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블루티쳐학원 | 등록번호: 762-94-00693 | 중고등 영어 | 수강료: 30(중등), 33(고등), 3+4(특강)


전체 글 +1730
In the early stages of civilization, people lived in nomadic groups that roamed from place to place, relying on hunting and gathering to collect food. The concept of taxes, needless to say, had yet to be formed. Later, however, humans acquired agricultural knowledge and began to cultivate grains; this development led to the beginning of land ownership. To protect their fields from wild animals and enemies, these landholders organized themselves into communities, within which each family contributed some money for common use. This was the earliest form of taxation. Later, as these communities became more complex and developed into towns, they began to select respected individuals to serve as organizers and planners. These leaders, in turn, were rendered a direct reward for their efforts, paid to them by the other members of the community.

Human memory can be divided into two main parts: retention and recall. The former refers to the ability to store information and the latter to the ability to retrieve it again. Our memory is excellent at storing information, but we sometimes have difficulty recalling it. However, recall performance can be improved considerably by practicing certain techniques. After learning something, recall rises for a brief time as we absorb the information, and then it drops dramatically. This loss of memory can be minimized by combining periods of activity and rest. When reading, recall can be improved by breaking up learning periods into sessions of twenty to forty minutes, during which notes are made. Memory is reinforced by a short review of the same material the next day and then again the following week.

Minorities tend not to have much power or status and may even be dismissed as troublemakers, extremists or simply 'weirdos.'How, then, do they ever have any influence over the majority? The social psychologist Serge Moscovici claims that the answer lies in their behavioural style, i.e. the way the minority gets its point across. The crucial factor in the success of the suffragette movement was that its supporters were consistent in their views, and this created a considerable degree of social influence. Minorities that are active and organised, who support and defend their position consistently, can create social conflict, doubt and uncertainty among members of the majority, and ultimately this may lead to social change. Such change has often occurred because a minority has converted others to its point of view. Without the influence of minorities, we would have no innovation, no social change. Many of what we now regard as 'major' social movements (e.g. Christianity, trade unionism or feminism) were originally due to the influence of an outspoken minority.

Have you ever felt uncomfortable simply because of the presence of other people whom you've never met before? When we don't know exactly what others think of us, it's very easy to have feelings of insecurity and self-doubt. The American sociologist Charles Horton Cooley explained such reactions with his concept of the looking-glass self, which states that an individual's self-image is produced through social interaction. According to this concept, our self-perception and level of personal insecurity in social situations are influenced by how we think others perceive us. That is, our images of ourselves are reflections of what we believe others' evaluations to be.

Human beings have a natural desire to search for patterns in our daily lives. Even when it comes to events that are completely random, we try to interpret them as being meaningful. For example, if a coin is flipped three times and it lands heads-up each time, we will think it much more likely that the coin will come up tails the next time. In fact, though, each single flip is equally as likely to come up heads as it is to come up tails, regardless of what has happened before. That is, the coin has no "memory" of the previous results. Regardless of this fact, we still find it difficult to accept randomness in the world.
