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블루티쳐학원 | 등록번호: 762-94-00693 | 중고등 영어 | 수강료: 30(중등), 33(고등), 3+4(특강)


전체 글 +1730
One of the most essential decisions any of us can make is how we invest our time. Of course, how we invest time is not our decision alone to make. Many factors determine what we should do either because we are members of the human race, or because we belong to a certain culture and society. Nevertheless, there is room for personal choice, and control over time is to a certain extent in our hands. Even in the most oppressive decades of the Industrial Revolution, people didn't give up their free will when it came to time. During this period, people worked for more than eighty hours a week in factories. But there were some who spent their few precious free hours reading books or getting involved in politics instead of following the majority into the pubs.

China's frequent times of unity and Europe's constant disunity both have a long history. The most productive areas of modern China were politically joined for the first time in 221 BC, and have remained so for most of the time since then. It has had only a single writing system from the beginning, a single principal language for a long time, and solid cultural unity for two thousand years. In contrast, Europe has never come close to political unification. It was divided into 500 states in AD 1500, got down to a minimum of 25 states in the 1980s, and is now up again to over 40. It still has 45 languages, and even greater cultural diversity. The current disagreements about the issue of unifying Europe are typical of Europe's disunity.

Music appeals powerfully to young children. Watch preschoolers' faces and bodies when they hear rhythm and sound ― they light up and move eagerly and enthusiastically. They communicate comfortably, express themselves creatively, and let out all sorts of thoughts and emotions as they interact with music. In a word, young children think music is a lot of fun, so do all you can to make the most of the situation. Throw away your own hesitation and forget all your concerns about whether you are musically talented or whether you can sing or play an instrument. They don't matter when you are enjoying music with your child. Just follow his or her lead, have fun, sing songs together, listen to different kinds of music, move, dance, and enjoy.

I have seen many companies rush their products or services to market too quickly. There are many reasons for taking such an action, including the need to recover costs or meet deadlines. The problem with moving too quickly, however, is that it has a harmful impact on the creative process. Great ideas, like great wines, need proper aging: time to bring out their full flavor and quality. Rushing the creative process can lead to results that are below the standard of excellence that could have been achieved with additional time.

According to an Australian study, a person's confidence in the kitchen is linked to the kind of food that he or she tends to enjoy eating. Compared to the average person, those who are proud of the dishes they make are more likely to enjoy eating vegetarian food and health food. Moreover, this group is more likely than the average person to enjoy eating diverse kinds of food: from salads and seafood to hamburgers and hot chips. In contrast, people who say "I would rather clean than make dishes" don't share this wide-ranging enthusiasm for food. They are less likely than the average person to enjoy different types of food. In general, they eat out less than the average person except for when it comes to eating at fast food restaurants.
