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블루티쳐학원 | 등록번호: 762-94-00693 | 중고등 영어 | 수강료: 30(중등), 33(고등), 3+4(특강)


전체 글 +1730

Basic Story
Diseases can cause many problems. Alzheimer's disease makes people have problems with their thinking. Even easy tasks are hard to do.

A German doctor discovered the disease in 1907. Back then, it was considered a rare disease. Today, it is known to be more common.

Alzheimer's disease attacks the brain. It slowly destroys a person's memory. It changes their thinking and the way they act. About 4 million American adults have this disease.

At times, a person with this disease can become confused. They can have a hard time trying to talk. Sometimes they forget where they are. Sometimes they do not remember their own family. Eventually, people who have this disease can no longer take care of themselves.

Alzheimer's disease cannot be cured, but it can get better with treatment. It is important to see a special doctor if you have this disease.

-New Words

1.  Sometimes a person's _____ does not work right when they get a disease.

 a. brain
 b. shoulder
 c. leg

2.  Alzheimers's disease affects the brain. It slowly destroys a person's _____.

 a. sight
 b. hearing
 c. memory

3.  Alzheimer's disease cannot be ________.

 a. cured
 b. diagnosed
 c. treated

4.  Sometimes they forget where they are. Sometimes they do not remember their own _____.

a. photo
b. church
c. family

5.  For someone with Alzheimer's disease, even _____ tasks are hard to do.

a. easy
b. new
c. difficult

-What did you learn
1.  If you think that someone you know has this disease, what should you do?

a. You should have them see a doctor soon.
b. You should get their glasses fixed.
c. You should take them to a movie.

2.  Why might Alzheimer's be more common than before?

a. The cure was discovered.
b. More people know how to spell it now.
c. More doctors can tell what it is when they see it.

3.  What does Alzheimer's Disease do to a person's thinking?

a. It gives them good ideas.
b. It causes problems, like forgetting.
c. It helps them think more clearly.

4.  Why do some people with this disease have a hard time remembering where they are?

a. Someone forgot to tell them.
b. The brain is not working right.
c. They do not want to talk anymore.

5.  What happens when people can no longer take care of themselves?

a. They can never see a doctor again.
b. Someone must take care of them.
c. They must give away all of their money.

-Write an answer
If you had Alzheimer's disease, how would you feel?
