키워드로 보는 세상2021. 12. 24. 06:42
In an astonishing example of how nurturing can influence nature, there is considerable evidence confirming that how parents emotionally respond to their children can encourage or suppress genetic tendencies. [1533-34-1] <17.0pt>
양육이 기질에 어떻게 영향을 끼칠 수 있는지에 대한 놀라운 사례 속에는, 부모가 자신의 아이들에게 정서적으로 반응하는 방식이 유전적 성향을 활성화시키거나 억누를 수 있다는 것을 확증해 주는 상당한 증거가 있다.
1. V astonish 놀라게 하다 | 2. V confirm ①확인하다②확정하다 | 3. JJ considerable ①상당한②꽤 | 4. RB emotionally 감정적으로 | 5. N evidence ①증거②근거 | 6. JJ genetic 유전적인 | 7. N influence ①영향②요인 | 8. V nurture ①육성하다②양육하다 | 9. N tendency ①경향②추세POS
In an astonishing example of how nurturing can influence nature, there is considerable evidence confirming that how parents emotionally respond to their children can encourage or suppress genetic tendencies.('In', 'IN') ('an', 'DT') ('astonishing', 'JJ') ('example', 'NN') ('of', 'IN') ('how', 'WRB') ('nurturing', 'JJ') ('can', 'MD') ('influence', 'VB') ('nature,', 'RB') ('there', 'EX') ('is', 'VBZ') ('considerable', 'JJ') ('evidence', 'NN') ('confirming', 'VBG') ('that', 'IN') ('how', 'WRB') ('parents', 'NNS') ('emotionally', 'RB') ('respond', 'VBP') ('to', 'TO') ('their', 'PRP$') ('children', 'NNS') ('can', 'MD') ('encourage', 'VB') ('or', 'CC') ('suppress', 'VB') ('genetic', 'JJ') ('tendencies.', 'NN')
1. ING-명잉 | 2. A-명잉 | 3. 동전 | 4. c-앤동5 | 5. c-하우잉In an astonishing example of how [🌼nurturing / nurtured] can influence nature, there is considerable evidence [🌼confirming / confirm] that how parents emotionally [🌼respond / be responded] to their children can encourage or [🌼suppress / suppresss] genetic tendencies.
구문과 논리
1. 명잉 #분사구 #분사구문 | 2. 동투동잉(3형식)Thus, genetic tendencies toward intelligence, sociability, and aggression can be stimulated, controlled, or suppressed by parental response and other environmental influences. [1533-34-7] <15.8pt>
그러므로, 지능, 사교성 그리고 공격성에 대한 유전적 성향은 부모의 반응과 다른 환경적인 영향들에 의해 촉진되고, 조절되고 또는 억눌러질 수 있다.
1. N aggression ①공격②공격성 | 2. V control ①제어하다②통제하다 | 3. JJ environmental ①환경의②자연의 | 4. JJ genetic 유전적인 | 5. N influence ①영향②요인 | 6. N intelligence ①지능②정보 | 7. JJ parental 부모의 | 8. N response ①반응②대응 | 9. N sociability ①사교성②친목 | 10. V stimulate ①자극하다②촉진시키다 | 11. JJ suppressed ①억제하다②억압하다 | 12. N tendency ①경향②추세POS
Thus, genetic tendencies toward intelligence, sociability, and aggression can be stimulated, controlled, or suppressed by parental response and other environmental influences.('Thus,', 'NNP') ('genetic', 'JJ') ('tendencies', 'NNS') ('toward', 'IN') ('intelligence,', 'JJ') ('sociability,', 'NN') ('and', 'CC') ('aggression', 'NN') ('can', 'MD') ('be', 'VB') ('stimulated,', 'JJ') ('controlled,', 'NN') ('or', 'CC') ('suppressed', 'VBN') ('by', 'IN') ('parental', 'JJ') ('response', 'NN') ('and', 'CC') ('other', 'JJ') ('environmental', 'JJ') ('influences.', 'NN')
1. prep-특전Thus, genetic tendencies [forward / 🌼toward] intelligence, sociability, and aggression can be stimulated, controlled, or suppressed by parental response and other environmental influences.
구문과 논리
1. 콤앤(병렬구조) | 2. 콤공식 | 3. 수동태 #be pp 주의 | 4. 이디전 | 5. 결과 | 6. 연결어코드Whenever a geneticist unlocks new secrets of the DNA molecule, it adds to our knowledge base and enables us to better the human condition. [1013-40-9] <10.6pt>
유전학자가 DNA 분자의 새로운 비밀을 알아낼 때마다, 그것은 우리 지식의 기반에 더해져서 우리로 하여금 인간 상황을 더 좋게 만들 수 있다.
1. N base ①기반②기초 | 2. N condition ①조건②상태 | 3. N knowledge ①지식②아는 것 | 4. N molecule 분자
1. add to 증가시키다POS
Whenever a geneticist unlocks new secrets of the DNA molecule, it adds to our knowledge base and enables us to better the human condition.('Whenever', 'WRB') ('a', 'DT') ('geneticist', 'NN') ('unlocks', 'JJ') ('new', 'JJ') ('secrets', 'NNS') ('of', 'IN') ('the', 'DT') ('DNA', 'NNP') ('molecule,', 'NN') ('it', 'PRP') ('adds', 'VBZ') ('to', 'TO') ('our', 'PRP$') ('knowledge', 'NN') ('base', 'NN') ('and', 'CC') ('enables', 'VBZ') ('us', 'PRP') ('to', 'TO') ('better', 'VB') ('the', 'DT') ('human', 'JJ') ('condition.', 'NN')
1. C-에버 | 2. A-명형 | 3. c-앤동7[🌼Whenever / Whoever] a geneticist unlocks [🌼new / newly] secrets of the DNA molecule, it adds to our knowledge base and [enable / 🌼enables] us to better the human condition.
구문과 논리
1. 동투동잉(3형식) | 2. 에버 #변화주의Whatever the exact genetic explanation, today Caulerpa grows about six times larger in the Mediterranean than it does in its native Pacific Ocean. [1543-4142-8] <7.4pt>
정확한 유전학적 설명이 무엇이든지 간에 오늘날 Caulerpa는 원산지인 태평양에서보다 지중해에서 약 6배 더 크게 자란다.
1. N explanation 설명 | 2. JJ genetic 유전적인 | 3. N native ①원주민의②토착의 | 4. N pacific 태평양POS
Whatever the exact genetic explanation, today Caulerpa grows about six times larger in the Mediterranean than it does in its native Pacific Ocean.('Whatever', 'WDT') ('the', 'DT') ('exact', 'JJ') ('genetic', 'JJ') ('explanation,', 'NN') ('today', 'NN') ('Caulerpa', 'NNP') ('grows', 'VBZ') ('about', 'IN') ('six', 'CD') ('times', 'NNS') ('larger', 'JJR') ('in', 'IN') ('the', 'DT') ('Mediterranean', 'NNP') ('than', 'IN') ('it', 'PRP') ('does', 'VBZ') ('in', 'IN') ('its', 'PRP$') ('native', 'JJ') ('Pacific', 'NNP') ('Ocean.', 'NNP')
1. C-에버 | 2. V-대동사 | 3. A-명형[However / 🌼Whatever] the exact [🌼genetic / geneticly] explanation, today Caulerpa grows about six times larger in the Mediterranean than it [is / 🌼does] in its native Pacific Ocean.
구문과 논리
1. 에버 #변화주의It turns out that the secret behind our recently extended life span is not due to genetics or natural selection, but rather to the relentless improvements made to our overall standard of living. [1812-22-1] <13.7pt>
우리의 최근 늘어난 수명의 숨겨진 비결은 유전학이나 자연 선택 때문이 아니라 오히려 우리의 전반적인 생활 수준의 끊임없는 향상 때문임이 드러나고 있다.
1. JJ due ①예정인②정당한 | 2. V extend ①확장하다②연장하다 | 3. N genetics 유전학 | 4. N improvement ①개선②향상 | 5. JJ natural ①자연의②천연의 | 6. JJ overall ①전반적으로②전체에 걸친 | 7. N selection ①선택②선발 | 8. V span ①걸치다②기간 | 9. N standard ①기준②표준
1. due to ~ 때문에 | 2. turn out 입증되다POS
It turns out that the secret behind our recently extended life span is not due to genetics or natural selection, but rather to the relentless improvements made to our overall standard of living.('It', 'PRP') ('turns', 'VBZ') ('out', 'RP') ('that', 'IN') ('the', 'DT') ('secret', 'JJ') ('behind', 'IN') ('our', 'PRP$') ('recently', 'RB') ('extended', 'VBN') ('life', 'NN') ('span', 'NN') ('is', 'VBZ') ('not', 'RB') ('due', 'JJ') ('to', 'TO') ('genetics', 'NNS') ('or', 'CC') ('natural', 'JJ') ('selection,', 'NN') ('but', 'CC') ('rather', 'RB') ('to', 'TO') ('the', 'DT') ('relentless', 'NN') ('improvements', 'NNS') ('made', 'VBN') ('to', 'TO') ('our', 'PRP$') ('overall', 'JJ') ('standard', 'NN') ('of', 'IN') ('living.', 'NN')
1. 긴전치사5It turns out that the secret behind our recently extended life span is not [because / 🌼due to] genetics or natural selection, but rather to the relentless improvements made to our overall standard of living.
구문과 논리
1. 동명동/형 | 2. 연결어코드All of these evolved because the participating individuals could, by working together, spread their genetic material in new and more effective ways. [1731-32-4] <8.0pt>
관여한 개체들이 협력함으로써 자신의 유전 물질을 새롭고 더 효과적인 방식으로 퍼뜨릴 수 있었기 때문에, 이 모든 것들이 진화하게 되었다.
1. JJ effective 효과적인 | 2. V evolve ①진화하다②발전하다 | 3. JJ genetic 유전적인 | 4. N individual 개인의 | 5. N material 물체/재료 | 6. V participate ①참여하다②참가하다POS
All of these evolved because the participating individuals could, by working together, spread their genetic material in new and more effective ways.('All', 'DT') ('of', 'IN') ('these', 'DT') ('evolved', 'VBN') ('because', 'IN') ('the', 'DT') ('participating', 'VBG') ('individuals', 'NNS') ('could,', 'VBN') ('by', 'IN') ('working', 'VBG') ('together,', 'NNS') ('spread', 'VBP') ('their', 'PRP$') ('genetic', 'JJ') ('material', 'NN') ('in', 'IN') ('new', 'JJ') ('and', 'CC') ('more', 'RBR') ('effective', 'JJ') ('ways.', 'NN')
구문과 논리
1. 콤공식 | 2. 이유 | 3. 연결어코드This is true even when the plants in the different light conditions are genetically identical and are grown under identical conditions of temperature, water, and nutrient level. [2112-39-2] <9.6pt>
이것은 다른 빛 조건에 있는 식물들이 유전적으로 동일하고 온도, 물 그리고 영양소 수준의 동일한 조건에서 길러질 때에도 적용된다.
1. N conditions ①조절②조건부 | 2. RB genetically 유전적으로 | 3. JJ identical ①똑같은②동일한 | 4. N nutrient 영양 | 5. N temperature ①온도②열POS
This is true even when the plants in the different light conditions are genetically identical and are grown under identical conditions of temperature, water, and nutrient level.('This', 'DT') ('is', 'VBZ') ('true', 'JJ') ('even', 'RB') ('when', 'WRB') ('the', 'DT') ('plants', 'NNS') ('in', 'IN') ('the', 'DT') ('different', 'JJ') ('light', 'JJ') ('conditions', 'NNS') ('are', 'VBP') ('genetically', 'RB') ('identical', 'JJ') ('and', 'CC') ('are', 'VBP') ('grown', 'VBN') ('under', 'IN') ('identical', 'JJ') ('conditions', 'NNS') ('of', 'IN') ('temperature,', 'NN') ('water,', 'NN') ('and', 'CC') ('nutrient', 'JJ') ('level.', 'NN')
1. c-앤동1This is true even when the plants in the different light conditions are genetically identical and [is / 🌼are] grown under identical conditions of temperature, water, and nutrient level.
구문과 논리
1. 수동태 #be pp 주의The growing field of genetics is showing us what many scientists have suspected for years foods can immediately influence the genetic blueprint. [2032-34-1] <9.2pt>
성장하고 있는 유전학 분야는 많은 과학자가 여러 해 동안 의구심을 가져왔던 것, 즉 식품이 유전자 청사진에 직접 영향을 줄 수 있다는 것을 우리에게 보여주고 있다.
1. N blueprint 청사진 | 2. N field ①분야②현장 | 3. JJ genetic 유전적인 | 4. RB immediately 즉시 | 5. N influence ①영향②요인 | 6. V suspect ①의심하다②용의자POS
The growing field of genetics is showing us what many scientists have suspected for years foods can immediately influence the genetic blueprint.('The', 'DT') ('growing', 'VBG') ('field', 'NN') ('of', 'IN') ('genetics', 'NNS') ('is', 'VBZ') ('showing', 'VBG') ('us', 'PRP') ('what', 'WP') ('many', 'JJ') ('scientists', 'NNS') ('have', 'VBP') ('suspected', 'VBN') ('for', 'IN') ('years', 'NNS') ('foods', 'NNS') ('can', 'MD') ('immediately', 'RB') ('influence', 'VB') ('the', 'DT') ('genetic', 'JJ') ('blueprint.', 'NN')
1. 복명단동The growing field of genetics [🌼is / are] showing us what many scientists have suspected for years foods can immediately influence the genetic blueprint.
구문과 논리
1. 이디전Genetic engineering followed by cloning to distribute many identical animals or plants is sometimes seen as a threat to the diversity of nature. [20수완 16-04-1] <11.9pt>
많은 똑같은 동물이나 식물을 퍼뜨리기 위한 복제로 이어지는 유전 공학은 때때로 자연의 다양성에 대한 위협으로 여겨진다.
1. JJ distribute ①나눠주다②배포하다 | 2. N diversity 다양성 | 3. JJ genetic 유전적인 | 4. JJ identical ①똑같은②동일한 | 5. N threat ①위협②우려POS
Genetic engineering followed by cloning to distribute many identical animals or plants is sometimes seen as a threat to the diversity of nature.('Genetic', 'NNP') ('engineering', 'NN') ('followed', 'VBN') ('by', 'IN') ('cloning', 'VBG') ('to', 'TO') ('distribute', 'VB') ('many', 'JJ') ('identical', 'JJ') ('animals', 'NNS') ('or', 'CC') ('plants', 'NNS') ('is', 'VBZ') ('sometimes', 'RB') ('seen', 'VBN') ('as', 'IN') ('a', 'DT') ('threat', 'NN') ('to', 'TO') ('the', 'DT') ('diversity', 'NN') ('of', 'IN') ('nature.', 'NN')
1. P-명피전 | 2. 복명단동Genetic engineering [🌼followed / following] by cloning to distribute many identical animals or plants [🌼is / are] sometimes seen as a threat to the diversity of nature.
구문과 논리
1. 수동태 #be pp 주의 | 2. 이디전Conversely, the renewed interest in genetics has led to a growing awareness that there are many wild plants and animals with interesting or useful genetic properties that could be used for a variety of as-yet-unknown purposes. [20수완 16-04-6] <13.0pt>
반대로, 유전학에 관한 새로워진 관심은 아직 알려지지 않은 다양한 목적을 위해서 이용될 수 있는 흥미롭거나 유용한 유전 특성을 가진 많은 야생 동식물이 있다는 인식을 점점 키웠다.
1. N awareness ①인식②의식 | 2. RB conversely ①거꾸로②역관계에 있어서 | 3. JJ genetic 유전적인 | 4. N property ①특성②재산 | 5. V purpose 목적 | 6. V renew ①갱신하다②새롭게 하다 | 7. JJ unknown ①알려지지 않은②미지의 | 8. N variety 다양함
1. lead to ~으로 이르다, ~을 가져오다POS
Conversely, the renewed interest in genetics has led to a growing awareness that there are many wild plants and animals with interesting or useful genetic properties that could be used for a variety of as-yet-unknown purposes.('Conversely,', 'NNP') ('the', 'DT') ('renewed', 'VBN') ('interest', 'NN') ('in', 'IN') ('genetics', 'NNS') ('has', 'VBZ') ('led', 'VBN') ('to', 'TO') ('a', 'DT') ('growing', 'VBG') ('awareness', 'NN') ('that', 'IN') ('there', 'EX') ('are', 'VBP') ('many', 'JJ') ('wild', 'JJ') ('plants', 'NNS') ('and', 'CC') ('animals', 'NNS') ('with', 'IN') ('interesting', 'JJ') ('or', 'CC') ('useful', 'JJ') ('genetic', 'JJ') ('properties', 'NNS') ('that', 'WDT') ('could', 'MD') ('be', 'VB') ('used', 'VBN') ('for', 'IN') ('a', 'DT') ('variety', 'NN') ('of', 'IN') ('as-yet-unknown', 'JJ') ('purposes.', 'NN')
1. 감정분사2 | 2. 더이디Conversely, the [🌼renewed / renewing] interest in genetics has led to a growing awareness that there are many wild plants and animals with [🌼interesting / interested] or useful genetic properties that could be used for a variety of as-yet-unknown purposes.
구문과 논리
1. 수동태 #be pp 주의 | 2. 인과 | 3. 연결어코드For certain products, such as pesticides, genetically modified organisms and vehicles, the placing of these products on the market is subject to a prior licensing scheme. [20수완 T1-38-7] <17.4pt>
살충제, 유전자 변형 생물 그리고 차량과 같은 특정 제품의 경우, 이 제품들을 시장에 내놓으려면 사전 허가 제도를 거쳐야 한다.
1. RB genetically 유전적으로 | 2. V license ①면허②허가 | 3. V modify ①변경하다②변형하다 | 4. N organism ①생물②유기체 | 5. N pesticide ①농약②살충제 | 6. V place 장소 | 7. JJ prior 이전에 | 8. N scheme 계획 | 9. JJ subject ①과목②주제 | 10. N vehicle ①차량②자동차
1. be subject to ~을 받기 쉽다 | 2. for certain 틀림없이 | 3. such as ~과 같은POS
For certain products, such as pesticides, genetically modified organisms and vehicles, the placing of these products on the market is subject to a prior licensing scheme.('For', 'IN') ('certain', 'JJ') ('products,', 'NNS') ('such', 'JJ') ('as', 'IN') ('pesticides,', 'NNS') ('genetically', 'RB') ('modified', 'VBN') ('organisms', 'NNS') ('and', 'CC') ('vehicles,', 'VB') ('the', 'DT') ('placing', 'NN') ('of', 'IN') ('these', 'DT') ('products', 'NNS') ('on', 'IN') ('the', 'DT') ('market', 'NN') ('is', 'VBZ') ('subject', 'JJ') ('to', 'TO') ('a', 'DT') ('prior', 'JJ') ('licensing', 'NN') ('scheme.', 'NN')
1. adj-형투 | 2. ING-명잉 | 3. A-명잉For certain products, such as pesticides, genetically modified organisms and vehicles, the placing of these products on the market is subject [🌼to / for] a prior [🌼licensing / licens] scheme.
구문과 논리
1. 명잉 #분사구 #분사구문 | 2. 동투동잉(3형식)NOTE! No computer-generated data could be 100% perfect.Copyright © 2021 블루티쳐학원 영어 | O1O-3338-3436
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