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블루티쳐학원 | 등록번호: 762-94-00693 | 중고등 영어 | 수강료: 30(중등), 33(고등), 3+4(특강)


전체 글 +1730
The abundant supply of commercial fertilizers has made possible the production of large crops on land that was once considered "worn out". [20수완 8-1-1] <10.4pt>

시판 비료의 풍부한 공급이 한때 '척박하다'고 여겨진 땅에서 다수확 생산을 가능하게 했다.
 1. JJ abundant ①풍부한②많은 | 2. JJ commercial ①상업용의②상업적인 | 3. V consider ①고려하다②여기다 | 4. N crop ①작물②농작물 | 5. N fertilizer 비료 | 6. JJ possible 가능한 | 7. N production ①생산②제작
 The abundant supply of commercial fertilizers has made possible the production of large crops on land that was once considered "worn out".
('The', 'DT') ('abundant', 'JJ') ('supply', 'NN') ('of', 'IN') ('commercial', 'JJ') ('fertilizers', 'NNS') ('has', 'VBZ') ('made', 'VBN') ('possible', 'JJ') ('the', 'DT') ('production', 'NN') ('of', 'IN') ('large', 'JJ') ('crops', 'NNS') ('on', 'IN') ('land', 'NN') ('that', 'WDT') ('was', 'VBD') ('once', 'RB') ('considered', 'VBN') ('"worn', 'JJ') ('out".', 'NNS')
 1. C-부접피
The abundant supply of commercial fertilizers has made possible the production of large crops on land that was once [considering / 🌼considered] "worn out".
구문과 논리
 1. 동명동/형 | 2. 부접 (주비생략) 잉/피(능수동주의) | 3. 수동태 #be pp 주의

It has also led to improved practices with regard to drainage, erosion control, and many other practices because fertilizers make it profitable to spend money on soils to put them in the best possible condition for high yields. [20수완 8-1-2] <19.9pt>

그것은 도한 배수, 침식 방지, 그리고 다른 많은 관행과 관련하여 관행 개선을 가져왔는데, 그 이유는 비료가 토양을 다수확을 위한 가능한 최상의 상태로 만들기 위해 토양에 돈을 쓰는 것을 수익성 있게 하기 때문이다.
 1. N condition ①조건②상태 | 2. N control ①제어하다②통제하다 | 3. N drainage ①하수②오수 | 4. N erosion ①침식②부식 | 5. N fertilizer 비료 | 6. V improve ①개선하다②향상하다 | 7. JJ possible 가능한 | 8. N practice ①관습②연습하다 | 9. JJ profitable 이익이 되는 | 10. N regard ①관련되다②간주하다 | 11. N soil 흙/땅 | 12. N yield ①수확하다②양보하다 
 1. lead to ~으로 이르다, ~을 가져오다 | 2. with regard to ~에 관하여
 It has also led to improved practices with regard to drainage, erosion control, and many other practices because fertilizers make it profitable to spend money on soils to put them in the best possible condition for high yields.
('It', 'PRP') ('has', 'VBZ') ('also', 'RB') ('led', 'VBN') ('to', 'TO') ('improved', 'VBN') ('practices', 'NNS') ('with', 'IN') ('regard', 'NN') ('to', 'TO') ('drainage,', 'VB') ('erosion', 'NN') ('control,', 'NN') ('and', 'CC') ('many', 'JJ') ('other', 'JJ') ('practices', 'NNS') ('because', 'IN') ('fertilizers', 'NNS') ('make', 'VBP') ('it', 'PRP') ('profitable', 'JJ') ('to', 'TO') ('spend', 'VB') ('money', 'NN') ('on', 'IN') ('soils', 'NNS') ('to', 'TO') ('put', 'VB') ('them', 'PRP') ('in', 'IN') ('the', 'DT') ('best', 'JJS') ('possible', 'JJ') ('condition', 'NN') ('for', 'IN') ('high', 'JJ') ('yields.', 'NN')
 1. V-비타 | 2. prep-전명투 | 3. prep-전피1 | 4. prep-전피3 | 5. 품사주의
It has also led to [improving / 🌼improved] practices with regard [🌼to / for] [drain / 🌼drainage], erosion control, and many other practices because fertilizers make [🌼it / them] profitable to spend money on soils to [puting / 🌼put] them in the best possible condition for high yields.
구문과 논리
 1. 비타(어순주의) | 2. 동투동잉(3형식) | 3. 동명동/형 | 4. 이유 | 5. 인과 | 6. 연결어코드

Not all of the added fertilizer is removed by the first one or two crops but some of it remains fixed in the soil in a slowly available form. [20수완 8-1-3] <7.6pt>

추가된 비료는 처음 한두 번의 소출에 의해 모두 없어지는 것이 아니라, 그것 중 일부는 천천히 이용될 수 있는 형태로 토양에 흡착된 재로 남는다.
 1. JJ available ①가능한②이용할 수 있는 | 2. N crop ①작물②농작물 | 3. V remove ①제거하다②없애다 | 4. N soil 흙/땅
 Not all of the added fertilizer is removed by the first one or two crops but some of it remains fixed in the soil in a slowly available form.
('Not', 'RB') ('all', 'DT') ('of', 'IN') ('the', 'DT') ('added', 'JJ') ('fertilizer', 'NN') ('is', 'VBZ') ('removed', 'VBN') ('by', 'IN') ('the', 'DT') ('first', 'JJ') ('one', 'CD') ('or', 'CC') ('two', 'CD') ('crops', 'NNS') ('but', 'CC') ('some', 'DT') ('of', 'IN') ('it', 'PRP') ('remains', 'VBZ') ('fixed', 'VBN') ('in', 'IN') ('the', 'DT') ('soil', 'NN') ('in', 'IN') ('a', 'DT') ('slowly', 'RB') ('available', 'JJ') ('form.', 'NN')
 1. 더이디
Not all of the [🌼added / adding] fertilizer is removed by the first one or two crops but some of it remains fixed in the soil in a slowly available form.
구문과 논리
 1. 수동태 #be pp 주의 | 2. 이디전

The result then is that fertilizers tend to increase soil fertility, or at least soil productivity. [20수완 8-1-6] <8.9pt>

그러면 결과적으로 비료는 토양의 비옥도나 적어도 토양의 생산성을 증가시키는 데 이바지하게 된다.
 1. N fertility ①출산②비옥 | 2. N fertilizer 비료 | 3. N productivity ①생산성②생산력 | 4. N soil 흙/땅 
 1. at least 적어도,어쨌든 | 2. tend to ~하는 경향이 있다
 The result then is that fertilizers tend to increase soil fertility, or at least soil productivity.
('The', 'DT') ('result', 'NN') ('then', 'RB') ('is', 'VBZ') ('that', 'IN') ('fertilizers', 'NNS') ('tend', 'VBP') ('to', 'TO') ('increase', 'VB') ('soil', 'NN') ('fertility,', 'NN') ('or', 'CC') ('at', 'IN') ('least', 'JJS') ('soil', 'NN') ('productivity.', 'NN')
구문과 논리
 1. 동투동잉(3형식)

Specifically, they found that certification significantly reduced the use of pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and herbicides, and increased the use of organic fertilizers. [20수완 T1-4142-11] <13.0pt>

구체적으로, 그들은 인증이 살충제, 화학비료 및 제초제의 사용을 상당히 감소시키고, 유기농 비료의 시용을 증가시킨다는 것을 발견했다.
 1. N certification ①증명②보증 | 2. N chemical ①화학적인②화학물질 | 3. N fertilizer 비료 | 4. V increase ①증가하다②늘리다 | 5. JJ organic ①유기적인②근본적인 | 6. N pesticide ①농약②살충제 | 7. V reduce ①줄이다②감소시키다 | 8. RB significantly 엄청나게 | 9. RB specifically ①특히②구체적으로
 Specifically, they found that certification significantly reduced the use of pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and herbicides, and increased the use of organic fertilizers.
('Specifically,', 'NNP') ('they', 'PRP') ('found', 'VBD') ('that', 'IN') ('certification', 'NN') ('significantly', 'RB') ('reduced', 'VBD') ('the', 'DT') ('use', 'NN') ('of', 'IN') ('pesticides,', 'JJ') ('chemical', 'NN') ('fertilizers,', 'NN') ('and', 'CC') ('herbicides,', 'NN') ('and', 'CC') ('increased', 'VBD') ('the', 'DT') ('use', 'NN') ('of', 'IN') ('organic', 'JJ') ('fertilizers.', 'NN')
구문과 논리
 1. 콤앤(병렬구조) | 2. 연결어코드

The reduction of minerals in our food is the result of using pesticides and fertilizers that kill off beneficial bacteria, earthworms, and bugs in the soil that create many of the essential nutrients in the first place and prevent the uptake of nutrients into the plant. [2111-29-1] <18.0pt>

우리의 식품 속 미네랄의 감소는 우선적으로 많은 필수 영양소를 만들어 내는 토양에 있는 이로운 박테리아, 지렁이 그리고 벌레를 죽이고 식물로의 영양소 흡수를 막는 살충제와 비료를 사용하는 것의 결과이다.
 1. JJ beneficial ①이로운②유익한 | 2. JJ essential ①필수의②필요한 | 3. N fertilizer 비료 | 4. N mineral ①광물②무기질 | 5. N nutrient 영양 | 6. N pesticide ①농약②살충제 | 7. N reduction ①감소②감축 | 8. N soil 흙/땅 | 9. N uptake ①이해②섭취 
 1. in one's place ~대신에 | 2. in the first place 우선 | 3. of use 유용한
 The reduction of minerals in our food is the result of using pesticides and fertilizers that kill off beneficial bacteria, earthworms, and bugs in the soil that create many of the essential nutrients in the first place and prevent the uptake of nutrients into the plant.
('The', 'DT') ('reduction', 'NN') ('of', 'IN') ('minerals', 'NNS') ('in', 'IN') ('our', 'PRP$') ('food', 'NN') ('is', 'VBZ') ('the', 'DT') ('result', 'NN') ('of', 'IN') ('using', 'VBG') ('pesticides', 'NNS') ('and', 'CC') ('fertilizers', 'NNS') ('that', 'WDT') ('kill', 'VBP') ('off', 'RP') ('beneficial', 'JJ') ('bacteria,', 'NN') ('earthworms,', 'NN') ('and', 'CC') ('bugs', 'NNS') ('in', 'IN') ('the', 'DT') ('soil', 'NN') ('that', 'WDT') ('create', 'VBP') ('many', 'JJ') ('of', 'IN') ('the', 'DT') ('essential', 'JJ') ('nutrients', 'NNS') ('in', 'IN') ('the', 'DT') ('first', 'JJ') ('place', 'NN') ('and', 'CC') ('prevent', 'VB') ('the', 'DT') ('uptake', 'NN') ('of', 'IN') ('nutrients', 'NNS') ('into', 'IN') ('the', 'DT') ('plant.', 'NN')
 1. 매니오브 | 2. c-앤동5
The reduction of minerals in our food is the result of using pesticides and fertilizers that kill off beneficial bacteria, earthworms, and bugs in the soil that create [many / 🌼many of] the essential nutrients in the first place and [🌼prevent / prevents] the uptake of nutrients into the plant.

The immense improvement in the yield of farming during the twentieth century, as a result of innovations in mechanization, fertilizer, new varieties, pesticides and genetic engineering, has banished famine from the face of the planet almost entirely, and drastically reduced malnutrition, even while the human population has continued to expand. [2173-22-1] <25.5pt>

기계화, 비료, 신품종, 살충제, 유전공학에서의 혁신의 결과인 20세기 농업 생산량의 엄청난 향상은, 심지어 인구가 계속 팽창하는 동안에도, 지구상에서 기근을 거의 완전히 몰아냈고, 영양실조를 대폭 줄였다.
 1. V banish ①추방하다②떨쳐버리다 | 2. RB drastically ①과감하게②철저히 | 3. RB entirely ①완전히②전적으로 | 4. V expand ①확대하다②확장하다 | 5. JJ famine ①기근②기아 | 6. N fertilizer 비료 | 7. JJ genetic 유전적인 | 8. N improvement ①개선②향상 | 9. N innovation 혁신 | 10. N malnutrition ①영양실조②영양 불량 | 11. N mechanization ①기계화②기동화 | 12. N pesticide ①농약②살충제 | 13. N population ①인구②사람 | 14. V reduce ①줄이다②감소시키다 | 15. N variety 다양함 | 16. V yield ①수확하다②양보하다 
 1. as a result of ~의 결과로
 The immense improvement in the yield of farming during the twentieth century, as a result of innovations in mechanization, fertilizer, new varieties, pesticides and genetic engineering, has banished famine from the face of the planet almost entirely, and drastically reduced malnutrition, even while the human population has continued to expand.
('The', 'DT') ('immense', 'JJ') ('improvement', 'NN') ('in', 'IN') ('the', 'DT') ('yield', 'NN') ('of', 'IN') ('farming', 'VBG') ('during', 'IN') ('the', 'DT') ('twentieth', 'JJ') ('century,', 'NN') ('as', 'IN') ('a', 'DT') ('result', 'NN') ('of', 'IN') ('innovations', 'NNS') ('in', 'IN') ('mechanization,', 'NN') ('fertilizer,', 'VBP') ('new', 'JJ') ('varieties,', 'NN') ('pesticides', 'NNS') ('and', 'CC') ('genetic', 'JJ') ('engineering,', 'NN') ('has', 'VBZ') ('banished', 'VBN') ('famine', 'NN') ('from', 'IN') ('the', 'DT') ('face', 'NN') ('of', 'IN') ('the', 'DT') ('planet', 'NN') ('almost', 'RB') ('entirely,', 'NN') ('and', 'CC') ('drastically', 'RB') ('reduced', 'VBN') ('malnutrition,', 'NNS') ('even', 'RB') ('while', 'IN') ('the', 'DT') ('human', 'JJ') ('population', 'NN') ('has', 'VBZ') ('continued', 'VBN') ('to', 'TO') ('expand.', 'VB')
 1. V-먼동사3 | 2. 긴전치사1 | 3. 부콤 | 4. ad-특부
The immense improvement in the yield of farming during the twentieth century, [as a result / 🌼as a result of] innovations in mechanization, fertilizer, new varieties, pesticides and genetic engineering, [🌼has / having] banished famine from the face of the planet almost [entire / 🌼entirely], and [drastical / 🌼drastically] reduced malnutrition, even while the human population has continued to expand.
구문과 논리
 1. 동투동잉(3형식) | 2. 결과 | 3. 연결어코드

For example, increased levels of nutrients from agricultural fertilizers can stimulate algal blooms and affect the ecology of local streams. [20수특 T1-18-2] <11.6pt>

예를 들어, 농업용 비료에서 비롯된 영양분 수준 증가는 조류의 대증식을 불러 일으켜서 지역 하천의 생태에 영향을 끼칠 수 있다.
 1. JJ affect 영향을 주다 | 2. JJ agricultural ①농업의②농산의 | 3. N bloom ①꽃이 피다②개화 | 4. JJ ecology 생태 환경 | 5. N fertilizer 비료 | 6. V increase ①증가하다②늘리다 | 7. N nutrient 영양 | 8. JJ stimulate ①자극하다②촉진시키다 | 9. N stream ①하천②흐름
 For example, increased levels of nutrients from agricultural fertilizers can stimulate algal blooms and affect the ecology of local streams.
('For', 'IN') ('example,', 'NN') ('increased', 'VBN') ('levels', 'NNS') ('of', 'IN') ('nutrients', 'NNS') ('from', 'IN') ('agricultural', 'JJ') ('fertilizers', 'NNS') ('can', 'MD') ('stimulate', 'VB') ('algal', 'JJ') ('blooms', 'NNS') ('and', 'CC') ('affect', 'VB') ('the', 'DT') ('ecology', 'NN') ('of', 'IN') ('local', 'JJ') ('streams.', 'NN')
 1. c-앤동5
For example, increased levels of nutrients from agricultural fertilizers can stimulate algal blooms and [🌼affect / affects] the ecology of local streams.
구문과 논리
 1. 콤공식 | 2. 연결어코드

Inorganic nitrogen supplies are essential for maintaining moderate to high levels of productivity for many of the non-leguminous crop species, because organic supplies of nitrogenous materials often are either limited or more expensive than inorganic nitrogen fertilizers. [2113-30-3] <25.0pt>

무기질 질소 공급은 많은 비(非)콩과 작물 종의 생산성을 중상 수준으로 유지하는 데 필수적인데, 그것은 질소성 물질의 유기적 공급이 무기 질소 비료보다 자주 제한적이거나 더 비싸기 때문이다.
 1. N crop ①작물②농작물 | 2. JJ essential ①필수의②필요한 | 3. N fertilizer 비료 | 4. JJ limited 제한하다 | 5. V maintain ①유지하다②계속하다 | 6. JJ moderate ①사회를 보다②온건한 | 7. N nitrogen 질소 | 8. JJ organic ①유기적인②근본적인 | 9. N productivity ①생산성②생산력 | 10. N species ①종②종류 | 11. N supply 공급하다
 Inorganic nitrogen supplies are essential for maintaining moderate to high levels of productivity for many of the non-leguminous crop species, because organic supplies of nitrogenous materials often are either limited or more expensive than inorganic nitrogen fertilizers.
('Inorganic', 'NNP') ('nitrogen', 'NN') ('supplies', 'NNS') ('are', 'VBP') ('essential', 'JJ') ('for', 'IN') ('maintaining', 'VBG') ('moderate', 'JJ') ('to', 'TO') ('high', 'JJ') ('levels', 'NNS') ('of', 'IN') ('productivity', 'NN') ('for', 'IN') ('many', 'JJ') ('of', 'IN') ('the', 'DT') ('non-leguminous', 'JJ') ('crop', 'NN') ('species,', 'NN') ('because', 'IN') ('organic', 'JJ') ('supplies', 'NNS') ('of', 'IN') ('nitrogenous', 'JJ') ('materials', 'NNS') ('often', 'RB') ('are', 'VBP') ('either', 'RB') ('limited', 'JJ') ('or', 'CC') ('more', 'RBR') ('expensive', 'JJ') ('than', 'IN') ('inorganic', 'JJ') ('nitrogen', 'NN') ('fertilizers.', 'NN')
 1. 매니오브 | 2. c-상관접속사
Inorganic nitrogen supplies are essential for maintaining moderate to high levels of productivity for [many / 🌼many of] the non-leguminous crop species, because organic supplies of nitrogenous materials often are either limited [🌼or / nor] more expensive than inorganic nitrogen fertilizers.
구문과 논리
 1. 수동태 #be pp 주의 | 2. 이유 | 3. 연결어코드

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