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본문 DB2023. 5. 11. 16:46
When we observe nature, we can be amazed by its beauty and its grand scale. We should remember that nature has had millions of years to experiment. Now, as we observe nature on all levels big and small, we have the technology and the means to copy what nature has perfected. Because there is still so much we do not know about nature, there is still much left to discover. Maybe one day you will be inspired by nature to invent a product that will change the world.

Cars, trains, and planes make travel very easy. Unfortunately, when many people travel, pollution and wasted time have measurable side effects. What if a traffic network were more efficient? A seemingly unintelligent slime mold may hold some answers and more. Slime molds are not quite an animal or a plant. They feed on dead plant material, so they can be found on grass, on trees, and even in air conditioners! Slime molds find food by sending out "arms" that reach out like a web. When an arm finds food, it grows to transport the food, and other arms that do not find food become smaller, saving energy. If this process goes on, inefficient paths are eliminated and efficient paths are made stronger. By nature, slime molds are able to find the best way to join two or more areas together.

In an experiment, scientists put a slime mold where Tokyo would be on a map of Japan. They put food where major cities were located on the map. After a few days, the slime mold created a design similar to the actual rail system around Tokyo. If it works for rail networks, could it work for other networks, too? Researchers are now looking into whether slime molds can help create better communication networks. During natural disasters, people try to contact friends and family, so cell phone use increases a lot. A smarter and more efficient network may keep service up, so loved ones can stay in touch. One day, the simple slime mold may become a designer for other networks of the future.

A piece of work in one field can inspire artists in another field to create something new. Music can inspire a painter to create a visual representation of something he or she has heard. Likewise, a painting can inspire a musician to create music in which you can almost see different colors and shapes. Furthermore, lines from a novel or a poem can inspire painters or musicians to create visual or auditory art that gives life to a story. These interactions between artists can have unexpected results, producing works of art that have strong visual, auditory or emotional influences on people.

Music has played a key role in the creation of some artwork. The influence of music on the visual arts can be best seen with the expressionist painter Wassily Kandinsky. Kandinsky studied law and economics and was successful in his law career. However, in his early 30's, he had an unusual visual experience while looking at Monet's Haystacks. He also was influenced by the melody of Wagner's Lohengrin. "I saw all my colors before my eyes," he said. He felt as if wild and powerful lines appeared in front of him. As a result, he gave up his law career to study painting. For Kandinsky, music and color were closely tied together. In his paintings, for example, yellow is linked with the sound of the trumpet and blue with that of the cello. In addition, certain shapes in his paintings were associated with particular feelings. The triangle represents aggressive feelings and the square calm moods. Each time he stroked the canvas with his brush, he might have intended to turn a series of musical notes into visual forms.


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