으로 오세요. 수능/내신 변형, 퀴즈를 무료로 공개합니다.

블루티쳐학원 | 등록번호: 762-94-00693 | 중고등 영어 | 수강료: 30(중등), 33(고등), 3+4(특강)


from영2천이1 2018 All Rights Reserved. Written by Wayne.

여러분은 행복해지고 싶나요?
Do you ⌈be / happy? / to / want⌋
Do you want to be happy?


그러면 여러분은 이곳에 잘 오신 겁니다.
Then you ⌈have / to / the / come / right⌋ place!
Then you have come to the right place!

제가 먼저 질문을 하나 하죠.
Let me ⌈first. / you / ask / question / a⌋
Let me ask you a question first.

무엇이 여러분을 행복하게 합니까?
What makes ⌈happy? / you⌋
What makes you happy?

여러분들 중의 몇몇은 학교에서 좋은 성적을 얻는 것이라고 말할지도 모릅니다.
Some of ⌈getting / say / it's / might / you⌋ good grades ⌈at / school.⌋
Some of you might say its getting good grades at school.

또 다른 몇몇은 멋진 전자 제품을 사는 것이라고 말할 지도 모르죠.
Others might ⌈cool / electronic / it's / say / buying⌋ devices.
Others might say its buying cool electronic devices.

무엇이 그들을 행복하게 만드는 가에 대해 각기 다른 사람들이 다른 의견들을 가지고 있지만, 우리의 행복에 기여하는 몇 가지 공통적인 요소가 있습니다.
Different people ⌈have / on / opinions / different / what⌋ makes them ⌈there / happy, / are / some / but⌋ common factors ⌈our / contributing / happiness. / to⌋
Different people have different opinions on what makes them happy, but there are some common factors contributing to our happiness.

진정한 행복의 네 가지 비법이 여기에 있습니다.
Here are ⌈to / true / happiness. / secrets / four⌋
Here are four secrets to true happiness.

그것들은 여러분들이 올바른 방식으로 행복을 추구하는 것을 도울 것입니다.
They'll help ⌈the / happiness / right / you / pursue⌋ way!
Theyll help you pursue happiness the right way!

규칙 1 긍정적으로 사고해라.
Rule 1 ⌈Think / positive.⌋
Rule 1 Think positive.

행복한 삶을 살기 위해 필요한 것은 거의 없다; 모두 당신 안에 있으며, 당신이 생각하는 방식에 달렸다.
Very little ⌈make / to / is / needed / a⌋ happy life; ⌈all / is / it / yourself, / within⌋ in your ⌈thinking. / of / way⌋
Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.

- Marcus Aurelius Antoninus 행복한 사람들은 불쾌한 것들을 생각하면서 시간을 낭비하지는 않습니다.
_Marcus Aurelius ⌈Happy / don't / people / waste / Antoninus⌋ time thinking ⌈things. / about / unpleasant⌋
_Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Happy people dont waste time thinking about unpleasant things.

그들은 똑같은 사건을 두고도 행복하지 않은 사람들보다 더 긍정적인 방식으로 인식하고 해석하는 경향이 있습니다.
They tend ⌈and / the / interpret / to / perceive⌋ same event ⌈ways / positive / more / in / than⌋ do unhappy people.
They tend to perceive and interpret the same event in more positive ways than do unhappy people.

우리는 종종 우리가 가지고 있지 않은 것에 대해 불평하느라 너무 바쁩니다.
We are ⌈too / about / often / complaining / busy⌋ what we ⌈don't / have.⌋
We are often too busy complaining about what we dont have.

당신은 이렇게 말해본 적이 있습니까?, "만약 내가 더 잘생겼더라면, 내 삶은 완벽할 텐데!" 또는 "만약 내가 돈이 조금만 더 많았더라면 나는 행복할 텐데." 당신은 아마도 당신이 더 많이 가질수록, 더 행복해질 거라고 믿을 것입니다.
🌚***Do you ⌈"If / yourself / saying, / find / ever⌋ only I ⌈my / life / better / were / looking,⌋ would be ⌈perfect!" / or / would / be / "I⌋ so happy ⌈only / had / I / if / a⌋ little bit ⌈more / money"?⌋
Do you ever find yourself saying, If only I were better looking, my life would be perfect! or I would be so happy if I only had a little bit more money?

하지만 당신이 아무리 많이 가진다 하더라도, 항상 좀 더 많이 원할 것이기 때문에 당신은 절대 행복해질 수 없습니다.
☆You probably ⌈you / the / believe / more / that⌋ have, the ⌈you / would / happier / be.⌋
You probably believe that the more you have, the happier you would be.

자, 당신의 사고방식을 바꾸기 위해 노력해보세요.
But no ⌈have, / much / how / matter / you⌋ you'll never ⌈be / because / there's / happy / always⌋ more you'll ⌈want.⌋
But no matter how much you have, youll never be happy because theres always more youll want.

당신이 가지지 못한 것에 대해 불평하는데 적은 시간을 소비하고, 당신이 가진 것에 대해 감사하는데 더 많은 시간을 쓰세요.
Now, try ⌈your / mindset. / change / to⌋
Now, try to change your mindset.

당신이 누리는 것에 감사하고 당신이 감사하는 것에 대해 "감사 일기"를 쓰세요.
Spend less ⌈complaining / what / you / about / time⌋ don't have ⌈and / spend / more / time / appreciating⌋ what you ⌈have. / do⌋
Spend less time complaining about what you dont have and spend more time appreciating what you do have.

운이 좋지 않은 날에도, 감사해야 할 것들이 있습니다: 아름다운 봄날의 햇빛, 라디오에서 흘러나오는 당신이 가장 좋아하는 노래, 추운 날에 따뜻한 차 한 잔 그리고 더 많은 감사해야 할 것들.
Count your ⌈"gratitude / blessings / and / keep / a⌋ journal" on ⌈grateful / are / things / you / the⌋ for.
Count your blessings and keep a gratitude journal on the things you are grateful for.

당신의 삶에 이미 존재하는 행복을 놓치지 마세요!
🌚Even on ⌈bad / should / your / days, / there⌋ be something ⌈thankful / the / for: / to / be⌋ beautiful spring ⌈favorite / sunshine, / song / your / playing⌋ on the ⌈cup / of / a / radio, / warm⌋ tea on ⌈and / cold / a / day, / many⌋ more.
Even on your bad days, there should be something to be thankful for: the beautiful spring sunshine, your favorite song playing on the radio, a cup of warm tea on a cold day, and many more.

Do not ⌈that / miss / happiness / is / the⌋ already in ⌈your / life!⌋
Do not miss the happiness that is already in your life!

규칙 2 다른 사람과 네 자신을 비교하지 마라.
Rule 2 ⌈to / comparing / Stop / yourself / others.⌋
Rule 2 Stop comparing yourself to others.

우리는 다른 사람들과 우리 스스로를 비교하려는 강한 경향이 있다.
We have ⌈tendency / to / strong / compare / a⌋ ourselves with others.
We have a strong tendency to compare ourselves with others.

하지만 비교는 우리의 불행에 가장 큰 원인이다.
But comparison ⌈very / of / root / the / is⌋ our unhappiness.
But comparison is the very root of our unhappiness.

여기 좋은 예시가 있다.
Here is ⌈example. / good / a⌋
Here is a good example.

올림픽에서, 동메달리스트들은 그들이 은메달리스트들보다 훨씬 더 행복하다고 여겨진다.
In the ⌈medalists / bronze / Olympics, / themselves / rate⌋ as much ⌈than / happier / medalists. / silver⌋
In the Olympics, bronze medalists rate themselves as much happier than silver medalists.


은메달리스트들은 금메달리스트들과 그들 스스로 비교하는 것을 멈출 수 없기 때문에 불행하다고 느낀다.
Silver medalists ⌈unhappy / because / feel / they / can't⌋ stop comparing ⌈themselves / gold / medalists. / to⌋
Silver medalists feel unhappy because they cant stop comparing themselves to gold medalists.

반면에, 동메달리스트들은 메달을 하나라도 얻게 되어서 행운이라고 생각하기 때문에 행복해하는 경향이 있다.
Bronze medalists, ⌈tend / the / other / on / hand,⌋ to be ⌈happy / feel / lucky / because / they⌋ to have ⌈a / all. / at / medal / gotten⌋
Bronze medalists, on the other hand, tend to be happy because they feel lucky to have gotten a medal at all.

우리가 아무리 많이 성과를 이뤘을지라도, 우리 스스로를 다른 사람들과 계속해서 비교한다면 우리는 행복해질 수 없다.
No matter ⌈we've / much / we / how / achieved,⌋ can't be ⌈comparing / we / if / happy / keep⌋ ourselves with others.
No matter how much weve achieved, we cant be happy if we keep comparing ourselves with others.

자신과 자신을 비교하는 습관을 형성해라.
Create the ⌈to / habit / yourself / of / comparing⌋ yourself.
Create the habit of comparing yourself to yourself.

당신이 얼마나 많이 성장했고, 무엇을 성취했고, 목표를 향해 어떻게 진행하고 있는지 볼 때 당신은 스스로에게 기분 좋게 느낄 것이다.
🌚You will ⌈about / good / feel / as / yourself⌋ you see ⌈how / much / you / have / grown,⌋ what you ⌈achieved, / and / what / progress / have⌋ you have ⌈goals. / made / toward / your⌋
You will feel good about yourself as you see how much you have grown, what you have achieved, and what progress you have made toward your goals.

다른 사람들에 대한 생각을 줄여라 - 이것은 행복해지기 위해 가장 확실한 방법 중 하나이다.
☆Think less ⌈- / this / other / of / people⌋ is one ⌈ways / to / the / of / surest⌋ become happy!
Think less of other people - this is one of the surest ways to become happy!

규칙 3 다른 사람과 나눠라.
Rule 3 ⌈to / Give / others.⌋
Rule 3 Give to others.

수천 개의 촛불은 하나의 촛불에서 붙여질 수 있고, 초의 수명이 줄지 않을 것이다.
Thousands of ⌈be / candles / from / can / lit⌋ a single ⌈candle, / the / life / and / of⌋ the candle ⌈not / will / be / shortened.⌋
Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened.

행복은 나누어져도 절대 줄어들지 않는다.
Happiness never ⌈by / shared. / decreases / being⌋
Happiness never decreases by being shared.

- 부처 행복감을 형성하는 가장 간단하고 가장 강력한 방법 중의 하나는 다른 사람과 나누는 것입니다.
_Buddha One ⌈the / most / of / simplest / and⌋ powerful ways ⌈of / sense / create / to / a⌋ happiness is ⌈to / by / giving / others.⌋
_Buddha One of the simplest and most powerful ways to create a sense of happiness is by giving to others.

사람들은 다른 사람들이 행복한 것을 볼 때 정말로 행복하다고 느낍니다.
People feel ⌈when / see / really / they / happy⌋ others feel ⌈happy.⌋
People feel really happy when they see others feel happy.

우리는 종종 좋은 목적으로 자신의 재산을 전부 기부하는 사람들에 대한 감동적인 이야기를 듣습니다.
We often ⌈touching / stories / people / hear / about⌋ donating all ⌈causes. / fortune / to / good / their⌋
We often hear touching stories about people donating all their fortune to good causes.

최근 신문 기사에서는 78세의 할머니가 한 대학에 5천 2백만 원을 기부했다고 보도했습니다.
A recent ⌈a / newspaper / that / reported / article⌋ 78-year-old woman ⌈won / some / 52 / million / donated⌋ to a university.
A recent newspaper article reported that a 78-year-old woman donated some 52 million won to a university.

이 할머니는 30년 동안 설거지와 쓰레기 수집으로 모아왔던 평생 저축한 금액을 기부했습니다.
This old ⌈lady / donated / her / all / of⌋ life savings ⌈accumulated / dishes / washing / from / and⌋ collecting garbage ⌈30 / years. / for⌋
This old lady donated all of her life savings accumulated from washing dishes and collecting garbage for 30 years.

그녀가 말했습니다.
She said, ⌈"This / money / entire / my / is⌋ fortune and ⌈want / it. / to / donate / I⌋
She said, This money is my entire fortune and I want to donate it.

"이 돈은 내 전 재산이고 나는 이것을 기부하고 싶습니다.
I wasn't ⌈fortunate / a / enough / to / receive⌋ formal education, ⌈to / so / like / help / I'd⌋ young students ⌈turn. / in / it's / need."Now / your⌋
I wasnt fortunate enough to receive a formal education, so Id like to help young students in need.Now its your turn.

나는 정규 교육을 받을 만큼 충분히 운이 좋지 않았고, 그래서 나는 어려움에 처한 어린 학생들을 도와주고 싶습니다." 자 이제 당신 차례입니다.
We all ⌈have / give / can / we / something⌋ to others.
We all have something we can give to others.

우리는 모두 다른 사람에게 줄 수 있는 것을 가지고 있습니다.
It might ⌈encouragement, / be / time, / your / kind⌋ words, or ⌈a / simple / smile.⌋
It might be your time, encouragement, kind words, or a simple smile.

그것은 당신의 시간, 격려, 친절한 말 또는 작은 미소가 될 수도 있습니다.
Why don't ⌈one / you / just / with / start⌋ kind thing ⌈day? / a⌋
Why dont you start with just one kind thing a day?

하루에 한 가지라도 시작해 보는 건 어떨까요?
Do good ⌈others / expecting / without / to / things⌋ anything in ⌈return.⌋
Do good things to others without expecting anything in return.

보답을 기대하지 않고 다른 사람에게 좋은 일을 해보세요.
Your giving ⌈people / make / will / happy.⌋
Your giving will make people happy.

당신의 나눔이 사람들을 행복하게 만들 것입니다.
What you ⌈get / return / greater / in / is⌋ happiness.
What you get in return is greater happiness.

당신이 보답으로 받게 될 것은 더 큰 행복입니다.
Happiness is contagious.
Happiness is contagious.

행복은 전염됩니다.
Let it spread!
Let it spread!

규칙 4 당신이 사랑하는 것을 하라.
Rule 4 ⌈love. / Do / you / what⌋
Rule 4 Do what you love.

사람이 아침에 일어나고, 밤에 잠자리에 들고, 그리고 그 사이에 그가 원하는 일을 한다면, 그 사람은 성공한 것이다.
🌚A man ⌈success / is / a / he / if⌋ gets up ⌈and / morning / the / in / gets⌋ to bed ⌈and / night, / in / at / between⌋ he does ⌈to / he / what / do. / wants⌋
A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between he does what he wants to do.

- Bob Dylan 당신은 시간 가는 줄 모르고 어떤 일에 푹 빠져본 적이 있습니까?
_Bob Dylan ⌈become / Have / ever / you / so⌋ absorbed in ⌈lost / that / activity / an / you⌋ track of time?
_Bob Dylan Have you ever become so absorbed in an activity that you lost track of time?

사람들은 그러한 활동으로 바쁠 때 행복감을 느낍니다.
☆People feel ⌈are / when / happy / they / engaged⌋ in such activities.
People feel happy when they are engaged in such activities.

심리학에서, 그러한 완전한 몰두 상태를 몰입이라고 부릅니다.
In psychology, ⌈such / total / of / the / state⌋ absorption is ⌈called / flow.⌋
In psychology, the state of such total absorption is called flow.

몰입은 당신이 음악을 만들거나, 운동을 하거나, 책을 읽거나, 퍼즐을 풀거나 또는 무엇이든지 당신을 도전하게 하고 당신의 흥미를 끄는 것을 하는 것과 같은 일에 몰두할 때 성취될 수 있습니다.
🌚☆Flow can ⌈achieved / when / be / you / are⌋ involved in ⌈tasks / music, / such / making / as⌋ playing sports, ⌈solving / or / doing / reading, / puzzles,⌋ whatever interests ⌈you. / and / challenges⌋
Flow can be achieved when you are involved in tasks such as making music, playing sports, reading, solving puzzles, or doing whatever interests and challenges you.

유명한 브라질의 축구 선수 펠레는 그가 몰입을 경험했던 순간을 한번 묘사한 적이 있습니다: "이 경기에서, 나는 내가 전에 경험해보지 못한 낯선 고요함을 느꼈다.
🌚Pele, a ⌈famous / has / soccer / Brazilian / player,⌋ once described ⌈moment / he / the / experienced / flow:⌋ "In this ⌈strange / a / game, / felt / I⌋ calmness I ⌈experienced / hadn't / before.⌋
Pele, a famous Brazilian soccer player, has once described the moment he experienced flow: In this game, I felt a strange calmness I hadnt experienced before.

나는 지치지 않고 하루 종일 뛸 수 있을 것 같았다.
***I felt ⌈if / I / as / could / run⌋ all day ⌈tired. / without / getting⌋
I felt as if I could run all day without getting tired.

또한 나는 어떤 태클이라도 뚫고 드리블을 할 수 있을 것 같았다." 당신이 정말로 하고 싶은 의미 있는 활동을 찾으세요.
***I also ⌈I / as / if / could / felt⌋ dribble through ⌈to / a / tackle."Try / any / find⌋ meaningful activity ⌈really / do. / you / love / to⌋
I also felt as if I could dribble through any tackle.Try to find a meaningful activity you really love to do.

진정한 행복은 의미 있고 성취감을 주는 것을 할 때 옵니다.
True happiness ⌈when / in / engage / comes / you⌋ something meaningful ⌈and / fulfilling!⌋
True happiness comes when you engage in something meaningful and fulfilling!

행복은 우리가 살 수 있는 것이 아니고, 다른 사람이 우리에게 줄 수 있는 것도 아닙니다.
Happiness is ⌈we / can / not / buy, / something⌋ and it's ⌈others / not / something / can / give⌋ us.
Happiness is not something we can buy, and its not something others can give us.

행복은 우리가 만들어 나가는 것이고 우리 스스로 형성하는 것입니다.
Happiness is ⌈we / create / can / and / something⌋ build for ⌈ourselves.⌋
Happiness is something we can create and build for ourselves.

우리는 우리를 행복하게 만드는 것을 학습함으로써 행복을 증진시킬 수 있습니다.
We can ⌈by / learning / increase / happiness / our⌋ what makes ⌈happy. / us⌋
We can increase our happiness by learning what makes us happy.

삶의 밝은 면을 보고 긍정적으로 생각하세요.
Look on ⌈side / of / life / the / bright⌋ and think ⌈positive.⌋
Look on the bright side of life and think positive.

다른 사람과 비교하며 당신을 평가하지 마세요.
Don't measure ⌈in / comparison / to / yourself / others.⌋
Dont measure yourself in comparison to others.

친절하게 당신이 가진 것을 다른 사람들과 나누세요.
Be kind ⌈what / share / have / and / you⌋ with others.
Be kind and share what you have with others.

성취감을 주는 활동에 관여하세요.
Get involved ⌈fulfilling / in / activities.⌋
Get involved in fulfilling activities.

행복이 당신을 찾을 것입니다!
Happiness will ⌈find / you!⌋
Happiness will find you!

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