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블루티쳐학원 | 등록번호: 762-94-00693 | 중고등 영어 | 수강료: 30(중등), 33(고등), 3+4(특강)



THAT의 용법 (7가지)


1. 지시대명사 : 4가지

1) 단순 지시대명사


That will do.

Can you see that?

That is why I dislike her.


2) 명사 반복 (that + 한정구)


The climate of Korea is milder than that of China.


3) 문장 반복 : “그것도, 그러한 것도”

He makes mistakes, and that very often.


4) “전자”의 의미 (this ~ that)


Work and play are both necessary to health; this gives us rest, and that gives energy.


2. 지시형용사 (that + 명사)


Give me that chair.

What is that boy over there?


3. 지시부사 (that + 형용사․부사)

-주로 <수량>이나 <정도>를 수식해서 “그렇게, 그만큼”의 뜻으로 쓰임.


Don't eat that much.

I can't walk that fast.


4. 접속사(뒤에 완전한 문장을 이끈다.) : 4가지

1) 명사절을 이끄는 that


That she is innocent is certain.

=It is certain that he is innocent.

The trouble is that my father is ill in bed.


2) 동격 명사절

: 타동사 다음에 바로 나오는 that은 그 앞에 the fact, the idea, the situation 등이 생략된 것으로 보고 동격 명사절로 보아야 한다.


I know (the fact) that he was killed during the war.

The hope that he may recover is very faint.


3) 부사절에서 “목적”을 이끄는 that ((so) that ~ may의 형태)


We eat that we may live.


4) 부사절에서 판단의 기준을 이끄는 that : “~하다니”


Are you mad that you should do such a thing?


5. It ~ that 강조구문


I bought the book on Monday.

= It was on Monday that I bought the book.

= It was the book that I bought on Monday.


6. 관계대명사 (선행사 + that ~<불완전한 문장>)

  관계 대명사 that은 계속적 용법(, that형태)나 앞에 전치사와 함께 쓸 수 없다.


He is the greatest singer that has ever lived.

This is the book that I bought yesterday.


7. 관계부사의 대용(代用)으로(뒤에 완전한 문장을 이끈다.)


This is the last time that(=when) I teach you

This is not the way that he did it.

This is the reason that I've raised the question again.
