SAMM3 | Since 2005 위스마트, 임희재 | WAYNE.TISTORY.COM | +821033383436 | 제작일 181122 17:17:59
Written By Wayne
1. Today I saw a he
2. In this movie, James, a musician, finds a cat
3. By doing so, James st
5. And
6. Bob even helps James and his ne
7. Without Bob, James would have had a sad, lo
8. I think this movie shows the true po
9. If we help and su
10. Most of us can ea
11. But un
12. I wish that everyone had ac
13. Walking for Water is a pr
14. Each year, it pr
15. For six kilometers, the children carry the water
16. This ra
17. In tr
18. This sound comes from little sn
19. Each of these small cr
20. Bi
22. When the cl
23. This causes tiny bu
24. This co
25. These cl
26. It is
27. Cleopatra VII is one of an
28. The stories about her beauty and in
30. It
31. And for this re
32. Su
34. The only cl
35. In one of his writings, he me
36. Without Plutarch’s writings, we would not have any cl
37. Su
38. That is because gr
39. One of the coldest pl
40. Oymyakon’s lo
41. The fr
43. And the ri
45. If someone leaves their car ou
46. But Oymyakon’s summers are su
47. Temperatures can even ri
48. My friend Emily is great at taking ph
49. First, she said that it is good to keep ph
50. If you in
51. Keeping things si
52. She
54. You can
55. Fi
56. This can help show di
58. The most po
59. But have you ever heard of un
60. Many people who play it say that it has become their fa
61. Un
62. Sn
63. Since the whole game takes pl
64. And each player has to ma
65. Un
66. These teams co
67. Do you know what the national flags of Australia, New Zealand, and Brazil have in co
68. They all fe
69. All of these co
70. It can
71. There, it ap
72. Although the Southern Cross is the smallest co
73. It
74. It
75. This star
76. But it is not
77. The longer part of the cross points in the di
79. Yesterday, I saw an
80. Many of the pictures there looked un
81. That is because they were ph
82. Ph
84. In one of the pictures, the artist’s body
85. It
86. First, I fo
87. Using a computer pr
89. Spiders often eat flies or other insects that become tr
90. Hardly is that all they eat, th
91. Researchers have di
92. What is very
93. It
94. They es
95. This be
96. And it is more co
97. That is probably because it is in warmer ar
98. So, it tu
99. One day, something un
100. A man st
101. A few people briefly stopped to listen
102. Some others dr
103. More than a thousand people walked by while hardly no
105. It was world famous musician Joshua Bell that was pe
106. And he was playing some of the most di
107. Not until news about the ev
108. Many people were
109. How many
110. Scientists have made a re
111. They have fo
112. The sp
113. Workers who were di
114. So, they nicknamed them ho
115. The ho
116. Still, sc
117. They
118. For these re
119. The ho
120. Scientists do not know if they in
123. [Space Ju
124. As
125. Su
126. Mi
127. They ran to the es
129. A small ob
131. Mi
132. Ten minutes later, Mi
133. Phew, they were sa
134. The station
135. What Is Space Ju
136. Until 1957, the only thing that was moving ar
137. Now,
138. Many of these sa
139. They have become space ju
140. Space ju
141. Scientists say, About 370,000 pieces of space ju
142. Why Is Space Ju
143. Space ju
144. That is ten times faster than a bu
146. A sc
147. If a sa
148. Your ce
150. What Can
151. Today sc
153. The lasers wouldn't de
155. This high - flying ga
156. The ju
158. To do this, we should pr
159. If we pr
160. We should
161. So far, sc
163. De
165. He built this mu
166. He
167. When Korea was under Japanese ru
168. He de
169. With lots of his ef
171. On your right is the most famous and beautiful piece of Goryeo ce
172. There
174. Or
175. Gansong bought it for 20,000 won from a Japanese an
176. Today, that am
177. Later, a Japanese art co
178. The next di
179. It played a major ro
180. Although it
182. At first, the ow
183. Gansong fi
184. The ow
185. Gansong's pr
186. Now if you step this way, you can enjoy famous pa
187. The sketchbook in
188. Actually, it
190. At first, the de
191. Even th
192. He kept ex
193. The de
194. Before you look at the next di
195. Although Gansong did not spend much money on
196. He co
[1] ① heartwarming ② 2 ③ 2
[2] ① 2
[4] ① 2
[5] ① thanks ② to
[9] ① support ② 1
[10] ① access
[12] ① access
[13] ① reality
[14] ① promotes ② 2 ③ sponsored
[15] ① 2 ② survival
[16] ① raises ② attention ③ issue
[17] ① tropical ② constant ③ snapping
[18] ① snapping ② shrimp
[19] ① creatures
[20] ① Biologists ② shrimp
[21] ① 1
[22] ① pressure ② is ③ formed
[23] ① bubbles ② burst ③ pressure
[24] ① collapse
[25] ① shrimp ② bubbles ③ prey
[26] ① 2 ② stun
[28] ① intelligence
[29] ① 1 ② buried ③ stimulates ④ curiosity
[30] ① is ② thought ③ were ④ buried
[32] ① Surprisingly ② were ③ discovered
[33] ① 1 ② belonged ③ 2
[34] ① clue ② regarding ③ location ④ biographer
[35] ① mentions ② is ③ located
[36] ① clues ② regarding ③ whereabouts
[37] ① Supposing ② be ③ gone
[38] ① grave ② likely
[39] ① 2
[40] ① lowest ② was ③ recorded ④ degrees
[41] ① incredibly ② inconvenient
[42] ① 1 ② outdoors
[43] ① frostbite
[46] ① surprisingly
[47] ① degrees
[50] ① include ② be ③ distracted
[51] ① subject
[53] ① 1 ② include ③ 1 ④ details ⑤ foreground
[54] ① background
[55] ① include
[57] ① 3
[58] ① hockey
[61] ① was ② invented
[62] ① Snorkeling ② equipment ③ protective ④ puck
[64] ① manage ② breathing
[65] ① popularity
[66] ① compete ② tournament
[68] ① feature ② constellation ③ 2
[69] ① hemisphere ② constellation ③ be ④ seen
[70] ① be ② seen ③ hemisphere ④ tropical
[71] ① horizon
[72] ① constellation
[73] ① is ② made ③ resemble
[74] ① includes
[75] ① is ② shown
[76] ① featured ② on
[79] ① 1
[80] ① unreal
[81] ① photomontages
[82] ① Photomontage ② process ③ gluing ④ rearranging ⑤ overlapping
[83] ① 2
[84] ① was ② combined
[85] ① was ② inspired ③ photomontage
[87] ① background
[91] ① diverse ② before
[92] ① 1 ② feed
[93] ① is ② known ③ pollen
[94] ① especially ② nectar ③ is ④ produced
[95] ① behavior ② has ③ been ④ observed
[97] ① nectar ② widespread
[99] ① unexpected
[101] ① before ② mov ③ ing ④ on
[103] ① noticing
[104] ① 1
[105] ① performing
[107] ① was ② released ③ realize ④ 2
[108] ① 2 ② 2 ③ outstanded ④ 1
[109] ① 1
[110] ① remarkable ② discovery
[111] ① remains ② species
[112] ① species
[113] ① digging ② remains ③ were ④ reminded ⑤ characters
[114] ① hobbits
[115] ① hobbits
[116] ① emphasize ② braincases
[117] ① opposable ② thumbs ③ upright
[118] ① genus
[119] ① hobbits ② extinct ③ volcanic ④ eruption
[120] ① interacted ② 2
[121] ① 2 ② interactions
[122] ① 1 ② hobbits ③ existence ④ current ⑤ evolution
[124] ① Astronauts
[125] ① Suddenly ② emergency ③ signal
[126] ① Control ② astronauts
[127] ① escape
[129] ① object ② approaching ③ rapidly
[131] ① Control
[132] ① Control ② 2
[134] ① escaped ② escaped ③ 2 ④ tragedy
[137] ① 1 ② 3 ③ satellites
[138] ① satellites
[140] ① exists ② broken ③ satellites ④ astronauts
[141] ① were ② observed
[143] ① 2
[145] ① 2 ② damage
[146] ① destroy ② satellite
[147] ① satellite ② were ③ destroyed
[148] ① cell ② forecasts
[149] ① 1
[150] ① Be ② Done
[153] ① destroy ② satellites
[154] ① 1
[155] ① atmosphere
[156] ① before ② strik ③ ing
[157] ① 1
[158] ① prevent ② satellites
[159] ① prevented ② satellites ③ be ④ made
[160] ① astronauts
[161] ① exploring
[162] ① 1 ② are ③ concerned ④ safely
[163] ① remains
[166] ① was ② born
[167] ① regretted ② valuable ③ taken ④ 1
[168] ① cultural ② heritage
[169] ① effort ② cultural ③ heritage
[170] ① 2 ② valuable ③ displayed
[171] ① celadon
[172] ① 3 ② surface
[173] ① 1 ② 3
[174] ① Originally ② was ③ taken
[175] ① antique ② dealer
[177] ① original ② value ③ refused
[178] ① display
[179] ① principles
[180] ① was ② mentioned
[181] ① 1 ② had ③ been ④ found
[182] ① hesitated
[183] ① persuaded
[185] ① principle
[187] ① includes
[188] ① had ② been ③ taken
[189] ① 1 ② 2 ③ after ④ mak ⑤ ing ⑥ antique ⑦ dealer
[190] ① dealer
[191] ① valuable ② unreasonably
[192] ① dealer ② 2
[193] ① dealer ② was ③ moved ④ original
[194] ① display
[195] ① 2 ② hesitate
[1] 15324 / 13524 / 2134
[2] 25341 / 231
[3] 41532 / 31254 / 4132
[4] 21345 / 45231 / 51423
[5] 43251 / 15234 / 52341
[6] 34152 / 34152 / 231
[7] 53421 / 12435 / 2143
[8] 54321 / 23541 / 43125 / 12
[9] 41253 / 132
[10] 31452 / 34215 / 45123
[11] 42315 / 14325
[12] 35421 / 34251 / 123
[13] 51432 / 42315 / 21
[14] 15324 / 14253 / 35142
[15] 42135 / 312
[16] 43512 / 14352 / 21
[17] 34512 / 25134 / 43512