으로 오세요. 수능/내신 변형, 퀴즈를 무료로 공개합니다.

블루티쳐학원 | 등록번호: 762-94-00693 | 중고등 영어 | 수강료: 30(중등), 33(고등), 3+4(특강)


### 동사는 밑줄, 접속사절은 [ ], (  ),  //     (명,형,부사절) 표시!!

Divorce rates have been rising in many countries around the world. According to recent research, divorce has different kinds of negative impact on our planet including a higher demand for resources and a lower rate of efficiency in the use of resources. Divorce leads to smaller average household sizes, which results in a larger number of total households and thus a greater demand for energy, water, and land. In addition, a divorced person uses more resources compared with a married person. A married household uses resources more efficiently.

tip! 모르는 어휘는 따로 정리하면 효과 2배!
tip!! 중심주제를 글로 정리해 보면 효과 4배!
Divorce rates have been rising in many countries around the world. According to recent research, divorce has different kinds of negative impact on our planet (including a higher demand for resources and a lower rate of efficiency in the use of resources.)
*분사구=형용사절처럼 해석 
Divorce leads to smaller average household sizes, (which results in a larger number of total households and thus a greater demand for energy, water, and land.)
*비록 형용사절이지만 관계사의 계속적 용법이므로, and it 이라고 해석하는 것이 옳다.
In addition, a divorced person uses more resources compared with a married person. A married household uses resources more efficiently.

*household 가족개개의 구성원이란 말이 아닌, 가정, 세대를 뜻함!


### 동사는 밑줄, 접속사절은 [ ], (  ),  //     (명,형,부사절) 표시!!

The fashion industry is not to blame for eating disorders. Eating disorders are serious mental illnesses and are not simply caused by models. And thin models are needed for a reason. They have the best figure to present a designer’s work and they are paid for that. Therefore, we should not pass rules and laws against thin models working. They are grown women who are capable of making their own decisions about their bodies and weight. Modeling has been a dream they have followed for years. Should we punish anyone who is single-minded in pursuing their ambitions?

 tip! 모르는 어휘는 따로 정리하면 효과 2배!

The fashion industry is not to blame for eating disorders. Eating disorders are serious mental illnesses and are not simply caused by models. And thin models are needed for a reason. They have the best figure to present a designer’s work and they are paid for that. Therefore, we should not pass rules and laws against thin models working. They are grown women (who are capable of making their own decisions about their bodies and weight.) Modeling has been a dream (they have followed for years.) Should we punish anyone (who is single-minded in pursuing their ambitions?)

**be to blame for - ~에 대하여 책임이 있다.



상금이 1억원인 UFC 격투대회에 당신이 참가하게 되었어요.
(당신은 현재 전적 10전 10승의 천하무적 파이터 입니다.)
그런데 이번 경기에서 당신에게 10대 1로 싸우면 10억 주겠다고
UFC에서 제안을 했어요. (가정해보자고요..ㅋㅋ)

당신이 10전 10승의 파이터라도 이 게임에서 승리할 수 있을까요? 
수능 영어의 문장은 마치 10명의 힘든 상대와도 같아요.
우리를 그냥 주저앉게 만들죠...
그렇다고 손 놓고 있을 수는 없잖아요. 우리의 미래가 달린 시험이니..
샘이 그동안 곰곰히 생각해서 얻은 결론!
10명과 한꺼번에 싸우기는 버거우니
1명씩 1명씩 차례로 싸우는 방법을 생각해 내게 되었어요.
여러분은 샘이 제시해주는 방법대로 그저 따라오시기만 해봐요.
엄청난 읽기의 변화를 경험할 수 있을거예요!

끊어 읽는 곳
1. 동사(v)
2. 접속사(절)
3. 분투접전(분사-ing,pp 투부정사-to RV 접속사절 전치사-전+명구)

1. 동사를 모두 찾아 밑줄 쳐 보세요.
Many models are under pressure from agents and designers to be thin. So, many of them develop eating disorders. Recently, several models have died as a result of eating disorders. Others turn to drugs in order to fight their body’s natural desire for food. In addition, many girls idolize models and feel the need to mirror their thinness. Models of a very low weight are setting bad examples for these girls and should be responsible for the increasing number of girls with eating disorders.
Therefore, we should press fashion industry not to employ very skinny models. Setting a minimum weight limit for models would be a great way. It would protect models, and ensure that young girls would not adopt extreme diets.

2. 접속사절을 찾아서 명사절은 [     ]로, 형용사절은 (      )로,
부사절은 //로 표시해보세요. 
Many models are under pressure from agents and designers to be thin. So, many of them develop eating disorders. Recently, several models have died as a result of eating disorders. Others turn to drugs in order to fight their body’s natural desire for food. In addition, many girls idolize models and feel the need to mirror their thinness. Models of a very low weight are setting bad examples for these girls and should be responsible for the increasing number of girls with eating disorders.
Therefore, we should press fashion industry not to employ very skinny models. Setting a minimum weight limit for models would be a great way. It would protect models, and ensure that young girls would not adopt extreme diets.


1. 동사를 모두 찾아 밑줄 쳐 보세요. (/는 분투접전 표시)
Many models are under pressure /from agents and designers /to be thin. So, many of them develop eating disorders. Recently, several models have died as a result of eating disorders. Others turn to drugs /in order to fight their body’s natural desire /for food. In addition, many girls idolize models and feel the need to mirror their thinness. Models of a very low weight are setting bad examples for these girls and should be responsible for the increasing number of girls with eating disorders.
Therefore, we should press fashion industry not to employ very skinny models. Setting a minimum weight limit /for models would be a great way. It would protect models, and ensure that young girls would not
adopt extreme diets.

2. 접속사절을 찾아서 명사절은 [     ]로, 형용사절은 (      )로,
부사절은 //로 표시해보세요. 
Many models are under pressure from agents and designers to be thin. So, many of them develop eating disorders. Recently, several models have died as a result of eating disorders. Others turn to drugs in order to fight their body’s natural desire for food. In addition, many girls idolize models and feel the need to mirror their thinness. Models of a very low weight are setting bad examples for these girls and should be responsible for the increasing number of girls with eating disorders.
Therefore, we should press fashion industry not to employ very skinny models. Setting a minimum weight limit for models would be a great way. It would protect models, and ensure [that young
girls would not adopt extreme diets.]

[ ] =명사절 = ~것
( ) =형용사절 = ~하는