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블루티쳐학원 | 등록번호: 762-94-00693 | 중고등 영어 | 수강료: 30(중등), 33(고등), 3+4(특강)



1. 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [11년 고3 3월 중앙]

 Perhaps our lack of inner peace is partly due to the effect of noise upon the nervous system of modern people. Scientific experiments show that noise in the places where we work, live, or sleep ① reduces efficiency to a noticeable degree. Contrary to popular belief, it is doubtful ② if we ever completely adjust our physical, mental, or nervous mechanisms to noise. No matter ③ how familiar a repeated sound becomes, it never passes unheard by the subconscious. Motor-car horns, the roar of airplanes, and other harsh noises actually result in physical activity ④ while sleep. Impulses transmitted to nerves by these sounds cause muscular movements which disturb real rest. If the reaction is ⑤ extremely severe, it is almost like a shock to our body.

2. 각 괄호 안에서 어법에 맞는 것은? [11년 고3 3월 중앙]

 Cooking at home Is a great way to save money and quit increasing your debt with restaurant charges. Cooking at home takes time, but so (A) [is / does] driving to a restaurant. Busy schedules make it difficult to find the time to cook healthy, tasty, and economical home-cooked meals. The suggestions here can help. You can save time by preparing one or two large meals on the weekend and (B) [scheduling / schedule] leftovers for a meal or two during the week. Soups and stews are easy to prepare in quantity. Take your lunch to work at least three days a week. In addition to (C) [bringing / bring] sandwiches, think about yogurt, vegetables, soup, and microwave meals.

    (A)          (B)         (C) 

① isㅡㅡschedulingㅡㅡbringing 

② isㅡㅡscheduleㅡㅡbring 

③ doesㅡㅡschedulingㅡㅡbringing 

④ doesㅡㅡschedulingㅡㅡbring 

⑤ doesㅡㅡscheduleㅡㅡbring
