1609 H3 Wayne Version
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determined asleep invisible untouchable demanding inspiring aspects translating potential creativity dynamic imaginative experimental interactive unstable unstable require translator affective concerns linguistic Translating poetry nonsense demands imaginative visual creativity literature forefront imaginative experimentation evolutionary perspective fostering preserving survival stability force capacity Stable chaos abandon entrenched behaviors constructive unknown territory unfulfilling unknown motivate dying chaos effective strategies stability dual terms unknown confronting overcome strategic value organization effectively statement direction energize strategic intent managements commitment organization distributing statement executives justification Ideally executives grabs engaging convincing strategic enormous value inspired Strategic Statement Innovative Leadership Effective Processes Motivating Organizational Desert occurs Traditionally universal mode existence population nonhunting cattleposts abundant leisure traditional governed comprised length leisurely unhurried / unhurriedly discipline wages belongs / traditional proceeds rotation traditional / democracy matters mutual concern enduring democracy conclusion prescient concentrated / limited corporations political exclusionary political institutions involvement Revolution republic vitality involvement republic Eventually blended / political political process representatives capital resistant / responsive organized democracy conducted democratic republic involvement republic survive prosper prescient assignment explore ventures firms assigned severe forward presentation presentation executives apologize apology introduction presentation identify bonding Typically tribe settlement screamed evolution seldom affection creativity sensitivity control essentially inclined control control control control depression damage immune linearly control optimum encouraged control yield control disregard immune recognize control persistently conquer encoded auditory sequences visually intervals sequence recall recalled resemble stimuli terms visually visually represented length sequence recognized pronounced represent suppose structural representing represented Inquiry analogy representation represented subtraction verbal cylinder entail statement linguistic structure Suppose corresponding exists visual subtraction entail structure linguistic analysis logical structure verbal distinct structurally differs destination introduction reinforcement destination accessible employ awareness resident population promote foster depend widespread social counteracted random violence outcomes guaranteed encourage international behaviour structure generate host structural awareness required foster motivation exploration curiosity explore explored perspective matter curiosity stimulated novelty novelty competence aspects primitive severely injured encounters separate continents rewards eastward unconsciously immigrants confirms nonverbal cues credible verbal cues verbal nonverbal cues conflict nonverbal features disagree nonverbal cues essential perception prompts nonverbal cues intent contradiction intent nonverbal cues leak reveal deception opposite deception sarcastic typically intends recognize sarcastic intent deception typically intends recognize deceptive intent attempting determine sarcastic verbal nonverbal opposition conclude sarcastic dynamic illustrated equal value convenience concern values relative constitute value behave value relative determined relative versus value conflict consistent value inconsistent equally value value conflict disposable consumption outcomes including manufacturer behaves experiment succeeds logically theoretically infinite progression underlying progression sequence gravity identity incidental assume Divine progress experiments sequence successive …… successive …… valuable controlled …… valuable incidental …… influential incidental ……
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○ distinct 별개의 ○ organization 조직 ○ evolution 진화 ○ opposition 반대 ○ aspects 측면방향 ○ motivation 동기 ○ relative 관련있는 ○ confirms 확인하다 ○ invisible 보이지 않는 ○ unknown 알려지지 않은 ○ motivate 동기부여하다 ○ strategic 전략적인 ○ sensitivity 민감성 ○ concerns 걱정 ○ ideally 이상적으로 ○ depression 저하/우울증 ○ successive 연속적인 ○ unstable 안정적이지 않은 ○ exclusionary 배제하는 ○ seldom 좀처럼 ..않다 ○ traditional 전통적인 ○ fostering 촉진/육성하다 ○ sequences 연속 ○ recalled 상기하다 ○ overcome 극복하다 ○ persistently 지속적으로 ○ primitive 원시의 ○ statement 진술 ○ suppose 가정하다 ○ typically 일반적으로 ○ differs 다르다 ○ strategies 전략 ○ conquer 정복하다 ○ underlying 기초하는 ○ ventures 모험 ○ consistent 지속적인 ○ foster 촉진/육성하다 ○ apologize 사과하다 ○ severely 심하게 ○ suppose 가정하다 ○ logical 논리적인 ○ experimental 실험의 ○ credible 믿을만한 ○ equally 똑같이 ○ inclined 경향이 있다 ○ behaviors 행동 ○ innovative 혁신적인 ○ convincing 확신시키다 ○ length 길이 ○ discipline 훈련 ○ host 주인 ○ justification 정당화 ○ recall 상기하다 ○ curiosity 호기심 ○ inspiring 영감을 주다 ○ blended 섞다/혼합하다 ○ confronting 닥치다 ○ potential 잠재적인 ○ force 강요/하게하다 ○ resistant 저항하는 ○ encouraged 격려하다/하게하다 ○ encourage 격려하다/하게하다 ○ recognize 인식하다 ○ effective 효과적인 ○ grabs 파악하다/잡다 ○ resident 거주자 ○ matters 중요하다/문제 ○ disregard 무시하다 ○ depend 의지하다 ○ exploration 탐험 ○ engaging 관여하다 ○ capital 수도 ○ literature 문학 ○ cattleposts ○ cattlepost ○ identity 신원 ○ represent 대표하다 ○ affective 감정의 ○ bonding 결속 ○ enduring 참다 ○ require 필요로하다/요구하다 ○ awareness 인식/의식 ○ population 인구 ○ apology 사과 ○ belongs 속하다 ○ prosper 번영 하다 ○ destination 목적지 ○ commitment 의무/위임 ○ verbal 말의 ○ intervals 간격 ○ dual 이중의 ○ recognized 인식하다 / ○ direction 방향 ○ unfulfilling 수행하지 않다 ○ logically 논리적으로 ○ random 무작위의 ○ forefront 선두 ○ entrenched 침범하다 ○ institutions 협회/단체 ○ control 통제 ○ guaranteed 보장하다 보증하다 ○ explore 탐구하다 ○ counteracted 반대로 작용하다 ○ reveal 드러내다 ○ strategic 전략적인 ○ survive 살아남다 ○ rotation 회전 ○ perception 인식 ○ demands 요구하다 ○ occurs 발생하다 ○ mode 방식 ○ comprised 포함하다 ○ linearly 선으로 ○ reinforcement 강화 ○ unhurried ○ stimulated 자극하다 ○ continents 대륙 ○ disagree 다르다 ○ values 가치 ○ represented 대표하다 ○ rewards 보상 ○ illustrated 묘사하다 ○ immune 면역력의 ○ damage 손해 ○ behave 행동하다 ○ interactive 쌍방향의 ○ valuable 소중한 ○ controlled 통제하다 ○ evolutionary 진화하는 ○ incidental 부수적인 ○ outcomes 결과 ○ visual 시각적인 …… ○ encounters 만나다 ○ imaginative 상상력이 ○ optimum 최적조건 ○ inspired 고무시키다 영감을 주다 ○ survival 생존 ○ tribe 부족 ○ inquiry 탐구 ○ injured 다치게 하다 ○ equal 같은 ○ democracy 민주주의 ○ assigned 맡기다 ○ generate 발생시키다 ○ governed 통치하다 ○ asleep 잠들어 ○ forward 앞으로 ○ involvement 관여 ○ visually 시각적으로 ○ determined 결심하다 ○ pronounced 발음하다 ○ presentation 발표 ○ intends 의도하다 ○ succeeds 성공하다 ○ infinite 무한한 ○ perspective 관점 ○ responsive 반응하는 ○ immigrants 이민 ○ abundant 풍부한 ○ leisurely 여유있는 ○ prescient 미리 아는 ○ unconsciously 무의식적으로 ○ deceptive 속이는 ○ divine 성스러운 ○ theoretically 이론적으로 ○ untouchable 만질 수 없는 ○ creativity 창의력 ○ existence 존재 ○ organized 정리하다 정리하다 ○ constructive 건설적인 ○ leisure 여가 ○ introduction 소개 ○ experiment 실험 ○ capacity 용량 ○ translating 통역하다 ○ inconsistent 일치하지 않는 ○ representing 대표하다 ○ identify 확인하다 ○ conclusion 결론 ○ contradiction 모순/반대 ○ progress 진보 ○ concern 걱정 ○ abandon ○ concentrated 집중하다 ○ subtraction 빼기 ○ analysis 분석 ○ employ 고용하다 ○ linguistic ○ experiments 실험 ○ dynamic 역동적인 ○ wages 임금 ○ universal 보편적인 ○ nonverbal 비언어적인 ○ firms 회사 ○ manufacturer 제조업자 ○ assignment 임무/숙제 ○ explored 탐구하다 ○ violence 폭력/위반 ○ eastward 동쪽으로 ○ sequence 연속 ○ accessible 접근하기쉬운 ○ process 처리하다 ○ stimuli 자극 ○ territory 영토 ○ disposable 쓰고 버릴수 있는 ○ stability 안정성 ○ resemble 닮다 ○ energize 힘을 주다 ○ vitality 활력/생명력 ○ motivating 동기부여하다 ○ auditory 청각의 ○ effective 효과적인 ○ managements 관리 ○ nonhunting ○ nonhunt ○ effectively 효과적으로 ○ essential 필수적인 ○ affection 애정 ○ behaviour 행동 ○ behaves 행동하다 ○ intent 의도 ○ influential 영향력 있는 ○ corporations 법인/회사 ○ desert 사막 ○ poetry 시 ○ severe 극심한 ○ matter 중요하다/문제 ○ distributing 분배하다 ○ social 사회의 ○ republic 공화국 ○ novelty 새로움 ○ deception 속임 ○ statement 진술 ○ essentially 본질적으로 ○ encoded 암호화하다 ○ structural 구조적인 ○ political 정치의 ○ organizational 조직의 ○ preserving 보존하다 ○ value 가치 ○ processes 과정 ○ international 국제적인 ○ corresponding 해당하는 대응하다 ○ eventually 결국 ○ convenience 편리함 ○ promote 장려/승진시키다 ○ dying 죽는 ○ unhurriedly 느긋하게 ○ competence 능력 ○ executives 행정부/이사 ○ analogy 유사성 ○ sarcastic 빈정대는 ○ screamed 비명을 지르다 ○ separate 분리된 ○ experimentation 실험 ○ conclude 결론을 ○ chaos 혼돈 ○ settlement 정착 ○ nonsense 무의미한 말/행동 ○ limited 제한 ○ attempting 시도 ○ demanding 요구하다 ○ translating 통역하다 ○ yield 생산하다/양보 ○ features 특징 ○ including 포함하여 (전치사)포함하여 ○ proceeds 계속하다 ○ prompts 즉석의 ○ opposite 반대쪽의 ○ determine 결심하다 ○ versus ○ vs. ○ traditionally 전통적으로 ○ structurally 구조적으로 ○ leadership 대표직 ○ cues 신호/암시 ○ terms 용어 ○ widespread 광범위한 ○ democratic 민주주의의 ○ stable 안정된 ○ consumption 소비 ○ gravity 중력 ○ entail 수반하다/필요로 하다 ○ assume 가정하다 가정하다 ○ revolution 혁명 ○ translator 번역가 ○ progression 전진/진행 ○ enormous 큰 ○ mutual 상호 ○ cylinder 기둥/원통 ○ leak 새다 ○ typically 일반적으로 ○ representatives ○ conducted 수행하다 ○ representation 표시/대표 ○ constitute 구성하다 ○ structure 구조 ○ exists 존재하다 ○ conflict 대립 ○ required 필요로하다/요구하다
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COLOR⇢ ◼︎키워드 ◼︎연결어 ◼︎방향성 ◼︎접속사 ◼︎등위접속사 ◼︎전치사 ◼︎기본동사
#20 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? My barely-five-year-old son couldn’t go to bed one night until he wrote “I love you Mom” on a piece of paper. Pajamas on, redcrayon in hand, he was very determined. A few mixed-up letters, a couple of crumpled papers, and some help from Daddy later, he handed me his heart on the page. Then, finally, he relaxed enough to fall asleep. Sometimes, saying how you feel just isn’t enough. Spoken words are invisible and untouchable. Write it down, however, and you can see it, feel it, hold it, keep it forever. Although we may think it, we can’t really give someone our heart. But by writing, we can give someone our heart on a page. A love note is a piece of paper that is a little piece of your heart. Teach your child how to write love notes, and I promise you will have many, many happy returns. ① 자녀의 활동에 동참하여 유대감을 강화하라. ② 자녀가 글을 통해 마음을 표현하도록 가르치라. ③ 자녀가 부모의 사랑을 느낄 수 있도록 행동하라. ④ 자녀에게 대화를 통해 자연스럽게 감정을 표현하라. ⑤ 자녀의 인지 능력 향상을 위해 글쓰기 교육을 하라. #21 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? One of the most demanding, and at the same time inspiring, aspects of translating for children is the potential for such creativity that arises from what Peter Hollindale has called the ‘childness’ of children’s texts: ‘the quality of being a child ― dynamic, imaginative, experimental, interactive and unstable’. The ‘unstable’ qualities of childhood that Hollindale cites require a writer or translator to have an understanding of the freshness of language to the child’s eye and ear, the child’s affective concerns and the linguistic and dramatic play of early childhood. Translating sound, for example, whether in the read-aloud qualities of books for the younger child, in animal noises, children’s poetry or in nonsense rhymes, demands imaginative solutions ― as indeed does working with visual material. Such multi-faceted creativity has, at times, placed children’s literature at the forefront of imaginative experimentation. ① 아동문학 번역에서는 아동의 특성에 기반을 둔 창의성이 요구된다. ② 아동문학 속 다양한 의성어는 아동의 창의성 발달에 도움이 된다. ③ 아동문학 번역가는 아동의 태도를 긍정적으로 변화시키는 데 기여한다. ④ 아동문학가는 아동의 성장 과정을 구체적으로 표현할 수 있어야 한다. ⑤ 아동문학은 아동 언어 발달에 도움이 되는 다양한 요소들을 담고 있다. #22 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? From an evolutionary perspective, fear has contributed to both fostering and limiting change, and to preserving the species. We are programmed to be afraid. It is a survival need, as is stability, which is another force of nature that can limit the capacity to change. Stable patterns are necessary lest we live in chaos; however, they make it difficult to abandon entrenched behaviors, even those that are no longer useful, constructive, or health creating. And fear can keep you from changing when you don’t want to risk a step into unknown territory; for example, some people choose not to leave an unfulfilling job or a failing relationship because they fear the unknown more than the known. On the other hand, fear can also motivate change in order to avoid something you’re afraid of, such as dying young ― as one of your parents might have. ① fear’s negative roles in cases of chaos ② effective strategies for maintaining stability ③ fear and its dual functions in terms of change ④ the necessities of reducing a fear of the unknown ⑤ ways of confronting fear to overcome difficulties in life #23 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? A strategic vision has little value to the organization unless it’s effectively communicated down the line to lower-level managers and employees. It would be difficult for a vision statement to provide direction to decision makers and energize employees toward achieving long-term strategic intent unless they know of the vision and observe management’s commitment to that vision. Communicating the vision to organization members nearly always means putting “where we are going and why” in writing, distributing the statement organizationwide, and having executives personally explain the vision and its justification to as many people as possible. Ideally, executives should present their vision for the company in a manner that reaches out and grabs people’s attention. An engaging and convincing strategic vision has enormous motivational value ― for the same reason that a stone mason is inspired by building a great cathedral for the ages. ① What Makes a Strategic Vision Successful? ② Why Is Creating a Vision Statement Difficult? ③ Building a Future: Innovative Leadership Training ④ Effective Decision-Making Processes in Organizations ⑤ Motivating Employees through Organizational Development #25 !Kung San에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? The !Kung San, also known as the Bushmen, live in the Kalahari Desert in southern Africa. The “!K” in the name “!Kung” is like the sound that occurs when a cork is pulled from a bottle. Traditionally, they lived by hunting and gathering, the way of life that was the universal mode of human existence until 10,000 years ago. The total population of the !Kung San in 1986 was about 15,000, with most of them living in nonhunting and gathering situations on cattleposts or farms. The !Kung San in the Dobe area of Botswana were divided into twenty five groups with a mean size of eighteen to twenty people. The !Kung San in that area had abundant food supply and a lot of leisure time. The main food crop was the wild mongongo nut, millions of which were harvested every year. ① 남부 아프리카 Kalahari 사막에 산다. ② 이름 속 “!K”는 병에서 코르크 마개를 뽑을 때 나는 소리와 유사하다. ③ 1986년에 전체 인구가 약 15,000명이었다. ④ Botswana의 Dobe 지역에서는 25개의 그룹으로 나뉘어 있었다. ⑤ Dobe 지역에서 식량은 부족했지만 여가 시간은 많았다. #28 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은? Like life in traditional society, but unlike other team sports, baseball is not governed by the clock. A football game is comprised of exactly sixty minutes of play, a basketball game forty or forty-eight minutes, but baseball has no set length of time within which the game must be completed. The pace of the game is therefore leisurely and (A) [unhurried / unhurriedly], like the world before the discipline of measured time, deadlines, schedules, and wages paid by the hour. Baseball belongs to the kind of world (B) [which / in which] people did not say, “I haven’t got all day.” Baseball games do have all day to be played. But that does not mean that they can go on forever. Baseball, like traditional life, proceeds according to the rhythm of nature, specifically the rotation of the Earth. During its first half century, games were not played at night, which meant that baseball games, like the traditional work day, (C) [ending / ended] when the sun set. #29 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은? You can’t have a democracy if you can’t talk with your neighbors about matters of mutual interest or concern. Thomas Jefferson, who had an enduring interest in democracy, came to a similar conclusion. He was prescient in understanding the dangers of (A) [concentrated / limited] power, whether in corporations or in political leaders or exclusionary political institutions. Direct involvement of citizens was what had made the American Revolution possible and given the new republic vitality and hope for the future. Without that involvement, the republic would die. Eventually, he saw a need for the nation to be (B) [blended / subdivided] into “wards” ― political units so small that everyone living there could participate directly in the political process. The representatives for each ward in the capital would have to be (C) [resistant / responsive] to citizens organized in this way. A vibrant democracy conducted locally would then provide the active basic unit for the democratic life of the republic. With that kind of involvement, the republic might survive and prosper. * prescient: 선견지명이 있는 ** vibrant: 활력이 넘치는 #30 밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은? Harumi Tanaka, from Osaka, Japan, had accepted an assignment in Boston. His task was to explore the possibility of developing joint ventures with American firms. ① He had been invited by one company to spend a month there and had been assigned an office and a research assistant. Harumi agreed on a Monday to present a business plan the following Friday. On Tuesday, the computers in the company crashed, and the research assistant called in sick with a severe case of the flu. Still, Harumi pushed forward and presented ② his plan on Friday. He began his presentation, “I’m sorry that ③ I am not well prepared. This meeting may not be a good use of your time.” He then went into a clear, interesting presentation. After the meeting, one of the American executives said, “④ I don’t know why you had to apologize. Everyone knows about the computer crash and your assistant’s illness.” Harumi responded that he thought that the apology would be a good introduction to ⑤ his presentation. #31. A sleeping mother has the ability to identify the particular cry of her own baby. This is one of the bonding factors that has been forgotten because of the way in which we live today. Typically, there is now only one newborn baby in any family house or apartment, so there is no way to test this ability. In an ancient tribe, however, living in small huts in a tiny village settlement, a mother would have been able to hear any of the babies crying in the night. If she woke up every time one of them screamed for food, she might get no sleep at all. During the course of evolution she became programmed to awake only at the sound of her own particular baby. This ______ is still there to this day, even though it is seldom used. ① affection ② creativity ③ sociability④ intolerance ⑤ sensitivity #32. When people try to control situations that are essentially uncontrollable, they are inclined to experience high levels of stress. Thus, suggesting that they need to take active control is bad advice in those situations. What they need to do is to accept that some things are beyond their control. Similarly, teaching people to accept a situation that could readily be changed could be bad advice; sometimes the only way to get what you want is to take active control. Research has shown that when people who feel helpless fail to take control, they experience negative emotional states such as anxiety and depression. Like stress, these negative emotions can damage the immune response. We can see from this that health is not linearly related to control. For optimum health, people should be encouraged to take control to a point ______. ① but to yield to the situations within their control ② but to disregard immune response when stressed ③ but to recognize when further control is impossible ④ and to fight against uncontrollable situations persistently ⑤ and to try harder to conquer uncontrollable stressful situations #33. A good deal of the information stored in working memory is encoded in an auditory form, especially when the information is language based. For example, in an early study by Conrad, adults were shown six-letter sequences, with letters being presented visually, one at a time, at intervals of three-fourths of a second. As soon as the last letter of a sequence had been presented, participants in the study wrote down all six of the letters they had seen, guessing at any letters they couldn’t easily recall. When people recalled letters incorrectly, the letters they said they had seen were more likely to resemble the actual stimuli in terms of ______. For example, the letter F was “remembered” as the auditorially similar letter S 131 times but as the visually similar letter P only 14 times. Similarly, the letter V was remembered as B 56 times but as X only 5 times. ① how the letters were visually represented ② how the letters sounded than how they looked ③ how the length of the letter sequence was recognized ④ how the letters were ordered than how they were pronounced ⑤ how often the letters appeared than how long they were shown #34. Even if it is correct to say that we express and represent our thoughts in language, it may be a big mistake to suppose that there are structural similarities between what is doing the representing and what is represented. Robert Stalnaker, in his book Inquiry, suggests an analogy with the representation of numbers: The number 9 can be represented as ‘12—3’ but it does not follow that 12, 3, or subtraction are constituents of the number 9. We could compare a thought and its verbal expression with toothpaste and its ‘expression’ from a tube. That the result of expressing toothpaste is a long, thin, cylinder does not entail that toothpaste itself is long, thin, or cylindrical. Similarly, a thought might get expressed out loud in a statement with a particular linguistic structure. It does not follow that ______. Suppose, for example, that I look at a fruit bowl, and think that there is an apple and an orange in that bowl. The objects in front of my eyes include some pieces of fruit and a bowl, but no object corresponding to the word ‘and’ exists either in the world or in my visual image. * subtraction: 빼기 ** entail: 의미(함의)하다 ① the thought itself has such a structure ② linguistic analysis of a thought is unlikely ③ the language in mind lacks a logical structure ④ a thought and its verbal expression are distinct ⑤ the sentence structurally differs from the thought #35 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? The pull effect of a destination can be positively influenced by the introduction and reinforcement of pro-tourism policies that make a destination more accessible. ① Governments, for example, can and often do employ awareness campaigns among the resident population to promote a welcoming attitude towards visitors, in order to foster a positive market image. ② However, because such campaigns depend on widespread social engineering, and because their effects can be counteracted by random acts of violence, positive outcomes cannot be guaranteed. ③ Most governments in developing countries encourage international tourism because tourists from wealthy countries usually spend more. ④ Furthermore, it is the behaviour of some tourists, and the structure and development of tourism itself, that often generate negative attitudes within the host community. ⑤ This implies that major structural changes to tourism itself, rather than awareness campaigns, may be required to foster a welcoming attitude. #36. Psychologists Dember and Earl suggested that the motivation for exploration had its roots in a curiosity drive. (A) This is very important for understanding why people will often return to explore things that they explored before or do things they have done before. In our daily lives, for example, we might decide to listen to a piece of music that we have listened to many times. (B) By returning to that music with a new or fresh perspective, perhaps as a result of listening to other music, we find something new and interesting. One reason that people can play a card game such as bridge over and over is that no matter how many times you have played the game, it will be different in some way. (C) They suggested that curiosity is stimulated by novelty and argued that novelty is in the eye of the beholder. We could have seen something many times before, but as the result of having new skills or competence, we discover new or different aspects of that object. #37. The hunters, armed only with primitive weapons, were no real match for an angry mammoth. Many were probably killed or severely injured in the close encounters that were necessary to slay one of these gigantic animals. (A) Some of them may have traveled by small boat along the coast, but many walked. Twenty thousand years ago, at the height of the last glacial period, sea level was so low that dry land joined what are now separate continents. (B) But the rewards were great when one was brought down. A single mammoth could feed, clothe, and supply a band for a long time. The hunters had followed the mammoths and other large animals eastward from Asia across what is now the Bering Sea. (C) Slowly, imperceptibly, and probably unconsciously, hunters had moved across the land bridge and become the first immigrants to the new land. Without the ice age, North America might have remained unpopulated for thousands of years more. * slay: 죽이다 #38. Even so, research confirms the finding that nonverbal cues are more credible than verbal cues, especially when verbal and nonverbal cues conflict. Researchers have reported various nonverbal features of sarcasm. ( ① ) Most disagree as to whether nonverbal cues are essential to the perception of sarcasm or the emotion that prompts it. ( ② ) Also, nonverbal cues are better indicators of speaker intent. ( ③ ) As the nature of sarcasm implies a contradiction between intent and message, nonverbal cues may “leak” and reveal the speaker’s true mood as they do in deception. ( ④ ) Ostensibly, sarcasm is the opposite of deception in that a sarcastic speaker typically intends the receiver to recognize the sarcastic intent; whereas, in deception the speaker typically intends that the receiver not recognize the deceptive intent. ( ⑤ ) Thus, when communicators are attempting to determine if a speaker is sarcastic, they compare the verbal and nonverbal message and if the two are in opposition, communicators may conclude that the speaker is being sarcastic. * sarcasm: 비꼼 ** ostensibly: 표면상 #39. This dynamic can be illustrated with the example of parents who place equal value on convenience and concern for the environment. Our total set of values and their relative importance to us constitute our value system. ( ① ) The way that we behave in a given situation is often influenced by how important one value is to us relative to others. ( ② ) For instance, deciding whether to spend Saturday afternoon relaxing with your family or exercising will be determined by the relative importance that you place on family versus health. ( ③ ) You feel value conflict when you do something that is consistent with one value but inconsistent with another equally important value. ( ④ ) They may experience value conflict if they buy disposable diapers for their babies. ( ⑤ ) Consumers facing such decisions consider not only the product’s immediate consumption outcomes but also the product’s general effect on society, including how the manufacturer behaves (e.g., toward the environment). * diaper: 기저귀 #40 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? In science one experiment, whether it succeeds or fails, is logically followed by another in a theoretically infinite progression. According to the underlying myth of modern science, this progression is always replacing the smaller knowledge of the past with the larger knowledge of the present, which will be replaced by the yet larger knowledge of the future. In the arts, by contrast, no limitless sequence of works is ever implied or looked for. No work of art is necessarily followed by a second work that is necessarily better. Given the methodologies of science, the law of gravity and the genome were bound to be discovered by somebody; the identity of the discoverer is incidental to the fact. But it appears that in the arts there are no second chances. We must assume that we had one chance each for The Divine Comedy and King Lear. If Dante and Shakespeare had died before they wrote those works, nobody ever would have written them. [요약] While scientific knowledge is believed to progress through _____ experiments, an artistic work tends to be _____ to its creator with no limitless sequence implied. ① successive …… unique ② successive …… valuable ③ controlled …… valuable ④ incidental …… influential ⑤ incidental …… unique
This is ⌘Cloze. Fill in the blanks. 😉
#20 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
My (barely )-five-year-old son couldn’t go to bed one night until he wrote “I love you Mom” on a piece of paper.
Pajamas on, redcrayon in hand, he was very (determined ).
A few mixed-up letters, a couple of crumpled papers, and some help from Daddy later, he handed me his heart on the page.
Then, finally, he relaxed (enough to ) fall (asleep ).
Sometimes, saying how you feel just isn’t enough.
Spoken words are (invisible ) and (untouchable ).
Write it down, however, and you can see it, feel it, (hold ) it, keep it forever.
Although we may think it, we can’t really give someone our heart.
But by writing, we can give someone our heart on a page.
A love note is a piece of paper that is a little piece of your heart.
Teach your child how to write love notes, and I promise you will have many, many happy returns.
#21 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
One of the most (demanding ), and at the same time (inspiring ), (aspects ) of (translating ) for children is the (potential ) for such (creativity ) that (arises ) from what Peter Hollindale has (called ) the ‘childness’ of children’s texts: ‘the quality of being a child ― (dynamic ), (imaginative ), (experimental ), (interactive ) and (unstable )’.
The ‘(unstable )’ qualities of childhood that Hollindale cites (require ) a writer or (translator ) to have an understanding of the freshness of language to the child’s eye and ear, the child’s (affective ) (concerns ) and the (linguistic ) and dramatic play of early childhood.
(Translating ) sound, for example, whether in the read-(aloud ) qualities of books for the younger child, in animal noises, children’s (poetry ) or in (nonsense ) rhymes, (demands ) (imaginative ) solutions ― as (indeed ) does working with (visual ) material.
Such multi-faceted (creativity ) has, at times, placed children’s (literature ) at the (forefront ) of (imaginative ) (experimentation ).
#22 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
From an (evolutionary ) (perspective ), fear has (contributed to ) both (fostering ) and limiting change, and (to preserving ) the species.
We are (programmed to ) be afraid.
It is a (survival ) need, as is (stability ), which is another (force ) of nature that can limit the (capacity ) to change.
(Stable ) patterns are necessary (lest ) we live in (chaos ); however, they (make it ) difficult to (abandon ) (entrenched ) (behaviors ), even those that are no longer useful, (constructive ), or health creating.
And fear can keep you from changing when you don’t want to risk a step into (unknown ) (territory ); for example, some people choose not to leave an (unfulfilling ) job or a failing relationship because they fear the (unknown ) more than the known.
On the other hand, fear can also (motivate ) change in order to avoid something you’re afraid of, such as (dying ) young ― as one of your parents might have.
#23 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
A (strategic ) vision has little (value ) to the (organization ) (unless ) it’s (effectively ) communicated down the line to (lower )-level managers and (employees ).
It would be difficult for a vision (statement ) to provide (direction ) to decision makers and (energize ) (employees ) (toward ) achieving s007long-terme007 (strategic ) (intent ) (unless ) they know of the vision and observe (management )’s (commitment ) to that vision.
Communicating the vision to (organization ) members nearly always means putting “where we are going and why” in writing, (distributing ) the (statement ) organizationwide, and having (executives ) (personally ) explain the vision and its (justification ) (to as ) many people as possible.
(Ideally ), (executives ) should present their vision for the company in a manner that (reaches ) out and (grabs ) people’s attention.
An (engaging ) and (convincing ) (strategic ) vision has (enormous ) motivational (value ) ― for the same reason that a stone mason is (inspired ) by building a great cathedral for the ages.
#25 !Kung San에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
The !Kung San, also (known as ) the Bushmen, live in the Kalahari (Desert ) in southern Africa.
The “!K” in the name “!Kung” is like the sound that (occurs ) when a cork is pulled from a bottle.
(Traditionally ), they lived by hunting and gathering, the way of life that was the (universal ) (mode ) of human (existence ) until 10,000 years ago.
The total (population ) of the !Kung San in 1986 was about 15,000, with most of them living in (nonhunting ) and gathering situations on (cattleposts ) or farms.
The !Kung San in the Dobe area of Botswana were divided into twenty five groups with a mean size of eighteen to twenty people.
The !Kung San in that area had (abundant ) food supply and a lot of (leisure ) time.
The main food crop was the wild mongongo nut, millions of which were harvested every year.
#28 , , 의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Like life in (traditional ) society, but (unlike ) other team sports, baseball is not (governed ) by the clock.
A football game is (comprised ) of exactly sixty minutes of play, a basketball game forty or forty-eight minutes, but baseball has no set (length ) of time within which the game must be (completed ).
The pace of the game is (therefore ) (leisurely ) and [(unhurried ) / (unhurriedly )], like the world before the (discipline ) of measured time, deadlines, (schedules ), and (wages ) paid by the hour.
Baseball (belongs ) to the kind of world [which / in which] people did not say, “I haven’t got all day.”
Baseball games do have all day to be played.
But that does not mean that they can go on forever.
Baseball, like (traditional ) life, (proceeds ) according to the rhythm of nature, (specifically ) the (rotation ) of the Earth.
During its first half century, games were not played at night, which meant that baseball games, like the (traditional ) work day, [ending / ended] when the sun set.
#29 어휘
You can’t have a (democracy ) if you can’t talk with your neighbors about (matters ) of (mutual ) interest or (concern ).
Thomas Jefferson, who had an (enduring ) interest in (democracy ), came to a similar (conclusion ).
He was (prescient ) in understanding the dangers of [(concentrated ) / (limited )] power, whether in (corporations ) or in (political ) leaders or (exclusionary ) (political ) (institutions ).
Direct (involvement ) of citizens was what had made the American (Revolution ) possible and given the new (republic ) (vitality ) and hope for the future.
Without that (involvement ), the (republic ) would die.
(Eventually ), he saw a need for the nation to be [(blended ) / subdivided] into “wards” ― (political ) units so small that everyone living there could participate directly in the (political ) (process ).
The (representatives ) for each ward in the (capital ) would have to be [(resistant ) / (responsive )] to citizens (organized ) in this way.
A vibrant (democracy ) (conducted ) locally would then provide the active basic unit for the (democratic ) life of the (republic ).
With that kind of (involvement ), the (republic ) might (survive ) and (prosper ).
#30 밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
Harumi Tanaka, from Osaka, Japan, had accepted an (assignment ) in Boston.
His task was to (explore ) the possibility of developing joint (ventures ) with American (firms ).
He had been invited by one company to spend a month there and had been (assigned ) an office and a research assistant.
Harumi agreed on a Monday to present a business plan the (following ) Friday.
On Tuesday, the computers in the company crashed, and the research assistant (called ) in sick with a (severe ) case of the flu.
Still, Harumi pushed (forward ) and presented his plan on Friday.
He began his (presentation ), “I’m sorry that I am not well prepared.
This meeting may not be a good use of your time.”
He then went into a clear, interesting (presentation ).
After the meeting, one of the American (executives ) said, “ I don’t know why you had to (apologize ).
Everyone knows about the computer crash and your assistant’s illness.”
Harumi responded that he thought that the (apology ) would be a good (introduction ) to his (presentation ).
A sleeping mother has the ability to (identify ) the (particular ) cry of her own baby.
This is one of the (bonding ) factors that has been forgotten (because of ) the way in which we live today.
(Typically ), there is now only one newborn baby in any family house or apartment, so there is no way to test this ability.
In an ancient (tribe ), however, living in small huts in a tiny village (settlement ), a mother would have been able to hear any of the babies crying in the night.
If she woke up every time one of them (screamed ) for food, she might get no sleep at all.
During the course of (evolution ) she became (programmed to ) awake only at the sound of her own (particular ) baby.
This ______ is still there to this day, even though it is (seldom ) used.
(affection ) (creativity ) sociability intolerance (sensitivity )
When people try to (control ) situations that are (essentially ) uncontrollable, they are (inclined ) to experience high levels of stress.
Thus, (suggesting ) that they need to take active (control ) is bad advice in those situations.
What they need to do is to accept that some things are (beyond ) their (control ).
Similarly, teaching people to accept a situation that could (readily ) be changed could be bad advice; sometimes the only way to get what you want is to take active (control ).
Research has shown that when people who feel helpless (fail to ) take (control ), they experience negative emotional (states ) such as anxiety and (depression ).
Like stress, these negative emotions can (damage ) the (immune )( response ).
We can see from this that health is not (linearly ) (related ) to (control ).
For (optimum ) health, people should be (encouraged ) to take (control ) to a point ______.
but to (yield ) to the situations within their (control )
but to (disregard ) (immune )( response ) when stressed
but to (recognize ) when (further ) (control ) is impossible
and to fight against uncontrollable situations (persistently )
and to try (harder ) to (conquer ) uncontrollable stressful situations
A good deal of the information stored in working memory is (encoded ) in an (auditory ) form, especially when the information is language (based ).
For example, in an early study by Conrad, adults were shown six-letter (sequences ), with letters being presented (visually ), one at a time, at (intervals ) of three-fourths of a second.
As soon as the last letter of a (sequence ) had been presented, participants in the study wrote down all six of the letters they had seen, guessing at any letters they couldn’t easily (recall ).
When people (recalled ) letters incorrectly, the letters they said they had seen were more (likely ) to (resemble ) the actual (stimuli ) in (terms ) of ______.
For example, the letter F was “remembered” as the auditorially similar letter S 131 times but as the (visually ) similar letter P only 14 times.
Similarly, the letter V was (remembered as ) B 56 times but as X only 5 times.
how the letters were (visually ) (represented )
how the letters sounded than how they looked
how the (length ) of the letter (sequence ) was (recognized )
how the letters were ordered than how they were (pronounced )
how often the letters (appeared ) than how long they were shown
Even if it is correct to say that we express and (represent ) our thoughts in language, it may be a big mistake to (suppose ) that there are (structural ) similarities between what is doing the (representing ) and what is (represented ).
Robert Stalnaker, in his book (Inquiry ), (suggests ) an (analogy ) with the (representation ) of numbers: (The number ) 9 can be (represented ) as ‘12—3’ but it does not (follow ) that 12, 3, or (subtraction ) are constituents of (the number ) 9.
We could compare a thought and its (verbal ) expression with toothpaste and its ‘expression’ from a tube.
That the result of expressing toothpaste is a long, thin, (cylinder ) does not (entail ) that toothpaste (itself ) is long, thin, or cylindrical.
Similarly, a thought might get expressed out loud in a (statement ) with a (particular ) (linguistic ) (structure ).
It does not (follow ) that ______.
(Suppose ), for example, that I look at a fruit bowl, and think that there is an apple and an orange in that bowl.
The (objects ) in front of my eyes include some pieces of fruit and a bowl, but no (object ) (corresponding ) to the word ‘and’ (exists ) (either ) in the world or in my (visual ) image.
the thought (itself ) has such a (structure )
(linguistic ) (analysis ) of a thought is (unlikely )
the language in mind lacks a (logical ) (structure )
a thought and its (verbal ) expression are (distinct )
the (sentence ) (structurally ) (differs ) from the thought
#35 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
The pull effect of a (destination ) can be positively influenced by the (introduction ) and (reinforcement ) of pro-tourism policies that make a (destination ) more (accessible ).
Governments, for example, can and often do (employ ) (awareness ) campaigns among the (resident ) (population ) to (promote ) a welcoming attitude (towards ) visitors, in order to (foster ) a positive market image.
However, because such campaigns (depend ) on (widespread ) (social ) engineering, and because their effects can be (counteracted ) by (random ) acts of (violence ), positive (outcomes ) cannot be (guaranteed ).
Most governments in developing countries (encourage ) (international ) tourism because tourists from wealthy countries usually spend more.
Furthermore, it is the (behaviour ) of some tourists, and the (structure ) and development of tourism (itself ), that often (generate ) negative attitudes within the (host ) community.
This implies that major (structural ) changes to tourism (itself ), (rather ) than (awareness ) campaigns, may be (required ) to (foster ) a welcoming attitude.
Researchers have reported various (nonverbal ) (features ) of sarcasm.
Even so, research (confirms ) the finding that (nonverbal ) (cues ) are more (credible ) than (verbal ) (cues ), especially when (verbal ) and (nonverbal ) (cues ) (conflict ).
Most (disagree ) as to whether (nonverbal ) (cues ) are (essential ) to the (perception ) of sarcasm or the emotion that (prompts ) it.
Also, (nonverbal ) (cues ) are (better ) indicators of speaker (intent ).
As the nature of sarcasm implies a (contradiction ) between (intent ) and message, (nonverbal ) (cues ) may “(leak )” and (reveal ) the speaker’s true mood as they do in (deception ).
Ostensibly, sarcasm is the (opposite ) of (deception ) in that a (sarcastic ) speaker (typically ) (intends ) the receiver to (recognize ) the (sarcastic ) (intent ); (whereas ), in (deception ) the speaker (typically ) (intends ) that the receiver not (recognize ) the (deceptive ) (intent ).
Thus, when communicators are (attempting ) to (determine ) if a speaker is (sarcastic ), they compare the (verbal ) and (nonverbal ) message and if the two are in (opposition ), communicators may (conclude ) that the speaker is being (sarcastic ).
Our total set of (values ) and their (relative ) importance to us (constitute ) our (value ) system.
This (dynamic ) can be (illustrated ) with the example of parents who place (equal ) (value ) on (convenience ) and (concern ) for the environment.
The way that we (behave ) in a given situation is often influenced by how important one (value ) is to us (relative ) to others.
For instance, deciding whether to spend Saturday afternoon relaxing with your family or exercising will be (determined ) by the (relative ) importance that you place on family (versus ) health.
You feel (value ) (conflict ) when you do something that is (consistent ) with one (value ) but (inconsistent ) with another (equally ) important (value ).
They may experience (value ) (conflict ) if they buy (disposable ) diapers for their babies.
Consumers facing such decisions (consider ) not only the product’s immediate (consumption ) (outcomes ) but also the product’s general effect on society, (including ) how the (manufacturer ) (behaves ) (e.g., (toward ) the environment).
#40 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다.
In science one (experiment ), whether it (succeeds ) or fails, is (logically ) (followed ) by another in a (theoretically ) (infinite ) (progression ).
According to the (underlying ) (myth ) of modern science, this (progression ) is always replacing the smaller knowledge of the past with the larger knowledge of the present, which will be replaced by the yet larger knowledge of the future.
In the arts, by contrast, no limitless (sequence ) of works is ever implied or looked for.
No work of art is (necessarily ) (followed ) by a second work that is (necessarily ) (better ).
Given the methodologies of science, the law of (gravity ) and the genome were bound to be discovered by somebody; the (identity ) of the discoverer is (incidental ) to the fact.
But it (appears ) that in the arts there are no second chances.
We must (assume ) that we had one chance each for The (Divine ) Comedy and King Lear.
If Dante and Shakespeare had died before they wrote those works, (nobody ) ever would have written them.
This is ⌘Orgin. Fill in the blanks. 😍
#20 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
My barely-five-year-old son couldn’t go to bed one night ⚠️ [접속사]until he wrote “I love you Mom” on a piece of paper.
Pajamas on, redcrayon in hand, he was very determined.
A few mixed-up letters, a couple of crumpled papers, and some help from Daddy later, he handed me his heart on the page.
Then, ⚠️ [연결사]finally , he relaxed enough to fall asleep.
Sometimes, saying ⚠️ [접속사]how you feel just isn’t enough.
Spoken words are invisible and untouchable.
Write it down, ⚠️ [연결사]however , and you can see it, feel it, hold it, keep it forever.
⚠️ [접속사]Although we may think it, we can’t really give someone our heart.
But by writing, we can give someone our heart on a page.
A love note is a piece of paper ⚠️ [접속사]that is a little piece of your heart.
Teach your child ⚠️ [접속사]how to write love notes, and I promise you will have many, many happy returns.
#21 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
One of the most demanding, and at the same time inspiring, aspects of translating for children is the potential for such creativity ⚠️ [접속사]that arises from ⚠️ [접속사]what Peter Hollindale has called the ‘childness’ of children’s texts: ‘the quality of being a child ― dynamic, imaginative, experimental, interactive and unstable’.
The ‘unstable’ qualities of childhood ⚠️ [접속사]that Hollindale cites require a writer or translator to have an understanding of the freshness of language to the child’s eye and ear, the child’s affective concerns and the linguistic and dramatic play of early childhood.
Translating sound, ⚠️ [연결사]for example , whether in the read-aloud qualities of books for the younger child, in animal noises, children’s poetry or in nonsense rhymes, demands imaginative solutions ― as indeed does working with visual material.
Such multi-faceted creativity has, at times, placed children’s literature at the forefront of imaginative experimentation.
#22 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
From an evolutionary perspective, fear has contributed to both fostering and limiting change, and to preserving the species.
We are programmed to be afraid.
It is a survival need, as is stability, ⚠️ [접속사]which is another force of nature ⚠️ [접속사]that can limit the capacity to change.
Stable patterns are necessary lest we live in chaos; ⚠️ [연결사]however , they make it difficult to abandon entrenched behaviors, even those ⚠️ [접속사]that are no longer useful, constructive, or health creating.
And fear can keep you from changing when you don’t want to risk a step into unknown territory; ⚠️ [연결사]for example , some people choose not to leave an unfulfilling job or a failing relationship because they fear the unknown more than the known.
⚠️ [연결사]On the other hand , fear can also motivate change ⚠️ [접속사]in order to avoid something you’re afraid of, such as dying young ― as one of your parents might have.
#23 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
A strategic vision has little value to the organization ⚠️ [접속사]unless it’s effectively communicated down the line to lower-level managers and employees.
It would be difficult for a vision statement to provide direction to decision makers and energize employees toward achieving long-term strategic intent ⚠️ [접속사]unless they know of the vision and observe management’s commitment to ⚠️ [접속사]that vision.
Communicating the vision to organization members nearly always means putting “⚠️ [접속사]where we are going and ⚠️ [접속사]why ” in writing, distributing the statement organizationwide, and having executives personally explain the vision and its justification to as many people as possible.
Ideally, executives should present their vision for the company in a manner ⚠️ [접속사]that reaches out and grabs people’s attention.
An engaging and convincing strategic vision has enormous motivational value ― for the same reason ⚠️ [접속사]that a stone mason is inspired by building a great cathedral for the ages.
#25 !Kung San에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
The !Kung San, also known as the Bushmen, live in the Kalahari Desert in southern Africa.
The “!K” in the name “!Kung” is like the sound ⚠️ [접속사]that occurs when a cork is pulled from a bottle.
Traditionally, they lived by hunting and gathering, the way of life ⚠️ [접속사]that was the universal mode of human existence ⚠️ [접속사]until 10,000 years ago.
The total population of the !Kung San in 1986 was about 15,000, with most of them living in nonhunting and gathering situations on cattleposts or farms.
The !Kung San in the Dobe area of Botswana were divided into twenty five groups with a mean size of eighteen to twenty people.
The !Kung San in ⚠️ [접속사]that area had abundant food supply and a lot of leisure time.
The main food crop was the wild mongongo nut, millions of ⚠️ [접속사]which were harvested every year.
#28 , , 의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Like life in traditional society, but unlike other team sports, baseball is not governed by the clock.
A football game is comprised of exactly sixty minutes of play, a basketball game forty or forty-eight minutes, but baseball has no set length of time within ⚠️ [접속사]which the game must be completed.
The pace of the game is therefore leisurely and [unhurried / unhurriedly], like the world before the discipline of measured time, deadlines, schedules, and wages paid by the hour.
Baseball belongs to the kind of world [⚠️ [접속사]which / in ⚠️ [접속사]which ] people did not say, “I haven’t got all day.”
Baseball games do have all day to be played.
But ⚠️ [접속사]that does not mean ⚠️ [접속사]that they can go on forever.
Baseball, like traditional life, proceeds according to the rhythm of nature, specifically the rotation of the Earth.
During its first half century, games were not played at night, ⚠️ [접속사]which meant ⚠️ [접속사]that baseball games, like the traditional work day, [ending / ended] when the sun set.
#29 어휘
You can’t have a democracy if you can’t talk with your neighbors about matters of mutual interest or concern.
Thomas Jefferson, who had an enduring interest in democracy, came to a similar conclusion.
He was prescient in understanding the dangers of [concentrated / limited] power, whether in corporations or in political leaders or exclusionary political institutions.
Direct involvement of citizens was ⚠️ [접속사]what had made the American Revolution possible and given the new republic vitality and hope for the future.
Without ⚠️ [접속사]that involvement, the republic would die.
Eventually, he saw a need for the nation to be [blended / subdivided] into “wards” ― political units so small ⚠️ [접속사]that everyone living there could participate directly in the political process.
The representatives for each ward in the capital would have to be [resistant / responsive] to citizens organized in this way.
A vibrant democracy conducted locally would then provide the active basic unit for the democratic life of the republic.
With ⚠️ [접속사]that kind of involvement, the republic might survive and prosper.
#30 밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
Harumi Tanaka, from Osaka, Japan, had accepted an assignment in Boston.
His task was to explore the possibility of developing joint ventures with American firms.
He ⚠️ [have be invit]had been invited by one company to spend a month there and ⚠️ [have be assign]had been assigned an office and a research assistant.
Harumi agreed on a Monday to present a business plan the following Friday.
On Tuesday, the computers in the company crashed, and the research assistant called in sick with a severe case of the flu.
Still, Harumi pushed forward and presented his plan on Friday.
He began his presentation, “I’m sorry ⚠️ [접속사]that I am not well prepared.
This meeting may not be a good use of your time.”
He then went into a clear, interesting presentation.
After the meeting, one of the American executives said, “ I don’t know ⚠️ [접속사]why you had to apologize.
Everyone knows about the computer crash and your assistant’s illness.”
Harumi responded ⚠️ [접속사]that he thought ⚠️ [접속사]that the apology would be a good introduction to his presentation.
A sleeping mother has the ability to identify the particular cry of her own baby.
This is one of the bonding factors ⚠️ [접속사]that has been forgotten because of the way in ⚠️ [접속사]which we live today.
Typically, there is now only one newborn baby in any family house or apartment, so there is no way to test this ability.
In an ancient tribe, ⚠️ [연결사]however , living in small huts in a tiny village settlement, a mother would have been able to hear any of the babies crying in the night.
If she woke up every time one of them screamed for food, she might get no sleep at all.
During the course of evolution she became programmed to awake only at the sound of her own particular baby.
This ______ is still there to this day, ⚠️ [접속사]even though it is seldom used.
affection creativity sociability intolerance sensitivity
When people try to control situations ⚠️ [접속사]that are essentially uncontrollable, they are inclined to experience high levels of stress.
Thus, suggesting ⚠️ [접속사]that they need to take active control is bad advice in those situations.
⚠️ [접속사]What they need to do is to accept ⚠️ [접속사]that some things are beyond their control.
Similarly, teaching people to accept a situation ⚠️ [접속사]that could readily be changed could be bad advice; sometimes the only way to get ⚠️ [접속사]what you want is to take active control.
Research has shown ⚠️ [접속사]that when people who feel helpless fail to take control, they experience negative emotional states such as anxiety and depression.
Like stress, these negative emotions can damage the immune response.
We can see from this ⚠️ [접속사]that health is not linearly related to control.
For optimum health, people should be encouraged to take control to a point ______.
but to yield to the situations within their control
but to disregard immune response when stressed
but to recognize when further control is impossible
and to fight against uncontrollable situations persistently
and to try harder to conquer uncontrollable stressful situations
A good deal of the information stored in working memory is encoded in an auditory form, especially when the information is language based.
⚠️ [연결사]For example , in an early study by Conrad, adults were shown six-letter sequences, with letters being presented visually, one at a time, at intervals of three-fourths of a second.
⚠️ [접속사]As soon as the last letter of a sequence ⚠️ [have be present]had been presented , participants in the study wrote down all six of the letters they had seen, guessing at any letters they couldn’t easily recall.
When people recalled letters incorrectly, the letters they said they had seen were more likely to resemble the actual stimuli in terms of ______.
⚠️ [연결사]For example , the letter F was “remembered” as the auditorially similar letter S 131 times but as the visually similar letter P only 14 times.
Similarly, the letter V was remembered as B 56 times but as X only 5 times.
⚠️ [접속사]how the letters were visually represented
⚠️ [접속사]how the letters sounded than ⚠️ [접속사]how they looked
⚠️ [접속사]how the length of the letter sequence was recognized
⚠️ [접속사]how the letters were ordered than ⚠️ [접속사]how they were pronounced
⚠️ [접속사]how often the letters appeared than ⚠️ [접속사]how long they were shown
⚠️ [접속사]Even if it is correct to say ⚠️ [접속사]that we express and represent our thoughts in language, it may be a big mistake to suppose ⚠️ [접속사]that there are structural similarities between ⚠️ [접속사]what is doing the representing and ⚠️ [접속사]what is represented.
Robert Stalnaker, in his book Inquiry, suggests an analogy with the representation of numbers: The number 9 can be represented as ‘12—3’ but it does not follow ⚠️ [접속사]that 12, 3, or subtraction are constituents of the number 9.
We could compare a thought and its verbal expression with toothpaste and its ‘expression’ from a tube.
⚠️ [접속사]That the result of expressing toothpaste is a long, thin, cylinder does not entail ⚠️ [접속사]that toothpaste itself is long, thin, or cylindrical.
Similarly, a thought might get expressed out loud in a statement with a particular linguistic structure.
It does not follow ⚠️ [접속사]that ______.
Suppose, ⚠️ [연결사]for example , ⚠️ [접속사]that I look at a fruit bowl, and think ⚠️ [접속사]that there is an apple and an orange in ⚠️ [접속사]that bowl.
The objects in front of my eyes include some pieces of fruit and a bowl, but no object corresponding to the word ‘and’ exists either in the world or in my visual image.
the thought itself has such a structure
linguistic analysis of a thought is unlikely
the language in mind lacks a logical structure
a thought and its verbal expression are distinct
the sentence structurally differs from the thought
#35 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
The pull effect of a destination can be positively influenced by the introduction and reinforcement of pro-tourism policies ⚠️ [접속사]that make a destination more accessible.
Governments, ⚠️ [연결사]for example , can and often do employ awareness campaigns among the resident population to promote a welcoming attitude towards visitors, ⚠️ [접속사]in order to foster a positive market image.
⚠️ [연결사]However , because such campaigns depend on widespread social engineering, and because their effects can be counteracted by random acts of violence, positive outcomes cannot be guaranteed.
Most governments in developing countries encourage international tourism because tourists from wealthy countries usually spend more.
Furthermore, it is the behaviour of some tourists, and the structure and development of tourism itself, ⚠️ [접속사]that often generate negative attitudes within the host community.
This implies ⚠️ [접속사]that major structural changes to tourism itself, rather than awareness campaigns, may be required to foster a welcoming attitude.
Researchers have reported various nonverbal features of sarcasm.
Even so, research confirms the finding ⚠️ [접속사]that nonverbal cues are more credible than verbal cues, especially when verbal and nonverbal cues conflict.
Most disagree as to whether nonverbal cues are essential to the perception of sarcasm or the emotion ⚠️ [접속사]that prompts it.
Also, nonverbal cues are better indicators of speaker intent.
As the nature of sarcasm implies a contradiction between intent and message, nonverbal cues may “leak” and reveal the speaker’s true mood as they do in deception.
Ostensibly, sarcasm is the opposite of deception in ⚠️ [접속사]that a sarcastic speaker typically intends the receiver to recognize the sarcastic intent; whereas, in deception the speaker typically intends ⚠️ [접속사]that the receiver not recognize the deceptive intent.
Thus, when communicators are attempting to determine if a speaker is sarcastic, they compare the verbal and nonverbal message and if the two are in opposition, communicators may conclude ⚠️ [접속사]that the speaker is being sarcastic.
Our total set of values and their relative importance to us constitute our value system.
This dynamic can be illustrated with the example of parents who place equal value on convenience and concern for the environment.
The way ⚠️ [접속사]that we behave in a given situation is often influenced by ⚠️ [접속사]how important one value is to us relative to others.
⚠️ [연결사]For instance , deciding whether to spend Saturday afternoon relaxing with your family or exercising will be determined by the relative importance ⚠️ [접속사]that you place on family versus health.
You feel value conflict when you do something ⚠️ [접속사]that is consistent with one value but inconsistent with another equally important value.
They may experience value conflict if they buy disposable diapers for their babies.
Consumers facing such decisions consider not only the product’s immediate consumption outcomes but also the product’s general effect on society, including ⚠️ [접속사]how the manufacturer behaves (e.g., toward the environment).
#40 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다.
In science one experiment, whether it succeeds or fails, is logically followed by another in a theoretically infinite progression.
According to the underlying myth of modern science, this progression is always replacing the smaller knowledge of the past with the larger knowledge of the present, ⚠️ [접속사]which will be replaced by the yet larger knowledge of the future.
In the arts, by contrast, no limitless sequence of works is ever implied or looked for.
No work of art is necessarily followed by a second work ⚠️ [접속사]that is necessarily better.
Given the methodologies of science, the law of gravity and the genome were bound to be discovered by somebody; the identity of the discoverer is incidental to the fact.
But it appears ⚠️ [접속사]that in the arts there are no second chances.
We must assume ⚠️ [접속사]that we had one chance each for The Divine Comedy and King Lear.
If Dante and Shakespeare had died before they wrote those works, nobody ever would have written them.
This is ⌘ SentenceOrder. 🤖
20 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
My barely-five-year-old son couldn’t go to bed one night until he wrote “I love you Mom” on a piece of paper.
( ) A few mixed-up letters, a couple of crumpled papers, and some help from Daddy later, he handed me his heart on the page.
( ) Sometimes, saying how you feel just isn’t enough.
( ) Pajamas on, redcrayon in hand, he was very determined.
( ) But by writing, we can give someone our heart on a page.
( ) Although we may think it, we can’t really give someone our heart.
( ) Write it down, however, and you can see it, feel it, hold it, keep it forever.
( ) Then, finally, he relaxed enough to fall asleep.
( ) Teach your child how to write love notes, and I promise you will have many, many happy returns.
( ) A love note is a piece of paper that is a little piece of your heart.
( ) Spoken words are invisible and untouchable.
21 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
One of the most demanding, and at the same time inspiring, aspects of translating for children is the potential for such creativity that arises from what Peter Hollindale has called the ‘childness’ of children’s texts: ‘the quality of being a child ― dynamic, imaginative, experimental, interactive and unstable’.
( ) Translating sound, for example, whether in the read-aloud qualities of books for the younger child, in animal noises, children’s poetry or in nonsense rhymes, demands imaginative solutions ― as indeed does working with visual material.
( ) Such multi-faceted creativity has, at times, placed children’s literature at the forefront of imaginative experimentation.
( ) The ‘unstable’ qualities of childhood that Hollindale cites require a writer or translator to have an understanding of the freshness of language to the child’s eye and ear, the child’s affective concerns and the linguistic and dramatic play of early childhood.
22 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
From an evolutionary perspective, fear has contributed to both fostering and limiting change, and to preserving the species.
( ) On the other hand, fear can also motivate change in order to avoid something you’re afraid of, such as dying young ― as one of your parents might have.
( ) Stable patterns are necessary lest we live in chaos; however, they make it difficult to abandon entrenched behaviors, even those that are no longer useful, constructive, or health creating.
( ) It is a survival need, as is stability, which is another force of nature that can limit the capacity to change.
( ) And fear can keep you from changing when you don’t want to risk a step into unknown territory; for example, some people choose not to leave an unfulfilling job or a failing relationship because they fear the unknown more than the known.
( ) We are programmed to be afraid.
23 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
A strategic vision has little value to the organization unless it’s effectively communicated down the line to lower-level managers and employees.
( ) Communicating the vision to organization members nearly always means putting “where we are going and why” in writing, distributing the statement organizationwide, and having executives personally explain the vision and its justification to as many people as possible.
( ) An engaging and convincing strategic vision has enormous motivational value ― for the same reason that a stone mason is inspired by building a great cathedral for the ages.
( ) Ideally, executives should present their vision for the company in a manner that reaches out and grabs people’s attention.
( ) It would be difficult for a vision statement to provide direction to decision makers and energize employees toward achieving long-term strategic intent unless they know of the vision and observe management’s commitment to that vision.
25 !Kung San에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
The !Kung San, also known as the Bushmen, live in the Kalahari Desert in southern Africa.
( ) The !Kung San in that area had abundant food supply and a lot of leisure time.
( ) Traditionally, they lived by hunting and gathering, the way of life that was the universal mode of human existence until 10,000 years ago.
( ) The main food crop was the wild mongongo nut, millions of which were harvested every year.
( ) The total population of the !Kung San in 1986 was about 15,000, with most of them living in nonhunting and gathering situations on cattleposts or farms.
( ) The “!K” in the name “!Kung” is like the sound that occurs when a cork is pulled from a bottle.
( ) The !Kung San in the Dobe area of Botswana were divided into twenty five groups with a mean size of eighteen to twenty people.
28 , , 의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Like life in traditional society, but unlike other team sports, baseball is not governed by the clock.
( ) The pace of the game is therefore leisurely and unhurried / unhurriedly, like the world before the discipline of measured time, deadlines, schedules, and wages paid by the hour.
( ) During its first half century, games were not played at night, which meant that baseball games, like the traditional work day, ending / ended when the sun set.
( ) Baseball games do have all day to be played.
( ) A football game is comprised of exactly sixty minutes of play, a basketball game forty or forty-eight minutes, but baseball has no set length of time within which the game must be completed.
( ) Baseball belongs to the kind of world which / in which people did not say, “I haven’t got all day.”
( ) But that does not mean that they can go on forever.
( ) Baseball, like traditional life, proceeds according to the rhythm of nature, specifically the rotation of the Earth.
29 어휘
You can’t have a democracy if you can’t talk with your neighbors about matters of mutual interest or concern.
( ) With that kind of involvement, the republic might survive and prosper.
( ) The representatives for each ward in the capital would have to be resistant / responsive to citizens organized in this way.
( ) Thomas Jefferson, who had an enduring interest in democracy, came to a similar conclusion.
( ) A vibrant democracy conducted locally would then provide the active basic unit for the democratic life of the republic.
( ) He was prescient in understanding the dangers of concentrated / limited power, whether in corporations or in political leaders or exclusionary political institutions.
( ) Eventually, he saw a need for the nation to be blended / subdivided into “wards” ― political units so small that everyone living there could participate directly in the political process.
( ) Direct involvement of citizens was what had made the American Revolution possible and given the new republic vitality and hope for the future.
( ) Without that involvement, the republic would die.
30 밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
Harumi Tanaka, from Osaka, Japan, had accepted an assignment in Boston.
( ) After the meeting, one of the American executives said, “ I don’t know why you had to apologize.
( ) Harumi agreed on a Monday to present a business plan the following Friday.
( ) On Tuesday, the computers in the company crashed, and the research assistant called in sick with a severe case of the flu.
( ) This meeting may not be a good use of your time.”
( ) He then went into a clear, interesting presentation.
( ) Everyone knows about the computer crash and your assistant’s illness.”
( ) Still, Harumi pushed forward and presented his plan on Friday.
( ) He had been invited by one company to spend a month there and had been assigned an office and a research assistant.
( ) Harumi responded that he thought that the apology would be a good introduction to his presentation.
( ) He began his presentation, “I’m sorry that I am not well prepared.
( ) His task was to explore the possibility of developing joint ventures with American firms.
A sleeping mother has the ability to identify the particular cry of her own baby.
( ) Typically, there is now only one newborn baby in any family house or apartment, so there is no way to test this ability.
( ) In an ancient tribe, however, living in small huts in a tiny village settlement, a mother would have been able to hear any of the babies crying in the night.
( ) This is one of the bonding factors that has been forgotten because of the way in which we live today.
( ) If she woke up every time one of them screamed for food, she might get no sleep at all.
( ) During the course of evolution she became programmed to awake only at the sound of her own particular baby.
( ) affection creativity sociability intolerance sensitivity
( ) This ______ is still there to this day, even though it is seldom used.
When people try to control situations that are essentially uncontrollable, they are inclined to experience high levels of stress.
( ) For optimum health, people should be encouraged to take control to a point ______.
( ) and to try harder to conquer uncontrollable stressful situations
( ) Thus, suggesting that they need to take active control is bad advice in those situations.
( ) but to disregard immune response when stressed
( ) but to recognize when further control is impossible
( ) but to yield to the situations within their control
( ) We can see from this that health is not linearly related to control.
( ) and to fight against uncontrollable situations persistently
( ) Similarly, teaching people to accept a situation that could readily be changed could be bad advice; sometimes the only way to get what you want is to take active control.
( ) Like stress, these negative emotions can damage the immune response.
( ) Research has shown that when people who feel helpless fail to take control, they experience negative emotional states such as anxiety and depression.
( ) What they need to do is to accept that some things are beyond their control.
A good deal of the information stored in working memory is encoded in an auditory form, especially when the information is language based.
( ) how the letters were visually represented
( ) As soon as the last letter of a sequence had been presented, participants in the study wrote down all six of the letters they had seen, guessing at any letters they couldn’t easily recall.
( ) For example, the letter F was “remembered” as the auditorially similar letter S 131 times but as the visually similar letter P only 14 times.
( ) how often the letters appeared than how long they were shown
( ) For example, in an early study by Conrad, adults were shown six-letter sequences, with letters being presented visually, one at a time, at intervals of three-fourths of a second.
( ) how the letters sounded than how they looked
( ) When people recalled letters incorrectly, the letters they said they had seen were more likely to resemble the actual stimuli in terms of ______.
( ) Similarly, the letter V was remembered as B 56 times but as X only 5 times.
( ) how the length of the letter sequence was recognized
( ) how the letters were ordered than how they were pronounced
Even if it is correct to say that we express and represent our thoughts in language, it may be a big mistake to suppose that there are structural similarities between what is doing the representing and what is represented.
( ) That the result of expressing toothpaste is a long, thin, cylinder does not entail that toothpaste itself is long, thin, or cylindrical.
( ) linguistic analysis of a thought is unlikely
( ) the language in mind lacks a logical structure
( ) The objects in front of my eyes include some pieces of fruit and a bowl, but no object corresponding to the word ‘and’ exists either in the world or in my visual image.
( ) Similarly, a thought might get expressed out loud in a statement with a particular linguistic structure.
( ) It does not follow that ______.
( ) the thought itself has such a structure
( ) the sentence structurally differs from the thought
( ) Robert Stalnaker, in his book Inquiry, suggests an analogy with the representation of numbers: The number 9 can be represented as ‘12—3’ but it does not follow that 12, 3, or subtraction are constituents of the number 9.
( ) a thought and its verbal expression are distinct
( ) We could compare a thought and its verbal expression with toothpaste and its ‘expression’ from a tube.
( ) Suppose, for example, that I look at a fruit bowl, and think that there is an apple and an orange in that bowl.
35 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
The pull effect of a destination can be positively influenced by the introduction and reinforcement of pro-tourism policies that make a destination more accessible.
( ) However, because such campaigns depend on widespread social engineering, and because their effects can be counteracted by random acts of violence, positive outcomes cannot be guaranteed.
( ) Most governments in developing countries encourage international tourism because tourists from wealthy countries usually spend more.
( ) Governments, for example, can and often do employ awareness campaigns among the resident population to promote a welcoming attitude towards visitors, in order to foster a positive market image.
( ) Furthermore, it is the behaviour of some tourists, and the structure and development of tourism itself, that often generate negative attitudes within the host community.
( ) This implies that major structural changes to tourism itself, rather than awareness campaigns, may be required to foster a welcoming attitude.
Researchers have reported various nonverbal features of sarcasm.
( ) Most disagree as to whether nonverbal cues are essential to the perception of sarcasm or the emotion that prompts it.
( ) Ostensibly, sarcasm is the opposite of deception in that a sarcastic speaker typically intends the receiver to recognize the sarcastic intent; whereas, in deception the speaker typically intends that the receiver not recognize the deceptive intent.
( ) As the nature of sarcasm implies a contradiction between intent and message, nonverbal cues may “leak” and reveal the speaker’s true mood as they do in deception.
( ) Also, nonverbal cues are better indicators of speaker intent.
( ) Even so, research confirms the finding that nonverbal cues are more credible than verbal cues, especially when verbal and nonverbal cues conflict.
( ) Thus, when communicators are attempting to determine if a speaker is sarcastic, they compare the verbal and nonverbal message and if the two are in opposition, communicators may conclude that the speaker is being sarcastic.
Our total set of values and their relative importance to us constitute our value system.
( ) You feel value conflict when you do something that is consistent with one value but inconsistent with another equally important value.
( ) The way that we behave in a given situation is often influenced by how important one value is to us relative to others.
( ) This dynamic can be illustrated with the example of parents who place equal value on convenience and concern for the environment.
( ) Consumers facing such decisions consider not only the product’s immediate consumption outcomes but also the product’s general effect on society, including how the manufacturer behaves (e.g., toward the environment).
( ) They may experience value conflict if they buy disposable diapers for their babies.
( ) For instance, deciding whether to spend Saturday afternoon relaxing with your family or exercising will be determined by the relative importance that you place on family versus health.
40 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다.
In science one experiment, whether it succeeds or fails, is logically followed by another in a theoretically infinite progression.
( ) If Dante and Shakespeare had died before they wrote those works, nobody ever would have written them.
( ) Given the methodologies of science, the law of gravity and the genome were bound to be discovered by somebody; the identity of the discoverer is incidental to the fact.
( ) But it appears that in the arts there are no second chances.
( ) According to the underlying myth of modern science, this progression is always replacing the smaller knowledge of the past with the larger knowledge of the present, which will be replaced by the yet larger knowledge of the future.
( ) No work of art is necessarily followed by a second work that is necessarily better.
( ) We must assume that we had one chance each for The Divine Comedy and King Lear.
( ) In the arts, by contrast, no limitless sequence of works is ever implied or looked for.
This is ⌘VOCAB_Eng-Kor Quiz. 😻
What does 'abundant' mean?
①실행하다 ②폭발하다 크게 ③풍부한 ④정당화하다 ⑤차별하다
What does 'accessible' mean?
①법률을 ②접근하기쉬운 ③수익 ④도약하다 ⑤유지
What does 'affection' mean?
①신원 ②똑바로세우다 ③특성들 ④애정 ⑤숙달된
What does 'affective' mean?
①동기 ②충성스러운 ③에 ④유효한 ⑤감정의
What does 'analogy' mean?
①미터 ②탔다 ③유사성 ④저당 ⑤정적인
What does 'apologize' mean?
①중요성 ②제출하다 ③광범위한 ④시력 ⑤사과하다
What does 'apology' mean?
①사과 ②전문적인 ③쌍 ④러닝머신 ⑤신화/잘못된 생각
What does 'asleep' mean?
①길이 ②작전 ③함축성 ④잠들어 ⑤현금
What does 'assignment' mean?
①경찰관 ②근본적인 ③임무/숙제 ④웹사이트 ⑤방어하다
What does 'assume' mean?
①가정하다 ②필요로하다/요구하다 ③선조 ④기념일 ⑤도마뱀
What does 'auditory' mean?
①가설 ②천직 ③청각의 ④다수의 ⑤원리
What does 'behave' mean?
①행동하다 ②의무/위임 ③인정하다 ④활력/생명력 ⑤지저분한
What does 'behaviour' mean?
①옥수수 ②행동 ③체계 ④규제하다 ⑤정의하다
What does 'capacity' mean?
①반점이 ②신화/잘못된 생각 ③처음의 ④용량 ⑤튀다
What does 'capital' mean?
①인기 ②수도 ③질병 ④들어있다 ⑤줄어들다
What does 'commitment' mean?
①허가 ②후퇴 ③내려가다 ④열렬한 ⑤의무/위임
What does 'competence' mean?
①능력 ②발음하다 ③전달하다 ④반응하는 ⑤요새
What does 'concern' mean?
①걱정 ②자유 ③반란 ④부착하다 ⑤저명한
What does 'conclude' mean?
①언급 ②제외한 ③출판 ④범위 ⑤결론을
What does 'conclusion' mean?
①마비시키다 ②결론 ③알려드립니다 ④항의 ⑤동정
What does 'conflict' mean?
①창조 ②믿을만한 ③예 ④대립 ⑤직업
What does 'conquer' mean?
①정복하다 ②제공된 ③습기 ④번째의 ⑤탈수하다
What does 'consistent' mean?
①행동하다 ②진공공백 ③극도의 ④지속적인 ⑤영향력 있는
What does 'constitute' mean?
①동료 ②박수갈채하다 ③사과 ④방해하다 ⑤구성하다
What does 'constructive' mean?
①유창한 ②회기/진행 ③탈수하다 ④건설적인 ⑤터널/지하도
What does 'consumption' mean?
①현금 ②제한하다 ③잘 아는 ④소비 ⑤보냈다
What does 'contradiction' mean?
①관대한 ②구조적인 ③정확함 ④모순/반대 ⑤더
What does 'control' mean?
①심리학 ②통제 ③대하다 ④옥수수 ⑤동질의
What does 'convenience' mean?
①편리함 ②선두 ③부상 ④습한 ⑤소통하다
What does 'corresponding' mean?
①활동 ②해당하는 ③걱정 ④해마다의 ⑤습기
What does 'creativity' mean?
①존경하다 ②발전시키다 ③창의력 ④소개하다 ⑤물리적
What does 'credible' mean?
①간과하다 ②비교적인 ③믿을만한 ④믿을만한 ⑤내부의
What does 'curiosity' mean?
①호기심 ②낙천주의 ③정확한 ④효과적으로 ⑤닥치다
What does 'cylinder' mean?
①행동의 ②버리다 ③굴욕을 주다 ④신문 ⑤기둥/원통
What does 'damage' mean?
①사실상의 ②인류 ③손해 ④장례식 ⑤미리보기
What does 'deception' mean?
①성직자장관 ②지역/부분 ③분리된 ④속임 ⑤이론
What does 'deceptive' mean?
①특징 ②응용하는 ③속이는 ④복잡성 ⑤성취
What does 'democracy' mean?
①보편적인 ②완전한내다 ③알리다 ④공화국 ⑤민주주의
What does 'democratic' mean?
①상정하다 ②이상적으로 ③오르다높아지다 ④과소평가하다 ⑤민주주의의
What does 'depend' mean?
①문제들 ②직업 ③개 ④지질학 ⑤의지하다
What does 'depression' mean?
①저하/우울증 ②제외한 ③기질 ④소유하다 ⑤가치
What does 'destination' mean?
①거주하다 ②수행원 ③목적지 ④사건 ⑤개설된
What does 'direction' mean?
①방어자 ②방향 ③진공공백 ④부상 ⑤반대로 작용하다
What does 'disagree' mean?
①다르다 ②활동적인 ③좌절시키다 ④ ⑤성스러운
What does 'disposable' mean?
①끄다 ②침입자 ③쓰고 버릴수 있는 ④온전한 ⑤얻다
쓰고 버릴수 있는
What does 'disregard' mean?
①공격발병 ②수입 ③단조로운 ④무시하다 ⑤반도
What does 'dual' mean?
①풍성한 ②이중의 ③시민 ④매료된 ⑤힘을 주다
What does 'dynamic' mean?
①위험한 ②들추어내다 ③역동적인 ④적당히 ⑤열정
What does 'eastward' mean?
①숨겨진 ②감정 ③명성 ④동쪽으로 ⑤방언
What does 'effective' mean?
①훅을 ②효과적인 ③해고하다 ④생식하다 ⑤사실에
What does 'effectively' mean?
①깨닫다 ②수소 ③효과적으로 ④정치 ⑤짜다/엮다
What does 'employ' mean?
①팀워크 ②조사 ③운송/수송 ④고용하다 ⑤깨우다
What does 'energize' mean?
①해로움 ②힘을 주다 ③출판 ④내포 하다 ⑤수직의
힘을 주다
What does 'entail' mean?
①수반하다/필요로 하다 ②유죄를 입증하다 ③위쪽 ④편견 ⑤성인
수반하다/필요로 하다
What does 'equal' mean?
①고상한 ②정당화 ③같은 ④그래프 ⑤조약
What does 'equally' mean?
①똑같이 ②청각의 ③쓸모없는 ④선반 ⑤닥치다
What does 'essential' mean?
①끊임없는 ②가치 ③통합 ④필수적인 ⑤벌하다
What does 'essentially' mean?
①본질적으로 ②경제의 ③고안하다 ④배신자 ⑤다수의
What does 'evolution' mean?
①과대평가하다 ②의류 ③고대의 ④진화 ⑤비언어적인
What does 'evolutionary' mean?
①제출된 ②전달하다 ③국가 ④진화하는 ⑤기술
What does 'exclusionary' mean?
①연상 ②상호 ③쓴 ④배제하는 ⑤원칙
What does 'existence' mean?
①존재 ②사인 ③비본질적인 ④사고 ⑤통제하다
What does 'experiment' mean?
①구 ②실험 ③야심 ④평등 ⑤여과장치
What does 'experimental' mean?
①기계공 ②신뢰 ③전달 ④후원자 ⑤실험의
What does 'exploration' mean?
①끊임없는 ②빈번한 ③탐험 ④경계 ⑤민주주의
What does 'forefront' mean?
①뉴런 ②선두 ③휴식 ④촌뜨기 ⑤인류
What does 'forward' mean?
①분명히 하다 ②경쟁자 ③작은 ④앞으로 ⑤가리키다
What does 'foster' mean?
①촉진/육성하다 ②요청 ③계급 ④교환 ⑤만화가
What does 'gravity' mean?
①자발적인 ②시의 ③다음의 ④중력 ⑤조직의
What does 'host' mean?
①이민 ②치수 ③악덕의 ④같은 ⑤주인
What does 'identify' mean?
①바꾸다 ②확인하다 ③뛰어난 ④사장/고용주 ⑤난파된
What does 'identity' mean?
①온전한 ②신원 ③흔드는 ④대응하다 ⑤식민지주민
What does 'imaginative' mean?
①기회 ②연상 ③하는 ④물리학자 ⑤상상력이
What does 'immune' mean?
①계속하다 ②영감 ③사건 ④면역력의 ⑤알리다
What does 'incidental' mean?
①부수적인 ②어휘 ③부과하다 ④중립의 ⑤기원
What does 'including' mean?
①제안하다 ②인식의 ③포함하여 ④항복 ⑤비평
What does 'inconsistent' mean?
①회복하다 ②집중 ③일치하지 않는 ④편안함 ⑤뽑아내다
일치하지 않는
What does 'infinite' mean?
①무한한 ②터널/지하도 ③본질 ④적대적인 ⑤협력하다
What does 'intent' mean?
①독서작문력 ②의도 ③개선하다 ④저항하다 ⑤상기하다
What does 'interactive' mean?
①놀라운 ②동정 ③생존 ④교육적인 ⑤쌍방향의
What does 'international' mean?
①의견 ②실행하다 ③인정하다 ④국제적인 ⑤내부자
What does 'introduction' mean?
①걱정 ②항목 ③정확하지 않은 ④소개 ⑤대체하다
What does 'invisible' mean?
①식민지주민 ②회사 ③보이지 않는 ④쉽게하다 ⑤개설된
보이지 않는
What does 'involvement' mean?
①기술적인 ②소개하다 ③관여 ④범하다 ⑤가족/가정
What does 'justification' mean?
①악덕의 ②정당화 ③무덤 ④회사 ⑤점진적인
What does 'leak' mean?
①인정하다 ②비극 ③새다 ④시 ⑤임명하다
What does 'leisure' mean?
①호르몬의 ②종결하다 ③충분한 ④ 위치를 ⑤여가
What does 'leisurely' mean?
①나쁜 ②나타내다 ③흔드는 ④여유있는 ⑤시대에
What does 'length' mean?
①양육하는 ②길이 ③분위기 ④의지하다 ⑤ 무관심한
What does 'linearly' mean?
①기부 ②청구하다 ③통근하다 ④상정하다 ⑤선으로
What does 'linguistic' mean?
①판 ②시/운문 ③ ④산소 ⑤벽장
What does 'literature' mean?
①문학 ②지위 ③보존하다 ④유혹하다 ⑤유치한
What does 'logical' mean?
①논리적인 ②질병 ③수직의 ④제1 의 ⑤정적인
What does 'logically' mean?
①낭비하는 ②미리 아는 ③논리적으로 ④빚 ⑤운하
What does 'manufacturer' mean?
①탐구하다 ②원정 ③제조업자 ④무질서/이상 ⑤물려받다
What does 'matter' mean?
①침입자 ②미망인 ③연속물 ④일치 ⑤중요하다/문제
What does 'mode' mean?
①방식 ②존경하다 ③낙담시키다 ④독소 ⑤다시
What does 'motivation' mean?
①오르다높아지다 ②칭찬 ③예약하다 ④후원자 ⑤동기
What does 'mutual' mean?
①결론을 ②저작권 ③목표 ④민감한 ⑤상호
What does 'nonsense' mean?
①정직한진실한 ②중앙 ③황량한 ④무의미한 말/행동 ⑤소량
무의미한 말/행동
What does 'nonverbal' mean?
①비언어적인 ②생산하다/양보 ③준비하다 ④동시에 ⑤이혼
What does 'novelty' mean?
①극도의 ②허리캐인 ③동의하다 ④역경 ⑤새로움
What does 'opposite' mean?
①위험 ②반대쪽의 ③소유하다 ④기억하다 ⑤내뿜다
What does 'opposition' mean?
①시도 ②수소 ③그럴 ④빼다 ⑤반대
What does 'optimum' mean?
①먹이 ②완화시키다 ③기하학 ④지리학지리 ⑤최적조건
What does 'organization' mean?
①조직 ②겸손 ③전통적으로 ④공상 ⑤공급 하다
What does 'perception' mean?
①인식 ②신학 ③전진하다 ④격려하다/하게하다 ⑤앞으로
What does 'perspective' mean?
①정교한 ②학부교수진 ③관점 ④걱정하는 ⑤관리하다해내다
What does 'poetry' mean?
①부과하다 ②강화 ③유혹하다 ④예술성 ⑤시
What does 'political' mean?
①종교 ②상상의 ③초대 ④정치의 ⑤본질적으로
What does 'population' mean?
①기분이탈이 ②조상의 ③함께할만한 ④인구 ⑤메모기록
What does 'potential' mean?
①어리석은 ②정확함 ③잠재적인 ④운송/수송 ⑤결점
What does 'prescient' mean?
①미리 아는 ②처리하다 ③반어/풍자 ④용이하게 ⑤예언하다
미리 아는
What does 'presentation' mean?
①생명의/중요한 ②서식지 ③저널리즘 ④발표 ⑤비판적인
What does 'primitive' mean?
①알려지지 않은 ②이론 ③적당히 ④원시의 ⑤투옥하다
What does 'progression' mean?
①비평 ②을 ③감정적인 ④전진/진행 ⑤ 훌륭한
What does 'promote' mean?
①장려/승진시키다 ②제출하다 ③매장 ④영구적인 ⑤상업의
What does 'random' mean?
①궁극적으로 ②무작위의 ③전시 ④극도의 ⑤출석하고
What does 'recall' mean?
①부상 ②방향 ③고용하다 ④상기하다 ⑤유창한
What does 'reinforcement' mean?
①강화 ②강화 ③명백한 ④수레 ⑤신체적으로
What does 'relative' mean?
①관련있는 ②방어 ③위원회 ④주요한 ⑤정신
What does 'represent' mean?
①일반적인 ②외국에 ③시각적인 ④sandier-sandy 모래의 ⑤대표하다
What does 'representation' mean?
①종결하다 ②표시/대표 ③이주하다이동하다 ④연맹 ⑤필사적인
What does 'republic' mean?
①등록 ②개선 ③거짓말하는 ④공화국 ⑤거짓의
What does 'resemble' mean?
①접촉 ②닮다 ③각색 ④분석 ⑤대표자
What does 'resident' mean?
①들러붙다 ②거주자 ③이해하다 ④쌍방향의 ⑤비평가
What does 'resistant' mean?
①철학적인 ②기자들 ③벽장 ④저항하는 ⑤재료요소
What does 'responsive' mean?
①반응하는 ②보상하다 ③진단하다 ④관대한 ⑤유지하다
What does 'reveal' mean?
①촌뜨기 ②사고 ③참가 ④드러내다 ⑤가장
What does 'rotation' mean?
①격려하다/하게하다 ②회전 ③협력하다 ④지구 ⑤목표/객관적인
What does 'sarcastic' mean?
①저항 ②법률의 ③빈정대는 ④적당한 ⑤현실주의
What does 'seldom' mean?
①실패 ②좀처럼 ..않다 ③생산 ④ ⑤제안하다
좀처럼 ..않다
What does 'separate' mean?
①다루다 ②순간때 ③알려드립니다 ④이주하다이동하다 ⑤분리된
What does 'sequence' mean?
①들추어내다 ②그래프 ③보이지 않는 ④연속 ⑤소속사/대리점
What does 'settlement' mean?
①운송/수송 ②개선 ③설득하여 ④정착 ⑤유죄를 입증하다
What does 'severe' mean?
①승리 ②부도덕한 ③극심한 ④빛나다 ⑤풍부
What does 'severely' mean?
①회전 ②(전치사)포함하여 ③요새 ④심하게 ⑤지지자
What does 'social' mean?
①외치다 ②중앙의 ③사회의 ④결국 ⑤부서지기 쉬움
What does 'stability' mean?
①정직한진실한 ②안정성 ③채집 ④내포 하다 ⑤그
What does 'statement' mean?
①빼기 ②운동 ③진술 ④의 ⑤결국
What does 'stimuli' mean?
①잘못 놓여진 ②알려드립니다 ③할 ④다양한 ⑤자극
What does 'strategic' mean?
①방언 ②전략적인 ③직업 ④자전거 ⑤변화가 많은
What does 'structural' mean?
①광범위한 ②인기 ③예술성 ④구조적인 ⑤중요한
What does 'structurally' mean?
①분석가 ②미터 ③방어하다 ④청각의 ⑤구조적으로
What does 'structure' mean?
①구조 ②원리/원칙 ③확대 ④인구 ⑤온화한
What does 'subtraction' mean?
①괴로운 ②빼기 ③장인 ④상인 ⑤피하다
What does 'successive' mean?
①연속적인 ②기하학 ③폭발하다 크게 ④편집하다 ⑤실패
What does 'survival' mean?
①불러일으키다 ②수직의 ③심리학 ④고의적인 ⑤생존
What does 'survive' mean?
①정상 ②유혹하다 ③위원회 ④반대로 작용하다 ⑤살아남다
What does 'territory' mean?
①움직이지않는 ②억지로 ③영토 ④상호 ⑤처럼
What does 'theoretically' mean?
①쓰고 버릴수 있는 ②섬세한 ③장비 ④단서 ⑤이론적으로
What does 'traditional' mean?
①전통적인 ②주입하다 ③사건 ④만족스러운 ⑤장인
What does 'translator' mean?
①즐겁게 ② 권하다 ③번역가 ④단서 ⑤예언하다
What does 'tribe' mean?
①밀 ②실행 하다 ③소화의 ④부족 ⑤통근하다
What does 'typically' mean?
①일반적으로 ②아마도 ③사회학 ④떠다니다 ⑤지식
What does 'unconsciously' mean?
①사진작가 ②온화한 ③전달하다 ④무의식적으로 ⑤논쟁 하다
What does 'unhurriedly' mean?
①위조의 ②시 ③느긋하게 ④길/수단 ⑤대표하다
What does 'universal' mean?
①속임수/재주 ②포함하여 ③보편적인 ④민감성 ⑤재산
What does 'unknown' mean?
①적합하다 ②카테고리 ③알려지지 않은 ④모이다 ⑤고발하다
알려지지 않은
What does 'unstable' mean?
①정리하다 ②분개하다 ③존경 ④안정적이지 않은 ⑤정교한
안정적이지 않은
What does 'untouchable' mean?
①소비 ②재판관 ③만질 수 없는 ④신탁 ⑤행동하다
만질 수 없는
What does 'value' mean?
①방어 ②해마다의 ③가치 ④중간의 ⑤신학
What does 'verbal' mean?
①분석가 ②부분적인 ③말의 ④닥치다 ⑤최저의
What does 'violence' mean?
①갑자기 ②인식하다 ③폭력/위반 ④지명 ⑤관계가 있는
What does 'visual' mean?
①신탁 ②출구 ③떠나다 ④속하다 ⑤시각적인
What does 'visually' mean?
①생생한 ②스택 ③절망적으로 ④기념일 ⑤시각적으로
What does 'vitality' mean?
①전략 ②활력/생명력 ③자외선 ④수집 ⑤정제하다
What does 'widespread' mean?
①안전한 ②공동체 ③광범위한 ④효과적으로 ⑤중간의
What does 'yield' mean?
①붙잡음 ②흥분시키다자극하다 ③생산하다/양보 ④절망적으로 ⑤기준
This is ⌘VOCAB_Eng-Eng Quiz. 😂
What does 'abandon' mean?
①discard/withdraw ②elaborate/ornate/fussy ③mourn/grieve ④grasp/grip/retain ⑤amusing/funny/humorous
What does 'abundant' mean?
①convince/influenceissuade/deter ②gain/earnings/benefit ③ample/sufficient ④firm/solid/difficult ⑤displease/affront/disgust
What does 'conflict' mean?
①fight/battle/struggle ②considerate/tender/thoughtful ③start/initiate ④nonsensical/foolish/preposterous ⑤hurt/impair/harm
What does 'conflict' mean?
①separate/unfasten/removettach ②oppose/differ/clashgree ③customary/traditional ④riches/prosperity/assets ⑤stubborn/bullheaded/adamant
What does 'damage' mean?
①scanty/sparse/poorbundant/generous ②remarkable/outstanding ③identical/alike/equivalentifferent/diverse ④hurt/impair/harm ⑤unused/new
What does 'determined' mean?
①joy/rapture/elation ②concrete/definite ③sure/convinced/resoluteoubtful ④tame/gentle ⑤trustworthy/steadfast/stable
What does 'disagree' mean?
①differ/disputegree ②increase,total ③conceivable/feasible/plausible ④spotless/pureirty/filthy ⑤quiet/tranquil/still
What does 'encourage' mean?
①promote/support/urgeiscourage ②promote/support/urgeiscourage ③mistrust/disputeelieve ④shut/fasten ⑤unintelligent/dense/foolish
What does 'enormous' mean?
①clever/cunning/crafty ②vast/immense/colossal ③rouse/stir/motivate ④extinct/dated/antiquated ⑤start/initiate
What does 'immune' mean?
①sufficient/enough/ample ②provoke/embitter ③weaken/thin ④helpful/useful/advantageous ⑤resistant/exempt
What does 'logical' mean?
①sensible/sane/rational ②cool/nippy ③knowing/scholarly/smartull/uneducated ④insane/daft/mad ⑤lengthy
What does 'reveal' mean?
①enrage/agitate/provoke ②marred/defective/faulty ③show/disclose/divulge ④curtail/lessen/decrease ⑤genuine/real/factual
What does 'separate' mean?
①unconscious/preoccupied/dazed ②cherished/valuable/prizedheap/worthless ③divide/segregate/partition ④scanty/sparse/poorbundant/generous ⑤repair/fixreak
What does 'yield' mean?
①produce/bear/provide ②increase,total ③dreadful/horrible/vile ④support/recommend ⑤shy/timid
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