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블루티쳐학원 | 등록번호: 762-94-00693 | 중고등 영어 | 수강료: 30(중등), 33(고등), 3+4(특강)


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The great irony of performance psychology is that it teaches each sportsman to believe, as far as he is able, that he will win. No man doubts. No man indulges his inner skepticism. That is the logic of sports psychology. But only one man can win. That is the logic of sport. Note the difference between a scientist and an athlete. Doubt is a scientist's stock in trade. Progress is made by focusing on the evidence that refutes a theory and by improving the theory accordingly. Skepticism is the rocket fuel of scientific advance. But doubt, to an athlete, is poison. Progress is made by ignoring the evidence; it is about creating a mindset that is immune to doubt and uncertainty. Just to reiterate: From a rational perspective, this is nothing less than crazy. Why should an athlete convince himself he will win when he knows that there is every possibility he will lose? Because, to win, one must proportion one's belief, not to the evidence, but to whatever the mind can usefully get away with.

Suppose we know that Paula suffers from a severe phobia. If we reason that Paula is afraid either of snakes or spiders, and then establish that she is not afraid of snakes, we will conclude that Paula is afraid of spiders. However, our conclusion is reasonable only if Paula's fear really does concern either snakes or spiders. If we know only that Paula has a phobia, then the fact that she's not afraid of snakes is entirely consistent with her being afraid of heights, water, dogs or the number thirteen. More generally, when we are presented with a list of alternative explanations for some phenomenon, and are then persuaded that all but one of those explanations are unsatisfactory, we should pause to reflect. Before conceding that the remaining explanation is the correct one, consider whether other plausible options are being ignored or overlooked. The fallacy of false choice misleads when we're insufficiently attentive to an important hidden assumption, that the choices which have been made explicit exhaust the sensible alternatives.

When food manufacturers chose to undertake flavor research in the past, they generally would give consumers new products and take note of their reactions. These days, however, it has become a much more complex and scientific process. As customers demand more novelty and variety in the flavors of their food, scientists have been put to work in laboratories. Their goal is to create products that will please today's customers. To do so, they are analyzing brain structures and even genetic codes in the hope that it will enable them to create flavors tailored to specific types of consumers. Simply tasting good is not enough anymore; today's food needs to provide an exceptional flavor "experience."As companies continue to refine their products, consumers can expect more interesting flavors in the future.

Have you ever had a word on the tip of your tongue but it took you a long time to retrieve it from your memory? This phenomenon, called "lethologica," is defined as the "inability to remember the correct word."It occurs because the mind remembers things by building patterns of interconnected information. Our ability to recall words relies on these patterns, and some words are harder to recall than others because our minds have not linked them to other important bits of information. The result is that we temporarily forget what is not essential in our lives, such as words that we don't use very often, so that we can prioritize what is most important.

In recent years there has been widespread speculation that cloning could produce a human child who would be identical to an already existing person. This reflects an erroneous belief that genes alone determine all aspects of an individual. Although genes play an essential role in the formation of physical and behavioral characteristics, each individual is, in fact, the result of a complex interaction between genes and the environment within which he or she develops. Even identical twins who grow up together and thus share the same genes and a similar home environment have different interests, and can have very different talents. Clearly, the more we learn about genes, the more we realize our inability to produce a human being who is a true replica of anyone else.
