2019학년도 수능 영어 어려운 구조 문장 긴급정리
1. ( ③ ) But the incredible amount of time required to copy a scroll or book by hand limited the speed with which information could spread this way.
2. ( ⑤ ) A printing press could copy information thousands of times faster, allowing knowledge to spread far more quickly, with full fidelity, than ever before.
3. (C) But schematic knowledge can also hurt you, promoting errors in perception and memory.
4. (C) Simply knowing they are being observed may cause people to behave differently (such as more politely!).
5. And this time, standing upright, he battled the wave all the way back to shore.
6. At the same time, they consolidated their own memory of the personal circumstances in which the event took place, an effect known as “flashbulb memory.” The more an event is socially shared, the more it will be fixed in people’s minds.
7. Biological organisms, including human societies both with and without market systems, discount distant outputs over those available at the present time based on risks associated with an uncertain future.
8. Even under ideal circumstances, hunting these fast animals with spear or bow and arrow is an ① uncertain task.
9. However, I would like to change my recipe if it is possible.
10. However, we need to be cautious about thinking of war and the image of the enemy that informs it in an abstract and uniform way.
11. In turn, they may later be discarded as the demands of present societies change, or even, as is presently occurring in the former Eastern Europe, when pasts have to be reinvented to reflect new presents.
12. Indeed, large numbers have been found to lack meaning and to be underestimated in decisions unless they convey affect (feeling).
13. It follows too that the meanings and functions of memory and tradition are defined in the present.
14. It is the former that give value, either cultural or financial, to the latter and explain why they have been selected from the near infinity of the past.
15. It is the presence of the enemy that gives meaning and justification to war.
16. It often requires great cleverness to conceive of measures that tap into what people are thinking without altering their thinking, called reactivity.
17. It was as if the butterflies were making fun of Olivia; they seemed to be laughing at (b) her, suggesting that they would lay millions more eggs.
18. It would not have taken long for mankind to apply this advantage to other goods.
19. Monumentality is not a matter of external weight, but of “inner weight.” This inner weight is the quality which Egyptian art possesses to such a degree that everything in it seems to be made of primeval stone, like a mountain range, even if it is only a few inches across or ⑤ carved in wood.
20. Naturally, people should be driven to “forget” undesirable events.
21. Never before and never since has the quality of monumentality been achieved as fully as it ② did in Egypt.
22. Obviously many of these areas overlap, but it is clear that information has taken on a life of its own outside the medium in which it is contained.
23. Once the ⑤ laboriously overtaken and killed prey had been hauled aboard, getting its body back to the tribal camp would have been far easier by boat than on land.
24. One is to create an image of sunlight and shadow so that wrinkles of the topography are alternately lit and shaded, creating a visual representation of the shape of the land.
25. The reindeer, however, had a ② weakness that mankind would mercilessly exploit: it swam poorly.
26. To help societies prevent or reduce damage from catastrophes, a huge amount of effort and technological sophistication are often employed to assess and communicate the size and scope of potential or actual losses.
27. When we learn to read, we recycle a specific region of our visual system known as the visual word-form area, enabling us to recognize strings of letters and connect them to language areas.
28. While afloat, it is uniquely ③ vulnerable, moving slowly with its antlers held high as it struggles to keep its nose above water.
29. While this was tremendously powerful, it limited the complexity of the ideas that could be propagated to those that a single person could remember.
30. ① the minority gets its point across ② the minority tones down its voice ③ the majority cultivates the minority ④ the majority brings about social change ⑤ the minority cooperates with the majority Heritage is concerned with the ways in which very selective material artefacts, mythologies, memories and traditions become resources for the present.
31. ⑤ Since photographs did such a good job of representing things as they existed in the world, painters were freed to look inward and represent things as they were in their imagination, rendering emotion in the color, volume, line, and spatial configurations native to the painter’s art.
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