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블루티쳐학원 | 등록번호: 762-94-00693 | 중고등 영어 | 수강료: 30(중등), 33(고등), 3+4(특강)




수완3  Since 2005 | 위스마트(WS) | WAYNE.TISTORY.COM | +821033383436 | iHeeJae | 제작일 20180728



#123,842 빅데이터 연구결과 #'분석'하라!' 
뽑아내지말고 우선순위대로 지워라



The massive tombs and ceremonial structures [built] from huge stones in the Neolithic period are [known] as megalithic architecture, from the Greek words for "large"(megas) and "stone"(lithos).
Archaeologists disagree about the nature of the societies that [created] them. Some believe megalithic monuments reflect complex, [stratified] societies in which powerful religious or political leaders [dictated] their design and [commanded] the large workforce necessary to accomplish these ambitious engineering projects.


이거레알! 수동+투/명/형

The massive tombs and ceremonial structures built from huge stones in the Neolithic period [are known] + {as} megalithic architecture, from the Greek words for "large"(megas) and "stone"(lithos).
Many megalithic structures [are associated] + {with} death, and recent interpretations stress the fundamental role of death and burial as public theatrical performances in which individual and group identity, cohesion, and disputes [were played] + {out.}



Archaeologists disagree about the nature of the societies that created them. Some believe megalithic monuments reflect complex, stratified societies {in} + [which]powerful religious or political leaders dictated their design and commanded the large workforce necessary to accomplish these ambitious engineering projects.



Archaeologists disagree about the nature of the societies [that] created them.
Other interpreters argue [that] these massive undertakings are clear evidence for cooperative collaboration within and among social groups, coalescing around a common project [that] fueled social cohesion without the controlling power of a ruling elite.



#123,842 빅데이터 연구결과 #'분석'하라!' 
뽑아내지말고 우선순위대로 지워라


This practice allowed ancient civilizations [to] observe which species were tame enough for use as work animals.
Animals, notably cattle, provided labor and locomotion when they were harnessed [to] plows, sledges, and wagons beginning in about 4000 BC.
Thus, animal agriculture was indispensable [to] accelerating the development of crop agriculture.
It also thereby created the leisure time necessary [to] societal progress.



Animals, notably cattle, provided labor and locomotion when they were harnessed to plows, sledges, and wagons [beginn+ing] in about 4000 BC.
Thus, animal agriculture was indispensable to [accelerat+ing] the development of crop agriculture.



The domestication of animals [occurred] some 10,000 years ago and [represented] a milestone for the history of human civilization.
Richard Bulliet, professor of history at Columbia University, argues that animals were probably first [kept] in captivity for use in sacrificial rites.
This practice [allowed] ancient civilizations to observe which species were tame enough for use as work animals. Animals, notably cattle, [provided] labor and locomotion when they were [harnessed] to plows, sledges, and wagons beginning in about 4000 BC.
Thus, animal agriculture was indispensable to accelerating the development of crop agriculture. The flesh and hides of sacrificial animals were routinely [consumed] by those in the royal house or the priesthood.
Eventually, the habit of having the animals under human control at all times [provided] a constant and consistent food supply ready at hand.
It also thereby [created] the leisure time necessary to societal progress.


[It] also thereby created the leisure time necessary to societal progress.


이거레알! 수동+투/명/형

Animals, notably cattle, provided labor and locomotion when they [were harnessed] + {to} plows, sledges, and wagons beginning in about 4000 BC.
Thus, animal agriculture was indispensable to accelerating the development of crop agriculture. The flesh and hides of sacrificial animals [were routinely consumed] + {by} those in the royal house or the priesthood.



Richard Bulliet, professor of history at Columbia University, argues [that] animals were probably first kept in captivity for use in sacrificial rites.


목적격보어자리 잘봐!

This practice [allowed] ancient civilizations to observe which species were tame enough for use as work animals.



It [also] thereby created the leisure time necessary to societal progress.



[Thus], animal agriculture was indispensable to accelerating the development of crop agriculture.



#123,842 빅데이터 연구결과 #'분석'하라!' 
뽑아내지말고 우선순위대로 지워라


The reasons are not hard [to] find, for compared [to] many other animals, birds are relatively easy [to] study.
They then become identifiable as individuals, enabling their movements and life histories [to] be followed, and their survival rates [to] be calculated.
Many species, too, are large enough [to] carry radio-transmitters or other electronic devices, so that their day-[to]-day activities and movements can be recorded.



They then become identifiable as individuals, [enabl+ing] their movements and life histories to be followed, and their survival rates to be calculated.
When tracked [us+ing] satellites or geolocator tags, individuals can also be followed on their migrations, wherever on earth they travel.
Hardly any other kinds of animals show such an [oblig+ing] combination of characteristics.



The reasons are not hard to find, for [compared] to many other animals, birds are relatively easy to study.
In addition, most birds can be [trapped] and [marked] with leg rings or other tags.


이거레알! 수동+투/명/형

Most species are active by day. They are conspicuous and can [be recognised] + {by} their appearance, songs or calls, which makes them easy to detect and count.
In addition, most birds can [be trapped] + {and} marked with leg rings or other tags.
When tracked using satellites or geolocator tags, individuals can also [be followed] + {on} their migrations, wherever on earth they travel.


부접 + (주비생략) + ving/pp/adj

[When tracked] using satellites or geolocator tags, individuals can also be followed on their migrations, wherever on earth they travel.



Much {of} + [what] we know about the population processes of animals comes from studies on birds.



Most species are active by day. They are conspicuous and can be recognised by their appearance, songs or calls, [which] makes them easy to detect and count.



Much of [what] we know about the population processes of animals comes from studies on birds.



When tracked using satellites or geolocator tags, individuals can [also] be followed on their migrations, wherever on earth they travel.



[In addition], most birds can be trapped and marked with leg rings or other tags.



#123,842 빅데이터 연구결과 #'분석'하라!' 
뽑아내지말고 우선순위대로 지워라


ㅇㄱㄹㅇ being/been

Changes of the order of 0.1% of the total solar energy reaching the Earth have [already been measured,] within a period of less than 20 months.


Recent measurements using radiometers on satellites suggest that solar energy, which is an input [to] our climate system, can vary considerably.
This kind of change could be linked [to] sunspot activity, which has a periodicity of 11 years.
Sun's surface. Thus a sunspot maximum corresponds [to] a minimum of received solar energy. According [to] measurements during the period 1976 [to] 1980, the Sun's surface cooled by about 6'C corresponding [to] an increase in the number and the size of sunspots.
These changes may alter the Earth's climate since, according [to] numerical climate models, a 0.
In addition, a decrease in solar energy of the order of 1% could lead [to] a decrease in the Earth's average temperature by 1_0'C.



Recent measurements [us+ing] radiometers on satellites suggest that solar energy, which is an input to our climate system, can vary considerably.
Changes of the order of 0.1% of the total solar energy [reach+ing] the Earth have already been measured, within a period of less than 20 months.
Sunspots are magnetic storms [giv+ing] (or [show+ing]) cooler regions on the Sun's surface.
According to measurements during the period 1976 to 1980, the Sun's surface cooled by about 6'C [correspond+ing] to an increase in the number and the size of sunspots.
These changes may alter the Earth's climate since, [accord+ing] to numerical climate models, a 0.



Sunspots are magnetic storms giving (or showing) cooler regions on the Sun's surface. Thus a sunspot maximum corresponds to a minimum of [received] solar energy.
According to measurements during the period 1976 to 1980, the Sun's surface [cooled] by about 6'C corresponding to an increase in the number and the size of sunspots.


이거레알! 수동+투/명/형

Earth have already been measured, within a period of less than 20 months. This kind of change could [be linked] + {to} sunspot activity, which has a periodicity of 11 years.


제주명요 S (should) RV!!!

using radiometers on satellites [suggest] that solar energy, which is an input to our climate system, can vary considerably.
solar energy of the [order] of 1% could lead to a decrease in the Earth's average temperature by 1_0'C.



Recent measurements using radiometers on satellites suggest that solar energy, [which] is an input to our climate system, can vary considerably.
This kind of change could be linked to sunspot activity, [which] has a periodicity of 11 years.



Recent measurements using radiometers on satellites suggest [that] solar energy, which is an input to our climate system, can vary considerably.



[Thus] a sunspot maximum corresponds to a minimum of received solar energy.
[In addition], a decrease in solar energy of the order of 1% could lead to a decrease in the Earth's average temperature by 1_0'C.



#123,842 빅데이터 연구결과 #'분석'하라!' 
뽑아내지말고 우선순위대로 지워라


Trade books can provide the space [to] bring a subject [to] life with interesting observations and details, presenting the reader with a richer understanding of the topic.
Because textbooks must cover such a large number of topics, they are unable [to] develop a single idea with any depth.
It is difficult [to] provide readers this kind of detail and insight in the limited space allowed by a textbook.



Trade books can provide the space to bring a subject to life with [interest+ing] observations and details, [present+ing] the reader with a richer [understand+ing] of the topic.
It describes in [fascinat+ing] detail the vaporization at the impact point, the earthquakes, the fires, and the debris that caused a worldwide period of intense heat followed by darkness and [freez+ing] temperatures.



It describes in fascinating detail the vaporization at the impact point, the earthquakes, the fires, and the debris that [caused] a worldwide period of intense heat [followed] by darkness and freezing temperatures.
It is difficult to provide readers this kind of detail and insight in the [limited] space [allowed] by a textbook.


[It] describes in fascinating detail the vaporization at the impact point, the earthquakes, the fires, and the debris that caused a worldwide period of intense heat followed by darkness and freezing temperatures.
[It] is difficult to provide readers this kind of detail and insight in the limited space allowed by a textbook.



Therefore, textbooks offer a broad and consequently shallower view of subjects [that] does not allow for the kind of compelling presentation available in trade books.
For example, one passage in the textbook simply mentions [that] asteroids can hit the Earth.



Earth. The trade book, [however,] chronicles the event of an asteroid's entry into atmosphere, its collision with the planet, and the blasting of a crater 25 miles deep and 100 miles across.



[Therefore], textbooks offer a broad and consequently shallower view of subjects that does not allow for the kind of compelling presentation available in trade books.
[For example], one passage in the textbook simply mentions that asteroids can hit the Earth.













수완3  Since 2005 | 위스마트(WS) | WAYNE.TISTORY.COM | +821033383436 | iHeeJae | 제작일 20180728




1 The massive tombs and ceremonial structures built from huge stones in the Neolithic period are known as megalithic architecture, from the Greek words for "large"(megas) and "stone"(lithos).

2 Archaeologists disagree about the nature of the societies that created them.

3 Some believe megalithic monuments reflect complex, stratified societies in which powerful religious or political leaders dictated their design and commanded the large workforce necessary to accomplish these ambitious engineering projects.

4 Other interpreters argue that these massive undertakings are clear evidence for cooperative collaboration within and among social groups, coalescing around a common project that fueled social cohesion without the controlling power of a ruling elite.

5 Many megalithic structures are associated with death, and recent interpretations stress the fundamental role of death and burial as public theatrical performances in which individual and group identity, cohesion, and disputes were played out.

1 신석기 시대의 커다란 돌로 만든 거대 무덤과 의례를 위한 구조물은 그리스어 단어 '커다란(megas)'과 '돌(lithos)'에서 유래된 말인 거석 건축물로 알려져 있다.

2 고고학자들은 그것들을 만든 사회의 성격에 대해 의견이 분분하다.

3 일부는 거석 기념물이 강력한 종교 혹은 정치 지도자가 그것들의 설계를 지시하고 이런 의욕적인 토목 계획을 완수하는데 필요한 대규모 노동력을 지휘했던 복잡하고 계층화된 사회를 나타낸다고 믿는다.

4 다른 해석자들은 이런 대규모 사업이 지배층의 통제력 없이 사회적 결속을 강화한 공동의 계획을 중심으로 하나가 되는, 사회 집단 내부와 사회 집단 간의 협조적 공동 작업의 명백한 증거라고 주장한다.

5 많은 거석 구조물은 죽음과 연관되어 있는데, 최근의 해석은 개인 및 집단의 정체성, 결속, 그리고 분쟁이 펼쳐졌던 대중적 연극 공연으로서의 죽음과 매장 의식의 근본적인 역할을 강조한다.




1 The domestication of animals occurred some 10,000 years ago and represented a milestone for the history of human civilization.

2 The origin and sequence of domestication is a hotly debated topic among anthropologists and historians.

3 Richard Bulliet, professor of history at Columbia University, argues that animals were probably first kept in captivity for use in sacrificial rites.

4 This practice allowed ancient civilizations to observe which species were tame enough for use as work animals.

5 Animals, notably cattle, provided labor and locomotion when they were harnessed to plows, sledges, and wagons beginning in about 4000 BC.

6 Thus, animal agriculture was indispensable to accelerating the development of crop agriculture.

7 The flesh and hides of sacrificial animals were routinely consumed by those in the royal house or the priesthood.

8 Eventually, the habit of having the animals under human control at all times provided a constant and consistent food supply ready at hand.

9 It also thereby created the leisure time necessary to societal progress.

1 동물의 가축화는 약 10,000년 전에 일어났으며, 인류 문명사에서의 획기적 사건에 해당했다.

2 가축화의 기원과 후속된 결과는 인류학자와 역사가들 사이에서 뜨거운 논쟁거리이다.

3 Columbia 대학교의 역사학 교수 Richard Bulliet은 동물은 아마도 처음에는 제물로 바치는 의식에 사용할 목적으로 가두어 길러졌을 것이라고 주장한다.

4 이런 관행을 통해 고대의 문명사회는 어떤 종이 노동 동물로 사용 할 수 있을 만큼 유순한지 관찰할 수 있었다.

5 기원전 4,000년경부터 동물들, 특히 소에게 쟁기, 썰매, 그리고 마차를 매자, 그것들은 노동과 이동을 제공했다.

6 따라서, 동물을 이용한 농업은 작물 농업의 발전을 가속화하는 데 없어서는 안 되는 것이었다.

7 제물로 바치는 동물의 살과 가죽은 관례적으로 왕가나 성직에 있는 사람들이 소비하였다.

8 결국, 동물을 항상 인간의 통제하에 두었던 관습을 통해 바로 쓸 수 있도록 준비된 지속적이고 일관된 식량 공급을 받았다.

9 그렇게 함으로써 그것은 사회 발전에 필요한 여가 시간도 만들어 냈다.




1 Much of what we know about the population processes of animals comes from studies on birds.

2 The reasons are not hard to find, for compared to many other animals, birds are relatively easy to study.

3 Most species are active by day.

4 They are conspicuous and can be recognised by their appearance, songs or calls, which makes them easy to detect and count.

5 In addition, most birds can be trapped and marked with leg rings or other tags.

6 They then become identifiable as individuals, enabling their movements and life histories to be followed, and their survival rates to be calculated.

7 Many species, too, are large enough to carry radio-transmitters or other electronic devices, so that their day-to-day activities and movements can be recorded.

8 When tracked using satellites or geolocator tags, individuals can also be followed on their migrations, wherever on earth they travel.

9 Hardly any other kinds of animals show such an obliging combination of characteristics.

1 동물의 개체군 과정에 대해 우리가 알고 있는 많은 지식이 조류 연구에서 나온다.

2 그 이유는 찾기 어렵지 않은데, 많은 다른 동물들과 비교하여 조류는 연구가 비교적 용이하기 때문이다.

3 대부분의 종은 낮에 활동을 한다.

4 그래서 그것들은 눈에 잘 띄고 외양, 지저귐이나 울음소리로 알아볼 수 있는데, 이 때문에 그것들을 발견하고 수를 세기가 쉽다.

5 게다가, 대부분의 조류는 덫으로 잡아서 발찌나 다른 태그를 사용하여 표시할 수 있다.

6 그러면 그것들은 개체로서 식별 가능하게 되어 이동과 생활사를 추적할 수 있고, 생존율을 계산할 수 있다.

7 많은 종들은 또한 무선 송신기나 다른 전자 기기를 몸에 달고 있을 수 있을 만큼 커서, 그 결과 매일 매일의 활동과 이동을 기록할 수 있다.

8 위성이나 지리적 위치 추적기 태그를 사용하여 추적하면, 그것들이 지구상의 어디로 이동하든지 이동하는 중에 개체들을 따라갈 수도 있다.

9 다른 어떤 종류의 동물도 그런 협조적인 특징의 조합을 거의 보여 주지 않는다.




1 Recent measurements using radiometers on satellites suggest that solar energy, which is an input to our climate system, can vary considerably.

2 Changes of the order of 0.1% of the total solar energy reaching the Earth have already been measured, within a period of less than 20 months.

3 This kind of change could be linked to sunspot activity, which has a periodicity of 11 years.

4 Sunspots are magnetic storms giving (or showing) cooler regions on the Sun's surface.

5 Thus a sunspot maximum corresponds to a minimum of received solar energy.

6 According to measurements during the period 1976 to 1980, the Sun's surface cooled by about 6'C corresponding to an increase in the number and the size of sunspots.

7 These changes may alter the Earth's climate since, according to numerical climate models, a 0.5% change in solar output could be enough to change the climate.

8 In addition, a decrease in solar energy of the order of 1% could lead to a decrease in the Earth's average temperature by 1_0'C.

1 위성에 달린 복사량 측정기를 이용한 최근의 측정치는 우리의 기후 시스템에 입사되는 태양 (복사) 에너지가 크게 다를 수 있다는 것을 보여 준다.

2 지구에 도달하는 태양 에너지의 총량이 20개월 미만의 주기 안에서 대략 0.1퍼센트 정도 변화된 것이 이미 측정되었다.

3 이런 종류의 변화는 11년의 주기성을 가진 태양 흑점 활동과 관계가 있을 수 있다.

4 흑점은 태양 표면에 온도가 더 낮은 지역을 제공하는 (혹은 보여 주는) 자기 폭풍이다.

5 따라서 흑점량의 최대 시기는 지구에 도달하는 태양 에너지양이 최소가 되는 시기에 해당한다.

6 1976년에서 1980년에 이르는 기간 동안의 측정치에 따르면, 태양 표면은 흑점의 수와 크기의 증가에 상응하여 섭씨 약 6도 온도가 낮아졌다.

7 이런 변화가 지구 기후를 바꿀 수 있는데, 수치로 표시되는 기후 모델에 따르면, 태양에서 방출되는 (복사) 에너지양이 0.5퍼센트만 변해도 기후를 바꾸기에 충분할 수 있기 때문이다.

8 게다가, 대략 1퍼센트 정도의 태양 에너지 감소가 섭씨 1도의 지구 평균 온도 하락으로 이어질 수 있다.




1 Trade books can provide the space to bring a subject to life with interesting observations and details, presenting the reader with a richer understanding of the topic.

2 Because textbooks must cover such a large number of topics, they are unable to develop a single idea with any depth.

3 Therefore, textbooks offer a broad and consequently shallower view of subjects that does not allow for the kind of compelling presentation available in trade books.

4 For example, one passage in the textbook simply mentions that asteroids can hit the Earth.

5 The trade book, however, chronicles the event of an asteroid's entry into atmosphere, its collision with the planet, and the blasting of a crater 25 miles deep and 100 miles across.

6 It describes in fascinating detail the vaporization at the impact point, the earthquakes, the fires, and the debris that caused a worldwide period of intense heat followed by darkness and freezing temperatures.

7 It is difficult to provide readers this kind of detail and insight in the limited space allowed by a textbook.

1 시판 도서는 흥미로운 정보와 세부 사항으로 어떤 한 주제에 활력을 불어넣는 공간을 제공하여 독자에게 그 주제에 관한 더 풍부한 이해를 제공할 수 있다.

2 교과서는 매우 많은 주제를 다루어야 하므로 한 가지 개념을 깊이 있게 다룰 수 없다.

3 그 결과, 교과서는 주제에 대하여 시판 도서에서 얻을 수 있는 그러한 종류의 매우 흥미로운 설명을 고려하지 않는, 개괄적이며 결과적으로 더 얕은 관점을 제공한다.

4 예를 들어, 교과서에 있는 한 문단은 소행성이 지구와 충돌할 수 있다고 간단히 언급한다.

5 하지만, 시판 도서는 한 소행성의 대기 진입, 행성과 그것의 충돌, 그리고 깊이 25마일 너비 100마일 크기의 분화구 폭발 사건을 순서대로 기록한다.

6 그것은 전 세계적으로 강한 열이 발생하고 추후 암흑과 기온이 영하로 내려가는 기간을 초래한 충돌 지점의 기화, 지진, 화재 및 (소행성 충돌의) 파편에 대해 흥미롭게 자세히 서술한다.

7 교과서에 허용된 한정된 공간에서는 이런 종류의 세부 사항과 통찰을 독자들에게 제공하기가 어렵다.
















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#123,842 빅데이터 연구결과 #'분석'하라!' 
뽑아내지말고 우선순위대로 지워라


January 9, 2018. I am not disputing the amount stated nor am I unwilling [to] pay it.
My current income (see enclosed statements) covers my day-[to]-day living expenses, leaving too little [to] make the agreed monthly payments.
Therefore I propose that I pay a smaller amount over a longer period of time [to] meet the obligation, or until my circumstances change and I can pay the normal amount.
If you require any further information from me, I will be willing [to] provide it.



January 9, 2018. I am not [disput+ing] the amount stated nor am I [unwill+ing] to pay it.
My current income (see enclosed statements) covers my day-to-day [liv+ing] expenses, [leav+ing] too little to make the agreed monthly payments.
Thank you for your consideration. If you require any further information from me, I will be [will+ing] to provide it.



January 9, 2018. I am not disputing the amount [stated] nor am I unwilling to pay it.
My current income (see [enclosed] statements) covers my day-to-day living expenses, leaving too little to make the [agreed] monthly payments.


제주명요 S (should) RV!!!

your consideration. If you [require] any further information from me, I will be willing to provide it.



Therefore I propose [that] I pay a smaller amount over a longer period of time to meet the obligation, or until my circumstances change and I can pay the normal amount.



[Therefore] I propose that I pay a smaller amount over a longer period of time to meet the obligation, or until my circumstances change and I can pay the normal amount.


#123,842 빅데이터 연구결과 #'분석'하라!' 
뽑아내지말고 우선순위대로 지워라


We'll need [to] create an email plan [to] blast potential attendees, write event page copy, and then develop the agenda and presentations as well.
Leading up [to] the event, I'd like [to] work from home two days a week.
Eager [to] hear your thoughts on this plan.



I'm excited about our plans for this year's revamped conference. As you know, [pull+ing] off this event will require a lot of [plann+ing] and [writ+ing].
I'd like to work from home two days a week. In previous roles, [work+ing] from home increased my productivity.



I'm [excited] about our plans for this year's [revamped] conference.
Leading up to the event, I'd like to work from home two days a week. In previous roles, working from home [increased] my productivity.


제주명요 S (should) RV!!!

off this event will [require] a lot of planning and writing.


#123,842 빅데이터 연구결과 #'분석'하라!' 
뽑아내지말고 우선순위대로 지워라


My mother and I climbed a short ladder into the hayloft. We crawled [to] the far end under the sloping roof and buried ourselves beneath loose piles of hay.
Shouting in anger that there was no one up there, he descended in fury [to] the barn.



We crawled to the far end under the [slop+ing] roof and buried ourselves beneath loose piles of hay.
We lay motionless. Moments later we heard voices in German [shout+ing] "Wo sind die Juden(Where are the Jews?
We held our breaths. We heard one of the men stomp halfway up the ladder and [fl+ing] open the trapdoor.
The tip was only inches away from us. I felt my life [slipp+ing] away.



My mother and I [climbed] a short ladder into the hayloft. We [crawled] to the far end under the sloping roof and [buried] ourselves beneath loose piles of hay.
Moments later we [heard] voices in German shouting "Wo sind die Juden(Where are the Jews?)" We froze in terror. My mother [covered] me with her body.
We held our breaths. We [heard] one of the men stomp halfway up the ladder and fling open the trapdoor.
Cursing the Fedorow family, the men [left]. As their voices [faded] away, my mother's whisper broke the silence, "Irusiu, we are alive.



Suddenly, he stopped. Shouting in anger [that] there was no one up there, he descended in fury to the barn.


#123,842 빅데이터 연구결과 #'분석'하라!' 
뽑아내지말고 우선순위대로 지워라


RappRides is an all-volunteer system that takes seniors on shopping trips [to] Warrenton, Culpeper, Luray, and Front Royal on successive Fridays.
March. They and others at the Senior Center look forward [to] more trips in upcoming months.
Senior Center. Do you want [to] get out of the house for a few hours?
It doesn't have [to] be for shopping.
Center Coordinator, at 540- 987-3638. Darcy will assign a driver, who will call the senior [to]coordinate a pickup.



RappRides is an all-volunteer system that takes seniors on [shopp+ing] trips to Warrenton, Culpeper, Luray, and Front Royal on successive Fridays.
March. They and others at the Senior Center look forward to more trips in [upcom+ing] months.



Warrenton, Culpeper, Luray, and Front Royal on successive Fridays. RappRides just [completed] its first full month and the verdict is in.


[It] doesn't have to be for shopping.


제주명요 S (should) RV!!!

only seniors who have [requested] trips also attend the Senior Center.



RappRides is an all-volunteer system [that] takes seniors on shopping trips to Warrenton, Culpeper, Luray, and Front Royal on successive Fridays.



That's the problem. With one exception, the only seniors who have requested trips [also] attend the Senior Center.


#123,842 빅데이터 연구결과 #'분석'하라!' 
뽑아내지말고 우선순위대로 지워라


ㅇㄱㄹㅇ being/been

As we walked down this street we found it hard to stop and look at the stalls because we [were being pushed] along by the crowds.


As we walked down this street we found it hard [to] stop and look at the stalls because we were being pushed along by the crowds.
We found ourselves near [to] the side of a big building, which a sign said was the Army Drill Hall, and stood for a little while [to] get our breath back and decide what [to] do first.
Sarah said she didn't know where [to] look first and thought it would be easy [to] spend a lot of money there if she had it.



About half way down the fair opened out and the [push+ing] stopped.
We started by [walk+ing] down through the stalls. There were rows of bazaars, [r+ing] boards, [shoot+ing] saloons, gingerbread stalls, and stalls [display+ing] all sorts of fruits and spices.



Sarah and I [turned] right into a street [called] Walton Street where there were stalls down each side with bright lights.
Sarah [shouted] that she had never seen so many people. About half way down the fair [opened] out and the pushing [stopped].
We [found] ourselves near to the side of a big building, which a sign said was the Army Drill Hall, and [stood] for a little while to get our breath back and decide what to do first.


As we walked down this street we found [it] hard to stop and look at the stalls because we were being pushed along by the crowds.
Sarah said she didn't know where to look first and thought [it] would be easy to spend a lot of money there if she had [it].



We found ourselves near to the side of a big building, [which] a sign said was the Army Drill Hall, and stood for a little while to get our breath back and decide what to do first.



Sarah shouted [that] she had never seen so many people.
