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블루티쳐학원 | 등록번호: 762-94-00693 | 중고등 영어 | 수강료: 30(중등), 33(고등), 3+4(특강)


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My name is David Parker, and I'm a photographer. Today, I'm going to tell you how I found my dream and realized it. I hope my story can inspire you. When I was young, I loved stars. I also liked taking pictures. However, I never thought these things could lead to a job. In fact, I didn't have a dream at all. When I had to decide on a major in college, I chose engineering. Being an engineer looked okay. After college, I got a job at an engineering company. It was a stable job, but I didn't know whether I really enjoyed it. Everything changed when I went on vacation to Iceland one winter. There I got a chance to see the Northern Lights. The lights were amazing, and I took many pictures of the dancing lights in the sky. For the first time in many years, I could feel my heart beating fast.

After I came back, I entered a photo contest with the pictures I took in Iceland. Surprisingly, I won first prize, and this gave me a chance to think about my life. I realized that taking pictures made me happy. Suddenly, I wanted to become a good photographer, so I started to learn more about photography. After years of trial and error, I got better, and I began to do some part-time work as a photographer. Then one day, I made a bold decision. I quit my job and decided to take pictures for a living. I wasn't sure if I could succeed, but I decided to try. I really wanted to do something that made me happy. Now, I'm a professional photographer, and I'm happy.

So do you want to find a dream and realize it? Here's some advice to help you. First, follow your heart. Think about what you like to do and what makes you happy. In my case, it was taking pictures of stars. Second, work hard. Pursuing a dream is not easy. I became a photographer through hard work. Third, be bold. You need courage to make decisions that will change your life. I was afraid but I took a chance. I truly hope you can find a dream, pursue it, and live it!

Comfort food is food that makes you feel good when you are sad, angry, or stressed out. It can also make you think of happy moments from the past. It satisfies not only the stomach but also the heart. Comfort foods differ around the world. Let's see what comfort foods our international readers enjoy. Jessica from USA My comfort food is chicken soup. In the USA, people eat this soup when they have a cold. When I was a small child, I caught a very bad cold. My father made me a bowl of chicken soup so that I could get well. The hot soup warmed my body, and I slowly started to feel better. It was also very tasty. Now, when I catch a cold, I eat chicken soup.

In Brazil, there are many dishes that are made with cassava, a vegetable similar to a potato. I love cassava chips the most. Once when I had a bad day at school and felt stressed out, my best friend bought me a bag of cassava chips. When I started to eat the chips, my stress suddenly disappeared. The crisp sound of eating chips made me feel better. Now, every time I'm stressed out, I eat cassava chips. Then I feel good again!
