으로 오세요. 수능/내신 변형, 퀴즈를 무료로 공개합니다.

블루티쳐학원 | 등록번호: 762-94-00693 | 중고등 영어 | 수강료: 30(중등), 33(고등), 3+4(특강)



Dessert wines (or pudding wines BrE) are sweet wines typically served with dessert, such as Sauternes and Tokaji Aszú. Despite the name, they are often best appreciated alone, or with fruit or bakery sweets. There is no simple definition of a dessert wine. In the UK, a dessert wine is considered to be any sweet wine drunk with a meal, as opposed to the white fortified wines (fino and amontillado sherry) drunk before the meal, and the red fortified wines (port and madeira) drunk after it. Thus most fortified wines are regarded as distinct from dessert wines, but some of the less strong fortified white wines, such as Pedro Ximénez sherry and Muscat de Beaumes-de-Venise, are regarded as honorary dessert wines. In the United States, by contrast, a dessert wine is legally defined as any wine over 14% alcohol by volume, which includes all fortified wines - and is taxed more highly as a result. This dates back to a time when the US wine industry only made dessert wines by fortification, but such a classification is outdated now that modern  yeast and viticulture can produce dry wines over 15% without fortification, yet  German dessert wines can contain
                                             half that amount of alcohol.

모르는 어휘가 많을거예요~ wine에 관한 용어가 많아서...
대문자는 신경쓰지 말고(궁금하면 검색!), 모르는 어휘들은 사전을 활용해서 차근차근 해석해보세요~~
영어는 결국 평소에 얼마나 본인을 영어에 담그냐에 따라서 실력이 결정되요... 언어니까...
그나저나 dessert wine 맛있겠당.. ㅋㅋㅋ
