[끊어읽기 1일] 10일 동안의 끊어읽기
상금이 1억원인 UFC 격투대회에 당신이 참가하게 되었어요.
(당신은 현재 전적 10전 10승의 천하무적 파이터 입니다.)
그런데 이번 경기에서 당신에게 10대 1로 싸우면 10억 주겠다고
UFC에서 제안을 했어요. (가정해보자고요..ㅋㅋ)
당신이 10전 10승의 파이터라도 이 게임에서 승리할 수 있을까요?
수능 영어의 문장은 마치 10명의 힘든 상대와도 같아요.
우리를 그냥 주저앉게 만들죠...
그렇다고 손 놓고 있을 수는 없잖아요. 우리의 미래가 달린 시험이니..
샘이 그동안 곰곰히 생각해서 얻은 결론!
10명과 한꺼번에 싸우기는 버거우니
1명씩 1명씩 차례로 싸우는 방법을 생각해 내게 되었어요.
여러분은 샘이 제시해주는 방법대로 그저 따라오시기만 해봐요.
엄청난 읽기의 변화를 경험할 수 있을거예요!
끊어 읽는 곳
1. 동사(v)
2. 접속사(절)
3. 분투접전(분사-ing,pp 투부정사-to RV 접속사절 전치사-전+명구)
1. 동사를 모두 찾아 밑줄 쳐 보세요.
Many models are under pressure from agents and designers to be thin. So, many of them develop eating disorders. Recently, several models have died as a result of eating disorders. Others turn to drugs in order to fight their body’s natural desire for food. In addition, many girls idolize models and feel the need to mirror their thinness. Models of a very low weight are setting bad examples for these girls and should be responsible for the increasing number of girls with eating disorders. Therefore, we should press fashion industry not to employ very skinny models. Setting a minimum weight limit for models would be a great way. It would protect models, and ensure that young girls would not adopt extreme diets.
2. 접속사절을 찾아서 명사절은 [ ]로, 형용사절은 ( )로,
부사절은 //로 표시해보세요.
Many models are under pressure from agents and designers to be thin. So, many of them develop eating disorders. Recently, several models have died as a result of eating disorders. Others turn to drugs in order to fight their body’s natural desire for food. In addition, many girls idolize models and feel the need to mirror their thinness. Models of a very low weight are setting bad examples for these girls and should be responsible for the increasing number of girls with eating disorders. Therefore, we should press fashion industry not to employ very skinny models. Setting a minimum weight limit for models would be a great way. It would protect models, and ensure that young girls would not adopt extreme diets.
1. 동사를 모두 찾아 밑줄 쳐 보세요. (/는 분투접전 표시)
Many models are under pressure /from agents and designers /to be thin. So, many of them develop eating disorders. Recently, several models have died as a result of eating disorders. Others turn to drugs /in order to fight their body’s natural desire /for food. In addition, many girls idolize models and feel the need to mirror their thinness. Models of a very low weight are setting bad examples for these girls and should be responsible for the increasing number of girls with eating disorders. Therefore, we should press fashion industry not to employ very skinny models. Setting a minimum weight limit /for models would be a great way. It would protect models, and ensure that young girls would not adopt extreme diets.
2. 접속사절을 찾아서 명사절은 [ ]로, 형용사절은 ( )로,
부사절은 //로 표시해보세요.
Many models are under pressure from agents and designers to be thin. So, many of them develop eating disorders. Recently, several models have died as a result of eating disorders. Others turn to drugs in order to fight their body’s natural desire for food. In addition, many girls idolize models and feel the need to mirror their thinness. Models of a very low weight are setting bad examples for these girls and should be responsible for the increasing number of girls with eating disorders. Therefore, we should press fashion industry not to employ very skinny models. Setting a minimum weight limit for models would be a great way. It would protect models, and ensure [that young girls would not adopt extreme diets.]
[ ] =명사절 = ~것
( ) =형용사절 = ~하는
'W 영어생각 > 마법같은 10일의 끊어읽기' 카테고리의 다른 글
[끊어읽기 6일] 10일 동안의 끊어읽기 연습 (0) | 2009.02.11 |
[끊어읽기 5일] 10일 동안의 끊어읽기 연습 (0) | 2009.02.09 |
[끊어읽기 4일] 10일 동안의 끊어읽기 연습 (0) | 2009.02.09 |
[끊어읽기 3일] 10일 동안의 끊어읽기 연습 (0) | 2009.02.07 |
[끊어읽기 2일] 10일 동안의 끊어읽기 연습 (0) | 2009.02.07 |
wayne's 2월 수능영어 GUIDE
1. 3월 11일 전국연합 학력평가를 대비하라!
- 전년도 기출문제를 풀어보는 것보다 더 좋은 대비는 없다.
- 중요문장 분석-해석-독해의 과정을 통해 내용을 잘 이해하라.
- 모르는 어휘를 직접 정리해서 수시로 들여다보며 암기하라.
- mp3 파일을 반복적으로 듣는 훈련을 하고, 가능하면 따라해보라.
http://wayne1004.tistory.com/234 <고1 모의고사>
http://wayne1004.tistory.com/233 <고2 모의고사>
http://wayne1004.tistory.com/232 <고3 모의고사>
2. 영어의 실력은 평상시의 영어적 습관에 달려있다!
- 샘이 선정해주는 좋은 지문들을 읽는 습관을 길러보라.
그리하면 영어를 좋아하게 될 것이고, 그것이 당신의 영어실력을 향상시켜줄 것이다.
>> 오른쪽의 실용영어 카테고리를 이용하도록!
3. 온라인상 개인질문을 하시면 제가 직접 답변해 드립니다.
- 제 오프라인 강좌를 듣지 않으신다해도, 질문을 친절히 답변해 드릴께요.
뭐 특별히 착하게 사는 것도 없으니, 제가 할수 있는 것이라도 나눠드리죠.. ^^
>> 위쪽의 명록이를 이용하세요~
모의평가 안내 :
2009년 전국연합학력평가 일정
고등학교 1,2학년 |
고등학교 3학년 |
3. 11 (수) |
3. 11 (수) |
- |
4. 14 (화) |
6. 17 (수) |
6. 4 (목) - 대수능 모의평가 |
- |
7. 14 (화) |
9. 17 (목) |
9. 3 (목) - 대수능 모의평가 |
- |
10. 15 (목) |
11. 17 (화) |
11. 12 (목) - 대학수학능력시험 |
* 위의 일정은 시행처 사정에 따라 변경될 수 있습니다.
'[띵작]공지사항' 카테고리의 다른 글
2016수능에서 성공할 제자를 찾습니다 (0) | 2014.07.16 |
엑스터디 임희재 선생님 2월 단과 강좌 안내(XTUDY) [wayne] (0) | 2009.02.11 |
XTUDY 외국어영역 임희재(wayne) 12월 29일 개강! (0) | 2008.12.24 |
XTUDY wayne (0) | 2008.12.21 |
엑스터디(XTUDY) 영어강사 임희재(wayne) (0) | 2008.12.18 |
How does deflation harm the economy?
During a deflation, people spend less, which slows down economic growth.
January 20, 2009 | ||||||||
In the midst of a global economic downturn, that word is most likely to be “deflation.” This word refers to a continuous decrease in the prices of products and services. It’s the opposite of inflation, which means that the general price of products and services will rise. It sounds like you can save money because goods are cheaper. This is an understandable response. Korea has a lot of experience with inflation. But deflation is relatively new to us. However, if prices go down steadily over a prolonged period, the economy can suffer. Deflation is just as harmful as inflation. Think of it this way: Both high and low blood pressure are bad for your health. Why is deflation a danger to the economy? Deflation over a long period can lead to a catastrophe like the Great Depression that started in 1929 in the United States. This event was the most serious economic depression in the 20th century. If prices persistently go down, what will happen? First, consumers will not want to buy any products. They will wait because they think prices will go down even more. If products don’t sell and are left to pile up in storage, companies eventually reduce production. If this happens, companies will need fewer employees and will eventually fire staff, which will raise the rate of unemployment. If the number of people who are unemployed keeps going up, the average income in households will decrease, which will make people tighten up their wallets even more. This will once again lead to people buying less and a further fall in prices. In short, with this deflationary downturn, the economy will shrink and eventually deteriorate. If product prices fall, the value of money goes up. In contrast, inflation destroys the value of money. For example, if a loaf of bread costing $3 during normal economic times rises to cost $5 or even $10 because of inflation, each dollar you own is basically worthless. In times of deflation, that loaf will cost $2 maybe even $1 or even less, making every dollar more valuable than before. Therefore, deflation makes people hang on to their cash. They stop buying products, real estate and stocks, leading to a massive economic slowdown. If deflation gets worse, banks will suffer because they have loaned people money through mortgages to buy homes. The problem is falling property prices. A mortgage is a loan people use to borrow money from the bank or a company. If a borrower fails to pay back the loan, the lender has the right to repossess the borrower’s house. But if deflation is wrecking the economy, the value of the house might not be enough to cover the original loan. This means the bank loses money. If many people fail to pay back their loans when house prices are falling, banks will eventually think it is too risky to loan any more money. If banks act this way, it will get harder for companies to find sources of money. This results in a liquidity crisis because there is no money fueling the economy and businesses eventually go bust. Because people are worried about prolonged deflation, countries are doing everything they can to lower interest rates and feed money back into the system. Ben Bernanke, the U.S. Federal Reserve’s chairman of the Board of Governors, made a speech back in 2002 in which he repeated U.S. economist Milton Friedman’s statement that money could be “dropped from helicopters” if needed in order to avert a deflationary depression. However, there is a limit to how much a government can “devalue” money by lowering interest rates. The key interest rates in the U.S. and Japan have already approached 0 percent. Also, if a global economic slowdown affects the real economy, people will become wary about the future and spending money. So even if an opportunity for investment occurs or if valuable products come out at cheap prices, consumers won’t want to spend cash. In times like this, governments get involved by spending tax dollars on large public projects to boost spending and investment. The U.S., Europe, Japan and China have all started large civic projects. Korea has, too. The government’s sudden announcement to develop the nation’s rivers and roads for large-scale investment projects should be seen in this context. There is a reason for this “sudden” decision. If governments don’t act fast enough to prevent the situation from getting worse, there will be no medicine to make the situation better. After all, look what happened to Japan in the 1990s, the “lost decade.” During this time there were simultaneous asset, real estate and stock price bubbles. Before this, Japan experienced an economic high and could stand almost on par with the U.S. economy. But during the downturn, companies that had invested in real estate and banks that loaned out mortgages lost huge sums of money. After this, Japan’s economy developed at a snail’s pace. In particular, belated government efforts to improve the economy simply made the situation worse. By the time Japan lowered interest rates and supplied cash, the deflationary spiral had already gone too far downhill, and nobody wanted to spend or invest. At present, governments around the world are pumping out cash to prevent a similar situation from arising. Nobody wants a lost decade. However, no one is sure if these attempts at solving the problem will work. Everyone is waiting to see what happens next. However, even if this plan succeeds, most experts say there will be consequences. The massive amounts of cash the central government has printed and the loans that it borrowed for funding public projects will eventually become a burden for the general public. At present, governments have decided to spread the pain. The idea is so that we will feel less pain but over a longer period, which governments think is better than a short, sharp shock. |
'W 영어생각 > IT's REAL!!!' 카테고리의 다른 글
Obama Takes Office As First African-American President (0) | 2009.02.08 |
TVXQ Captivates Japan (0) | 2009.02.08 |
Different Stages of Sleep (0) | 2009.02.03 |
The Extinctions and Marine Life (20-01-2009) (0) | 2009.01.28 |
Schools Nationwide Ban Junk Foods (20-01-2009) (0) | 2009.01.28 |
Different Stages of Sleep
As mentioned above, sleep quality transitions from one stage to the next. And each stage is followed by subtle changes in bodily functions. As most of you may have guessed, the first stage is drowsiness: Eyes start to shut and the stage lasts approximately ten minutes. The transition goes from being awake to falling asleep with slower breathing. In such a period, we still make a fairly fast response to any interruptions since we are very aware of our physical surroundings. If you are aroused in this stage, you may feel as if you had no sleep at all.
The second stage is light sleep. The eye movement stops and so does the blood pressure and heart rates. Body temperature generally falls and muscles begin to relax. In this stage, you are no longer aware of your surroundings and this can be considered the beginning of real sleep.
The third and fourth stages are followed by deep sleep. Through these two stages your body generates and repairs tissues while developing bone and muscle. The immune system is provided with a boost and restores the lost energies from your day.
The final stage is called Rapid Eye Movement. It is marked with many physiological changes like accelerated respiration, fast brain activity, eye movement and muscle relaxation. During this stage, people may dream due to much brain activity and the paralysis of major muscles in the body. If one wakes up from this stage of sleep, he or she will remember the dream in a vivid fashion.
In order to maintain consistency between sleeping and waking up well, a hot bath or shower, listening to soft music and drinking caffeine-free herbal tea before bed can be helpful. Regular exercise during the day several hours before bed can also be helpful. Lastly, remember that sugar, caffeine and alcohol must be avoided before heading for bed. We all should know the need for uninterrupted, deep sleep. Everyone needs to fall asleep well every night to rejuvenate the energy we need for our daily battles.
'W 영어생각 > IT's REAL!!!' 카테고리의 다른 글
TVXQ Captivates Japan (0) | 2009.02.08 |
How does deflation harm the economy? (0) | 2009.02.03 |
The Extinctions and Marine Life (20-01-2009) (0) | 2009.01.28 |
Schools Nationwide Ban Junk Foods (20-01-2009) (0) | 2009.01.28 |
Cristiano Ronaldo wins FIFA Player of the Year (0) | 2009.01.15 |
고1 2008년 3월 모의고사(문제,정답,mp3)
'W 영어생각 > 10년의 수능' 카테고리의 다른 글
2009년 3월 평가원 모의고사 (학력평가) 고1, 고2, 고3 [문제지, 해설지, mp3] (33) | 2009.03.12 |
make it through (0) | 2009.03.03 |
고2 2008년 3월 모의고사(문제,정답,mp3) (2) | 2009.01.28 |
고3 2008년 3월 모의고사(문제,정답,mp3) (4) | 2009.01.28 |
LC 2007, 2006 (3) | 2008.05.17 |
고2 2008년 3월 모의고사(문제,정답,mp3)
'W 영어생각 > 10년의 수능' 카테고리의 다른 글
make it through (0) | 2009.03.03 |
고1 2008년 3월 모의고사(문제,정답,mp3) (0) | 2009.01.28 |
고3 2008년 3월 모의고사(문제,정답,mp3) (4) | 2009.01.28 |
LC 2007, 2006 (3) | 2008.05.17 |
CR (0) | 2008.02.20 |
고3 2008년 3월 모의고사(문제,정답,mp3)
'W 영어생각 > 10년의 수능' 카테고리의 다른 글
고1 2008년 3월 모의고사(문제,정답,mp3) (0) | 2009.01.28 |
고2 2008년 3월 모의고사(문제,정답,mp3) (2) | 2009.01.28 |
LC 2007, 2006 (3) | 2008.05.17 |
CR (0) | 2008.02.20 |
2007 1~3학년 교육청 모의고사 모음 (1) | 2008.02.18 |
The Extinctions and Marine Life (20-01-2009)
It is thought that Mother Earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old. We have come to the conclusion that life started to evolve about 3.5 billion years ago under the sea. Obviously the first organisms to breathe air were single celled similar to modern bacteria, with true cells evolving about 2 billion years ago. Scientists predict many natural evolutionary experiments took place, and most of the weird creatures that were fossilized came from this period in time.
Here’s a list of extinctions that drastically altered our planet:
1. 443 million years ago: Early invertebrates wiped out.
2. 368 million years ago: Only 20% of marine families remained.
3. 252 million years ago: More than half the animals wiped out.
4. 200 million years ago: The end of the very successful ammonites.
5. 65 million years ago: The end of most marine reptiles, and dinosaurs on land.
We may provide the sixth extinction!
Between 418-354 million years ago, fish were recognized as the highest life forms in the sea. Now, they are no gold fish. Many of them were large armored beings with four fins! The coelacanths from this period are the ancestors of amphibians and reptiles. 250 million years ago, the sea was re-colonized by the land reptiles. And they were quite successful until the last extinction took them out with the dinosaurs.
They reigned the oceans as the top predators for 200 million years, and the ichthyosaur behaved like the dolphins do today. Mammals started to evolve on land after the dinosaurs and marine reptiles were wiped out. Approximately 50 million years ago, some of these land mammals went back to the sea, and the first of the whales started to appear. After 14 millions years, the ancestors of marine mammals like dugongs and seals joined them. In this day and age, sharks and some coelacanths have still remained since the age of fish, and of course the turtles remained from the age of reptiles. Well, it may be only a matter of time before such life forms will disappear as well. Natural phenomena caused all five previous extinctions. Let’s hope human activity won’t turn into the next cause.
wayne's tip!!
naver, daum 등에서 제공하는 툴바(toolbar)를 설치하면,
마우스 포인터를 단어에 놓기만 해도 그 뜻이 나와요.
단어를 찾는 시간을 많이 줄일 수 있답니다! ^^
'W 영어생각 > IT's REAL!!!' 카테고리의 다른 글
How does deflation harm the economy? (0) | 2009.02.03 |
Different Stages of Sleep (0) | 2009.02.03 |
Schools Nationwide Ban Junk Foods (20-01-2009) (0) | 2009.01.28 |
Cristiano Ronaldo wins FIFA Player of the Year (0) | 2009.01.15 |
스티브잡스 강연 (0) | 2009.01.13 |
Schools Nationwide Ban Junk Foods (20-01-2009)
The KFDA said that as young students’ obesity rate is increasing sharply and a growing number of Korean teens are suffering from various health problems, it will take actions to help them have healthier eating habits. Over the past 8 years, the number of obese students has more than doubled and fast foods, including instant cup noodles, are thought to be the main contributors.
According to a recent study, 5-9 year old boys and girls are obese 8.3 percent and 9.5 percent respectively. Also, 17.9 percent of 10-14-year-old boys are overweigh while 11.4 percent of girls of the same age group are obese. The study said that unhealthy and unbalanced eating habits and buying ready-made fast foods without knowing the contents increased the obesity rates.
In order to fight against child obesity, the government will set limits for selling high-calorie foods at schools. Snacks that contain more than 250 kilocalories, 4 grams of saturated fat, or 17 grams of sugar per serving will be prohibited. Foods with excessive amounts of sodium (over 1,000 milligrams per serving) or those that contain more than 500 kilocalories will also be banned. These snacks will be categorized as high fat, low nutrition foods.
Besides banning junk food at school cafeterias, the government will also prohibit the advertisement of high-calorie, low-nutrition foods during children’s prime television viewing time. The KFDA will ask restaurants and food makers to notify their consumers of the nutritional value of their foods, too.
'W 영어생각 > IT's REAL!!!' 카테고리의 다른 글
Different Stages of Sleep (0) | 2009.02.03 |
The Extinctions and Marine Life (20-01-2009) (0) | 2009.01.28 |
Cristiano Ronaldo wins FIFA Player of the Year (0) | 2009.01.15 |
스티브잡스 강연 (0) | 2009.01.13 |
When you believe (0) | 2009.01.06 |
Cristiano Ronaldo wins FIFA Player of the Year
January 14, 2009 | ||||
The 23-year-old Portugal winger was honored for his dominating displays and sparkling goals in leading Manchester United to both the Premier League and Champions League titles in May, receiving 136 first-place votes and 935 points in a worldwide poll of national team captains and coaches. “It is an overwhelming moment, a very special moment in my life,” Ronaldo said in his acceptance speech. “I would like to say to my mother and sister that the fireworks can be fired off now.” The result was announced by Brazil’s all-time great Pele at a ceremony in Zurich, with Barcelona and Argentina midfielder Lionel Messi coming in second with 678 points, while Liverpool striker Fernando Torres was third with 203. Brazil’s Marta won the women’s award for the third year in a row, after announcing earlier Monday she is joining the Los Angeles Sol in the Women’s Professional Soccer league. Ronaldo became the first player from the English Premier League to win the award in its 18-year history, after scoring 42 goals in all competitions last season. He missed the start of this season with an injury, and has struggled to recapture his top form after returning. He has eight league goals so far, but the last came in November. Messi, meanwhile, led Argentina to the Olympic gold in Beijing and has helped Barcelona take a commanding lead of the Spanish league, scoring 20 goals in 22 games this season. Still, Ronaldo was widely expected to receive the honor, after previously winning the Ballon D’Or as European player of the year and World Soccer magazine’s player of the year award. Before the award was announced, the orchestra at the Zurich Opera House even gave a not-so-subtle hint by performing an aria from Handel’s “Rinaldo.” AC Milan playmaker Kaka, last year’s winner, and Barcelona midfielder Xavi Hernandez were also finalists for the award. Ronaldo is the second Portuguese player to win the title following Luis Figo in 2001, when David Beckham - who also wore the No. 7 shirt for Manchester United - was the runner-up. “It is a dream for me to get this prize because I want to bring the team and my country forward,” Ronaldo said. “I would like to dedicate it to my family. This is the most important thing to me.” Before the ceremony, Ronaldo also paid tribute to United manager Alex Ferguson and his former Portugal coach Luiz Felipe Scolari - who now manages United’s rival Chelsea - for helping him achieve his goals. “Mr. Ferguson and Mr. Scolari were decisive,” he said through an interpreter at a news conference. “I would like to thank them for making me the player I am today.” AP |
'W 영어생각 > IT's REAL!!!' 카테고리의 다른 글
The Extinctions and Marine Life (20-01-2009) (0) | 2009.01.28 |
Schools Nationwide Ban Junk Foods (20-01-2009) (0) | 2009.01.28 |
스티브잡스 강연 (0) | 2009.01.13 |
When you believe (0) | 2009.01.06 |
creep - radio head (0) | 2009.01.06 |