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블루티쳐학원 | 등록번호: 762-94-00693 | 중고등 영어 | 수강료: 30(중등), 33(고등), 3+4(특강)



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정답에 O표시, 이유를 쓰세요.

영비홍 1-1

1. He has set his mind on studying psychology in college as magic basically [deals / deals with] people's minds.

2. He watches magic performance shows almost every day and [keep / keeps] practicing magic tricks until he can perform them perfectly.

3. Here's [that / what] I received from them.

4. I wish I [have / had] a plan for my future.


영비홍 1-2

5. To make the [right / rightly] career choice, you have to learn about yourself first.

6. You can use self-assessment tests, often [calling / called] career tests, to better understand yourself.

7. You can use self-assessment tests, often called career tests, [for better / to better] understand yourself.

8. Your values, interests, and personality will make some careers more [suitable / suitably] for you and others less appropriate.

9. [making / to make] the right career choice, you have to learn about yourself first.


영비홍 1-3

10. After researching, you can eliminate careers [in them / in which] you are no longer interested.

11. After researching, you can eliminate careers in which you are no longer [interesting / interested].

12. Now, you should make a list of occupations [basing / based] on your self-assessment test results.

13. You should identify who they are and [conduct / conducts] interviews with them or ask them for a job-shadowing opportunity.

14. You should identify who they are and conduct interviews with them or ask them for a [job-shadowing / job-shadowed] opportunity.


영비홍 1-4

15. He also explained what needs [to be done / being done] to create an album, from planning the album to arranging, recording, and editing the music.

16. He also explained what needs to be done to create an album, from planning the album [for / to] arranging, recording, and editing the music.

17. He also explained what needs to be done to create an album, from planning the album to [arrang / arranging], recording, and editing the music.

18. He also explained what needs to be done to create an album, from planning the album to arranging, [recorded / recording], and editing the music.

19. He also explained what needs to be done to create an album, from planning the album to arranging, recording, and [edit / editing] the music.

20. I left home very [exciting / excited].

21. More than half of [how / what] he said sounded like a foreign language to me.

22. More than half of [that / what] he said sounded like a foreign language to me.

23. The studio was full of the [lately / latest] equipment, whose size and complexity amazed me.

24. The studio was full of the latest equipment, [where / whose] size and complexity amazed me.

25. The studio was full of the latest equipment, [who / whose] size and complexity amazed me.

26. The studio was full of the latest equipment, whose size and complexity [amazing / amazed] me.

27. [Not only I was getting / Not only was I getting] the day off of school, but I was also getting a chance to see in person how a music album is made.


영비홍 1-5

28. It took a whole day [finishing / to finish] one song!

29. My day at X-Music helped me realize that love of music is not the only thing [requiring / required] to become a music producer: patience, leadership, and communication skills on top of a good ear for music are important skills to learn, too.

30. My uncle sat down in the middle next to the composer when the [recording / recorded] started.

31. They didn't like this or that about the music and [having / had] the singers repeat the same line again and again, all of which sounded perfect to me.

32. They didn't like this or that about the music and had the singers repeat the same line again and again, all [of them / of which] sounded perfect to me.

33. We headed to the [recording / recorded] booth, where two singers were recording music for their rock band.

34. We headed to the recording booth, [there / where] two singers were recording music for their rock band.


영비홍 1-RM1

35. I put a small piece into my mouth, [press / pressing] it lightly against the roof of my mouth, and wait until it melts.

36. I put a small piece into my mouth, press it lightly against the roof of my mouth, and [wait / waits] until it melts.

37. I taste chocolate and evaluate its quality, [telled / telling] good chocolate from bad, faulty chocolate.

38. The evaluation process begins with smelling samples and [breaking / breaked] them to see if they sound crisp.

39. The evaluation process begins with smelling samples and breaking them to see [if / that] they sound crisp.

40. Then I [breath / breathe] out through my nose to identify the smell.

41. Then [come / comes] the actual tasting.

42. Then comes the actual [tasting / tasted].


영비홍 1-RM2

43. As soon as one is [done / doing], I spit it back out and wait for a while.

44. As soon as one is done, I spit it back out and [wait / waits] for a while.

45. I have to keep my mouth [ready / readyly] and lively so that my evaluation may be as objective as possible.

46. I have to keep my mouth ready and lively [too / so] that my evaluation may be as objective as possible.

47. I have to keep my mouth ready and lively so that my evaluation may be as [objective / objectively] as possible.

48. Keen observation skills and a good [understanding / understanded] of basic concepts of chemistry are required, and a degree in Food Technology is recommended.


영비홍 2-1

49. Here are some tips from three teenage fashion leaders on how to experiment and [find / finds] your own style.

50. Likewise, you can showcase your own charm and individuality with your own unique style, [it / which] can become a part of your personal image: a signature style.

51. Think of Steve Jobs, and a figure of a man [wearing / weared] a black shirt and blue jeans might pop into your head.

52. Wide pants, a [striping / striped] shirt, a baseball cap: walk down the street and you'll see what's in fashion.


영비홍 2-2

53. If you like a certain color, you can try various shades like I did, and [find / finds] one that suits you.

54. One day, I realized that green has many shades, so I experimented with various shades of green and eventually, I found that a deep [green / greenly]helps me look great.

55. One day, I realized that green has many shades, so I experimented with various shades of green and eventually, I found that a deep green helps me look [great / greatly].


영비홍 2-3

56. Choosing a mixture of analogous and complementary colors together, [calling / called] split complementary colors, can be tricky but results in a calmer look than a combination of complementary colors.

57. Choosing a mixture of analogous and complementary colors together, [calling / called] split complementary colors, can be tricky but results in a calmer look than a combination of complementary colors.

58. Choosing a mixture of analogous and complementary colors together, called split complementary colors, [to / can] be tricky but results in a calmer look than a combination of complementary colors.

59. Choosing a mixture of analogous and complementary colors together, called split complementary colors, can be tricky but [result / results] in a calmer look than a combination of complementary colors.

60. Choosing a mixture of analogous and complementary colors together, called split complementary colors, can be tricky but [results from / results in]a calmer look than a combination of complementary colors.

61. Combining analogous colors [is / are] one of the easiest ways of matching colors that will give you an elegant look, for example, a yellow shirt on top of green pants.

62. Combining analogous colors is one of the easiest ways of matching [color / colors] that will give you an elegant look, for example, a yellow shirt on top of green pants.

63. There are three simple ways to use the color wheel: combining analogous colors, [choosed / choosing] complementary colors, and mixing together analogous and complementary colors.

64. There are three simple ways to use the color wheel: combining analogous colors, choosing complementary colors, and [mix / mixing]together analogous and complementary colors.

65. Unless your signature style is to wear colors that clash, [used / using] the color wheel will help you choose colors that are natural and pleasing to the eye.

66. Unless your signature style is to wear colors that clash, using the color wheel will help you choose colors that are natural and [pleasing / pleased] to the eye.

67. [Choos / Choosing] a mixture of analogous and complementary colors together, called split complementary colors, can be tricky but results in a calmer look than a combination of complementary colors.

68. [Choos / Choosing] complementary colors, like wearing a green skirt with red shoes, creates a bold impression.

69. [Combin / Combining] analogous colors is one of the easiest ways of matching colors that will give you an elegant look, for example, a yellow shirt on top of green pants.


영비홍 2-4

70. I spend a lot of time at school in my uniform, so I don't pay too much attention [whating / to what] I wear.

71. I spend a lot of time at school in my uniform, so I don't pay too much attention to [that / what] I wear.

72. Mixing and matching clothes [is / are] a lot of fun!


영비홍 2-5

73. AFTER/ The frames do not cover the eyebrows, [made / making] him look less strict.

74. BEFORE/ The frames cover the eyebrows, [made / making] him look strict.

75. Eyebrows can be so expressive, and [cover / covering] them with your frames may hide the feelings you express, eventually making you look strict.

76. I spend a lot of time [choosing / to choose] my eye glasses because they can be an important part of my look.

77. One of the simplest ways to develop your own style is to pay attention to [accessorie / accessories] like shoes, hats, glasses, or watches.

78. People tend to make purchasing decisions about frames in terms of material or color, but [notes / note] many think about their eyebrows.

79. When I choose frames, I think [to / of] my face shape.


영비홍 2-6

80. A few artistic souls went further to begin dancing in klompen, [it / which] makes a pleasant series of rhythms, eventually providing a basis for modern tap dancing.

81. Climate plays a key role in [how / what] we wear, and the way we live as a whole.

82. Climate plays a key role in [that / what] we wear, and the way we live as a whole.

83. In India, [there / where] staying cool is very important, a pair of wide pants made of light and soft fabric seemed to be the perfect way to stay cool.

84. In India, where staying [cool / coolly] is very important, a pair of wide pants made of light and soft fabric seemed to be the perfect way to stay cool.

85. In India, where staying cool is very important, a pair of wide pants made [of / from] light and soft fabric seemed to be the perfect way to stay cool.

86. In the Netherlands, for example, [there / where] one fourth of its land area is located below sea level, an interesting form of shoes developed as a way of getting around the muddy roads.

87. In the Netherlands, for example, where one fourth of its land area is located below sea level, an [interesting / interested] form of shoes developed as a way of getting around the muddy roads.

88. In the Netherlands, for example, where one fourth of its land area is located below sea level, an [interesting / interested] form of shoes developed as a way of getting around the muddy roads.

89. It was originally [making / made] from seal skin, and its surface had to be cared for regularly with fish oil for constant water resistance.

90. It was originally made from [seal / to seal] skin, and its surface had to be cared for regularly with fish oil for constant water resistance.

91. It was originally made from seal skin, and its surface had [to be cared / being cared] for regularly with fish oil for constant water resistance.

92. Now, it is a modern winter necessity, [come / coming] in a variety of styles and colors.

93. The British rulers at the time liked the idea and [spread / spreads] the Indian pajamas to the rest of the world, helping them to arrive in our bedrooms.

94. The British rulers at the time liked the idea and spread the Indian pajamas to the rest of the world, [helped / helping] them to arrive in our bedrooms.

95. The Inuit had to fight the cold and the wind, and came up with the idea of [wearing / weared] a heavy jacket called an anorak.

96. The Inuit had to fight the cold and the wind, and came up with the idea of wearing a heavy jacket [calling / called] an anorak.

97. The old saying [that / what] necessity is the mother of invention does make sense, and some good inventions seem to spread quickly and easily.

98. Wooden shoes, [calling / called] klompen, were the perfect tool to keep farmers' feet dry while working in wet areas.

99. Wooden shoes, called klompen, [was / were] the perfect tool to keep farmers' feet dry while working in wet areas.

100. Wooden shoes, called klompen, were the perfect tool to keep farmers' feet dry while [working / worked] in wet areas.


영비홍 3-1

101. It makes sense to try to live in a way that does not harm the environment, but [is / are] it easy to go green?


영비홍 3-2

102. It is a special garbage bag that can be filled with [using / used], but still usable items.

103. People can help [them / themselves] to anything they like.

104. Placing the bag [on outside / outside on] the pavement makes whatever is in it available to anyone in the community.

105. Placing the bag outside on the pavement makes [however / whatever]is in it available to anyone in the community.

106. [Place / Placing] the bag outside on the pavement makes whatever is in it available to anyone in the community.


영비홍 3-3

107. Having been [founding / founded] to tackle this problem on a local scale, the online platform, "foodsharing∙de" allows extra food in your fridge or cupboard to be distributed to neighbors.

108. Having been founded to tackle this problem on a local scale, the online platform, "foodsharing∙de" allows extra food in your fridge or cupboard [to be distributed / being distributed] to neighbors.

109. This project may change the way people think about food: if food is not shared, [it / which] is wasted.

110. [Having founded / Having been founded] to tackle this problem on a local scale, the online platform, "foodsharing∙de" allows extra food in your fridge or cupboard to be distributed to neighbors.


영비홍 3-4

111. A cookie forms the main structure, with a white chocolate layer on the inside and a thin layer of sugar paper on the [outside / outside it].

112. Every year, people in the U.S. use over 100 billion disposable cups, and Koreans dispose [over of / of over] 15 billion cups each year.

113. This structure allows you to drink coffee without finding yourself [to hold / holding] a soaked mess.

114. This structure allows you to drink coffee without finding yourself holding a [soaking / soaked] mess.

115. Waste Not Drink and [eat / eats] it!

116. You can think [to / of] it as a treat for coffee!

117. [Use / Using] disposable cups may be convenient, but it is not necessarily eco-friendly.


영비홍 3-5

118. A designer thought [if that / that if] he could create fonts that have tiny holes in them, he might be able to make more efficient use of the amount of ink used.

119. A designer thought that if he [have / could] create fonts that have tiny holes in them, he might be able to make more efficient use of the amount of ink used.

120. A designer thought that if he could create fonts that have tiny holes in them, he might be able to make more [efficient / efficiently] use of the amount of ink used.

121. Another green strategy is to use less ink, [it / which] is what many people already do.

122. But what if you [have / could] take it a step further?

123. Many green strategies [focus / focus on] using less paper, like printing on both sides.

124. What can you [to do / do to] go green when you have 500 photocopies to make?


영비홍 3-6

125. It is about becoming aware [of / that] your own wasteful ways and then helping others become aware of theirs.

126. When you go one step further and [help / helps] others do them too, you are an activist and big changes can happen.


영비홍 4-1

127. However, I forced [me / myself] to stay awake to begin my trip in earnest.

128. However, I forced myself to stay awake [begining / to begin] my trip in earnest.

129. I had never been abroad by [me / myself], and I was a bit worried, but after the long flight for twelve hours, I was pleased to be greeted by my cousin at Leonardo da Vinci International Airport in Rome.

130. I had never been abroad by myself, and I was a bit worried, but after the long flight for twelve hours, I was [pleasing / pleased] to be greeted by my cousin at Leonardo da Vinci International Airport in Rome.

131. I had never been abroad by myself, and I was a bit worried, but after the long flight for twelve hours, I was [pleasing / pleased] to be greeted by my cousin at Leonardo da Vinci International Airport in Rome.

132. I had never been abroad by myself, and I was a bit worried, but after the long flight for twelve hours, I was pleased [to be greeted / being greeted] by my cousin at Leonardo da Vinci International Airport in Rome.

133. I was thrilled when my cousin, Suji, [inviting / invited] me to Italy, a country in southern Europe that looks like a boot.

134. She had a few days [from off / off from] studying music in a conservatory, so we could spend a week together in Rome and Venice.


영비홍 4-2

135. As I reached [to / X] the top of the stairs inside, I looked down and I could almost hear the cheer of the crowd.

136. As I reached the top of the stairs [inside / to], I looked down and I could almost hear the cheer of the crowd.

137. It [amazing / amazed] me to think that people could build such a structure without modern construction equipment.

138. Nowadays, we can only see a part of [how / what] was once the greatest structure in the ancient world.

139. The Colosseum has eighty arches [through them / through which]about fifty thousand people could go in and out in fifteen minutes!

140. The Colosseum has eighty arches through which about fifty thousand people could [go / go in] and out in fifteen minutes!


영비홍 4-3

141. I found [it / them] interesting that even on the other side of the world, people still wish for simple things like happiness, love, and marriage.

142. I found it [interesting / interested] that even on the other side of the world, people still wish for simple things like happiness, love, and marriage.

143. I found it [interesting / interested] that even on the other side of the world, people still wish for simple things like happiness, love, and marriage.

144. I threw one over my shoulder, [wished / wishing] a return to Italy someday.

145. Legend says that a single coin [throwing / thrown] into the fountain will ensure a return to Rome, a second coin will bring true love, and a third coin marriage!

146. Suji and I walked along a path [leading / leaded] away from the Colosseum and heard the sound of falling water.


영비홍 4-4

147. After [looking / looked] around, we walked out to see many people lined up in front of a small store where green apple gelato was served.

148. After looking [around / to], we walked out to see many people lined up in front of a small store where green apple gelato was served.

149. Although I knew photographs are not allowed, the masterpiece was [so / too] impressive that I almost took one.

150. I was [overwhelming / overwhelmed], however, by the collection of sculptures and paintings in the Vatican Museums.

151. In fact, it takes only thirty minutes [walking / to walk] from one border to the other!

152. In fact, it takes only thirty minutes to walk from one border [for / to] the other!

153. It is known [to / as] the smallest state in the world.

154. Suji convinced me to wait in line [over for / for over] twenty minutes saying that it would be worth it.

155. The Creation of Adam, one of Michelangelo's [masterpiece / masterpieces], on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, still lingers in my mind.


영비홍 4-5


영비홍 4-6

156. After [looking / looked] around for a while, I bought small glasses for my parents.

157. After looking [for around / around for] a while, I bought small glasses for my parents.

158. After some wandering, I was [enough lucky / lucky enough] to meet a group of tourists my age from Britain.

159. But what truly made me [stop / to stop] and stare in wonder were the beautiful buildings surrounding all three sides of the square.

160. I [have never seen / had never seen] so many pigeons in my life.

161. I said goodbye to my British friends and [walking / walked] to St_ Mark's Square, one of the prime attractions of Venice.

162. I said goodbye to my British friends and walked to St_ Mark's Square, one of the prime [attraction / attractions] of Venice.

163. The bridge [it / itself] was as elegant as people say it is, but I was more impressed by the beautiful view of the canal from the steps of the bridge.

164. The bridge itself was as elegant as people say it is, but I was more [impressing / impressed] by the beautiful view of the canal from the steps of the bridge.

165. They were [so / too] used to being around people that they would wait until people weren't paying attention and then steal their crackers!

166. They were so used to [be / being] around people that they would wait until people weren't paying attention and then steal their crackers!

167. They were so used to being around people that they would wait until people weren't paying attention and then [steal / stealing] their crackers!

168. Within moments, the [winding / winded] alleys made my map almost useless.

169. Within moments, the winding alleys made my map almost [useless / uselessly].


영비홍 4-7

170. I was [disappointing / disappointed] to find out the fare to ride the Grand Canal by myself was so expensive that I could not afford it.

171. I was [disappointing / disappointed] to find out the fare to ride the Grand Canal by myself was so expensive that I could not afford it.

172. I was disappointed to find out the fare to ride the Grand Canal by [me / myself] was so expensive that I could not afford it.

173. I was disappointed to find out the fare to ride the Grand Canal by myself was [so / too] expensive that I could not afford it.

174. My trip to Venice would not be complete without a gondola ride along the Grand Canal, [it / which] snakes through the city in a large S shape.

175. The moment I was turning back, I saw my British tourist friends walking [forward / toward] the ticket office.

176. We had a nice chat, took some great pictures, and [exchanging / exchanged] email addresses before we got off the gondola.


영비홍 4-8

177. People say that the world is a book, and that those who do not travel read only one of the [page / pages] in it.


영비홍 5-1

178. On October 13, 2010, thirty three Chilean miners who had been [buriing / buried] inside the San José mine for 69 days were finally rescued.

179. On October 13, 2010, thirty three Chilean miners who had been [burying / buried] inside the San José mine for 69 days were finally rescued.

180. The [Amazing / Amazed] Story of the 33 / Alone in the Dark.

181. The [Amazing / Amazed] Story of the 33 / Alone in the Dark.

182. The miners [locking / locked] in below did not give up in the dark, nor did their families above ground surrender to despair.

183. The miners locked in below did not give up in the dark, nor [their families / did their families] above ground surrender to despair.


영비홍 5-2

184. A massive piece of the nearby mountain [have broken / had broken]off, burying almost all the layers of the mine.

185. A massive piece of the nearby mountain had broken [off / to], burying almost all the layers of the mine.

186. A massive piece of the nearby mountain had broken off, [buryed / burying] almost all the layers of the mine.

187. A small exploratory hole was drilled on August 22, and the camera captured a message that said, "We are still [live / alive].

188. Almost immediately after the vibrations began, they heard a sudden huge explosion, and the whole mine filled up [with / for] dust and rock.

189. As the days passed, Chileans grew increasingly uncertain that any of the miners [have survived / had survived].

190. On August 5, 2010, [around at / at around] lunch break, miners digging for copper and gold started to feel vibrations in the earth.

191. Soon, a video camera was sent down 700 meters deep and [capturing / captured] the first images of the miners, all clearly in good health.


영비홍 5-3

192. Another factor which bothered the miners severely was the [high / highly] heat and humidity of the shelter.

193. Each miner [have lost / had lost] an average of 8 kilograms by the time they were rescued.

194. For eighteen days, each person had to live on two spoonfuls of tuna, a mouthful of milk, bits of crackers, and a bite of [canning / canned] fruit every other day.

195. The miners were lucky to have an air tunnel that allowed enough fresh air [reaching / to reach] them.

196. The miners were lucky to have an air tunnel that allowed enough fresh air to reach [to / X] them.

197. They also [have broken / had broken] trucks from which they could charge the batteries of their head lamps.

198. They also had broken trucks [from them / from which] they could charge the batteries of their head lamps.


영비홍 5-4

199. For example, José Henríquez, a religious man, tried to keep morale up, and Yonni Barrios, [whose / who] had had some medical training, helped other miners with their health problems.

200. For example, José Henríquez, a religious man, tried to keep morale up, and Yonni Barrios, who had had some medical training, [helping / helped]other miners with their health problems.

201. For this purpose, a [special / specially] designed capsule was built.

202. It createn a tunnel [enough large / large enough] to lift them one by one.

203. More than 1,400 news reporters from all over the world, together with the family members of the miners, [gathering / gathered] to watch the rescue process.

204. More than 1,400 news reporters from all over the world, together with the family members of the miners, gathered to watch the rescue [process / to process].

205. They all knew [if that / that if] their social structure broke down, their problems would become more serious and did what they could do best.

206. They all knew that if their social structure broke down, their problems [have / would] become more serious and did what they could do best.

207. They all knew that if their social structure broke down, their problems would become more serious and did [that / what] they could do best.

208. They organized [them / themselves] into a society where each person had one vote.


영비홍 5-5

209. "The 69 days [during them / during which] we tried so hard were not useless.

210. "The 69 days during which we tried so hard [was / were] not useless.

211. Luis Urzúa, [whose / who] had taken a major role as a democratic leader while underground, was the last one to come up to the surface on October 13.

212. Luis Urzúa, who [have taken / had taken] a major role as a democratic leader while underground, was the last one to come up to the surface on October 13.

213. Luis Urzúa, who had taken a major role as a democratic leader while underground, [was / were] the last one to come up to the surface on October 13.

214. Luis Urzúa, who had taken a major role as a democratic leader while underground, [was / were] the last one to come up to the surface on October 13.

215. Luis Urzúa, who had taken a major role as a democratic leader while underground, [were / was] the last one to come up to the surface on October 13.

216. On October 12, the first rescue worker was sent downward to the miners, [whose / who] greeted him with nervous relief.

217. Then, the rescuers and the [rescuing / rescued] began singing the Chilean national anthem with the thousands of joyous people who came to support the operation, celebrating the heroics and the humanity of all those involved.

218. Then, the rescuers and the rescued began singing the Chilean national anthem with the thousands of joyous people who came to support the operation, [celebrated / celebrating] the heroics and the humanity of all those involved.

219. They had been [trapping / trapped] for so long that their first priority was to get medical attention.

220. They had been [trapping / trapped] for so long that their first priority was to get medical attention.

221. They had been trapped for [so / too] long that their first priority was to get medical attention.


영비홍 5-RM

222. In an emergency, such as the capsule [getting / getted] stuck in the rescue hole, the bottom could be opened from the inside so that the miner could be lowered back down to the shelter.

223. In an emergency, such as the capsule getting stuck in the rescue hole, the bottom could be [opening / opened] from the inside so that the miner could be lowered back down to the shelter.

224. In an emergency, such as the capsule getting stuck in the rescue hole, the bottom could be opened from the inside [too / so] that the miner could be lowered back down to the shelter.

225. It also had a communication system [too / so] that the miners could speak to the surface while being lifted up.

226. It also had a communication system so that the miners could speak to the surface while [lifted / being lifted] up.

227. Thanks to the capsule and the [organizing / organized] rescue efforts, the miners put an end to their life of darkness.

228. The bottom of the capsule held three tanks of air, [it / which] would provide enough air for one person to breathe for about 90 minutes.

229. The bottom of the capsule held three tanks of air, which would provide enough air for one person to [breath / breathe] for about 90 minutes.

230. The bottom of the capsule held three tanks of air, which would provide enough air for one person to breathe [about for / for about] 90 minutes.

231. The device was nearly 3.95 meters [high / highly] on the outside, and the inside was 1.9 meters high and about 51 centimeters across, which was just enough room for an adult male.

232. The device was nearly 3.95 meters high on the [outside / to], and the inside was 1.9 meters high and about 51 centimeters across, which was just enough room for an adult male.

233. The device was nearly 3.95 meters high on the outside, and the inside was 1.9 meters high and about 51 centimeters across, [it / which] was just enough room for an adult male.

234. When [mobilizing / mobilized] by the rescue team, the Fénix was equipped with an emergency oxygen supply.

235. When they stepped out of the capsule door to meet their [loving / loved] ones, the designers of the Fénix shared in the joy;.

236. When they stepped out of the capsule door to meet their loved ones, the designers of the Fénix [sharing / shared] in the joy;.

237. [Painting / Painted] in the red, white, and blue colors of Chile, the Fénix looked like a military missile.

238. [Thanks to / Thanks for] the capsule and the organized rescue efforts, the miners put an end to their life of darkness.

239. their efforts [resulted from / resulted in] the saving of 33 lives.


영비홍 6-1

240. Advertisements cover cars and buildings, TV commercials shout slogans, and pop-up promotions on the Internet can be [annoying / annoyed].

241. At the same time, without decisions to make, [beed / being] a consumer would be easier but much less interesting.

242. At the same time, without decisions to make, [is / being] a consumer would be easier but much less interesting.

243. At the same time, without decisions to make, being a consumer [will / would] be easier but much less interesting.

244. At the same time, without decisions to make, being a consumer would be easier but much less [interesting / interested].

245. Since we can't have everything we want, we have to make the resources that we have go as far [as / so] possible.

246. [Be / Being] a consumer is tough these days.


영비홍 6-2

247. If the jeans [have / were] originally 100 but are now on sale for 80, the lower price would lead more customers to consider buying the jeans and spending another 20 on a T-shirt, too.

248. If the jeans were originally 100 but [is / are] now on sale for 80, the lower price would lead more customers to consider buying the jeans and spending another 20 on a T-shirt, too.

249. If the jeans were originally 100 but are now on sale for 80, the lower price would lead more customers [considering / to consider] buying the jeans and spending another 20 on a T-shirt, too.

250. If the jeans were originally 100 but are now on sale for 80, the lower price would lead more customers to consider [to buy / buying] the jeans and spending another 20 on a T-shirt, too.

251. Sales reduce inventory size, [made / making] room for the store to buy more stuff to sell, and they attract customers.

252. The bottom line is that sales attract customers that might not have made purchases at the [regular / regularly] price, and they motivate customers to spend because their money can now buy more.

253. The bottom line is that sales attract customers that might not have made purchases at the regular price, and they motivate customers [spending / to spend] because their money can now buy more.


영비홍 6-3

254. Is this worth [payed / paying] 25, 50, or even 100 more?

255. Well, [what / that]'s up to each individual to decide on his or her own.

256. When advertisers associate appealing images with certain products, consumers may buy the products to associate [them / themselves] with those images.


영비홍 6-4

257. "Have you ever been [offering / offered] to buy something that you had not planned on buying?

258. "Have you ever been [offering / offered] to buy something that you had not planned on buying?

259. "Have you ever been offered to buy something that you [have not planned / had not planned] on buying?

260. A sales clerk may make suggestions to you about [how / what] else to buy in addition to your originally planned purchase.

261. A sales clerk may make suggestions to you about what else to buy [in addition / in addition to] your originally planned purchase.

262. A sales clerk may make suggestions to you about what else to buy in addition [to / for] your originally planned purchase.

263. No one can tell you [that / what] you shouldn't buy something that really suits you, but remember that the arrangement of items in a store is not random.

264. No one can tell you that you shouldn't buy something that really suits you, but [remember / remembers] that the arrangement of items in a store is not random.

265. Product placement seems to [be / have] been designed to give subtle suggestions to consumers while they shop.

266. Product placement seems to have been [designing / designed] to give subtle suggestions to consumers while they shop.

267. Product placement seems to have been [designing / designed] to give subtle suggestions to consumers while they shop.

268. This is [calling / called] up-selling and it's designed to be not only helpful for you, but also for the store's bottom line.

269. This is called [up-selling / up-selled] and it's designed to be not only helpful for you, but also for the store's bottom line.


영비홍 6-5

270. "[Instead of / Instead for] deliberating, you choose the easy way and make your decisions automatically.

271. Furthermore, if a cashier recommends [to someth / something], you may feel as if you "needed" it all along.

272. Well, when your brain is loaded with too many decisions [making / to make], it may go on "autopilot.

273. Well, when your brain is loaded with too many decisions to make, [it / which] may go on "autopilot.

274. What's going [in on / on in] your head?


영비홍 6-6

275. In the jungle of information, you may feel [overwhelmed / overwhelming].

276. In the jungle of information, you may feel [overwhelming / overwhelmed].

277. In the jungle of information, you may feel [overwhelming / overwhelmed].

278. There isn't a "right" answer for everyone because we have different tastes and different values, but the first step is to be aware [of / that] your "autopilot" mode.

279. Would my money [be / is] better spent on something else?

280. [Be / Being] a smart consumer is not something that comes naturally.

281. [preventing / to prevent] this, ask yourself these questions before you make any purchase.


영비홍 6-RM

282. At the same time, consumers benefit [because of / because for] the variety of food that is available.

283. Customers can pay online, select a time, [stand / standing] on an 'X' marked outside the building, and wait for the parachute with their name on it.

284. Customers can pay online, select a time, stand on an 'X' marked outside the building, and [wait / waits] for the parachute with their name on it.

285. Food trucks can move [around / to], and many sell food that originated in other countries like Mexico, China, Brazil, and Turkey.

286. For example, one of many recently popular food [truck / trucks], called Kogi, sells a mix of BBQ from Korea and food from Mexico.

287. For example, one of many recently popular food trucks, [calling / called]Kogi, sells a mix of BBQ from Korea and food from Mexico.

288. For example, one of many recently popular food trucks, [calling / called]Kogi, sells a mix of BBQ from Korea and food from Mexico.

289. For example, one of many recently popular food trucks, called Kogi, [sell / sells] a mix of BBQ from Korea and food from Mexico.

290. In the [crowding / crowded] cities in Vietnam, people usually keep their doors open, so cooking and eating food on the street is natural.

291. In the crowded cities in Vietnam, people usually keep their doors [open / openly], so cooking and eating food on the street is natural.

292. People run street food booths around the world for a number of reasons, such as to get an opportunity to open their own business on a budget, [for sell / to sell] food in a lively place, or to promote their own special recipe.

293. People run street food booths around the world for a number of reasons, such as to get an opportunity to open their own business on a budget, to sell food in a lively place, or [to / X] promote their own special recipe.

294. These recipes are often handed down from the mother of the family [for / to] her children.

295. This gave [rise / rise to] a unique restaurant called Jafflechutes, which sells sandwiches by parachute.

296. This gave rise to a unique restaurant [calling / called] Jafflechutes, which sells sandwiches by parachute.

297. This gave rise to a unique restaurant called Jafflechutes, [it / which] sells sandwiches by parachute.

298. [Instead of / Instead for] customers coming up, they thought why not send sandwiches down?


영비홍 7-1

299. Some scientists [have been studyed / have been studying] how the lowly mosquito is able to bite us without us knowing.

300. This is what "biomimetics" is [about / about it].


영비홍 7-2

301. People [who / which] study biomimetics look to solve human problems by copying how nature does it.


영비홍 7-3

302. Inspired by termite mounds, Mike Pearce, an African architect, [constructing / constructed] a building in Zimbabwe and another in Australia using the same passive cooling techniques.

303. Some termite mounds can reach [to / X] 7 meters in height.

304. Termite mounds are built in a way that hot air rises out and cool air comes [through in / in through] the bottom.

305. There is another [amazing / amazed] fact about termite mounds:.

306. These buildings were 10 cheaper to build because less money was spent on air [moving / to mov] equipment, and this design reduced cooling energy costs by 35.

307. [Inspiring / Inspired] by termite mounds, Mike Pearce, an African architect, constructed a building in Zimbabwe and another in Australia using the same passive cooling techniques.

308. even though the temperature outside can [vary / vary from] 40 degrees Celsius during the day to 1 degree Celsius at night, it is always about 30 degrees Celsius inside.

309. even though the temperature outside can vary from 40 degrees Celsius during the day [for / to] 1 degree Celsius at night, it is always about 30 degrees Celsius inside.

310. even though the temperature outside can vary from 40 degrees Celsius during the day to 1 degree Celsius at night, [it / which] is always about 30 degrees Celsius inside.

311. even though the temperature outside can vary from 40 degrees Celsius during the day to 1 degree Celsius at night, it is always about 30 degrees Celsius [inside / inside it].


영비홍 7-4

312. The end result is that the airplane winglets [help keep / help keeping]planes smaller, saving about 10 in fuel costs.

313. The end result is that the airplane winglets help keep planes smaller, [saved / saving] about 10 in fuel costs.

314. The engineers thought [if that / that if] it worked for birds, why not for airplanes?

315. The engineers thought [that / what] if it worked for birds, why not for airplanes?

316. These are [calling / called] "winglets" and they may look neat, but they have measurable benefits.

317. They found that the tips smooth the flow of air, [it / which] helps them conserve energy when flying.

318. They found that the tips smooth the flow of air, which helps them conserve energy when [flying / flyed].

319. This is beneficial not just for the environment [but / so] for passengers' wallets, too.


영비홍 7-5

320. A sea urchin mouth looks a lot like a five-fingered claw you might see while [to try / trying] to pick up prizes at the arcade.

321. A sea urchin mouth looks a lot like a five-fingered claw you might see while [trying / tried] to pick up prizes at the arcade.

322. Amazingly, a design [developed / developing] naturally in the deep sea may soon be seen in deep space.

323. Amazingly, a design developed naturally in the deep sea may soon [be / is] seen in deep space.

324. The efficiency of this natural design [is now testing / is now being tested] for incorporation into missions in space.

325. When small robots are sent to another planet to collect soil samples, the standard method is to use [inefficient something / something inefficient]like a small shovel.


영비홍 7-6

326. Because there is still so much we do not know about nature, there is still much [lefting / left] to discover.

327. When we observe nature, we can be [amazing / amazed] by its beauty and its grand scale.


영비홍 8-1

328. Likewise, a painting can inspire a musician to create music [in them / in which] you can almost see different colors and shapes.

329. These interactions between artists can have unexpected results, [produced / producing] works of art that have strong visual, auditory or emotional influences on people.

330. Where Sound, Color and Letters Meet A piece of work in one field can inspire artists in another field to create [new something / something new].


영비홍 8-2

331. He felt as if wild and powerful lines [appeared / appeared in] front of him.

332. However, in his early 30's, he had an unusual visual experience while [looking / looked] at Monet's Haystacks.

333. In his paintings, for example, yellow is linked with the sound of the trumpet and blue with [that / those] of the cello.

334. Kandinsky studied law and economics and [was / were] successful in his law career.

335. [each / many] time he stroked the canvas with his brush, he might have intended to turn a series of musical notes into visual forms.


영비홍 8-3

336. After [visiting / visited] a memorial exhibition of Hartmann's works, Mussorgsky composed a piano suite in 10 movements to describe each of Hartmann's paintings displayed at the exhibition.

337. After visiting a memorial exhibition of Hartmann's works, Mussorgsky composed a piano suite in 10 movements to describe each of Hartmann's [painting / paintings] displayed at the exhibition.

338. Anyone [who / which] listens to the movements can associate the melodies with what they see in Hartmann's paintings.

339. Anyone who listens to the movements can associate the melodies with [how / what] they see in Hartmann's paintings.

340. Anyone who listens to the movements can associate the melodies with [that / what] they see in Hartmann's paintings.

341. One of his most frequently performed piano [work / works], Pictures at an Exhibition, was composed in his efforts to capture what he felt about the paintings of an artist friend named Viktor Hartmann, who died at the early age of 39.

342. One of his most frequently performed piano works, Pictures at an Exhibition, [was / were] composed in his efforts to capture what he felt about the paintings of an artist friend named Viktor Hartmann, who died at the early age of 39.

343. One of his most frequently performed piano works, Pictures at an Exhibition, [was / were] composed in his efforts to capture what he felt about the paintings of an artist friend named Viktor Hartmann, who died at the early age of 39.

344. One of his most frequently performed piano works, Pictures at an Exhibition, was composed in his efforts to capture [that / what] he felt about the paintings of an artist friend named Viktor Hartmann, who died at the early age of 39.

345. One of his most frequently performed piano works, Pictures at an Exhibition, was composed in his efforts to capture what he felt about the paintings of an artist friend named Viktor Hartmann, [whose / who] died at the early age of 39.

346. While Mussorgsky was writing the melodies, he [must / should] have wanted to translate the stories in the paintings into his musical language.


영비홍 8-4

347. For example, Felix Mendelssohn was inspired after [reading / readed]Shakespeare's play, A Midsummer Night's Dream, at the age of 17 and began to compose a piece of music to capture the magic and fantasy in Shakespeare's imaginary world.

348. Marc Chagall, [known for / known to] his use of dreamy colors, was also moved by the play and drew a painting with the same title, Midsummer Night's Dream.

349. Marc Chagall, known for his use of dreamy colors, [was / were] also moved by the play and drew a painting with the same title, Midsummer Night's Dream.

350. Marc Chagall, known for his use of dreamy colors, [was / were] also moved by the play and drew a painting with the same title, Midsummer Night's Dream.

351. Marc Chagall, known for his use of dreamy colors, [were / was] also moved by the play and drew a painting with the same title, Midsummer Night's Dream.

352. The Wedding March is one of the best known [piece / pieces] from the suite.


영비홍 8-5

353. Air [breathing / breathed] in has to be breathed out in one way or another.

354. Air breathed in has [to be breathed / being breathed] out in one way or another.

355. Maybe, they knew we would interpret their works accordingly, [noticed / noticing] the melodies, colors, shapes, and the words influencing each other.

356. Maybe, they knew we would interpret their works accordingly, noticing the melodies, colors, shapes, and the words [influencing / influenced] each other.

357. The English word "inspire" originally meant "to [breath / breathe] in."

358. The English word "inspire" originally meant "to breathe [in / in it]."

1. deals with 2. keeps 3. what 4. had 5. right 6. called 7. to better 8. suitable 9. to make 10. in which

11. interested 12. based 13. conduct 14. job-shadowing 15. to be done 16. to 17. arranging 18. recording 19. editing 20. excited

21. what 22. what 23. latest 24. whose 25. whose 26. amazed 27. Not only was I getting 28. to finish 29. required 30. recording

31. had 32. of which 33. recording 34. where 35. press 36. wait 37. telling 38. breaking 39. if 40. breathe

41. comes 42. tasting 43. done 44. wait 45. ready 46. so 47. objective 48. understanding 49. find 50. which

51. wearing 52. striped 53. find 54. green 55. great 56. called 57. called 58. can 59. results 60. results in

61. is 62. colors 63. choosing 64. mixing 65. using 66. pleasing 67. Choosing 68. Choosing 69. Combining 70. to what

71. what 72. is 73. making 74. making 75. covering 76. choosing 77. accessories 78. note 79. of 80. which

81. what 82. what 83. where 84. cool 85. of 86. where 87. interesting 88. interesting 89. made 90. seal

91. to be cared 92. coming 93. spread 94. helping 95. wearing 96. called 97. that 98. called 99. were 100. working

101. is 102. used 103. themselves 104. outside on 105. whatever 106. Placing 107. founded 108. to be distributed 109. it 110. Having been founded

111. outside 112. of over 113. holding 114. soaked 115. eat 116. of 117. Using 118. that if 119. could 120. efficient

121. which 122. could 123. focus on 124. do to 125. of 126. help 127. myself 128. to begin 129. myself 130. pleased

131. pleased 132. to be greeted 133. invited 134. off from 135. X 136. inside 137. amazed 138. what 139. through which 140. go in

141. it 142. interesting 143. interesting 144. wishing 145. thrown 146. leading 147. looking 148. around 149. so 150. overwhelmed

151. to walk 152. to 153. as 154. for over 155. masterpieces 156. looking 157. around for 158. lucky enough 159. stop 160. had never seen

161. walked 162. attractions 163. itself 164. impressed 165. so 166. being 167. steal 168. winding 169. useless 170. disappointed

171. disappointed 172. myself 173. so 174. which 175. toward 176. exchanged 177. pages 178. buried 179. buried 180. Amazing

181. Amazing 182. locked 183. did their families 184. had broken 185. off 186. burying 187. alive 188. with 189. had survived 190. at around

191. captured 192. high 193. had lost 194. canned 195. to reach 196. X 197. had broken 198. from which 199. who 200. helped

201. specially 202. large enough 203. gathered 204. process 205. that if 206. would 207. what 208. themselves 209. during which 210. were

211. who 212. had taken 213. was 214. were 215. was 216. who 217. rescued 218. celebrating 219. trapped 220. trapped

221. so 222. getting 223. opened 224. so 225. so 226. being lifted 227. organized 228. which 229. breathe 230. for about

231. high 232. outside 233. which 234. mobilized 235. loved 236. shared 237. Painted 238. Thanks to 239. resulted in 240. annoying

241. being 242. being 243. would 244. interesting 245. as 246. Being 247. were 248. are 249. to consider 250. buying

251. making 252. regular 253. to spend 254. paying 255. that 256. themselves 257. offered 258. offered 259. had not planned 260. what

261. in addition to 262. to 263. that 264. remember 265. have 266. designed 267. designed 268. called 269. up-selling 270. Instead of

271. something 272. to make 273. it 274. on in 275. overwhelmed 276. overwhelmed 277. overwhelmed 278. of 279. be 280. Being

281. to prevent 282. because of 283. stand 284. wait 285. around 286. trucks 287. called 288. called 289. sells 290. crowded

291. open 292. to sell 293. to 294. to 295. rise to 296. called 297. which 298. Instead of 299. have been studying 300. about

301. who 302. constructed 303. X 304. in through 305. amazing 306. moving 307. Inspired 308. vary from 309. to 310. it

311. inside 312. help keep 313. saving 314. that if 315. that 316. called 317. which 318. flying 319. but 320. trying

321. trying 322. developed 323. be 324. is now being tested 325. something inefficient 326. left 327. amazed 328. in which 329. producing 330. something new

331. appeared in 332. looking 333. that 334. was 335. each 336. visiting 337. paintings 338. who 339. what 340. what

341. works 342. was 343. were 344. what 345. who 346. must 347. reading 348. known for 349. was 350. were

351. was 352. pieces 353. breathed 354. to be breathed 355. noticing 356. influencing 357. breathe 358. in 



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정답에 O표시, 이유를 쓰세요.

영시한 1-1

1. Don't stop [dreaming / to dream] until your dreams come true.

2. President Hanlon, staff, honored guests, parents, students, families, and friends, good morning and congratulations to the [graduating / graduated]class!

3. Rhimes delivered the [following / followed] speech at the graduation ceremony for Dartmouth College in 2014.


영시한 1-2

4. And while they are busy [dream / dreaming], the really happy and successful people are busy doing.

5. If you don't have a job, [get / getting] one.

6. It doesn't have to be the perfect job or the perfect life that you dream [of / of it].

7. It is hard work that makes things [happen / to happen] and creates change.

8. Maybe you know exactly [that / what] you want to do, or maybe you have no idea what you truly want to do.

9. Perfect is [boring / bored], and dreams are not real.

10. You just have to keep doing something, [seized / seizing] the next opportunity, and staying open to trying something new.

11. You just have to keep doing something, seizing the next opportunity, and [stay / staying] open to trying something new.

12. You just have to keep doing something, seizing the next opportunity, and staying [open / openly] to trying something new.

13. You just have to keep doing something, seizing the next opportunity, and staying open [to / for] trying something new.

14. You just have to keep doing something, seizing the next opportunity, and staying open to [try / trying] something new.

15. You just have to keep doing something, seizing the next opportunity, and staying open to trying [new something / something new].


영시한 1-3

16. So before you complain, remember that you have been [giving / given] a gift.

17. We live in the country where we are free to speak our own mind and most people believe that everyone should be treaten equally [regardless of / regardless for] gender or race.


영시한 1-4

18. Anyone [who / which] tells you they are doing it all perfectly is a liar.

19. If I'm writing really [exciting / excited] stories for television, I'm not spending enough time with my children.

20. [When / Whenever] I'm succeeding in one area of my life, I'm failing in another area.


영시한 1-5

21. And then 20 years from now, one of you can find yourself [right / rightly]here where I stand, giving a graduation speech.

22. And then 20 years from now, one of you can find yourself right here where I stand, [given / giving] a graduation speech.

23. And yet, you can still wake up in the morning and be [amazing / amazed] at everything you have and everything you have achieved.


영시한 2-1

24. In the [following / followed] three examples, it is inspiring to see how animals cooperate to help each other.

25. Often, animals help each other and [work / works] together for the greater good.


영시한 2-2

26. Ants never get into a traffic jam, no matter [what / how] fast they move or how many of them occupy the road.

27. Ants never get into a traffic jam, no matter how fast they move or how [many / many of] them occupy the road.

28. As their number increases, however, they communicate with each other [too / so] that they all move at the same speed.

29. If so, it [may / should] have reminded you of a highway packed with cars.

30. This arrangement makes sense because it is more difficult [of / for]inbound ants to change direction due to their heavy loads.

31. This arrangement makes sense because it is more difficult for inbound ants to change direction [due to / due for] their heavy loads.

32. This is [why / because] their movements are based on cooperation.

33. When this happens, the inbound ants, the ones [carrying / carryed] a burden, always have the right of way.

34. [Follow / Following] these rules and cooperating in this way, ants improve the traffic flow and make the delivery of food to the nest more efficient.


영시한 2-3

35. After the cleaners do their job, the clients let them go, [instead of / instead for] swallowing them.

36. First, the cleaners are too small [satisfying / to satisfy] their hunger.

37. Once the cleaners and the clients establish trust, the clients want to cooperate with the cleaners and [keep / keeps] them around.

38. Once the cleaners and the clients establish trust, the clients want to cooperate with the cleaners and keep them [around / around it].

39. Tiny fish, [it / which] scientists refer to as "cleaners," swim into the mouths of bigger fish, which are referred to as "clients."

40. Tiny fish, which scientists [refer / refer to] as "cleaners," swim into the mouths of bigger fish, which are referred to as "clients."

41. Tiny fish, which scientists refer [to / to as] "cleaners," swim into the mouths of bigger fish, which are referred to as "clients."


영시한 2-4

42. As more and more birds join the group, the predator becomes [frightening / frightened] and runs away.

43. As more and more birds join the group, the predator becomes [frightening / frightened] and runs away.

44. As more and more birds join the group, the predator becomes frightened and [run / runs] away.

45. They do not answer the calls of birds that have refused [helping / to help]others before.

46. They do not answer the calls of birds that have refused to help others [before / before it].


영시한 2-5

47. Living things, from their beginnings more than three billion years ago, [took / tooking] over the planet by learning to cooperate.

48. We human beings cooperate in plenty of ways, from lining up at a bus stop [sharinging / to sharing] knowledge on a website.

49. We human beings cooperate in plenty of ways, from lining up at a bus stop to [share / sharing] knowledge on a website.

50. [Liv / Living] things, from their beginnings more than three billion years ago, took over the planet by learning to cooperate.

51. [fostering / to foster] cooperative success among humans, we should perhaps look to nature for inspiration.


영시한 2-6

52. Four-thousand-year-old drawings of men playing a simple version of a hockey game have been [founding / found] in tombs in Egypt.

53. Now one of the most famous [competition / competitions] is the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race.

54. Now one of the most famous competitions [is / are] the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race.

55. Rowing has existed since humans first [traveled / traveled on] water by boat.

56. Soccer A Chinese game [calling / called] cuju meaning "kick a ball" existed during the 2nd and 3rd centuries BC and has been recognized as the first version of soccer with similar rules to the modern game.

57. Soccer A Chinese game called cuju [meant / meaning] "kick a ball" existed during the 2nd and 3rd centuries BC and has been recognized as the first version of soccer with similar rules to the modern game.

58. Soccer A Chinese game called cuju meaning "kick a ball" existed during the 2nd and 3rd centuries BC and has been [recognizing / recognized] as the first version of soccer with similar rules to the modern game.

59. Soccer A Chinese game called cuju meaning "kick a ball" existed during the 2nd and 3rd centuries BC and has been [recognizing / recognized] as the first version of soccer with similar rules to the modern game.

60. The first reference to [row / rowing] as a sport comes from 15thcentury BC Egypt.

61. [Row / Rowing] has existed since humans first traveled on water by boat.


영시한 3-1

62. Most people, however, understand that sodas are not good for their health [due to / due for] the ingredients.

63. Soda, also [calling / called] a soft drink, is a sweet drink with carbonation.

64. Soda, also called a soft drink, [is / are] a sweet drink with carbonation.

65. When you go to the movies or when you just want something [refreshing / refreshed] to satisfy your thirst, a soda is often the first choice.

66. When you go to the movies or when you just want something refreshing [satisfying / to satisfy] your thirst, a soda is often the first choice.

67. [Of / For] all age groups, teenagers drink the most soda.

68. [What / Which] ingredients are really not good for you?


영시한 3-2

69. A typical 250ml can [be / of] soda contains 30 grams of sugar.

70. According to a recent study, artificial sweeteners make you [want / to want] more sweet foods.

71. Artificial sweeteners provide a sweet, sugary taste with [fewer / lesser]calories.

72. Diet sodas replace the sugar [for / with] artificial sweeteners.

73. In addition, artificial sweeteners are known to generate headaches, emotional disorders, and [sleep / sleeping] problems.

74. Therefore, if you drink one small can [be / of] soda, your daily sugar intake already exceeds the recommended amount.

75. Therefore, if you drink one small can of soda, your daily sugar intake already exceeds the [recommending / recommended] amount.

76. [Hav / Having] extra sugar means adding unnecessary calories.

77. [WHO / whose], the World Health Organization, recommends that people consume less than 25 grams of sugar a day.


영시한 3-3

78. Acid also delays the growth of bacteria, [it / which] extends the expiration date of a product.

79. Also, the acid in sodas [interacts / interacts with] stomach acid, slowing digestion and blocking nutrient absorption.

80. Also, the acid in sodas interacts with stomach acid, [slowed / slowing]digestion and blocking nutrient absorption.

81. However, acid [interferes / interferes with] the body's ability to absorb calcium, and as a result, bone softening occurs.

82. When [adding / added] to water, it produces a sharp flavor.


영시한 3-4

83. A single can [be / of] cola may not affect you much, but if you consume colas regularly, they can make you feel more nervous and keep you from sleeping well at night.

84. A single can of cola may not affect you much, but if you consume colas regularly, they can make you [feel / to feel] more nervous and keep you from sleeping well at night.

85. A single can of cola may not affect you much, but if you consume colas regularly, they can make you feel more [nervous / nervously] and keep you from sleeping well at night.

86. A single can of cola may not affect you much, but if you consume colas regularly, they can make you feel more nervous and [keep / keeps] you from sleeping well at night.

87. But some sodas, especially colas and [carbonating / carbonated] energy drinks, also contain caffeine.

88. Caffeine makes you [feel / to feel] more awake, but it may bring about an irregular heartbeat.

89. For example, the artificial color Yellow No_6, [using / used] in some pineapple juices, adds nothing to the taste.

90. For example, the artificial color Yellow No_6, used in some pineapple juices, [add / adds] nothing to the taste.

91. It is just there to make the drink [look / to look] pretty.

92. Most of these colors and flavors, however, [is / are] not natural.

93. When you hear the word "caffeine," you most likely think [to / of] coffee.


영시한 3-5

94. And if you want something [adding / to add] a boost of flavor, put a slice of lemon in the water.

95. And if you want something to add a boost of flavor, [put / puting] a slice of lemon in the water.

96. For example, replace one regular soft drink or one diet soda per day [for / with] another more healthy drink.

97. However, if quitting sodas altogether sounds too difficult, [cut / cuting]down gradually.

98. Once you start cutting back, you are [heading / heading in] the right direction.

99. Perhaps you might now understand that you should stop [drinking / to drink] them.


영시한 4-1

100. And sometimes there is another sound, one that does not [belong / belong in] the forest at all.

101. Insects, birds, and monkeys are responsible [to / for] much of this noise.

102. You are surrounded by tall trees, [many / many of] which are more than 40 meters tall.

103. You are surrounded by tall trees, many [of them / of which] are more than 40 meters tall.


영시한 4-2

104. After [walking / walked] only five minutes, his group came upon people who were cutting down trees illegally.

105. Despite the fact [that / which] they were still fairly close to the ranger station, it had been impossible to hear anything from back there.

106. Despite the fact that they were still fairly close to the ranger station, [it / which] had been impossible to hear anything from back there.

107. Destruction of the rainforest is caused by logging, farming, [mined / mining], and other human activities.

108. It all started in 2011, [when / where] Topher White visited Indonesia as a volunteer.

109. It is [why / because] the forest was so full of other sounds.

110. It is because the forest was so [full / fully] of other sounds.

111. One day, he and some of the other volunteers set out from the ranger station on a walk into a [protecting / protected] rainforest.

112. Some 70 to 80 percent of the [logging / logged] in the rainforests is thought to be illegal.

113. The [surprising / surprised] loggers fled, but White was shocked.

114. The [surprising / surprised] loggers fled, but White was shocked.

115. [Though / Despite] the fact that they were still fairly close to the ranger station, it had been impossible to hear anything from back there.


영시한 4-3

116. After he returned home to the U.S., in his father's garage he developed a small [listening / listened] device using an old cell phone.

117. He attached a sensitive microphone to the cell phone [too / so] that it could detect chainsaw noise from up to three kilometers away.

118. He attached a sensitive microphone to the cell phone so that it could detect chainsaw noise from up [for / to] three kilometers away.

119. Since there was no electricity where the phone needed [to be placed / being placed], the device had to be able to power itself.

120. Since there was no electricity where the phone needed to be placed, the device had to be able to power [it / itself].

121. This device would [placed / be placed] high up in a tree.

122. This device would be placed [high / highly] up in a tree.

123. When it picked up the buzz of a saw, [it / which] would send a message to a ranger's cell phone.

124. White knew that he had to protect the cell phone [too / so] that it could survive in the hot and wet rainforest environment.


영시한 4-4

125. Others, [around from / from around] the world, started sending him their old cell phones so he could build more devices.

126. Others, from around the world, [starting / started] sending him their old cell phones so he could build more devices.

127. People [live / living] in other countries contacted White and asked if they could use the device.

128. People [lived / living] in other countries contacted White and asked if they could use the device.

129. People living in other countries contacted White and [asking / asked] if they could use the device.

130. People living in other countries contacted White and asked if they [have / could] use the device.

131. Surprisingly, on only the second day after he installed the device, [it / which] picked up chainsaw noises.

132. These devices, [calling / called] Rainforest Connection (RFCx), are now being used in the rainforests in Africa and South America.

133. These devices, called Rainforest Connection (RFCx), [are now using / are now being used] in the rainforests in Africa and South America.

134. These devices, called Rainforest Connection (RFCx), [is / are] now being used in the rainforests in Africa and South America.

135. When they approached the [logging / logged] spot, the illegal loggers ran away.


영시한 4-5

136. Preventing this amount of CO² from [having / being] released has the same effect as taking 3,000 cars off the road for a year.

137. Preventing this amount of CO² from [released / being released] has the same effect as taking 3,000 cars off the road for a year.

138. Preventing this amount of CO² from being released has the same effect as [taking / taked] 3,000 cars off the road for a year.

139. These devices are saving rainforests and providing new life for thousands of [discarding / discarded] cell phones.

140. [Prevent / Preventing] this amount of CO² from being released has the same effect as taking 3,000 cars off the road for a year.

141. [Thanks to / Thanks for] Topher White and his RFCx devices, the earth is now a better place to live.


영시한 5-1

142. If you have ever been [confusing / confused] about what to do, you are not alone.

143. If you have ever been [confusing / confused] about what to do, you are not alone.

144. If you have ever been [confusing / confused] about what to do, you are not alone.

145. If you have ever been confused about [how / what] to do, you are not alone.

146. Maybe it was someone you had difficulty [worked / working] with or it could have been someone you were always arguing with.

147. Maybe it was someone you had difficulty working with or it could have been someone you were always arguing [with / with it].

148. Should you ignore them, [be / being] extra nice to them, or stand up to them?

149. Should you ignore them, be extra nice to them, or [stand / stands] up to them?

150. This kind of situation can leave you [to wonder / wondering] what you should do.

151. This kind of situation can leave you wondering [that / what] you should do.

152. [you should / Should you] ignore them, be extra nice to them, or stand up to them?


영시한 5-2

153. Benjamin Franklin was a very smart man, not just in politics and science, but also in his ability to [deal / deal with] people.

154. He asked the man [lending / to lend] him a very rare and valuable book, one that he knew the man had in his personal library.

155. This speech was [so / too] powerful that it threatened Franklin's political career.

156. This speech was so powerful that it [threatening / threatened] Franklin's political career.

157. To do this, he sent a letter to the man [asking / asked] for a favor.

158. [doing / to do] this, he sent a letter to the man asking for a favor.


영시한 5-3

159. Franklin wrote, "He that has once [doing / done] you a kindness will be more ready to do you another.

160. Franklin wrote, "He that has once done you a kindness will be more ready [to / for] do you another.

161. However, if you want to try to create a connection with someone who does not like you, [asked / asking] that person to do you a favor is more effective.

162. It is commonly thought [if that / that if] you want people who do not like you to like you, you should do favors for them.

163. Today this phenomenon is known [to / as] the Benjamin Franklin effect.

164. [testing / to test] this phenomenon, a psychologist performed an experiment and came to the same conclusion.


영시한 5-4

165. About 80 students were invited to participate in an experiment and [was / were] told they would be given some money after a series of tests.

166. About 80 students were invited to participate in an experiment and were told [what / that] they would be given some money after a series of tests.

167. Despite the fact [that / which] they had had a bad impression of him during the experiment, they had more positive feelings for him after returning "his money."

168. Despite the fact that they had had a bad impression of him during the experiment, they had more positive feelings for him after [returning / returned] "his money."

169. Group 1 was asked by the researcher [returning / to return] some of the prize money.

170. Group 2 was asked by a secretary [returning / to return] some of the money to the institution because the budget was running low.

171. Group 3 was not [asking / asked] to return any money.

172. He explained that he [have used / had used] his own money for the tests and the study was in danger of running out of funds.

173. The people in Group 1, [whose / who] had done the researcher a personal favor by returning some of the money, rated the researcher the highest.

174. The people in Group 1, who [have done / had done] the researcher a personal favor by returning some of the money, rated the researcher the highest.

175. The people in Group 1, who had done the researcher a personal favor by returning some of the money, [rating / rated] the researcher the highest.

176. The students took the tests and [was / were] all awarded the promised money.

177. The students took the tests and were all awarded the [promising / promised] money.

178. They were then divided [into / onto] three groups.

179. [Though / Despite] the fact that they had had a bad impression of him during the experiment, they had more positive feelings for him after returning "his money."


영시한 5-5

180. "We want our actions and our thoughts [being / to be] in harmony.

181. After [lending / lended] Franklin the book, Franklin's enemy experienced cognitive dissonance.

182. Feeling [anxious / anxiously] and unhappy, he had to find a way to resolve his feelings.

183. He felt [troubling / troubled] because he was doing something nice for someone he disliked.

184. He felt troubled because he was doing [nice something / something nice] for someone he disliked.

185. He justified doing the favor by telling [him / himself] that Franklin was not a bad person after all and convinced himself that he actually liked Franklin.

186. He justified doing the favor by telling himself that Franklin was not a bad person after all and [convincing / convinced] himself that he actually liked Franklin.

187. How can it [be / is] that we feel more positively toward people for whom we do favors?

188. How can it be that we feel more positively [forward / toward] people for whom we do favors?

189. How can it be that we feel more positively toward people [for them / for whom] we do favors?

190. If there [is / will be] a conflict between our thoughts and our actions (cognitive dissonance), we will change one or the other to relieve the conflict.

191. Is there someone [with them / with whom] you would like to have a better relationship?

192. It is [because of / because for] what psychologists refer to as "cognitive dissonance.

193. It is [why / because] of what psychologists refer to as "cognitive dissonance.

194. It is because of [how / what] psychologists refer to as "cognitive dissonance.

195. It is because of what psychologists [refer / refer to] as "cognitive dissonance.

196. It is because of what psychologists refer [to / to as] "cognitive dissonance.

197. Then see [if / that] their feelings toward you change.

198. Then see if their feelings [forward / toward] you change.

199. When we do something that we do not like, the balance is [broken / brokening], and we feel unhappy.

200. When we do something that we do not like, the balance is broken, and we feel [unhappy / unhappily].

201. [Feel / Feeling] anxious and unhappy, he had to find a way to resolve his feelings.

202. it is because [for / of] what psychologists refer to as "cognitive dissonance.


영시한 5-6

203. He [who / which] gets close to a good tree will have good shade - Spain.

204. Read the [following / followed] proverbs different countries and cultures and think about the meaning of each one.

205. Read the following proverbs different countries and cultures and [think / thinks] about the meaning of each one.


영시한 6-1

206. Dabbawalas are delivery men who carry hot lunch boxes for Mumbai office workers from their homes [for / to] their offices.

207. Dabbawalas: Mumbai's Lunch Box Delivery Men In India, many traditions [are today challenging / are today being challenged] as a result of globalization.

208. Dabbawalas: Mumbai's Lunch Box Delivery Men In India, many traditions are today being [challenging / challenged] as a result of globalization.

209. Dabbawalas: Mumbai's Lunch Box Delivery Men In India, many traditions are today being challenged [as a result / as a result of]globalization.

210. In Mumbai, many people who work in offices far from home rely on an express food delivery service [run / running] by dabbawalas.

211. The word dabbawala comes from the Hindi dabba [meant / meaning]"lunch box," and wala meaning "the person who carries it."


영시한 6-2

212. A third person rides on each of the [train / trains] with the dabbas.

213. A typical scenario would have one person on a bicycle pick up a dabba by 9:00 a.m. [about from / from about] thirty different addresses.

214. After [collecting / collected] all of the dabbas assigned to him, he takes them to the nearest train station.

215. After collecting all of the dabbas [assigning / assigned] to him, he takes them to the nearest train station.

216. Another person loads each dabba onto the right train, [sended / sending] them off in different directions.

217. Another person loads each dabba onto the right train, sending them [in off / off in] different directions.

218. Finally, a fourth person picks up the boxes at the [receiving / received]station and distributes them, again by bicycle, to each customerʼ office, all by 12:30 p.m.

219. Finally, a fourth person picks up the boxes at the receiving station and distributes them, again by bicycle, [for each / to each] customerʼ office, all by 12:30 p.m.

220. Most dabbas, or lunches, reach [to / X] their destination after passing through several pairs of hands.

221. Most dabbas, or lunches, reach their destination after [passing / passed]through several pairs of hands.

222. The empty dabbas are picked up by 5:00 p.m. and [is / are] returned to their original addresses by the same team, following the same procedure in reverse.

223. The empty dabbas are picked up by 5:00 p.m. and are returned to their original addresses by the same team, [followed / following] the same procedure in reverse.


영시한 6-3

224. Also, they often have dietary restrictions, [depend / depending] upon their religion.

225. As a result, it is not easy [of / for] workers to find the right food in restaurants near their office.

226. As a result, it is not easy for workers to find the [right / rightly] food in restaurants near their office.

227. Other people liked the idea and [copiing / copied] it.

228. The dabbawala service began around 1890, [when / where] a banker hired a young man to deliver a lunch box from his home to his Mumbai office.

229. The dabbawala service began around 1890, when a banker hired a young man to deliver a lunch box from his home [for / to] his Mumbai office.

230. They have to leave for the office early in the morning, [rided / riding] on a packed train.

231. They have to leave for the office early in the morning, riding on a [packing / packed] train.

232. Those [who / which] use the dabbawala service are mostly middle-class office workers who live in one of Mumbai's suburbs.

233. Those who use the dabbawala service are mostly middle-class office workers who live in one of Mumbai's [suburb / suburbs].

234. To meet their dietary needs, Indian workers prefer their home-cooked meals, [making / made] especially for them.


영시한 6-4

235. "The dabbawalas are proud of their 99.99 percent accuracy rate, [it / which] means just one mistake in every six million deliveries.

236. Each dabba carries a code, [painting / painted] with different colors, numbers, and symbols.

237. It is an [amazing / amazed] record, considering that most of the dabbawalas are illiterate and that not a single piece of paper is used in the delivery process.

238. It is an [amazing / amazed] record, considering that most of the dabbawalas are illiterate and that not a single piece of paper is used in the delivery process.

239. It is an amazing record, [considered / considering] that most of the dabbawalas are illiterate and that not a single piece of paper is used in the delivery process.

240. The secret to [thising / this] error-free system is in a coding system.

241. The secret to this error-free system is in a [coding / coded] system.

242. These codes tell the dabbawala where the food comes from and which railway stations it must pass [on through / through on] its way to a specific office in a specific building, in Mumbai.

243. They even deliver in the [pouring / poured] rain and during political strife.


영시한 6-5

244. Dabbawalas, however, demonstrate [that / those] with no form of technology, some of the old ways may still be the best ways.

245. Dabbawalas, however, demonstrate that with no form of technology, some of the old ways may still [be / is] the best ways.

246. It is not [surprising / surprised], then, that business schools and large corporations around the world learn from the dabbawala system.

247. It is not surprising, then, [what / that] business schools and large corporations around the world learn from the dabbawala system.

248. It is simple, relies on teamwork, [has / having] a low operating cost, and delivers almost 100 percent customer satisfaction.

249. It is simple, relies on teamwork, has a low [operating / operated] cost, and delivers almost 100 percent customer satisfaction.

250. It is simple, relies on teamwork, has a low operating cost, and [deliver / delivers] almost 100 percent customer satisfaction.

251. The dabbawala organization is an [outstanding / outstanded] example of an efficient distribution system.

252. The dabbawala organization is an [outstanding / outstanded] example of an efficient distribution system.


영시한 6-6

253. ITALY Central Institute of Restoration Italy is a country [filling / filled]with valuable cultural assets.

254. Now Switzerland has several watchmaking schools [who / whose]students take the traditional watchmaking course.

255. Now Switzerland has several watchmaking schools whose students take the traditional [watchmaking / watchmade] course.

256. They are recognized for their abundance of color, different patterns, and [weav / weaving] techniques.


영시한 7-1

257. As a child, he was [fascinating / fascinated] by the natural wonders of the surrounding countryside.

258. As a child, he was fascinated by the natural wonders of the [surrounding / surrounded] countryside.

259. Few countries, however, can claim to [have produced / be produced] a great architect.

260. Gaudi took an interest in architecture at a young age and [studiing / studied] architecture in Barcelona, the city that would become home to his greatest works.

261. Gaudi took an interest in architecture at a young age and studied architecture in Barcelona, the city [that / what] would become home to his greatest works.

262. Gaudi's work is also [known for / known to] its use of bold colors.

263. He decorated [many / many of] his buildings with colorful tiles.

264. He understood that the natural world is full of [curving / curved] lines, rather than straight lines.

265. Here are some of Gaudi's greatest works, all [of them / of which] are found in the city of Barcelona.

266. One country that can make that [claim / to claim] without embarrassment is Spain.

267. There, at the summit of the nation's architectural genius, [stand / stands] Antoni Gaudi (1852-1926).

268. This combination of natural designs and bright colors creates a [breathtaking / breathtaked] visual experience.


영시한 7-2

269. "The park is also home to a famous dragon fountain, [covering / covered] with beautiful colored tiles.

270. At the entrance to the park are two buildings, both with [curving / curved] roofs.

271. On a hill within the park are curved terraces and [multicoloring / multicolored] tile seats where visitors can enjoy wonderful views of Barcelona and the sea beyond.

272. On a hill within the park are curved terraces and multicolored tile seats where visitors can enjoy wonderful views of Barcelona and the sea [beyond / beyond it].

273. Parc Güell contains [amazing / amazed] stone structures, gorgeous tiles, and beautiful buildings.

274. Parc Güell is a public park and [is / are] one of Gaudi's most decorative works.

275. Parc Güell is a public park and is one of Gaudi's most decorative [work / works].

276. These buildings seem [to be taken / being taken] directly from "Hansel and Gretel.

277. [Knowning / Known] as "El Drac," which means "the dragon" in the language of Catalonia, this colorful fountain is a symbol of Parc Güell.


영시한 7-3

278. Because of the curves, the Batllo family could not fit their traditional, straight furniture against the [curving / curved] surfaces.

279. Built in 1877, the original building was very different from [how / what]it is today.

280. Built in 1877, the original building was very different from [that / what]it is today.

281. Everything is curved, [includ / including] the walls, the ceilings, and the wooden doors.

282. From the [outside / to], Casa Batllo looks as if it has been made from skulls and bones.

283. From the outside, Casa Batllo looks as if it has been [making / made]from skulls and bones.

284. Indeed, the design of the green and blue tiles on the wall remind people of the sea, while the [curving / curved] window frames were inspired by ocean waves.

285. When it was purchased by Joseph Batllo, he asked Gaudi [adding / to add] his impressive touch to the design.

286. [Because of / Because for] the curves, the Batllo family could not fit their traditional, straight furniture against the curved surfaces.

287. [Builting / Built] in 1877, the original building was very different from what it is today.


영시한 7-4

288. Between the columns are skylights to [leting / let] natural light in.

289. Between the columns are skylights to let natural light [in / in it].

290. Despite its incomplete state, Sagrada Familia's incredible design draws an [estimating / estimated] 2.5 million tourists every year.

291. It is expected [that / what] the church will be completed in 2026, on the 100th anniversary of Gaudi's death.

292. On the [outside / to], the church will have 18 high towers.

293. Sagrada Familia is the most widely-known symbol of Barcelona and one of the world's largest [churche / churches].

294. The colorful stained glass windows filter the sunlight and [project / projects] red, blue, and green light all over the interior space.

295. The columns branch out at the top [too / so] that each column looks like a huge tree.

296. When [completing / completed], the highest tower will reach a height of 170 meters.

297. When completed, the highest tower will reach [to / X] a height of 170 meters.

298. [Beguning / Begun] in 1882, it has been under construction for more than one hundred years.

299. [Though / Despite] its incomplete state, Sagrada Familia's incredible design draws an estimated 2.5 million tourists every year.


영시한 7-5

300. All are recognized as important works of architecture, and seven have been [naming / named] UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

301. All are recognized as important works of architecture, and seven have been [naming / named] UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

302. No visitor to Barcelona would want to leave without [to see / seeing]these works of Antoni Gaudi.

303. These extraordinary works show how [important / importantly] Gaudi was to the development of modern architecture in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.


영시한 8-1

304. Eventually, humans had to do most of the [extreme / extremely]dangerous work.

305. Since it was impossible [of / for] humans to work in this environment, the Japanese government considered sending in robots to handle the situation.

306. Since it was impossible for humans to work in this environment, the Japanese government considered [to send / sending] in robots to handle the situation.

307. The [resulting / resulted] nuclear disaster released large amounts of radioactive material into the surrounding area.

308. The robots the Japanese were using, however, [was / were] not up to the task.


영시한 8-2

309. During the competition, the robots had to solve a series of problems they might come [in upon / upon in] a disaster situation.

310. HUBO [have wheels attached / had wheels attached] to its knees and feet.

311. In response [for / to] Japan's nuclear disaster, the 2015 DARPA Robotics Challenge was createn to speed up the development of robots that could work in disaster-stricken areas.

312. Since then, there has been [renewing / renewed] emphasis on developing robots that can serve in dangerous situations.

313. Since then, there has been [renewing / renewed] emphasis on developing robots that can serve in dangerous situations.

314. The competition attracted 25 teams [around from / from around] the world.

315. The key [to / for] HUBO's success was its ability to move from a standing position to a kneeling position.

316. The key to HUBO's success was its ability to move from a [standing / standed] position to a kneeling position.

317. The key to HUBO's success was its ability to move from a standing position [for / to] a kneeling position.

318. The key to [HUBOing / HUBO]'s success was its ability to move from a standing position to a kneeling position.

319. The key to [HUBOing / HUBO]'s success was its ability to move from a standing position to a kneeling position.

320. The tasks were: driving a vehicle, getting out of the vehicle, opening a door, locating and closing a [leaking / leaked] valve, using a drill to cut through a wall, pulling a plug out of a wall socket and then plugging it in, navigating rough terrain, and climbing stairs.

321. The tasks were: driving a vehicle, getting out of the vehicle, opening a door, locating and closing a leaking valve, using a drill to cut through a wall, pulling a plug out of a wall socket and then plugging it [in / to], navigating rough terrain, and climbing stairs.

322. The tasks were: driving a vehicle, getting out of the vehicle, opening a door, locating and closing a leaking valve, using a drill to cut through a wall, pulling a plug out of a wall socket and then plugging it in, [navigated / navigating] rough terrain, and climbing stairs.

323. The tasks were: driving a vehicle, getting out of the vehicle, opening a door, locating and closing a leaking valve, using a drill to cut through a wall, pulling a plug out of a wall socket and then plugging it in, navigating rough terrain, and [climb / climbing] stairs.

324. The winner was a Korean team from KAIST who developed a robot [calling / called] HUBO.

325. When kneeling, HUBO was able to use these wheels to move around quickly and [decisive / decisively].


영시한 8-3

326. As the series of eight tasks became progressively more difficult, HUBO's performance on the tasks reflected the [growing / grown] difficulty.

327. Generally speaking, it was difficult [of / for] a robot to hold a drill in the right position and simultaneously press an on/off button.

328. Generally speaking, it was difficult for a robot to hold a drill in the right position and [simultaneous / simultaneously] press an on/off button.

329. Generally speaking, it was difficult for a robot to hold a drill in the right position and simultaneously [press / pressing] an on/off button.

330. It takes a human less than 10 seconds [performing / to perform] the task, but it took HUBO 13 minutes and 30 seconds.

331. It was able to drive a vehicle fast and when it encountered a barrier, [it / which] was able to turn the vehicle smoothly to avoid it.

332. It was able to drive a vehicle fast and when it encountered a barrier, it was able to turn the vehicle [smooth / smoothly] to avoid it.

333. Next, it was able to get out of the car in less than four minutes [and / X], once out of the vehicle, got on its knees and sped away.

334. Next, it was able to get out of the car in less than four minutes and, once out of the vehicle, got on its knees and [sping / sped] away.

335. On the fifth task, [for them / for which] it had to use a drill to cut through a wall, HUBO failed on its first attempt.

336. The task [that / what] took the longest time for HUBO was the sixth one, pulling a plug out of a wall socket and putting it back into another.

337. The task that took the longest time for HUBO was the sixth one, [pulled / pulling] a plug out of a wall socket and putting it back into another.

338. [General speaking / Generally speaking], it was difficult for a robot to hold a drill in the right position and simultaneously press an on/off button.


영시한 8-4

339. After scanning the stairs, the robot set [to / off] to climb to the top, completing the task effortlessly.

340. After scanning the stairs, the robot set off to climb to the top, [completed / completing] the task effortlessly.

341. For the final task, [climb / climbing] stairs, it was important that the robot be able to see its feet.

342. For the final task, [climbed / climbing] stairs, it was important that the robot be able to see its feet.

343. For the final task, climbing stairs, [it / which] was important that the robot be able to see its feet.

344. For the final task, climbing stairs, it was important that the robot [be / is] able to see its feet.

345. Other robots had difficulty [done / doing] this because they had to bend their bodies forward to see over their knees to scan the stairs.

346. That way, the robot's knees did not block the camera's view of either the feet [or / nor] the floor.


영시한 8-5

347. The KAIST team [have / had] already built four HUBOs and had been improving them for years.

348. The KAIST team had already built four HUBOs and [had been improved / had been improving] them for years.

349. The KAIST team had already built four HUBOs and [having / had] been improving them for years.

350. They will be [calling / called] upon to perform complicated tasks that will be too dangerous for humans.

351. They will be called upon to perform [complicated / complicating] tasks that will be too dangerous for humans.

352. This [amazing / amazed] robot was not made in a day.


영시한 SP1-1

353. "I could turn around now," I said to [me / myself].

354. I'd never traveled anywhere so different [before / to], and I had no idea what to expect.

355. Little [I know / did I know] that the next six weeks would change my life forever.

356. Not because I was afraid of flying, but because I was afraid of [how / what] awaited me at my destination.


영시한 SP1-2

357. By volunteering, I became part of the lives of local families — sharing meals, [played / playing] with their kids, and visiting their homes.

358. By volunteering, I became part of the lives of local families — sharing meals, playing with their kids, and [visit / visiting] their homes.

359. I learned to cook ugali, milk a cow, and [wear / wears] a kanga –.

360. If I [have / had] not volunteered, I would never have got an inside look at their way of life.

361. If I [have not volunteered / had not volunteered], I would never have got an inside look at their way of life.

362. These experiences were [eye-opening / eye-opened], educational, and inspiring:.

363. These experiences were eye-opening, educational, and [inspir / inspiring]:.

364. Though we did many other [exciting / excited] things like going on safari and climbing Mt Kilimanjaro, it was our volunteering time that stuck with me.

365. Though we did many other exciting things like going on safari and climbing Mt Kilimanjaro, [it / which] was our volunteering time that stuck with me.

366. Volunteering abroad taught me so much about the world and about [me / myself].

367. Volunteering allowed me to [tru / truly] connect with the people in Tanzania.

368. We spent several weeks [volunteering / to volunteer] at a community center and an orphanage.

369. What Volunteering in Tanzania Was Like I [traveled / traveled to]Tanzania as part of a university program the summer after my freshman year.

370. [Volunteer / Volunteering] abroad taught me so much about the world and about myself.

371. [Volunteer / Volunteering] allowed me to truly connect with the people in Tanzania.

372. [inspir / inspiring] to witness their close family ties and endless positivity.

373. – [eye-opening / eye-opened] to see how few possessions they had, yet how much love and personal strength they had –.


영시한 SP1-3

374. Gratitude for [how / what] I have When I returned home, I literally hugged my toilet, and I cried during my first hot shower.

375. Gratitude for [that / what] I have When I returned home, I literally hugged my toilet, and I cried during my first hot shower.

376. Growing up in rural New York State, I had never before [experiencing / experienced] people so different from me.

377. Growing up in rural New York State, I had never before [experiencing / experienced] people so different from me.

378. Volunteering gave me deep gratitude for the comforts and opportunities I used to take for [granting / granted].

379. [Volunteer / Volunteering] abroad taught me the beauty of diversity.

380. [Volunteer / Volunteering] gave me deep gratitude for the comforts and opportunities I used to take for granted.


영시한 SP1-4

381. After [experiencing / experienced] this in Tanzania, I decided to help people wherever and whenever I could for them and for myself.

382. After experiencing this in Tanzania, I decided to help people [wher / wherever] and whenever I could for them and for myself.

383. After experiencing this in Tanzania, I decided to help people wherever and whenever I could for them and for [me / myself].

384. Commitment to [help / helping] people I will be honest: Volunteering feels good.

385. Giving back to others and seeing the smiles on their faces [is / are] a feeling unmatched by anything else.

386. I knew I wanted to continue exploring, meeting people from different backgrounds, [tried / trying] new foods, and discovering unique landscapes.

387. I knew I wanted to continue exploring, meeting people from different backgrounds, trying new foods, and [discover / discovering] unique landscapes.

388. [Giv / Giving] back to others and seeing the smiles on their faces is a feeling unmatched by anything else.


영시한 SP1-5

389. I [graduated / graduated from] college in 2008, and ever since, I have been working and traveling around the world.

390. I graduated from college in 2008, and ever [since / X], I have been working and traveling around the world.

391. I graduated from college in 2008, and ever since, I [have been worked / have been working] and traveling around the world.

392. I have volunteered everywhere from Korea to France to Nicaragua [for / to] North Carolina.

393. I practice gratitude daily and am always trying to meet new people and [learn / learns] about different ways of life.

394. It has now been 10 years since I [traveled / traveled to] Tanzania, and these principles still guide me.

395. Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I [have / had] not got on that plane to East Africa.

396. Would I [be / is] the person I am today?

397. Would I have ever tasted ugali, [dancing / danced] with the Masai, or bathed an elephant?

398. Would I have ever tasted ugali, danced with the Masai, or [bathing / bathed] an elephant?


영시한 SP1-6

399. And so we learn early: It is better to give than [receive / to receive].

400. Helping others may just [be / is] the secret to living a life that is not only happier but also healthier, wealthier, more productive, and meaningful.

401. Helping others may just be the secret to [liv / living] a life that is not only happier but also healthier, wealthier, more productive, and meaningful.

402. Helping others may just be the secret to living a life that is not only happier [but / so] also healthier, wealthier, more productive, and meaningful.

403. If you want happiness for a year, [inherit / inheriting] a fortune.

404. If you want happiness for the rest of your life, [help / helping]somebody."

405. Researchers have found that the areas in our brains that feel pleasure become [activating / activated] when we give —meaning that besides doing good, donating our money or time actually makes us feel good.

406. Researchers have found that the areas in our brains that feel pleasure become activated when we give —meaning that [beside / besides] doing good, donating our money or time actually makes us feel good.

407. Researchers have found that the areas in our brains that feel pleasure become activated when we give —meaning that besides doing good, [donated / donating] our money or time actually makes us feel good.

408. Researchers have found that the areas in our brains that feel pleasure become activated when we give —meaning that besides doing good, donating our money or time actually makes us [feel / to feel] good.

409. Scientific research provides convincing data to support the evidence [that / which] giving is a powerful path to lasting happiness.

410. Scientific research provides convincing data to support the evidence that giving is a powerful path to [last / lasting] happiness.

411. The Secret to [Happinessing / Happiness].

412. [Help / Helping] others may just be the secret to living a life that is not only happier but also healthier, wealthier, more productive, and meaningful.


영시한 SP1-7

413. Teens for Jeans Started by a non-profit organization, [it / which] is a campaign in which teenagers in the U.S. collect pairs of jeans and give them to local homeless youth.

414. Teens for Jeans Started by a non-profit organization, it is a campaign [in them / in which] teenagers in the U.S. collect pairs of jeans and give them to local homeless youth.

415. Teens for Jeans Started by a non-profit organization, it is a campaign in which teenagers in the U.S. collect pairs [for / of] jeans and give them to local homeless youth.

416. Volunteers gather for the clean-up and [is / are] provided with cleaning tools such as plastic gloves and bags.

417. Volunteers record [that / what] they pick up and the data is used to find out the sources of trash, and to study how to reduce trash.

418. Volunteers record what they pick up and the data is [using / used] to find out the sources of trash, and to study how to reduce trash.

419. Volunteers record what they pick up and the data is used to find out the sources of trash, and [to / X] study how to reduce trash.

420. With the [collecting / collected] money, meals for people in need are served.


영시한 SP2-1

421. "I hope you shoot only tin cans in the garden, but I know you'll want to hunt birds," he says to his children, [whose / who] are learning how to shoot a gun.

422. "Shoot as many bluejays as you want, but [remember / remembers]that it's a sin to kill a mockingbird.

423. That's [why / because] it's a sin to kill a mockingbird."

424. They don't eat up people's gardens or [steal / steals] their food.

425. To Kill a Mockingbird In the early part of the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, the heroine and her brother are told [what / that] by their father never to kill a mockingbird.

426. [Killing / to Kill] a Mockingbird In the early part of the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, the heroine and her brother are told by their father never to kill a mockingbird.


영시한 SP2-2

427. At the same time, she also shows how [important / importantly] it is to remain just, fair, and understanding in such a society.

428. At the same time, she also shows how important it is to remain just, fair, and [understand / understanding] in such a society.

429. For this reason, To Kill a Mockingbird has long been a book loved not only by Americans [but / so] also by many people around the world.

430. In To Kill a Mockingbird, there are characters like mockingbirds, [whose / who] are innocent and harmless.

431. It has been [translating / translated] in 40 different languages, and more than 40 million copies have been sold.

432. It has been [translating / translated] in 40 different languages, and more than 40 million copies have been sold.

433. Lee wrote To Kill a Mockingbird [basing / based] on her own childhood experiences.

434. Through their stories, the author Harper Lee shows how an unfair society harms innocent people and [prevent / prevents] others from helping them.

435. [In To / To In] Kill a Mockingbird, there are characters like mockingbirds, who are innocent and harmless.


영시한 SP2-3

436. Boo is known [to / as] a "Monster" for stabbing his father in his leg when he was a boy, but no one actually witnessed the accident.

437. Curious [to / about] what he looks like and why he remains hidden, the children share rumors about him and try to get him to come out of his house.

438. Curious about [how / what] he looks like and why he remains hidden, the children share rumors about him and try to get him to come out of his house.

439. Curious about [that / what] he looks like and why he remains hidden, the children share rumors about him and try to get him to come out of his house.

440. Curious about what he looks like and why he remains [hidden / hiddening], the children share rumors about him and try to get him to come out of his house.

441. Curious about what he looks like and why he remains hidden, the children share rumors about him and [try / tries] to get him to come out of his house.

442. He has not been [seeing / seen] by anyone for many years, and the adults of Maycomb do not want to talk about him.

443. Here, the same families [have been done / have been doing] the same things for generation after generation, and Atticus is a lawyer just like his father was.

444. Scout, Jem, and their friend Dill are [fascinating / fascinated] by the haunted house in their neighborhood and the man who lives there, Arthur "Boo"Radley.

445. Scout, Jem, and their friend Dill are fascinated by the [haunting / haunted] house in their neighborhood and the man who lives there, Arthur "Boo"Radley.

446. While they are acting out the story of his life one day, Atticus stops them, [telled / telling] them to see things from other people's points of view.

447. [Killing / to Kill] a Mockingbird is the story of a young girl growing up in a southern town during the 1930s, when African-American people were facing severe discrimination.


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448. He leaves small gifts in a tree outside the Radley home, fixes and [return / returns] Jem's lost pants, and puts a blanket on Scout's shoulders, while she is out in the cold weather looking at a neighbor's house that is on fire.

449. However, he never shows [him / himself], so Scout grows more and more curious about him.

450. Jem and Scout are also bullied by other children [because of / because for] this.

451. Meanwhile, Atticus agrees to defend an African-American man named Tom Robinson, [whose / who] has been accused of attacking a young white woman, Mayella Ewell.

452. Meanwhile, Atticus agrees to defend an African-American man named Tom Robinson, who has been [accusing / accused] of attacking a young white woman, Mayella Ewell.

453. Meanwhile, Atticus agrees to defend an African-American man named Tom Robinson, who has been [accusing / accused] of attacking a young white woman, Mayella Ewell.

454. [Though / Despite] the children's playful actions, Boo shows signs of affection for them.


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455. Both Atticus and his children are [shocking / shocked] by the injustice of what has happened to Tom.

456. Both Atticus and his children are shocked by the injustice of [how / what] has happened to Tom.

457. Despite the fact [that / which] Tom has been convicted and is now dead, Bob Ewell feels that he has been insulted and tries to take his revenge.

458. Despite the fact that Tom has been [convicting / convicted] and is now dead, Bob Ewell feels that he has been insulted and tries to take his revenge.

459. Despite the fact that Tom has been [convicting / convicted] and is now dead, Bob Ewell feels that he has been insulted and tries to take his revenge.

460. Despite the fact that Tom has been convicted and [is / are] now dead, Bob Ewell feels that he has been insulted and tries to take his revenge.

461. One day during the trial, Atticus provides clear evidence [that / which]Tom never attacked Mayella and that she and her father, Bob Ewell, are lying.

462. One day during the trial, Atticus provides clear evidence that Tom never attacked Mayella and that she and her father, Bob Ewell, [is / are] lying.

463. She and the [wounding / wounded] Jem are brought back to their house by Boo.

464. Tom later tries to escape from prison and [is / are] shot to death, and Scout finds that most of her neighbors don't care about this.

465. Tom later tries to escape from prison and is shot [for / to] death, and Scout finds that most of her neighbors don't care about this.

466. [Though / Despite] the fact that Tom has been convicted and is now dead, Bob Ewell feels that he has been insulted and tries to take his revenge.


영시한 SP2-6

467. He knows that any further investigation will harm Boo, and he doesn't want to do that because he knows that Boo has risked [him / himself] to save the children.

468. She imagines seeing [her / herself] and her brother from Boo's perspective and finally understands what her father meant when he told her to put herself in other people's places.

469. When Boo [disappears / disappears into] the house, never to be seen again, Scout thinks about all the things he has done for her and Jem and regrets that they have never given him anything in return.

470. When Boo disappears into the house, never [to be seen / being seen]again, Scout thinks about all the things he has done for her and Jem and regrets that they have never given him anything in return.

471. When Boo disappears into the house, never to be seen again, Scout thinks about all the things he has done for her and Jem and [regret / regrets]that they have never given him anything in return.

472. [Stand / Standing] on the porch of the Radley house, she sees the village as Boo has always seen it.


영시한 SP2-7

473. "One time he said you never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and [walk / walks] around in them.

474. "One time he said you never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk [in around / around in] them.

475. However, they also taught her the importance of sympathy, [understanded / understanding], and a sense of justice.

1. dreaming 2. graduating 3. following 4. dreaming 5. get 6. of 7. happen 8. what 9. boring 10. seizing

11. staying 12. open 13. to 14. trying 15. something new 16. given 17. regardless of 18. who 19. exciting 20. Whenever

21. right 22. giving 23. amazed 24. following 25. work 26. how 27. many of 28. so 29. may 30. for

31. due to 32. because 33. carrying 34. Following 35. instead of 36. to satisfy 37. keep 38. around 39. which 40. refer to

41. to as 42. frightened 43. frightened 44. runs 45. to help 46. before 47. took 48. to sharing 49. sharing 50. Living

51. to foster 52. found 53. competitions 54. is 55. traveled on 56. called 57. meaning 58. recognized 59. recognized 60. rowing

61. Rowing 62. due to 63. called 64. is 65. refreshing 66. to satisfy 67. Of 68. Which 69. of 70. want

71. fewer 72. with 73. sleeping 74. of 75. recommended 76. Having 77. WHO 78. which 79. interacts with 80. slowing

81. interferes with 82. added 83. of 84. feel 85. nervous 86. keep 87. carbonated 88. feel 89. used 90. adds

91. look 92. are 93. of 94. to add 95. put 96. with 97. cut 98. heading in 99. drinking 100. belong in

101. for 102. many of 103. of which 104. walking 105. that 106. it 107. mining 108. when 109. because 110. full

111. protected 112. logging 113. surprised 114. surprised 115. Despite 116. listening 117. so 118. to 119. to be placed 120. itself

121. be placed 122. high 123. it 124. so 125. from around 126. started 127. living 128. living 129. asked 130. could

131. it 132. called 133. are now being used 134. are 135. logging 136. being 137. being released 138. taking 139. discarded 140. Preventing

141. Thanks to 142. confused 143. confused 144. confused 145. what 146. working 147. with 148. be 149. stand 150. wondering

151. what 152. Should you 153. deal with 154. to lend 155. so 156. threatened 157. asking 158. to do 159. done 160. to

161. asking 162. that if 163. as 164. to test 165. were 166. that 167. that 168. returning 169. to return 170. to return

171. asked 172. had used 173. who 174. had done 175. rated 176. were 177. promised 178. into 179. Despite 180. to be

181. lending 182. anxious 183. troubled 184. something nice 185. himself 186. convinced 187. be 188. toward 189. for whom 190. is

191. with whom 192. because of 193. because 194. what 195. refer to 196. to as 197. if 198. toward 199. broken 200. unhappy

201. Feeling 202. of 203. who 204. following 205. think 206. to 207. are today being challenged 208. challenged 209. as a result of 210. run

211. meaning 212. trains 213. from about 214. collecting 215. assigned 216. sending 217. off in 218. receiving 219. to each 220. X

221. passing 222. are 223. following 224. depending 225. for 226. right 227. copied 228. when 229. to 230. riding

231. packed 232. who 233. suburbs 234. made 235. which 236. painted 237. amazing 238. amazing 239. considering 240. this

241. coding 242. through on 243. pouring 244. that 245. be 246. surprising 247. that 248. has 249. operating 250. delivers

251. outstanding 252. outstanding 253. filled 254. whose 255. watchmaking 256. weaving 257. fascinated 258. surrounding 259. have produced 260. studied

261. that 262. known for 263. many of 264. curved 265. of which 266. claim 267. stands 268. breathtaking 269. covered 270. curved

271. multicolored 272. beyond 273. amazing 274. is 275. works 276. to be taken 277. Known 278. curved 279. what 280. what

281. including 282. outside 283. made 284. curved 285. to add 286. Because of 287. Built 288. let 289. in 290. estimated

291. that 292. outside 293. churches 294. project 295. so 296. completed 297. X 298. Begun 299. Despite 300. named

301. named 302. seeing 303. important 304. extremely 305. for 306. sending 307. resulting 308. were 309. upon in 310. had wheels attached

311. to 312. renewed 313. renewed 314. from around 315. to 316. standing 317. to 318. HUBO 319. HUBO 320. leaking

321. in 322. navigating 323. climbing 324. called 325. decisively 326. growing 327. for 328. simultaneously 329. press 330. to perform

331. it 332. smoothly 333. and 334. sped 335. for which 336. that 337. pulling 338. Generally speaking 339. off 340. completing

341. climbing 342. climbing 343. it 344. be 345. doing 346. or 347. had 348. had been improving 349. had 350. called

351. complicated 352. amazing 353. myself 354. before 355. did I know 356. what 357. playing 358. visiting 359. wear 360. had

361. had not volunteered 362. eye-opening 363. inspiring 364. exciting 365. it 366. myself 367. truly 368. volunteering 369. traveled to 370. Volunteering

371. Volunteering 372. inspiring 373. eye-opening 374. what 375. what 376. experienced 377. experienced 378. granted 379. Volunteering 380. Volunteering

381. experiencing 382. wherever 383. myself 384. helping 385. is 386. trying 387. discovering 388. Giving 389. graduated from 390. since

391. have been working 392. to 393. learn 394. traveled to 395. had 396. be 397. danced 398. bathed 399. to receive 400. be

401. living 402. but 403. inherit 404. help 405. activated 406. besides 407. donating 408. feel 409. that 410. lasting

411. Happiness 412. Helping 413. it 414. in which 415. of 416. are 417. what 418. used 419. to 420. collected

421. who 422. remember 423. why 424. steal 425. that 426. to Kill 427. important 428. understanding 429. but 430. who

431. translated 432. translated 433. based 434. prevents 435. In To 436. as 437. about 438. what 439. what 440. hidden

441. try 442. seen 443. have been doing 444. fascinated 445. haunted 446. telling 447. to Kill 448. returns 449. himself 450. because of

451. who 452. accused 453. accused 454. Despite 455. shocked 456. what 457. that 458. convicted 459. convicted 460. is

461. that 462. are 463. wounded 464. is 465. to 466. Despite 467. himself 468. herself 469. disappears into 470. to be seen

471. regrets 472. Standing 473. walk 474. around in 475. understanding 
