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블루티쳐학원 | 등록번호: 762-94-00693 | 중고등 영어 | 수강료: 30(중등), 33(고등), 3+4(특강)




 Video Game Violence




1. Do you ever play video games? If so, how often do you play?

2. Do you have children? Do they play video games and if so, how often do they play?

3. What do you think is the average amount of time school age children in America play video games every day?

4. Do you think most popular video games contain violence?

5. Is there a law in your country (city, state, province, etc.) restricting the sale or rental of violent video games?

6. Who do you think might support this kind of law and who do you think might oppose it?


Video Game Violence


Many school-age children in the United States play video games for close to an hour a day. Almost 90% of the most popular video games contain violence, and much of it is extremely violent.


The video game industry rates games that contain violence or sexual images as “"M”" for mature audiences. Researchers have discovered, though, that children as young as seven years old have played these games.


In July 2005, the state of Illinois passed a law that makes it illegal to sell or rent a video game containing violence or sexual images to anyone under 18 years of age. Those who break the law face a year in prison or a $5,000 fine. The video game industry must label these games as “"violent”" or “"sexually explicit.”"


Many parents and researchers support this law. They believe that children who play violent video games may act more violently in real life. They also believe that the industry is more interested in making money than protecting children from the harmful effects of seeing violent or adult sexual images.


Those who sell or rent video games oppose the law. They think that parents, not video stores, should be responsible for what their children are doing or seeing.


In the past, similar laws have been rejected by American courts, mainly on the basis of free speech. Illinois lawmakers think that their law will be more successful because they have dealt with many of the courts’' concerns. They also think that it is time for the courts to deal more seriously with the harmful impact of these games on children.


In addition to the law, the state will set up a Web site where parents can learn how these games may affect their children. Parents can also report stores that continue to sell or rent these games to minors and companies that have not labeled their games properly.




1. How can someone know if a video game contains violence or sexual images?

2. What kind of law did the state of Illinois pass in 2005 regarding video games?

3. Why do many parents support this law?

4. What do many people who rent or sell video games think about this law?

5. What will the punishment be for someone who breaks this new law in Illinois?




A. Match the words on the left with the correct meaning on the right.

_____ 1. rate a. be against; not support

_____ 2. mature b. strong influence or effect

_____ 3. illegal c. causing injury or hurt or damage

_____ 4. researcher d. estimate the value; classify

_____ 5. minor e. sum of money paid as a penalty or punishment

_____ 6. image f. against the law

_____ 7. fine g. refuse to accept

_____ 8. label h. fully grown or developed; adult

_____ 9. explicit i. clearly and fully shown or expressed

_____ 10. harmful j. someone who studies and looks for answers

_____ 11. oppose k. picture

_____ 12. reject l. put a name or description on something

_____ 13. impact m. young person (under the age of 18)





B. Choose the correct word from the left column above to complete the following sentences.


1. Smoking is very _____________________ to your health.

2. When he drove through the red traffic light, the police gave him a $100 _________________.

3. If she doesn't love him anymore, she will _____________________ his marriage proposal.

4. His year of studying in a foreign country had a very positive _____________________ on his life.

5. His instructions were very _____________________. I understood them very well.




Work with a partner or in small groups. Discuss the following questions.


1. Children's TV programs, comic books, and movies often contain violence. Do you think that violent video games have any different impact on children than these other forms of entertainment?


2. Do you think that a year in jail or a $5000 fine is a fair punishment for breaking the Illinois law? Explain your answer.


3. Do you think that the video game industry has any interest in protecting children from the harmful effects of watching violent or adult sexual images?


4. Do you think most parents carefully monitor the TV programs their children watch and video games they play?


5. Most countries have classifications for movies such as Family Entertainment, General Admission, Parental Guidance, Restricted Adult, etc. Do you think that video games should have a similar type of classification system? Why or why not?






Choose one of the questions above and write a paragraph stating your own opinion.












Below are topics to debate in small groups or pairs. Your teacher will tell you if you will be debating for or against the idea. You will have ten minutes to prepare your arguments. (Your teacher will explain the rules of debate before you begin.)


Topic #1:

It is the responsibility of parents, not lawmakers, to decide which video games their children can play. Therefore, there should be no laws restricting the sale or rental of violent video games to minors.


Topic #2:

Violent video games have a very harmful effect on children and contribute to the increase in violence in our society.











