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블루티쳐학원 | 등록번호: 762-94-00693 | 중고등 영어 | 수강료: 30(중등), 33(고등), 3+4(특강)



They say that while studying at home, they start to check new messages posted on their blogs, but end up going through other people's blogs, photos, comments, etc.

Suyeon Lee (21, college student) Some people complain that smartphones prevent them from building meaningful relationships.

The other day, I used the mobile messenger on my smartphone to advertise our band's performance at the school festival.

Chanhwa Park (18, high school student) These days, mobile phones are not just for making and receiving phone calls.

Jeongmin Seo (15, middle school student) I don't think smartphones help build meaningful relationships with others.

It was a family gathering, and I was glad to see him because we hadn't seen each other for a long time.

The band members sent text messages to their friends to let them know that we were going to perform.

For instance, I automatically turn on the navigation application even when I don't need directions.

We were like total strangers, not being able to break the silence until it was time to say goodbye.

Sojeong Kim (17, high school student) I think smartphones can provide many advantages for students.

In addition, I download online courses and watch them on the bus every morning on my way to school.

Instead of our smartphones being a tool which serves us, we have become slaves to our smartphones.

Ever since I began to use the smartphone, I've found myself becoming dumber and dumber every day.

During breaks, I can also search for information or answers to the questions I had during class.

The other day, I got a message from a close friend of mine who moved to Canada six months ago.

For instance, I can always check important messages on my school website using my smartphone.

There are times I get annoyed by the endless and often meaningless interactions with others.

I find myself constantly exchanging messages and chatting on my smartphone with my friends.

What would be your answer to the question, "Do smartphones make people smart or stupid?"

Haejeong Yu (43, housewife) I don't understand why these phones are called smarphones.

Before, I used to study the roads and try different routes to get to my destination.

Even after hours of chatting, I don't necessarily feel that I've got closer to them.

It's a very useful tool, but I find myself growing more dependent on my smartphone.

My smartphone was able to find our exact location and lead us to our destination.

However, we got lost along the way, and we couldn't figure out where we were.

I once accidentally deleted all my contact numbers stored on my smartphone.

For example, I can have real-time conversations with my friends and family.

Some students confess that smartphones are a distraction even after school.

It is extremely convenient to have all that information at my fingertips.

We were able to arrive at our relative's house without further trouble.

Smartphones actually help you strengthen your relationship with others.

My mom was driving by following the directions she printed in advance.

If we hadn't had our smartphones, we would've had more conversation.

We sent announcements, photos, and even video clips to our friends.

In my class, many students check their blogs or send text messages.

I search for all kinds of information on the Internet every day.

The other day, my mom and I were heading to a relative's house.

I also use my smartphone's navigation application when I drive.

Some say that smartphones make our lives easier and more fun.

I don't have to wait until I get home to search the Internet.

However, smartphones are a constant distraction in our lives.

I used to remember all the important phone numbers by heart.

I couldn't remember anyone's number - not even my husband's!

1: Smartphones are a useful tool helping our everyday life.

He requested an instant conversation through my smartphone.

Frankly, I sometimes find myself doing the same thing, too.

Here are some arguments for and against using smartphones.

Our messages spread like wildfire and we had a huge crowd!

Hyeongju Cha (40, high school teacher) Don't get me wrong.

For example, I can't remember phone numbers well anymore.

How much is the ticket for my favorite singer's concert?

We just sat, ate, and played with our smartphones.

This is becoming a serious problem for all of us.

All I need is my smartphone to get the answers!

Now, I can talk to my friend anytime, anywhere!

But most of the conversation is not meaningful.

While doing so, they pay less attention to me.

I feel as if I can't think on my own anymore.

3: Smartphones are necessary for school life.

What time will my bus arrive at the station?

Smartphones are useful for navigating, too.

2: Smartphones enrich human relationships.

Last weekend, I met my cousin for lunch.

Luckily, I had my smartphone with me.

But you know what we ended up doing?

My smartphone is indeed very smart!

They waste time during their study.

Now, I just drive as I am told.

One thing leads to another.

Smartphones are so cool!

What are your thoughts?

I love my smartphone.

I was in a panic.

Others disagree.

I felt terrible.







I disagree.














No doubt.

















