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블루티쳐학원 | 등록번호: 762-94-00693 | 중고등 영어 | 수강료: 30(중등), 33(고등), 3+4(특강)


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1. 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [11년 고3 3월 중앙]

 Perhaps our lack of inner peace is partly due to the effect of noise upon the nervous system of modern people. Scientific experiments show that noise in the places where we work, live, or sleep ① reduces efficiency to a noticeable degree. Contrary to popular belief, it is doubtful ② if we ever completely adjust our physical, mental, or nervous mechanisms to noise. No matter ③ how familiar a repeated sound becomes, it never passes unheard by the subconscious. Motor-car horns, the roar of airplanes, and other harsh noises actually result in physical activity ④ while sleep. Impulses transmitted to nerves by these sounds cause muscular movements which disturb real rest. If the reaction is ⑤ extremely severe, it is almost like a shock to our body.

2. 각 괄호 안에서 어법에 맞는 것은? [11년 고3 3월 중앙]

 Cooking at home Is a great way to save money and quit increasing your debt with restaurant charges. Cooking at home takes time, but so (A) [is / does] driving to a restaurant. Busy schedules make it difficult to find the time to cook healthy, tasty, and economical home-cooked meals. The suggestions here can help. You can save time by preparing one or two large meals on the weekend and (B) [scheduling / schedule] leftovers for a meal or two during the week. Soups and stews are easy to prepare in quantity. Take your lunch to work at least three days a week. In addition to (C) [bringing / bring] sandwiches, think about yogurt, vegetables, soup, and microwave meals.

    (A)          (B)         (C) 

① isㅡㅡschedulingㅡㅡbringing 

② isㅡㅡscheduleㅡㅡbring 

③ doesㅡㅡschedulingㅡㅡbringing 

④ doesㅡㅡschedulingㅡㅡbring 

⑤ doesㅡㅡscheduleㅡㅡbring



Strong Willpower Until the End of Time

영어 / 수능 / TEPS / TOEIC / TOEFL / 임희재 강사



 1. 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [11년 고3 3월 대성]

 There is a widely held belief that any reduction in the number of languages is a benefit for mankind, and not a tragedy at all. A variety of thoughts feed this belief. One reflects the ancient tradition, expressing in several mythologies, that the spread of languages in the world was a penalty imposed on humanity, the reversal of the spread of languages would restore much of his original perfection. In an ideal world, according to this view, there would be just one language, which would guarantee mutual understanding and peace. Any circumstances which would reduce the number of languages in the world, thereby enabling us to move closer to this goal, must therefore be welcomed.

2. 각 괄호 안에서 어법에 맞는 것은? [11년 고3 3월 대성] How can we best define success? Does it simply mean that there was a task before us that anyone could accomplish? If that is the case, then we can call walking down the driveway and (A) [collect / collecting] the mail a success. Yet, success means so much more. Success comes when we face a challenge and struggle against all odds to succeed. Historically, success often (B) [followed / was followed] a series of failures. For example, Abraham Lincoln suffered a big defeat in the first election he ever entered, and was considered a poor and bumbling speaker. Yet, he became one of our greatest presidents, (C) [what / whose] speeches are still regarded as masterpieces of political persuasion. It is important to study our failures, learn from them, and then make a new attempt.       

(A)           (B)         (C) 

➀ collectㅡㅡfollowedㅡㅡwhat 

➁ collectㅡㅡwas followedㅡㅡwhose 

➂ collectingㅡㅡfollowedㅡㅡwhat 

➃ collectingㅡㅡfollowedㅡㅡwhose 

➄ collectingㅡㅡwas followedㅡㅡwhat


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 1. 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [11년 고3 3월 종로]

 Over millions of years of evolution, the brain has grown from the bottom up, with its higher centers ① developing as elaborations of lower, more ancient parts. The most primitive part of the brain, shared with all species that have more than a minimal nervous system, ② is the brainstem surrounding the top of the spinal cord. This root of the brain regulates basic body functions like breathing and the metabolism of the organs, as well as ③ to control stereotyped reactions and movements. This primitive part of the brain is believed to be incapable of thinking or learning; rather it consists of preprogrammed regulators that ④ keep the body running as it should and reacting in a way that ensures survival. From this most primitive root, emerged the emotional centers. Millions of years later, through evolution from these emotional areas developed the thinking part of brain. There was an emotional brain long before a rational ⑤ one.

2.  각 괄호 안에서 어법에 맞는 것은? [11년 고3 3월 종로] 

At least when it comes to “human books”, we judge beautiful covers more closely and accurately than others. So suggests a study from 2010 that (A) [investigated / was investigated] if physically attractive women were judged more in line with their unique, self-reported traits. Researchers used a “round robin” format in which participants met each other for brief intervals and took away a certain impression of the other. Turns out, the more physically attractive someone was, the more (B) [accurate / accurately] the other person read her. The study also found that when we evaluate an attractive woman, we’re more likely to judge her favorably at least up to a certain point. To the extent that an attractive woman believes about herself (C) [that / what] we also want to believe about her, we may just be under the irrationally compelling spell of physical attraction.                                        

  *round robin: (스포츠)리그전

        (A)               (B)             (C) 

① investigated …… accurately …… that 

② investigated …… accurate …… what 

③ investigated …… accurately …… what

 ④ was investigated …… accurate …… that 

⑤ was investigated …… accurately …… that


'W 영어생각 > W레스토랑' 카테고리의 다른 글

[W 어법밥] D - 116  (1) 2014.07.31
[W레스토랑] D -115 No Sweat, No Sweet  (3) 2014.07.30
Day-114 날씨가 다시 좋아졌다!!!  (7) 2014.07.28
[어법밥] D-113 장마철!!! 밥 먹고 힘내자!!!  (3) 2014.07.23
Day-112  (3) 2014.07.16

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1. 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [11년 고3 3월 전국]

 Archaeologist Mark Aldenderfer set out last year to explore remote cliffside caves in Nepal’s Mustang district, aiming to find human remains near an ancient settlement ① high in the Himalayas. Almost at once, he came face‑to‑face with ② what he was seeking: Sticking out from the rock, a skull was looking at him right ③ as he was looking at it. The skull, dating back perhaps 2,500 years, was among many human bones ④ piled inside several burial caves. Aldenderfer and his team hope that DNA analysis will pinpoint the origins of this isolated region’s inhabitants, who may ⑤ migrate from the Tibetan Plateau or southern points.

2. 각 괄호 안에서 어법에 맞는 것은? [11년 고3 3월 전국] 

Ultrasound, an imaging technique, produces an image by (A) [bounce / bouncing] sound waves off an object inside the body. A picture is then made using the reflected sound waves. The frequency of sound waves used in ultrasound imaging (B) [range / ranges] above human hearing. The choice of frequency depends on how deep into the body the sound waves are needed to penetrate. Lower frequencies allow doctors to see structures deeper inside the body. The lower the frequency, however, the less (C) [clear / clearly] the image will become. Doctors use ultrasound to visualize the size and structure of internal organs.      

     (A)         (B)        (C) 

① bounce ---range---clear 

② bounce---ranges---clearly 

③ bouncing---ranges---clear 

④ bouncing---ranges---clearly 

⑤ bouncing---range---clearly


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