637. Analyzing the mechanism through which this was achieved, literary scholar Michael Wood in his book America in the Movies described our films as a "rearrangement of our problems into shapes which tame them, which disperse them to the margins of our attention," where we can forget about them.

638. Time spent evaluating claims is not just time well spent; it should be considered part of an implicit bargain we've all made.

639. This has allowed pollen to stick to the hair and to be moved to another plant by the drones.

640. One company developed what it called a 'technology shelf,' created by a small group of engineers, on which were placed possible technical solutions that other teams might use in the future.

641. Orphaned when his parents died during World War II, he was raised by his relatives.

642. Some of us enjoy the thrill that it gives us while others are driven crazy by the constant pressure and feel that their lives are speeding up to an unacceptable degree.

643. This is exemplified by toys, games, and lessons that are an end in and of themselves and require little of the individual other than to master the planned objective.

644. The term cafeteria is used because choices are similar to those in a cafeteria, in which a diner proceeds down the line and chooses those foods that he or she would like and leaves the others.

645. The rights to the names, Indian Motorcycles and Pan Am Airlines, were sold years after those companies went bankrupt.

646. When we are disturbed by forces acting on us, our inner machinery kicks in and returns us to a balanced state of equilibrium.

647. They were permitted to look at each photo as long as they liked and then were asked to say whether it was old or new.

648. But Russia's hopes were damaged by what happened in 2010, when forest fires during searing summer heat destroyed whole villages, killed more than 50 people, left thousands homeless and enveloped the capital, Moscow, in a poisonous smog.

649. Ramanujan's genius was unparalleled, Sean.

650. To describe what happens to common resources as a result of human greed, Garrett Hardin used the example of an area of pasture on which all the cattle-owners are permitted to graze their animals free of charge.

651. For early societies, the answers to the most basic questions were found in religion.

652. Thus, they can be thought of as being chemically similar.

653. Those shaking their heads side to side (no motion) overall wanted the tuition to be lowered.

654. Group 2 was asked by a secretary to return some of the money to the institution because the budget was running low.

655. When the public hears stories like these, reactions are varied.

656. After lots of trial and error, Richard finally created a system of flashing LED lights, powered by an old car battery that was charged by a solar panel.

657. By definition, ambiguous political statements can be interpreted in terms of more than one concept.

658. The answer to that can be found in the human brain.

659. The market is an institution which responds to demand: if low quality art is asked for, it produces low quality art — but if high quality art is asked for, it produces high quality art.

660. Sometimes, I was worried, though, that Mat would flatten me for going out with the girl he likes.

661. For me, Pam was the only enemy that needed to be defeated.

662. The pool of children can be thought of as the engine room of cultural evolution.

663. Their emotions such as depression, anger, and fatigue were replaced by positive emotions, such as happiness.

664. Considering this need for library surroundings, it is important to design spaces where unwanted noise can be eliminated or at least kept to a minimum.

665. One of the hallmarks of evaluating the quality of a black tea is by assessing how tightly the leaves are rolled.

666. Those charged with increasing tourism must still develop a promotional strategy, but it will be based on encouraging visitors to co-brand along with the professionals.

667. "So the music of one generation's youth could be replayed years later to evoke memories in some (often quite narrow) age group of people.

668. Residential streets form the edges of the dendritic network and are designed exclusively for local traffic; to exclude high-speed vehicles, there are very few connections between these streets and arterials.

669. Fluffy is modeled after Cerberus in Greek mythology.

670. But when one of its heads was cut off, it only became stronger.

671. Hence, the claim of economics to be regarded as a science cannot be denied on the ground that it lacks precision and prophetic power.

672. Children need to be traumatized a little!

673. Today this phenomenon is known as the Benjamin Franklin effect.

674. But the rewards were great when one was brought down.

675. Biomimetics is aimed at solving problems by first examining, and then imitating or drawing inspiration from models in nature.

676. Whether it comes from a person or a machine, speech activates a powerful and varied cognitive apparatus that is designed to express and recognize who a person is and what she or he is thinking and feeling.

677. Cultural characteristics are not only passed from parents to children, but may be passed on from any one individual to another by word of mouth or by writing.

678. I had never been abroad by myself, and I was a bit worried, but after the long flight for twelve hours, I was pleased to be greeted by my cousin at Leonardo da Vinci International Airport in Rome.

679. Infants who are able to sit alone are granted an entirely different perspective on the world than are those who spend much of their day on their backs or stomachs.

680. Who knows what kind of talent was squashed by their negativism?

681. Disruptions to this supply-and-demand chain, and the economic consequences for business, are felt very quickly.

682. Alpha brain waves occur when we are relaxed and calm.

683. With the aim to preserve and promote this living art, the Royal Textile Academy of Bhutan was created in 2005.

684. And they are wired into the human brain as early as infancy and toddlerhood.

685. Rather than be engaged actively in the lesson, he may have been preoccupied with trying to imagine pumpkin pie: What does it taste like?

686. The researchers had made this happen by lengthening the period of daylight to which the peach trees on whose roots the insects fed were exposed.

687. Basilisk, the King of Serpents Could a person be killed by a single glance?

688. Some distinctions between good and bad are hardwired into our biology.

689. It is a fact: People have contact with and are affected by other peoples around the world to a degree that no one could have imagined a hundred years ago.

690. The potential benefits of a close, enduring relationship with a mentor are suggested by research indicating that children and adolescents who feel a sense of connection with a supportive adult engage in fewer health-risk behaviors.

691. Still, many people do make these inferences, because the lack of certainty is perceived as a sign of weakness instead of being what it is — the first source of our knowledge.

692. The light should be directed to the ground to show you the road conditions.

693. There has been no confirmation that the infection was contracted at our school, but we are in the process of testing and sanitizing our locker rooms, restrooms, and the weight room several times a day with disinfectant designed to eliminate these infections.

694. They may also be found in sandy bays.

695. Experiments in which subjects were exposed to a homogeneous visual field for a long time led to some interesting results.

696. Names of products are repeated and remembered in this way.

697. Samuel Smiles, a nineteenth-century English author, wrote, "It is doubtful whether any heavier curse could be forced on man than the complete gratification of all his wishes without effort on his part, leaving nothing for his hopes, desires, or struggles.

698. It soared about 2,000 feet over us and then we were plunged back into darkness.

699. Under these circumstances, exchanges involving long-term commitments are hampered, and the smooth operation of markets is undermined.

700. Each culture has unique items which are believed to bring good luck to people.

701. With my love, Elaine If the relationship with the mother is disrupted through separation or loss, the child will experience great sadness and distress, which can have long-lasting and even lifelong impact, depending on the severity of the loss.

702. Crystal also points out that although trillions of text messages are sent worldwide each year, this number pales in comparison to the number of conventional, grammatically correct communications we are exposed to each year.

703. More people are involved with music than at any other time in history.

704. Volcanic activity caused the island refuge to sink completely beneath the waves, and surviving individuals were forced to find shelter elsewhere.

705. However, euphemisms can become dangerous when they are used to create misperceptions of important issues.

706. For optimum health, people should be encouraged to take control to a point but to recognize when further control is impossible.

707. Back on land, museums ringing the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, and countless other bodies of water are crammed with unphotographed objects lacking scientific documentation.

708. You must follow through with those orders, including taking and finishing all medications in the manner they are prescribed and complying with your doctor's request to keep records of your blood pressure or blood sugar.

709. A typical nazar is made of glass.

710. Their connection to the evolution of the gazelle is not defined by their motives-selfish or otherwise it is defined by the whole consequence of all their actions and non-actions from moment to moment.

711. All phobias are learned, usually by children watching a parent's reaction to certain things.

712. Examples of industry practices that have become public issues are the aggressive marketing of cigarettes overseas, where restrictions on such marketing are limited or nonexistent, as well as the marketing of cigarettes to young people in this country (for example, through advertisements that featured the controversial ‘Joe Camel’).

713. The more denim was washed, the softer it would get, eventually achieving that worn-in, made-just-for-me feeling you probably get with your favorite jeans.

714. In spite of the verbal comment, the lack of expressive enthusiasm suggests that the plan isn't viewed very positively.

715. When people were told to toss a beanbag at a $25 gift card, and that the closest would win it, people threw their beanbags nine inches short on average.

716. For example, they were asked, " Is there a picnic scene somewhere in the sequence you're about to see?"

717. The surface is rough so that the reflected light is scattered, lighting up the interior evenly.

718. The manner in which those outcomes are portrayed should make no difference.

719. Boo is known as a "Monster" for stabbing his father in his leg when he was a boy, but no one actually witnessed the accident.

720. Further tests were conducted to determine the ideal intensity of wasabi.

721. If strong bonds make even a single dissent less likely, the performance of groups and institutions will be impaired.

722. I know that one of your missions, as well as ours, is to ensure that our young people are afforded a safe and secure environment to and from school each day.

723. This was my way of occupying my time to avoid feeling alone, which was caused by the lack of contact with my parents and other people.

724. Most of all, you may be impressed by the scale of Chinese movies.

725. Generally, attachment is seen as a biologically-based, evolutionarily adaptive drive for the infant to seek protection from the mother.

726. A researcher was hired and made the students dislike him by being rude to them.

727. Still, she seemed to be listening intently, and when Angela was done, she nodded and then smiled.

728. And he used his canoe to bring food and water to a man who was stranded.

729. For example, Nyquill, a brand of cough medicine meant to be taken at night, suggests the words night and tranquil.

730. Well, when your brain is loaded with too many decisions to make, it may go on "autopilot.

731. Similarly, Pratt found that drop-out rates were reduced when the patient's spouse was included in a weight-control program.

732. To prove the existence of premonitory dreams, scientific evidence must be obtained.

733. We like to make a show of how much our decisions are based on rational considerations, but the truth is that we are largely governed by our emotions, which continually influence our perceptions.

734. If your cat is shy and timid, he or she won't want to be dressed up and displayed in cat shows.

735. We may decide that for these conversations, we must have a person who knows, firsthand, what it means to be born, to have parents and a family, to wish for love and perhaps children, and to anticipate death.

736. This set of beliefs is known as the 'Lake Wobegon' effect, after a fictional community in the stories by Garrison Keillor, where all the children are above average.

737. The phenomenon can be observed in all aspects of our daily lives.

738. If the friction force could be reduced then the cyclist would not have to pedal so hard.

739. Ole Bull was born in Bergen, Norway, in 1810.

740. Justin was greeted by an old farmer.

741. His days were filled with classes and school activities, so he experimented whenever he could find the time - between classes, on weekends, at night in the dormitory.

742. The moment was captured in a photograph and spread fast on the Internet, warming many hearts all over the world.

743. Volunteers gather for the clean-up and are provided with cleaning tools such as plastic gloves and bags.

744. The harvesting of meat was made easier by the presence of animals easily tracked (for those who knew how) across the open plains.

745. As of that age, every product that they look at is studied in detail and compared with other products.

746. We were shocked and so happy — as she was — and everybody started clapping and laughing.

747. This is an example of the "Romeo and Juliet effect": Just like Romeo and Juliet in the Shakespearean tragedy, people become more attached to each other when their love is prohibited.

748. Other interesting protection charms are found in India.

749. "Over-hard" is fried until the white and the yolk are fully cooked.

750. Therefore, this economic branch does not concentrate on 'what happiness is' rather, it takes a pragmatic stance on the content of 'happiness' by focusing on very simple measures, so that many data on the same question can be obtained.

751. Hannah was seated in the fifth row, hallway side, even though she had wanted a window seat.

752. For music fans, the genres, artists, and songs in which people find meaning, thus, function as potential "places" through which one's identity can be positioned in relation to others: they act as chains that hold at least parts of one's identity in place.

753. We all knew from the start that e-mail was meant to be a communication mechanism, but we didn't think it would become another demanding part of our job.

754. Their primary justification is that they raise the expected return on innovation by ensuring that copyists cannot undercut the market for creations after they are made.

755. If language is viewed as any system of communication, the answer is "Yes."

756. This delicious cake contains less fat than traditional cakes, which are made with lots of butter.

757. However, where the degree of competition is particularly intense a zero sum game can quickly become a negative sum game, in that everyone in the market is faced with additional costs.

758. When people read a (fictitious) scientific study reporting heavy caffeine consumption is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, women who are heavy coffee drinkers find more errors in the study than do less caffeinated women.

759. The butterfly fish is found near coral reefs in tropical waters.

760. He was a great leader, but unfortunately when World WarⅠ began, Poland was ravaged.

761. For example, in an early study by Conrad, adults were shown six-letter sequences, with letters being presented visually, one at a time, at intervals of three-fourths of a second.

762. These may then be placed on the market at lower rental rates, further depressing the market.

763. The builders in charge of the sound discussed the problem they were facing: "How can we ensure that the king can be heard all over the large courtyard?"

764. He was born in Caunus, on the coast of Caria, but lived most of his life in Rhodes.

765. Traditionally, people were declared dead when their hearts stopped beating, their blood stopped circulating and they stopped breathing.

766. As we all know, however, modern elementary particle physics allows the elementary particles to be created and destroyed.

767. We all know that our lives can be affected by events that we will never see or hear.

768. Photosynthesis is considered by many to be the most important biological process on Earth.

769. Policymaking is seen to be more objective when experts play a large role in the creation and implementation of the policy, and when utilitarian rationality is the dominant value that guides policy.

770. Some minor restoration of lawn areas that is not completed in the 2017 growing season will be completed in early spring of 2018.

771. Health is linked to ideas of agency, capability, freedom and possibility, standard entries in the roll-call of human flourishing.

772. A map should have a title that tells what area is depicted and what subject the map concerns.

773. Gradually, Louis managed to simplify Captain Barbier's system, but he wasn't satisfied.

774. Living organisms, particularly marine animals, can be harmed either by mechanical effects, such as entanglement in plastic objects or problems related to ingestion of plastic waste, or through exposure to chemicals within plastics that interfere with their physiology.

775. Slowly the trapezoid becomes thinner and thinner, and all that is projected on the retina is a vertical line, which is the thickness of the door.

776. Be attuned to whether or not the lecturer likes to be interrupted; if not, ask your questions after class.

777. Even though I was excited about the project, I was also nervous because I had never before traveled alone to such a distant place.

778. The top of the beetle's shell is covered with bumps that attract drops of water from the morning fog, which then roll down the wax-covered sides and straight into its mouth.

779. People who follow this practice tend to lose their individuality and begin to live with the notion that they are recognized by the job they do.

780. Though parents may be tempted to hand a child a screen and walk away, guiding children's media experiences helps them build important 21st Century skills, such as critical thinking and media literacy.

781. I was excited about the work I would be doing.

782. Well, I started to do jultagi when I was 9, but I'm left with nothing but a sore bottom.

783. They are honored, and their picture is then displayed in a cabinet near the front office.

784. He is known to have been born in Bristol.

785. Some studies suggest that variations in residents’ feelings about tourism’s relationship to environmental damage are related to the type of tourism, the extent to which residents feel the natural environment needs to be protected, and the distance residents live from the tourist attractions.

786. White Wings saw him and was determined to catch a bigger fish.

787. The winner of each competition is awarded a trophy.

788. If differences in well-being are determined by circumstances lying outside of an individual's control, they are unjust.

789. In addition, certain shapes in his paintings were associated with particular feelings.

790. When I entered the working world, I was amazed to discover that there are incredibly talented and capable people out there from all walks of life!

791. In this zone, we continue to learn, but the learning curve is steeper because we are challenged to accomplish greater and more difficult things that take a fair amount of courage to achieve.

792. These same texts were then "translated" into more straightforward, modern language and again the readers' brains were monitored as they read the words.

793. But this prediction is unfounded and reflects a failure to understand how probabilities actually operate in the real world.

794. At 8 years of age, children begin to realize that commercials are made to entice them into buying products.

795. The student who was next in line for an introduction was clearly on edge and after finishing his or her introduction, he or she was preoccupied with calming his or her nerves.

796. As Adam Smith said, ownership is woven into our lives.

797. This same concept was echoed by Kelly Johnson."

798. Some of this digitizing is done by humans plotting and entering the information, and thus, there is the potential for human error.

799. The surprised loggers fled, but White was shocked.

800. The setting, time period, dialogue and other incidental details are changed but the fundamental narrative and themes of Apocalypse Now are the same as those of Heart of Darkness.

801. Particular decisions might be supported by cost-benefit analysis but future costs arising from damage to natural capital are often ignored.

802. Is that because this can't be trained?

803. Space that was constructed to accommodate business and consumer needs at the peak of the cycle remains, so vacancy rates climb and the downward trend becomes more severe.

804. Each of the hundred billion neurons in our brains is connected to seven thousand other neurons, in a dense web of nerve fibers.

805. Second, although it is found in many places, including the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific oceans, it needs very specific conditions to survive.

806. When electricity made it possible to create light with the flick of a switch instead of the strike of a match, the process of creating light was changed forever.

807. Success requires that each and every person - men, women, boys, and girls - be engaged, not just as a mouth to feed, but as a human being endowed with enormous capacity to be part of the solution.

808. You don't necessarily need to lift weights or run on a treadmill until you're covered in sweat.

809. Some of the women were introduced to others who were in similar situations, and some of the women were left on their own to deal with their concerns.

810. Dress and textiles alike are used as a means of nonverbal communication.

811. People who are stuck and want you to stay stuck, or people who have successfully moved forward in their lives?

812. On October 17th, 1995, twin girls, Brielle and Kyrie, were born 12 weeks early at a hospital in the United States.

813. Our current system is called A440 because the note we call 'A' that is in the middle of the piano keyboard has been fixed to have a frequency of 440 Hz.

814. Rather, she worried that her work would be dismissed as typically feminine writing.

815. What Can Be Done About Space Junk?

816. The visiting-team room was painted a blue-green, which had a calming effect on the team members.

817. When I first heard this, I was impressed with how wise Freeman is.

818. To Kill a Mockingbird In the early part of the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, the heroine and her brother are told by their father never to kill a mockingbird.

819. Food that looks and smells attractive is taken into the mouth.

820. Externalization is the foundation from which many narrative conversations are built.

821. Edison is called "the father of invention" while Tesla is often known as "the man who invented the twentieth century."

822. Although listeners to a concert may experience a degree of arousal in common, the way in which the music is presented makes possible a greater range of individual reactions than can be expected if everyone is taking part in music which is familiar to them.

823. During this time, the deceased man was not buried but stayed wrapped up in a cocoon of fabrics in the corner of his house where he eventually dried out, and was still considered part of the family until he was buried.

824. And her head was covered with snakes!

825. Indeed, a good interior design plan can be rendered lifeless (read "ruined") by bad lighting.

826. However, no one is really interested in taking a trip to see wildlife which is seen as boring or ugly.

827. The Post-it note was built on the back of some not-very-good glue.

828. More accurate techniques have since been devised to read further back into geological time, so that events can be arranged in the order of their occurrences (age) and for specific spans of time.

829. We tend to perceive the door of a classroom as rectangular no matter from which angle it is viewed.

830. The whole house—including the living room, the kitchen, and even the furniture and the walls—is designed to be skated on.

831. Soon, the first trapped miner was raised to the surface.

832. The slaughtered animals were destined for huge feasts of meat and rice and palm wine — feasts that could last for weeks.

833. Potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, tomatoes, cacao, red peppers, and other crops were carried from the New World to the Old.

834. For example, shells were used in China around 1200 BC・ Other interesting examples are almonds and tea.

835. She was told by a saleswoman that they only stocked one of each style in each size!

836. Rules can be thought of as formal types of game cues.

837. Maybe one day you will be inspired by nature to invent a product that will change the world.

838. Each dolphin has its own vocalization that is referred to as a signature-whistle, and it will remain relatively unchanged throughout the animal's relatively long lifetime.

839. Similarly, when famine and civil war threaten people in sub-Saharan Africa, many African-Americans are reminded of their kinship with the continent in which their ancestors originated centuries earlier, and they lobby their leaders to provide humanitarian relief.

840. Given the methodologies of science, the law of gravity and the genome were bound to be discovered by somebody; the identity of the discoverer is incidental to the fact.

841. Likewise, animal rights groups are loath to let charismatic animals such as elk or wild horses die — they demand that no-kill methods be used to control populations.

842. The creativity that children possess needs to be cultivated throughout their development.

843. If, on the other hand, their place at medical school is secured through parental influence, then there is inequality of opportunity.

844. But at the beginning of the twentieth century, a new technology was introduced: the airplane.

845. If a person believes that a powerful drug has been administered, he/she will experience the effects of the drug, even if what was administered was merely a sugar pill.

846. Clients are not called, and donors are left unsolicited because we simply have a hard time understanding our targets.

847. His debut as a soloist came in 1819, and by 1828 he was made conductor of the Musical Lyceum.

848. Thinking improves when parts of the mind are given other tasks, are charged with listening to music or following a line of trees.

849. Though some people are concerned that feed of this sort could be damaging to the cows’ health, the farmers who have tried the method aren’t worried about it at all.

850. Unfortunately few, if any, scientists are truly objective as they have often decided long before the experiment is begun what they would like the result to be.

851. Observing a child's pay, particularly fantasy play, can be seen to provide particularly rich insights into a child's inner world.

852. The last is based on his manga of the same name that has sold millions of copies worldwide.

853. My friend was disappointed that scientific progress has not cured the world's ills by abolishing wars and starvation; that gross human inequality is still widespread; that happiness is not universal.

854. Let me tell you how my brand was born.

855. The security guard was left standing, not knowing that by this time tomorrow, he was going to be promoted to head of security.

856. Mr. Fong decided that no matter what it took, he would not stand by and watch the life of Tu, his number one son, be destroyed.

857. Still, since she was promised the shoes she wanted were available from the warehouse, Salli decided to order two pairs.

858. They are determined by society as a whole ― by its historical development and its organization.

859. I was frightened!

860. The 18th century is called the Golden Age of botanical painting, and Georg Dionysius Ehret is often praised as the greatest botanical artist of the time.

861. Even though the building was brand-new, Jobs insisted that the elevators be moved so that the entrance lobby would be more dramatic.

862. When an organization steals thunder, it breaks the news about its own crisis before the crisis is discovered by the media or other interested parties.

863. His staff was called upon to repair some equipment on top of a pole.

864. For your children to succeed and be happy, you need to convince them that success comes from effort, not from some talent that they're born with or without.

865. In one test, for example, twenty-four adults were asked to wire a common household electrical plug.

866. Local climate changes may also be caused when air pollutants are emitted by the structures' incinerators, by stationary and mobile engines, and during land-¬clearing activities.

867. Rather, the result was a whole new Australia, one in which entire species of plants were wiped out and in which erosion, caused by rabbits destroying vast areas of grassland, changed the very landscape.

868. The success of this application of color can be noted in the records set by Notre Dame football teams.

869. The restructuring of a problem can be caused by unsuccessful attempts in solving the problem, leading to new information being brought in while the person is thinking.

870. And it is, of course, impossible for a man of many trades to be skilled in all of them.

871. As we invent more species of AI, we will be forced to surrender more of what is supposedly unique about humans.

872. These buildings seem to be taken directly from "Hansel and Gretel.

873. Most readers of reports and papers are reading the documents because they are interested in, and know something about, the subject.

874. Common foods for osechi are broiled fish cakes, simmered black soy beans, and red or white herring roe, which symbolize good health, a good harvest, and prosperity.

875. The piece, Untitled (Travelling Dreaming) by acclaimed artist Mick Namarari Tjapaltjarri, is estimated to be worth up to $110,000 and was the subject of extensive searches after its disappearance 35 years ago.

876. A last group was told to make no movements at all.

877. During 2009-2010, nearly 40 percent of federal expenditures were financed by borrowing.

878. I was surprised to see that Mr∙ Portokalos smiled and congratulated me.

879. I have therefore no wish to leave the firm but on the other hand I cannot afford to tum down the present offer unless some improvement in my present salary can be arranged.

880. For nonscientific audiences or short pieces where a term would be used only once, avoid jargon altogether.

881. Memories of falling in love or just being free and having fun also came to be linked to tunes that could be recalled or replayed again and again throughout life, thanks to the recording.

882. This is because your odds of developing it are reduced if you don’t allow yourself to be overwhelmed by beauty.

883. "The professor could see that I was determined.

884. This is the critical phase of the design process since the nature of a solution is related to how a problem is defined.

885. Children are encouraged to begin tapping out rhythms as soon as an adequate degree of arm control is developed, and at the age of three or four they begin making their own instruments.

886. My smartphone is indeed very smart!

887. Now a large part of the electricity used on my farm is provided by my DIY solar system.

888. You are surrounded by tall trees, many of which are more than 40 meters tall.

889. Imagine that Clarence learned his cousin was awarded the coveted first chair in the violin section of the New York Philharmonic.

890. Tourism is predicted to grow substantially in the coming years, with the annual world spending on all leisure and business travel expected to double to three trillion dollars over the next 10 years.

891. The empty dabbas are picked up by 5:00 p.m. and are returned to their original addresses by the same team, following the same procedure in reverse.

892. Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846, Kennedy in 1946.

893. He is remembered for his automation designs, including water- operated ones.

894. Our exploration of worlds such as Jupiter would be called basic science, and it is easy to argue that basic science is not worth the effort and expense because it has no known practical use.

895. In children's play, objects may support the imaginative process as 'transitional objects'; these no longer have the meaning they have in the real world, but are used to represent a missing object.

896. This speech is expected to last for about an hour, and it will take place at Star Bookstore downtown.

897. Indeed, this is just what would happen if some cosmic giant were to peel off the outer layers of the Sun like skinning an orange, for the tremendously hot inner regions would then be exposed.

898. "A blood sample is taken and tested for the presence of even the tiniest amounts of tumor DNA.

899. Evidence that instructions to avoid thinking about an object can have the opposite effect to that intended was reported by Lavy and van den Hout.

900. For the Greeks, the baths were associated with self-expression, song, dance and sport, while in Rome they served as community centres, places to eat, exercise, read and debate politics.

901. The numbers that are written down to estimate how long things should take require a brutal and honest respect for Murphy's Law ("What can go wrong will go wrong").

902. Someone who is only clinically dead can often be brought back to life.

903. Teacher support, in the form of administration, must become more evident in schools so that the school structure will not be strained right from the top.

904. The cost of supporting someone through this process was out of reach for most families, so those who could afford it were able to enjoy wages far above what might be expected.

905. Instead, people go to the trouble because poems sound a certain way, are built in certain shapes, and have certain beauties in sound and meaning, all of which accompanies the meaning and goes beyond it.

906. Merely having goals clearly defined is not sufficient, for one must also know, moment by moment, what precisely needs to be done.

907. She knew that her class had little trouble with simple variations and could easily identify themes that were repeated in a similar way.

908. A moment later, the tree was struck by lightning.

909. If pollination is the prime consideration of taming bees and if the crop is identified, the color of other floras nearby should be considered while planning.

910. Therefore, we can say that observation is a valuable tool to understand a child, but one that should always be employed with caution.

911. Research is evaluated for publication through a deliberative system of peer review and then disseminated in highly specialized professional journals.

912. There is strong research evidence that children perform better in mathematics if music is incorporated in it.

913. Daniel: They were found this morning around 10:00 a.m., after last night's storm had cleared.

914. The implication is that Robert's behavior was influenced by or caused by the other members of the crowd.

915. These effects could be reduced or eliminated by dechlorinating the effluent before releasing it.

916. Then, the degree of emotional bonding in these friendships was assessed both by asking how people felt and watching how they behaved toward each other.

917. Many years later, Angela was awarded a New Directions Fellowship, given to most promising young researchers.

918. There is an important distinction to be made between denial and restraint.

919. Babies and young children are thought to be the primary targets of the evil eye because they are so often adored and praised.

920. Their special story goes back to 1962 when Rick was born.

921. To correct this problem, more advanced and thus more expensive green-beam laser pointers came to be introduced.

922. It is all too easy to justify to yourself why an experiment which does not fit with your expectations should be ignored, and why one which provides the results you 'hoped for' is the right one.

923. Wilma's family was ordered to move to San Francisco.

924. The skills exhibited in golf are based on our unique physical ability to maintain a highly stable upright stance while the arms and upper body perform powerful athletic tasks.

925. It was loaned to the NT Chief Minister's Office in the late 1970s, and that's where it was last seen.

926. Most maps should also indicate when they were published and the date to which its information applies.

927. In any case, it is assumed that the existing set of conditions is much less satisfactory and that a new set of conditions would be desirable.

928. The psychological effects of warm and cool hues seem to be used effectively by the coaches of the Notre Dame football team.

929. Spatial data representing elevations, depths, temperatures, or populations can be stored in a digital database, accessed, and displayed on a map.

930. The idea that we are living moments of more and lives of less is supported by a recent study in which pairs of college-aged friends were asked to communicate in four different ways: face-to-face conversation, video chat, audio chat, and online instant messaging.

931. What is viewed as adaptive varies over time and place.

932. He also was influenced by the melody of Wagner's Lohengrin.

933. We were expected to learn when we were school age.

934. In their work they are asking critical questions about how the body is trained, disciplined, and manipulated in sports and how some sport scientists are using technology to probe, monitor, test, evaluate, and rehabilitate the body as a performance machine.

935. Meghan Vogel was tired.

936. These cultural products ― be they paintings, sculptures, forms of music or whatever ― should be regarded as being made by certain types of cultural producer, and as being used by particular groups of people in particular ways in specific social contexts.

937. A population map of the United States, for instance, should tell when the census was taken to let the map user know if the map information is current or outdated or whether the map is intended to show historical data.

938. But in countries where popular opinion is taken into consideration, no mutually acceptable solution has been found.

939. Well, when your brain is loaded with too many decisions to make, it may go on "autopilot."

940. Thus the most economical window would be positioned near the ceiling, if it did not also have to take into account view and spatial articulation.

941. For example, subjects who were presented with different shapes of pasta showed increased hedonic ratings and increased energy consumption relative to subjects eating only a single shape of pasta.

942. In sixteenth-century Europe it became much easier to make a creative contribution not necessarily because more creative individuals were born then than in previous centuries or because social supports became more favorable, but because information became more widely accessible.

943. It is certainly true that individuals who are concerned about a traumatic event, such as the threat of the loss of a loved one who is sick, will dream about that loved one more than would otherwise be the case.

944. Their bodies are rested, they enjoy better health and they smile more.

945. Rental rates generally do not drop below a certain point, the minimum that must be charged in order to cover operating expenses.

946. The one area in which the Internet could be considered an aid to thinking is the rapid acquisition of new information.

947. Once in an environment that makes the patient feel safe, either an art therapist will provide the topic for the patient to work from, or the patient will be invited to work without any direction.

948. Compared with the old washers that squeezed out excess water by feeding clothes through rollers, modern washers are indeed an electrical-mechanical phenomenon.

949. Although his famous Yellow House at 2 Place Lamartine was destroyed by the bombs of World War II, there's a walking trail throughout town with plaques and reproductions pointing out where he set up his easel to create many of his now famous paintings.

950. Its tale rises and falls like a Greek tragedy, with island populations savagely destroyed by humans until almost all were gone.

951. Haejeong Yu (43, housewife) I don't understand why these phones are called smarphones.

952. Such common understandings may be referred to as group norms.

953. Although reported in both tropical and offshore waters, killer whales prefer colder and more productive waters of both hemispheres, and are found in greatest abundances at high latitudes.

954. And if we're not careful and sensitive, some children can easily be placed in situations in which virtually every physical education class is a losing experience.

955. Reservations are required and must be made on our website ( by 6 p.m., Thursday, November 3, 2016.

956. The paths are cracked and littered with rocks and debris that make it impossible to roll her chair from place to place.

957. The Braille system, as it came to be known, made it possible to place all the world's literature at the fingertips of blind readers.

958. Therefore, no one else is allowed to use this car without proper permission from the owner.

959. But from the restricted nature of this right it does not follow that those excluded are treated as morally less worthy.

960. The fact is, crocodiles seem to cry while they eat, but this is because their eyes are stimulated when the muscles around the mouth move to eat.

961. A rapid handling of the paint left individual brushstrokes and the paint was applied thickly.

962. Then he saw that his stew was done, and he waved to it with his hand.

963. Most of the increases range from 50 cents to $1.00 and may be reflected when making camping, cabin or day-use reservations on

964. Few people would choose to walk or bike on roadways that lack safe sidewalks or marked bicycle lanes, where vehicles speed by, or where the air is polluted.

965. As new ways of controlling the environment are achieved, motor development provides the infant with a growing sense of competence and mastery, and it contributes in important ways to the infant's perceptual and cognitive understanding of the world.

966. One by one, the miners were brought up in the capsule to see the sunlight.

967. Projections indicate that the net federal debt will rise to 90 percent of GDP by 2019, and many believe it will be even higher unless constructive action is taken soon.

968. However, so does whether you were reinforced for talking with others as a child, as well as other experiences that are part of your culture and learning.

969. Earrings made of silver or gold had practical purposes as well—if the pirate died at sea, they were used to pay for funeral expenses when his body washed ashore.

970. Jemison was born in Decatur, Alabama, and moved to Chicago with her family when she was three years old.

971. All are recognized as important works of architecture, and seven have been named UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

972. Specifically, persons who were told to think about "anything except vehicles" reported more instances of vehicles than did persons who were told to think about " anything including vehicles."

973. One of his most frequently performed piano works, Pictures at an Exhibition, was composed in his efforts to capture what he felt about the paintings of an artist friend named Viktor Hartmann, who died at the early age of 39.

974. can be harmed either by mechanical effects.

975. Sean: Listen, In Mexico, people often arrive late on purpose when they are invited to a dinner.

976. When you are asking someone a question, in an effort to learn a fact that you feel is important for you to know, but they just don't seem to be willing to give you an answer, take it as a signal that you need to rephrase your question a little and repeat it again, and again, and again, until finally you are heard and answered.

977. When honeybees find food, they return to the hive and perform various forms of dancing to "tell" other bees where the source of food is located.

978. We were amazed by the outstanding building skills of the Inca civilization, which prospered more than five centuries ago.

979. We are excited to announce the opening of the newest Sunshine Stationery Store in Raleigh, North Carolina!

980. As a result, we are still guessing at what early tools were used for as well as what early art forms might have meant for the people who produced them, even when such drawings, often animals, are very recognizable.

981. Look at the way a cat is shaped like the suspension part of a bridge when he creeps under the fence or the way he is shaped like an ammonite when he sleeps.

982. The high school grounds were filled with well-dressed people, posing in fancy dresses and suits for cheerful photographers.

983. If they are allowed realistic freedom to make some of their own decisions, they tend to develop a positive orientation characterized by confidence in their ability to initiate and follow through.

984. A need can be defined in relation to a social standard.

985. At times, it is difficult to decide whether two or more societies are independent or should be treated as one.

986. Elsie Inglis, the second daughter of John Inglis, was born in India on 16th August, 1864.

987. In Britain they are consistently a bright reddish brown but in many parts of continental Europe a dark greyish brown or almost black form can also be found.

988. Much of what was measured as unemployment, they said, was actually individuals who were working at home and not earning money in the marketplace.

989. For example , the Erie Canal, which took four years to build, was regarded as the height of efficiency in its day.

990. Time out works best when it is used as a preventative measure, rather than a punishment.

991. So, they were separated into small blocks in the early 1960s and reassembled in a new location in 1968.

992. Quiet areas, such as reading and study space and periodical areas, are located away from the noisy functions.

993. In a fascinating study, children were tested for habituation to a taste stimulus while they were working on a problem that required their close attention.

994. Although people have separate parts of the brain that are devoted to each social judgment and each aspect of speech production and understanding, people do not have separate parts of the brain for human speech and technology-generated speech.

995. They were made from gold and silver.

996. Any errors by the referees were viewed as part of the game.

997. The first online newspaper was published in the US and the Chicago-based Tribune was among the first titles to put its content online, in 1991.

998. We could fix 'A' at any frequency, such as 439 or 424; different standards were used in the time of Mozart than today.

999. Little else is known of him.

1000. They learned that they shared the belief that art should be pursued away from big cities like Paris.

1001. This is known as the learning zone.

1002. ∙Taking photos is allowed inside the exhibition hall.

1003. These will be performed note for note because both the vocal and piano parts have been painstakingly written down by the composer with an ear for how each relates to the other.

1004. A puppy will often cry, whine, whimper, or howl when he is left alone.

1005. Many cities are working hard to expand areas where trees can be planted.

1006. In reality, the building is surrounded by air, which applies friction to the falling marble and slows it down.

1007. They advertise their products in a vacuum and are disappointed when their messages fail to get through.

1008. Interpretation of what you have observed must, however, be made with care since the functions of play are complex and not fully understood.

1009. After a problem which needs to be solved has been recognized, the process of defining and representing the problem may proceed with processes such as analogical thinking.

1010. I expected I'd get 100 or 200 books the first month but, to my great surprise, 3,000 books were collected.

1011. Scientists who offer advice to policy makers, however, often complain that their input/output is ignored or distorted during the policy making process.

1012. There are many studies that contain errors because the researchers did not allow their work to be evaluated by peers before they published it.

1013. More countries are acknowledging nature's rights and are expected to follow Ecuador's lead.

1014. "He went on to explain that it is also the sum of the cubes of 1 and 12, as well as the first number that can be divided by the sum of the cubes of two different numbers.

1015. Norms are established rules of behavior or standards of conduct.

1016. Community respiration, decomposition, nutrient retention, plant productivity and water retention have been identified as five major ecosystem processes that may be affected through changes in biodiversity.

1017. Between them are many ordinary objects that look so real that even the smallest detail can be detected.

1018. Having reminded her students many times that composers like Wagner depended on the listeners' remembering the earlier theme to recognize its later use, she was determined to make her students understand that themes recur throughout a piece.

1019. In the other kind of spinning ― sometimes called throwing to prevent confusion with the first kind ― two or more fibers are twisted together to form a thread.

1020. But such information was always ambiguous, because its interpretation very much depended on the presence of people able to explain how such tools were made and what they were used for.

1021. Eddie Adams was born in New Kensington, Pennsylvania.

1022. This material from which his final work is composed consists not of living men or real landscapes, not of real, actual stage-sets, but only of their images, recorded on separate strips that can be shortened, altered, and assembled according to his will.

1023. The noise he is making is an expression of the anxiety he feels at being alone, so he needs to be taught that being alone is Okay.

1024. The balconies copying the honeycomb shape were built with a covering outside and small holes in their walls.

1025. All reflective men today are joined as citizens of the world."

1026. The reason for this must be sought, not in the unscientific nature of economic studies but in our ignorance of the causes at work.

1027. That many animals are abused and/or neglected by their "owners" is a documented fact.

1028. This preliminary information is processed in the primary visual cortex.

1029. You are selecting only a small amount of that information to be processed enough to know what words were being spoken.

1030. Hence, social contracts of reciprocity ─ "I share my food with you today, and you return the favor tomorrow" ─ could not be reinforced.

1031. This meant John Harrison was recognized as having solved the longitude problem in the end.

1032. In the physical world, friends are people to whom we are attached by feelings, affection, or personal regard.

1033. Therefore, the restoration and protection of the nation' cultural heritage is guaranteed by the Italian Constitution.

1034. This programme is motivated by the need for a young audience and critical discussion about societal phenomena such as pop music and spirituality.

1035. Today, it is used to refer to anything that might be costly and useless to someone.

1036. Blue, on the other hand, was found to increase people's creativity.

1037. Millions of dollars and thousands of hours are spent each year trying to teach managers how to coach their employees and give them effective feedback.

1038. When a black sheep was born, the owners saw it as bad luck.

1039. For instance, parrots were taught to say "I want a cracker."

1040. Evaluation of the fire hazards of materials is complicated, because so many variables can influence the process.

1041. The fact that other species depend on or are greatly affected by the keystone species is revealed when the keystone species is removed.

1042. The manner in which animals are kept and treated is considered to be largely within the discretion of the "owner," and there are few legal limits placed on how humans treat the animals they "own."

1043. In these situations, families have to be educated about nutrition, encouraged to diversify their diets, plant more green vegetables, and sometimes receive nutritional assistance to correct imbalances.

1044. This destruction was driven by the needs of a fast growing mat-making industry.

1045. He pointed to the case of goldsmiths, who earned much higher wages than workers of a similar skill because they were perceived to be trustworthy―a characteristic that is rare and not easily provable.

1046. Our emotional reserves can be compared to a car battery.

1047. They were wonderful stories — about a small princess whose carriage was pulled by ostriches, a boy turned into a bear, a little girl lost in a forest of lilacs, wicked queens, good fairies disguised as white cats, marvelous feasts and dazzling palaces.

1048. Today such tragedies are seen live on television in vivid color.

1049. It could be used as a gauge to test the depth of water if you had to ford a stream.

1050. Cora was surprised when Ms. Calico told her that she would like to recommend Cora for a summer program in London, where they had a cartography class.

1051. Before the show started, he took his son to see the animals in their respective cages ― all except for the elephant that was tied with a rope.

1052. Qat is used as a mild stimulant, similar to tea or coffee.

1053. Funding is provided by public granting agencies, like the NSF or NIH in the United States, as well as private institutes and corporations, each with their own agendas and responsibilities.

1054. "Sit there until you finish" may be how we learned, and may also be the only way you feel able to achieve your goal, but think about it: the experience of eating a pile of unwanted cabbage until they feel sick is hardly going to make children jump for joy the next time it is served.

1055. We are faced with unprecedented perils, and these perils are multiplying and pushing at our collective gates.

1056. And so it was done.

1057. Whatever binds you and keeps you from living your truth is false and can be shed.

1058. As far as I'm concerned, my generation has worked very hard to mess up society and our planet, and now it's finally your chance to try to fix everything up.

1059. Everything is curved, including the walls, the ceilings, and the wooden doors.

1060. But although almost anything has the potential to be a sign, it can only function as a sign if it is interpreted as a sign.

1061. Afterward, all of the children were asked what they thought would happen next in the story.

1062. In many aspects, arable lands can be considered as very simplified ecosystems with few bottom-up and top-down regulations.

1063. Tiny fish, which scientists refer to as "cleaners," swim into the mouths of bigger fish, which are referred to as "clients."

1064. The emotion itself is tied to the situation in which it originates.

1065. But we should seek to eliminate inequality of well-being that is driven by factors that are not an individual's responsibility and which prevent an individual from achieving what he or she values.

1066. For example, in 1836, a machine was invented that mowed, threshed, and tied straw into bundles and poured grain into sacks.

1067. But he was captured and spent six years in a Vietnamese prison.

1068. Creatures like dolphins and monkeys are seen as good perhaps because they are the nearest creatures to us in terms of intelligence.

1069. Many seed plants are pollinated by bees.

1070. Customarily, sweets are added to the cake to represent the sweetness and joy of life, and the new year's numbers are written on top with almonds or sesame seeds.

1071. Many African language speakers would consider it absurd to use a single word like "cousin" to describe both male and female relatives, or not to distinguish whether the person described is related by blood to the speaker's father or to his mother.

1072. To be separated so long from his love was heart-breaking for him.

1073. Many different languages were taught, but Chinese was the most important foreign language.

1074. Rhythmical facility is built into their everyday lives, so that, for example, the children experience the sounding of three beats against two beats and are thereby aided in the development of a "two-dimensional attitude to rhythm.

1075. Their ideas often originate in discussion, their writing is a response to discussion, and their papers are designed to stimulate further discussion.

1076. They point out that even infants who are born blind and deaf, who have had no chance to learn these gestures, express themselves in the same way.

1077. However, unless the classroom is organised in such a way as to allow the teacher to access individual students, this will be problematic and the teacher may resort to making public scolding.

1078. Andrew arrived at the nursing home in a gloomy mood, but he was blessed with good news.

1079. As the experience is repeated, the level of arousal diminishes, and so does pleasure.

1080. Likewise, in the UK, the National Rivers Authority decided that 'there is clear evidence that dangerous substances are created by chlorine sewage disinfection, and the UK is committed to the elimination of these substances from the water environment'.

1081. Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened.

1082. Frequently checked out books, that is, popular books (ex, the Dan Brown blockbusters), will be made available in special spaces near the entrance of the library to make it easy for members to find them.

1083. Elvis was moved to help.

1084. And an English document of the year 900 seems to them to be written in a foreign language.

1085. Batteries were required and had to be replaced, and the shaky hand movements of a nervous lecturer were shown in the sudden motion of the glowing red dot.

1086. Although the royal architect kept the Royal Cubit, wooden copies were distributed throughout the land.

1087. My name is Mohamed Rahman.

1088. The kitchen was packed with wives, all of them laughing and talking loud, none of them being helpful except for Lois from next door, who was pulling bowls out of the refrigerator.

1089. During the 1970s, GE acquired other companies that made CT scanners, but were uninterested in remaining active in the market due to declining sales volumes and market saturation.

1090. As a child, he was fascinated by the natural wonders of the surrounding countryside.

1091. When the door of the Chamber of Secret is opened up by black magic, it begins to attack students.

1092. Other major sports are expected to follow this trend.

1093. Over time it adds up, and the geometric potential of success is unleashed.

1094. This quota system can also be used for other factors, such as age, ethnic background, etc.

1095. Once this is determined, it may be possible to develop antidotes, so to speak, to prevent or reverse the effects of bacterial infection.

1096. Through longer-term programs, this organization treats chronic diseases such as malaria, sleeping sickness, and AIDS; and brings health care to remote, isolated areas where resources and training are limited.

1097. Trying to find the keys, trying to remember when an event is supposed to take place, where it's going to be held, and with whom you are going.

1098. I was born into a large poor family in Chicago.

1099. It can be translated as Are you safe or Are you all right?

1100. A bias occurs when what the scientist expects changes how the results are viewed.

1101. A linear settlement, in which houses are lined up along both sides of a river, canal, or road, has an intermediary position and often is characterized by the worst conditions of the other two settlement forms.

1102. At first I was blinded by the flame; then I saw something creeping toward me.

1103. Both Napoleon and the Duke of Wellington were born in the same year, 1769.

1104. Studying relatively simple systems avoids unnecessary complications, and can allow deeper insights to be obtained.

1105. But they were convinced the devices were also quite dangerous.

1106. This is particularly true of thriller and horror genres, where audiences are kept on the edge of their seats throughout.

1107. For example, Swedish law requires that at least two newspapers be published in every town.

1108. After testing the headsets, the students were asked to fill out a questionnaire about not only the headsets, but also the university's tuition.

1109. Sustainability can be seen as balancing three kinds of capital value — social, material and natural.

1110. Unfortunately, however, Rick was born paralyzed.

1111. I tried to paddle back to shore but my arms and legs were paralyzed.

1112. This reasoning was based on the fact that clocks of that time had pendulums that swung back and forth inside them.

1113. Linda wrote how she suffered from a poor self-image in high school and was shocked that Rebecca would considerher a candidate for the contest.

1114. In the American construction boom of the late 1990s, for example, even the carpenters' union—long known as a "traditional bastion of white men, a world where a coveted union card was handed down from father to son"—began openly encouraging women, blacks, and Hispanics to join its internship program.

1115. Sadly, if schools continue to be viewed as the principal path to end poverty, then genuinely beneficial educational, social, and economic reforms are unlikely to materialize and poverty in America will continue.

1116. It is unique because it features not only a light but also a massive clock that can be viewed from the city.

1117. Rhythmical facility is built into their everyday lives, so that, for example, the children experience the sounding of three beats against two beats and are thereby aided in the development of a two-dimensional attitude to rhythm.

1118. When air is released from the ball to decrease its size, some observers see it as a constant size but moving away from them.

1119. Because they do not know whether cars are supposed to stop, they act more cautiously.

1120. Too often in sports, individuals are given unrealistically short time horizons and can be fired before they have a chance to achieve their targeted objective.

1121. Coordinated reaching opens up a whole new avenue for exploration of objects, and when babies can move about, their opportunities for independent exploration and manipulation are multiplied.

1122. Six Hundred Years Old And Built to Last a Millennium After the construction was finished, the king called the builders together and said to them, "Thanks to your hard work, the problems of sound, light, and water have all been taken care of.

1123. Scout, Jem, and their friend Dill are fascinated by the haunted house in their neighborhood and the man who lives there, Arthur "Boo"Radley.

1124. Professional or trade magazines are specialized magazines and are often published by professional associations.

1125. When their economies and domestic consumer markets mature, they will be in a strong position to insist that Western elect bodies abide by the principles of the free-market system or be denied access to the extraordinarily lucrative trade and investment opportunities they have to offer.

1126. People could detect scenes in response to such questions with an accuracy well above chance, suggesting that the gist of a scene can be extracted within a fraction of a second.

1127. It can be used for any purpose, but many people assume it will be used to further their favorite hopes for society ― and this is the fundamental flaw.

1128. Perhaps some are motivated by the ego-protective function of self-handicapping.

1129. "Your friend is impressed and pleased.

1130. Interestingly, if the children's attention was diverted from the taste presentations, they showed much less habituation to the flavor.

1131. It was originally made from seal skin, and its surface had to be cared for regularly with fish oil for constant water resistance.

1132. If teachers are motivated, they will perform better in their classroom, increasing the energy and enthusiasm of students.

1133. Recently, however, some researchers found that how people are praised is very important.

1134. Air breathed in has to be breathed out in one way or another.

1135. "Technology can be developed more rapidly if creative works are shared by a large number of people.

1136. Ramanujan was born into a poor family living near the city of Madras in 1887.

1137. Your dreams, however, are not something to be caged in your mind.

1138. This proverb is used when we think someone else's life is better than ours, but it's always understood as a misperception.

1139. Unlike the modern society, the primitive society has less specialized knowledge to transmit, and since its way of life is enacted before the eyes of all, it has no need to create a separate institution of education such as the school.

1140. We are programmed to be afraid.

1141. The recent addition of Eastern European countries to the European Union (EU) is expected to accelerate this trend.

1142. If Maneki Neko is waving its left hand, it is thought to make guests enter the shop.

1143. He also explained what needs to be done to create an album, from planning the album to arranging, recording, and editing the music.

1144. Even in societies that consider religion a central part of their life, temples, churches and mosques seem to have lost their old positio in the life of the city, at least as far as their distribution in the city and their size and significance relative to other functions are concerned.

1145. Several months later, Rourke held a series of seminars at Berkeley, in which a serious gap in his argument was uncovered, and most experts feel that there is no hope that his proof can be corrected.

1146. When decisions are made on the basis of "underestimates" of costs, too much of a good (in this case, travel) will be consumed.

1147. During the early stages when the aquaculture industry was rapidly expanding, mistakes were made and these were costly both in terms of direct losses and in respect of the industry's image.

1148. The child is motivated to attain a sense of felt security, a subjective experience of safety and well-being ─ perhaps a kind of cozy contentment.

1149. When you walk into a store, you are besieged by information.

1150. A large American hardware manufacturer was invited to introduce its products to a distributor with good reputation in Germany.

1151. On the other hand, looking for information not explicitly disclosed by the patient can also be seen as a violation of trust.

1152. In contrast, another group of students is involved in traditional research/report techniques.

1153. However, the king's doctor was punished when he could not cure the illnesses of the king.

1154. Her signs were usually limited to two or three sign combinations, such as "PLAY ME NIM" or "GIVE ORANGE ME," and they were restricted to the topics of eating, drinking, and playing.

1155. This basic principle of customization allowed a constant stream of incremental modifications to be introduced, which, if demonstrated by experience to be advantageous, could be integrated back into the mainstream of tradition.

1156. In response to Japan's nuclear disaster, the 2015 DARPA Robotics Challenge was created to speed up the development of robots that could work in disaster-stricken areas.

1157. The origins of contemporary Western thought can be traced back to the golden age of ancient Greece, when Greek thinkers laid the foundations for modern Western politics, philosophy, science, and law.

1158. Whole communities sometimes have to be moved to another place.

1159. At this critical turning point in your life, I'm honored to have the opportunity to share with you what I've learned from my experiences.

1160. At one time, libraries were considered to be quiet spaces, with noise confined, for example, to the meeting room.

1161. What Lessard demonstrated is called empathy−the ability to understand other people's thoughts and feelings and to act on the basis of that understanding.

1162. Moreover, these solutions are guided by principles and technology that save energy, conserve resources, and restore ecosystems.

1163. These signals may be imperceptible to the human audience, but are easily picked up by the trained dog whose full attention is focused on his owner.

1164. The new suit was a smart suit that was connected to a mobile app.

1165. Plastics that act as pollutants are categorized into micro- meso-, or macro debris, based on size.

1166. He often does so in symbolic ways that are hard for even him to understand, as he is reacting to inner processes whose origin may be buried deep in his unconscious.

1167. And it's not just our efficiency that is reduced.

1168. At last, the boy was proud of himself as all the nails were gone.

1169. The following episodes illustrate how problems can be solved and progress made through creativity.

1170. The machine was based on technology that even then was twenty years old, but it was not until 1930 that such a machine actually was marketed.

1171. It is a special garbage bag that can be filled with used, but still usable items.

1172. As it was magnified, it looked like a big, beautiful ball because of the surface tension.

1173. Such a predicament may be very threatening, and until the threat is removed, language learning may be blocked.

1174. And if friction and air resistance could be eliminated completely, then the cyclist could coast along at constant speed, at least on a level surface, without having to pedal at all.

1175. And both will be published in the same way ― with a vocal line and a basic piano part written out underneath But the pop song will rarely be sung and played exactly as written; the singer is apt to embellish that vocal line to give it a "styling," just as the accompanist will fill out the piano part to make it more interesting and personal.

1176. "If it can be done, it will be done; indeed, it must be done."

1177. He was named Jumbo when he was in the London Zoo.

1178. In 1794, he became a member of the "Chamber Orchestra of Oldenburg," where he played until the orchestra was abolished in 1811.

1179. It was slashed, as well.

1180. The exercises or activities are devised to eliminate different options and to focus on predetermined results.

1181. I read in an article that approximately 40% of the comic book market in Korea is accounted for by educational comic books.

1182. The same effect can be seen with familiar holiday destinations.

1183. Adapting novels is one of the most respectable of movie projects, while a book that calls itself the novelization of a film is considered barbarous.

1184. I have not gone through the conventional regular course which is followed in a university, but I am seeking a new path for myself.

1185. As the fear of snakes is innate in humans but isn't activated until approximately the age of two, these babies saw the python as a large toy.

1186. Innovation can be induced by other things - ranging from social norms to tax credits to prizes!

1187. A football game is comprised of exactly sixty minutes of play, a basketball game forty or forty-eight minutes, but baseball has no set length of time within which the game must be completed.

1188. Originating from African slaves on southern plantations, Hoppin' John is cooked mainly with black-eyed peas and rice, which represent coins.

1189. When you burn fossil fuels, carbon gas is produced, which has a harmful effect on the climate.

1190. These limits would help ensure that mobile devices are used for the right circumstances.

1191. Thus, it is inevitable that more and more animals will be brought onto the pasture until overgrazing totally destroys the pasture.

1192. Those who argue against keeping animals as companions argue that the practice is motivated by a selfish human need to dominate and control members of other species.

1193. This evidence includes proofs of the type presented in text books, but may also involve numerical calculations, already solved special cases, geometrical pictures, consistency with one's intuition about the field, parallels with other fields, wholly unexpected consequences which can be verified, etc.

1194. Teflon, an extremely slippery synthetic substance employed as a coating on cooking utensils, was invented in 1938, but it didn't coat its first pan till 1954.

1195. Since photographs did such a good job of representing things as they existed in the world, painters were freed to look inward and represent things as they were in their imagination, rendering emotion in the color, volume, line, and spatial configurations native to the painter's art.

1196. When I returned, I was greeted with two essay assignments, three days of math and history homework, a biology lab to make up, and several tests to take.

1197. All exhibits are for sale, and all money raised will be donated to charity.

1198. In some parts of the world, girls are harmed simply because they want to get an education.

1199. SWITZERLAND Watchmaking School Switzerland is world-renowned for its high-quality watches.

1200. Yuhong Jiang, professor of psychology at Harvard University, points out that the brain isn't built to concentrate on two things at once.

1201. The audience receives a sound signal entirely through the vibrations generated in the air, whereas in a singer some of the auditory stimulus is conducted to the ear through the singer's own bones.

1202. Ultimately, there is some validity to every interpretation although Golding's story is confined to an isoloated group of boys on a small island, it explores the universal conflict of humanity.

1203. As long as humans could not write or produce other abstract material symbols with the aid of which knowledge could be summarized, stored and conveyed effectively, there were severe limits on the amount of information people could accumulate as well as on its reliability, while there would have been a high premium on keeping information as simple as possible.

1204. But by 1998 the region was characterized by a strong private sector and relatively free markets.

1205. After that, she worked for a government office in Washington D.C., where she was fired just because she was a woman.

1206. Regardless of whether people are asked to predict how others feel about military spending, certain types of music, or norms for appropriate behavior, they exaggerate the percentages of others who behave similarly or agree with their views.

1207. Both Atticus and his children are shocked by the injustice of what has happened to Tom.

1208. Consumers like a bottle of wine more if they are told it cost ninety dollars a bottle than if they are told it cost ten.

1209. Such organizations are designed to make steady progress and have considerably too much to lose to place the big bets that certain breakthroughs require.

1210. Which brings us to this: you are invited to attend auditions for our first show, Our Town, by Thornton Wilder.

1211. Apparently much of their appeal has to do with childhood memories of sitting on the back steps devouring those melt-in-your-mouth cookies that were delivered by Mom straight from the oven, while they were still soft.

1212. In the Middle Ages variations of hockey-like games were played in European countries.

1213. The scientific study of the physical characteristics of colors can be traced back to Isaac Newton.

1214. Examples of the former would include Amadeus and Immortal Beloved, while a sense of nostalgia is communicated through the music selected for films such as American Graffiti and The Big Chill.

1215. For example, when Alex was shown two red blocks and three green blocks and asked, "How many red blocks?"

1216. Most of us probably parent the way we were parented.

1217. Although it was mentioned in many books, no one knew where it really was.

1218. The names of pitches are associated with particular frequency values.

1219. Equality of opportunity is achieved when the former variables do not play any role in the resulting outcome.

1220. As an engineer, he was convinced that clock mechanics could solve the problem.

1221. I have made a special investigation of divergent series, and the results I have are termed by the local mathematicians as "amazing.

1222. In the design plan, you clarify the issues you are trying to solve, state your hypotheses, and list what is required to prove those hypotheses.

1223. "Sailors who select a port because they are driven to it have scarcely one chance in a thousand of dropping anchor in the right one.

1224. I was surprised and asked if she had ever done that.

1225. There is an order in which learning is programmed to take place; while it can be encouraged, it need not be forced.

1226. Richard Burton went on to become a praised actor of stage and screen, who was nominated for an Academy Award seven times, but never won an Oscar.

1227. The terms we use in talking about time — budgeting, investing, allocating, wasting — are borrowed from the language of finance.

1228. Traditional Javanese culture required women to be secluded at home after reaching age twelve until the time of their parentally arranged marriage.

1229. In those days, the fastest form of communication was the telegraph, so the editor made arrangements for him to be telegraphed the name of the winner.

1230. This repetitive washing may be triggered by perfectionistic beliefs about avoiding contamination from germs, toxins, and other substances.

1231. It is called "Maneki Neko.

1232. Residents commonly have positive views on the economic and some sociocultural influences of tourism on quality of life, but their reactions to environmental impacts are mixed.

1233. Therefore, in any situation in which help is required, we should use our intelligence to discover the most effective and loving way to help those in need.

1234. The highest annual growth in the number of researchers per 1,000 people in the EAP was recorded between 2000 and 2001.

1235. You may be surprised to learn that each food originated from a distant land.

1236. Our adult height is fixed—there is little one can do about it, and short people are not held responsible for their height as well as for their eye colors.

1237. The discovery sparked joyful celebrations nationwide, and rescue efforts gave a light of hope that the miners could be saved.

1238. Loans are made based on trust.

1239. In both cases, our goal of keeping ourselves alive and unburnt is served by our automatic, unconscious habits.

1240. Large or even medium-sized groups ―corporations, movements, whatever ― aren't built to be flexible, nor are they willing to take large risks.

1241. Gold and silver enter society at the rate at which they are discovered and mined; additional precious metals cannot be produced, at least not cheaply.

1242. Students are encouraged to read further.

1243. More of our waking hours are spent in organizations with our colleagues than at home with family and friends.

1244. This exercise revealed that 62 per cent of these words were rated as negative while only 38 per cent were rated as positive.

1245. So the next time you have to walk past that dog, you are prepared.

1246. For this purpose, a specially designed capsule was built.

1247. These systems are known to build a greater sense of connectedness among TV-using friends.

1248. While it is true that cell phones can be used improperly in a classroom, this problem can be avoided by establishing a clear set of rules.

1249. When regions can no longer produce food, people will be forced to move to other areas, making them "climate refugees."

1250. The caves were accidentally discovered by a group of boys searching for their lost dog, and soon after, archeologists were called in to investigate.

1251. Grant Wood grew up on a farm and drew with whatever materials could be spared.

1252. The same respondents, however, said they prefer to buy cars that protect them and their passengers, especially if family members are involved.

1253. If an acceptable final outcome wasn't achieved, then such managers respond by discussing it with the employee and analyzing the situation, to find out what training or additional skills that person will need to do the task successfully in the future.

1254. When the staff ordered meat, the cafeteria assistant was supposed to ask them whether they would like to have some gravy.

1255. Today, Wilma is remembered as a great leader who made a significant difference in the lives of Native Americans.

1256. For example, visitors posting travel images online has meant that the city is no longer in control of what sites are defined as worth visiting.

1257. Eventually, he saw a need for the nation to be subdivided into "wards" ― political units so small that everyone living there could participate directly in the political process.

1258. Before being served, it is garnished with thin slices of pan-fried eggs, slightly toasted laver, and shredded beef.

1259. Suddenly, like a flash of lightning, everything was changed.

1260. They are caused by hot, dry air rising rapidly from the ground.

1261. Sensory-specific satiety is defined as a decrease in appetite, or the subjective liking for the food that is consumed, with little change in the hedonics of uneaten food.

1262. Dean Woodcock went on to explain how this was the first job of this type for his department and how everybody from executives down was interested.

1263. To compensate for this rather obvious defect, a specially selected species of fish called the Large-mouthed Bass was introduced.

1264. This must be done a year or so in advance because of the planning time required to turn around a clothing line.

1265. It was built for Eusebi Güell, a rich businessman who admired Gaudi's style.

1266. If an administration's position is not supported by the data, it may ask for further studies rather than accept /uncover what is offered.

1267. The narratives that people create to understand their landscapes come to be viewed as marketable entities and a source of income for residents.

1268. The sense of worthiness generated in children by the feeling of 'being wanted' is known to be very vital for their psychological and all-round development.

1269. In 1896, phosphate deposits were discovered there, and life on the island changed immediately.

1270. Most overeating is prompted by feelings rather than physical hunger.

1271. The journey across the Atlantic from England to America used to require months on a sailing ship, but now it is covered in a little over six hours on a jet.

1272. Results such as these are part of the reason people make mistakes on the witness stand when they are asked months later to describe a crime they witnessed.

1273. Either theory could be employed to describe, with great accuracy, the falling of an apple, but Newton's would be much easier to use.

1274. Interestingly enough, the storm has a calm center, which is called the "eye."

1275. Between 1989 and 2007, 201 prisoners in the United States were proven innocent on the basis of DNA evidence.

1276. Paradoxically, when you ask basic questions, you will more than likely be perceived by others to be smarter.

1277. When an analogous problem can be identified, then the solution of the present problem is partly a matter of mapping one element onto another.

1278. Those were the parts where, if a plane was struck by a bullet, it would never be seen again.

1279. Story after story was refused.

1280. Research should be evaluated by other members of the scientific profession before it is applied or made public.

1281. If a forest of this size is cut, 15,000 tons of CO² are released into the air.

1282. "If a physician identifies too closely as co-sufferer with the patient, she loses the objectivity essential to the most precise assessment of what is wrong, of what can be done, and of what should be done to meet those needs.

1283. In Africa, game reserves were established with the aim of refilling stocks of wildlife killed by Europeans in the 'scramble for Africa.

1284. Linda said she was so uncomfortable about being in the contest that she contacted the contest director the following day and demanded her name be removed from the list.

1285. They can be thought of as emergency measures needed to preserve the planet’s biodiversity.

1286. Sometimes, after punishment has been administered a few times, it needn't be continued, because the mere threat of punishment is enough to induce the desired behavior.

1287. Be prepared with a specific destination written down to show him.

1288. The highest principle is clearly: 'Know yourself', since evil is defined as self-ignorance.

1289. Naturally, the importance of brand marketing strategy to enhance brand loyalty has to be emphasized and the Internet was chosen as the communication channel for that because of the large Internet penetration among young Australians.

1290. Delaying puddings used to be thought of as a good idea too, but guess what?

1291. I'm worried about my family and my school life.

1292. Volunteers record what they pick up and the data is used to find out the sources of trash, and to study how to reduce trash.

1293. Because more coffee or cocoa trees can be crowded into these fields, and they get more solar energy than in a shaded plantation, yields for sun-grown crops are higher.

1294. The remainder must be stored safely until it has become inactive.

1295. Either way, there are almost certainly areas of our life that could be enhanced by a little go-slow behavior.

1296. The biggest difference between a traditional library and a living library is in what the books are made of.

1297. As a result, most spent fuel has been stored in the nuclear power plants where it was produced.

1298. Fortunately, composition can be learned.

1299. Although we can certainly stimulate development of cell networks when they are ready, many aspects of this growth cannot be rushed.

1300. An even better idea is to simply get rid of anything with low nutritional value that you may be tempted to eat.

1301. Compound interest is defined as interest that is paid on the original sum plus all of the previously earned interest.

1302. As a result, they were more likely to focus on the group's collective objectives and be persuaded by messages and proposals that highlighted group benefits rather than benefits to any one individual.

1303. Serene was surprised.

1304. In contrast to conventional livestock, insects as "minilivestock" are low-GHGE emitters, use minimal land, can be fed on food waste rather than cultivated grain, and can be farmed anywhere thus potentially also avoiding GHGEs caused by long distance transportation.

1305. The ancient distaff and spindle are examples that were replaced by the spinning wheel in the Middle ages.

1306. Bad dreams, however, are caught in the net during the night and disappear as the sun rises.

1307. Suddenly, baby locusts are born with bright colors and a preference for company.

1308. Finally, when the bladder is fully expanded, the fish is at its maximum volume and is pushed to the surface.

1309. Raden Adjeng Kartini, a pioneer in the area of education for girls and women's rights for Indonesians, was born in Japara, the northern coastal area of Central Java, when Indonesia was under Dutch colonization.

1310. They combined individuality and innovation with emulation of the past, seeking to write music that would be considered original and worthy of performance alongside the masterworks of earlier times.

1311. From this perspective, scientists and professionals emerge as the appropriate experts to be consulted in policymaking, while local citizen input and knowledge is often viewed as unnecessary.

1312. The point is, if there is a mistake that could be made, we have made it.

1313. A congestion charge is intended to confront users with costs imposed on other users, so as to align private costs with social costs.

1314. Khan's philanthropic endeavors have provided health care and disaster relief, and he was honored with UNESCO's Pyramide con Marni award in 2011 for his support of children's education.

1315. The responses of even the most well-meaning subjects are going to be filtered by all kinds of factors usually involved in self-perception, not to mention the additional problems that can occur when an individual is anxious, angry, suspicious, or mentally ill.

1316. The fact that information is conveyed in this high-tech manner somehow adds authority to what is conveyed, when in fact the Internet is a global conveyer of unfiltered, unedited, untreated information.

1317. Trish was shocked and hurt by the message and by the impersonal way it was delivered.

1318. Let us go back to 4,000 BC in ancient China where some early clocks were invented.

1319. For example, the Columbia Journalism Review is marketed toward professional journalists and its few advertisements are news organizations, book publishers, and others.

1320. For example, when Alex was shown two red blocks and three green blocks and asked, 'How many red blocks' he could correctly answer, 'Two'.

1321. Hence, the huge American market is seen as driving the imbalance.

1322. Furthermore, red was found to be more effective when it comes to improving our attention to detail.

1323. Spontaneous activity is created in group or teamwork in cooperation with others in a constant exchange of information and the shaping of common opinions.

1324. Actually, the rectangular door of a classroom projects a rectangular image on our retina only when it is viewed directly from the front.

1325. Participants are told to listen to the words being sent to one ear (say the left ear) and to repeat them aloud.

1326. Following the songs, the researchers played an argument about how the university's tuition should be raised from $587 per semester to $750 per semester.

1327. When you're eager to get your slice of the pie, why would you be interested in giving a hand to other people so that they can get their piece?

1328. Preparations for the special ballet began even before the swans were born.

1329. Napoleon had to be defeated.

1330. Something had to be done to solve the problem.

1331. Especially when the game is called life.

1332. Accordingly, the new society was entrusted with the task of monitoring music use, issuing licences to music users, negotiating fees, collecting fees and finally distributing the money raised to the composers and songwriters whose works were adding value to other people's businesses.

1333. After he was orphaned, Anton Romberg took care of him and taught him to play the bassoon, but Fürstenau was more interested in the flute.

1334. He died in 1611, but his tomb has yet to be identified.

1335. But now this confirmation is anchored in a physical experience.

1336. Infrasound has the special characteristic of traveling well in the ground or water; in fact, the waves of an earthquake can be thought of as a form of infrasound.

1337. According to the underlying myth of modern science, this progression is always replacing the smaller knowledge of the past with the larger knowledge of the present, which will be replaced by the yet larger knowledge of the future.

1338. He was born in Seoul in 1906.

1339. In the end, Wilma was elected the first female chief in the history of the Cherokee people.

1340. As safety features are added to vehicles and roads, drivers feel less vulnerable and tend to take more chances.

1341. In the late 1960s, the art world was divided into so many minor movements that tracking them all is difficult.

1342. All kinds of things were used as money.

1343. You'll be surprised to know just how many English expressions involve animals.

1344. It was handcuffed to the left hand of the other man.

1345. I chose a small but heavy one that was wrapped in shiny silver foil and a red ribbon.

1346. I was overwhelmed, however, by the collection of sculptures and paintings in the Vatican Museums.

1347. Survey participants said that AVs should be programmed to be utilitarian and to minimize harm to pedestrians, a position that would put the safety of those outside the vehicle ahead of the driver and passengers' safety.

1348. Power distance is the term used to refer to how widely an unequal distribution of power is accepted by the members of a culture.

1349. If you eat a poor diet yourself, neglect your health, or smoke and drink in front of them, you shouldn't be surprised when your children go down the same road.

1350. Because a great deal of science fiction is rooted in science, it can be used to bring literature out of the English classroom and into the science classroom.

1351. Robert Stalnaker, in his book Inquiry, suggests an analogy with the representation of numbers: The number 9 can be represented as '12—3' but it does not follow that 12, 3, or subtraction are constituents of the number 9.

1352. Ironically, if we are willing to be disliked for who we really are, others will like us.

1353. For these reasons, the Board of Longitude actually expected the solution to be related to the observations of stars rather than to clocks.

1354. People who were told to consciously examine their choices were least happy with their posters weeks later.

1355. But the Chinese saw the world as consisting of continuously interacting substances, so their attempts to understand it caused them to be oriented toward the complexities of the entire "field," that is, the context or environment as a whole.

1356. As soon as people began to produce tools and, much later, art, some information was stored in external objects on how to make them and what they might mean.

1357. Acrylamide is found in burnt starchy foods, and studies have shown that it can damage our DNA.

1358. Imagine you are asked to indicate on a 7-point scale how happy you are with your life as a whole.

1359. They were decorated to look like animals!

1360. When times were good, celebrations of gluttony were held in the winter season when stocks could not be refilled.

1361. This was demonstrated by having participants complete a recognition memory test after just viewing a sequence of 16 photographs.

1362. His next plan of action was a trip to the main post office in Boston where the postal box was located.

1363. But when they do surface, in addition to taking photos which allow individual whales to be identified, biologists can zip over in worryingly small boats and pick up the bits of skin that the whales leave behind on the surface when they re-submerge.

1364. Language skills, like any other skills, can be acquired only through practice.

1365. Its origin is not clear, but many say it is related to old customs.

1366. He strolled up the street to the photographer, saying, "I see you're interested in our operation."

1367. These features of the art world provide the elasticity by which creativity of even the most radical sort can be accommodated.

1368. Performance must be judged in terms of what is under the control of the individuals being evaluated rather than those influences on performance that are beyond their control.

1369. A tyrant is, although he does not know it, weaker than the person who, fully aware of what is happening, allows himself to be killed by tyrants.

1370. In his paintings, for example, yellow is linked with the sound of the trumpet and blue with that of the cello.

1371. The novel is an allegory, meaning that the characters and objects all have a symbolic significance that is used to convey the novel's central themes and ideas.

1372. I was disappointed to find out the fare to ride the Grand Canal by myself was so expensive that I could not afford it.

1373. He could be traumatized."

1374. Individual authors and photographers have rights to their intellectual property during their lifetimes, and their heirs have rights for 70 years after the creator's death, so any publication less than 125 years old has to be checked for its copyright status.

1375. Should the fig trees disappear, most of the fruit-eating vertebrates would be eliminated.

1376. When the child is frightened or is separated from the mother, the attachment system is activated and the child will seek proximity or physical closeness to the mother.

1377. It was much better than burning ropes for sure, but more importantly, it taught the students that once time was gone, it could never be recovered.

1378. If their choices are ridiculed, however, they tend to experience a sense of guilt and ultimately to withdraw from taking an active stance.

1379. Picasso's work challenges your assumptions about how space and objects are used.

1380. In contrast, Danish students from an early age are educated to think clearly and to express thought in an open atmosphere.

1381. The audition will be held in the auditorium of Smalltown High School on Tuesday, September 4, at 7 p.m. Callbacks will be made very soon after, with rehearsals beginning September 13.

1382. If some people work harder at school, pass their exams, and get into medical school, then at least part (but not necessarily all) of their higher salary as a doctor can be attributed to effort.

1383. The fact that language is not always reliable for causing precise meanings to be generated in someone else’s mind is a reflection of its powerful strength as a medium for creating new understanding.

1384. Gaudi is known for his unique and imaginative style.

1385. Feminist art is linked with conceptual art in that it focuses on the inequalities faced by women and tries to provoke change.

1386. Today visitors are fascinated by this new way of viewing animals.

1387. Most commonly this is accomplished by adding chlorine.

1388. Whenever one was found, it was given to the king.

1389. A case in point is the many art festivals (including film festivals) where art of the highest quality is performed.

1390. My husband remarked that if I didn't do something soon, I would be chased around for the rest of my days by a 15-pound woodchuck begging for milk.

1391. When a person who has been nurtured by one culture is placed in juxtaposition with another, his reaction may be anger, frustration, fright, curiosity, confusion.

1392. The principle of distinctiveness suggests that we make attributions about people based on whether their particular characteristics and actions are associated with specific outcomes unique to the situation.

1393. Also, time and money can be wasted pursuing unrealistic goals.

1394. Wilma Mankiller was born in a small town, Tahlequah, Oklahoma, in 1945.

1395. As people chanted my name, I was carried off the field on the shoulders of my teammates.

1396. When we are relaxed, we are much more likely to have those big "Aha" creative breakthrough moments, those flashes of insight when the solution to a seemingly impossible problem reveals itself.

1397. Any job can be re-scoped, eliminated or outsourced at any time.

1398. Instead, you would be confused.

1399. When, however, the interaction is strong, predictions are not to be trusted.

1400. As part of a research project, a group of undergraduate students watched a film, after which they were asked to describe it as fully as possible to other students.

1401. Christian, Anthony and Jaden need to be recognized for their good deed and efforts.

1402. "Sunny-side up" is fried without flipping.

1403. There’s no doubt that certain things, such as two and two adding up to four, must be taught as absolutely true, but the manner in which the truth is taught can vary over a wide range of methods.

1404. A fourth, anonymous one was preserved in the writings of the Byzantine patriarch and philosopher Photius.

1405. With Jan Novák, Forman wrote his autobiography, Turnaround: A Memoir, which was published in 1994.

1406. It is made to convince others that one's claims are true.

1407. "The publication rights for your book were sold for four hundred thousand dollars!

1408. Undeterred by her numeric age, she is involved in professional projects and community programs that maintain and strengthen her brain's fitness.

1409. If the manufacturer cuts costs so deeply that doing so harms the product's quality, then the increased profitability will be short-lived.

1410. In contrast to the diversity it is applied to, the meaning of this term continues to be mostly based on Western views and values.

1411. An impractical white scarf might be pulled out of a donation bag at the last minute because of the promise of elegance it once held for its owner.

1412. This approach to policy typically does not consider values and cultural factors that cannot be measured empirically.

1413. This information and certain graphic features (often in the margins) are intended to facilitate using and understanding the map.

1414. Moreover, the experience would be ruined if people were to behave in such a way.

1415. The most remarkable thing is that our internal body clocks can be readjusted by environmental cues.

1416. It can be composed from vignettes, or a vignette can begin or end the portrait.

1417. Thus the window is disguised as a mirror to allow secret surveillance.

1418. It features an automation standing by a basin that is filled with water.

1419. No one likes to be labeled "wrong.

1420. The store is organized by category, and you have shopped in the store repeatedly.

1421. One of the settlements taking advantage of earth as a natural insulator can be found in Coober Pedy, Australia, an opal -mining town with 1,700 residents.

1422. Other learned behaviors, such as obeying the law, can be expected to be followed in spite of a person's difficult childhood.

1423. You were never asked what you were seeking, how much you could spend, or if the computer would be used for business or pleasure or your child's homework assignments.

1424. This puzzle is explained in part by people’s ability to adapt to adversity and related differences in norms and expectations.

1425. Before the washing machine was invented, people used washboards to scrub, or they carried their laundry to riverbanks and streams, where they beat and rubbed it against rocks.

1426. It seems that it's the nature of people to be tormented by incomplete information.

1427. If Maneki Neko is waving its right hand, it is thought that the shop owner will make a lot of money on that day.

1428. "After reading Anna's answer, she was touched and all her students were also deeply moved.

1429. When smoke from a fire is detected, the wasabi is released, irritating the noses of people.

1430. "I was amazed that he not only spoke out but was perceptive enough to be aware of the feelings of others.

1431. Also, high-resolution cameras need to be attached to them.

1432. The first Everesters were obliged to trek 400 miles from Darjeeling across the Tibetan plateau to reach the foot of the mountain.

1433. Not enough lookouts were posted.

1434. A nurse on the floor repeatedly suggested that the twins be kept together in one incubator.

1435. After their deaths, both presidents were succeeded by men named Johnson.

1436. Higher IQ levels are useful when learning new tasks or facing challenging problems, but when these are attained, the high IQ subject abandons these tasks, and performance decreases more commonly than with those who have lower IQs.

1437. Complete the survey now and you will be entered into a FREE monthly prize draw, and will have the chance to win £200 worth of overnight vouchers to be used with your next booking, at any Youth Hostel of your choice in England and Wales.

1438. It is therefore not surprising that in maps, mental or otherwise, major characteristics are emphasized at the expense of the details.

1439. Each household, however, is exposed to vectored diseases originating in the natural surroundings.

1440. A designer must first document the existing conditions of a problem and collect relevant data to be analyzed.

1441. It was named a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1997, the only Korean palace complex that has received this honor.

1442. When subjects are told that an intelligence test gave them a low score, they choose to read articles criticizing the validity of IQ tests.

1443. This is echoed by Susan Greenfield, a British scientist.

1444. One way in which a variety of representations can be found is through analogical thinking.

1445. Human beings are driven by a natural desire to form and maintain interpersonal relationships.

1446. For example, a long line of developmental literature shows that parental over-permissiveness is related to negative behaviors such as impulsivity and aggressiveness.

1447. Much to her delight, Masami was invited in.

1448. The man on the boat heard the voice and finally Mike was rescued.

1449. Jin: Web cartoons are comic strips that are distributed via the Internet, mostly for free.

1450. < ADDITIONAL READING > The Secret to Happiness There is a Chinese saying that goes: “If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap If you want happiness for a day, go fishing If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune If you want happiness for the rest of your life, help somebody” For centuries, the greatest thinkers have suggested the same thing: Happiness is found in helping others And so we learn early: It is better to give than to receive But is there a deeper truth behind this statement?

1451. For example, the perception of a moving object as a car is based on an interpretation of incoming data within the framework of our knowledge of the world.

1452. In 1948, Victor Borge became an American citizen and a few years later was offered a show of his own, Comedy in Music.

1453. The best moments usually occur when a person's body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile.

1454. Bombs and warfare might be considered technological progress, but that doesn't mean they create a peaceful world.

1455. Still others say new technology should be developed to reduce the dangers to the environment before drilling is allowed.

1456. Daniele Barresi was born into a family of fishermen in Italy.

1457. Something powerful happens inside most people when they are listened to.

1458. In martial arts, this sense of looking freshly at something is known as 'beginner's mind.

1459. He noted that large sections of the working classes were barred from entering skilled professions because they entailed many years of education and training.

1460. In both cultures, these values are likely to be taught not as somewhat arbitrary matters of cultural convention, but as matters of right and wrong.

1461. He passed on to his followers not only his answers but also the process of thinking rationally, together with an idea of what kind of explanations could be considered satisfactory.

1462. Reasonable problems are of the kind that can be solved in a step-by-step manner.

1463. The painting is called Rembrandt Laughing.

1464. When it comes to managing weight, however, we are influenced by the body's mechanisms designed to get us through times of famine.

1465. As their meeting was coming to an end, his boss was asked, "But what about prevention?

1466. Interesting food traditions for new year's celebrations can be found in other parts of the world, too.

1467. This apparent inevitability of technological expansion must be challenged.

1468. This suggests that if both self-protective and utilitarian AVs were allowed on the market, few people would be willing to ride in the latter — even though they would prefer others to do so.

1469. Unfortunately, while he was gone, the arsonists entered the area he should have been guarding and started the fire.

1470. Instead, everyone comes from a perspective, or point of view, which, by its very nature, is limited and partial.

1471. Several different kinds of cultural resistance to discovery may be distinguished.

1472. Furthermore, in these experiments, little about the other scenes in the sequence was retained in memory.

1473. For instance, deciding whether to spend Saturday afternoon relaxing with your family or exercising will be determined by the relative importance that you place on family versus health.

1474. The stillness of the summer evening was shattered by a roar that sounded like boilers exploding, and Angus McAllister came out of the potting shed at forty-five miles per hour.

1475. He used the vest to smother the flames on Rivera's arm and back, screaming for a medic even though he knew he wouldn't be heard.

1476. I was amazed that the huge stones for these walls were placed very tightly together.

1477. It was good to see you at the funeral service for my mother last week; it was comforting to be surrounded by family and friends.

1478. Some industry experts predict that cable providers and advertisers will eventually be forced to provide incentives in order to encourage consumers to watch their messages.

1479. For more details about this surprising story, we are joined by reporter Daniel Smith.

1480. The Nobel Prizewinning biologist Peter Medawar said that about four-fifths of his time in science was wasted, adding sadly that "nearly all scientific research leads nowhere.

1481. The transformation of such protolanguage into language required the evolution of grammar― rules that define the order in which a finite number of words can be strung together to create an infinite number of utterances, each with a specific meaning.

1482. For instance, infectious diseases like smallpox, measles, and chickenpox were brought from Europe into the Americas.

1483. Since all people have a biological need for food in order to survive, this need may be seen as being independent of any social standard — but only if a person is considered simply to be a biological organism.

1484. A policy may be developed that represents a compromise/comparison between the criteria determined by science and the pragmatic needs of politics.

1485. Egypt at a Glance: Egypt is located in Africa but has been culturally closer to the Middle East for thousands of years.

1486. Once they are healthy again, they will be released.

1487. Some pirates would also attach wax to their earrings, which could be used as earplugs when they fired cannons during battles.

1488. The water in a glass that is described as half-full or half-empty will quench our thirst to an equal degree.

1489. The courtyard is indeed very large, measuring 69 meters by 45 meters, covering an area of 3,105 square meters.

1490. Houses in a dispersed settlement form are located on farmland, and neither air nor water provides much focus of contagion for the scattered population.

1491. Plus there's no promo code needed; the discount will be applied automatically at the checkout.

1492. This is based on a primal experience of pain of rejection and separation.

1493. Numbers with this special property are called perfect numbers (the first four perfect numbers are 6, 28, 496, 8128).

1494. Successful learning is possible only if experiences and knowledge are synthesized with new information received in the courses.

1495. In addition, we will leave the cups untouched unless they need to be cleaned.

1496. With the collected money, meals for people in need are served.

1497. In the physical sciences, it is usually the case that a handful of concepts can be applied to solve problems across a wide range of contexts.

1498. These cookies were produced by a single company and sold throughout the country.

1499. Studies show that the best career choices tend to be grounded in things you're good at, more so than your interests and passions.

1500. Light pollution is controlled by maximizing efficiency, improving security, and creating a more aesthetically pleasing nocturnal environment.

1501. Thus, while climate change may not impact these resources, oil and gas reserves and known or potential resources could be affected by new climate conditions, since climate change may affect access to these resources.

1502. For every toxic substance, process, or product in use today, there is a safer alternative ― either already in existence, or waiting to be discovered through the application of human intellect, ingenuity, and effort.

1503. Before making the trips, the professor anticipated that they would encounter bad treatment due to the racial prejudice against Asians that was thought to exist at the time, but the three were declined service only a few times.

1504. As a result of this, almost 90% of the site's content and creative concept had to be reworked for each market.

1505. Almost 70 children were crammed into a small dirty classroom without desks or chairs.

1506. The liberalization of capital markets, where funds for investment can be borrowed, has been an important contributor to the pace of globalization.

1507. When questioned for the book survey, interviewees appeared more than puzzled when they had to reflect on these alternations between voice and text, even though these patterns were used extensively and regularly.

1508. When the user pulls the lever, the water is released and the automation refills the basin.

1509. In the same manner our character is formed.

1510. But now this confirmation is anchored in a mystical experience.

1511. In countries such as Sweden, the Netherlands, and Kazakhstan, the media are owned by the public but operated by the government.

1512. The U.S・ Constitution, the supreme law of the United States, was adopted in 1787 by representatives of the 13 newly formed states.

1513. In other words, the factory's output would now be weighed rather than counted.

1514. Social capital is invested in health, education and social organisation.

1515. The same literature, which can be found in almost any standard text on child development, indicates that limits that are too severe or too harshly enforced are also problematic.

1516. If you were made to sit at the table until you had cleaned your plate, you are not alone: most of the adult population have suffered this at some point ― at school if not at home.

1517. Some say that the word comes from an old form of German halâ, holâ (/hala hola/), which was used to draw people's attention.

1518. When parents are pressed to explain their individual styles of interaction with their children, each gives equally strong rationales.

1519. She didn't groan and moan about working as a housekeeper, even though she was born a princess.

1520. In the UK alone, more than 5 million tons of plastic are consumed each year, of which only an estimated one-quarter is recycled, with the remainder going to landfills.

1521. People who enjoy the best relationships with others, who live life with the least frustration regarding their differences, have learned that differences are to be expected, a fact of life.

1522. This dynamic can be illustrated with the example of parents who place equal value on convenience and concern for the environment.

1523. All these goods are shared and a spirit of community makes all participants happier.

1524. Thanks to the cat, his life was saved!

1525. Another share will be invested in the shift from coal to more expensive fuels, like conventional gas.

1526. Human conscious attention is limited by what it can attend to at any moment, which means that consciousness is restricted to a limited subset of the musical relationships.

1527. If you were granted a perfect memory, it may be your greatest stumbling block in terms of brain health and higher-level thinking.

1528. At night, the lights could be seen from outside the stable and took turns flashing, which appeared as if people were moving around with torches.

1529. This right is not distributed in equal pieces but is rather conditional and restricted (citizens below the minimum age are excluded).

1530. The typical plot of the novel is the protagonist's quest for authority within, therefore, when that authority can no longer be discovered outside.

1531. A well-designed space also puts you in the sort of mood that's appropriate for the task at hand — a good mood when broad thinking is desired, a not-so-good mood when more straightforward thinking would be best.

1532. Also, a great deal of your time will be spent generating additional messages to the reader trying to explain what should have been clear the first time.

1533. The problem is that many of us were forced to eat in a healthy way as children: we learned the hard way.

1534. In other words, each new technology increases the stock of available tools and resources that can be employed by other technologies to produce new artifacts.

1535. From the standpoint of evolutionary theory, altruism may be seen as part of our genetic nature, as it may have helped enable ancestral humans who carried our genetic code to survive a harsh and dangerous environment.

1536. And yet, you can still wake up in the morning and be amazed at everything you have and everything you have achieved.

1537. At length, they settled the deal, and he was delighted to purchase the carving at a reasonable price and thanked Bob.

1538. If he uses a different form of gesture, he is recognized as an enemy and can be eaten by his partner.

1539. For example, the first automobile was called a "horseless" carriage, a name which allowed the public to understand the concept against the existing mode of transportation.

1540. Various products based on mangoes, such as mango juice and mango ice cream, are offered while chefs from famous restaurants present new recipes that include mangoes.

1541. That took so long that by the time I was finished, the front yard was too high to mow, and so on.

1542. It looks like a tennis racket which is decorated with colorful feathers.

1543. Similarly, the letter V was remembered as B 56 times but as X only 5 times.

1544. A map is attached to this letter which shows areas of water main replacement and road replacement.

1545. As a professor who specializes in teaching first- year courses, I can guarantee that by the time they enter college, most students who were taught US history the usual way have forgotten everything — except that World War I preceded World War II.

1546. Most people get defensive when they are labeled, even when sure they are not "wrong.

1547. Once this is done, a new product is launched That's the kind of question that could win a scientist an Ig Nobel Prize, a parody of the Nobel Prize that honors research that "makes people laugh, then think."

1548. He routinely refused requests to loan his art to museums, and did not allow visitors, since 'my children mustn't be disturbed.'

1549. "It has to be recharged slowly or else the battery will be damaged.

1550. Eventually the use of this alarm call will be restricted to those situations when an eagle is spotted in the skies above.

1551. The upshot of this failure in perspective taking is straightforward: People may not take advantage of others' willingness to say "yes" because they erroneously assume that their requests for assistance will be rejected.

1552. Police cars are parked on the street outside the house, their red lights flashing, pulsing through the front window and circling the pale walls.

1553. Our desperate attempts to be loved and to avoid pain can masquerade in behavior that is seeking to be loved because we are afraid of being disliked for who we think we are.

1554. Few of us are bothered by such restrictions, for our socialization is so thorough that we usually want to do what our roles indicate is appropriate.

1555. This point is called a tropical depression.

1556. Clara Barton was born on Christmas Day in 1821 in Massachusetts.

1557. Some 70 to 80 percent of the logging in the rainforests is thought to be illegal.

1558. For many centuries European science, and knowledge in general, was recorded in Latin ― a language that no one spoke any longer and that had to be learned in schools.

1559. 200,000 lunch boxes are delivered to offices every morning, six days a week, and 200,000 are returned home every afternoon.

1560. Doctors are human, health care is complex, and time spent with each patient is restricted.

1561. This effect will be made worse for these regions if developed countries are able to make up for the fall in agricultural output with new sources, potentially from their own domestic economies as their land becomes more suitable for growing crops.

1562. Hence, physiological strategies, such as sweating, must be called into play.

1563. Children must be taught to perform good deeds for their own sake, not in order to receive stickers, stars, and candy bars.

1564. He was pinned to the ground.

1565. For example, it can be time-consuming and the researcher would still need to consider exactly how the subgroups that make up the sample are selected: eg, what if those who are selected refuse to participate —how might this affect the representativeness of the sample?

1566. Its preference was that if a company charged different prices to cash and credit customers, the credit price should be considered the "normal" (default) price and the cash price a discount ― rather than the alternative of making the cash price the usual price and charging a surcharge to credit card customers.

1567. Until the 1920's, there were only three competitive swimming strokes ─ freestyle, backstroke, and breaststroke ─ and each had specific rules that described how it was to be performed.

1568. It was viewed as too informal and unprofessional in a German business setting.

1569. These huge increases in investment would not come about if investment was left to the market.

1570. Oil and gas resources are not likely to be impacted by climate change because they result from a process that takes millions of years and are geologically trapped.

1571. The two pie charts above show how much of the information found using search engines is considered to be accurate or trustworthy by two groups of respondents (AP & NWP teachers and U.S. adult search users) in 2012.

1572. The soldier immediately distributed them to his comrades, saying that he had no occasion for money; and requested that if what he had done merited any compensation, he might be made an officer.

1573. These were pulled by their faithful, hardworking team of huskies or qinimiq.

1574. After my daughter Tina was born, we used to say that someday when she married someone it would be hers.

1575. However, no cheating was discovered.

1576. This is referred to as the double coincidence of wants.

1577. However, parrots can say only what is taught or what they hear.

1578. For the scent messages are carried to nearby trees on the breeze, and if the animals walked upwind, they could find acacias close by that had no idea the giraffes were there.

1579. Despite its accuracy, there was no clear use for the device until it was used to measure fluctuations in ocean temperature.

1580. Goedzak is a Dutch way of allowing people to get second-hand things that might otherwise be thrown away.

1581. Without a clear-eyed view of the ultimate prize, a company is all too likely to abandon the race when unexpected hazards are encountered en route.

1582. The will stated that after the first 100 years, each city was permitted to withdraw 75% of the funds to use for public works, such as bridges, roads, and school buildings.

1583. "Art history has reinforced this oneness: A painting by Pablo Picasso is called "a Picasso.

1584. Active, energetic, rambunctious boys are not bad boys and should not be made to feel so.

1585. Alternatively, offer to meet personally afterwards with those who are interested in the important details.

1586. This male-biased dispersal creates an imbalance in the way males and females are related to those individuals around them ― females find themselves surrounded by relatives, while males are generally in areas with complete strangers.

1587. It has been shown that mathematics is related with music in various known ways so much that not putting the relationship to good use in and out of school could only be to our disadvantage.

1588. Often in social scientific practice, even where evidence is used, it is not used in the correct way for adequate scientific testing.

1589. This kind of change could be linked to sunspot activity, which has a periodicity of 11 years.

1590. Entire forests can be drowned.

1591. If existing museum basements are full, yet most of the ancient world is still underwater and underground — a good part of Pompeii awaits excavation — how will the resources be found to safeguard, document, and share the importance of tens of millions of as-yetundiscovered artifacts?

1592. This sweet and sour local food was served with sweet potatoes and corn.

1593. Still others may have an interest in the product but do not have any money, while others might be aware of the product but are not yet interested; others might be interested but do not at present have a need for the product, and so forth.

1594. It was only when people began to write, and even more so when printing was invented, that ideas no longer needed to be stored in brains, but could instead be recorded elsewhere relatively faithfully.

1595. Some of the most extensive research on the subject of success was conducted by George and Alec Gallup.

1596. Strong influence on traffic jams and pollution can be felt from Toronto to New York, as each shared vehicle replaces around 10 personal cars.

1597. Buildings arouse an empathetic reaction in us through these projected experiences, and the strength of these reactions is determined by our culture, our beliefs, and our expectations.

1598. LASID'S WIFE: But Ali will be disappointed when he comes back and finds out we opened the jar.

1599. Instead, it was finished 10 years later at a cost of $102 million.

1600. In reality, we observe that there are indeed persons spending money to enjoy good art.

1601. Unfortunately, water pollution and habitat loss are currently threatening the butterfly fish, so it is considered an endangered species.

1602. She and the wounded Jem are brought back to their house by Boo.

1603. He survived the ordeal and in 1973, returned to his hometown, where he was awarded the Silver Star Medal.

1604. As traits and their gene frequencies within populations varied, they were inherited from one generation to the next, creating the best available fit of flower to animal.

1605. He is believed to have composed more than 70 works, but only about 10 remain today.

1606. Kolam patterns are based on dots and lines.

1607. Plastics that act as pollutants are categorized into micro-.

1608. In the popular movie Good Will Hunting, a janitor working at MIT, one of the best universities in America, solves a complicated math problem that was written on a board by a professor.

1609. Minorities tend not to have much power or status and may even be dismissed as troublemakers, extremists or simply 'weirdos'.

1610. But do not be prevented from asking to have problem areas clarified.

1611. In German, the word mist means dirt or manure, so Country Mist makeup and the nasal spray Primatene Mist had to be renamed for the German market.

1612. A small exploratory hole was drilled on August 22, and the camera captured a message that said, "We are still alive.

1613. This supports the idea that humans have developed the ability to home in on targets that carry a perceived threat, especially when that target is associated with the physiological signs and feelings of fear.

1614. Once, watercourses seemed boundless and the idea of protecting water was considered silly.

1615. They carry a small amount of safety equipment and are provided with water, food, shelter, and medical assistance.

1616. Last night, I ordered fried chicken, and it was delivered in less than 30 minutes.

1617. Demand for the mineral, which is used to make high-quality chemical fertilizers, made it very valuable.

1618. Scientists now believe that the heat in Jupiter’s upper atmosphere is caused by a combination of these two types of waves.

1619. At the actual event, however, I was surprised to meet many people who knew about my country - not only the drought and war, but the long and ancient history of Ethiopia and its multiethnic and multicultural society."

1620. It permits the guilty to avoid taking responsibility for their deeds, as when an employee is caught embezzling and he justifies it by saying he is very badly underpaid.

1621. So their ship was destroyed, and they landed on a deserted island.

1622. From Dworkin's view, justice requires that a person's fate be determined by things that are within that person's control, not by luck.

1623. "Time out" is when a child is removed, voluntarily or involuntarily, from a situation and given time to cool down.

1624. They include spiritual rituals, oral histories, and the organization of ceremonial lodges where records of the past travel routes of the soul can be exchanged with others and converted to mythology.

1625. He was considered to be more successful as an architect than a painter.

1626. That's because many of the traditional clues about identity ― someone's physical appearance and presence ― are replaced by machine-based checking of "credentials".

1627. It is postulated that such contamination may result from airborne transport from remote power plants or municipal incinerators.

1628. What is more likely is that a new subsystem would be added within a system.

1629. Giorgio Vasari, the Italian painter, architect, and writer, was born in Arezzo in 1511.

1630. ∙Paintings, ceramic works, and photographs submitted by students will be exhibited.

1631. Some psychologists believe that insight is the result of a restructuring of a problem after a period of non-progress where the person is believed to be too focused on past experience and get stuck.

1632. When Atlantic cod populations collapsed due to overfishing, the Canadian government suggested hunting expeditions to kill North Atlantic harp seals, because the seals were known to eat cod.

1633. Commodities like rice and tobacco can be grown, but that still takes time and resources.

1634. The precision of the lines on the map, the consistency with which symbols are used, the grid and/or projection system, the apparent certainty with which place names are written and placed, and the legend and scale information all give the map an aura of scientific accuracy and objectivity.

1635. Please be assured that the necessary steps have been taken to prevent further transmission of the infection.

1636. Lincoln was elected president in 1860, Kennedy in 1960.

1637. Tea was used by Mongolians.

1638. The shift was made easier by the habitat in which it occurred.

1639. This marketing technique is called demand creation.

1640. Salli was excited, as she has a very narrow foot and the manufacturer advertised her size in styles she liked.

1641. Early, small communities had to concentrate all their physical and mental effort on survival; their thoughts were focused on food and religion.

1642. But even if the possibility of closing could be ruled out with certainty, it is doubtful that a store would find it advantageous to purchase doors without locks.

1643. There has been a qualitative shift from earlier eras in which specific tools and techniques were developed through the freely chosen creativity of human beings to meet specific, limited objectives.

1644. Your food will be served soon.

1645. Pioneer Frontier Explorations, an Italian research foundation, had selected Follini, one of 20 volunteers for the assignment, because she was judged to have inner strength and stamina.

1646. It was assumed that eliminating the seals, a principal cod predator, would allow the cod populations to rebound.

1647. In fact, many animals decrease their activity in the heat and increase it in the cold, and people who are allowed to choose levels of physical activity in hot or cold environments adjust their workload precisely to body temperature.

1648. The "!K" in the name "!Kung" is like the sound that occurs when a cork is pulled from a bottle.

1649. Who we are, the nature of our character, is revealed in how we live and how we make decisions about what we do.

1650. Oftentimes having a lot of confidence means a high level of self- esteem, but just because they may be related does not necessarily mean one leads to the other.

1651. We can identify one very important difference between the way property rights and patent rights are implemented.

1652. When we do something that we do not like, the balance is broken, and we feel unhappy.

1653. He was involved in India's struggle for freedom from the British rule and was even arrested in 1908.

1654. No matter how old the children are, at the beginning they will need help in setting realistic goals that can be accomplished in a relatively short period of time.

1655. The more an event is socially shared, the more it will be fixed in people's minds.

1656. At some point in my ongoing prayer process, before my name was called, in the midst of the chaos, an unbelievable peace embraced me.

1657. She said this practice is called "daylight savings time" or "summer time."

1658. Unreasonable problems, in contrast, cannot be treated this way because the task contains some 'trick' or 'catch' that must be understood before someone can arrive at a solution.

1659. Garments are manufactured using toxic chemicals and then transported around the globe, making the fashion industry the world's second-largest polluter, after the oil industry.

1660. Now the factory received the same amount of materials, but instead of producing a fixed number of shoes, the factory was expected to produce a fixed number of tons of shoes.

1661. For example, within the philosophical disciplines, logic must be learned through the use of examples and actual problem solving.

1662. The same is also true of social institutions, such as the family, the state, banks, churches, and so on ─ most of which are modified forms of earlier practices or institutions.

1663. The Springbok emblem proved to be highly divisive as national sporting teams were limited to the white minority population until the 1980s.

1664. Before he would agree to make the appearance, he carefully arranged for nearly one thousand paid applauders to be scattered throughout the audience to applaud his entrance on the platform.

1665. It was divided into 500 states in AD 1500, got down to a minimum of 25 states in the 1980s, and is now up again to over 40.

1666. You are invited to attend a special presentation that will be held at our school auditorium on April 16th.

1667. Caring for both soldiers and civilians suffering from sickness, Inglis became ill in Russia and was forced to return to Britain, where she died in 1917.

1668. "Baseball games do have all day to be played.

1669. The newspaper men present were literally swept off their feet by the tremendous applause given the American hero, and his name was emblazoned across the headlines of the newspapers in letters two inches high.

1670. A black triangle on a white background was replaced by a white triangle on a black background, or an outlined triangle by a solid one.

1671. Later soccer-like games were played in Japan Australia and several countries in Europe.

1672. Various media outlets report stories of people tying themselves to trees in order to save spotted owls, or of large-scale construction projects that are halted because an endangered frog's habitat might be in jeopardy.

1673. Although Hutchison was interested in the topic, he was becoming increasingly annoyed with Kobayashi-san, who kept pausing to ask whether Hutchison understood him.

1674. The King was worried about him and asked a wise man to teach him justice.

1675. A hundred years ago, people were born, lived, and died in the same small geographic area.

1676. And a ripped T-shirt might be rescued from the dust rag bin long after the name of the rock band once written across it has faded.

1677. That is, he must act in a way that helps us believe his performance is a series of actions that are linked causally to one another, not symptoms of madness, and not the product of external forces.

1678. Having been founded to tackle this problem on a local scale, the online platform, "foodsharing∙de" allows extra food in your fridge or cupboard to be distributed to neighbors.

1679. And as far as lovers of art are concerned, they do not look at the movies for imitations of nature but for art.

1680. The Duke of Wellington was known as a general who "didn't know how to lose a battle."

1681. Cats’ claws are hooked in a direction that makes climbing up a tree an easy task.

1682. The teacher asks the pupil to show how these answers were obtained and notices that in doing the addition of 3 to 7, the pupil counts 'seven, eight, nine', while turning up three fingers in turn.

1683. HP had a breakthrough with a super-accurate thermometer that was created in the HP Labs.

1684. Unfortunately, many Joshua trees have been dug up to be planted in urban areas, despite a very low rate of survival when removed and planted in other places.

1685. She was concerned that as a townie, she'd had little experience of the countryside, and none at all of swimming in rivers.

1686. While some people are natural humorists, being funny is a set of skills that can be learned.

1687. She called the bus back to school, and soon Kathy was reunited with her backpack.

1688. Incidents where wrong or inaccurate information is delivered by the single information source, would damage trust levels on the system as a whole.

1689. Much of the psychology profession is employed in managing and relieving sadness.

1690. Sometimes other gases, such as ethylene gas, may be introduced at controlled levels to help achieve optimal quality of bananas and other fresh produce.

1691. We sincerely apologize for any inconveniences that may be experienced.

1692. Until Victorian times, Father Christmas was concerned with adult feasting and merry-making.

1693. They will be called upon to perform complicated tasks that will be too dangerous for humans.

1694. This is probably the reason that infrasonic communication is used by only a few animals, and the best understood infrasonic communication system is the African elephants'.

1695. Books can be dropped off 24 hours a day during this period.

1696. The spaceship had to be fired that very night at 10:48:40.

1697. Companies are excited about robot labor, because it is getting cheaper and more efficient.

1698. The balls are thrown every 5 seconds for 50 seconds, so a total of 10 balls are thrown.

1699. Words From Names New words are made in many different ways.

1700. Why does the "pure" acting of the movies not seem unnatural to the audience, who, after all, are accustomed in real life to people whose expression is more or less indistinct?

1701. The Philosopher's Stone itself is a legendary object that is believed to have the power to restore youth.

1702. Anyway, I'm used to paying for my younger friends now.

1703. In all these cases, the works are rich and deep, so that there is something different to be perceived in each experience.

1704. For example, the statement "I favor increased support for the military" might be interpreted as a call for "increased defense spending," or alternatively, "increased respect and admiration for members of the military."

1705. The world economy is growing and there is increased affluence.

1706. Similarly, in China in the nineteenth century, an incentive was offered for finding dinosaur bones.

1707. When someone else speaks, you need to be thought provoking!

1708. As the only new kid in the school, she was pleased to have a lab partner.

1709. Under this system of ownership, revenue covering the operating costs of newspapers, television stations, and radio stations is generated through public taxes.

1710. Others may be disgusted by even glamorous representations of violence.

1711. The view the wearer of some special device sees is projected on the screen behind him.

1712. Rather, most SMS communications are largely composed of conventional words and phrases that are peppered with textisms here and there.

1713. As time went on, its scale was reduced, and the project for the tomb was revised again and again.

1714. When Westerners hear Indonesian gamelan music first time, which is based on seven pitches per octave with varied tunings, it's more likely to sound like noise.

1715. Studies of benches and chairs in city space show that the seats with the best view of city life are used far more frequently than those that do not offer a view of other people.

1716. There are many questions we can ask about the origin of the universe, not all of which can be answered by science.

1717. It is expected that the church will be completed in 2026, on the 100th anniversary of Gaudi's death.

1718. If language is based on genes and is the key to cultural evolution, and Neanderthals had language, then why did the Neanderthal toolkit show so little cultural change?

1719. When a company is sold, there is often a fee for transferring the company name to the new owner.

1720. I'm excited about our plans for this year's revamped conference.

1721. The need to have some sense of the organization design features and management practices well matched to future business environments cannot be avoided.

1722. Destruction of the rainforest is caused by logging, farming, mining, and other human activities.

1723. Protogenes is said to have been about seventy years of age when the Satyr was completed.

1724. When the electric elevator allowed buildings to extend vertically instead of horizontally, the very nature of land use was changed, and urban density was created.

1725. Those who had not moved their heads didn't really seem to be persuaded one way or the other.

1726. Some architects have decided to respond to what they perceive to be the potentially formless and anonymous nature of the city by creating buildings that are obviously strange and are intended to become urban landmarks.

1727. A person who is willing to take risks likes to be tattooed and also takes more chances on a motorcycle.

1728. Many realized the various layers of sediments, minerals, and rocks are exposed as outcroppings as the Earth rose and settled over many thousands of millennia.

1729. Technology affects how players are trained, how rules are enforced, how audiences enjoy the games, and how the public exercises.

1730. For most people, the standards for cleanliness are defined in a way that can be met with little effort, and, for most people, keeping clean has more benefits than costs.

1731. His sleep was shattered by disturbing dreams of wolves clawing at his tent.

1732. Why don't you put your house number where it can be seen?

1733. Today, leave kids alone in front of the set with a remote control in their hands, and they're likely to be exposed to explosions, bloody fights, and some rather provocative views of the human body.

1734. The outermost circle is known as the performance zone ― because once we have mastered the new learning and mustered the courage to experiment with all the new knowledge, we will really start to perform differently from before.

1735. Students remember historical facts when they are tied to a story.

1736. Coaches must understand that when they make a strategy decision, it is a good or bad decision at the time it is made based on the players' abilities, the situation, and the percentages, not on whether the play was successful or unsuccessful!

1737. Every sensation our body feels has to wait for the information to be carried to the brain.

1738. This trend was promoted when FIFA, the world's largest soccer association, decided to adopt goal-line technology for the 2014 World Cup.

1739. The first English patent for a typewriter was issued in 1714, but another 150 years passed before typewriters were commercially available.

1740. The system was tested on sleeping people with normal hearing and no hearing.

1741. Captain Barbier's symbols were based on sounds - that was the problem.

1742. The answer is that they are triggered by the same parts of the brain and are associated with intense emotion.

1743. To alleviate such concerns, the first Congress approved 10 amendments to the U.S・ Constitution, commonly known as the Bill of Rights, which were adopted in 1791.

1744. The number of people having any connection with the project must be restricted in an almost vicious manner.

1745. More often, an entire habitat does not completely disappear but instead is reduced gradually until only small patches remain.

1746. This is what we really mean when we call entertainment "escapist": We escape from life by escaping into the neat narrative formulas in which most entertainments are packaged.

1747. Readers would not simply attend to the poet's work; they would be attracted to the greatness of his personality.

1748. However, surprisingly, they weren't able to recall the names of students who were seated close to them.

1749. It has been claimed that no specific knowledge, or experience is required to attain insight in the problem situation.

1750. We are sure that you will be satisfied with our well-experienced tutors.

1751. Ordinary skills can thus be modified to cope effectively with the situation by removing a pernicious bias.

1752. Both groups A and B were exposed to the same situation, the only difference being that group B mothers had to positively encourage their baby to continue playing with the thing in front of them, whereas the mothers in group A just had to be themselves in response to what their baby was playing with.

1753. The Newly Assembled Abu Simbel Temples The Abu Simbel temples were built by Ramses II around 3,200 years ago.

1754. In a study of army tank crews, one set of tank commanders was told that some members of their assigned crews had exceptional abilities while others were only average.

1755. Resource limitation of plants is especially acute in arctic tundra systems in which plant growth is limited almost singularly by soil nitrogen availability.

1756. Children who visit cannot help but remember what their parents or grandparents once were and be depressed by their incapacities.

1757. The word 'courage' takes on added meaning if you keep in mind that it is derived from the Latin word 'cor' meaning 'heart.

1758. A good example can be found in the rush to install synthetic turf on football fields some 30 years ago.

1759. They tell us the structure of the test, that is, what should be accomplished and how we should accomplish it.

1760. Their native language is Nauruan, but English is widely spoken as it is used for government and business purposes.

1761. For many it is boring and uninteresting, but for others it can indeed be listened to with enjoyment over a lifetime.

1762. People often enjoy traditional dishes that are believed to bring them good luck, riches, or health.

1763. The hippogriff is depicted as a giant horse-like creature for knights and wizards.

1764. But when he traveled around the country, visiting the same hotels and restaurants, the Chinese travelers were treated with courtesy in 249 out of 250 establishments.

1765. Each year the four-year course accepts about 20 students who are selected through exams that are held by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage.

1766. What disturbs me is the idea that good behavior must be reinforced with incentives.

1767. When people try to control situations that are essentially uncontrollable, they are inclined to experience high levels of stress.

1768. Imagine, for example, that baseballs are pitched to two different batters.

1769. Furthermore, although it is not as obvious, the adult brain retains its capacity to be influenced by "general" experience.

1770. Since only 44 percent of the country's agricultural land is irrigated, millions of rice growers must rely on annual monsoons.

1771. Now imagine how Amadeus would feel if he learned that his cousin was awarded the coveted first chair in the violin section of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra.

1772. Today, some of the world's most famous Mayan archaeological sites are found in the northern parts of the country.

1773. It is the temperature deep inside the body which must be kept stable.

1774. In truth, we tend to stay the same when we are criticized.

1775. On the other hand, the White Desert is covered in limestone.

1776. But it is not seafood that he is famous for—it is carved fruit!

1777. Some companies choose names that are inspired by other company names.

1778. Amazingly, a design developed naturally in the deep sea may soon be seen in deep space.

1779. Peter and Iona Opie, who devoted a lifetime to studying the culture of schoolchildren, showed that rhymes, sayings, and career objectives tend to be transmitted more from child to child than from parent to child.

1780. Like freezing, this behavior can help prevent attack, but whereas in freezing muscles are contracted and poised to be used in fight or flight, in tonic immobility the muscles of the body are relaxed.

1781. For example, although sewing clothes for the family is thought of as women's work in North America (most men have never operated a sewing machine or made a purchase in a fabric store), among the Ecuadorian men and traditional Hopi of Arizona, men are the spinners, weavers, and tailors.

1782. When given these instructions, people are quite good at repeating the words that were spoken to that ear.

1783. It was comprised of several bright young men who had genuine talent for writing.

1784. Every month, the Polish government gave the factory materials, and the manager was told to produce a fixed number of shoes.

1785. Harrison felt he had solved the problem, but unfortunately the Board of Longitude wasn't convinced.

1786. Fathers, on the other hand, tend to explain their distracting, risk-taking, and problem-solving behavior as purposeful preparation of their children for the real world into which the children will eventually be propelled.

1787. It is estimated that people age fifty and older spend about 48 percent of consumer dollars.

1788. Traditional banks are based on the principle that the more you have, the more you can borrow.

1789. As shown in Situations A and B, we are deceived by the phrase "the original price.

1790. Much later came the glazed window which offered the user the choice between opening and closing it without having to be plunged into darkness.

1791. Although the novel is a work of fiction, its exploration of human evil is based on the real-life cruelty witnessed by Golding during World War ll.

1792. Diane wasn't interested in looking at the newspaper article and she did not ask Martha to explain her reasons for advocating a new science program.

1793. Yellowstone National Park was the first 'wilderness' protected area in the world, but the model spread rapidly across the globe, even though many 'wilderness' areas were created by removing local inhabitants.

1794. Even if he can make some high-level choices —"fastest," "shortest," "most scenic," or "avoid toll road" —he can't discuss with the system why a particular route is chosen.

1795. In the 19th century, this distinctive accent was standardized as Received Pronunciation and taught widely by pronunciation tutors to people who wanted to learn to speak fashionably.

1796. They want to swap the plastic grips for the varied structures of real rock and not be limited by the ceiling, but rather view the unending sky above them and experience the impressive feeling of looking down from on high.

1797. It is supposed that these animals effectively call out their "name" when they emit their signature-whistle and thereby broadcast their identity and give away their location.

1798. If an example is recalled easily, it must be common.

1799. Marketers need to be aware of these stages and be prepared to act at the appropriate time.

1800. In other cases, criteria such as income, age, residence, or the payment of certain taxes or charges are used to determine eligibility to receive benefits.

1801. Copyleft Some people say that creations should be shared with anyone whose purpose is not making money.

1802. Our days are filled with so many of the "have tos" that we feel there's no time left for the "want tos.

1803. Sea Urchins Sea urchins may be eaten in some parts of the world, but they can also damage parts of the sea environment with their bony mouths.

1804. No one can love you if you become someone else (wear a mask) in order to be loved by him or her.

1805. If she is short of money, she may resent that the fruit is overpriced; meanwhile her friend may feel tempted by some juicy peaches.

1806. Similarly, teaching people to accept a situation that could readily be changed could be bad advice; sometimes the only way to get what you want is to take active control.

1807. A summer vacation will be recalled for its highlights, and the less exciting parts will fade away with time, eventually to be forgotten forever.

1808. What’s more, I was surprised by how delicious they were!

1809. It's not necessary to actually be engrossed, mind you - just to look like you are.

1810. Not everything is taught at school!

1811. At the end of the round of introductions, the students were asked to write down the names of as many other students as they could remember.

1812. It didn't take long, however, until it was stopped by my uncle, then by the composer and the technician.

1813. That type of question must be explored through philosophy, religion, and other ways of thinking.

1814. The walls are decorated with sculptures that describe events in the Bible.

1815. If the encounter is occasioned by study of another language, the reaction may be all the stronger because he is faced with two unknowns simultaneously.

1816. Basically, those who never make mistakes are perceived as being less attractive and "likable" than those who make occasional mistakes.

1817. It is easy to do this when material wealth is elevated to the position of the ultimate end, as it so often is in our society.

1818. DJ: I'm pleased to talk to you, Dana.

1819. Similarly, a traditional filmmaker has limited means of modifying images once they are recorded on film.

1820. "Children are encouraged to begin tapping out rhythms as soon as an adequate degree of arm control is developed, and at the age of three or four they begin making their own instruments.

1821. People are only partially protected from insect-transmitted diseases because the rear of the dwelling is exposed.

1822. The limited influence of life events was highlighted in a fascinating study that found only modest differences in overall happiness between recent lottery winners and recent accident victims who became quadriplegics.

1823. Mae C. Jemison was named the first black woman astronaut in 1987.

1824. We'd like to have you back as a customer so I'm sending you a coupon for two free entrees that can be used at any of our five locations in New Parkland.

1825. Feifer was interested.

1826. When the male spider approaches his female partner, he displays an elaborate series of gestures to tell her that he is indeed a spider, not an enemy.

1827. He perceived in a march some soldiers that were separated from the main body, and he sent one of his aides-de-camp to bring them back to their colours.

1828. Right in front of his eyes were rows of delicious-looking chocolate bars waiting to be touched.

1829. In psychology, the state of such total absorption is called flow.

1830. A professional golfer who is distracted by the sounds of a camera click may have a person take pictures while he practices putting.

1831. A lot of the roads in Europe today were built over the originalancient Roman roads, and people still use them.

1832. Airplane Winglets If you look at an airplane's wings, you can sometimes see that the tips are turned upwards.

1833. They are satisfied with grasping the meaning of what they see.

1834. Not only was I getting the day off of school, but I was also getting a chance to see in person how a music album is made.

1835. Families are caught in the dilemma of rapid change in very real ways.

1836. When the consumer agrees to purchase the product under the original terms, that behavior might be used by the consumer to infer his sincere interest in the product.

1837. Major landmarks, nodes and axes were developed to enhance the position of these sources of power in the daily life of the citizens.

1838. The idea of a fish in a freshwater lake struggling to accumulate salts inside its body to mimic the ocean reminds one of the other greatn contradiction of the biosphere: plants are bathed in an atmosphere composed of roughly three-quarters nitrogen, yet their growth is frequently restricted by lack of nitrogen.

1839. Afraid of the world that is portrayed on TV, people stay in their homes with close family and do not build bonds with their neighbors.

1840. According to an Australian study, a person's confidence in the kitchen is linked to the kind of food that he or she tends to enjoy eating.

1841. When the ritual was completed, the acorns would be offered to the group for consumption.

1842. Afro's early work, which included landscapes, portraits, and still-lifes, was influenced by Cubism, but after the war he developed a loose improvisatory abstract style influenced by Abstract Expressionism.

1843. Since money is fungible , it can be used for any purpose, not just the one you intend.

1844. In the summer of 1972, the actor Anthony Hopkins was signed to play a leading role in a film based on George Feifer's novel The Girl from Petrovka.

1845. The recorded observations related to various electrical events and facts are found dating back to the fifth century BC・ The lightning in a stormy night, or the attraction between a rubbed amber and cat's fur has always provoked human curiosity.

1846. Mattie's Three Wishes Mattie J.T・ Stepanek was born in the U.S. in 1990.

1847. You might be surprised to know that many faculty members would admit that they have waited until the last minute to begin working on an important paper or grant application .

1848. For example, in the USA, 60-70% of the total common bean area is planted with only two or three varieties.

1849. A defense is required against any suggestion that political disagreement is not the normal state of things.

1850. Humans rely heavily on communicating through the meaning found in words and the way they are arranged.

1851. A first judgment about the value of a food source is made on its appearance and smell.

1852. Such tricks are called "placebo buttons" and they are being pushed in all sorts of contexts.

1853. The Stranglers undoubtedly made one another suspect that they were unqualified to write, and in time they became convinced of it.

1854. This scholarship was established to recognize outstanding full-time students enrolled in graphic design in the Department of Integrative Arts who have achieved positive academic records.

1855. He thought, however, that technology should be shared by everyone.

1856. Beautiful and interesting sounds can be made, assuming you know how to make them - or, more precisely, how to make other musicians make them.

1857. So, as soon as harmony is disrupted, we do whatever we can to restore it.

1858. The game soaked up the mental attention that might have otherwise moved those horrific memories to long-term memory, and so they were stored imperfectly or not at all.

1859. Every day promptly at 6 p.m., everyone's desks are raised to the ceiling by iron cables, and the space is then transformed into either a dance floor or yoga studio open for free to the community.

1860. "In a second experiment, students were told that the study was to determine if handwriting was linked to personality.

1861. Now they are gone!

1862. You'll be assigned a personal adviser, have your work evaluated by experienced experts, and receive insightful suggestions on how to make it better.

1863. Some people think that coins and paper money may not be used in the future.

1864. In rhetoric, anything that meets this test is supposed to be credible, believable.

1865. People who are opposed to drilling in Alaska don't want to take the benefits of having more oil with the potential bad effects on the environment.

1866. Some researchers found that, when preschool classrooms were changed to reduce noise levels, the children spoke to each other more often and in more complete sentences, and their performance on pre-reading tests improved.

1867. Knowing how to breathe when you were born is an implicit memory.

1868. In extreme cases, scientific data might be buried in the face of the apparent demands of politics.

1869. Mathematicians try to increase their knowledge, but this knowledge is based more upon the variety of independent sources of confirmation than upon logic.

1870. However, the disadvantage is shared among all the cattle-owners using the pasture, so the individual owner suffers only a fraction of the disadvantage.

1871. I heard from another participant that a CD was used in the training session.

1872. The accent that we identify as British today was developed around the time of the American Revolution by people of low birth rank who had become wealthy during the Industrial Revolution.

1873. They are angered by Atticus's effort to give Tom the best defense possible.

1874. Good feelings and positive events, on the one hand, can be placed in a context that makes them seem as if we deserved them and as if they help define who we are.

1875. Therefore, in the NHL between 1970 and 1986, the Philadelphia Flyers exceeded all other teams in the number of minutes they were penalized.

1876. Such materials restrict the penetration of light, and therefore more of the light is reflected from the upper layers of the water, where the longer red, yellow, and green wavelengths predominate.

1877. Pretty soon, most of the house is childproofed, and he's busy playing with the new delights he finds around him - the cooking utensils Jake deliberately left available for him to discover.

1878. Investigators were amazed that extremely fortuitous and horrible events like these didn't have a dramatic impact on happiness.

1879. These ideas were supported by the belief that nature's fragile balance would be disrupted by human influence.

1880. Claire: As you all know, almost everything can be delivered in Seoul, and I love that!

1881. The technique I use to train my puppy is called behavior capture which is different from the common training method.

1882. We live in the country where we are free to speak our own mind and most people believe that everyone should be treated equally regardless of gender or race.

1883. I was called into a client's firm to help him solve a problem.

1884. Plastics can also be used as vehicles for chemical contaminants such as persistent organic pollutants and heavy metals.

1885. In the 1980s, while working in a county health department in northern California, Larry Cohen was offered a chance to pioneer a new approach: to deal with multiple health and safety issues simultaneously in the role of director of prevention.

1886. After a few minutes' rest, a second series of words was presented and they pressed a button whenever they recognized a word from the first series.

1887. Existing travel information systems, such as electronic signage on motorways, are designed to consider travellers as crowds, lacking any form of personalised information format and delivery.

1888. The performer is expected to sing, dance, and sometimes even tell a story at the same time.

1889. We look both ways before crossing the road despite thinking about a rather depressing holiday we took in Brazil, and we put oven gloves on before reaching into the oven despite being preoccupied about whether the cabbage is overcooked.

1890. Centuries before telescopes were invented, they proposed that the earth might rotate on an axis or revolve around the sun.

1891. Given a sufficient vocabulary, the empty spaces can be filled in one by one.

1892. The rules of breaststroke stated that both arms must be pulled together underwater and then recovered simultaneously back to the start of the pulling position to begin the next stroke.

1893. Someone who plays the game, Even when the game is called life.・.. We are sure you want to begin your new job with the added satisfaction of knowing you have taken care of your financial responsibilities to PEOPLEFIND.

1894. Similarly, by allowing a filmmaker to treat a film image as an oil painting, digital technology redefines what can be done with cinema.

1895. To scare away evil spirits and make the royal procession safe, he ordered that a pair of jangseungs be erected.

1896. In the recent economics literature, following the work of John Roemer, the determinants of economic outcomes are separated into those due to " circumstances"" that are beyond personal control, such as family background, and " effort,"" for which an individual can be held responsible.

1897. In almost every case, students wrote down the names of students that were seated far away from them.

1898. The things that keep you from getting quality sleep are called "sleep thieves."

1899. A good deal of the information stored in working memory is encoded in an auditory form, especially when the information is language based.

1900. We are concerned that we have not heard from you since we sent you the selections you chose when you joined the Club.

1901. Although the horse and the gryphon are traditionally described as deadly enemies to each other, they are merged into this mythical creature.

1902. Their notions of untouched nature and friendly, innocent indigenous people will probably be confirmed.

1903. Afterward, all three groups were asked to rate how much they liked the researcher.

1904. Then it occurred to me that most of the fruit at the cafe was grown in tropical countries.

1905. The way in which food is marketed can either affirm or conflict with such ideas and values.

1906. If blocked by a dam, the salmon life cycle cannot be completed.

1907. Andrew Johnson was born in 1809, Lyndon B. Johnson in 1909.

1908. His tongue was stuck to the top of his mouth, the tip half out, and his eyes were wide.

1909. Imagine that same boss tells you about a skill you need to develop and opens up an opportunity for you to be trained on that particular skill.

1910. History was made, and the new style was called "the Fosbury Flop."

1911. New words are made in many different ways.

1912. Email can be seen; it will be stored; and then it can be seen again.

1913. In a modern world that often values technology over nature, it's interesting that some of the most creative design ideas were taken from the natural world.

1914. Some of these are awarded automatically based on your academic performance or household income, while others require submission of an application.

1915. First, they could be carried easily.

1916. Even after many of the rules were overturned by radical concepts in more recent times, composers, more often than not, still organized their thoughts in ways that produced an overall, unifying structure.

1917. This is because the rate of change in Icelandic has always been slow, ever since the country was ruled by Norwegians a thousand years ago and Icelandic history began.

1918. With a balance of colors, tastes, and textures, osechi is packed in layered boxes, called jubako.

1919. Nevertheless, the frequent use of certain proverbs in a particular culture could be used together with other social and cultural indicators to form some common concepts.

1920. His tongue seemed to be stuck to the roof of his mouth and his throat didn't work right.

1921. The water that is embedded in our food and manufactured products is called "virtual water.

1922. It is no accident that fish have bodies which are streamlined and smooth, with fins and a powerful tail.

1923. There is pleasure in throwing a boomerang that is purchased or obtained from someone else, but it is in no respect comparable to the joy and thrill that results in handling one which you yourself have made.

1924. The proposed road improvements are made possible thanks to the City's $99 million Street Improvements Bond which was approved by voters in 2016.

1925. A security guard came under immediate suspicion because the blaze broke out in an area where he was assigned.

1926. I let out a terrifying scream that could be heard all the way down the block, but nobody answered!

1927. The loss of cognitive intrigue may be initiated by the sole use of play items with predetermined conclusions and reinforced by rote instruction in school.

1928. First, the sound must be excellent so that the king's words can be heard even at a distance.

1929. Politics cannot be suppressed, whichever policy process is employed and however sensitive and respectful of differences it might be.

1930. However, the human mind turns out to be significantly swayed by how potential outcomes are portrayed.

1931. It was based on the length of the Pharaoh's forearm.

1932. The other intuitive half of your brain is left out of this planning process.

1933. While this served your ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked physically.

1934. As a result, people were more responsive and reacted more favorably to messages and proposals that were self­oriented and that allowed them to elevate their individualism.

1935. The Lindau Lighthouse, which was completed in 1856, is located in Lindau, the southernmost part of Germany.

1936. And he was known for his intensely busy and stressful lifestyle.

1937. In addition, artificial sweeteners are known to generate headaches, emotional disorders, and sleeping problems.

1938. Some of these are based on gender or race.

1939. When they "multitask," they switch back and forth, alternating their attention until both tasks are done.

1940. Plastics can also be used as vehicles for metals chemical contaminants such as persistent organic pollutants and heavy metals.

1941. This is one of the reasons why people still go to cinemas for good films; it is a full experience because all mobile phones are switched off.

1942. In contrast, the dendritic street network is characterized by fewer streets organized into a hierarchy based upon the amount of traffic each is intended to carry.

1943. Once you are registered, we will match you with a perfect tutor and contact you to arrange your schedule.

1944. A tumor detected by Vogelstein's liquid biopsy can be detected at just 1 percent the size of what is necessary to be detected by an MRI, currently the most reliable tool for finding cancer.

1945. By early afternoon, working in the heat and the thin air, I was exhausted.

1946. The system's methods remain evident so that even if Tom were tempted to trust it, the silence and secrecy promotes distrust, just as top-down business decisions made without collaboration are distrusted.

1947. Numbers were invented to describe precise amounts: three teeth, seven days, twelve goats.

1948. These tricks are made possible by cookies, small files that an Internet server stores inside individuals' web browsers so it can remember them.

1949. It is influenced by their whole "presence" in the ecosystem, not by any one motive they may have or by any one action or group of actions they may take.

1950. Even when voice interfaces exhibit all of the limitations associated with machines — including odd pronunciations, emotional ignorance, and chronic inconsistencies — they are not exempted from the social expectations that are activated by talking and listening.

1951. Measurements of heart rate, oxygen consumption, and perceived effort were taken throughout all three workouts.

1952. The students were told that the researchers wanted to test how well the headphones worked while they were in motion.

1953. Some time later, they were asked to estimate the percentage of the population who would agree with each of these statements.

1954. Sometimes they may not strike the guilty person himself, but rather one of his relatives or tribesmen, to whom responsibility is extended.

1955. We set resolutions based on what we're supposed to do, or what others think we're supposed to do, rather than what really matters to us.

1956. The whistles are used in a variety of behavioral contexts, but during studies of captive animals Vincent Janik and Peter Slater have shown that they are particularly commonly heard in situations where an animal has become isolated from the other members of its pod.

1957. It can be identified only when it is viewed from a specific angle.

1958. Before watching the video, they reported feeling calm and relaxed; afterward they were disturbed and anxious.

1959. - Audio devices may only be used with headphones.

1960. Marie Curie is treated as if she worked alone to discover radioactivity and Newton as if he discovered the laws of motion by himself.

1961. What women loved in Australia was considered boring and old-fashioned in Northern Europe.

1962. Some people are worried about there being fewer jobs.

1963. Even when an innovation is consistent with a society's needs, there is still no guarantee that it will be accepted.

1964. In fact, it could be argued that it is money that gets its value from time, rather than the other way around.

1965. Such mailings may be administered in several ways.

1966. When retrieving the information at some later time, individuals simply need to recall "going out for dinner" and they can then reconstruct the details (a reservation was made, the waitress escorted the guests to the table, she brought the menu, etc.

1967. In addition, when farmers have direct access to consumers, they are able to keep more of each dollar earned from a sale, because the middle­man is eliminated.

1968. Alcoholic drinks were made from their flowers, too.

1969. We become aware of this desire when the event of being physically capable of reproducing is joined with the events of participating in a committed relationship, the establishment of an adult pattern of living, and the assumption of job responsibilities.

1970. However, bees can be kept with profit even under unfavorable circumstances.

1971. The same techniques that allow genetic defects (very inferior genes) to be eliminated allow the replacement of slightly inferior genes with superior ones.

1972. The !Kung San in the Dobe area of Botswana were divided into twenty five groups with a mean size of eighteen to twenty people.

1973. Thus, it is not surprising that constant exposure to noise is related to children's academic achievement, particularly in its negative effects on reading and learning to read.

1974. Regardless of the actual date, it is said that Kaldi, the goatherd, noticed that his goats did not sleep at night after eating berries from what would later be known as a coffee tree.

1975. So, they decided to start a project to construct unique interactive viewing facilities where the animal habitats and behaviors could be seen up close.

1976. Engaging in acts that would be considered inconsequential in ordinary life also liberates us a bit, making it possible to explore our capabilities in a protected environment.

1977. Tomas Luis de Victoria, the greatest Spanish composer of the sixteenth century, was born in Avila and as a boy sang in the church choir.

1978. The answers to these questions depend on variables that cannot be predicted in advance.

1979. In Germany alone, around eleven million tons of food are wasted every year.

1980. International Business Machines is almost universally called IBM, American Telephone and Telegraph has become AT&T, and Kentucky Fried Chicken has consciously chosen to be known as KFC.

1981. Fish advisories have been issued for many lakes in the United States; these recommend limits on the number of times per month particular species of fish should be consumed.

1982. The timber was sold on the open market and the soil converted to crops and pastureland.

1983. The female wearing the white dress is about to be married and change her status and role in society.

1984. The suppression of disagreement should never be made into a goal in political deliberation.

1985. "Artists are perceived to establish a strong bond with their art to the point of combining into one "entity.

1986. When Boo disappears into the house, never to be seen again, Scout thinks about all the things he has done for her and Jem and regrets that they have never given him anything in return.

1987. I was surprised to see trainers on their lunch hour sunbathing in a pile with their sea lions.

1988. The results of the two groups' activities came to light twenty years later when the careers of the classmates were examined.

1989. It was delivered to my home this morning, but there is a problem.

1990. Those who interacted with others reduced their concerns by 55 percent over time, but those who were left on their own showed no improvement.

1991. When food is scarce, as it usually is in their native desert habitat, locusts are born with coloring designed for camouflage and lead solitary lives.

1992. They fan out and methodically begin to search the house, but the baby is gone.

1993. For example, it is documented that if people are asked to bet on whether a coin toss is heads or tails, most bet larger amounts if the coin is yet to be tossed.

1994. Clarity, precision, and appropriate tone are essential to ensuring that your e-mail is well-received and understood by all readers.

1995. Many purists insist on hearing baroque music on period instruments, both because the instruments have a different sound and because they are designed to play the music in its original tuning standard, something that purists deem important.

1996. The mournful howls of wolves could be heard in the distance.

1997. in ancient China where some early clocks were invented.

1998. A wine that cost ten times more than another was ranked by experts only seven points higher on a scale of one to one hundred.

1999. A company that waits around for the numbers to "add up" will be left flat-footed in the race to the future.

2000. However, the play must be owned by the children.

2001. Cells that are produced as a result of these conditions are densely arranged.

2002. In his will, Franklin added strict instructions on how the money should be handled.

2003. Even if it is correct to say that we express and represent our thoughts in language, it may be a big mistake to suppose that there are structural similarities between what is doing the representing and what is represented.

2004. Emotional eating is a popular term used to describe eating that is influenced by emotions, both positive and negative.

2005. Slavoj Žižek was born in 1949 in Ljubljana, Slovenia (then part of communist Yugoslavia).

2006. The biggest wave I had ever seen in my life was headed toward our ship.

2007. Through the use of the scientific method to determine the facts of any given policy situation, the power of social constructions is supposedly diminished, and solutions to social problems are discovered in an objective way.

2008. The ballet is performed to the live music of the State Theater Orchestra.

2009. Another group was told to move their heads from side to side.

2010. Their knowledge of the deadly effects of extreme altitude was limited and their equipment was poor.

2011. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the popularity of fine breads and pastries is growing even faster than new chefs can be trained.

2012. Gaudi was born in Catalonia, Spain, in 1852.

2013. These stereotypical expectations are imported into new and pre-existing group contexts, and shape expectations of relative skill and rank allocation.

2014. The ruler was pierced by little windows.

2015. Individuals may also be provided with opportunities they did not see before (e.g., new careers, new relationships).

2016. When the two met, Trish was relaxed and genuinely interested in knowing why Andrea felt resentful when she hadn't in the past.

2017. Thermometers are supposed to measure air temperature.

2018. For example, if you are motivated to buy a good car, you will research vehicles online, look at ads, visit dealerships, and so on.

2019. The water main will be replaced under the water fund.

2020. People with broken empathy make no connection with others, but 99 percent of ordinary people are affected by the feelings of people close to them.

2021. Instead, they will use the information that can easily be brought to mind.

2022. As one of the famous figures in the community, we would be honored by your attendance.

2023. Here, based on a complex sensory analysis that is not only restricted to the sense of taste but also includes smell, touch, and hearing, the final decision whether to swallow or reject food is made.

2024. Thus he concluded that white light can be produced by combining the spectral colors.

2025. In other words, foot size and vocabulary size can be explained in terms of features of the process of human development from infancy to adulthood: a cause which both observed phenomena have in common.

2026. You know that sometimes when you are supposed to be listening to someone, your mind starts to wander.

2027. It is very sad that so many children are hurried along and not given time to think about themselves.

2028. According to philosopher Radcliffe Richards, it is incoherent to think that something's real nature is revealed when it is in its correct environment.

2029. When children are allowed to develop their language play, a range of benefits result from it.

2030. Depending on the way math is taught, they may spend a great deal of time at the concrete level before switching to the abstraction of numbers.

2031. Taking a risk is more appealing when they're faced with a guaranteed loss if they don't.

2032. In contrast, less popular books (ex, the books by Herta Miiller, recipient of the 2009 Nobel Prize in Literature), the ones rarely checked out in the past, will be placed in the back of the library.

2033. The study went as follows: the children from group A were placed on the floor so the python could slither among them.

2034. With this thought, the frozen foods industry was born.

2035. While short- term profits may be constrained, the long-term profitability picture may look more favorable.

2036. Search engines check the entire Internet to find sites that are related to the words you enter into them.

2037. Tradition is a critical element that cannot be ignored in the creation of architecture.

2038. For example, if he was tired of tests, he said, "Wanna go back."

2039. After the defeat at Waterloo, Napoleon was forced out of power.

2040. Neither prosecutor nor defender is obliged to consider anything that weakens their respective cases.

2041. It confirmed my feelings that Sondra's relationship with Emma needed to be monitored.

2042. In television advertisements many airlines try to interest the viewer in a particular destination, and only as an afterthought do they suggest the airline which might be used.

2043. Tensions are aroused by only the new and the novel.

2044. When we observe nature, we can be amazed by its beauty and its grand scale.

2045. Low-balling describes the technique where two individuals arrive at an agreement and then one increases the cost to be incurred by the other.

2046. These are called "winglets" and they may look neat, but they have measurable benefits.

2047. For a woman starting pregnancy, the outcome may be compromised if she begins with too much or too little body fat.

2048. When people are removed from the cues of “real” time ─ be it the sun, bodily fatigue, or timepieces themselves ─ it doesn’t take long before their time sense breaks down.

2049. Eventually, the brokers for these large companies moved their business into a building, and the New York Stock Exchange on Wall Street was born.

2050. Another type is caused by external factors.

2051. In rapid serial visual presentation experiments, people were asked to note whether a particular type of scene occurs in a sequence of photographs presented at a very high rate (3 to 10 photos per second).

2052. The shops were closed and there was no one about.

2053. Additional letters are formed by adding dots at the bottom of the cells.

2054. They tell stories, for their form and spatial organization give us hints about how they should be used.

2055. Can self-enhancement motives still be served in such situations?

2056. On a hill within the park are curved terraces and multicolored tile seats where visitors can enjoy wonderful views of Barcelona and the sea beyond.

2057. As her name was called, Gabby became more afraid of speaking before a large audience.

2058. "If a satellite were destroyed, we would face serious problems.

2059. Some magazines are distributed only by subscription.

2060. By keeping livestock in windowless sheds and using artificial lighting and temperature control, growing seasons could be prolonged and it became possible to produce greater quantities of meat, milk, and eggs.

2061. Some robots are used to do work in extreme environments like the deep sea.

2062. At the time of Handel's second visit to Halle, between 1730 and 1740, Bach was at Leipzig, but ill. As soon, however, as he was informed of Handel's arrival at Halle, he immediately sent his eldest son, William Friedemann, thither, with a very polite invitation to visit him at Leipzig.

2063. Such buildings make difficult demands on structural engineers, who have to make paradoxical forms work while concealing how the trick is pulled off.

2064. She excitedly explained that it was a bad idea to meet at that corner because people aren't allowed to stand there.

2065. In 1761, H4 was tested on a long voyage across the Atlantic Ocean.

2066. I also hope that I'll be remembered for my buildings in Barcelona.

2067. But when a rankand-file employee in a small company was posed with the same problem, he did not get into complications of X-rays, etc.

2068. The child will reach toward the mother, cry to be picked up, or crawl close to the mother.

2069. "Clams are not happy when the water is low because they can easily be seen and be picked up by people.

2070. If, for example, bad weather leads to a poor potato crop, then the price that supermarkets have to pay to their wholesalers for potatoes will go up and this will be reflected in the prices they mark on potatoes in their stores.

2071. So, for example, if a researcher wanted to study gender differences in first-year undergraduate psychology students, and the wider population comprised a 60/40 per cent split females/males, then the sample must be comprised of this same ratio of females to males.

2072. The native people of Nauru consist of 12 tribes, as symbolized by the 12-pointed star on the Nauru flag, and are believed to be a mixture of Micronesian, Polynesian, and Melanesian.

2073. For example, it is impossible to guess from their bodies that birds make nests, and, sometimes, animals behave in a way quite contrary to what might be expected from their physical form: ghost spiders have tremendously long legs, yet they weave webs out of very short threads.

2074. When a referee's call was disputed, both players and audiences often brought complaints about this policy.

2075. Most likely, by the time the due date comes around, you will view this money as "hard-earned" savings not to be wasted.

2076. This implies that major structural changes to tourism itself, rather than awareness campaigns, may be required to foster a welcoming attitude.

2077. More than anything else, she was terrified that she would not have the chance.

2078. Several years later, policymakers began to wrestle with the problem of what would be done to dismantle nuclear plants when they were obsolete, something those who originally built them may never have considered.

2079. Consequently, the advantage is bound to exceed the disadvantage.

2080. This intentional error functions as an advance warning system, manned by the self-protection subself, providing individuals with a margin of safety when they are confronted with potentially dangerous approaching objects.

2081. Recall that Australia was colonized 45,000 years ago by pioneers spreading east from Africa along the shore of Asia.

2082. The majority of work will be completed by November 15, 2017.

2083. Once again, both cases involve a loss of $20 and the prospect of spending another $20 to be entertained.

2084. For example, while nearly everyone favors advances in medical treatment, far fewer understand that these advances are connected to fundamental biology (including being rooted in an understanding of the theory of evolution).

2085. These tiny particles are known to be eaten by various animals and to get into the food chain.

2086. The customer service representatives in an electronics firm under major restructuring were told they had to begin selling service contracts for their equipment in addition to installing and repairing them.

2087. A human action might, for example, be motivated by concern with maintaining plausible deniability in the event of a lawsuit or an effort to respect the religious beliefs of others even though one does not share those beliefs.

2088. Similarly, a round coin is seen as round even when viewed from an angle at which, objectively, it should appear elliptical.

2089. However, cultures can be formed on other levels, such as generation, gender, race, and region, among others.

2090. The cubit was subdivided into smaller units of spans, palms, digits, and parts of digits.

2091. Cats were sold at a low price, but pigs were not.

2092. The new alphabet of raised dots was mastered quickly by Louis's fellow students.

2093. The different approaches are reflected in what the two painters produced.

2094. This food is usually made before dawn on New Year's Day and is eaten during the holidays when no one cooks.

2095. This device would be placed high up in a tree.

2096. They are skilled at breaking the components of a system into smaller elements, knowing something of the details of each operation for which they are responsible.


'구문 BIG DATA' 카테고리의 다른 글

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구문 BIG DATA2018. 10. 13. 17:25
2018ebsfinal | Since 2005 위스마트, 임희재 | WAYNE.TISTORY.COM | +821033383436 | 제작일 181013 17:24:47

From The Number of Sents: 18829
TARGET: had pp

1. And some of the women had gained national prominence, such as Pulitzer Prize-winner Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings.

2. His company had just completed a crash development project that had required the team to work almost 24 hours a day and 7 days a week for two months.

3. This had been a place for athletics and exercise, where the young men of Athens had trained to become soldiers and citizens.

4. He had prepared to talk about time and he started with the word: 'Time.

5. Pele, a famous Brazilian soccer player, has once described the moment he experienced flow: "In this game, I felt a strange calmness I hadn't experienced before.

6. A building had occupied this same spot some two-and-a-half thousand years earlier, when it was part of a wooded sanctuary outside the original city walls, on the banks of the River Ilissos.

7. Many ships had seen it.

8. I have a young Italian friend in her early thirties who had lived in Rome for several years.

9. If everything had gone as planned, he would have gotten through the entire flight without having to learn either of those interesting tidbits.

10. By 1800, however, it had increased sharply to 150 million.

11. Each time they met, one of the men would read a story or essay he had written, and the rest of the group would dissect and criticize it.

12. His wife, Nancy Stokes Milan, told the New York Opera Newsletter that when she and her husband had dinner with a famous voice coach, they played him a recording Sherrill had made when he was in college.

13. The young man told the manager how he had made an application for the advertised job three times, with no response.

14. In June 1883, the literary and science magazine The Chautauquan presented readers with a question it had adapted from a paradox formulated over a century earlier by philosopher George Berkeley: "If a tree were to fall on an island where there were no human beings, would there be any sound?"

15. So by about 3100 BC, the envelopes had turned into simple squares of clay recording trade deals in symbols.

16. The next day, Rosa called again in a happy voice and said that she had found a solution.

17. Instead, he had listened to his intuition; he liked the cars, he liked the company, and he liked the idea of owning its stock.

18. And he had walked away from the interview thinking that he was very close to receiving a job offer.

19. When everyone else had gone to bed, and the only sound was the breathing of his sleeping classmates, he would take out his stylus and paper and begin juggle dots.

20. For use in his writing system, he adapted a device Barbier had used to write sonography - a grooved slate to hold the paper, and a sliding ruler to guide the stylus.

21. The mold was from the penicillium notatum species, which had killed the bacteria on the Petri dish.

22. Their commanding officer, relieved that his men had survived the snowstorm, asked how they made their way out.

23. As each participant decided whether he had seen a particular word a few minutes ago, the machine scanned his brain and created a digital "map" of his brain's activity.

24. By 1991, each city's money had grown to more than $20 million.

25. A quick check of the copy Hopkins had found showed that it was the very same copy that his friend had mislaid.

26. Her operation began to grow larger than she had expected.

27. All the staff and other volunteers who had arrived in Huyro earlier welcomed us with warm hearts.

28. Wouldn't it be nice to go out saying you had faced all your fears?

29. Direct involvement of citizens was what had made the American Revolution possible and given the new republic vitality and hope for the future.

30. As we fought, I realized what had happened to Dr. Woolley.

31. The archaeologists soon realised that they had found one of the most significant sites in all of western European intellectual culture, a site referred to continually by history's greatest philosophers: the Lyceum of Aristotle.

32. The anthropologist wasn't stupid, and he hadn't lied.

33. High school life soon proved as challenging as the principal had predicted.

34. If the fleeing Nazis had destroyed it during World War II, she would have never seen it.

35. At the market, I bought a cute doll from a woman who had made it herself.

36. When I asked how he had made that decision, he replied that he had recently attended an automobile show and had been impressed.

37. He did not remember when and how he had gotten there.

38. Then after a long silence, Manfred came to him and said, “Erik, if you don’t get another piano, Keith can’t play tonight.” Erik knew that Keith had requested a specific instrument, which the Opera House had agreed to provide.

39. If Ernest Hamwi had taken that attitude when he was selling zalabia, a very thin Persian waffle, at the 1904 World's Fair, he might have ended his days as a street vendor.

40. The entrepreneur had gained local fame for both his extraordinary business know-how and his demonstrated negligence in taking care of himself; his personal motto was, "Rich food, why walk?"

41. However, if ‘blueberry’ had referred only to the specific thing I just picked and no more, the sound would have slipped away silently, devoid of further application.

42. None of my neighbors had seen her either.

43. Hannah was seated in the fifth row, hallway side, even though she had wanted a window seat.

44. About a month later, I wondered if Dr. Woolley had perfected the Cloner.

45. One of the earliest stories recounted of him was that he told his parents he had seen a tree full of angels.

46. The Black Desert and the White Desert: I had thought that there was only one kind of desert.

47. BOY: (to Lasid) Is this the olive jar that you had kept for 7 years until Ali returned?

48. The boy was doing well, so he couldn't understand why, after three months of training, the master had taught him only one move.

49. She recalled the first day of school when she had stood in that same place, in the middle of many anxious freshmen, some of whom had become her closest friends.

50. It was a family gathering, and I was glad to see him because we hadn't seen each other for a long time.

51. Waterton had captured this wild animal by jumping onto its back and riding it until it became too tired to resist.

52. They found that the kids who drank more milk had increased vitamin D levels but lower levels of iron.

53. The youngest concert promoter in Germany had persuaded the Opera House to host a late-night concert of improvised jazz by the American pianist Keith Jarrett.

54. If our ancestors hadn't agonized over losses and instead had taken too many chances in going after the big gains, they'd have been more likely to lose out and never become anyone's ancestor.

55. The girl's family had run out of the firewood they needed to keep their tiny house warm.

56. Now Andrew was sure he had beaten Timothy Tandon, the winner of the 2016 National Chess Championship.

57. If you were made to sit at the table until you had cleaned your plate, you are not alone: most of the adult population have suffered this at some point ― at school if not at home.

58. Mr. Fine: I hadn't taken it seriously before either.

59. Harumi Tanaka, from Osaka, Japan, had accepted an assignment in Boston.

60. However, seven years later, she received a letter from Linda describing the inner struggle she had gone through that day and thanking Rebecca for being the spark that helped her change her life.

61. I had heard only good things about your establishment, so I decided to try it out for myself.

62. In fact, the seller had gone below Paul’s last offer.

63. He said to him that in November 1971 he had lent a friend a copy of the book—a unique copy in which he had made notes on turning the British English into American English for the publication of an American version—but his friend had lost the copy in London.

64. The soldier immediately distributed them to his comrades, saying that he had no occasion for money; and requested that if what he had done merited any compensation, he might be made an officer.

65. Of the talented young men in the Stranglers, not one of them had made a name for himself as a writer.

66. At the end of the day you told me that my mother had promised you her pearl ring.

67. Frustrated, Harrison decided to show King George III H5, which he had begun working on while H4 was being evaluated by the Board of Longitude.

68. By 1821, he had created a system of 86 symbols, representing all the syllables of the Cherokee language.

69. The accent that we identify as British today was developed around the time of the American Revolution by people of low birth rank who had become wealthy during the Industrial Revolution.

70. Some participants stood next to close friends whom they had known a long time, some stood next to friends they had not known for long, some stood next to strangers, and the others stood alone during the exercise.

71. So I finished the test and handed it in, even though I was pretty certain I had failed the test.

72. NARRATOR: Ali was upset because Lasid had lied to him.

73. Today, Human Resources informed me that you had signed my request for payment.

74. He began fund-raising online to build more tiny houses for the needy, and in a month, he had collected more than $80,000.

75. One evening, Genius's family was talking about the robbery that had happened at the local gold store a few hours before.

76. The students had tried to "warm up" their digital messages by using emoticons, typing out the sounds of laughter ("Hahaha"), and using the forced urgency of TYPING IN ALL CAPS.

77. Having never done anything like this before, Cheryl hadn't anticipated the reaction she might receive.

78. Indeed, if ancient people had walked up to the saber-toothed tiger to pet the nice kitty instead of heeding their fear and fleeing, we would not be here now.

79. "A woman said she had seen a limping man leave the gold store at the time of the robbery.

80. Luckily, by the time we reached our campsite, the sun was setting and the temperature had dropped.

81. Serene's mother said that she herself had tried many times before succeeding at Serene's age.

82. Those who had sat quietly after watching the video experienced an average of six flashbacks; those who had played the game experienced an average of fewer than three.

83. They had changed her from her silk christening gown into a white dress with yellow flowers embroidered around her neck, as if she were a bride who'd slipped into her going-away dress at the end of the reception.

84. Ten minutes later, Mission Control sent a message that the glove had passed by the station.

85. No, for the time being, they walked right by a few trees and resumed their meal only when they had moved about 100 yards away.

86. He had created the world's first nature preserve.

87. A simple system is exactly what Louis had spent three years trying to perfect.

88. That was why papa had gone to work, ending up in Louisiana in 1931.

89. They found that even in cases where one twin had practiced a musical instrument very hard and the other one hardly at all, both twins were about equally good at discriminating pitches, melodies, and rhythms.

90. In 1986 the British mathematician Colin Rourke and his Portuguese colleague, Eduardo Rego, announced that they had proved one of the most important open conjectures.

91. In high latitudes, melanin reduces the penetration of sunlight in the skin, reducing its ability to make vitamin-D. A few minutes later she appeared in her swimming costume, which she had not worn for 60 years: she had decided to have a go at swimming too!

92. Either the leader chimp had conveyed the information to the others, or they were superbly attun ed to his intentions.

93. Everybody wondered: What had happened to them?

94. Furthermore, the longer the close friends had known each other, the less steep the hill appeared to the participants involved in the study.

95. Christian, Margie's eight-year-old grandson, had come to live with her recently, and he had made friends with two other boys in the neighborhood: Anthony and Jaden.

96. When everyone except Anna had submitted their answer papers, Ms. Taylor told her, "Dear, write down what you know.

97. The few acquaintances the old man did have had gotten used to his stories.

98. We thought we had found the solution when we read about the "pot in a pot" device.

99. But Amy wondered if Mina chose her because she had felt sorry for the new kid.

100. When she returned to her damaged house, after the storm had passed, she found a note.

101. The people who had made their selections of a study set after less conscious examination were happier than those who made their purchase after a lot of careful examination.

102. I came away from the interview thinking that he was probably the worst interviewee I had seen in months.

103. And ―this made his blood boil more fiercely―it was the same small girl who two days before had thrown stones at him and hit him in the shin.

104. "A woman said she had seen a limping man leave the gold store at the time of the robbery."

105. His confinement in the seat undoubtedly had saved his life.

106. But if someone in the group had taken the initiative to be nurturing instead of negative, maybe another Hemingway, Faulkner, or Fitzgerald would have emerged and given the world another library of masterpieces.

107. I was sure I hadn't heard him right.

108. Rather, because Kenge had lived his entire life in a dense jungle that offered no views of the horizon, he had failed to learn what most of us take for granted, namely, that things look different when they are far away.

109. In all this excitement, none of us had noticed that my mother-in-law had disappeared.

110. Those who could persuade members of a rival tribe that a westward-moving herd of caribou had migrated east won a battle in the war for survival.

111. "The security guard, who had worked for the company for many years, looked his boss straight in the eyes, showing no sign of emotion on his face.

112. The designer may look like a savant for having "anticipated" the popular color, but if he had picked white or lavender instead, the same process might have unfolded.

113. As an architect and professor, she had taught about the historical significance of the bridge to her students for years.

114. In essence, concert halls and opera houses had become museums for displaying the musical artworks of the past two hundred years.

115. After Mujuru had learned the kushaura , his grandfather accompanied him, playing the kutsinhira part.

116. The administration at Crystal City High School recently became aware that eight of our student-athletes had developed a staph infection.

117. A village in ancient India was being terrorized by a cobra whose attacks had resulted in the deaths of several people.

118. The surprised and disappointed Canadian tried to understand what had gone wrong.

119. You will look back on your life, and no matter how much you have accomplished, you will wish that you had lived differently.

120. After my first book delivery, I returned to my job, but something inside me had changed.

121. Ms. Parker wrote, "You could see the pride in their faces and the joy that they had done something really cool and good."

122. The previous year, when Jordan was not playing for the Wizards, far fewer spectators had attended the team's games.

123. Together, the five of us had experienced unforgettable things that few people of our age have ever even thought about.

124. Betty said she wanted to start her own event-planning business, and Stephanie agreed to let her keep her existing clients, some photography, and documents and forms they had developed together.

125. In our own agency, we did the best work when we had limited time and client resources.

126. The photos were beautiful but, he lamented afterward he felt that he had missed out on the most important first moment of his son's life.

127. This finding was not new, as humans had observed the rainbow since the beginning of time.

128. The people in Group 1, who had done the researcher a personal favor by returning some of the money, rated the researcher the highest.

129. At the archaeological site, we pulled out weeds and cut down trees that had grown to cover the site.

130. Then without hesitating, Louis read every word he had taken down, at about the same speed as the director had read them.

131. The water in the street outside his house was high and had risen quickly.

132. We similarly failed to recognize that the profligate lifestyles of the world's consumer class that we had taken to be a measure of our economic and technological genius were unsustainable and more accurately represented a measure of our capacity for shortsighted self-delusion.

133. For example, when two-year-old children and chimpanzees had learned that, of two boxes presented to them, the one with a triangle of a particular size and shape always contained attractive food, they had no difficulty applying their training to triangles of very different appearance.

134. Harrison felt he had solved the problem, but unfortunately the Board of Longitude wasn't convinced.

135. After they had settled, we invited the rest of our families to join us — our brothers and sisters and their children — because we thought it would be lovely for us all to spend time together.

136. Then, she remembered a strategy she had learned.

137. Perhaps some fisherman had cut the twisted line from his fishing pole and thoughtlessly discarded it on the rocks where the gulls search for food.

138. What had happened?

139. On the contrary, archaeologists and assistants from the INA (Institute of Nautical Archaeology) needed more than a decade of year-round conservation before they could even catalog all the finds from an eleventh-century AD wreck they had excavated.

140. He had to take a long journey and worried about the gold coins he had saved for years.

141. He explained that he had used his own money for the tests and the study was in danger of running out of funds.

142. She wasn't sure just what had made her look over toward the rear passenger side tire at that moment, but she did.

143. Months later, when the professor wrote to all the establishments they had visited to ask whether Chinese guests were welcome, however, the majority of the responses were, in fact, prejudiced and rather uninviting, showing that attitudes don't always predict behavior.

144. By the time he wrote his book Wanderings in South America in 1825, he had traveled there four separate times.

145. The people of the Republic of Nauru, a tiny Pacific island once thought they had found paradise.

146. Pioneer Frontier Explorations, an Italian research foundation, had selected Follini, one of 20 volunteers for the assignment, because she was judged to have inner strength and stamina.

147. Plumb also thought about the long hours this sailor and others had spent carefully folding and packing the parachutes for his personal safety.

148. Before she walked along the beach, she had tied a heavy board to the back of the dress.

149. By the time I returned he had driven off, leaving me with more than a $5 tip.

150. Through this time, there occurred a re-emergence of democracy but of a more limited form than had existed in Ancient Athens.

151. Rather than acknowledging how working those insane hours had affected the team members and their families, the company turned its back on the human impact.

152. Quan and I had left the herd and climbed as high on the mountain as we could go.

153. However, her mother had established a new rule that she could not watch television from Monday through Thursday during the school year, in order that she would focus on homework.

154. And the process of journal-keeping through writing and drawing helped heal me from a mysterious illness which had defied the doctors and their medicines.

155. However, he eventually released the details of his H4 because he had worked for so long and wanted to gain recognition for his invention.

156. But now that he had changed his thinking.

157. I asked him what the company had done to celebrate the launch.

158. In her desire to parent intentionally, she went into her daughter's room and noted one positive accomplishment she had observed.

159. From childhood Blake had seen visions.

160. But if this were the only knowledge structure you had developed, you would have little understanding of the content produced by the other media.

161. The Atitlán Giant Grebe was a large, flightless bird that had evolved from the much more widespread and smaller Pied-billed Grebe.

162. Having witnessed this episode, Marsha later asked Jack's dad if he knew what the youngster had wanted.

163. Luis Urzúa, who had taken a major role as a democratic leader while underground, was the last one to come up to the surface on October 13.

164. I stared at it a few seconds before I got up the nerve to turn it over, expecting the inevitable F. You can only imagine my shock when I saw I had passed the test!

165. He had carried out a number of adventurous explorations, including the first solo kayak trip down the length of the Nile River and standing on the top of Mt.

166. The teacher started reading her students' answers aloud and the majority had answered them correctly such as The Great Wall of China, Colosseum, Stonehenge, etc.

167. After that, she had become more confident and active.

168. For example, the 1850 death of President Zachary Taylor is often attributed to a glass of milk drunk after a Fourth of July celebration, after he had dedicated the cornerstone of the Washington Monument.

169. Farm and industrial jobs had slowly dried up, and nothing had replaced them.

170. You'd almost certainly live through it and it would enrich the time you had left.

171. The expansion of farming meant that he could lead a more sedentary existence than his hunter-gatherer ancestors had done.

172. I managed to overcome my urge to burst into tears, and expressed my joy and delight that after all these years this had happened and my thanks to my daughters and my family who had shared in the struggle so long.

173. Slowly, imperceptibly, and probably unconsciously, hunters had moved across the land bridge and become the first immigrants to the new land.

174. However, when the students finished the task, the researchers said that the students were not allowed to keep the poster that they had rated as the third-most beautiful.

175. Suddenly, he realized that it wasn't the money, real or imagined, that had turned his life around.

176. His talk worked its way through the many different veins of the small neighbourhood, gathering momentum until it had reached a pitch strong enough to end up arresting his neighbour on the suspicion of theft.

177. Kate felt that all her concerns had melted away.

178. He had ordered two black coffees, one for himself and one for his friend, Julie.

179. If Dante and Shakespeare had died before they wrote those works, nobody ever would have written them.

180. After listening to what had happened, he nodded and said, "Don't worry, Old Warrick will get you out.

181. The researchers had made this happen by lengthening the period of daylight to which the peach trees on whose roots the insects fed were exposed.

182. That morning Andrew had received a call from the nursing home informing him that Grandad's condition had become serious.

183. I had left it in the airport and I realized he had been trying to return it to me ever since we had left the airport.

184. One ship had seen the Thing blow water up into the air.

185. Grandfather had worked hard building an ice rink on the lake.

186. Before slipping into the hold of the boat, she had scattered powder, which Swedish scientists had developed, unnoticeably on the floor above in order to distract the dogs.

187. "The anthropologist wasn't stupid, and he hadn't lied.

188. Although we had agreed to call the object a "pipe," it could have been called an "apple" just as easily.

189. This released much more radiation than any other nuclear event had released before.

190. It would also mean that big emitters that had developed their industries more recently, such as Australia, would bear less of a share.

191. I had accepted a job offer from Dr. Gilbert, who had opened a medical clinic at an inland village last year.

192. The oil trading company Enron had cooked its books to overstate its profitability in its mandated reports.

193. What I didn't realize was that these characters I had created and I were rehearsing for the many roles I would play in later life.

194. Because I was absent, I had missed the last two scenes of the play that the rest of the class had read and discussed together.

195. "The boy's biggest weakness had become his biggest strength.

196. I guessed the rain had washed out his burrow.

197. The hunters had followed the mammoths and other large animals eastward from Asia across what is now the Bering Sea.

198. Daniel: They were found this morning around 10:00 a.m., after last night's storm had cleared.

199. Long before Walt Whitman wrote Leaves of Grass, poets had addressed themselves to fame.

200. Situation E: Suppose you received twenty dollars as extra allowance, found a twenty-dollar bill on the street, or got back twenty dollars your friend had borrowed.

201. The reason is this: people who start out being nice get our hopes up, so the letdown we experience when we discover that they are not nice makes it worse than if they had acted badly from the start.

202. But he came across an old math book and from this basic text he was able to discover theories that had confused mathematicians for years.

203. She'd long since gotten roasting pans in larger sizes and hadn't cut an end off since.

204. Different theories and formulae had made it possible.

205. Even though Fred thought he had done his cultural homework, he made one particular error.

206. Face to face, with Trish showing genuine interest and regard, Andrea relaxed and was able to tell Trish that their project had become more than she could handle.

207. At the age of five, he could play all of the songs he had heard his mother play on the violin.

208. We thought we had mastered the secrets to creating wealth without limit.

209. The technology had shifted from the era of the mechanical intentions to the era of electrical progression.

210. Andrew, whom nobody had noticed before the tournament this year, came to progress to the final match.

211. What if they had defined themselves as being in the mass transportation business?

212. Yet Ergil had seemed so sure.

213. When people recalled letters incorrectly, the letters they said they had seen were more likely to resemble the actual stimuli in terms of how the letters sounded than how they looked.

214. Even though Steve Jobs had leased a building that was new and nicely designed, he had it completely rebuilt.

215. A massive piece of the nearby mountain had broken off, burying almost all the layers of the mine.

216. Another ship had seen it moving in the dark.

217. As the days passed, Chileans grew increasingly uncertain that any of the miners had survived.

218. It was not that they were 'primitive' or that they had mentally regressed; it was that they had arrived with only a subset of technologies and did not have a dense enough population and therefore a large enough collective brain to develop them much further.

219. The video game had functioned as a "cognitive vaccine," the researchers explained.

220. No doubt, Louise's mother had learned this threatening tactic from her own mother, and, in the absence of any other parenting tools she knew of, she said it to her own children, regardless of whether it worked.

221. In short, her internal clock had gone out of order.

222. On his return, Boutteville, after having praised him highly, counted out the hundred pistoles he had promised.

223. As soon as the last letter of a sequence had been presented, participants in the study wrote down all six of the letters they had seen, guessing at any letters they couldn't easily recall.

224. Now she focused on what she needed to improve, not on how many minutes had ticked by.

225. At one such preview a bootmaker criticized the shoes in a painting on which Apelles had labored long and hard.

226. They also had broken trucks from which they could charge the batteries of their head lamps.

227. When Christmas was at hand, I had abandoned all hope of getting one.

228. Gandhi was so troubled by his guilt that one day he decided to tell his father what he had done.

229. His adventure included all the horrors his father had imagined - and more.

230. Then during a serious illness when I was thirty-five, I found the little notebook I had purchased twenty years earlier.

231. He was thirsty because he had swallowed so much salt water.

232. Her boyfriend had disappeared from the beach the night before their wedding.


'구문 BIG DATA' 카테고리의 다른 글

no matter  (0) 2018.10.13
w+ever  (0) 2018.10.13
whose  (0) 2018.10.13
be pp  (1) 2018.10.13
as soon as  (0) 2018.10.13

as soon as

구문 BIG DATA2018. 10. 13. 17:23
Since 2005 위스마트, 임희재 | WAYNE.TISTORY.COM | +821033383436 | 제작일 181013 17:19:46

From The Number of Sents: 18826
TARGET: assoonas

1. As soon as the clock stops, on the other hand, the pieces virtually find each other.

2. As soon as one is done, I spit it back out and wait for a while.

3. As soon as the white ray hit the prism, it separated into the familiar colors of the rainbow.

4. As soon as we get used to storing information one way, something new replaces it.

5. As soon as the desk arrives, we will telephone you immediately and arrange a convenient delivery time.

6. As soon as people began to produce tools and, much later, art, some information was stored in external objects on how to make them and what they might mean.

7. As soon as the last letter of a sequence had been presented, participants in the study wrote down all six of the letters they had seen, guessing at any letters they couldn't easily recall.

8. As soon as I open the front door to look outside, they're beside me in a flash, standing expectantly, ready for an adventure.

9. As soon as he opened the door, he was not able to move.

10. "As soon as the farmer said, "Pull Warrick!"


'구문 BIG DATA' 카테고리의 다른 글

no matter  (0) 2018.10.13
w+ever  (0) 2018.10.13
whose  (0) 2018.10.13
be pp  (1) 2018.10.13
had pp  (0) 2018.10.13