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232_s1 본문읽기 25

본문 DB2023. 5. 11. 16:46
Radioactive waste disposal has become one of the key environmental battlegrounds over which the future of nuclear power has been fought. Environmentalists argue that no system of waste disposal can be absolutely safe, either now or in the future. Governments and the nuclear industry have tried to find acceptable solutions. But in countries where popular opinion is taken into consideration, no mutually acceptable solution has been found. As a result, most spent fuel has been stored in the nuclear power plants where it was produced. This is now causing its own problems as storage ponds designed to store a few years' waste become filled or overflowing. One avenue that has been explored is the reprocessing of spent fuel to remove the active ingredients. Some of the recovered material can be recycled as fuel. The remainder must be stored safely until it has become inactive. But reprocessing has proved expensive and can exacerbate the problem of disposal rather than assisting it. As a result, it too appears publicly unacceptable.

Works of art are complex and valued human achievements capable of providing knowledge, aesthetic experience, and enjoyment. They also can provide occasions for thought-provoking encounters into problems and concerns affecting individuals and society. Unfortunately, too many students grow into adulthood unable to understand what they see in works of art. While it is true that most schoolchildren are not likely to become professional artists or scholars of the arts, my purpose in examining the cognitive implications of education in the arts is to see how or whether individuals can develop their powers of thought more fully through widening their understanding of art and the ideas one encounters in the study of art. The educational task is to build a foundation for lifelong learning inclusive of the arts.

Beliefs represent man's conviction about the reality of things and are shared ideas about how the world operates. They are reflective of highly valued feelings about the world in which people live. Beliefs, like superstitions, folklore, myths, fables, proverbs, philosophy, theology, art and science, are usually incorporated in the whole vast body of knowledge while accumulated through time. These ideas aren't scientifically proven, and they are considered facts by those who hold them. The ideas held by the Negritos about nature spirits helping them in times of danger or sickness is just as regulative as the belief of the reliance of the Tagbanwa on the digging stick for tilling the soil for a good harvest. Even with advances in science, people still consider, consult, and depend on their body of beliefs for certain courses of action.

People shouldn't ignore or trivialize the very real problems that things such as unwed parenthood or divorce can create. On the whole, children usually do better with two parents than one. But at the same time, people shouldn't condemn single mothers, divorced parents, or voluntarily childless couples as the culprits behind the destruction of society. Some unwed parents avoid their parental responsibilities, but others do a splendid job in raising their children. Some divorces do irrevocable harm, but others create better situations for everyone involved. Some married couples do decide not to have children for selfish reasons, but others are motivated by a real concern for society and find other ways to contribute to its perpetuation. In short, there is no formula that can predict which family forms are most likely to keep society functioning smoothly.

Biological organisms, including human societies both with and without market systems, discount distant outputs over those available at the present time based on risks associated with an uncertain future. As the timing of inputs and outputs varies greatly depending on the type of energy, there is a strong case to incorporate time when assessing energy alternatives. For example, the energy output from solar panels or wind power engines, where most investment happens before they begin producing, may need to be assessed differently when compared to most fossil fuel extraction technologies, where a large proportion of the energy output comes much sooner, and a larger (relative) proportion of inputs is applied during the extraction process, and not upfront. Thus fossil fuels, particularly oil and natural gas, in addition to having energy quality advantages (cost, storability, transportability, etc) over many renewable technologies, also have a "temporal advantage" after accounting for human behavioral preference for current consumption/return.


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